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synced 2025-03-12 14:51:53 +01:00
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477 lines
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{- Main configuration file for bffh
- ================================
- In this configuration file you configure almost all parts of how bffh operates, but most importantly:
- * Machines
- * Initiators and Actors
- * Which Initiators and Actors relate to which machine(s)
- * Roles and the permissions granted by them
-- The config is in the configuration format/language dhall. You can find more information about dhall over at
-- https://dhall-lang.org
-- (Our) Dhall is somewhat similar to JSON and YAML in that it expects a top-level object containing the
-- configuration values
-- Configure the addresses and ports bffh listens on
listens = [
-- BFFH binds a port for every listen object in this array.
-- Each listen object is of the format { address = <STRING>, port = <INTEGER> }
-- If you don't specify a port bffh will use the default of `59661`
-- 'address' can be a IP address or a hostname
-- If bffh can not bind a port for the specified combination if will log an error but *continue with the remaining ports*
{ address = "::", port = Some 59661 }
-- Configure TLS. BFFH requires a PEM-encoded certificate and the associated key as two separate files
certfile = "tfom23-demo/certs/self-signed-cert.pem",
keyfile = "tfom23-demo/certs/self-signed-key.pem",
-- BFFH right now requires a running MQTT broker.
mqtt_url = "mqtt://localhost:1883",
-- Path to the database file for bffh. bffh will in fact create two files; ${db_path} and ${db_path}.lock.
-- BFFH will *not* create any directories so ensure that the directory exists and the user running bffh has write
-- access into them.
db_path = "/var/lib/bffh/db",
-- Audit log path. Bffh will log state changes into this file, one per line.
-- Audit log entries are for now JSON:
-- {"timestamp":1641497361,"machine":"Testmachine","state":{"state":{"InUse":{"uid":"Testuser","subuid":null,"realm":null}}}}
auditlog_path = "/tmp/bffh.audit",
-- set logging to verbose
verbosity = 3,
spacename = Some "TFOM23-Demo",
instanceurl = Some "tfom23_demo.fab-access.org",
-- In dhall you can also easily import definitions from other files, e.g. you could write
-- roles = ./roles.dhall
roles =
-- Role definitions
-- A role definition is of the form
-- rolename = {
-- parents = [<list of role names to inherit from>],
-- permissions = [<list of perm rules>],
-- }
-- Role names are case sensitive, so RoleName != rolename.
-- If you want either parents or permissions to be empty its best to completely skip it:
Default = {
permissions =
Admin =
permissions =
Manage =
permissions =
EuroBox =
permissions =
LBoxx =
permissions =
Locker =
permissions =
Lasercutter =
permissions =
Printer =
permissions =
permissions =
-- Configure machines
-- "Machines" (which in future will be more appropiately named "resources") are the main thing bffh is concerned
-- with.
-- You can define an almost limitless amount of machines (well 2^64 - 1, so 18_446_744_073_709_551_615 to be precise)
-- Each of these machines can then have several "actors" and "initiators" assigned
machines = {
-- FabLock with LBoxx
LBoxx_0 =
name = "Filament",
description = Some "LBoxx with 1,75mm PLA",
disclose = "tfom23.disclose",
read = "tfom23.read",
write = "tfom23.lboxx.use",
manage = "tfom23.manage",
category = "LBoxx",
prodable = True,
LBoxx_1 =
name = "FabLock Tools",
description = Some "LBoxx with Tools of the FabLock Project",
disclose = "tfom23.disclose",
read = "tfom23.read",
write = "tfom23.lboxx.use",
manage = "tfom23.manage",
category = "LBoxx",
prodable = True,
LBoxx_2 =
name = "FabReader Tools",
description = Some "LBoxx with Tools of the FabReader Project",
disclose = "tfom23.disclose",
read = "tfom23.read",
write = "tfom23.lboxx.use",
manage = "tfom23.manage",
category = "LBoxx",
prodable = True,
LBoxx_3 =
name = "Sticker",
description = Some "LBoxx with FabAccess Sticker and NTAGs",
disclose = "tfom23.disclose",
read = "tfom23.read",
write = "tfom23.lboxx.use",
