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//! A thread manager to predict how many threads should be spawned to handle the upcoming load.
//! The thread manager consists of three elements:
//! * Frequency Detector
//! * Trend Estimator
//! * Predictive Upscaler
//! ## Frequency Detector
//! Detects how many tasks are submitted from scheduler to thread pool in a given time frame.
//! Pool manager thread does this sampling every 90 milliseconds.
//! This value is going to be used for trend estimation phase.
//! ## Trend Estimator
//! Hold up to the given number of frequencies to create an estimation.
//! Trend estimator holds 10 frequencies at a time.
//! This value is stored as constant in [FREQUENCY_QUEUE_SIZE](constant.FREQUENCY_QUEUE_SIZE.html).
//! Estimation algorithm and prediction uses Exponentially Weighted Moving Average algorithm.
//! This algorithm is adapted from [A Novel Predictive and Self–Adaptive Dynamic Thread Pool Management](https://doi.org/10.1109/ISPA.2011.61)
//! and altered to:
//! * use instead of heavy calculation of trend, utilize thread redundancy which is the sum of the differences between the predicted and observed value.
//! * use instead of linear trend estimation, it uses exponential trend estimation where formula is:
//! ```text
//! LOW_WATERMARK * (predicted - observed) + LOW_WATERMARK
//! ```
//! *NOTE:* If this algorithm wants to be tweaked increasing [LOW_WATERMARK](constant.LOW_WATERMARK.html) will automatically adapt the additional dynamic thread spawn count
//! * operate without watermarking by timestamps (in paper which is used to measure algorithms own performance during the execution)
//! * operate extensive subsampling. Extensive subsampling congests the pool manager thread.
//! * operate without keeping track of idle time of threads or job out queue like TEMA and FOPS implementations.
//! ## Predictive Upscaler
//! Upscaler has three cases (also can be seen in paper):
//! * The rate slightly increases and there are many idle threads.
//! * The number of worker threads tends to be reduced since the workload of the system is descending.
//! * The system has no request or stalled. (Our case here is when the current tasks block further tasks from being processed – throughput hogs)
//! For the first two EMA calculation and exponential trend estimation gives good performance.
//! For the last case, upscaler selects upscaling amount by amount of tasks mapped when throughput hogs happen.
//! **example scenario:** Let's say we have 10_000 tasks where every one of them is blocking for 1 second. Scheduler will map plenty of tasks but will get rejected.
//! This makes estimation calculation nearly 0 for both entering and exiting parts. When this happens and we still see tasks mapped from scheduler.
//! We start to slowly increase threads by amount of frequency linearly. High increase of this value either make us hit to the thread threshold on
//! some OS or make congestion on the other thread utilizations of the program, because of context switch.
//! Throughput hogs determined by a combination of job in / job out frequency and current scheduler task assignment frequency.
//! Threshold of EMA difference is eluded by machine epsilon for floating point arithmetic errors.
use crate::{load_balancer, placement};
use core::fmt;
use crossbeam_queue::ArrayQueue;
use fmt::{Debug, Formatter};
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use lever::prelude::TTas;
use placement::CoreId;
use std::collections::VecDeque;
use std::time::Duration;
use std::{
atomic::{AtomicU64, Ordering},
use std::sync::{Arc, RwLock};
use crossbeam_channel::bounded;
use crossbeam_deque::{Injector, Stealer};
use tracing::{debug, trace};
use lightproc::lightproc::LightProc;
use crate::worker::Sleeper;
/// The default thread park timeout before checking for new tasks.
const THREAD_PARK_TIMEOUT: Duration = Duration::from_millis(1);
/// Frequency histogram's sliding window size.
/// Defines how many frequencies will be considered for adaptation.
const FREQUENCY_QUEUE_SIZE: usize = 10;
/// If low watermark isn't configured this is the default scaler value.
/// This value is used for the heuristics of the scaler
/// Pool scaler interval time (milliseconds).
