2020-12-14 14:45:16 +01:00

170 lines
4.5 KiB

use std::pin::Pin;
use std::task::{Poll, Context};
use std::future::Future;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use smol::{Task, Timer};
use slog::Logger;
use paho_mqtt::AsyncClient;
use futures::FutureExt;
use futures::future::BoxFuture;
use genawaiter::{sync::{Gen, GenBoxed, Co}, GeneratorState};
use futures_signals::signal::{Signal, Mutable, MutableSignalCloned};
use crate::machine::{Machine, ReturnToken};
use crate::db::machine::MachineState;
use crate::db::user::{User, UserId, UserData};
use crate::network::InitMap;
use crate::error::Result;
use crate::config::Config;
pub trait Sensor {
fn run_sensor(&mut self) -> BoxFuture<'static, (Option<User>, MachineState)>;
type BoxSensor = Box<dyn Sensor + Send>;
pub struct Initiator {
signal: MutableSignalCloned<Option<Machine>>,
machine: Option<Machine>,
future: Option<BoxFuture<'static, (Option<User>, MachineState)>>,
token: Option<ReturnToken>,
sensor: BoxSensor,
impl Initiator {
pub fn new(sensor: BoxSensor, signal: MutableSignalCloned<Option<Machine>>) -> Self {
Self {
signal: signal,
machine: None,
future: None,
token: None,
sensor: sensor,
pub fn wrap(sensor: BoxSensor) -> (Mutable<Option<Machine>>, Self) {
let m = Mutable::new(None);
let s = m.signal_cloned();
(m, Self::new(sensor, s))
impl Future for Initiator {
type Output = ();
fn poll(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
let mut this = &mut *self;
// First of course, see what machine we should work with.
match Signal::poll_change(Pin::new(&mut this.signal), cx) {
Poll::Pending => { }
Poll::Ready(None) => return Poll::Ready(()),
// Keep in mind this is actually an Option<Machine>
Poll::Ready(Some(machine)) => this.machine = machine,
// Do as much work as we can:
loop {
// If there is a future, poll it
match this.future.as_mut().map(|future| Future::poll(Pin::new(future), cx)) {
None => {
this.future = Some(this.sensor.run_sensor());
Some(Poll::Ready((user, state))) => {
this.machine.as_mut().map(|machine| machine.request_state_change(user.as_ref(), state).unwrap());
Some(Poll::Pending) => return Poll::Pending,
pub fn load(log: &Logger, client: &AsyncClient, config: &Config) -> Result<(InitMap, Vec<Initiator>)> {
let mut map = HashMap::new();
let initiators = config.initiators.iter()
.map(|(k,v)| (k, load_single(log, client, k, &v.module, &v.params)))
.filter_map(|(k,n)| match n {
None => None,
Some(i) => Some((k, i)),
let mut v = Vec::new();
for (name, initiator) in initiators {
let (m, i) = Initiator::wrap(initiator);
map.insert(name.clone(), m);
Ok((map, v))
fn load_single(
log: &Logger,
client: &AsyncClient,
name: &String,
module_name: &String,
params: &HashMap<String, String>
) -> Option<BoxSensor>
match module_name.as_ref() {
"Dummy" => {
_ => {
error!(log, "No initiator found with name \"{}\", configured as \"{}\"",
module_name, name);
pub struct Dummy {
log: Logger,
step: bool,
impl Dummy {
pub fn new(log: &Logger) -> Self {
Self { log:!("module" => "Dummy Initiator")), step: false }
impl Sensor for Dummy {
fn run_sensor(&mut self)
-> BoxFuture<'static, (Option<User>, MachineState)>
let step = self.step;
self.step = !step;
info!(self.log, "Kicking off new dummy initiator state change: {}", step);
let f = async move {
if step {
return (None, MachineState::free());
} else {
let user = User::new(
UserId::new("test".to_string(), None, None),
UserData::new(vec![], 0),
let p =;
let id =;
return (Some(user), MachineState::used(id, p));