using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Capnp.Rpc;
using FabAccessAPI.Exceptions;
using FabAccessAPI.Schema;
namespace FabAccessAPI
/// Service to connect to a server and maintain the connection
public interface IAPI
#region Information about a connection and the server
/// State of the conneciton, is the API-Service connecting to a server
bool IsConnecting { get; }
/// State of the conneciton, is the API-Service connected to a server
bool IsConnected { get; }
/// Information about the connection
/// When API-Service is not connected or trying to connected to a server
ConnectionData ConnectionData { get; }
/// Information about the server
/// Is only avalible if the API-Service is connected
/// When API-Service is not connected
ServerData ServerData { get; }
#region Methods to connect to server
/// Connect to server with ConnectionData
/// If connection lost, the API-Server will try to reconnect
/// Data to establish a connection to a server
/// When API-Service can not connect to a server
/// When API-Service can connect to a server but can not authenticate
/// When API-Service is allready connected
Task Connect(ConnectionData connectionData, TcpRpcClient tcpRpcClient = null);
/// Disconnect from a server
/// When API-Service is not connected or trying to connect
Task Disconnect();
/// Try to connect to a server and get ServerData
/// The connection is not maintained
/// When API-Service can not connect to a server
Task TryToConnect(ConnectionData connectionData, TcpRpcClient tcpRpcClient = null);
#region Session
/// Get session after connection
/// When API-Service is not connected
Session Session { get; }
#region Events
/// Event on changes in connection status
event EventHandler ConnectionStatusChanged;
/// Unbind all handlers from EventHandler
void UnbindEventHandler();