Gregor Reitzenstein 3e5ba09f10 Merge branch 'NewStructur' of gitlab.com:fabinfra/fabaccess/fabaccess-api into NewStructur
* 'NewStructur' of gitlab.com:fabinfra/fabaccess/fabaccess-api:
  Changed: Move Info to Struct
  Updated: DESFire File Content Methods
2021-08-28 19:32:29 +02:00

73 lines
2.3 KiB
Cap'n Proto

using Rust = import "programming_language/rust.capnp";
using CSharp = import "programming_language/csharp.capnp";
using General = import "general.capnp";
using Space = import "space.capnp".Space;
using Role = import "role.capnp".Role;
struct User
id @0 :General.UUID;
username @1 :Text;
space @2 :Space;
struct UserInfoExtended
id @0 :General.UUID;
firstname @1 :Text;
lastname @2 :Text;
address @3 :Address;
struct Address
text @0 :Text;
info @3 :Info;
interface Info $CSharp.name("InfoInterface") {
getUserInfoExtended @0 () -> ( userInfoExtended :UserInfoExtended );
manage @4 :Manage;
interface Manage $CSharp.name("ManageInterface") {
pwd @0 ( pwd :Text ) -> ();
admin @5 :Admin;
interface Admin $CSharp.name("AdminInterface") {
addRole @0 ( role :Role ) -> ();
removeRole @1 ( role :Role ) -> ();
cardDESFireEV2 @6 :CardDESFireEV2;
interface CardDESFireEV2 $CSharp.name("CardDESFireInterface") {
# Card authentication using NXP/MiFare DESFire cards.
# These cards have the ability to restrict access for data on the cards using symmetric
# encryption and using a keyed Diffie-Hellman to prevent eavesdropping by any relaying
# party.
getTokenList @0 () -> ( tokens :List(Data) );
# Get a list of all user Token currently bound to an user. This will generally be the number
# of cards they use.
genCardToken @1 () -> ( token :Data );
# Generate a new Token that can be used to access an user in a pseudonymized fashion.
# This call is extremely cheap to make as the server will not store this Token.
bind @2 ( token :Data, auth_key :Data ) -> ();
# Bind a given URL to a given auth key. The server will store both URL and key, so using
# this frequently will force the server to store large amounts of data.
# Trying to bind a new key to an existing URL will fail.
unbind @3 ( token :Text ) -> ();
# Unbind the key associated with the given token. This will fail all future attempts to use
# the card with the associated key.