@0xbf017710be5a54ff; using Rust = import "programming_language/rust.capnp"; $Rust.parentModule("schema"); using CSharp = import "programming_language/csharp.capnp"; $CSharp.namespace("FabAccessAPI.Schema"); using Authentication = import "authenticationsystem.capnp".Authentication; using MachineSystem = import "machinesystem.capnp".MachineSystem; using UserSystem = import "usersystem.capnp".UserSystem; using PermissionSystem = import "permissionsystem.capnp".PermissionSystem; interface Bootstrap { mechanisms @0 () -> ( mechs: List(Text) ); # Get a list of Mechanisms this server allows in this context. createSession @1 ( mechanism :Text, initialData :Data ) -> ( authentication :Authentication); # Create a new session with the server that you wish to authenticate using `mechanism`. # If the mechanism is a client-first mechanism you MAY set `initialData` to contain the data you # want to send. If the mechanism is server-first or you do not wish to send initial data, make # initialData a NULL-pointer. } struct Session { me @0 :Text; machineSystem @1 : MachineSystem; userSystem @2 : UserSystem; permissionSystem @3 : PermissionSystem; }