#define platformProtectST25R391xComm() taskENTER_CRITICAL(&CommProtectLock) /*!< Protect unique access to ST25R391x communication channel - IRQ disable on single thread environment (MCU) ; Mutex lock on a multi thread environment */
#define platformUnprotectST25R391xComm() taskEXIT_CRITICAL(&CommProtectLock) /*!< Unprotect unique access to ST25R391x communication channel - IRQ enable on a single thread environment (MCU) ; Mutex unlock on a multi thread environment */
#define platformProtectST25R391xIrqStatus() platformProtectST25R391xComm() /*!< Protect unique access to IRQ status var - IRQ disable on single thread environment (MCU) ; Mutex lock on a multi thread environment */
#define platformUnprotectST25R391xIrqStatus() platformUnprotectST25R391xComm() /*!< Unprotect the IRQ status var - IRQ enable on a single thread environment (MCU) ; Mutex unlock on a multi thread environment */
#define platformProtectWorker() /* Protect RFAL Worker/Task/Process from concurrent execution on multi thread platforms */
#define platformUnprotectWorker() /* Unprotect RFAL Worker/Task/Process from concurrent execution on multi thread platforms */
#define platformIrqST25R3911SetCallback( cb )
#define platformIrqST25R3911PinInitialize()
#define platformIrqST25R3916SetCallback( cb )
#define platformIrqST25R3916PinInitialize()
#define platformLedsInitialize() /*!< Initializes the pins used as LEDs to outputs*/
#define platformLedOff( port, pin ) platformGpioClear((port), (pin)) /*!< Turns the given LED Off */
#define platformLedOn( port, pin ) platformGpioSet((port), (pin)) /*!< Turns the given LED On */
#define platformLedToogle( port, pin ) platformGpioToogle((port), (pin)) /*!< Toogle the given LED */
#define platformGpioSet( port, pin ) ESP_ERROR_CHECK(gpio_set_level(pin, 1)) /*!< Turns the given GPIO High */
#define platformGpioClear( port, pin ) ESP_ERROR_CHECK(gpio_set_level(pin, 0)) /*!< Turns the given GPIO Low */
#define platformGpioToogle( port, pin ) ESP_ERROR_CHECK(gpio_set_level(pin, !gpio_get_level(pin))) /*!< Toogles the given GPIO */
#define platformGpioIsHigh( port, pin ) (gpio_get_level(pin)) /*!< Checks if the given LED is High */
#define platformGpioIsLow( port, pin ) (!platformGpioIsHigh(port, pin)) /*!< Checks if the given LED is Low */
#define platformTimerCreate( t ) timerCalculateTimer(t) /*!< Create a timer with the given time (ms) */
#define platformTimerIsExpired( timer ) timerIsExpired(timer) /*!< Checks if the given timer is expired */
#define platformDelay( t ) vTaskDelay(pdMS_TO_TICKS(t)) /*!< Performs a delay for the given time (ms) */
#define platformGetSysTick() pdTICKS_TO_MS(xTaskGetTickCount()) /*!< Get System Tick ( 1 tick = 1 ms) */