2022-06-23 13:33:29 +02:00

536 lines
17 KiB

use crate::{attribute, event};
use console_api::resources::resource;
use tracing::{field, span};
use tracing_core::field::Visit;
const LOCATION_FILE: &str = "loc.file";
const LOCATION_LINE: &str = "loc.line";
const LOCATION_COLUMN: &str = "loc.col";
const INHERIT_FIELD_NAME: &str = "inherits_child_attrs";
/// Used to extract the fields needed to construct
/// an Event::Resource from the metadata of a tracing span
/// that has the following shape:
/// tracing::trace_span!(
/// "runtime.resource",
/// concrete_type = "Sleep",
/// kind = "timer",
/// is_internal = true,
/// inherits_child_attrs = true,
/// );
/// Fields:
/// concrete_type - indicates the concrete rust type for this resource
/// kind - indicates the type of resource (i.e. timer, sync, io )
/// is_internal - whether this is a resource type that is not exposed publicly (i.e. BatchSemaphore)
/// inherits_child_attrs - whether this resource should inherit the state attributes of its children
pub(crate) struct ResourceVisitor {
concrete_type: Option<String>,
kind: Option<resource::Kind>,
is_internal: bool,
inherit_child_attrs: bool,
line: Option<u32>,
file: Option<String>,
column: Option<u32>,
pub(crate) struct ResourceVisitorResult {
pub(crate) concrete_type: String,
pub(crate) kind: resource::Kind,
pub(crate) location: Option<console_api::Location>,
pub(crate) is_internal: bool,
pub(crate) inherit_child_attrs: bool,
/// Used to extract all fields from the metadata
/// of a tracing span
pub(crate) struct FieldVisitor {
fields: Vec<console_api::Field>,
meta_id: console_api::MetaId,
/// Used to extract the fields needed to construct
/// an `Event::Spawn` from the metadata of a tracing span
/// that has the following shape:
/// ```
/// tracing::trace_span!(
/// target: "tokio::task",
/// "runtime.spawn",
/// kind = "local",
/// = "some_name",
/// loc.file = "",
/// loc.line = 555,
/// loc.col = 5,
/// );
/// ```
/// # Fields
/// This visitor has special behavior for `loc.line`, `loc.file`, and `loc.col`
/// fields, which are interpreted as a Rust source code location where the task
/// was spawned, if they are present. Other fields are recorded as arbitrary
/// key-value pairs.
pub(crate) struct TaskVisitor {
field_visitor: FieldVisitor,
line: Option<u32>,
file: Option<String>,
column: Option<u32>,
/// Used to extract the fields needed to construct
/// an Event::AsyncOp from the metadata of a tracing span
/// that has the following shape:
/// tracing::trace_span!(
/// "runtime.resource.async_op",
/// source = "Sleep::new_timeout",
/// );
/// Fields:
/// source - the method which has created an instance of this async operation
pub(crate) struct AsyncOpVisitor {
source: Option<String>,
inherit_child_attrs: bool,
/// Used to extract the fields needed to construct
/// an Event::Waker from the metadata of a tracing span
/// that has the following shape:
/// tracing::trace!(
/// target: "tokio::task::waker",
/// op = "waker.clone",
/// = id.into_u64(),
/// );
/// Fields:
/// - the id of the task this waker will wake
/// op - the operation associated with this waker event
pub(crate) struct WakerVisitor {
id: Option<span::Id>,
op: Option<event::WakeOp>,
/// Used to extract the fields needed to construct
/// an Event::PollOp from the metadata of a tracing event
/// that has the following shape:
/// tracing::trace!(
/// target: "runtime::resource::poll_op",
/// op_name = "poll_elapsed",
/// readiness = "pending"
/// );
/// Fields:
/// op_name - the name of this resource poll operation
/// readiness - the result of invoking this poll op, describing its readiness
pub(crate) struct PollOpVisitor {
op_name: Option<String>,
is_ready: Option<bool>,
/// Used to extract the fields needed to construct
/// an Event::StateUpdate from the metadata of a tracing event
/// that has the following shape:
/// tracing::trace!(
/// target: "runtime::resource::state_update",
/// duration = duration,
/// duration.unit = "ms",
/// duration.op = "override",
/// );
/// Fields:
/// attribute_name - a field value for a field that has the name of the resource attribute being updated
/// value - the value for this update
/// unit - the unit for the value being updated (e.g. ms, s, bytes)
/// op - the operation that this update performs to the value of the resource attribute (one of: ovr, sub, add)
pub(crate) struct StateUpdateVisitor {
meta_id: console_api::MetaId,
field: Option<console_api::Field>,
unit: Option<String>,
op: Option<attribute::UpdateOp>,
impl ResourceVisitor {
pub(crate) const RES_SPAN_NAME: &'static str = "runtime.resource";
const RES_CONCRETE_TYPE_FIELD_NAME: &'static str = "concrete_type";
const RES_VIZ_FIELD_NAME: &'static str = "is_internal";
const RES_KIND_FIELD_NAME: &'static str = "kind";
const RES_KIND_TIMER: &'static str = "timer";
pub(crate) fn result(self) -> Option<ResourceVisitorResult> {
let concrete_type = self.concrete_type?;
let kind = self.kind?;
