mirror of
synced 2025-03-12 23:01:57 +01:00
854 lines
25 KiB
854 lines
25 KiB
from string import Template
from generator.globals import *
from generator.helpers import *
string_userhandle = settings["string_userhandle"] + ' '
string_adminhandle = settings["string_adminhandle"] + ' '
string_managerhandle = settings["string_managerhandle"] + ' '
# ------------ Klassen
class Domain:
def __init__(self, domain_id, domain_name):
name_handle = domain_name
perm_handle = domain_id + '.'
id_handle = perm_handle.replace('.', '_')
perms_manager = [perm_handle + '*']
self.domain = {
"id": domain_id,
"name": domain_name
self.domain_manager = {
"id": id_handle + 'manager',
"name": string_managerhandle + domain_name,
"perms": perms_manager
def get_domain(self):
return self.domain
def get_domain_manager(self):
return self.domain_manager
class Area(Domain):
def __init__(self, domain_id, domain_name, area_id, area_name):
super().__init__(domain_id, domain_name)
self.area_id = area_id
self.area_name = area_name
if settings["multi_domains"] == True:
name_handle = domain_name + area_name
name_handle = area_name
perm_handle = domain_id + '.' + area_id + '.'
id_handle = perm_handle.replace('.', '_')
perms_manager = [perm_handle + '*']
perms_user = [
perm_handle + 'disclose.*',
perm_handle + 'read.*',
perm_handle + 'write.*'
self.area_manager = {
"id": id_handle + 'manager',
"name": string_managerhandle + name_handle,
"perms": perms_manager
self.area_user = {
"id": id_handle + 'user',
"name": string_userhandle + name_handle,
"perms": perms_user
def get_area(self):
area = {
"id": self.area_id,
"name": self.area_name
return area
def get_area_manager(self):
return self.area_manager
def get_area_user(self):
return self.area_user
class Subarea(Area):
def __init__(self, domain_id, domain_name, area_id, area_name, subarea_id, subarea_name, subarea_manager):
super().__init__(domain_id, domain_name, area_id, area_name)
self.subarea_id = subarea_id
self.subarea_name = subarea_name
if settings["multi_domains"] == True:
name_handle = domain_name + area_name + ' ' + subarea_name
name_handle = area_name + ' ' + subarea_name
perm_handle = domain_id + '.' + area_id + '.' + subarea_id + '.'
id_handle = perm_handle.replace('.', '_')
perms_manager = [perm_handle + '*']
perms_user = [
perm_handle + 'disclose.*',
perm_handle + 'read.*',
perm_handle + 'write.*'
# Unterbereich prüfen
if len(subarea_id) > 0 and len(subarea_name) > 0:
self.subarea_state = True
self.subarea_state = False
# Unterbereich-Manager prüfen
if len(subarea_manager) > 0:
self.subarea_manager_state = True
self.subarea_manager_state = False
self.subarea_manager = {
"id": id_handle + 'manager',
"name": string_managerhandle + name_handle,
"perms": perms_manager
self.subarea_user = {
"id": id_handle + 'user',
"name": string_userhandle + name_handle,
"perms": perms_user
def get_subarea(self):
subarea = {
"id": self.subarea_id,
"name": self.subarea_name
return subarea
def get_subarea_manager(self):
return self.subarea_manager
def get_subarea_user(self):
return self.subarea_user
def has_subarea(self):
return self.subarea_state
def has_subarea_manager(self):
return self.subarea_manager_state
class Machine(Subarea):
def __init__(self, data):
area_name = data["area_name"].strip()
subarea_name = data["subarea_name"].strip()
domain_id = string_clean(data["domain_id"].strip()).lower()
area_id = string_clean(data["area_id"].strip()).lower()
subarea_id = string_clean(data["subarea_id"].strip()).lower()
machine_id = string_clean(data["machine_id"].strip()).lower()
subarea_manager = data["subarea_manager"].strip()
area_name = data["area_name"].strip()
