updated single reader example

This commit is contained in:
Kai Jan Kriegel 2022-06-16 16:01:10 +02:00
parent 233b9af159
commit 59210d1f34
3 changed files with 99 additions and 54 deletions

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@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ import asyncio
import socket
import ssl
import capnp
import logging
connection_capnp = capnp.load('schema/connection.capnp')
authenticationsystem_capnp = capnp.load('schema/authenticationsystem.capnp')
@ -40,25 +41,23 @@ async def connect(host, port, user, pw):
# Start TwoPartyClient using TwoWayPipe (takes no arguments in this mode)
client = capnp.TwoPartyClient()
cap = client.bootstrap().cast_as(connection_capnp.Bootstrap)
# Assemble reader and writer tasks, run in the background
coroutines = [myreader(client, reader), mywriter(client, writer)]
asyncio.gather(*coroutines, return_exceptions=True)
auth = cap.authenticationSystem().authenticationSystem
req = auth.start_request()
req.request.mechanism = "PLAIN"
req.request.initialResponse.initial = "\0" + user + "\0" + pw
rep_prom = req.send()
response = await rep_prom.a_wait()
if response.response.outcome.result == "successful":
return cap
boot = client.bootstrap().cast_as(connection_capnp.Bootstrap)
auth = await boot.createSession("PLAIN").a_wait()
p = "\0" + user + "\0" + pw
response = await auth.authentication.step(p).a_wait()
if response.which() == 'successful':
return response.successful.session
print("Auth failed")
print("Authentication failed!")
return None
async def connect_with_fabfire_initial(host, port, uid):
# Setup SSL context
ctx = ssl.create_default_context(
@ -79,38 +78,32 @@ async def connect_with_fabfire_initial(host, port, uid):
# Start TwoPartyClient using TwoWayPipe (takes no arguments in this mode)
client = capnp.TwoPartyClient()
cap = client.bootstrap().cast_as(connection_capnp.Bootstrap)
# Assemble reader and writer tasks, run in the background
coroutines = [myreader(client, reader), mywriter(client, writer)]
asyncio.gather(*coroutines, return_exceptions=True)
auth = cap.authenticationSystem().authenticationSystem
req = auth.start_request()
req.request.mechanism = "X-FABFIRE"
req.request.initialResponse.initial = uid
rep_prom = req.send()
response = await rep_prom.a_wait()
if response.response.which() == "challence":
print(f"challenge: {response.response.challence}")
return auth, response.response.challence, cap
boot = client.bootstrap().cast_as(connection_capnp.Bootstrap)
auth = await boot.createSession("X-FABFIRE").a_wait()
response = await auth.authentication.step(uid).a_wait()
logging.debug(f"got response type: {response.which()}")
if response.which() == "challenge":
logging.debug(f"challenge: {response.challenge}")
return auth, response.challenge
print(f"Auth failed: {response.response.outcome.result}, additional info: {response.response.outcome.helpText}")
logging.error(f"Auth failed: {response.failed.code}, additional info: {response.failed.additionalData}")
return None
async def connect_with_fabfire_step(auth, msg):
req = auth.step_request()
req.response = msg
rep_prom = req.send()
response = await rep_prom.a_wait()
if response.response.which() == "challence":
print(f"challenge: {response.response.challence}")
return response.response.challence, False # auth cap, challenge, not done
elif response.response.outcome.result == "successful":
print(f"Auth completed successfully! Got additional Data: {response.response.outcome.additionalData.additional}")
return response.response.outcome.additionalData.additional, True # dont care, message, we are done
response = await auth.authentication.step(msg).a_wait()
if response.which() == "challenge":
logging.debug(f"challenge: {response.challenge}")
return response.challenge, None # auth cap, challenge, not done
elif response.which() == "successful":
logging.info(f"Auth completed successfully! Got additional Data: {response.successful.additionalData}")
return response.successful.additionalData, response.successful.session # dont care, message, we are done
print(f"Auth failed: {response.response.outcome.result}, additional info: {response.response.outcome.helpText}")
logging.error(f"Auth failed: {response.failed.code}, additional info: {response.failed.additionalData}")
return None

