/****************************************************************************** * \attention * *

© COPYRIGHT 2019 STMicroelectronics

* * Licensed under ST MYLIBERTY SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT (the "License"); * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * www.st.com/myliberty * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied, * AND SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMING THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ******************************************************************************/ /* * PROJECT: NDEF firmware * Revision: * LANGUAGE: ISO C99 */ /*! \file * * \author * * \brief Provides NDEF methods and definitions to access NFC Forum T4T * * This module provides an interface to perform as a NFC Reader/Writer * to handle a Type 4 Tag T4T * */ /* ****************************************************************************** * INCLUDES ****************************************************************************** */ #include "ndef_poller.h" #include "ndef_t4t.h" #include "utils.h" /* ****************************************************************************** * ENABLE SWITCH ****************************************************************************** */ #ifndef RFAL_FEATURE_T4T #error " RFAL: Module configuration missing. Please enable/disable T4T module by setting: RFAL_FEATURE_T4T " #endif #if RFAL_FEATURE_T4T #if RFAL_FEATURE_ISO_DEP_APDU_MAX_LEN < MAX(NDEF_T4T_MAX_CAPDU_LEN, NDEF_T4T_MAX_RAPDU_LEN) #error " RFAL: ISO-DEP APDU Max length must be greater than ISO7816 Command/Response-APDU length. Please increase RFAL_FEATURE_ISO_DEP_APDU_MAX_LEN" #endif /* ****************************************************************************** * GLOBAL DEFINES ****************************************************************************** */ #define NDEF_T4T_FID_SIZE 2U /*!< File Id size */ #define NDEF_T4T_WRITE_ODO_PREFIX_SIZE 7U /*!< Size of ODO for Write Binary: 54 03 xxyyzz 53 Ld */ #define NDEF_T4T_DEFAULT_MLC 0x000DU /*!< Defauit Max Lc value before reading CCFILE values */ #define NDEF_T4T_DEFAULT_MLE 0x000FU /*!< Defauit Max Le value before reading CCFILE values */ #define NDEF_T4T_OFFSET_MAX 0x7FFFU /*!< Maximum offset value for ReadBinary */ #define NDEF_T4T_ODO_OFFSET_MAX 0xFFFFFEU /*!< Maximum offset value for ReadBinary with ODO */ #define NDEF_T4T_CCFILEV2_LEN 15U /*!< CCFILE Len mapping version V2 */ #define NDEF_T4T_CCFILEV3_LEN 17U /*!< CCFILE Len mapping version V3 */ #define NDEF_T4T_NDEF_CTLV_T 0x04U /*!< NDEF-File_Ctrl_TLV T field value */ #define NDEF_T4T_ENDEF_CTLV_T 0x06U /*!< ENDEF-File_Ctrl_TLV T field value */ #define NDEF_T4T_NDEF_CTLV_L 0x06U /*!< NDEF-File_Ctrl_TLV T field value */ #define NDEF_T4T_ENDEF_CTLV_L 0x08U /*!< ENDEF-File_Ctrl_TLV T field value */ #define NDEF_T4T_MIN_VALID_MLE 0x000FU /*!< Min valid MLe. MLe valid range 000Fh-FFFFh */ #define NDEF_T4T_MIN_VALID_MLC 0x000DU /*!< Min valid MLc. MLc valid range 000Dh-FFFFh */ #define NDEF_T4T_NLEN_LEN 2U /*!< NLEN LEN (mapping version v2.0): 2 bytes */ #define NDEF_T4T_ENLEN_LEN 4U /*!< ENLEN LEN (mapping version v3.0): 4 bytes */ #define NDEF_T4T_MIN_NLEN 3U /*!< Minimun non null NLEN value. TS T4T v1.0 B */ #define NDEF_T4T_MV2_MAX_OFSSET 0x7FFFU /*!< ReadBinary maximum Offset (offset range 0000-7FFFh)*/ #define NDEF_T4T_MAX_MLE 255U /*!