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2022-11-04 00:15:23 +01:00
import psycopg2
from psycopg2 import sql, extensions
from config import Config
class SQLHandler:
def setup():
SQLHandler.cursor = None
SQLHandler.conn = None
SQLHandler.conn = psycopg2.connect(host=Config.db_host_name, user=Config.db_user_name, port=Config.db_port, password=Config.db_password, dbname=Config.db_database)
# get the isolation leve for autocommit
autocommit = extensions.ISOLATION_LEVEL_AUTOCOMMIT
# set the isolation level for the connection's cursors
# will raise ActiveSqlTransaction exception otherwise
SQLHandler.conn.set_isolation_level( autocommit )
SQLHandler.cursor = SQLHandler.conn.cursor()
def get_machine_data(reader_id):
# TODO Database
# - get machine_id from database
# - get last_user from database
# - get machine_status from database, is 0 for off, 1 for on
# - get plug_id from database
SQLHandler.cursor.execute("SELECT machine_id,last_user,machine_status,plug_id FROM readerplug WHERE reader_id = %s;", (reader_id,))
data = [row for row in SQLHandler.cursor.fetchall()]
return {
'machine_id': data[0],
'last_user': data[1],
'machine_status': data[2],
'plug_id': data[3]
def init_db():
SQLHandler.cursor.execute("SELECT datname FROM pg_database;")
dbs = [row[0] for row in SQLHandler.cursor.fetchall()]
if not (Config.db_database in dbs):
print(f"Missing database ({Config.db_database}) -> creating new db")
SQLHandler.cursor.execute(sql.SQL("CREATE DATABASE {};").format(sql.Identifier( Config.db_database )))
print(f"Found DB {Config.db_database} -> Using existing one")
SQLHandler.cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables\
WHERE schemaname != 'pg_catalog' AND \
schemaname != 'information_schema';")
tables = [row[1] for row in SQLHandler.cursor.fetchall()]
if not ("readerplug" in tables):
print("Missing table -> creating new table in db")
CREATE TABLE readerplug (\
reader_id int NOT NULL, \
plug_id varchar(255) NOT NULL, \
machine_id varchar(255) NOT NULL, \
machine_status boolean NOT NULL, \
last_user varchar(255) NOT NULL \
print("Found Table -> Using existing one")