manage = "tfom23.manage",
category = "LBoxx",
prodable = True,
LBoxx_4 =
name = "Demo Parts",
description = Some "LBoxx with Parts for the TFOM23 Demo",
disclose = "tfom23.disclose",
read = "tfom23.read",
write = "tfom23.lboxx.use",
manage = "tfom23.manage",
category = "LBoxx",
prodable = True,
-- FabLock with EuroBox
EuroBox_0 =
name = "Haribo",
description = Some "EuroBox with Haribo",
disclose = "tfom23.disclose",
read = "tfom23.read",
write = "tfom23.eurobox.use",
manage = "tfom23.manage",
category = "EuroBox",
prodable = True,
EuroBox_1 =
name = "Goldschatz",
description = Some "EuroBox with Rittersport Goldschatz",
disclose = "tfom23.disclose",
read = "tfom23.read",
write = "tfom23.eurobox.use",
manage = "tfom23.manage",
category = "EuroBox",
prodable = True,
-- FabLock with Kallax
Drawer_0 =
name = "Drawer 0 ???",
description = Some "Kallax Drawer",
disclose = "tfom23.disclose",
read = "tfom23.read",
write = "tfom23.locker.use",
manage = "tfom23.manage",
category = "Locker",
prodable = True,
Drawer_1 =
name = "Drawer 1 ???",
description = Some "Kallax Drawer",
disclose = "tfom23.disclose",
read = "tfom23.read",
write = "tfom23.locker.use",
manage = "tfom23.manage",
category = "Locker",
prodable = True,
Drawer_2 =
name = "Drawer 2 ???",
description = Some "Kallax Drawer",
disclose = "tfom23.disclose",
read = "tfom23.read",
write = "tfom23.locker.use",
manage = "tfom23.manage",
category = "Locker",
prodable = True,
Drawer_3 =
name = "Drawer 3 ???",
description = Some "Kallax Drawer",
disclose = "tfom23.disclose",
read = "tfom23.read",
write = "tfom23.locker.use",
manage = "tfom23.manage",
category = "Locker",
prodable = True,
Door_0 =
name = "Door ???",
description = Some "Kallax Door",
disclose = "tfom23.disclose",
read = "tfom23.read",
write = "tfom23.locker.use",
manage = "tfom23.manage",
category = "Locker",
prodable = True,
-- Machines
Printer_0 =
name = "Prusa MK3",
description = Some "FabAccess Prusa MK3",
disclose = "tfom23.disclose",
read = "tfom23.read",
write = "tfom23.printer.use",
manage = "tfom23.manage",
category = "Printers"
Printer_1 =
name = "Other Printer ???",
description = Some "TFOM23 Printer",
disclose = "tfom23.disclose",
read = "tfom23.read",
write = "tfom23.printer.use",
manage = "tfom23.manage",
category = "Printers"
Lasercutter_0 =
name = "Other Lasercutter ???",
description = Some "TFOM23 Lasercutter",
disclose = "tfom23.disclose",
read = "tfom23.read",
write = "tfom23.lasercutter.use",
manage = "tfom23.manage",
category = "Lasercutter"
CNC_0 =
name = "Some Open Hardware CNC Router",
description = Some "TFOM23 CNC",
disclose = "tfom23.disclose",
read = "tfom23.read",
write = "tfom23.cnc.use",
manage = "tfom23.manage",
category = "CNC"
-- Actor configuration. Actors are how bffh affects change in the real world by e.g. switching a power socket
-- using a shelly
actors = {
-- Actors similarly to machines have an 'id'. This id (here "Shelly1234") is limited to Alphanumeric ASCII
-- and must begin with a letter.
shellyplug-s-C8C9A3B942DB = { module = "Shelly", params = {=} },
shellyplug-s-C8C9A3B943D7 = { module = "Shelly", params = {=} },
shellyplug-s-C8C9A3B8DB67 = { module = "Shelly", params = {=} },
shellyplug-s-3CE90ED72CEF = { module = "Shelly", params = {=} },
shellyplug-s-3CE90ED72481 = { module = "Shelly", params = {=} },
shellyplug-s-C8C9A3B8E88A = { module = "Shelly", params = {=} },
shellyplug-2C94AA = { module = "Shelly", params = {=} },
shellyplug-C198E8 = { module = "Shelly", params = {=} },
-- Kallax Locker
fablock_locker_0 = { module = "Process", params =
cmd = "python",
args = "tfom23-demo/actors/fablock/main.py --host localhost --fablock 00000 --lock 00000"
fablock_locker_1 = { module = "Process", params =
cmd = "python",
args = "tfom23-demo/actors/fablock/main.py --host localhost --fablock 00000 --lock 00001"
fablock_locker_2 = { module = "Process", params =
cmd = "python",
args = "tfom23-demo/actors/fablock/main.py --host localhost --fablock 00000 --lock 00002"
fablock_locker_3 = { module = "Process", params =
cmd = "python",
args = "tfom23-demo/actors/fablock/main.py --host localhost --fablock 00000 --lock 00003"
