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using log4net.Repository.Hierarchy;
using NFC.Crypto;
using NFC.ISO7816_4;
using NFC.Mifare_DESFire.Enums;
using NFC.NXP_MIFARE_DESFire.Exceptions;
using PCSC.Iso7816;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
namespace NFC.Mifare_DESFire
public class MIFARE_DESFire
// Docs https://hackmd.io/qATu8uYdRnOC40aFrB9afg
#region Log
private static readonly log4net.ILog _Log = log4net.LogManager.GetLogger(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType);
#region Contructors
/// <summary>
/// Construct MIFRARE_DESFire Object with ICard Interface
/// </summary>
/// <param name="card">Implementation of ICard, only transmit is used</param>
public MIFARE_DESFire(ICard card)
_Card = card;
#region Properties
/// <summary>
/// ICard Implementation used to transmit APDUCommands and recive APDUResponses
/// </summary>
private ICard _Card;
/// <summary>
/// SessionKey, is set after Successfull Authentication
/// </summary>
public byte[] _SessionKey;
/// <summary>
/// Initialation Vector for CBC Encryption
/// Is 0 bytes after Successfull Authentication
/// </summary>
public byte[] _IV;
#region Methods
#region Helper Methods
/// <summary>
/// Generate Byte Array filled with 0
/// </summary>
/// <param name="size">Size of Array</param>
public byte[] GenerateEmptyKey(uint size)
byte[] key = new byte[size];
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
key[i] = 0;
return key;
/// <summary>
/// Converts byte[] to string with HEX Code
/// No 0x is created
/// </summary>
/// <param name="data">Data</param>
public string ConvertToHexString(byte[] data)
return BitConverter.ToString(data).Replace("-", "").ToLower();
/// <summary>
/// Converts string with HEX Code to byte[]
/// No 0x is requiered
/// </summary>
/// <param name="data">Data</param>
public byte[] ConvertFromHexString(string data)
if (data.Length % 2 == 1)
throw new Exception("Data Length is uneven.");
byte[] arr = new byte[data.Length >> 1];
for (int i = 0; i < data.Length >> 1; ++i)
arr[i] = (byte)((GetHexVal(data[i << 1]) << 4) + (GetHexVal(data[(i << 1) + 1])));
return arr;
/// <summary>
/// Get Range of Array
/// </summary>
/// <param name="array"></param>
/// <param name="offset"></param>
/// <param name="length"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public byte[] GetSubArray(byte[] array, long offset, long length)
byte[] subarray = new byte[length];
for (long i = offset; i < offset + length; i++)
subarray[i - offset] = array[i];
return subarray;
private int GetHexVal(char hex)
int val = (int)hex;
//For uppercase A-F letters:
//return val - (val < 58 ? 48 : 55);
//For lowercase a-f letters:
//return val - (val < 58 ? 48 : 87);
//Or the two combined, but a bit slower:
return val - (val < 58 ? 48 : (val < 97 ? 55 : 87));
/// <summary>
/// Check APDU Response for DESFire Error Codes
/// https://www.nxp.com/docs/en/data-sheet/MF2DLHX0.pdf
/// Section: 11.3
/// </summary>
public void CheckAPDUResponse(APDUResponse response)
if (response == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("Response cannot be null.");
if (response.SW1 == 0x91)
switch (response.SW2)
case 0x00: // OPERATION_OK
case 0x0C: // NO_CHANGES
throw new IllegalCommandCodeException();
throw new IntegrityErrorException();
case 0x40: // NO_SUCH_KEY
throw new NoSuchKeyException();
case 0x7E: // LENGTH_ERROR
throw new LengthErrorException();
throw new PermissionDeniedException();
throw new ParameterErrorException();
throw new AuthenticationDelayException();
throw new AuthenticationErrorException();
throw new BoundaryErrorException();
throw new CommandAbortedException();
throw new DuplicateErrorException();
case 0xF0: // FILE_NOT_FOUND
throw new FileNotFoundException();
