use std::collections::HashMap; use std::fs::File; use std::path::Path; use std::io::{Read, Write}; use slog::Logger; use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize}; use toml; use futures_signals::signal::Mutable; use crate::error::Result; use crate::config::Config; use crate::api::api; use crate::access::Permissions; use std::rc::Rc; use async_std::sync::{Arc, RwLock}; use capnp::capability::Promise; use capnp::Error; use capnp_rpc::Server; use uuid::Uuid; /// Status of a Machine #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub enum Status { /// Not currently used by anybody Free, /// Used by somebody Occupied, /// Not used by anybody but also can not be used. E.g. down for maintenance Blocked, } pub struct MachinesProvider { log: Logger, mdb: MachineDB, } impl MachinesProvider { pub fn new(log: Logger, mdb: MachineDB) -> Self { Self { log, mdb } } pub fn use_(&mut self, uuid: &Uuid) -> std::result::Result<(), capnp::Error> { if let Some(m) = self.mdb.get_mut(uuid) { match m.status { Status::Free => { trace!(self.log, "Granted use on machine {}", uuid); m.status = Status::Occupied; Ok(()) }, Status::Occupied => { info!(self.log, "Attempted use on an occupied machine {}", uuid); Err(Error::failed("Machine is occupied".to_string())) }, Status::Blocked => { info!(self.log, "Attempted use on a blocked machine {}", uuid); Err(Error::failed("Machine is blocked".to_string())) } } } else { info!(self.log, "Attempted use on invalid machine {}", uuid); Err(Error::failed("No such machine".to_string())) } } pub fn give_back(&mut self, uuid: &Uuid) -> std::result::Result<(), capnp::Error> { if let Some(m) = self.mdb.get_mut(uuid) { m.status = Status::Free; } else { warn!(self.log, "A giveback was issued for a unknown machine {}", uuid); } Ok(()) } pub fn get_perm_req(&self, uuid: &Uuid) -> Option { self.mdb.get(uuid).map(|m| m.perm.clone()) } } #[derive(Clone)] pub struct Machines { inner: Arc>, perm: Rc, } impl Machines { pub fn new(inner: Arc>, perm: Rc) -> Self { Self { inner, perm } } } impl api::machines::Server for Machines { fn manage(&mut self, params: api::machines::ManageParams, mut results: api::machines::ManageResults) -> Promise<(), Error> { let params = pry!(params.get()); let uuid_s = pry!(params.get_uuid()); let uuid = uuid_from_api(uuid_s); // We need to copy the Arc here because we don't have access to it from within the closure // witout moving it out of self. let i = self.inner.clone(); let p = self.perm.clone(); let f = async move { // We only need a read lock at first there's no reason to aquire a write lock. let i_lock =; if let Some(ps) = i_lock.get_perm_req(&uuid) { // drop the lock as soon as possible to prevent locking as much as possible drop(i_lock); if let Ok(true) = p.enforce(&ps, "manage").await { // We're here and have not returned an error yet - that means we're free to // send a successful manage back. let mut b = results.get(); // Magic incantation to get a capability to send // Also since we move i in here we at this point *must* have dropped // all locks we may still have on it. b.set_manage(api::machines::give_back::ToClient::new( MachineManager::new(i, uuid)).into_client::()); } } Ok(()) }; Promise::from_future(f) } fn use_(&mut self, params: api::machines::UseParams, mut results: api::machines::UseResults) -> Promise<(), capnp::Error> { let params = pry!(params.get()); let uuid_s = pry!(params.get_uuid()); let uuid = uuid_from_api(uuid_s); // We need to copy the Arc here because we don't have access to it from within the closure // witout moving it out of self. let i = self.inner.clone(); let p = self.perm.clone(); let f = async move { // We only need a read lock at first there's no reason to aquire a write lock. let i_lock =; if let Some(ps) = i_lock.get_perm_req(&uuid) { // drop the lock as soon as possible to prevent locking as much as possible drop(i_lock); if let Ok(true) = p.enforce(&ps, "write").await { { // If use_() returns an error that is our error. If it doesn't that means we can use // the machine // Using a subscope to again make the time the lock is valid as short as // possible. Less locking == more good let mut i_lock = i.write().await; i_lock.use_(&uuid)?; } // We're here and have not returned an error yet - that means we're free to // send a successful use back. let mut b = results.get(); // Magic incantation to get a capability to send // Also since we move i in here we at this point *must* have dropped // all locks we may still have on it. b.set_giveback(api::machines::give_back::ToClient::new( GiveBack::new(i, uuid)).into_client::()); } } Ok(()) }; Promise::from_future(f) } } #[derive(Clone)] pub struct GiveBack { mdb: Arc>, uuid: Uuid, } impl GiveBack { pub fn new(mdb: Arc>, uuid: Uuid) -> Self { Self { mdb, uuid } } } impl api::machines::give_back::Server for GiveBack { fn giveback(&mut self, _params: api::machines::give_back::GivebackParams, _results: api::machines::give_back::GivebackResults) -> Promise<(), Error> { let mdb = self.mdb.clone(); let uuid = self.uuid.clone(); let f = async move { mdb.write().await.give_back(&uuid) }; Promise::from_future(f) } } fn uuid_from_api(uuid: api::u_u_i_d::Reader) -> Uuid { let uuid0 = uuid.get_uuid0() as u128; let uuid1 = uuid.get_uuid1() as u128; let num: u128 = (uuid1 << 64) + uuid0; Uuid::from_u128(num) } fn api_from_uuid(uuid: Uuid, mut wr: api::u_u_i_d::Builder) { let num = uuid.to_u128_le(); let uuid0 = num as u64; let uuid1 = (num >> 64) as u64; wr.set_uuid0(uuid0); wr.set_uuid1(uuid1); } #[derive(Clone)] pub struct MachineManager { mdb: Arc>, uuid: Uuid, } impl MachineManager { pub fn new(uuid: Uuid, mdb: Arc>) -> Self { Self { mdb, uuid } } } impl api::machines::manage::Server for MachineManager { fn set_blocked(&mut self, params: api::machines::manage::SetBlockedParams, mut results: api::machines::manage::SetBlockedResults) -> Promise<(), Error> { let mut db = self.mdb.lock_mut(); if let Some(m) = db.get_mut(&self.uuid) { let params = pry!(params.get()); let blocked = params.get_blocked(); m.set_blocked(blocked); Promise::ok(()) } else { Promise::err(Error::failed("No such machine".to_string())) } } } #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct Machine { pub name: String, pub location: String, pub status: Status, pub perm: String, } impl Machine { pub fn new(name: String, location: String, perm: String) -> Machine { Machine { name: name, location: location, status: Status::Free, perm: perm, } } pub fn set_blocked(&mut self, blocked: bool) { if blocked { self.status = Status::Blocked; } else { self.status = Status::Free; } } } pub type MachineDB = HashMap; pub async fn init(log: Logger, config: &Config) -> Result { let mdb = if config.machinedb.is_file() { let mut fp = File::open(&config.machinedb)?; let mut content = String::new(); fp.read_to_string(&mut content)?; let map = toml::from_str(&content)?; map } else { HashMap::new() }; Ok(MachinesProvider::new(log, mdb)) } pub fn save(config: &Config, mdb: &MachineDB) -> Result<()> { let mut fp = File::create(&config.machinedb)?; let toml = toml::to_string(mdb)?; fp.write_all(&toml.as_bytes())?; Ok(()) }