View File

@ -1,43 +1,77 @@
import asyncio
import logging
from asyncio_mqtt import Client
import json
import fabapi
from timer import Timer
async def main():
done = False
cap = None
auth = None
auth_cap = None
session = None
msg = None
async with Client("") as client:
async with Client(MQTT_HOST) as client:
await client.publish("/cmnd/reader", payload='{"Cmd":"haltPICC"}', qos=2, retain=False)
await client.publish("/cmnd/reader", payload='{"Cmd": "message", "MssgID": 0, "AddnTxt":" Karte auflegen"}', qos=2, retain=False)
async with client.filtered_messages("/rfid_reader/111") as messages:
async with client.filtered_messages(f"/rfid_reader/{READER_ID}") as messages:
await client.subscribe("/rfid_reader/#")
async for message in messages:
if not auth:
auth, msg, cap = await fabapi.connect_with_fabfire_initial("", 59661, message.payload)
elif not done:
msg, done = await fabapi.connect_with_fabfire_step(auth, message.payload)
if done:
await client.publish("/cmnd/reader", payload='{"Cmd":"haltPICC"}', qos=2, retain=False)
ms = await cap.machineSystem().a_wait()
info = await ms.machineSystem.info().a_wait()
ma = await info.info.getMachineURN("urn:fabaccess:resource:Testmachine").a_wait()
if ma.machine.state == "inUse":
await ma.machine.inuse.giveBack().a_wait()
response_for_reader = None
if not auth_cap:
timeout_timer = Timer(10, lambda: handle_timeout(client))
auth_cap, response_for_reader = await fabapi.connect_with_fabfire_initial(
BFFHD_HOST, 59961, message.payload)
elif not session:
response_for_reader, session = await fabapi.connect_with_fabfire_step(auth_cap,
if session:
await client.publish(f"/cmnd/reader/{READER_ID}", payload='{"Cmd":"haltPICC"}', qos=2,
info = session.machineSystem.info
ma = await info.getMachineURN(f"{MACHINE_URN}").a_wait()
if ma.which() == "just":
ma = ma.just
await ma.machine.use.use().a_wait()
done = False
cap = None
auth = None
msg = None
f"Could not get machine {MACHINE_URN}. Machine does not exist or insufficient permissions")
raise Exception(
f"Could not get machine {MACHINE_URN}. Machine does not exist or insufficient permissions")
if ma.state == "inUse":
await ma.inuse.giveBack().a_wait()
await client.publish(f"/cmnd/reader/{READER_ID}",
payload='{"Cmd":"message","MssgID":0,"AddnTxt":""}', qos=2,
await ma.use.use().a_wait()
await client.publish(f"/cmnd/reader/{READER_ID}", payload=response_for_reader, qos=2,
await asyncio.sleep(2)
await client.publish(f"/cmnd/reader/{READER_ID}",
payload='{"Cmd":"message","MssgID":3,"AddnTxt":""}', qos=2,
session = None
auth_cap = None
response_for_reader = None
if response_for_reader:
await client.publish(f"/cmnd/reader/{READER_ID}", payload=response_for_reader, qos=2, retain=False)
await client.publish("/cmnd/reader", payload=msg, qos=2, retain=False)
async def handle_timeout(client, reader_id):
await client.publish(f"/cmnd/reader/{reader_id}", payload='{"Cmd":"haltPICC"}', qos=2,
logging.critical(f"authentication timed out on reader {reader_id}")
if __name__ == "__main__":
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

timer.py Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
import asyncio
from typing import Callable
import asyncio_mqtt
class Timer:
def __init__(self, timeout: int, callback: Callable):
self._timeout = timeout
self._callback = callback
self._task = asyncio.ensure_future(self._job())
async def _job(self):
await asyncio.sleep(self._timeout)
await self._callback()
def cancel(self):