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FabFire Adapter

The FabFire adapter translates MQTT messages from the FabReader hardware to API calls to bffhd.


With python3-venv

Easy, native installation without overhead is possible with python3 virtual environment:

cd /opt/fabinfra/adapters/
git clone https://gitlab.com/fabinfra/fabaccess/fabfire_adapter.git --recursive
cd fabfire_adapter/
python3 -m venv env
. env/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

With the Dockerfile and Podman

You can also install the fabfire adapter using Docker or Podman:

podman build -f Dockerfile -t fabinfra/fabfire_adapter

#cleanup if required:
podman system prune


Edit the config file example provided in config/config.toml

  1. Set hostname and port for your MQTT Broker and bffhd instance

  2. Add your desired readers to the [readers] section. Every reader needs a unique subsection name:

     id = "111"
     machine = "urn:fabaccess:resource:Testmachine"
     id = "222"
     machine = "urn:fabaccess:resource:Another"


  1. Run the adapter:

  2. python3 main.py

or with Podman:

podman run localhost/fabinfra/fabfire_adapter:latest
  1. The adapter has to remain running for the readers to work


See the provisioning tool repo.