2022-01-11 17:52:41 +00:00

1.2 KiB


A more complete documentation can be found at :

Currently there are no distribution packages available. However installation is reasonably straight-forward, since Diflouroborane compiles into a single mostly static binary with few dependencies.

At the moment only Linux is supported. If you managed to compile Diflouroborane please open an issue outlining your steps or add a merge request expanding this part. Thanks!


General requirements; scroll down for distribution-specific instructions

  • GNU SASL (libgsasl).
    • If you want to compile Diflouroborane from source you will potentially also need development headers
  • capnproto
  • rustc stable / nightly >= 1.48
    • If your distribution does not provide a recent enough rustc, rustup helps installing a local toolchain and keeping it up to date.
Arch Linux:
$ pacman -S gsasl rust capnproto

Compiling from source

Diflouroborane uses Cargo, so compilation boils down to:

$ cargo build --release

The compiled binary can then be found in ./target/release/diflouroborane