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//using FabAccessAPI.Schema;
//using System;
//using System.Collections.Generic;
//using System.Threading.Tasks;
//namespace FabAccessAPI
// public class MachineException : Exception { }
// /// <summary>
// /// Wraps a capability for accessing the Machines subsystem of BFFH
// /// </summary>
// public class Machines {
// private readonly IMachines _machinesCap;
// /// <summary>
// /// Constructs the Wrapper Class from a given capability.
// /// </summary>
// /// <param name="machinesCap">The capability that should be wrapped.</param>
// public Machines(IMachines machinesCap) {
// _machinesCap = machinesCap;
// }
// /// <summary>
// /// List of all machines that BFFH knows about the user has been granted at least read access on
// /// </summary>
// /// <returns>ReadOnlyList of available Machines</returns>
// public async Task<IReadOnlyList<Machine>?> ListMachines()
// {
// IReadOnlyList<Schema.Machine>? machineList = await _machinesCap.ListMachines().ConfigureAwait(false);
// List<Machine> machineList_new = new List<Machine>();
// foreach(Schema.Machine machine in machineList)
// {
// machineList_new.Add(new Machine(machine));
// }
// return machineList_new;
// }
// /// <summary>
// /// Access a particular machine by known name. This may fail for two reasons:
// /// The user has not been granted access to know the machine exists or the machine does in fact not exist.
// /// In both cases the `machine` result will be a NULL-pointer
// /// </summary>
// /// <param name="name">Name of the Machine</param>
// /// <returns>The Machine we requested</returns>
// public async Task<Machine> GetMachine(string name) {
// var mach = (await _machinesCap.GetMachine(name).ConfigureAwait(false)).Item1;
// if (mach == null) {
// //TODO: Throw a more specific exception!
// throw new MachineException();
// }
// return new Machine(mach);
// }
// }
// /// <summary>
// /// A machine. This represents a machine as BFFH thinks about it which may mean
// ///several machines or just part of a machine in the real world.
// ///By itself this struct is completely useless since it contains only the information
// ///that the machine exists the user is allowed to know about that fact. For all further
// ///information the user has to call the contained capabilities which depending on the
// ///access level may not be set. For example an admin will have every capability here
// ///set but a simple user may only have `read` and `write` set while some users may not
// /// even have `read` set and are unable to even see if the machine is currently in use.
// /// </summary>
// public class Machine {
// private readonly Schema.Machine _machine;
// /// <summary>
// /// Constructs the Wrapper Class from a given capability
// /// </summary>
// /// <param name="machine">The capability that should be wrapped.</param>
// public Machine(Schema.Machine machine) {
// _machine = machine;
// }
// // read operations
// /// <summary>
// /// Get the MInfo Struct for the Machine.
// /// This contains everything BFFH knows about the Machine.
// /// </summary>
// /// <exception cref="UnauthorizedException"></exception>
// /// <returns>The MInfo Struct describing the Machine</returns>
// public async Task<Schema.Machine.MInfo> GetMInfo() {
// var readCap = _machine.Read;
// if (readCap == null) {
// throw new UnauthorizedException();
// }
// return (await _machine.Read.Info().ConfigureAwait(false)).Item1;
// }
// //write operations
// /// <summary>
// /// Try to use a machine. Throws a UnauthorizedException if the user does not have the required
// /// permissions to use this machine.
// ///
// /// Use the Ret() Method of the returned Object to return the machine
// /// </summary>
// /// <exception cref="UnauthorizedException"></exception>
// /// <returns>Capability to give back the machine</returns>
// public Task<Schema.Machine.WriteInterface.IGiveBack> Use() {
// var writeCap = _machine.Write;
// if (writeCap == null) {
// throw new UnauthorizedException();
// }
// return writeCap.Use();
// }
// /// <summary>
// /// Try to get a GiveBack capability for a machine.
// /// </summary>
// /// <returns>Capability to give back the machine or null</returns>
// /// <exception cref="UnauthorizedException"></exception>
// public Task<Schema.Machine.WriteInterface.IGiveBack> GetGiveBack()
// {
// var writeCap = _machine.Write;
// if (writeCap == null)
// {
// throw new UnauthorizedException();
// }
// return writeCap.GetGiveBack();
// }
// /// <summary>
// /// Try to reserve a machine. Throws a UnauthorizedException if the user does not have the required
// /// permissions to use this machine.
// ///
// /// Use the Ret() Method of the returned Object to return the machine
// /// Use the Use() Nethod of the Machine to use your reserved machine.
// /// </summary>
// /// <exception cref="UnauthorizedException"></exception>
// /// <returns>Capability to give back the machine</returns>
// public Task<Schema.Machine.WriteInterface.IGiveBack> Reserve()
// {
// var writeCap = _machine.Write;
// if (writeCap == null)
// {
// throw new UnauthorizedException();
// }
// return writeCap.Reserve();
// }
// // public void GiveBack(Schema.Machine.WriteInterface.IGiveBack cap) {
// // cap.Ret();
// // }
// //manage operations
// /// <summary>
// /// After a machine has been used by an user with low enough permissions it's
// /// in the 'toCheck' state. This call then allows more priviledged users to
// /// "check" the machine and move it to the `free` state.
// ///
// /// Calling this method signifies that the machine was checked and in an acceptable state.
// /// </summary>
// public async void MarkOk() {
// var manageCap = _machine.Manage;
// if (manageCap == null) {
// throw new UnauthorizedException();
// }
// // TODO: Do we really want to check this here?
// if ((await GetMInfo().ConfigureAwait(false)).State == State.toCheck) {
// await _machine.Manage.Ok().ConfigureAwait(false);
// }
// }
// /// <summary>
// /// After a machine has been used by an user with low enough permissions it's
// /// in the 'toCheck' state. This call then allows more priviledged users to
// /// "check" the machine and move it to the `free` state.
// ///
// /// Calling this method signifies that the machine was checked and in an unacceptable state.
// /// It will most likely be marked as `blocked` and the previous user will somehow be informed.
// /// </summary>
// public async void MarkNotOk() {
// var manageCap = _machine.Manage;
// if (manageCap == null) {
// throw new UnauthorizedException();
// }
// // TODO: Do we really want to check this here?
// if ((await GetMInfo().ConfigureAwait(false)).State == State.toCheck) {
// await _machine.Manage.NotOk().ConfigureAwait(false);
// }
// }
// //administrative operations
// /// <summary>
// /// Forcefully set a machine state.
// /// </summary>
// /// <param name="state">The desired machine state.</param>
// public async void ForceSetState(State state) {
// var adminCap = _machine.Admin;
// if (adminCap == null) {
// throw new UnauthorizedException();
// }
// await adminCap.ForceSetState(state).ConfigureAwait(false);
// }
// /// <summary>
// /// Set the given user as current responsible
// /// </summary>
// /// <param name="user">The user</param>
// public async void ForceSetUser(String user) {
// var adminCap = _machine.Admin;
// if (adminCap == null) {
// throw new UnauthorizedException();
// }
// await adminCap.ForceSetUser(user).ConfigureAwait(false);
// }
// }