use std::ops::Deref; use std::iter::FromIterator; use std::sync::Arc; use futures_util::lock::Mutex; use std::path::Path; use std::task::{Poll, Context}; use std::pin::Pin; use std::future::Future; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::fs; use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize}; use futures::Stream; use futures::future::BoxFuture; use futures::channel::{mpsc, oneshot}; use futures_signals::signal::Signal; use futures_signals::signal::SignalExt; use futures_signals::signal::{Mutable, ReadOnlyMutable}; use crate::error::{Result, Error}; use crate::db::access; use crate::db::machine::{MachineIdentifier, MachineState, Status}; use crate::db::user::{User, UserData}; use crate::network::MachineMap; use crate::space; // Registry of all machines configured. // TODO: // - Serialize machines into config // - Deserialize machines from config // - Index machines on deserialization to we can look them up efficiently // - Maybe store that index too // - Iterate over all or a subset of machines efficiently pub struct Machines { machines: Vec } impl Machines { /// Load machines from the config, looking up and linking the database entries as necessary pub fn load() -> Self { unimplemented!() } pub fn lookup(id: String) -> Option { unimplemented!() } } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct Index { inner: HashMap, } impl Index { pub fn new() -> Self { Self { inner: HashMap::new(), } } pub fn insert(&mut self, key: String, value: Machine) -> Option { self.inner.insert(key, value) } pub fn get(&mut self, key: &String) -> Option { self.inner.get(key).map(|m| m.clone()) } } // Access data of one machine efficiently, using getters/setters for data stored in LMDB backed // memory #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct Machine { pub id: uuid::Uuid, pub desc: MachineDescription, inner: Arc>, access: Arc, } impl Machine { pub fn new(inner: Inner, desc: MachineDescription, access: Arc) -> Self { Self { id: uuid::Uuid::default(), inner: Arc::new(Mutex::new(inner)), access, desc, } } pub fn construct ( id: MachineIdentifier , desc: MachineDescription , state: MachineState , access: Arc ) -> Machine { Self::new(Inner::new(id, state), desc, access) } pub fn from_file>(path: P, access: Arc) -> Result> { let mut map: HashMap = MachineDescription::load_file(path)?; Ok(map.drain().map(|(id, desc)| { Self::construct(id, desc, MachineState::new(), access.clone()) }).collect()) } /// Requests to use a machine. Returns a return token if successful. /// /// This will update the internal state of the machine, notifying connected actors, if any. /// The return token is a channel that considers the machine 'returned' if anything is sent /// along it or if the sending end gets dropped. Anybody who holds this token needs to check if /// the receiving end was canceled which indicates that the machine has been taken off their /// hands. pub fn request_state_change(&self, who: Option<&User>, new_state: MachineState) -> BoxFuture<'static, Result> { let this = self.clone(); let perms: Vec = who .map(|u| self.access.collect_permrules(& .and_then(|result| result.ok()) .unwrap_or(vec![]); let write: bool = perms.iter().any(|rule| rule.match_perm(&self.desc.privs.write)); let manage: bool = perms.iter().any(|rule| rule.match_perm(&self.desc.privs.manage)); let f = async move { match &new_state.state { Status::Free => { let mut guard = this.inner.lock().await; guard.do_state_change(new_state); return Ok(ReturnToken::new(this.inner.clone())); }, Status::InUse(_) | Status::ToCheck(_) if manage || write => { let mut guard = this.inner.lock().await; guard.do_state_change(new_state); return Ok(ReturnToken::new(this.inner.clone())) }, Status::Blocked(_) | Status::Disabled | Status::Reserved(_) if manage => { let mut guard = this.inner.lock().await; guard.do_state_change(new_state); return Ok(ReturnToken::new(this.inner.clone())) }, _ => { return Err(Error::Denied); } } }; Box::pin(f) } pub fn do_state_change(&self, new_state: MachineState) -> BoxFuture<'static, Result> { let this = self.clone(); let f = async move { let mut guard = this.inner.lock().await; guard.do_state_change(new_state); return Ok(ReturnToken::new(this.inner.clone())) }; Box::pin(f) } pub fn create_token(&self) -> ReturnToken { ReturnToken::new(self.inner.clone()) } pub async fn get_status(&self) -> Status { let guard = self.inner.lock().await; guard.state.get_cloned().state } pub fn signal(&self) -> impl Signal { let guard = self.inner.try_lock().unwrap(); guard.signal() } pub fn get_inner(&self) -> Arc> { self.inner.clone() } } impl Deref for Machine { type Target = Mutex; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { &self.inner } } #[derive(Debug)] /// Internal machine representation /// /// A machine connects an event from a