mirror of
synced 2025-03-11 15:41:43 +01:00
619 lines
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619 lines
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use std::fmt::{Debug, Display, Formatter};
use std::io::Write;
use rsasl::error::{MechanismError, MechanismErrorKind, SASLError, SessionError};
use rsasl::mechanism::Authentication;
use rsasl::SASL;
use rsasl::session::{SessionData, StepResult};
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use desfire::desfire::Desfire;
use desfire::iso7816_4::apduresponse::APDUResponse;
use desfire::error::{Error as DesfireError};
use std::convert::TryFrom;
use std::sync::Arc;
use desfire::desfire::desfire::MAX_BYTES_PER_TRANSACTION;
use rsasl::property::AuthId;
use tracing::{error, trace};
use crate::authentication::fabfire::FabFireCardKey;
enum FabFireError {
impl Debug for FabFireError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
match self {
FabFireError::ParseError => write!(f, "ParseError"),
FabFireError::SerializationError => write!(f, "SerializationError"),
FabFireError::DeserializationError(e) => write!(f, "DeserializationError: {}", e),
FabFireError::CardError(err) => write!(f, "CardError: {}", err),
FabFireError::InvalidMagic(magic) => write!(f, "InvalidMagic: {}", magic),
FabFireError::InvalidToken(token) => write!(f, "InvalidToken: {}", token),
FabFireError::InvalidURN(urn) => write!(f, "InvalidURN: {}", urn),
FabFireError::InvalidCredentials(credentials) => write!(f, "InvalidCredentials: {}", credentials),
FabFireError::Session(err) => write!(f, "Session: {}", err),
impl Display for FabFireError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
match self {
FabFireError::ParseError => write!(f, "ParseError"),
FabFireError::SerializationError => write!(f, "SerializationError"),
FabFireError::DeserializationError(e) => write!(f, "DeserializationError: {}", e),
FabFireError::CardError(err) => write!(f, "CardError: {}", err),
FabFireError::InvalidMagic(magic) => write!(f, "InvalidMagic: {}", magic),
FabFireError::InvalidToken(token) => write!(f, "InvalidToken: {}", token),
FabFireError::InvalidURN(urn) => write!(f, "InvalidURN: {}", urn),
FabFireError::InvalidCredentials(credentials) => write!(f, "InvalidCredentials: {}", credentials),
FabFireError::Session(err) => write!(f, "Session: {}", err),
impl MechanismError for FabFireError {
fn kind(&self) -> MechanismErrorKind {
match self {
FabFireError::ParseError => MechanismErrorKind::Parse,
FabFireError::SerializationError => MechanismErrorKind::Protocol,
FabFireError::DeserializationError(_) => MechanismErrorKind::Parse,
FabFireError::CardError(_) => MechanismErrorKind::Protocol,
FabFireError::InvalidMagic(_) => MechanismErrorKind::Protocol,
FabFireError::InvalidToken(_) => MechanismErrorKind::Protocol,
FabFireError::InvalidURN(_) => MechanismErrorKind::Protocol,
FabFireError::InvalidCredentials(_) => MechanismErrorKind::Protocol,
FabFireError::Session(_) => MechanismErrorKind::Protocol,
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)]
#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
struct CardInfo {
#[serde(rename = "UID", with = "hex")]
uid: [u8; 7],
key_old: Option<Box<[u8]>>,
key_new: Option<Box<[u8]>>,
struct KeyInfo {
key_id: u8,
key: Box<[u8]>,
struct AuthInfo {
rnd_a: Vec<u8>,
rnd_b: Vec<u8>,
iv: Vec<u8>,
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)]
#[serde(tag = "Cmd")]
enum CardCommand {
message {
#[serde(rename = "MssgID", skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
msg_id: Option<u32>,
#[serde(rename = "ClrTxt", skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
clr_txt: Option<String>,
#[serde(rename = "AddnTxt", skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
addn_txt: Option<String>,
sendPICC {
#[serde(deserialize_with = "hex::deserialize", serialize_with = "hex::serialize_upper")]
data: Vec<u8>
readPICC {
#[serde(deserialize_with = "hex::deserialize", serialize_with = "hex::serialize_upper")]
data: Vec<u8>
Key {
data: String
enum Step {
pub struct FabFire {
step: Step,
card_info: Option<CardInfo>,
key_info: Option<KeyInfo>,
auth_info: Option<AuthInfo>,
app_id: u32,
local_urn: String,
desfire: Desfire,