throw new Exception(string.Format("Unknown Response Code: 0x{0}.", BitConverter.ToString(new byte[] { response.SW1, response.SW2 }).Replace("-", string.Empty)));
#region Crypto Operation
/// <summary>
/// Return a copy of the last Block of data
/// </summary>
/// <param name="data">Data compatible to blocksize</param>
/// <param name="blocksize">in byte</param>
public byte[] ExtractLastBlock(byte[] data, uint blocksize)
if (data == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("Data cannot be null.");
if (data.Length % blocksize != 0)
throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Data is not compatible with blocksize(data(length):{0}, blocksize:{1}.", data.Length, blocksize));
byte[] lastblock = new byte[blocksize];
for (int i = 0; i < blocksize; i++)
lastblock[i] = data[data.Length - blocksize + i];
return lastblock;
/// <summary>
/// Rotates Array to the left
/// </summary>
/// <param name="data">Data</param>
/// <returns>Copy of data</returns>
public byte[] RotateLeft(byte[] data)
if (data == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("Data cannot be null.");
byte[] rotate = new byte[data.Length];
data.CopyTo(rotate, 0);
byte tmp = rotate[0];
for (var i = 0; i < rotate.Length - 1; i++)
rotate[i] = rotate[i + 1];
rotate[rotate.Length - 1] = tmp;
return rotate;
/// <summary>
/// Rotates Array to the right
/// </summary>
/// <param name="data">Data</param>
/// <returns>Copy of data</returns>
public byte[] RotateRight(byte[] data)
if (data == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("Data cannot be null.");
byte[] rotate = new byte[data.Length];
data.CopyTo(rotate, 0);
byte tmp = rotate[rotate.Length - 1];
for (var i = rotate.Length - 1; i > 0; i--)
rotate[i] = rotate[i - 1];
rotate[0] = tmp;
return rotate;
/// <summary>
/// Concatenates Arrays
/// </summary>
/// <param name="data">List of Byte Array</param>
public byte[] Concatenate(params byte[][] data)
if (data == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("Data cannot be null.");
List<byte> cat = new List<byte>();
foreach(byte[] d in data)
return cat.ToArray();
/// <summary>
/// Boolean Operation XOR on all Bytes
/// </summary>
/// <param name="a">Array A</param>
/// <param name="b">Array B</param>
/// <returns>Copy of Data</returns>
public byte[] XOR(byte[] a, byte[] b)
if (a == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("Array A cannot be null.");
if (b == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("Array B cannot be null.");
if (a.Length != b.Length)
throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Arrays are not same Length(Length A:{0}, Lenght B:{1})", a.Length, b.Length));
byte[] c = new byte[a.Length];
for(int i = 0; i < a.Length; i++)
c[i] = (byte)(a[i] ^ b[i]);
return c;
/// <summary>
/// Generates SessionKey for DES Authentification
/// </summary>
/// <returns>16Byte SessionKey</returns>
public byte[] GenerateSesionKey_DES(byte[] rndA, byte[] rndB)
byte[] sesssionkey = new byte[8];
for (int i = 0; i < sesssionkey.Length; i++)
if (i < 4)
sesssionkey[i] = rndA[i];
sesssionkey[i] = rndB[i - 4];
// DES SessionKey is a double DES Key
return Concatenate(sesssionkey, sesssionkey);
/// <summary>
/// Generates SessionKey for AES Authentification
/// </summary>
/// <returns>16Byte SessionKey</returns>
public byte[] GenerateSesionKey_AES(byte[] rndA, byte[] rndB)
byte[] sesssionkey = new byte[16];
for (int i = 0; i < sesssionkey.Length; i++)
if (i < 4)
sesssionkey[i] = rndA[i];
else if(i >= 4 && i < 8)
sesssionkey[i] = rndB[i - 4];
else if (i >= 8 && i < 12)
sesssionkey[i] = rndA[i + 4];
sesssionkey[i] = rndB[i];
return sesssionkey;
/// <summary>
/// Set KeyVersion in DES Key
/// KeyVersion is stored in LSB of the first 8 Bytes of the DES Key
/// </summary>
public byte[] SetKeyVersion(byte[] key, byte keyversion)
byte[] pow2 = new byte[]
0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80
