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2021-07-23 02:36:56 +02:00

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#!/usr/bin/env python3
Extension for InkScape 1.0
Author: Mario Voigt / FabLab Chemnitz
Date: 01.06.2021
Last patch: 02.06.2021
License: GNU GPL v3
Splits a path at value t=0..1 (t=0.5 means 50%) or at a defined length with unit.
Applies independently for each sub path in selection. Use 'Path > Reverse' to change the cutting direction.
import copy
import inkex
from inkex import bezier, CubicSuperPath, PathElement, Path
from inkex.bezier import csplength
class SplitAndBreakBezierAtT(inkex.EffectExtension):
def breakContours(self, element, breakelements = None):
''' this does the same as "CTRL + SHIFT + K" '''
if breakelements == None:
breakelements = []
if element.tag == inkex.addNS('path','svg'):
parent = element.getparent()
idx = parent.index(element)
idSuffix = 0
raw = element.path.to_arrays()
subPaths, prev = [], 0
for i in range(len(raw)): #breaks compound paths into sub paths
if raw[i][0] == 'M' and i != 0:
prev = i
for subpath in subPaths:
replacedelement = copy.copy(element)
oldId = replacedelement.get('id')
csp = CubicSuperPath(subpath)
if len(subpath) > 1 and csp[0][0] != csp[0][1]: #avoids pointy paths like M "31.4794 57.6024 Z"
replacedelement.set('d', csp)
replacedelement.set('id', oldId + str(idSuffix))
parent.insert(idx, replacedelement)
idSuffix += 1
for child in element.getchildren():
self.breakContours(child, breakelements)
return breakelements
def add_arguments(self, pars):
pars.add_argument('--split_select', default="t")
pars.add_argument('--unit', default="mm")
pars.add_argument('--target_length', type=float, default=0.5)
pars.add_argument('--target_t', type=float, default=0.5)
pars.add_argument('--keep_start', type=inkex.Boolean, default=True)
pars.add_argument('--keep_end', type=inkex.Boolean, default=True)
pars.add_argument('--keep_seg', type=inkex.Boolean, default=False)
def effect(self):
#if self.options.split_select == "t" and self.options.target_t == 0.0:
# inkex.utils.debug("You have seleted 'percentage (t)' but your t parameter is 0.0. It would simply result in element deletion!")
# return
#if self.options.split_select == "t" and self.options.target_t == 1.0:
# inkex.utils.debug("You have seleted 'percentage (t)' but your t parameter is 1.0. It would'nt exist any trim result!")
# return
breakApartElements = None
for element in self.svg.selection.filter(PathElement):
breakApartElements = self.breakContours(element, breakApartElements)
if breakApartElements is not None:
for element in breakApartElements:
csp = element.path.to_superpath()
slengths, totalLength = csplength(csp)
if totalLength == 0:
inkex.utils.debug("{} is invalid: zero length (path d='{}'). Skipping ...".format(element.get('id'), element.path))
if self.options.split_select == "t":
length_at_target_t = self.options.target_t * totalLength
elif self.options.split_select == "length":
length_at_target_t = self.svg.unittouu(str(self.options.target_length) + self.options.unit)
if length_at_target_t > totalLength:
inkex.utils.debug("Entered length is larger than length of {}. Skipping ...".format(element.get('id')))
self.options.target_t = length_at_target_t / totalLength #override
new = []
keep = [] #some copy for the segment where the split applies
lengthSum = 0
segOfTOccurence = None
for seg in csp:
for i in range(1,len(seg)):
aSeg = seg[i][0]
segLength = bezier.cspseglength(new[-1][-1], seg[i])
lengthSum += segLength
current_t = lengthSum / totalLength
#insert a new breaking node in case we are at the desired t parameter
if current_t >= self.options.target_t:
if segOfTOccurence is None:
segOfTOccurence = i
t_dist = 1 - ((lengthSum - length_at_target_t) / segLength)
result = bezier.cspbezsplitatlength(new[-1][-1], seg[i], t_dist)
better_result = [[list(el) for el in elements] for elements in result]
new[-1][-1], nxt, seg[i] = better_result
if self.options.keep_start is True and self.options.keep_end is False:
if segOfTOccurence == 1:
keep.append([seg[i-1][0], seg[i-1][0], seg[i-1][0]])
keep.append([seg[i-1][1], seg[i-1][1], seg[i-1][1]])
keep.append([better_result[0][2], nxt[0], nxt[1]])
elif self.options.keep_start is False and self.options.keep_end is True:
keep.append([better_result[0][2], nxt[0], nxt[1]])
keep.append([better_result[1][2], better_result[2][0], seg[i][1]])
elif self.options.keep_start is True and self.options.keep_end is True:
if segOfTOccurence == 1:
keep.append([seg[i-1][0], seg[i-1][0], seg[i-1][0]])
keep.append([seg[i-1][1], seg[i-1][1], seg[i-1][1]])
keep.append([seg[i-1][2], aSeg, seg[i][1]])
if self.options.keep_seg is False:
newpath = CubicSuperPath(new).to_path(curves_only=True).to_arrays()
#insert the splitting at the occurence (we add "m 0,0") to break the path
newpath.insert(segOfTOccurence + 1, ['m', [0, 0]])
element.path = Path(newpath)
breakAparts = self.breakContours(element)
if len(breakAparts) > 0:
pathStart = breakAparts[0]
if len(breakAparts) > 1:
pathEnd = breakAparts[1]
if self.options.keep_start is False and len(breakAparts) > 0:
if self.options.keep_end is False and len(breakAparts) > 1:
element.path = CubicSuperPath(keep)
#print the breaking point coordinate
#for step, (x, y) in enumerate(breakAparts[1].path.end_points):
# self.msg("x={},y={}".format(x, y))
# break
inkex.utils.debug("Selection seems to be empty!")
if __name__ == '__main__':