fablock_locker_4 = { module = "Process", params =
cmd = "python",
args = "tfom23-demo/actors/fablock/main.py --host localhost --fablock 00000 --lock 00004"
fablock_locker_5 = { module = "Process", params =
cmd = "python",
args = "tfom23-demo/actors/fablock/main.py --host localhost --fablock 00000 --lock 00005"
fablock_locker_6 = { module = "Process", params =
cmd = "python",
args = "tfom23-demo/actors/fablock/main.py --host localhost --fablock 00000 --lock 00006"
-- LBoxx Rack
fablock_lboxx_0 = { module = "Process", params =
cmd = "python",
args = "tfom23-demo/actors/fablock/main.py --host localhost --fablock 00001 --lock 00000"
fablock_lboxx_1 = { module = "Process", params =
cmd = "python",
args = "tfom23-demo/actors/fablock/main.py --host localhost --fablock 00001 --lock 00001"
fablock_lboxx_2 = { module = "Process", params =
cmd = "python",
args = "tfom23-demo/actors/fablock/main.py --host localhost --fablock 00001 --lock 00002"
fablock_lboxx_3 = { module = "Process", params =
cmd = "python",
args = "tfom23-demo/actors/fablock/main.py --host localhost --fablock 00001 --lock 00003"
fablock_lboxx_4 = { module = "Process", params =
cmd = "python",
args = "tfom23-demo/actors/fablock/main.py --host localhost --fablock 00001 --lock 00004"
-- FabReader
fabreader_0 = { module = "Process", params =
cmd = "python",
args = "tfom23-demo/actors/fabreader/main.py --host localhost --fabreader 00000"
fabreader_1 = { module = "Process", params =
cmd = "python",
args = "tfom23-demo/actors/fabreader/main.py --host localhost --fabreader 00001"
fabreader_2 = { module = "Process", params =
cmd = "python",
args = "tfom23-demo/actors/fabreader/main.py --host localhost --fabreader 00002"
fabreader_3 = { module = "Process", params =
cmd = "python",
args = "tfom23-demo/actors/fabreader/main.py --host localhost --fabreader 00003"
fabreader_4 = { module = "Process", params =
cmd = "python",
args = "tfom23-demo/actors/fabreader/main.py --host localhost --fabreader 00004"
-- Linkng up machines to actors
-- Actors need to be connected to machines to be useful. A machine can be connected to multiple actors, but one
-- actor can only be connected to one machine.
actor_connections = [
{ machine = "LBoxx_0", actor = "fablock_lboxx_0" },
{ machine = "LBoxx_1", actor = "fablock_lboxx_1" },
{ machine = "LBoxx_2", actor = "fablock_lboxx_2" },
{ machine = "LBoxx_3", actor = "fablock_lboxx_3" },
{ machine = "LBoxx_4", actor = "fablock_lboxx_4" },
{ machine = "EuroBox_0", actor = "fablock_locker_0" },
{ machine = "EuroBox_1", actor = "fablock_locker_1" },
{ machine = "Drawer_0", actor = "fablock_locker_2" },
{ machine = "Drawer_1", actor = "fablock_locker_3" },
{ machine = "Drawer_2", actor = "fablock_locker_4" },
{ machine = "Drawer_3", actor = "fablock_locker_5" },
{ machine = "Door_4", actor = "fablock_locker_6" },
{ machine = "Printer_0", actor = "shellyplug-s-C8C9A3B942DB" },
{ machine = "Printer_1", actor = "shellyplug-s-3CE90ED72481" },
{ machine = "Lasercutter_0", actor = "shellyplug-s-C8C9A3B943D7" },
{ machine = "CNC_0", actor = "shellyplug-s-C8C9A3B8E88A" },
{ machine = "Printer_0", actor = "fabreader_1" },
{ machine = "Printer_1", actor = "fabreader_2" },
{ machine = "Lasercutter_0", actor = "fabreader_3" },
{ machine = "CNC_0", actor = "fabreader_4" },
-- Initiators are configured almost the same way as Actors, refer to actor documentation for more details
-- The below '{=}' is what you need if you want to define *no* initiators at all and only use the API with apps
-- to let people use machines.
initiators =
-- The "Dummy" initiator will try to use and return a machine as the given user every few seconds. It's good to
-- test your system but will spam your log so is disabled by default.
--initiators = { Initiator = { module = "Dummy", params = { uid = "Testuser" } } },
-- Linking up machines to initiators. Similar to actors a machine can have several initiators assigned but an
-- initiator can only be assigned to one machine.
-- The below is once again how you have to define *no* initiators.
init_connections =
] : List { machine : Text, initiator : Text }