byte[] new_key = new byte[key.Length];
key.CopyTo(new_key, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
if ((keyversion & pow2[i]) > 0)
new_key[i] = (byte)(new_key[5] | 0x01);
new_key[i] = (byte)(new_key[5] & 0x7F);
return new_key;
/// <summary>
/// Expand Array to Block Size, fill with 0x00
/// </summary>
/// <param name="data"></param>
public byte[] ExpandToBlockSize(byte[] data, uint bocksize)
int diff = data.Length % (int)bocksize;
if (diff == 0)
return data;
byte[] expand = new byte[data.Length + bocksize - diff];
data.CopyTo(expand, 0);
for (int i = expand.Length - 1; i > data.Length - 1; i--)
expand[i] = 0x00;
return expand;
#region DESFire Commands
/// <summary>
/// Authenticate to PICC, with ISO Authenticate
/// </summary>
/// <param name="key_id">0x01 - 0x0D</param>
/// <param name="key"></param>
/// <param name="rndA">!!! WARNING For Testing only !!!</param>
/// <exception cref="AuthenticationDelayException">Retry after short Time</exception>
public void AuthenticateISO_DES(byte key_id, byte[] key, byte[] rndA = null)
_Log.Debug("Start AuthenticateISO_DES");
// Sepearte InitialisationVector for Authentication
byte[] iv = new byte[8];
APDUCommand cmd_challange_request = new APDUCommand(IsoCase.Case4Short)
CLA = 0x90,
INS = 0x1A,
Data = new byte[]
_Log.DebugFormat("APDU_CMD(cmd_challange_request): {0}", ConvertToHexString(cmd_challange_request.ToArray()));
APDUResponse response = _Card.Transmit(cmd_challange_request);
_Log.DebugFormat("APDU_RES(cmd_challange_request): {0}", ConvertToHexString(response.ToArray()));
byte[] rndB_enc = response.Body;
_Log.DebugFormat("rndB_enc: {0}", ConvertToHexString(rndB_enc));
TDES des = new TDES();
byte[] rndB = des.Decrypt(rndB_enc, key, GenerateEmptyKey(8));
_Log.DebugFormat("rndB: {0}", ConvertToHexString(rndB));
rndB.CopyTo(iv, 0);
byte[] rndB_rl = RotateLeft(rndB);
_Log.DebugFormat("rndB_enc: {0}", ConvertToHexString(rndB_rl));
if(rndA == null)
Random rnd = new Random();
rndA = new byte[8];
_Log.DebugFormat("rndA: {0}", ConvertToHexString(rndA));
byte[] rndAB = Concatenate(rndA, rndB_rl);
_Log.DebugFormat("rndAB: {0}", ConvertToHexString(rndAB));
byte[] rndAB_enc = des.Encrypt(rndAB, key, rndB_enc);
_Log.DebugFormat("rndA_rndB_enc: {0}", ConvertToHexString(rndAB_enc));
iv = ExtractLastBlock(rndAB_enc, 8);
APDUCommand cmd_challange_response = new APDUCommand(IsoCase.Case4Short)
CLA = 0x90,
INS = 0xAF,
Data = rndAB_enc
_Log.DebugFormat("APDU_CMD(cmd_challange_response): {0}", ConvertToHexString(cmd_challange_response.ToArray()));
response = _Card.Transmit(cmd_challange_response);
_Log.DebugFormat("APDU_RES(cmd_challange_response): {0}", ConvertToHexString(cmd_challange_response.ToArray()));
byte[] encryptedRndAFromCard = response.Body;
_Log.DebugFormat("encryptedRndAFromCard: {0}", ConvertToHexString(encryptedRndAFromCard));
byte[] rotatedRndAFromCard = des.Decrypt(encryptedRndAFromCard, key, iv);
_Log.DebugFormat("rotatedRndAFromCard: {0}", ConvertToHexString(rotatedRndAFromCard));
byte[] rndAFromCard = RotateRight(rotatedRndAFromCard);
_Log.DebugFormat("rndAFromCard: {0}", ConvertToHexString(rndAFromCard));
if (!rndA.SequenceEqual(rndAFromCard))
throw new Exception("Authentication failed, PICC Challenge is not corret");
_SessionKey = GenerateSesionKey_DES(rndA, rndB);
_Log.DebugFormat("_SessionKey: {0}", ConvertToHexString(_SessionKey));
_IV = GenerateEmptyKey(8);
_Log.DebugFormat("_IV: {0}", ConvertToHexString(_IV));
_Log.Debug("End AuthenticateISO_DES");
/// <summary>
/// Format PICC
/// </summary>
public void Format()
_Log.Debug("Start Format");
APDUCommand cmd_format = new APDUCommand(IsoCase.Case2Short)
CLA = 0x90,
INS = 0xFC,
_Log.DebugFormat("APDU_CMD(cmd_format): {0}", ConvertToHexString(cmd_format.ToArray()));
APDUResponse response = _Card.Transmit(cmd_format);