subarea_name = data["subarea_name"].strip()
machine_name = string_removequotes(data["machine_name"]).strip()
machine_desc = string_removequotes(data["machine_desc"]).strip()
wikiurl = data["wikiurl"].strip()
actor_id = string_clean(data["actor_id"].strip()).lower()
# actor_module = data["actor_module"].strip()
actor_type = data["actor_type"].strip().lower()
customrole_id = string_clean(data["customrole_id"].strip()).lower()
customrole_name = data["customrole_name"].strip()
domain_name = data["domain_name"].strip() + ' '
super().__init__(domain_id, domain_name, area_id, area_name, subarea_id, subarea_name, subarea_manager)
# ----------------------------
# Alternativrolle prüfen
if len(customrole_id) > 0 and len(customrole_name) > 0:
self.customrole_state = True
self.customrole_state = False
if self.subarea_state == True:
# Unterbereich
fa_id = domain_id + '-' + area_id + '-' + subarea_id + '-' + machine_id
string_perm = domain_id + '.' + area_id + '.' + subarea_id + '.|ACTION|.' + machine_id
# Bereich
fa_id = domain_id + '-' + area_id + '-' + machine_id
string_perm = domain_id + '.' + area_id + '.|ACTION|.' + machine_id
permlist = ["disclose", "read", "write", "manage"]
perms_machine = []
perms_machine_names = []
perms_user = []
for p in permlist:
perms_machine.append(string_perm.replace('|ACTION|', p))
if p != 'manage':
perms_user.append(string_perm.replace('|ACTION|', p))
self.machine_specs = {
"id": machine_id,
"fa_id": fa_id,
"name": machine_name,
"perms": perms_machine,
"perms_names": perms_machine_names,
"category": area_name,
"desc": machine_desc,
"wikiurl": wikiurl,
"actor_id": actor_id,
"actor_type": actor_type
self.customrole = {
"id": domain_id + '_' + customrole_id,
"name": string_userhandle + customrole_name,
"perms": perms_user
def get_machine(self):
return self.machine_specs
def has_customrole(self):
return self.customrole_state
def get_customrole(self):
return self.customrole
class GraphElement:
def __init__(self, id, name, parent):
self.id = id
self.name = name
self.parent = parent
self.level = id.count('_')
self.roles = []
self.machines = []
def get_level(self):
return self.level
def get_id(self):
return self.id
def get_name(self):
return self.name
def get_parent(self):
return self.parent
def add_machine(self, machine_name, customrole = ''):
if len(customrole) > 0:
self.machines.append(f'{machine_name} ({icon_custom}{customrole})')
def get_machines(self):
return self.machines
def add_role(self, roles_name):
def get_roles(self):
return self.roles
# ------------ Funktionen
# Maschinen aus der CSV-importieren
def import_machines(file):
machines = {}
data = csv_listdict(file, csv_match)
count = 2
print(f'{"Zeile": ^8} | {"Status": ^24} | {"Zusatzinformation": ^20}')
print(f'{"1": ^8} | {"Kopfzeile": ^24} | {"Kopfzeile wird nicht verarbeitet.": ^20}')
for entry in data:
# ------- Felder übrprüfen
errors = []
# Pflichtfelder
for el in importcheck["single"].keys():
# Einzelfeld ist leer?
if len(entry[el]) == 0:
name = importcheck["translate"][el]
errors.append(f'Pflichtfeld "{name}" ist leer')
# Optionales Felderpaar vollständig?
for field1, field2 in importcheck["pairs"].items():
for key, value in csv_match.items():
if value == field1:
field1_name = key
if value == field2:
field2_name = key
if len(entry[field1]) > 0 and len(entry[field2]) == 0:
errors.append(f'Optionales Felderpaar unvollständig: Feld "{field1_name}" ist ausgefüllt, aber Feld "{field2_name}" ist leer.')
if len(entry[field2]) > 0 and len(entry[field1]) == 0:
errors.append(f'Optionales Felderpaar unvollständig: Feld "{field2_name}" ist ausgefüllt, aber Feld "{field1_name}" ist leer.')
