{- Main configuration file for bffh - ================================ - - In this configuration file you configure almost all parts of how bffh operates, but most importantly: - * Machines - * Initiators and Actors - * Which Initiators and Actors relate to which machine(s) - * Roles and the permissions granted by them -} -- The config is in the configuration format/language dhall. You can find more information about dhall over at -- https://dhall-lang.org -- (Our) Dhall is somewhat similar to JSON and YAML in that it expects a top-level object containing the -- configuration values { -- Configure the addresses and ports bffh listens on listens = [ -- BFFH binds a port for every listen object in this array. -- Each listen object is of the format { address = , port = } -- If you don't specify a port bffh will use the default of `59661` -- 'address' can be a IP address or a hostname -- If bffh can not bind a port for the specified combination if will log an error but *continue with the remaining ports* { address = "::", port = Some 59661 } ], -- Configure TLS. BFFH requires a PEM-encoded certificate and the associated key as two separate files certfile = "/etc/letsencrypt/cert.pem", keyfile = "/etc/letsencrypt/key.pem", -- BFFH right now requires a running MQTT broker. mqtt_url = "tcp://mqtt:1883", -- Path to the database file for bffh. bffh will in fact create two files; ${db_path} and ${db_path}.lock. -- BFFH will *not* create any directories so ensure that the directory exists and the user running bffh has write -- access into them. db_path = "/var/lib/bffh/db", -- Audit log path. Bffh will log state changes into this file, one per line. -- Audit log entries are for now JSON: -- {"timestamp":1641497361,"machine":"Testmachine","state":{"state":{"InUse":{"uid":"Testuser","subuid":null,"realm":null}}}} auditlog_path = "/tmp/bffh.audit", -- In dhall you can also easily import definitions from other files, e.g. you could write -- roles = ./roles.dhall -- Name of Space spacename = "FabAccess 35ervices", -- URL of BFFH Instance instanceurl = "localtest.fab-access.org", roles = { Admin = { permissions = [ "TestEnv.Admin", "TestEnv.Manage.A", "TestEnv.Manage.B", "TestEnv.Manage.C", "TestEnv.Write.A", "TestEnv.Write.B", "TestEnv.Write.C", "TestEnv.Read.A", "TestEnv.Read.B", "TestEnv.Read.C", "TestEnv.Disclose.A", "TestEnv.Disclose.B", "TestEnv.Disclose.C" ] }, ManageA = { permissions = [ "TestEnv.Manage.A" ] }, ManageB = { permissions = [ "TestEnv.Manage.B" ] }, ManageC = { permissions = [ "TestEnv.Manage.C" ] }, UseA = { permissions = [ "TestEnv.Write.A" ] }, UseB = { permissions = [ "TestEnv.Write.B" ] }, UseC = { permissions = [ "TestEnv.Write.C" ] }, ReadA = { permissions = [ "TestEnv.Read.A" ] }, ReadB = { permissions = [ "TestEnv.Read.B" ] }, ReadC = { permissions = [ "TestEnv.Read.C" ] }, DiscloseA = { permissions = [ "TestEnv.Disclose.A" ] }, DiscloseB = { permissions = [ "TestEnv.Disclose.B" ] }, DiscloseC = { permissions = [ "TestEnv.Disclose.C" ] } }, machines = { MachineA1 = { name = "MachineA1", description = "Description of MachineA1", wiki = "https://fab-access.readthedocs.io", category = "CategoryA", disclose = "TestEnv.Disclose.A", read = "TestEnv.Read.A", write = "TestEnv.Write.A", manage = "TestEnv.Manage.A" }, MachineA2 = { name = "MachineA2", description = "Description of MachineA2", wiki = "https://fab-access.readthedocs.io", category = "CategoryA", disclose = "TestEnv.Disclose.A", read = "TestEnv.Read.A", write = "TestEnv.Write.A", manage = "TestEnv.Manage.A" }, MachineA3 = { name = "MachineA3", description = "Description