TheJoKlLa da1356fb51 Merge branch 'volkersfreunde-main-patch-26869' into 'main'
updated outdated readme

See merge request fabinfra/fabaccess/actors/tasmota!2
2024-07-12 18:00:54 +00:00
2023-12-12 18:46:17 +01:00
2024-07-12 10:47:07 +00:00


This is the actor for tasmota nous a1t and other tasmota based actors. is an open firmware.

integration with fabaccess has a suggestion on how to integrate this actor. It needs to be made available to your fabaccess installation.


MQTT Configuration

  • --host MQTT Server Address
  • --port MQTT Server Port
  • --user MQTT User (optional)
  • --password MQTT Password (optional)

Tasmota Configuration

  • --tasmota Tasmota ID

More documentation (copied from

FabAccess Tasmota Actor konfigurieren

Actor verfügbar machen

git clone adapters/tasmota
chmod +x adapters/tasmota/

Actor in bffh.dhall konfigurieren

    actors =
        tasmota_F0A4FB =
            module = "Process",
            params =
                cmd = "/usr/local/lib/bffh/adapters/tasmota/",
                args = "--host mqtt --tasmota F0A4FB"

Nous A1T / Tasmota konfigurieren

PowerOnState auf 0 setzen, um eine Art Wiederanlaufschutz zu haben

PowerOnState Control power state when the device is powered up. More information 0 / OFF = keep power(s) OFF after power up 1 / ON = turn power(s) ON after power up 2 / TOGGLE = toggle power(s) from last saved state 3 = switch power(s) to their last saved state (default) 4 = turn power(s) ON and disable further power control 5 = after a PulseTime period turn power(s) ON (acts as inverted PulseTime mode)

Ggf. FriendlyName auf etwas lesbares ändern

!! Fuktioniert das noch mit dem Tasmota Actor? !!

FriendlyName 1 = Reset friendly name to firmware default = set friendly name (32 char limit)

Tasmota aktualiseren

Upgrade 1 = download firmware from OtaUrl and restart 2 = (ESP32 only) download safeboot firmware based on OtaUrl and restart into safeboot = download firmware from OtaUrl if is higher than device version

Werbserver ausschalten und konfiguration nur über MQTT machen

!! Ist dann noch ein separates Netzwerk erforderlich? !!

Webserver 0 = stop web server 1 = start web server in user mode 2 = start web server in admin mode

Farbschema anpassen

WebColor {"WebColor":["#727272","#fafafa","#fafafa","#3f484e","#fafafa","#25d0aa","#3f484e","#ca291d","#1dca29","#000000","#25d0aa","#1a9378","#ca291d","#8a1b14","#25d0aa","#1a9378","#ffffff","#25d0aa","#3b474d"]}

WiFi einrichten

SSId = 1..2 = set AP Wi-Fi SSID and restart 1 = reset AP Wi-Fi SSID to firmware default (STA_SSID1 or STA_SSID2) and restart SSID are limited to 32 characters. Do not use special characters or white spaces in the SSID

Password = 1..2 = set AP Wi-Fi password and restart 1 = reset AP Wi-Fi password to firmware default (STA_PASS1 or STA_PASS2) and restart Passwords are limited to 64 characters. Do not use special characters or white spaces in the password. Note that Password and Password1 are equivalent commands.

MQTT einrichten

MqttHost 0 = clear MQTT host field and allow mDNS to find MQTT host 1 = reset MQTT host to firmware default (MQTT_HOST) and restart = set MQTT host and restart (do NOT use .local)

MqttUser 0 = clear MQTT user name 1 = reset MQTT user name to firmware default (MQTT_USER) and restart = set MQTT user name and restart

MqttPassword 0 = clear MQTT password 1 = reset MQTT password to firmware default (MQTT_PASS) and restart = set MQTT password and restart (min 5 chars)

MqttPort 1 = reset MQTT port to firmware default (MQTT_PORT) and restart = set MQTT port between 2 and 32766 and restart


mosquitto mit traefik einrichten

ggf. noch mit crowdsec absichern

ESP8266 unterstützen kein TLS mit Tasmota und muss selbst gebaut werden !! Durch FabInfra bereitstellen, damit neue Nous per OTA geflashes werden können? !!


                              ; uncomment the following to enable TLS with 4096 RSA certificates


lib_extra_dirs              = 



#ifndef USE_MQTT_TLS 
#define USE_MQTT_TLS                             // Use TLS for MQTT connection (+34.5k code, +7.0k mem and +4.8k additional during connection handshake)
#define MQTT_TLS_ENABLED       true              // [SetOption103] Enable TLS mode (requires TLS version)
#define USE_MQTT_TLS_CA_CERT                   // Force full CA validation instead of fingerprints, slower, but simpler to use.  (+2.2k code, +1.9k mem during connection handshake)
                                                  // This includes the LetsEncrypt CA in tasmota_ca.ino for verifying server certificates
//  #define USE_MQTT_TLS_FORCE_EC_CIPHER           // Force Elliptic Curve cipher (higher security) required by some servers (automatically enabled with USE_MQTT_AWS_IOT) (+11.4k code, +0.4k mem)

Actor for devices with Tasmota firmware
Readme 43 KiB
Python 100%