use std::future::Future; use std::pin::Pin; use std::task::{Context, Poll}; use async_channel as channel; use async_oneshot as oneshot; use futures_signals::signal::Signal; use futures_util::future::BoxFuture; use crate::resources::claim::{ResourceID, UserID}; use crate::resources::state::State; pub enum UpdateError { /// We're not connected to anything anymore. You can't do anything about this error and the /// only reason why you even get it is because your future was called a last time before /// being shelved so best way to handle this error is to just return from your loop entirely, /// cleaning up any state that doesn't survive a freeze. Closed, Denied, Other(Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send>), } pub trait InitiatorError: std::error::Error + Send { } pub trait Initiator { fn start_for(&mut self, machine: ResourceID) -> BoxFuture<'static, Result<(), Box<dyn InitiatorError>>>; fn run(&mut self, request: &mut UpdateSink) -> BoxFuture<'static, Result<(), Box<dyn InitiatorError>>>; } #[derive(Clone)] pub struct UpdateSink { tx: channel::Sender<(Option<UserID>, State)>, rx: channel::Receiver<Result<(), Error>>, } impl UpdateSink { fn new(tx: channel::Sender<(Option<UserID>, State)>, rx: channel::Receiver<Result<(), Error>>) -> Self { Self { tx, rx } } async fn send(&mut self, userid: Option<UserID>, state: State) -> Result<(), UpdateError> { if let Err(_e) = self.tx.send((userid, state)).await { return Err(UpdateError::Closed); } match self.rx.recv().await { Ok(Ok(())) => Ok(()), Ok(Err(Error::Denied)) => Err(UpdateError::Denied), Ok(Err(Error::Internal(e))) => Err(UpdateError::Other(e)), // RecvError is send only when the channel is closed Err(_) => Err(UpdateError::Closed), } } } struct Resource; pub struct InitiatorDriver<S, I: Initiator> { // TODO: make this a static reference to the resources because it's much easier and we don't // need to replace resources at runtime at the moment. resource_signal: S, resource: Option<channel::Sender<Update>>, // TODO: Initiators should instead error_channel: Option<oneshot::Receiver<Error>>, initiator: I, initiator_future: Option<BoxFuture<'static, Result<(), Box<dyn InitiatorError>>>>, update_sink: UpdateSink, initiator_req_rx: channel::Receiver<(Option<UserID>, State)>, initiator_reply_tx: channel::Sender<Result<(), Error>>, } pub struct ResourceSink { pub id: ResourceID, pub state_sink: channel::Sender<Update>, } impl<S: Signal<Item=ResourceSink>, I: Initiator> InitiatorDriver<S, I> { pub fn new(resource_signal: S, initiator: I) -> Self { let (initiator_reply_tx, initiator_reply_rx) = channel::bounded(1); let (initiator_req_tx, initiator_req_rx) = async_channel::bounded(1); let update_sink = UpdateSink::new(initiator_req_tx, initiator_reply_rx); Self { resource: None, resource_signal, error_channel: None, initiator, initiator_future: None, update_sink, initiator_req_rx, initiator_reply_tx, } } } impl<S: Signal<Item=ResourceSink> + Unpin, I: Initiator + Unpin> Future for InitiatorDriver<S, I> { type Output = (); fn poll(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> { match Pin::new(&mut self.resource_signal).poll_change(cx) { Poll::Ready(Some(resource)) => { self.resource = Some(resource.state_sink); self.error_channel = None; let f = Box::pin(self.initiator.start_for(; self.initiator_future.replace(f); }, Poll::Ready(None) => self.resource = None, Poll::Pending => {} } // do while there is work to do while { // First things first: // If we've send an update to the resources in question we have error channel set, so // we poll that first to determine if the resources has acted on it yet. if let Some(ref mut errchan) = self.error_channel { match Pin::new(errchan).poll(cx) { // In case there's an ongoing Poll::Pending => return Poll::Pending, Poll::Ready(Ok(error)) => { self.error_channel = None; self.initiator_reply_tx.send(Err(error)); } Poll::Ready(Err(_closed)) => { // Error channel was dropped which means there was no error self.error_channel = None; self.initiator_reply_tx.send(Ok(())); } } } if let Some(ref mut init_fut) = self.initiator_future { match init_fut.as_mut().poll(cx) { Poll::Pending => return Poll::Pending, Poll::Ready(Ok(())) => {}, Poll::Ready(Err(_e)) => { // TODO: Log initiator error here } } } else if let Some(ref mut _resource) = self.resource { let mut s = self.update_sink.clone(); let f = s); self.initiator_future.replace(f); } self.error_channel.is_some() } {} Poll::Ready(()) } }