of MachineA3", wiki = "https://fab-access.readthedocs.io", category = "CategoryA", disclose = "TestEnv.Disclose.A", read = "TestEnv.Read.A", write = "TestEnv.Write.A", manage = "TestEnv.Manage.A" }, MachineA4 = { name = "MachineA4", description = "Description of MachineA4", wiki = "https://fab-access.readthedocs.io", category = "CategoryA", disclose = "TestEnv.Disclose.A", read = "TestEnv.Read.A", write = "TestEnv.Write.A", manage = "TestEnv.Manage.A" }, MachineA5 = { name = "MachineA5", description = "Description of MachineA5", wiki = "https://fab-access.readthedocs.io", category = "CategoryA", disclose = "TestEnv.Disclose.A", read = "TestEnv.Read.A", write = "TestEnv.Write.A", manage = "TestEnv.Manage.A" }, MachineB1 = { name = "MachineB1", description = "Description of MachineB1", wiki = "https://fab-access.readthedocs.io", category = "CategoryB", disclose = "TestEnv.Disclose.B", read = "TestEnv.Read.B", write = "TestEnv.Write.B", manage = "TestEnv.Manage.B" }, MachineB2 = { name = "MachineB2", description = "Description of MachineB2", wiki = "https://fab-access.readthedocs.io", category = "CategoryB", disclose = "TestEnv.Disclose.B", read = "TestEnv.Read.B", write = "TestEnv.Write.B", manage = "TestEnv.Manage.B" }, MachineB3 = { name = "MachineB3", description = "Description of MachineB3", wiki = "https://fab-access.readthedocs.io", category = "CategoryB", disclose = "TestEnv.Disclose.B", read = "TestEnv.Read.B", write = "TestEnv.Write.B", manage = "TestEnv.Manage.B" }, MachineB4 = { name = "MachineB4", description = "Description of MachineB4", wiki = "https://fab-access.readthedocs.io", category = "CategoryB", disclose = "TestEnv.Disclose.B", read = "TestEnv.Read.B", write = "TestEnv.Write.B", manage = "TestEnv.Manage.B" }, MachineB5 = { name = "MachineB5", description = "Description of MachineB5", wiki = "https://fab-access.readthedocs.io", category = "CategoryB", disclose = "TestEnv.Disclose.B", read = "TestEnv.Read.B", write = "TestEnv.Write.B", manage = "TestEnv.Manage.B" }, MachineC1 = { name = "MachineC1", description = "Description of MachineC1", wiki = "https://fab-access.readthedocs.io", category = "CategoryC", disclose = "TestEnv.Disclose.C", read = "TestEnv.Read.C", write = "TestEnv.Write.C", manage = "TestEnv.Manage.C" }, MachineC2 = { name = "MachineC2", description = "Description of MachineC2", wiki = "https://fab-access.readthedocs.io", category = "CategoryC", disclose = "TestEnv.Disclose.C", read = "TestEnv.Read.C", write = "TestEnv.Write.C", manage = "TestEnv.Manage.C" }, MachineC3 = { name = "MachineC3", description = "Description of MachineC3", wiki = "https://fab-access.readthedocs.io", category = "CategoryC", disclose = "TestEnv.Disclose.C", read = "TestEnv.Read.C", write = "TestEnv.Write.C", manage = "TestEnv.Manage.C" }, MachineC4 = { name = "MachineC4", description = "Description of MachineC4", wiki = "https://fab-access.readthedocs.io", category = "CategoryC", disclose = "TestEnv.Disclose.C", read = "TestEnv.Read.C", write = "TestEnv.Write.C", manage = "TestEnv.Manage.C" }, MachineC5 = { name = "MachineC5", description = "Description of MachineC5", wiki = "https://fab-access.readthedocs.io", category = "CategoryC", disclose = "TestEnv.Disclose.C", read = "TestEnv.Read.C", write = "TestEnv.Write.C", manage = "TestEnv.Manage.C" }, }, actors = { tasmota_1 = { module = "Tasmota", params = { topic = "tasmota/discovery/3494548365AF" } } }, actor_connections = [ MachineA1 : tasmota_1 ] : List { machine : Text, actor : Text }, initiators = {=}, init_connections = [] : List { machine : Text, initiator : Text }, }