/// This is the actual interval which makes adaptation calculation.
const SCALER_POLL_INTERVAL: u64 = 90;
/// Exponential moving average smoothing coefficient for limited window.
/// Smoothing factor is estimated with: 2 / (N + 1) where N is sample size.
const EMA_COEFFICIENT: f64 = 2_f64 / (FREQUENCY_QUEUE_SIZE as f64 + 1_f64);
lazy_static! {
static ref ROUND_ROBIN_PIN: Mutex<CoreId> = Mutex::new(CoreId { id: 0 });
/// The `DynamicRunner` is piloted by `DynamicPoolManager`.
/// Upon request it needs to be able to provide runner routines for:
/// * Static threads.
/// * Dynamic threads.
/// * Standalone threads.
/// Your implementation of `DynamicRunner`
/// will allow you to define what tasks must be accomplished.
/// Run static threads:
/// run_static should never return, and park for park_timeout instead.
/// Run dynamic threads:
/// run_dynamic should never return, and call `parker()` when it has no more tasks to process.
/// It will be unparked automatically by the `DynamicPoolManager` if needs be.
/// Run standalone threads:
/// run_standalone should return once it has no more tasks to process.
/// The `DynamicPoolManager` will spawn other standalone threads if needs be.
pub trait DynamicRunner {
fn setup(task_queue: Arc<Injector<LightProc>>) -> Sleeper<LightProc>;
fn run_static<'b>(fences: impl Iterator<Item=&'b Stealer<LightProc>>,
park_timeout: Duration) -> !;
fn run_dynamic<'b>(fences: impl Iterator<Item=&'b Stealer<LightProc>>) -> !;
fn run_standalone<'b>(fences: impl Iterator<Item=&'b Stealer<LightProc>>);
/// The `ThreadManager` is creates and destroys worker threads depending on demand according to
/// EMA rules.
/// It needs to be passed a structure that implements `DynamicRunner`,
/// That will be responsible for actually spawning threads.
/// The `DynamicPoolManager` keeps track of the number
/// of required number of threads to process load correctly.
/// and depending on the current state it will case it will:
/// - Spawn a lot of threads (we're predicting a load spike, and we need to prepare for it)
/// - Spawn few threads (there's a constant load, and throughput is low because the current resources are busy)
/// - Do nothing (the load is shrinking, threads will automatically stop once they're done).
/// Kinds of threads:
/// ## Static threads:
/// Defined in the constructor, they will always be available. They park for `THREAD_PARK_TIMEOUT` on idle.
/// ## Dynamic threads:
/// Created during `DynamicPoolManager` initialization, they will park on idle.
/// The `DynamicPoolManager` grows the number of Dynamic threads
/// so the total number of Static threads + Dynamic threads
/// is the number of available cores on the machine. (`num_cpus::get()`)
/// ## Standalone threads:
/// They are created when there aren't enough static and dynamic threads to process the expected load.
/// They will be destroyed on idle.
/// ## Spawn order:
/// In order to handle a growing load, the pool manager will ask to:
/// - Use Static threads
/// - Unpark Dynamic threads
/// - Spawn Standalone threads
/// The pool manager is not responsible for the tasks to be performed by the threads, it's handled by the `DynamicRunner`
/// If you use tracing, you can have a look at the trace! logs generated by the structure.