const MAGIC: &'static str = "FABACCESS\0DESFIRE\01.0\0";
impl FabFire {
pub fn new_server(_sasl: &SASL) -> Result<Box<dyn Authentication>, SASLError> {
Ok(Box::new(Self { step: Step::New, card_info: None, key_info: None, auth_info: None, app_id: 1, local_urn: "urn:fabaccess:lab:innovisionlab".to_string(), desfire: Desfire { card: None, session_key: None, cbc_iv: None } }))
impl Authentication for FabFire {
fn step(&mut self, session: &mut SessionData, input: Option<&[u8]>, writer: &mut dyn Write) -> StepResult {
match self.step {
Step::New => {
tracing::trace!("Step: New");
//receive card info (especially card UID) from reader
return match input {
None => { Err(SessionError::InputDataRequired) }
Some(cardinfo) => {
self.card_info = match serde_json::from_slice(cardinfo) {
Ok(card_info) => Some(card_info),
Err(e) => {
tracing::error!("Deserializing card_info failed: {:?}", e);
return Err(FabFireError::DeserializationError(e).into());
//select application
let buf = match self.desfire.select_application_cmd(self.app_id) {
Ok(buf) => match Vec::<u8>::try_from(buf) {
Ok(data) => data,
Err(e) => {
tracing::error!("Failed to convert APDUCommand to Vec<u8>: {:?}", e);
return Err(FabFireError::SerializationError.into());
Err(e) => {
tracing::error!("Failed to generate APDUCommand: {:?}", e);
return Err(FabFireError::SerializationError.into());
let cmd = CardCommand::sendPICC { data: buf };
return match serde_json::to_vec(&cmd) {
Ok(send_buf) => {
self.step = Step::SelectApp;
writer.write_all(&send_buf).map_err(|e| SessionError::Io { source: e })?;
Err(e) => {
tracing::error!("Failed to serialize APDUCommand: {:?}", e);
Step::SelectApp => {
tracing::trace!("Step: SelectApp");
// check that we successfully selected the application
let response: CardCommand = match input {
None => { return Err(SessionError::InputDataRequired); }
Some(buf) => match serde_json::from_slice(buf).map_err(|e| FabFireError::DeserializationError(e)) {
Ok(response) => response,
Err(e) => {
tracing::error!("Deserializing data from card failed: {:?}", e);
return Err(e.into());
let apdu_response = match response {
CardCommand::readPICC { data } => { APDUResponse::new(&*data) }
_ => {
tracing::error!("Unexpected response: {:?}", response);
return Err(FabFireError::ParseError.into());
apdu_response.check().map_err(|e| FabFireError::CardError(e))?;
// request the contents of the file containing the magic string
const MAGIC_FILE_ID: u8 = 0x01;
let buf = match self.desfire.read_data_chunk_cmd(MAGIC_FILE_ID, 0, MAGIC.len()) {
Ok(buf) => match Vec::<u8>::try_from(buf) {
Ok(data) => data,
Err(e) => {
tracing::error!("Failed to convert APDUCommand to Vec<u8>: {:?}", e);
return Err(FabFireError::SerializationError.into());
Err(e) => {
tracing::error!("Failed to generate APDUCommand: {:?}", e);
return Err(FabFireError::SerializationError.into());
let cmd = CardCommand::sendPICC { data: buf };
return match serde_json::to_vec(&cmd) {
Ok(send_buf) => {
self.step = Step::VerifyMagic;
writer.write_all(&send_buf).map_err(|e| SessionError::Io { source: e })?;
Err(e) => {
tracing::error!("Failed to serialize APDUCommand: {:?}", e);
Step::VerifyMagic => {
tracing::trace!("Step: VerifyMagic");
// verify the magic string to determine that we have a valid fabfire card
let response: CardCommand = match input {
None => { return Err(SessionError::InputDataRequired); }
Some(buf) => match serde_json::from_slice(buf).map_err(|e| FabFireError::DeserializationError(e)) {
Ok(response) => response,
Err(e) => {
tracing::error!("Deserializing data from card failed: {:?}", e);
return Err(e.into());
let apdu_response = match response {
CardCommand::readPICC { data } => { APDUResponse::new(&*data) }
_ => {
tracing::error!("Unexpected response: {:?}", response);
return Err(FabFireError::ParseError.into());
match apdu_response.check() {
Ok(_) => {
match apdu_response.body {
Some(data) => {
if std::str::from_utf8(data.as_slice()) != Ok(MAGIC) {
tracing::error!("Invalid magic string");
return Err(FabFireError::ParseError.into());
None => {
tracing::error!("No data returned from card");
return Err(FabFireError::ParseError.into());
Err(e) => {
