.\" Manpage for bffhd. .\" Contact info@fab-access.org to correct errors or typos. .TH man 1 "18 Feb 2025" "1.0" "bffhd man page" .SH NAME bffhd .SH SYNOPSIS Runs the FabAccess Diflouroborane (BFFH) server application .SH DESCRIPTION This is not a usual man page. It's just for linking to our online documentation, available at \:\%\fIhttps://fab-access.org/configure\fR .SH BUGS We might have some! Please report them to \:\%\fIhttps://gitlab.com/fabinfra/fabaccess/bffh/-/issues\fR .SH AUTHOR Mario Voigt (mario.voigt@stadtfabrikanten.org)