_Log.DebugFormat("APDU_RES(cmd_format): {0}", ConvertToHexString(response.ToArray()));
_Log.Debug("End Format");
/// <summary>
/// Create Application for ID
/// </summary>
/// <param name="aid">3 Byte ID</param>
public void CreateApplication(UInt32 aid, byte keysetting1, byte keysetting2)
_Log.Debug("Start CreateApplication");
byte[] id_byte = BitConverter.GetBytes(aid);
_Log.DebugFormat("AID: {0}", ConvertToHexString(id_byte.ToArray()));
APDUCommand cmd_CreateApplication = new APDUCommand(IsoCase.Case4Short)
CLA = 0x90,
INS = 0xCA,
Data = new byte[]
_Log.DebugFormat("APDU_CMD(cmd_CreateApplication): {0}", ConvertToHexString(cmd_CreateApplication.ToArray()));
APDUResponse response = _Card.Transmit(cmd_CreateApplication);
_Log.DebugFormat("APDU_RES(cmd_CreateApplication): {0}", ConvertToHexString(response.ToArray()));
_Log.Debug("End CreateApplication");
/// <summary>
/// Select Application by AID
/// </summary>
/// <param name="aid">3 Byte AID</param>
public void SelectApplication(UInt32 aid)
_Log.Debug("Start SelectApplication");
byte[] id_byte = BitConverter.GetBytes(aid);
_Log.DebugFormat("AID: {0}", ConvertToHexString(id_byte.ToArray()));
APDUCommand cmd_SelectApplication = new APDUCommand(IsoCase.Case4Short)
CLA = 0x90,
Data = new byte[]
_Log.DebugFormat("APDU_CMD(cmd_SelectApplication): {0}", ConvertToHexString(cmd_SelectApplication.ToArray()));
APDUResponse response = _Card.Transmit(cmd_SelectApplication);
_Log.DebugFormat("APDU_RES(cmd_SelectApplication): {0}", ConvertToHexString(response.ToArray()));
_Log.Debug("End SelectApplication");
/// <summary>
/// Authenticate to PICC, with ISO Authenticate
/// </summary>
/// <param name="key_id">0x01 - 0x0D</param>
/// <param name="key"></param>
/// <param name="rndA">!!! WARNING For Testing only !!!</param>
/// <exception cref="AuthenticationDelayException">Retry after short Time</exception>
public void AuthenticateISO_AES(byte key_id, byte[] key, byte[] rndA = null)
_Log.Debug("Start AuthenticateISO_AES");
// Sepearte InitialisationVector for Authentication
byte[] iv = new byte[16];
APDUCommand cmd_challange_request = new APDUCommand(IsoCase.Case4Short)
CLA = 0x90,
INS = 0xAA,
Data = new byte[]
_Log.DebugFormat("APDU_CMD(cmd_challange_request): {0}", ConvertToHexString(cmd_challange_request.ToArray()));
APDUResponse response = _Card.Transmit(cmd_challange_request);
_Log.DebugFormat("APDU_RES(cmd_challange_request): {0}", ConvertToHexString(response.ToArray()));
byte[] rndB_enc = response.Body;
_Log.DebugFormat("rndB_enc: {0}", ConvertToHexString(rndB_enc));
AES aes = new AES();
byte[] rndB = aes.Decrypt(rndB_enc, key, GenerateEmptyKey(16));
_Log.DebugFormat("rndB: {0}", ConvertToHexString(rndB));
rndB.CopyTo(iv, 0);
byte[] rndB_rl = RotateLeft(rndB);
_Log.DebugFormat("rndB_enc: {0}", ConvertToHexString(rndB_rl));
if (rndA == null)
Random rnd = new Random();
rndA = new byte[16];
_Log.DebugFormat("rndA: {0}", ConvertToHexString(rndA));
byte[] rndAB = Concatenate(rndA, rndB_rl);
_Log.DebugFormat("rndAB: {0}", ConvertToHexString(rndAB));
byte[] rndAB_enc = aes.Encrypt(rndAB, key, rndB_enc);
_Log.DebugFormat("rndA_rndB_enc: {0}", ConvertToHexString(rndAB_enc));
iv = ExtractLastBlock(rndAB_enc, 16);
APDUCommand cmd_challange_response = new APDUCommand(IsoCase.Case4Short)
CLA = 0x90,
INS = 0xAF,
Data = rndAB_enc
_Log.DebugFormat("APDU_CMD(cmd_challange_response): {0}", ConvertToHexString(cmd_challange_response.ToArray()));
response = _Card.Transmit(cmd_challange_response);
_Log.DebugFormat("APDU_RES(cmd_challange_response): {0}", ConvertToHexString(cmd_challange_response.ToArray()));
byte[] encryptedRndAFromCard = response.Body;
_Log.DebugFormat("encryptedRndAFromCard: {0}", ConvertToHexString(encryptedRndAFromCard));
byte[] rotatedRndAFromCard = aes.Decrypt(encryptedRndAFromCard, key, iv);