let location = if self.file.is_some() && self.line.is_some() && self.column.is_some() {
Some(console_api::Location {
file: self.file,
line: self.line,
column: self.column,
} else {
Some(ResourceVisitorResult {
is_internal: self.is_internal,
inherit_child_attrs: self.inherit_child_attrs,
impl Visit for ResourceVisitor {
fn record_debug(&mut self, _: &field::Field, _: &dyn std::fmt::Debug) {}
fn record_str(&mut self, field: &tracing_core::Field, value: &str) {
match {
Self::RES_CONCRETE_TYPE_FIELD_NAME => self.concrete_type = Some(value.to_string()),
let kind = Some(match value {
resource::kind::Kind::Known(resource::kind::Known::Timer as i32)
other => resource::kind::Kind::Other(other.to_string()),
self.kind = Some(resource::Kind { kind });
LOCATION_FILE => self.file = Some(value.to_string()),
_ => {}
fn record_bool(&mut self, field: &tracing_core::Field, value: bool) {
match {
Self::RES_VIZ_FIELD_NAME => self.is_internal = value,
INHERIT_FIELD_NAME => self.inherit_child_attrs = value,
_ => {}
fn record_u64(&mut self, field: &tracing_core::Field, value: u64) {
match {
LOCATION_LINE => self.line = Some(value as u32),
LOCATION_COLUMN => self.column = Some(value as u32),
_ => {}
impl FieldVisitor {
pub(crate) fn new(meta_id: console_api::MetaId) -> Self {
FieldVisitor {
fields: Vec::default(),
pub(crate) fn result(self) -> Vec<console_api::Field> {
impl TaskVisitor {
pub(crate) const SPAWN_TARGET: &'static str = "executor::task";
pub(crate) const SPAWN_NAME: &'static str = "runtime.spawn";
pub(crate) fn new(meta_id: console_api::MetaId) -> Self {
TaskVisitor {
field_visitor: FieldVisitor::new(meta_id),
line: None,
file: None,
column: None,
pub(crate) fn result(self) -> (Vec<console_api::Field>, Option<console_api::Location>) {
let fields = self.field_visitor.result();
let location = if self.file.is_some() && self.line.is_some() && self.column.is_some() {
Some(console_api::Location {
file: self.file,
line: self.line,
column: self.column,
} else {
(fields, location)
impl Visit for TaskVisitor {
fn record_debug(&mut self, field: &field::Field, value: &dyn std::fmt::Debug) {
self.field_visitor.record_debug(field, value);
fn record_i64(&mut self, field: &tracing_core::Field, value: i64) {
self.field_visitor.record_i64(field, value);
fn record_u64(&mut self, field: &tracing_core::Field, value: u64) {
match {
LOCATION_LINE => self.line = Some(value as u32),
LOCATION_COLUMN => self.column = Some(value as u32),
_ => self.field_visitor.record_u64(field, value),
fn record_bool(&mut self, field: &tracing_core::Field, value: bool) {
self.field_visitor.record_bool(field, value);
fn record_str(&mut self, field: &tracing_core::Field, value: &str) {
self.file = Some(value.to_string());
} else {
self.field_visitor.record_str(field, value);
impl Visit for FieldVisitor {
fn record_debug(&mut self, field: &field::Field, value: &dyn std::fmt::Debug) {
self.fields.push(console_api::Field {
name: Some(,
value: Some(value.into()),
metadata_id: Some(self.meta_id.clone()),
fn record_i64(&mut self, field: &tracing_core::Field, value: i64) {
self.fields.push(console_api::Field {
name: Some(,
value: Some(value.into()),
metadata_id: Some(self.meta_id.clone()),
fn record_u64(&mut self, field: &tracing_core::Field, value: u64) {
self.fields.push(console_api::Field {
name: Some(,
value: Some(value.into()),
metadata_id: Some(self.meta_id.clone()),
fn record_bool(&mut self, field: &tracing_core::Field, value: bool) {
self.fields.push(console_api::Field {
name: Some(,
value: Some(value.into()),
metadata_id: Some(self.meta_id.clone()),
fn record_str(&mut self, field: &tracing_core::Field, value: &str) {
self.fields.push(console_api::Field {
name: Some(,
value: Some(value.into()),
metadata_id: Some(self.meta_id.clone()),
impl AsyncOpVisitor {
pub(crate) const ASYNC_OP_SPAN_NAME: &'static str = "runtime.resource.async_op";
pub(crate) const ASYNC_OP_POLL_NAME: &'static str = "runtime.resource.async_op.poll";
const ASYNC_OP_SRC_FIELD_NAME: &'static str = "source";
pub(crate) fn result(self) -> Option<(String, bool)> {
let inherit = self.inherit_child_attrs;|s| (s, inherit))
impl Visit for AsyncOpVisitor {
fn record_debug(&mut self, _: &field::Field, _: &dyn std::fmt::Debug) {}
fn record_str(&mut self, field: &tracing_core::Field, value: &str) {
self.source = Some(value.to_string());
fn record_bool(&mut self, field: &tracing_core::Field, value: bool) {
self.inherit_child_attrs = value;
impl WakerVisitor {
pub(crate) const WAKER_EVENT_TARGET: &'static str = "executor::waker";
const WAKE: &'static str = "waker.wake";
const WAKE_BY_REF: &'static str = "waker.wake_by_ref";
const CLONE: &'static str = "waker.clone";
const DROP: &'static str = "waker.drop";
const TASK_ID_FIELD_NAME: &'static str = "";
pub(crate) fn result(self) -> Option<(span::Id, event::WakeOp)> {
impl Visit for WakerVisitor {
fn record_debug(&mut self, _: &field::Field, _: &dyn std::fmt::Debug) {
// don't care (yet?)
