Nadja Reitzenstein 20a47d9444 Improve examples
2022-03-12 01:28:07 +01:00

14 lines
567 B

# These roles have to be defined in 'bffh.dhall'.
# Non-existant roles will not crash the server but print a `WARN` level message in the
# server log in the form "Did not find role somerole/internal while trying to tally".
roles = ["somerole/internal", "testrole/internal"]
# The password will be hashed using argon2id on load time and is not available in plaintext afterwards.
passwd = "secret"
# You can add whatever random data you want.
# It will get stored in the `kv` field in UserData.
# This is not used for anything at the moment
noot = "noot!"