tracing::error!("Got invalid APDUResponse: {:?}", e);
return Err(FabFireError::ParseError.into());
// request the contents of the file containing the URN
const URN_FILE_ID: u8 = 0x02;
let buf = match self.desfire.read_data_chunk_cmd(URN_FILE_ID, 0, self.local_urn.as_bytes().len()) { // TODO: support urn longer than 47 Bytes
Ok(buf) => match Vec::<u8>::try_from(buf) {
Ok(data) => data,
Err(e) => {
tracing::error!("Failed to convert APDUCommand to Vec<u8>: {:?}", e);
return Err(FabFireError::SerializationError.into());
Err(e) => {
tracing::error!("Failed to generate APDUCommand: {:?}", e);
return Err(FabFireError::SerializationError.into());
let cmd = CardCommand::sendPICC { data: buf };
return match serde_json::to_vec(&cmd) {
Ok(send_buf) => {
self.step = Step::GetURN;
writer.write_all(&send_buf).map_err(|e| SessionError::Io { source: e })?;
Err(e) => {
tracing::error!("Failed to serialize APDUCommand: {:?}", e);
Step::GetURN => {
tracing::trace!("Step: GetURN");
// parse the urn and match it to our local urn
let response: CardCommand = match input {
None => { return Err(SessionError::InputDataRequired); }
Some(buf) => match serde_json::from_slice(buf).map_err(|e| FabFireError::DeserializationError(e)) {
Ok(response) => response,
Err(e) => {
tracing::error!("Deserializing data from card failed: {:?}", e);
return Err(e.into());
let apdu_response = match response {
CardCommand::readPICC { data } => { APDUResponse::new(&*data) }
_ => {
tracing::error!("Unexpected response: {:?}", response);
return Err(FabFireError::ParseError.into());
match apdu_response.check() {
Ok(_) => {
match apdu_response.body {
Some(data) => {
let received_urn = String::from_utf8(data).unwrap();
if received_urn != self.local_urn {
tracing::error!("URN mismatch: {:?} != {:?}", received_urn, self.local_urn);
return Err(FabFireError::ParseError.into());
None => {
tracing::error!("No data returned from card");
return Err(FabFireError::ParseError.into());
Err(e) => {
tracing::error!("Got invalid APDUResponse: {:?}", e);
return Err(FabFireError::ParseError.into());
// request the contents of the file containing the URN
const TOKEN_FILE_ID: u8 = 0x03;
let buf = match self.desfire.read_data_chunk_cmd(TOKEN_FILE_ID, 0, MAX_BYTES_PER_TRANSACTION) { // TODO: support data longer than 47 Bytes
Ok(buf) => match Vec::<u8>::try_from(buf) {
Ok(data) => data,
Err(e) => {
tracing::error!("Failed to convert APDUCommand to Vec<u8>: {:?}", e);
return Err(FabFireError::SerializationError.into());
Err(e) => {
tracing::error!("Failed to generate APDUCommand: {:?}", e);
return Err(FabFireError::SerializationError.into());
let cmd = CardCommand::sendPICC { data: buf };
return match serde_json::to_vec(&cmd) {
Ok(send_buf) => {
self.step = Step::GetToken;
writer.write_all(&send_buf).map_err(|e| SessionError::Io { source: e })?;
Err(e) => {
tracing::error!("Failed to serialize APDUCommand: {:?}", e);
Step::GetToken => {
// println!("Step: GetToken");
// parse the token and select the appropriate user
let response: CardCommand = match input {
None => { return Err(SessionError::InputDataRequired); }
Some(buf) => match serde_json::from_slice(buf).map_err(|e| FabFireError::DeserializationError(e)) {
Ok(response) => response,
Err(e) => {
tracing::error!("Deserializing data from card failed: {:?}", e);
return Err(e.into());
let apdu_response = match response {
CardCommand::readPICC { data } => { APDUResponse::new(&*data) }
_ => {
tracing::error!("Unexpected response: {:?}", response);
return Err(FabFireError::ParseError.into());
match apdu_response.check() {
Ok(_) => {
match apdu_response.body {
Some(data) => {
let token = String::from_utf8(data).unwrap();
let key = match session.get_property_or_callback::<FabFireCardKey>() {
Ok(Some(key)) => Box::from(key.as_slice()),
Ok(None) => {
tracing::error!("No keys on file for token");
return Err(FabFireError::InvalidCredentials("No keys on file for token".to_string()).into());
Err(e) => {
tracing::error!("Failed to get key: {:?}", e);
return Err(FabFireError::Session(e).into());
self.key_info = Some(KeyInfo{ key_id: 0x01, key });
None => {
tracing::error!("No data in response");
return Err(FabFireError::ParseError.into());
Err(e) => {
