#!/bin/bash # Copied from the install.sh script the klipper_z_calibration project by protoloft # https://github.com/protoloft/klipper_z_calibration/tree/master SRCDIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )"/ && pwd )" KLIPPER_PATH="${HOME}/klipper" SYSTEMDDIR="/etc/systemd/system" MOONRAKER_CONFIG="${HOME}/printer_data/config/moonraker.conf" MOONRAKER_FALLBACK="${HOME}/klipper_config/moonraker.conf" NUM_INSTALLS=0 # Force script to exit if an error occurs set -e # Step 1: Check for root user verify_ready() { # check for root user if [ "$EUID" -eq 0 ]; then echo "This script must not run as root" exit -1 fi # output used number of installs if [[ $NUM_INSTALLS == 0 ]]; then echo "Defaulted to one klipper install, if more than one instance, use -n" else echo "Number of Installs Selected: $NUM_INSTALLS" fi # Fall back to old config if [ ! -f "$MOONRAKER_CONFIG" ]; then echo "${MOONRAKER_CONFIG} does not exist. Falling back to ${MOONRAKER_FALLBACK}" MOONRAKER_CONFIG="$MOONRAKER_FALLBACK" fi } # Step 2: Verify Klipper has been installed check_klipper() { if [[ $NUM_INSTALLS == 0 ]]; then if [ "$(sudo systemctl list-units --full -all -t service --no-legend | grep -F "klipper.service")" ]; then echo "Klipper service found!" else echo "Klipper service not found, please install Klipper first" exit -1 fi else for (( klip = 1; klip<=$NUM_INSTALLS; klip++ )); do if [ "$(sudo systemctl list-units --full -all -t service --no-legend | grep -F "klipper-$klip.service")" ]; then echo "klipper-$klip.service found!" else echo "klipper-$klip.service NOT found, please ensure you've entered the correct number of klipper instances you're running!" exit -1 fi done fi } # Step 3: Check folders check_requirements() { if [ ! -d "${KLIPPER_PATH}/klippy/extras/" ]; then echo "Error: Klipper not found in directory: ${KLIPPER_PATH}. Exiting.." exit -1 fi echo "Klipper found at ${KLIPPER_PATH}" if [ ! -f "$MOONRAKER_CONFIG" ]; then echo "Error: Moonraker configuration not found: ${MOONRAKER_CONFIG}. Exiting.." exit -1 fi echo "Moonraker configuration found at ${MOONRAKER_CONFIG}" sudo apt install python3-requests } # Step 4: Link extension to Klipper link_extension() { echo -n "Linking extension to Klipper... " ln -sf "${SRCDIR}/fabaccess_klipper.py" "${KLIPPER_PATH}/klippy/extras/fabaccess_klipper.py" mv "${KLIPPER_PATH}/klippy/extras/print_stats.py" "${KLIPPER_PATH}/klippy/extras/print_stats.py.bak" ln -sf "${SRCDIR}/print_stats.py" "${KLIPPER_PATH}/klippy/extras/print_stats.py" echo "[OK]" } # Step 6: Add updater to moonraker.conf add_updater() { echo -n "Adding update manager to moonraker.conf... " update_section=$(grep -c '\[update_manager[a-z ]* fabaccess_klipper\]' $MOONRAKER_CONFIG || true) if [ "$update_section" -eq 0 ]; then echo -e "\n[update_manager fabaccess_klipper]" >> "$MOONRAKER_CONFIG" echo "type: git_repo" >> "$MOONRAKER_CONFIG" echo "path: ${SRCDIR}" >> "$MOONRAKER_CONFIG" echo "origin: https://github.com/Tengo10/fabaccess_klipper.git" >> "$MOONRAKER_CONFIG" echo "managed_services: klipper" >> "$MOONRAKER_CONFIG" echo -e "\n" >> "$MOONRAKER_CONFIG" echo "[OK]" echo -n "Restarting Moonraker... " sudo systemctl restart moonraker echo "[OK]" else echo "[SKIPPED]" fi } # Step 7: Restarting Klipper restart_klipper() { if [[ $NUM_INSTALLS == 0 ]]; then echo -n "Restarting Klipper... " sudo systemctl restart klipper echo "[OK]" else for (( klip = 1; klip<=$NUM_INSTALLS; klip++)); do echo -n "Restarting Klipper-$klip... " sudo systemctl restart klipper-$klip echo "[OK]" done fi } uinstall() { if [ -f "${KLIPPER_PATH}/klippy/extras/fabaccess_klipper.py" ]; then echo -n "Uninstalling fabaccess_klipper... " rm -f "${KLIPPER_PATH}/klippy/extras/fabaccess_klipper.py" rm -f "${KLIPPER_PATH}/klippy/extras/fabaccess_klipper.pyc" echo "[OK]" echo "You can now remove the \"[update_manager fabaccess_klipper]\" section in your moonraker.conf and delete this directory." echo "You also need to remove the \"[fabaccess_klipper]\" section in your Klipper configuration..." else echo -n "${KLIPPER_PATH}/klippy/extras/fabaccess_klipper.py not found. Is it installed? " echo "[FAILED]" fi } usage() { echo "Usage: $(basename $0) [-k ] [-m ] [-n ] [-u]" 1>&2; exit 1; } # Command parsing while getopts ":k:m:n:uh" OPTION; do case "$OPTION" in k) KLIPPER_PATH="$OPTARG" ;; m) MOONRAKER_CONFIG="$OPTARG" ;; n) NUM_INSTALLS="$OPTARG" ;; u) UNINSTALL=1 ;; h | ?) usage ;; esac done # Fall back to old config if [ ! -f "$MOONRAKER_CONFIG" ]; then echo "${MOONRAKER_CONFIG} does not exist. Falling back to ${MOONRAKER_FALLBACK}" MOONRAKER_CONFIG="$MOONRAKER_FALLBACK" fi # Run steps verify_ready check_klipper check_requirements if [ ! $UNINSTALL ]; then link_extension add_updater else uinstall fi restart_klipper