using System;
namespace NFC
/// Abstract representation of the platform specific NFC Hardware.
public interface IHardware
/// Check if the device has nfc support.
/// Returns true if the device supports NFC.
bool IsAvailable();
/// Returns all available readers.
string[] GetReaders();
/// Create a new reader instance from the specified id.
/// Returns the spatform specific reader that corresponds to the id.
/// Invalid reader id.
IReader OpenReader(string readerID);
public delegate void ReaderEventHandler(object sender, ICard card);
/// Abstraction of a platform-specifc reader that can communicate with NFC cards.
public interface IReader
/// Event that will be called when a new tag was discovered.
event ReaderEventHandler CardDiscovered;
/// Event that will be called when a tag that is in use gets disconnected.
event ReaderEventHandler CardLost;
void Start();
void Stop();
public interface ICard
/// Connect to Smartcard
void Connect();
/// Disconnect from Smartcard
void Disconnect();
/// Transmit APDU Command to Smartcard
/// Application Protocol Data Unit Command - ISO 7816
/// Application Protocol Data Unit Response - ISO 7816
APDUResponse Transmit(APDUCommand apdu_cmd);
public class ReaderUnavailableException : Exception { }
public class CardUnavailableException : Exception { }
public class APDUException : Exception {
public readonly byte ResponseCode;