_Log.DebugFormat("rotatedRndAFromCard: {0}", ConvertToHexString(rotatedRndAFromCard));
byte[] rndAFromCard = RotateRight(rotatedRndAFromCard);
_Log.DebugFormat("rndAFromCard: {0}", ConvertToHexString(rndAFromCard));
if (!rndA.SequenceEqual(rndAFromCard))
throw new Exception("Authentication failed, PICC Challenge is not corret");
_SessionKey = GenerateSesionKey_AES(rndA, rndB);
_Log.DebugFormat("_SessionKey: {0}", ConvertToHexString(_SessionKey));
_IV = GenerateEmptyKey(16);
_Log.DebugFormat("_IV: {0}", ConvertToHexString(_IV));
_Log.Debug("End AuthenticateISO_DES");
/// <summary>
/// Change Same DES key as Authenticated
/// </summary>
/// <param name="key_id"></param>
/// <param name="new_key"></param>
/// <param name="key_version"></param>
public void ChangeKey_DES(byte key_id, byte[] new_key, byte key_version)
_Log.Debug("Start ChangeKey_DES");
byte[] header = new byte[]
0xC4, key_id
_Log.DebugFormat("header: {0}", ConvertToHexString(header));
byte[] key_and_version = new_key;
byte[] command = Concatenate(header, key_and_version);
_Log.DebugFormat("command: {0}", ConvertToHexString(command));
CRC32 crc32 = new CRC32();
byte[] crc = crc32.Calculate(command);
_Log.DebugFormat("crc: {0}", ConvertToHexString(crc));
byte[] cryptogram = Concatenate(key_and_version, crc);
_Log.DebugFormat("cryptogram: {0}", ConvertToHexString(cryptogram));
byte[] cryptogram_block = ExpandToBlockSize(cryptogram, 16);
_Log.DebugFormat("cryptogram_block: {0}", ConvertToHexString(cryptogram_block));
TDES des = new TDES();
byte[] cryptogram_enc = des.Encrypt(cryptogram_block, _SessionKey, _IV);
_Log.DebugFormat("cryptogram_enc: {0}", ConvertToHexString(cryptogram_enc));
_IV = ExtractLastBlock(cryptogram_enc, 8);
_Log.DebugFormat("_IV: {0}", ConvertToHexString(_IV));
byte[] data = Concatenate(new byte[] { key_id }, cryptogram_enc);
_Log.DebugFormat("data: {0}", ConvertToHexString(data));
APDUCommand cmd_ChangeKey = new APDUCommand(IsoCase.Case4Short)
CLA = 0x90,
INS = 0xC4,
Data = data
_Log.DebugFormat("APDU_CMD(cmd_ChangeKey): {0}", ConvertToHexString(cmd_ChangeKey.ToArray()));
APDUResponse response = _Card.Transmit(cmd_ChangeKey);
_Log.DebugFormat("APDU_RES(cmd_ChangeKey): {0}", ConvertToHexString(response.ToArray()));
_Log.Debug("End ChangeKey_AES");
/// <summary>
/// Change Same AES key as Authenticated
/// </summary>
/// <param name="key_id"></param>
/// <param name="new_key"></param>
/// <param name="key_version"></param>
public void ChangeKey_AES(byte key_id, byte[] new_key, byte key_version)
_Log.Debug("Start ChangeKey_AES");
byte[] header = new byte[]
0xC4, key_id
_Log.DebugFormat("header: {0}", ConvertToHexString(header));
// AES Key Version is Append to Key
byte[] key_and_version = Concatenate(new_key, new byte[] { key_version });
byte[] command = Concatenate(header, key_and_version);
_Log.DebugFormat("command: {0}", ConvertToHexString(command));
CRC32 crc32 = new CRC32();
byte[] crc = crc32.Calculate(command);
_Log.DebugFormat("crc: {0}", ConvertToHexString(crc));
byte[] cryptogram = Concatenate(key_and_version, crc);
_Log.DebugFormat("cryptogram: {0}", ConvertToHexString(cryptogram));
byte[] cryptogram_block = ExpandToBlockSize(cryptogram, 16);
_Log.DebugFormat("cryptogram_block: {0}", ConvertToHexString(cryptogram_block));
AES aes = new AES();
byte[] cryptogram_enc = aes.Encrypt(cryptogram_block, _SessionKey, _IV);
_Log.DebugFormat("cryptogram_enc: {0}", ConvertToHexString(cryptogram_enc));
_IV = ExtractLastBlock(cryptogram_enc, 16);
_Log.DebugFormat("_IV: {0}", ConvertToHexString(_IV));
byte[] data = Concatenate(new byte[] { key_id }, cryptogram_enc);
_Log.DebugFormat("data: {0}", ConvertToHexString(data));
APDUCommand cmd_ChangeKey = new APDUCommand(IsoCase.Case4Short)
CLA = 0x90,
INS = 0xC4,
Data = data
_Log.DebugFormat("APDU_CMD(cmd_ChangeKey): {0}", ConvertToHexString(cmd_ChangeKey.ToArray()));
