@0xbf017710be5a54ff; using Rust = import "programming_language/rust.capnp"; $Rust.parentModule("schema"); using CSharp = import "programming_language/csharp.capnp"; $CSharp.namespace("FabAccessAPI.Schema"); using AuthenticationSystem = import "authenticationsystem.capnp".AuthenticationSystem; using MachineSystem = import "machinesystem.capnp".MachineSystem; using UserSystem = import "usersystem.capnp".UserSystem; using PermissionSystem = import "permissionsystem.capnp".PermissionSystem; const apiVersionMajor :Int32 = 0; const apiVersionMinor :Int32 = 3; const apiVersionPatch :Int32 = 0; struct Version { major @0 :Int32; minor @1 :Int32; patch @2 :Int32; } interface Bootstrap { getAPIVersion @0 () -> ( version : Version ); getServerRelease @1 () -> ( name :Text, release :Text ); # Returns the server implementation name and version/build number # Designed only for human-facing debugging output so should be informative over machine-readable # Example: ( name = "bffhd", release = "0.3.1-f397e1e [rustc 1.57.0 (f1edd0429 2021-11-29)]") authenticationSystem @2 () -> ( authenticationSystem : AuthenticationSystem ); machineSystem @3 () -> ( machineSystem : MachineSystem ); userSystem @4 () -> ( userSystem : UserSystem ); permissionSystem @5 () -> ( permissionSystem : PermissionSystem ); }