Nadja Reitzenstein 32309d09f3 Claims draft
2021-10-01 20:06:06 +02:00

174 lines
5.8 KiB
Cap'n Proto

using Rust = import "programming_language/rust.capnp";
using CSharp = import "programming_language/csharp.capnp";
using Persistent = import "/capnp/persistent.capnp".Persistent;
using Value = import "/capnp/schema.capnp".Value;
using General = import "general.capnp";
using User = import "user.capnp".User;
using Space = import "space.capnp".Space;
struct Node {
# A node in the state tree. If it's the root note this struct "contains" the whole tree.
# TODO: I'm not happy with this representation. While it's about as generic as we can get it's
# unhandly because all clients and servers have to always manually check every leaf of the
# state tree, relying on convention instead of static type checking. But I'm not sure how else
# to represent the state extensibly in a way that lets us evolve the protocol by stabilizing
# extensions. One option could be to use OID or UUID as "tag bits" and "stabilize" them by
# defining those as `const` values, but that wouldn't give us proper type checking either.
part @0 :Text;
# Name of the node, making up a path to this node (e.g. "set/colour/red")
union {
# Content of a node. A node has either children *or* a value, not both.
children @1 :List(Node);
# Node is not a leaf node ⇒ it has a list of children
value @2 :Value;
# Node is a leaf node ⇒ it contains a (typed) Cap'n Proto value.
# The type `Value` comes from the Cap'n Proto schema definition file (usually
# /usr/include/capnp/schema.capnp) and can be any basic capnp type, including lists and
# structs (as :AnyPointer which a client has to cast)
struct Applied {
# Encodes if a specific actor has applied/verified a state change
name @0 :Text;
# Name of the actor
state @1 :State;
# State of the state change in the actor
enum State {
unapplied @0;
applied @1;
verified @2;
interface Access {
# Allow syncronous read access to a resource's state. You're not given this capability directly
# but instead Notify, Interest and Claim all extend it, allowing you to call these methods from
# any of those.
readState @0 Node;
readApplied @1 Applied;
# TODO: There should probably be a more efficient approach for reading state than "read *all*
# state".
interface Notify extends(Access) {
# The Notify interface allows clients to be informed about state changes asyncronously.
# It is mainly designed around the `register` function which allows a client to register a
# Callback on the client that is called every time state changes happen to the resource in
# question.
# Notify are ephermal. If the connection to the server is lost all `Notify` are unregistered
register @0 ( cb: Callback );
# Register a given callback to be called on every state update. If this client already has a
# callback registered for this resource the old callback is replaced.
# The two fields `state` and `applied` indicate interest for `state` and `applied`. If they are
# unset the respective method on the callback will not be called.
unregister @1 ();
# Unregister the current callback, if any.
interface Callback {
# This callback interface is implemented on the client
newState @0 Node;
# A server will call newState() with the updated set state tree if `state` was set to `true`
# in `register`, however unless the last call to newState() didn't complete yet, as to not
# overload a client.
# TODO: There should probably be a more efficient approach here too, something along the
# lines of server-side filtering.
# TODO: Add newApplied?
interface Interestable {
interest @0 () -> ( interest: Interest );
interface Interest extends(Access) {
register @0 ( cb: Callback );
unregister @1 ();
blocking @2 ();
# As an alternative to the `register`/`Callback` system you can also call `blocking` which will
# — as the name suggests — block until the last claim was dropped.
interface Callback {
drop @0 ();
# The last claim on the resource this Interest is registered on was dropped, invalidating
# the Interest.
interface Claimable {
# Having this capability set (i.e. not be a `nullptr`) means the user has at least writeable
# access to a resource and the resource is claimable (n > 0).
claim @0 () -> ClaimResponse;
# Assert a claim on a resource.
interface Lockable {
# Having this capability set means the user has managerial access to a resource.
lock @0 () -> ( lock: Claim );
struct ClaimResponse {
enum Error {
# Error describing why a claim failed.
exhausted @0;
# There are no more free Claim slots
locked @1;
# The resource was locked
union {
error @0 :Error;
success @1 :Claim;
interface Claim extends(Access) {
# TODO: extend Persistance. Claims and Interests need to be able to survive a connection loss,
# which is exactly what `SturdyRef`/Persistance are designed to provide. The Persistance
# interface only provides one method, `save`, returning a `SturdyRef`. A SturdyRef is a generic
# and generally speaking opaque type that can be restored to a live capability using some sort
# of `Restorer` service.
# In this case the `Restorer` service could be `Claimable` / `Interestable` providing a
# `restore( ref: SturdyRef )` method.
update @0 Node;
# Update the State of the claimed resource with the given one
struct Resource {
name @0 :Text;
description @1 :Text;
typeid @2 :Text;
notify @3 :Notify;
interest @4 :Interest;
claimable @5 :Claimable;
lockable @6 :Lockable;