APDUResponse response = _Card.Transmit(cmd_ChangeKey);
_Log.DebugFormat("APDU_RES(cmd_ChangeKey): {0}", ConvertToHexString(response.ToArray()));
_Log.Debug("End ChangeKey_AES");
/// <summary>
/// Change other AES key as Authenticated
/// </summary>
/// <param name="key_id"></param>
/// <param name="new_key"></param>
/// <param name="key_version"></param>
public void ChangeOtherKey_AES(byte key_id, byte[] new_key, byte[] old_key, byte key_version)
_Log.Debug("Start ChangeOtherKey_AES");
byte[] header = new byte[]
0xC4, key_id
_Log.DebugFormat("header: {0}", ConvertToHexString(header));
byte[] key_xor = XOR(new_key, old_key);
// AES Key Version is Append to Key
byte[] key_and_version = Concatenate(key_xor, new byte[] { key_version });
byte[] command = Concatenate(header, key_and_version);
_Log.DebugFormat("command: {0}", ConvertToHexString(command));
CRC32 crc32 = new CRC32();
byte[] crc_cmd = crc32.Calculate(command);
_Log.DebugFormat("crc_cmd: {0}", ConvertToHexString(crc_cmd));
byte[] crc_key = crc32.Calculate(new_key);
_Log.DebugFormat("crc_key: {0}", ConvertToHexString(crc_key));
byte[] cryptogram = Concatenate(key_and_version, crc_cmd);
cryptogram = Concatenate(cryptogram, crc_key);
_Log.DebugFormat("cryptogram: {0}", ConvertToHexString(cryptogram));
byte[] cryptogram_block = ExpandToBlockSize(cryptogram, 16);
_Log.DebugFormat("cryptogram_block: {0}", ConvertToHexString(cryptogram_block));
AES aes = new AES();
byte[] cryptogram_enc = aes.Encrypt(cryptogram_block, _SessionKey, _IV);
_Log.DebugFormat("cryptogram_enc: {0}", ConvertToHexString(cryptogram_enc));
_IV = ExtractLastBlock(cryptogram_enc, 16);
_Log.DebugFormat("_IV: {0}", ConvertToHexString(_IV));
byte[] data = Concatenate(new byte[] { key_id }, cryptogram_enc);
_Log.DebugFormat("data: {0}", ConvertToHexString(data));
APDUCommand cmd_ChangeKey = new APDUCommand(IsoCase.Case4Short)
CLA = 0x90,
INS = 0xC4,
Data = data
_Log.DebugFormat("APDU_CMD(cmd_ChangeKey): {0}", ConvertToHexString(cmd_ChangeKey.ToArray()));
APDUResponse response = _Card.Transmit(cmd_ChangeKey);
_Log.DebugFormat("APDU_RES(cmd_ChangeKey): {0}", ConvertToHexString(response.ToArray()));
_Log.Debug("End ChangeOtherKey_AES");
/// <summary>
/// Create Standard Data File
/// </summary>
/// <param name="file_id">ID of File (0x01 - 0x10)</param>
/// <param name="communication">Type of File Communicaton</param>
/// <param name="accessRights">Access Rights for File</param>
/// <param name="size">Size of File in Bytes</param>
public void CreateFile_Standard(byte file_id, FileCommunication communication, UInt16 accessRights, UInt32 size)
_Log.Debug("Start CreateFile_Standard");
_Log.DebugFormat("FID: {0}", file_id);
byte[] accessRights_byte = BitConverter.GetBytes(accessRights);
byte[] size_byte_tolong = BitConverter.GetBytes(size);
// Use only 3 Bytes
byte[] size_byte = new byte[]
byte[] data = new byte[]
APDUCommand cmd_CreateFile_Standard = new APDUCommand(IsoCase.Case4Short)
CLA = 0x90,
Data = Concatenate(data, accessRights_byte, size_byte)
_Log.DebugFormat("APDU_CMD(cmd_CreateFile_Standard): {0}", ConvertToHexString(cmd_CreateFile_Standard.ToArray()));
APDUResponse response = _Card.Transmit(cmd_CreateFile_Standard);
_Log.DebugFormat("APDU_RES(cmd_CreateFile_Standard): {0}", ConvertToHexString(response.ToArray()));
_Log.Debug("End CreateFile_Standard");
/// <summary>
/// Read Data from File
/// </summary>
/// <param name="file_id">ID of File (0x01 - 0x10)</param>
/// <param name="offset">Offset for File</param>
/// <param name="length">Lenght of Data</param>
public byte[] ReadData(byte file_id, UInt32 offset, UInt32 length)
_Log.Debug("Start ReadData");
int max_read_bytes_pre_transaction = 58;
long bytes_readed = 0;
List<byte> read_data = new List<byte>();
while (bytes_readed != length)
byte[] data = new byte[]