pub struct ThreadManager<Runner> {
static_threads: usize,
dynamic_threads: usize,
parked_threads: ArrayQueue<Sleeper<LightProc>>,
task_queue: Arc<Injector<LightProc>>,
fences: Arc<RwLock<Vec<Stealer<LightProc>>>>,
runner: Runner,
last_frequency: AtomicU64,
frequencies: TTas<VecDeque<u64>>,
impl<Runner: Debug> Debug for ThreadManager<Runner> {
fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
struct ThreadCount<'a>(&'a usize, &'a usize, &'a usize);
impl<'a> Debug for ThreadCount<'a> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
.field("static", self.0)
.field("dynamic", self.1)
.field("parked", self.2)
.field("thread pool", &ThreadCount(
.field("runner", &self.runner)
.field("last_frequency", &self.last_frequency)
.field("frequencies", &self.frequencies.try_lock())
impl<Runner: DynamicRunner + Sync + Send> ThreadManager<Runner> {
pub fn new(static_threads: usize, runner: Runner, task_queue: Arc<Injector<LightProc>>) -> Self {
let dynamic_threads = 1.max(num_cpus::get().checked_sub(static_threads).unwrap_or(0));
let parked_threads = ArrayQueue::new(1.max(static_threads + dynamic_threads));
let fences = Arc::new(RwLock::new(Vec::new()));
Self {
last_frequency: AtomicU64::new(0),
frequencies: TTas::new(VecDeque::with_capacity(
pub fn increment_frequency(&self) {
self.last_frequency.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Acquire);
/// Initialize the dynamic pool
/// That will be scaled
pub(crate) fn initialize(&'static self) {
let (tx, rx) = bounded(self.static_threads + self.dynamic_threads);
let fencelock = &self.fences;
let _guard = fencelock.write().unwrap();
let mut i = 0;
// Static thread manager that will always be available
debug!("spooling up {} static worker threads", self.static_threads);
(0..self.static_threads).for_each(|_| {
let tx = tx.clone();
let fencelock = fencelock.clone();
let task_queue = self.task_queue.clone();
.name(format!("rt({}) [static]", i))
.spawn(move || {
let sleeper = Runner::setup(task_queue);
tx.send(sleeper).expect("Failed to push to parked_threads");
let fencelock = fencelock.clone();
let fences = fencelock.read().unwrap();
Runner::run_static(fences.iter(), THREAD_PARK_TIMEOUT);
.expect("failed to spawn static worker thread");
i += 1;
// Dynamic thread manager that will allow us to unpark threads when needed
debug!("spooling up {} dynamic worker threads", self.dynamic_threads);
(0..self.dynamic_threads).for_each(|_| {
let tx = tx.clone();
let fencelock = fencelock.clone();
let task_queue = self.task_queue.clone();
.name(format!("rt({}) [dyn]", i))
.spawn(move || {
let sleeper = Runner::setup(task_queue);
tx.send(sleeper).expect("Failed to push to parked_threads");
let fences = fencelock.read().unwrap();
.expect("failed to spawn dynamic worker thread");
i += 1;
let span = tracing::span!(tracing::Level::INFO, "sleepers").entered();
tracing::info!("Spawned {} threads", i);
for _ in 0..i {
let sleeper = rx.recv().unwrap();
tracing::info!("{:?}", &sleeper);
// Pool manager to check frequency of task rates
// and take action by scaling the pool accordingly.
.name("pool manager".to_string())
.spawn(move || {
let poll_interval = Duration::from_millis(SCALER_POLL_INTERVAL);
debug!("setting up the pool manager");
loop {
.expect("failed to spawn pool manager thread");
/// Provision threads takes a number of threads that need to be made available.
/// It will try to unpark threads from the dynamic pool, and spawn more threads if needs be.
pub fn provision_threads(&'static self,
n: usize,
fencelock: &Arc<RwLock<Vec<Stealer<LightProc>>>>)
let rem = self.unpark_thread(n);
if rem != 0 {
debug!("no more threads to unpark, spawning {} new threads", rem);
//self.spawn_threads(rem, fencelock);
fn spawn_threads(&'static self, n: usize, fencelock: &Arc<RwLock<Vec<Stealer<LightProc>>>>) {
(0..n).for_each(|_| {
let fencelock = fencelock.clone();
let task_queue = self.task_queue.clone();
.name("standalone worker".to_string())
.spawn(move || {
let _ = Runner::setup(task_queue);
let fences = fencelock.read().unwrap();
/// Tries to unpark the given number of threads.