sensor to an actor activating/deactivating a real-world /// machine, checking that the user who wants the machine (de)activated has the required /// permissions. pub struct Inner { /// Globally unique machine readable identifier pub id: MachineIdentifier, /// The state of the machine as bffh thinks the machine *should* be in. /// /// This is a Signal generator. Subscribers to this signal will be notified of changes. In the /// case of an actor it should then make sure that the real world matches up with the set state state: Mutable, reset: Option, } impl Inner { pub fn new ( id: MachineIdentifier , state: MachineState ) -> Inner { Inner { id, state: Mutable::new(state), reset: None, } } /// Generate a signal from the internal state. /// /// A signal is a lossy stream of state changes. Lossy in that if changes happen in quick /// succession intermediary values may be lost. But this isn't really relevant in this case /// since the only relevant state is the latest one. pub fn signal(&self) -> impl Signal { // dedupe ensures that if state is changed but only changes to the value it had beforehand // (could for example happen if the machine changes current user but stays activated) no // update is sent. Box::pin(self.state.signal_cloned().dedupe_cloned()) } pub fn do_state_change(&mut self, new_state: MachineState) { let old_state = self.state.replace(new_state); self.reset.replace(old_state); } pub fn read_state(&self) -> ReadOnlyMutable { self.state.read_only() } pub fn get_signal(&self) -> impl Signal { self.state.signal_cloned() } pub fn reset_state(&mut self) { if let Some(state) = self.reset.take() { self.state.replace(state); } } } //pub type ReturnToken = futures::channel::oneshot::Sender<()>; pub struct ReturnToken { f: Option>, } impl ReturnToken { pub fn new(inner: Arc>) -> Self { let f = async move { let mut guard = inner.lock().await; guard.reset_state(); }; Self { f: Some(Box::pin(f)) } } } impl Future for ReturnToken { type Output = (); // FIXME: This should probably be a Result<(), Error> fn poll(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context) -> Poll { let mut this = &mut *self; match this.f.as_mut().map(|f| Future::poll(Pin::new(f), cx)) { None => Poll::Ready(()), // TODO: Is it saner to return Pending here? This can only happen after the future completed Some(Poll::Pending) => Poll::Pending, Some(Poll::Ready(())) => { let _ = this.f.take(); // Remove the future to not poll after completion Poll::Ready(()) } } } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Serialize, Deserialize)] /// A description of a machine /// /// This is the struct that a machine is serialized to/from. /// Combining this with the actual state of the system will return a machine pub struct MachineDescription { /// The name of the machine. Doesn't need to be unique but is what humans will be presented. pub name: String, /// An optional description of the Machine. pub description: Option, /// The permission required #[serde(flatten)] pub privs: access::PrivilegesBuf, } impl MachineDescription { pub fn load_file>(path: P) -> Result> { let content = fs::read(path)?; Ok(toml::from_slice(&content[..])?) } } pub fn load(config: &crate::config::Config, access: Arc) -> Result { let mut map = config.machines.clone(); let it = map.drain() .map(|(k,v)| { // TODO: Read state from the state db (, Machine::construct(k, v, MachineState::new(), access.clone())) }); Ok(HashMap::from_iter(it)) } #[cfg(test_DISABLED)] mod tests { use super::*; use std::iter::FromIterator; use crate::db::access::{PermissionBuf, PrivilegesBuf}; #[test] fn load_examples_descriptions_test() { let mut machines = MachineDescription::load_file("examples/machines.toml") .expect("Couldn't load the example machine defs. Does `examples/machines.toml` exist?"); let expected = vec![ (Uuid::parse_str("e5408099-d3e5-440b-a92b-3aabf7683d6b").unwrap(), MachineDescription { name: "Somemachine".to_string(), description: None, privs: PrivilegesBuf { disclose: PermissionBuf::from_string("lab.some.disclose".to_string()), read: PermissionBuf::from_string("".to_string()), write: PermissionBuf::from_string("lab.some.write".to_string()), manage: PermissionBuf::from_string("lab.some.admin".to_string()), }, }), (Uuid::parse_str("eaabebae-34d1-4a3a-912a-967b495d3d6e").unwrap(), MachineDescription { name: "Testmachine".to_string(), description: Some("An optional description".to_string()), privs: PrivilegesBuf { disclose: PermissionBuf::from_string("".to_string()), read: PermissionBuf::from_string("".to_string()), write: PermissionBuf::from_string("lab.test.write".to_string()), manage: PermissionBuf::from_string("lab.test.admin".to_string()), }, }), ]; for (id, machine) in expected.into_iter() { assert_eq!(machines.remove(&id).unwrap(), machine); } assert!(machines.is_empty()); } }