fn record_u64(&mut self, field: &tracing_core::Field, value: u64) {
if == Self::TASK_ID_FIELD_NAME { = Some(span::Id::from_u64(value));
fn record_str(&mut self, field: &tracing_core::Field, value: &str) {
use crate::event::WakeOp;
if == "op" {
self.op = Some(match value {
Self::WAKE => WakeOp::Wake { self_wake: false },
Self::WAKE_BY_REF => WakeOp::WakeByRef { self_wake: false },
Self::CLONE => WakeOp::Clone,
Self::DROP => WakeOp::Drop,
_ => return,
impl PollOpVisitor {
pub(crate) const POLL_OP_EVENT_TARGET: &'static str = "runtime::resource::poll_op";
const OP_NAME_FIELD_NAME: &'static str = "op_name";
const OP_READINESS_FIELD_NAME: &'static str = "is_ready";
pub(crate) fn result(self) -> Option<(String, bool)> {
let op_name = self.op_name?;
let is_ready = self.is_ready?;
Some((op_name, is_ready))
impl Visit for PollOpVisitor {
fn record_debug(&mut self, _: &field::Field, _: &dyn std::fmt::Debug) {}
fn record_bool(&mut self, field: &tracing_core::Field, value: bool) {
self.is_ready = Some(value)
fn record_str(&mut self, field: &tracing_core::Field, value: &str) {
if == Self::OP_NAME_FIELD_NAME {
self.op_name = Some(value.to_string());
impl StateUpdateVisitor {
pub(crate) const RE_STATE_UPDATE_EVENT_TARGET: &'static str = "runtime::resource::state_update";
pub(crate) const AO_STATE_UPDATE_EVENT_TARGET: &'static str =
const STATE_OP_SUFFIX: &'static str = ".op";
const STATE_UNIT_SUFFIX: &'static str = ".unit";
const OP_ADD: &'static str = "add";
const OP_SUB: &'static str = "sub";
const OP_OVERRIDE: &'static str = "override";
pub(crate) fn new(meta_id: console_api::MetaId) -> Self {
StateUpdateVisitor {
field: None,
unit: None,
op: None,
pub(crate) fn result(self) -> Option<attribute::Update> {
Some(attribute::Update {
field: self.field?,
op: self.op,
unit: self.unit,
impl Visit for StateUpdateVisitor {
fn record_debug(&mut self, field: &field::Field, value: &dyn std::fmt::Debug) {
if !
&& !
self.field = Some(console_api::Field {
name: Some(,
value: Some(value.into()),
metadata_id: Some(self.meta_id.clone()),
fn record_i64(&mut self, field: &field::Field, value: i64) {
if !
&& !
self.field = Some(console_api::Field {
name: Some(,
value: Some(value.into()),
metadata_id: Some(self.meta_id.clone()),
fn record_u64(&mut self, field: &field::Field, value: u64) {
if !
&& !
self.field = Some(console_api::Field {
name: Some(,
value: Some(value.into()),
metadata_id: Some(self.meta_id.clone()),
fn record_bool(&mut self, field: &field::Field, value: bool) {
if !
&& !
self.field = Some(console_api::Field {
name: Some(,
value: Some(value.into()),
metadata_id: Some(self.meta_id.clone()),
fn record_str(&mut self, field: &field::Field, value: &str) {
if {
match value {
Self::OP_ADD => self.op = Some(attribute::UpdateOp::Add),
Self::OP_SUB => self.op = Some(attribute::UpdateOp::Sub),
Self::OP_OVERRIDE => self.op = Some(attribute::UpdateOp::Override),
_ => {}
} else if {
self.unit = Some(value.to_string());
} else {
self.field = Some(console_api::Field {
name: Some(,
value: Some(value.into()),
metadata_id: Some(self.meta_id.clone()),