/// Returns `num - (number of threads unparked)`
fn unpark_thread(&self, num: usize) -> usize {
let len = self.parked_threads.len();
debug!("parked_threads: len is {}", len);
// Only check threads once
for _ in 0..len {
if let Some(thread) = self.parked_threads.pop() {
/// Affinity pinner for blocking pool
/// Pinning isn't going to be enabled for single core systems.
fn affinity_pinner() {
if 1 != *load_balancer::core_count() {
let mut core = ROUND_ROBIN_PIN.lock().unwrap();
core.id = (core.id + 1) % *load_balancer::core_count();
/// Exponentially Weighted Moving Average calculation
/// This allows us to find the EMA value.
/// This value represents the trend of tasks mapped onto the thread pool.
/// Calculation is following:
/// ```text
/// +--------+-----------------+----------------------------------+
/// | Symbol | Identifier | Explanation |
/// +--------+-----------------+----------------------------------+
/// | α | EMA_COEFFICIENT | smoothing factor between 0 and 1 |
/// | Yt | freq | frequency sample at time t |
/// | St | acc | EMA at time t |
/// +--------+-----------------+----------------------------------+
/// ```
/// Under these definitions formula is following:
/// ```text
/// EMA = α * [ Yt + (1 - α)*Yt-1 + ((1 - α)^2)*Yt-2 + ((1 - α)^3)*Yt-3 ... ] + St
/// ```
/// # Arguments
/// * `freq_queue` - Sliding window of frequency samples
fn calculate_ema(freq_queue: &VecDeque<u64>) -> f64 {
freq_queue.iter().enumerate().fold(0_f64, |acc, (i, freq)| {
acc + ((*freq as f64) * ((1_f64 - EMA_COEFFICIENT).powf(i as f64) as f64))
/// Adaptive pool scaling function
/// This allows to spawn new threads to make room for incoming task pressure.
/// Works in the background detached from the pool system and scales up the pool based
/// on the request rate.
/// It uses frequency based calculation to define work. Utilizing average processing rate.
fn scale_pool(&'static self) {
// Fetch current frequency, it does matter that operations are ordered in this approach.
let current_frequency = self.last_frequency.swap(0, Ordering::SeqCst);
let mut freq_queue = self.frequencies.lock();
// Make it safe to start for calculations by adding initial frequency scale
if freq_queue.len() == 0 {
// Calculate message rate for the given time window
let frequency = (current_frequency as f64 / SCALER_POLL_INTERVAL as f64) as u64;
// Calculates current time window's EMA value (including last sample)
let prev_ema_frequency = Self::calculate_ema(&freq_queue);
// Add seen frequency data to the frequency histogram.
if freq_queue.len() == FREQUENCY_QUEUE_SIZE.saturating_add(1) {
// Calculates current time window's EMA value (including last sample)
let curr_ema_frequency = Self::calculate_ema(&freq_queue);
trace!("Current EMA freq: {}", curr_ema_frequency);
// Adapts the thread count of pool
// Sliding window of frequencies visited by the pool manager.
// Pool manager creates EMA value for previous window and current window.
// Compare them to determine scaling amount based on the trends.
// If current EMA value is bigger, we will scale up.
if curr_ema_frequency > prev_ema_frequency {
// "Scale by" amount can be seen as "how much load is coming".
// "Scale" amount is "how many threads we should spawn".
let scale_by: f64 = curr_ema_frequency - prev_ema_frequency;
let scale = num_cpus::get().min(
((DEFAULT_LOW_WATERMARK as f64 * scale_by) + DEFAULT_LOW_WATERMARK as f64) as usize,
trace!("unparking {} threads", scale);
// It is time to scale the pool!
self.provision_threads(scale, &self.fences);
} else if (curr_ema_frequency - prev_ema_frequency).abs() < f64::EPSILON
&& current_frequency != 0
// Throughput is low. Allocate more threads to unblock flow.
// If we fall to this case, scheduler is congested by longhauling tasks.
// For unblock the flow we should add up some threads to the pool, but not that many to
// stagger the program's operation.
trace!("unparking {} threads", DEFAULT_LOW_WATERMARK);
self.provision_threads(DEFAULT_LOW_WATERMARK as usize, &self.fences);