updated outdated readme See merge request fabinfra/fabaccess/actors/tasmota!2
This is the actor for tasmota nous a1t
and other tasmota based actors. https://www.tasmota.info/ is an open firmware.
integration with fabaccess
https://gitlab.com/volkersfreunde/dockercompose#setup-tasmota has a suggestion on how to integrate this actor. It needs to be made available to your fabaccess installation.
- https://tasmota.github.io/docs/
- https://www.tasmotrol.com/de/was-ist-tasmota/
- https://github.com/arendst/Tasmota
MQTT Configuration
MQTT Server Address--port
MQTT Server Port--user
MQTT User (optional)--password
MQTT Password (optional)
Tasmota Configuration
Tasmota ID
More documentation (copied from https://cloud.offene-werkstaetten.org/s/GwRDK6mq3giZXCC)
FabAccess Tasmota Actor konfigurieren
Actor verfügbar machen
git clone https://gitlab.com/fabinfra/fabaccess/actors/tasmota.git adapters/tasmota
chmod +x adapters/tasmota/main.py
Actor in bffh.dhall konfigurieren
actors =
tasmota_F0A4FB =
module = "Process",
params =
cmd = "/usr/local/lib/bffh/adapters/tasmota/main.py",
args = "--host mqtt --tasmota F0A4FB"
Nous A1T / Tasmota konfigurieren
PowerOnState auf 0 setzen, um eine Art Wiederanlaufschutz zu haben
PowerOnState Control power state when the device is powered up. More information 0 / OFF = keep power(s) OFF after power up 1 / ON = turn power(s) ON after power up 2 / TOGGLE = toggle power(s) from last saved state 3 = switch power(s) to their last saved state (default) 4 = turn power(s) ON and disable further power control 5 = after a PulseTime period turn power(s) ON (acts as inverted PulseTime mode)
Ggf. FriendlyName auf etwas lesbares ändern
!! Fuktioniert das noch mit dem Tasmota Actor? !!
FriendlyName 1 = Reset friendly name to firmware default = set friendly name (32 char limit)
Tasmota aktualiseren
Upgrade 1 = download firmware from OtaUrl and restart 2 = (ESP32 only) download safeboot firmware based on OtaUrl and restart into safeboot = download firmware from OtaUrl if is higher than device version
Werbserver ausschalten und konfiguration nur über MQTT machen
!! Ist dann noch ein separates Netzwerk erforderlich? !!
Webserver 0 = stop web server 1 = start web server in user mode 2 = start web server in admin mode
Farbschema anpassen
WebColor {"WebColor":["#727272","#fafafa","#fafafa","#3f484e","#fafafa","#25d0aa","#3f484e","#ca291d","#1dca29","#000000","#25d0aa","#1a9378","#ca291d","#8a1b14","#25d0aa","#1a9378","#ffffff","#25d0aa","#3b474d"]}
WiFi einrichten
SSId = 1..2 = set AP Wi-Fi SSID and restart 1 = reset AP Wi-Fi SSID to firmware default (STA_SSID1 or STA_SSID2) and restart SSID are limited to 32 characters. Do not use special characters or white spaces in the SSID
Password = 1..2 = set AP Wi-Fi password and restart 1 = reset AP Wi-Fi password to firmware default (STA_PASS1 or STA_PASS2) and restart Passwords are limited to 64 characters. Do not use special characters or white spaces in the password. Note that Password and Password1 are equivalent commands.
MQTT einrichten
MqttHost 0 = clear MQTT host field and allow mDNS to find MQTT host 1 = reset MQTT host to firmware default (MQTT_HOST) and restart = set MQTT host and restart (do NOT use .local)
MqttUser 0 = clear MQTT user name 1 = reset MQTT user name to firmware default (MQTT_USER) and restart = set MQTT user name and restart
MqttPassword 0 = clear MQTT password 1 = reset MQTT password to firmware default (MQTT_PASS) and restart = set MQTT password and restart (min 5 chars)
MqttPort 1 = reset MQTT port to firmware default (MQTT_PORT) and restart = set MQTT port between 2 and 32766 and restart
mosquitto mit traefik einrichten
ggf. noch mit crowdsec absichern
ESP8266 unterstützen kein TLS mit Tasmota und muss selbst gebaut werden
https://tasmota.github.io/docs/TLS/#compiling-tls-for-esp8266 !! Durch FabInfra bereitstellen, damit neue Nous per OTA geflashes werden können? !!
; uncomment the following to enable TLS with 4096 RSA certificates
lib_extra_dirs =
#ifndef USE_MQTT_TLS
#define USE_MQTT_TLS // Use TLS for MQTT connection (+34.5k code, +7.0k mem and +4.8k additional during connection handshake)
#define MQTT_TLS_ENABLED true // [SetOption103] Enable TLS mode (requires TLS version)
#define USE_MQTT_TLS_CA_CERT // Force full CA validation instead of fingerprints, slower, but simpler to use. (+2.2k code, +1.9k mem during connection handshake)
// This includes the LetsEncrypt CA in tasmota_ca.ino for verifying server certificates
// #define USE_MQTT_TLS_FORCE_EC_CIPHER // Force Elliptic Curve cipher (higher security) required by some servers (automatically enabled with USE_MQTT_AWS_IOT) (+11.4k code, +0.4k mem)