byte[] offset_byte_tolong = BitConverter.GetBytes(offset + bytes_readed);
// Use only 3 Bytes
byte[] offset_byte = new byte[]
long bytes_toread = 0;
if (length - bytes_readed < max_read_bytes_pre_transaction)
bytes_toread = length - bytes_readed;
bytes_toread = max_read_bytes_pre_transaction;
byte[] length_byte_tolong = BitConverter.GetBytes(bytes_toread);
bytes_readed += bytes_toread;
// Use only 3 Bytes
byte[] length_byte = new byte[]
APDUCommand cmd_ReadData = new APDUCommand(IsoCase.Case4Short)
CLA = 0x90,
INS = (byte)APDUInstructions.READ_DATA,
Data = Concatenate(data, offset_byte, length_byte)
_Log.DebugFormat("APDU_CMD(cmd_ReadData): {0}", ConvertToHexString(cmd_ReadData.ToArray()));
APDUResponse response = _Card.Transmit(cmd_ReadData);
_Log.DebugFormat("APDU_RES(cmd_ReadData): {0}", ConvertToHexString(response.ToArray()));
_Log.Debug("End ReadData");
return read_data.ToArray();
/// <summary>
/// Write Data to File
/// </summary>
/// <param name="file_id">ID of File (0x01 - 0x10)</param>
/// <param name="offset">Offset for File</param>
/// <param name="data">Data to write</param>
public void WriteData(byte file_id, UInt32 offset, byte[] data)
_Log.Debug("Start WriteData");
byte[] file_id_array = new byte[]
byte[] offset_byte_tolong = BitConverter.GetBytes(offset);
// Use only 3 Bytes
byte[] offset_byte = new byte[]
byte[] lenght_byte_tolong = BitConverter.GetBytes(data.Length);
// Use only 3 Bytes
byte[] lenght_byte = new byte[]
APDUCommand cmd_WriteData = new APDUCommand(IsoCase.Case4Short)
CLA = 0x90,
INS = (byte)APDUInstructions.WRITE_DATA,
Data = Concatenate(file_id_array, offset_byte, lenght_byte, data)
_Log.DebugFormat("APDU_CMD(cmd_WriteData): {0}", ConvertToHexString(cmd_WriteData.ToArray()));
APDUResponse response = _Card.Transmit(cmd_WriteData);
_Log.DebugFormat("APDU_RES(cmd_WriteData): {0}", ConvertToHexString(response.ToArray()));
_Log.Debug("End WriteData");
///// <summary>
///// Write Data to File
///// </summary>
///// <param name="file_id">ID of File (0x01 - 0x10)</param>
///// <param name="offset">Offset for File</param>
///// <param name="data">Data to write</param>
//public void WriteData(byte file_id, UInt32 offset, byte[] data)
// _Log.Debug("Start WriteData");
// int max_write_bytes_pre_transaction = 8;
// byte[] write_buffer;
// long bytes_writed = 0;
// long length = data.Length;
// while (bytes_writed != data.Length)
// {
// byte[] file_id_array = new byte[]
// {
// file_id
// };
// byte[] offset_byte_tolong = BitConverter.GetBytes(offset + bytes_writed);
// // Use only 3 Bytes
// byte[] offset_byte = new byte[]
// {
// offset_byte_tolong[0],
// offset_byte_tolong[1],
// offset_byte_tolong[2],
// };
// long bytes_towrite = 0;
// if (length - bytes_writed < max_write_bytes_pre_transaction)
// {
// bytes_towrite = length - bytes_writed;
// }
// else
// {
// bytes_towrite = max_write_bytes_pre_transaction;
// }
// byte[] length_byte_tolong = BitConverter.GetBytes(bytes_towrite);
// write_buffer = GetSubArray(data, bytes_writed, bytes_towrite);
// bytes_writed += bytes_towrite;
// // Use only 3 Bytes
// byte[] length_byte = new byte[]
// {
// length_byte_tolong[0],
// length_byte_tolong[1],
// length_byte_tolong[2],
// };
// APDUCommand cmd_WriteData = new APDUCommand(IsoCase.Case4Short)
// {
// CLA = 0x90,
// INS = (byte)APDUInstructions.WRITE_DATA,
// Data = Concatenate(file_id_array, offset_byte, length_byte, write_buffer)
// };
// _Log.DebugFormat("APDU_CMD(cmd_WriteData): {0}", ConvertToHexString(cmd_WriteData.ToArray()));
// APDUResponse response = _Card.Transmit(cmd_WriteData);
// _Log.DebugFormat("APDU_RES(cmd_WriteData): {0}", ConvertToHexString(response.ToArray()));
// CheckAPDUResponse(response);
// }
// _Log.Debug("End WriteData");
/// <summary>
/// Get all ApplicationIDS from PICC
/// </summary>
