2022-03-19 05:54:18 +01:00

151 lines
4.9 KiB

use clap::{Arg, Command};
use diflouroborane::{config, Diflouroborane};
use std::str::FromStr;
use std::{env, io, io::Write, path::PathBuf};
use nix::NixPath;
use diflouroborane::error::Error;
fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
// Argument parsing
// values for the name, description and version are pulled from `Cargo.toml`.
let matches = Command::new(clap::crate_name!())
.help("Path to the config file to use")
.help("Increase logging verbosity")
.help("Decrease logging verbosity")
.arg(Arg::new("log format")
.help("Use an alternative log formatter. Available: Full, Compact, Pretty")
.possible_values(["Full", "Compact", "Pretty"]))
Arg::new("print default")
.help("Print a default config to stdout instead of running")
Arg::new("check config")
.help("Check config for validity")
.help("Dump all internal databases")
.help("Load values into the internal databases")
.help("log TLS keys into PATH. If no path is specified the value of the envvar SSLKEYLOGFILE is used.")
let configpath = matches
// Check for the --print-default option first because we don't need to do anything else in that
// case.
if matches.is_present("print default") {
let config = config::Config::default();
let encoded = serde_dhall::serialize(&config).to_string().unwrap();
// Direct writing to fd 1 is faster but also prevents any print-formatting that could
// invalidate the generated TOML
let stdout = io::stdout();
let mut handle = stdout.lock();
// Early return to exit.
return Ok(());
} else if matches.is_present("check config") {
match config::read(&PathBuf::from_str(configpath).unwrap()) {
Ok(c) => {
println!("{:#?}", c);
println!("config is valid");
Err(e) => {
eprintln!("{}", e);
let mut config = config::read(&PathBuf::from_str(configpath).unwrap()).unwrap();
if matches.is_present("dump") {
} else if matches.is_present("load") {
let bffh = Diflouroborane::new(config)?;
if bffh.users.load_file(matches.value_of("load").unwrap()).is_ok() {
tracing::info!("loaded users from {}", matches.value_of("load").unwrap());
} else {
tracing::error!("failed to load users from {}", matches.value_of("load").unwrap());
return Ok(())
} else {
let keylog = matches.value_of("keylog");
// When passed an empty string (i.e no value) take the value from the env
let keylog = if let Some("") = keylog {
let v = env::var_os("SSLKEYLOGFILE").map(PathBuf::from);
if v.is_none() || v.as_ref().unwrap().is_empty() {
eprintln!("--tls-key-log set but no path configured!");
return Ok(());
} else {
config.tlskeylog = keylog;
config.verbosity = matches.occurrences_of("verbosity") as isize;
if config.verbosity == 0 && matches.is_present("quiet") {
config.verbosity = -1;
config.log_format = matches.value_of("log format").unwrap_or("Full").to_string();
let mut bffh = Diflouroborane::new(config)?;;