status = 'Eintrag übersprungen'
info = f'Fehlerhafte Konfiguration. ID = {entry["machine_id"]}'
if len(errors) > 0:
print(f'{count: ^8} | {status: ^24} | {info: ^20}')
for e in errors:
print(f'{"":>36}| ' + e)
count += 1
# Maschine anlegen
temp = Machine(entry)
fa_id = temp.get_machine()["fa_id"]
if fa_id not in machines.keys():
f'{fa_id}': Machine(entry)
status = 'Maschine angelegt'
info = f'FA_ID = {fa_id}'
print(f'{count: ^8} | {status: ^24} | {info: ^20}')
status = 'Eintrag übersprungen'
info = f'ID bereits vergeben. ID = {entry["machine_id"]}'
print(f'{count: ^8} | {status: ^24} | {info: ^20}')
count += 1
return machines
# Rollen erstellen
def generate_roles(machines):
roles = {}
# Globalen Admin erstellen
roledata = admin_global
if roledata["id"] not in roles.keys():
roles[roledata["id"]] = roledata
# Schichtleitung anlegen
if settings["manager_schichtleitung"] == True:
roledata = manager_schichtleitung
if roledata["id"] not in roles.keys():
roles[roledata["id"]] = roledata
# Domänen durchlaufen
for id, m in machines.items():
# Domänen-Berechtigung an Manager & Schichtleitung vergeben
roledata = m.get_domain_manager()
for perm in roledata["perms"]:
if perm not in roles[admin_global["id"]]["perms"]:
if settings["manager_schichtleitung"] == True:
for perm in roledata["perms"]:
if perm not in roles[manager_schichtleitung["id"]]["perms"]:
# Manager: Domain
if settings["multi_domains"] == True:
roledata = m.get_domain_manager()
if roledata["id"] not in roles.keys():
roles[roledata["id"]] = roledata
# Manager: Area
if settings["manager_area"] == True:
roledata = m.get_area_manager()
if roledata["id"] not in roles.keys():
roles[roledata["id"]] = roledata
# Manager: Subarea
if settings["manager_subarea"] == True:
if m.has_subarea() == True:
if m.has_subarea_manager() == True:
roledata = m.get_subarea_manager()
if roledata["id"] not in roles.keys():
roles[roledata["id"]] = roledata
# Benutzer: Daten abrufen
if m.has_customrole() == True:
# Extrarolle
roledata = m.get_customrole()
if roledata["id"] in roles.keys():
# Extrarolle vorhanden --> Berechtigungen hinzufügen
for p in roledata["perms"]:
if m.has_subarea() == True:
# Unterbereich
roledata = m.get_subarea_user()
# Bereich
roledata = m.get_area_user()
# print_dict(roledata)
# Benutzer: Hinzufügen
if roledata["id"] not in roles.keys():
roles[roledata["id"]] = roledata
return roles
def generate_bffh_roles(roles):
data = []
# Rollen
data.append(space + 'roles = {')
for role in roles:
data.append(space * 2 + f'{role}' + ' = {')
data.append(space * 3 + 'permissions = [')
for perm in roles[role]["perms"]:
data.append(space * 4 + f'"{perm}",')
data.append(space * 3 + ']')
data.append(space * 2 + '},')
data.append(' ')
data.append(space + '},')
return data
# Maschinen
def generate_bffh_machines(machines):
data = []
data.append(space + 'machines = {')
for id, m in machines.items():
specs = m.get_machine()
data.append(space * 2 + f'{specs["fa_id"]}' + ' = {')
data.append(space * 3 + f'name = "{specs["name"]}",')
data.append(space * 3 + f'description = "{specs["desc"]}",')
data.append(space * 3 + f'wiki = "{specs["wikiurl"]}",')
data.append(space * 3 + f'category = "{specs["category"]}",')
for i in range(len(specs["perms"])):
data.append(space * 3 + f'{specs["perms_names"][i]} = "{specs["perms"][i]}",')
data.append(space * 2 + '},')
data.append(' ')
data.append(space + '},')
return data
# Aktoren
def generate_bffh_actors(machines):
data = []
data.append(space + 'actors = {')
for id, m in machines.items():
specs = m.get_machine()
if len(specs["actor_id"]) > 0 and len(specs["actor_type"]) > 0:
actor_handle = specs["actor_type"] + '_' + specs["actor_id"]
# 2do Actor Library Funktionalität
data.append(f' {actor_handle} =')
data.append(' {')
data.append(f' module = "{actor_library[specs["actor_type"]]["module"]}",')
data.append(' params =')
data.append(' {')
# Aktor-ID der aktuellen Maschine speichern
replace = {
"actor_id": specs["actor_id"]
for key, value in actor_library[specs["actor_type"]]["params"].items():
template = Template(value)