/// <returns>AIDs (3 Byte) as Array</returns>
//public UInt32[] GetApplicationIDs()
// _Log.Debug("Start GetApplicationIDs");
// APDUCommand cmd = new APDUCommand(IsoCase.Case2Short)
// {
// CLA = 0x90,
// INS = (byte)APDUInstructions.GET_APPLICATION_IDS
// };
// APDUResponse response = _Card.Transmit(cmd);
// CheckAPDUResponse(response);
// if (response.Body.Length % 3 != 0)
// {
// throw new Exception(string.Format("Invalid body length (was: {0}).", response.Body.Length));
// }
// if (response.Body.Length == 0)
// {
// throw new Exception("Missing PICC Entry 0x000000.");
// }
// List<UInt32> applicationIDs = new List<UInt32>();
// for (int i = 0; i < response.Body.Length; i += 3)
// {
// UInt32 new_applicationID = 0;
// new_applicationID = (UInt32)((response.Body[i] << 16) + (response.Body[i + 1] << 8) + response.Body[i + 2]);
// applicationIDs.Add(new_applicationID);
// }
// _Log.Debug("End GetApplicationIDs");
// return applicationIDs.ToArray();
/// <summary>
/// Delete Application by ID
/// </summary>
/// <param name="id">3 Byte ID</param>
//public void DeleteApplication(UInt32 id)
// byte[] id_byte = BitConverter.GetBytes(id);
// APDUCommand cmd = new APDUCommand(IsoCase.Case4Short)
// {
// CLA = 0x90,
// INS = (byte)APDUInstructions.DELETE_APPLICATION,
// Data = new byte[]
// {
// id_byte[0],
// id_byte[1],
// id_byte[2]
// },
// Le = 0x00
// };
// APDUResponse response = _Card.Transmit(cmd);
// CheckAPDUResponse(response);
#region Configuration Generator
/// <summary>
/// Genearte KeySetting1 for Application Settings or PICC Setting
/// </summary>
public byte GenerateKeySetting1(ChangeApplicationKey changeKey, ChangeMasterKeySettings changeMasterKeySettings, CreateDeleteFile createDeleteFile, FileDirectoryAccess fileDirectoryAccess, ChangeMasterKey changeMasterKey)
return (byte)(((byte)changeKey << 4) | (byte)changeMasterKeySettings | (byte)createDeleteFile | (byte)fileDirectoryAccess | (byte)changeMasterKey);
/// <summary>
/// Genearte KeySetting1 for Application Settings or PICC Setting
/// </summary>
/// <param name="changeKey">ID of Key for changing Application Keys</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public byte GenerateKeySetting1(byte changeKey, ChangeMasterKeySettings changeMasterKeySettings, CreateDeleteFile createDeleteFile, FileDirectoryAccess fileDirectoryAccess, ChangeMasterKey changeMasterKey)
if (changeKey < 0x01 || changeKey >= 0x0E)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
return GenerateKeySetting1(changeKey, changeMasterKeySettings, createDeleteFile, fileDirectoryAccess, changeMasterKey);
/// <summary>
/// Genearte KeySetting2 for Application Creation
/// </summary>
/// <param name="numberOfKeys">Number of keys that can be stored within the application (0x01-0x0D)</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public byte GenerateKeySetting2(CryptoOperationsType cryptoOperations, FileIdentifies fileIdentifies, byte numberOfKeys)
if (numberOfKeys < 0x01 || numberOfKeys >= 0x0D)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
return (byte)((byte)cryptoOperations | (byte)fileIdentifies | numberOfKeys);
/// <summary>
/// Generate FileAccess Rights for File Settings
/// Use enum AccesRights for Free or Never Option
/// </summary>
/// <param name="read">KeyID for Read Access</param>
/// <param name="write">KeyID for Write Access</param>
/// <param name="read_write">KeyID for Read and Write Access</param>
/// <param name="configure">KeyID for Configuration Access</param>
public UInt16 GenerateFileAccessRights(byte read, byte write, byte read_write, byte configure)
if(read > 0x0F || write > 0x0F || read_write > 0x0F || configure > 0x0F)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("One KeyID is not valid");
return (UInt16)((read << 12) | (write << 8) | (read_write << 4) | configure);