import asyncio import socket import ssl import capnp import logging connection_capnp = capnp.load('schema/connection.capnp') authenticationsystem_capnp = capnp.load('schema/authenticationsystem.capnp') async def myreader(client, reader): while True: data = await client.write(data) async def mywriter(client, writer): while True: data = await writer.write(data.tobytes()) await writer.drain() async def connect(host, port, user, pw): # Setup SSL context ctx = ssl.create_default_context( ssl.Purpose.SERVER_AUTH ) ctx.check_hostname = False ctx.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE # Handle both IPv4 and IPv6 cases try: reader, writer = await asyncio.open_connection( host, port, ssl=ctx, family=socket.AF_INET6 ) except Exception: reader, writer = await asyncio.open_connection( host, port, ssl=ctx, family=socket.AF_INET ) # Start TwoPartyClient using TwoWayPipe (takes no arguments in this mode) client = capnp.TwoPartyClient() cap = client.bootstrap().cast_as(connection_capnp.Bootstrap) # Assemble reader and writer tasks, run in the background coroutines = [myreader(client, reader), mywriter(client, writer)] asyncio.gather(*coroutines, return_exceptions=True) auth = cap.authenticationSystem().authenticationSystem req = auth.start_request() req.request.mechanism = "PLAIN" req.request.initialResponse.initial = "\0" + user + "\0" + pw rep_prom = req.send() response = await rep_prom.a_wait() if response.response.outcome.result == "successful":"Auth completed successfully") return cap else:"Auth failed") return None async def connect_with_fabfire_initial(host, port, uid): # Setup SSL context ctx = ssl.create_default_context( ssl.Purpose.SERVER_AUTH ) ctx.check_hostname = False ctx.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE # Handle both IPv4 and IPv6 cases try: reader, writer = await asyncio.open_connection( host, port, ssl=ctx, family=socket.AF_INET6 ) except Exception: reader, writer = await asyncio.open_connection( host, port, ssl=ctx, family=socket.AF_INET ) # Start TwoPartyClient using TwoWayPipe (takes no arguments in this mode) client = capnp.TwoPartyClient() cap = client.bootstrap().cast_as(connection_capnp.Bootstrap) # Assemble reader and writer tasks, run in the background coroutines = [myreader(client, reader), mywriter(client, writer)] asyncio.gather(*coroutines, return_exceptions=True) auth = cap.authenticationSystem().authenticationSystem req = auth.start_request() req.request.mechanism = "X-FABFIRE" req.request.initialResponse.initial = uid rep_prom = req.send() response = await rep_prom.a_wait() logging.debug(f"got response type: {response.response.which()}") if response.response.which() == "challence": logging.debug(f"challenge: {response.response.challence}") return auth, response.response.challence, cap else: logging.error(f"Auth failed: {response.response.outcome.result}, additional info: {response.response.outcome.helpText}") return None async def connect_with_fabfire_step(auth, msg): req = auth.step_request() req.response = msg rep_prom = req.send() response = await rep_prom.a_wait() if response.response.which() == "challence": logging.debug(f"challenge: {response.response.challence}") return response.response.challence, False # auth cap, challenge, not done elif response.response.outcome.result == "successful":"Auth completed successfully! Got additional Data: {response.response.outcome.additionalData.additional}") return response.response.outcome.additionalData.additional, True # dont care, message, we are done else: logging.error(f"Auth failed: {response.response.outcome.result}, additional info: {response.response.outcome.helpText}") return None