string = template.substitute(replace)
data.append(f' {key} = {string},')
data.append(' }')
data.append(' },')
data.append(' ')
data.append(space + '}, ')
return data
# Aktoren-Verbindungen
def generate_bffh_actorconnections(machines):
data = []
data.append(space + 'actor_connections = [')
for id, m in machines.items():
specs = m.get_machine()
if len(specs["actor_id"]) > 0 and len(specs["actor_type"]) > 0:
actor_fullid = specs["actor_type"] + '_' + specs["actor_id"]
data.append(space * 2 + '{ ' + f'machine = "{specs["fa_id"]}", actor = "{actor_fullid}"' + ' },')
data.append(space + '],')
return data
# CSV-Rollenliste
def generate_csv_roles(roles):
data = []
data.append('ID der Rolle; Name der Rolle')
for id, values in roles.items():
string = id + ';' + values["name"]
return data
# bffh.dhall aktualisieren
def generate_bffh_dhall(generated_content):
dhall_file = settings["fa_dhall_file"]
reader = open(dhall_file, "r", encoding='utf-8')
data_write = []
inside_generator_block = False
found_generator_block = False
count = 1
# bffh.dhall zeilenweise durchlaufen
for line in reader:
# Beginn des Generator-Blocks gefunden --> Erzeugte Daten anhängen, Variablen umschalten
if 'GENERATOR START' in line:
found_generator_block = True
inside_generator_block = True
data_write.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
data_write.append(' ')
data_write += generated_content
data_write.append(' ')
added_generated_content = True
# print(f'{count} Generatorblock-Anfang gefunden')
# Beginn des Generator-Blocks gefunden --> Variable umschalten
if 'GENERATOR END' in line:
inside_generator_block = False
# print(f'{count} Generatorblock-Ende gefunden')
# Zeile liegt außerhalb des Generator-Blocks --> Zeile übernehmen
if inside_generator_block == False:
data_write.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
# Zeile liegt innerhalb des Generator-Blocks --> Zeile übernehmen
if inside_generator_block == True:
# Einfügung wurden vorgenommen, Zeile aus bffh.dhall ignorieren
if found_generator_block == True:
return data_write
print('Datei "bffh.dhall" enthält keinen Platzhalter zum automatischen Einfügen.')
return []
# Maschine vollständig ausgeben
def display_machine(machine_object):
# ------------ DOMAIN
scope = machine_object.get_domain()
print('\n--- Domain: ' + scope["name"])
print('id = ' + scope["id"])
print('name = ' + scope["name"])
role = machine_object.get_domain_manager()
print('\n[Admin: ' + scope["name"] + ']')
print('id = ' + role["id"])
print('name = ' + role["name"])
print('perms = ')
for p in role["perms"]:
print(' ' + p)
# ------------ AREA
scope = machine_object.get_area()
print('\n--- Area: ' + scope["name"])
print('id = ' + scope["id"])
print('name = ' + scope["name"])
role = machine_object.get_area_manager()
print('\n[Admin: ' + scope["name"] + ']')
print('id = ' + role["id"])
print('name = ' + role["name"])
print('perms = ')
for p in role["perms"]:
print(' ' + p)
role = machine_object.get_area_user()
print('\n[User: ' + scope["name"] + ']')
print('id = ' + role["id"])
print('name = ' + role["name"])
print('perms = ')
for p in role["perms"]:
print(' ' + p)
# ------------ SUBAREA
scope = machine_object.get_subarea()
print('\n--- Subarea: ' + scope["name"])
print('id = ' + scope["id"])
print('name = ' + scope["name"])
print('state = ' + str(machine_object.has_subarea()))
role = machine_object.get_subarea_manager()
print('\n[Admin: ' + scope["name"] + ']')
print('id = ' + role["id"])
print('name = ' + role["name"])
print('perms = ')
for p in role["perms"]:
print(' ' + p)
role = machine_object.get_subarea_user()
print('\n[User: ' + scope["name"] + ']')
print('id = ' + role["id"])
print('name = ' + role["name"])
print('perms = ')
for p in role["perms"]:
print(' ' + p)
# ------------ MACHINE
scope = machine_object.get_machine()
print('\n--- Machine: ' + scope["name"])
print('id = ' + scope["id"])
print('fa_id = ' + scope["fa_id"])
print('name = ' + scope["name"])
print('desc = ' + scope["desc"])
print('wikiurl = ' + scope["wikiurl"])
print('perms = ')
for p in scope["perms"]:
print(' ' + p)
