Gregor Reitzenstein 886d795d15 A sprinkle of "documentation".

Yeah, I need to work on that.
2021-02-23 11:41:37 +01:00

1.3 KiB


Thank you for your interest in helping out the FabAccess system!

To help develop Diflouroborane you will need a Rust toolchain. I heavily recommend installing rustup even if your distribution provides a recent enough rustc, simply because it allows to easily switch compilers between several versions of both stable and nightly. It also allows you to download the respective stdlib crate, giving you the option of an offline reference.

Git Workflow / Branching

We use a stable master / moving development workflow. This means that all /new/ development should happen on the development branch which is regularly merged into master as releases. The exception of course are bug- and hotfixes that can target whichever branch.

If you want to add a new feature please work off the development branch. We suggest you create yourself a feature branch, e.g. using git switch development; git checkout -b feature/my-cool-feature. Using a feature branch keeps your local development branch clean, making it easier to later rebase your feature branch onto it before you open a pull/merge request.

When you want feedback on your current progress or are ready to have it merged upstream open a merge request. Don't worry we don't bite! ^^


Sadly, still very much // TODO:. We're working on it! :/