tracing::error!("Failed to check response: {:?}", e);
return Err(FabFireError::ParseError.into());
let buf = match self.desfire.authenticate_iso_aes_challenge_cmd(self.key_info.as_ref().unwrap().key_id) {
Ok(buf) => match Vec::<u8>::try_from(buf) {
Ok(data) => data,
Err(e) => {
tracing::error!("Failed to convert to Vec<u8>: {:?}", e);
return Err(FabFireError::SerializationError.into());
Err(e) => {
tracing::error!("Failed to create authenticate command: {:?}", e);
return Err(FabFireError::SerializationError.into());
let cmd = CardCommand::sendPICC { data: buf };
return match serde_json::to_vec(&cmd) {
Ok(send_buf) => {
self.step = Step::Authenticate1;
writer.write_all(&send_buf).map_err(|e| SessionError::Io { source: e })?;
Err(e) => {
tracing::error!("Failed to serialize command: {:?}", e);
Step::Authenticate1 => {
tracing::trace!("Step: Authenticate1");
let response: CardCommand = match input {
None => { return Err(SessionError::InputDataRequired); }
Some(buf) => match serde_json::from_slice(buf).map_err(|e| FabFireError::DeserializationError(e)) {
Ok(response) => response,
Err(e) => {
tracing::error!("Failed to deserialize response: {:?}", e);
return Err(e.into());
let apdu_response = match response {
CardCommand::readPICC { data } => { APDUResponse::new(&*data) }
_ => {
tracing::error!("Unexpected response: {:?}", response);
return Err(FabFireError::ParseError.into());
match apdu_response.check() {
Ok(_) => {
match apdu_response.body {
Some(data) => {
let rnd_b_enc = data.as_slice();
//FIXME: This is ugly, we should find a better way to make the function testable
//TODO: Check if we need a CSPRNG here
let rnd_a: [u8; 16] = rand::random();
let (cmd_challenge_response,
iv) = self.desfire.authenticate_iso_aes_response_cmd(
self.auth_info = Some(AuthInfo { rnd_a: Vec::<u8>::from(rnd_a), rnd_b, iv });
let buf = match Vec::<u8>::try_from(cmd_challenge_response) {
Ok(data) => data,
Err(e) => {
tracing::error!("Failed to convert to Vec<u8>: {:?}", e);
return Err(FabFireError::SerializationError.into());
let cmd = CardCommand::sendPICC { data: buf };
return match serde_json::to_vec(&cmd) {
Ok(send_buf) => {
self.step = Step::Authenticate2;
writer.write_all(&send_buf).map_err(|e| SessionError::Io { source: e })?;
Err(e) => {
tracing::error!("Failed to serialize command: {:?}", e);
None => {
tracing::error!("Got invalid response: {:?}", apdu_response);
return Err(FabFireError::ParseError.into());
Err(e) => {
tracing::error!("Failed to check response: {:?}", e);
return Err(FabFireError::ParseError.into());
Step::Authenticate2 => {
// println!("Step: Authenticate2");
let response: CardCommand = match input {
None => { return Err(SessionError::InputDataRequired); }
Some(buf) => match serde_json::from_slice(buf).map_err(|e| FabFireError::DeserializationError(e)) {
Ok(response) => response,
Err(e) => {
tracing::error!("Failed to deserialize response: {:?}", e);
return Err(e.into());
let apdu_response = match response {
CardCommand::readPICC { data } => { APDUResponse::new(&*data) }
_ => {
tracing::error!("Got invalid response: {:?}", response);
return Err(FabFireError::ParseError.into());
match apdu_response.check() {
Ok(_) => {
match apdu_response.body {
Some(data) => {
match self.auth_info.as_ref() {
None => { return Err(FabFireError::ParseError.into()); }
Some(auth_info) => {
if self.desfire.authenticate_iso_aes_verify(
auth_info.rnd_b.as_slice(), &*(self.key_info.as_ref().unwrap().key),
auth_info.iv.as_slice()).is_ok() {
let cmd = CardCommand::message{
msg_id: Some(4),
clr_txt: None,
addn_txt: Some("".to_string()),
return match serde_json::to_vec(&cmd) {
Ok(send_buf) => {
self.step = Step::Authenticate1;
writer.write_all(&send_buf).map_err(|e| SessionError::Io { source: e })?;
return Ok(rsasl::session::Step::Done(Some(send_buf.len())))
Err(e) => {
tracing::error!("Failed to serialize command: {:?}", e);
None => {
tracing::error!("got empty response");
return Err(FabFireError::ParseError.into());
Err(e) => {
tracing::error!("Got invalid response: {:?}", apdu_response);
return Err(FabFireError::InvalidCredentials(format!("{}", apdu_response)).into());
return Ok(rsasl::session::Step::Done(None));
} |