use std::collections::HashSet; use std::convert::TryInto; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use std::fs; use std::io::Write; use std::sync::Arc; use flexbuffers; use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize}; use slog::Logger; use lmdb::{Environment, Transaction, RwTransaction, Cursor}; use crate::config::Settings; use crate::error::Result; use crate::db::access::{PermIdentifier, Role, RoleIdentifier, AccessDB}; use crate::db::user::{UserIdentifier, User}; #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub struct PermissionsDB { log: Logger, env: Arc, roledb: lmdb::Database, userdb: lmdb::Database, } impl PermissionsDB { pub fn new(log: Logger, env: Arc, roledb: lmdb::Database, userdb: lmdb::Database) -> Self { PermissionsDB { log, env, roledb, userdb } } /// Check if a given user has the given permission #[allow(unused)] pub fn check(&self, txn: &T, userID: UserIdentifier, permID: PermIdentifier) -> Result { if let Some(user) = self.get_user(txn, userID)? { // Tally all roles. Makes dependent roles easier let mut roles = HashSet::new(); for roleID in user.roles { self.tally_role(txn, &mut roles, roleID)?; } // Iter all unique role->permissions we've found and early return on match. // TODO: Change this for negative permissions? for role in roles.iter() { for perm in role.permissions.iter() { if permID == *perm { return Ok(true); } } } } return Ok(false); } fn tally_role(&self, txn: &T, roles: &mut HashSet, roleID: RoleIdentifier) -> Result<()> { if let Some(role) = self.get_role(txn, roleID)? { // Only check and tally parents of a role at the role itself if it's the first time we // see it if !roles.contains(&role) { for parent in role.parents.iter() { self.tally_role(txn, roles, *parent)?; } roles.insert(role); } } Ok(()) } pub fn get_role<'txn, T: Transaction>(&self, txn: &'txn T, roleID: RoleIdentifier) -> Result> { match txn.get(self.roledb, &roleID.to_ne_bytes()) { Ok(bytes) => { Ok(Some(flexbuffers::from_slice(bytes)?)) }, Err(lmdb::Error::NotFound) => { Ok(None) }, Err(e) => { Err(e.into()) } } } fn put_role(&self, txn: &mut RwTransaction, roleID: RoleIdentifier, role: Role) -> Result<()> { let bytes = flexbuffers::to_vec(role)?; txn.put(self.roledb, &roleID.to_ne_bytes(), &bytes, lmdb::WriteFlags::empty())?; Ok(()) } pub fn dump_db(&mut self, txn: &T, mut path: PathBuf) -> Result<()> { path.push("roles"); let mut k = Ok(()); if !path.is_dir() { k = fs::create_dir(&path); } if let Err(e) = k { error!(self.log, "Failed to create 'roles' directory: {}, skipping!", e); return Ok(()) } else { // Rust's stdlib considers the last element the file name even when it's a directory so // we have to put a dummy here for .set_filename() to work correctly path.push("dummy"); self.dump_roles(txn, path.clone())?; path.pop(); } path.pop(); Ok(()) } fn dump_roles(&mut self, txn: &T, mut path: PathBuf) -> Result<()> { let mut role_cursor = txn.open_ro_cursor(self.roledb)?; for buf in role_cursor.iter_start() { let (kbuf, vbuf) = buf?; let (kbytes, _rest) = kbuf.split_at(std::mem::size_of::()); let roleID = u64::from_ne_bytes(kbytes.try_into().unwrap()); let role: Role = flexbuffers::from_slice(vbuf)?; let filename = format!("{:x}.toml", roleID); path.set_file_name(filename); let mut fp = std::fs::File::create(&path)?; let out = toml::to_vec(&role)?; fp.write_all(&out)?; } Ok(()) } //fn dump_perms(&mut self, txn: &T, mut path: PathBuf) -> Result<()> { // let mut perm_cursor = txn.open_ro_cursor(self.permdb)?; // for buf in perm_cursor.iter_start() { // let (kbuf, vbuf) = buf?; // let (kbytes, _rest) = kbuf.split_at(std::mem::size_of::()); // let permID = u64::from_ne_bytes(kbytes.try_into().unwrap()); // let perm: Perm = flexbuffers::from_slice(vbuf)?; // let filename = format!("{:x}.toml", permID); // path.set_file_name(filename); // let mut fp = std::fs::File::create(&path)?; // let out = toml::to_vec(&perm)?; // fp.write_all(&out)?; // } // Ok(()) //} pub fn load_db(&mut self, txn: &mut RwTransaction, mut path: PathBuf) -> Result<()> { path.push("roles"); if !path.is_dir() { error!(self.log, "Given load directory is malformed, no 'roles' subdir, not loading roles!"); } else { self.load_roles(txn, path.as_path())?; } Ok(()) } fn load_roles(&mut self, txn: &mut RwTransaction, path: &Path) -> Result<()> { for entry in std::fs::read_dir(path)? { let entry = entry?; let path = entry.path(); if path.is_file() { // will only ever be none if the path has no file name and then how is it a file?! let roleID_str = path .file_stem().expect("Found a file with no filename?") .to_str().expect("Found an OsStr that isn't valid Unicode. Fix your OS!"); let roleID = match u64::from_str_radix(roleID_str, 16) { Ok(i) => i, Err(e) => { warn!(self.log, "File {} had a invalid name. Expected an u64 in [0-9a-z] hex with optional file ending: {}. Skipping!", path.display(), e); continue; } }; let s = match fs::read_to_string(path.as_path()) { Ok(s) => s, Err(e) => { warn!(self.log, "Failed to open file {}: {}, skipping!" , path.display() , e); continue; } }; let role: Role = match toml::from_str(&s) { Ok(r) => r, Err(e) => { warn!(self.log, "Failed to parse role at path {}: {}, skipping!" , path.display() , e); continue; } }; self.put_role(txn, roleID, role)?; debug!(self.log, "Loaded role {}", roleID); } else { warn!(self.log, "Path {} is not a file, skipping!", path.display()); } } Ok(()) } } impl AccessDB for Permissions { fn check(&self, userID: UserIdentifier, permID: PermIdentifier) -> Result { let txn = self.env.begin_ro_txn()?; self.inner.check(&txn, userID, permID) } fn get_role(&self, roleID: RoleIdentifier) -> Result> { let txn = self.env.begin_ro_txn()?; self.inner.get_role(&txn, roleID) } } /// Initialize the access db by loading all the lmdb databases pub fn init(log: Logger, config: &Settings, env: Arc) -> std::result::Result { let mut flags = lmdb::DatabaseFlags::empty(); flags.set(lmdb::DatabaseFlags::INTEGER_KEY, true); let roledb = env.create_db(Some("role"), flags)?; debug!(&log, "Opened access database '{}' successfully.", "role"); //let permdb = env.create_db(Some("perm"), flags)?; //debug!(&log, "Opened access database '{}' successfully.", "perm"); let userdb = env.create_db(Some("user"), flags)?; debug!(&log, "Opened access database '{}' successfully.", "user"); info!(&log, "Opened all access databases"); Ok(PermissionsDB::new(log, env, roledb, userdb)) }