print('actor_id = ' + scope["actor_id"])
print('actor_type = ' + scope["actor_type"])
print('\n[Alternativrolle: '+ role["name"] + ']')
print('state = ' + str(machine_object.has_customrole()))
role = machine_object.get_customrole()
print('id = ' + role["id"])
print('name = ' + role["name"])
print('perms = ')
for p in role["perms"]:
print(' ' + p)
def graph_create_elements(machines):
data = {}
data["_root"] = GraphElement("root", "Infrastruktur", '')
if settings["manager_schichtleitung"] == True:
for key, m in machines.items():
# Domain
domain = m.get_domain()
domain_id = f'root_{domain["id"]}'
if domain_id not in data.keys():
data[f'{domain_id}'] = GraphElement(domain_id, domain["name"], 'root')
# Area
area = m.get_area()
area_id = f'{domain_id}_{area["id"]}'
if area_id not in data.keys():
data[f'{area_id}'] = GraphElement(area_id, area["name"], domain_id)
# Subarea
if m.has_subarea() == True:
subarea = m.get_subarea()
subarea_id = f'{area_id}_{subarea["id"]}'
if subarea_id not in data.keys():
data[f'{subarea_id}'] = GraphElement(subarea_id, subarea["name"], area_id)
# Machine
if m.has_subarea() == False:
handle = area_id
handle = subarea_id
if m.has_customrole() is True:
customrole = m.get_customrole()["name"]
customrole = ''
machine_name = m.get_machine()["name"]
data[handle].add_machine(machine_name, customrole)
data = dict_sort(data)
return data
def graph_create_mermaidcode(graphelements):
linedata = []
wrapper = True
wrapper_open = False
wrapper_current = ''
font_sizes = [2, 1.75, 1.5, 1.25]
connectors = ['---', '------', '----', '------', '------']
crossing = '''
$id{"<p style="opacity: 0;">.</p>"}
style $id fill: black, stroke: none
subgraph = '''
subgraph $id["
<p style="font-size: $fontsizeem">$name</p><p style="text-align: left; margin-top: 20px;">$string_roles</p>
<p style="text-align: left; margin-top: 0px;">$string_machines</p>
<p style="opacity: 0;">.</p>
fillernode = '''
subgraph filler_$id_1["
<p style="opacity: 0;">
style filler_$id_1 fill: none, stroke: none
subgraph filler_$id_2["
<p style="opacity: 0;">
style filler_$id_2 fill: none, stroke: none
linedata.append('%%{init: {"flowchart" : {"curve" : "linear"}}}%%')
linedata.append(' ')
linedata.append('flowchart TD')
linedata.append(' ')
linedata.append(' ')
for id, data in graphelements.items():
if wrapper == True:
if data.get_level() == 2 and wrapper_open == True:
if wrapper_current not in id:
linedata.append(' ')
linedata.append(' ')
wrapper_open = False
if data.get_level() == 2 and wrapper_open == False:
linedata.append(' ')
# linedata.append(f'{data.get_parent()} {data.get_level() * '---'} {data.get_id()}_wrapper')
linedata.append(f'{data.get_parent()} {connectors[data.get_level()]} {data.get_id()}_wrapper')
linedata.append(f'subgraph {data.get_id()}_wrapper["<p style="opacity: 0;">.</p>"]')
linedata.append(f'style {data.get_id()}_wrapper stroke: none, fill: none')
linedata.append(' ')
wrapper_open = True
wrapper_current = id
if len(data.get_roles()) > 0:
string_roles = '<b><center>Rollen</center></b>$roles</p>'
string_roles = string_roles.replace('$roles', list_join(data.get_roles(), '<br>'))
string_roles = ''
if len(data.get_machines()) > 0:
string_machines = '<b><center>Maschinen</center></b>$machines'
string_machines = string_machines.replace('$machines', list_join(data.get_machines(), '<br>'))
string_machines = ''
graph = subgraph.replace('$id', data.get_id())
graph = graph.replace('$fontsize', str(font_sizes[data.get_level()]))
graph = graph.replace('$name', data.get_name())
graph = graph.replace('$string_roles', string_roles)
graph = graph.replace('$string_machines', string_machines)
linedata.append(' ')
if data.get_level() > 0:
if data.get_level() != 2:
# linedata.append(f'{data.get_parent()} {data.get_level() * '------'} {id}')
linedata.append(f'{data.get_parent()} {connectors[data.get_level()]} {id}')
linedata.append(' ')
if data.get_level() == 2:
if dict_keycount(graphelements, id) == 1:
node = fillernode.replace('$id', id)
linedata.append(' ')
linedata.append(' ')
linedata.append(' ')
return linedata