< Maximum MLe value supported in this implementation (short field coding). Le=0 (MLe=256) not supported by some tag. */ #define NDEF_T4T_MAX_MLC 255U /*!< Maximum MLc value supported in this implementation (short field coding). */ /* ****************************************************************************** * GLOBAL TYPES ****************************************************************************** */ /* ****************************************************************************** * GLOBAL MACROS ****************************************************************************** */ #define ndefT4TisT4TDevice(device) ((((device)->type == RFAL_NFC_LISTEN_TYPE_NFCA) && ((device)->dev.nfca.type == RFAL_NFCA_T4T)) || ((device)->type == RFAL_NFC_LISTEN_TYPE_NFCB)) /* ****************************************************************************** * LOCAL VARIABLES ****************************************************************************** */ /* ****************************************************************************** * LOCAL FUNCTION PROTOTYPES ****************************************************************************** */ static void ndefT4TInitializeIsoDepTxRxParam(ndefContext *ctx, rfalIsoDepApduTxRxParam *isoDepAPDU); static ReturnCode ndefT4TTransceiveTxRx(ndefContext *ctx, rfalIsoDepApduTxRxParam *isoDepAPDU); static ReturnCode ndefT4TReadAndParseCCFile(ndefContext *ctx); /* ****************************************************************************** * GLOBAL FUNCTIONS ****************************************************************************** */ /*******************************************************************************/ static void ndefT4TInitializeIsoDepTxRxParam(ndefContext *ctx, rfalIsoDepApduTxRxParam *isoDepAPDU) { /* Initialize the ISO-DEP protocol transceive context */ isoDepAPDU->txBuf = &ctx->subCtx.t4t.cApduBuf; isoDepAPDU->DID = ctx->device.proto.isoDep.info.DID; isoDepAPDU->FWT = ctx->device.proto.isoDep.info.FWT; isoDepAPDU->dFWT = ctx->device.proto.isoDep.info.dFWT; isoDepAPDU->FSx = ctx->device.proto.isoDep.info.FSx; isoDepAPDU->ourFSx = RFAL_ISODEP_FSX_KEEP; isoDepAPDU->rxBuf = &ctx->subCtx.t4t.rApduBuf; isoDepAPDU->tmpBuf = &ctx->subCtx.t4t.tmpBuf; } /*******************************************************************************/ static ReturnCode ndefT4TTransceiveTxRx(ndefContext *ctx, rfalIsoDepApduTxRxParam *isoDepAPDU) { ReturnCode ret; /* Initialize respAPDU */ ctx->subCtx.t4t.respAPDU.rApduBuf = &ctx->subCtx.t4t.rApduBuf; isoDepAPDU->rxLen = &ctx->subCtx.t4t.respAPDU.rcvdLen; ret = rfalIsoDepStartApduTransceive(*isoDepAPDU); if( ret == ERR_NONE ) { do { /* Blocking implementation, T4T may define rather long timeouts */ rfalWorker(); ret = rfalIsoDepGetApduTransceiveStatus(); } while (ret == ERR_BUSY); } if (ret != ERR_NONE) { return ret; } ret = rfalT4TPollerParseRAPDU(&ctx->subCtx.t4t.respAPDU); ctx->subCtx.t4t.rApduBodyLen = ctx->subCtx.t4t.respAPDU.rApduBodyLen; return ret; } /*******************************************************************************/ static ReturnCode ndefT4TReadAndParseCCFile(ndefContext *ctx) { static const uint8_t RFAL_T4T_FID_CC[] = {0xE1, 0x03}; /*!< FID_CC-File T4T 1.0 4.2 */ ReturnCode ret; uint8_t dataIt; /* Select CCFILE TS T4T v1.0 */ ret = ndefT4TPollerSelectFile(ctx, RFAL_T4T_FID_CC); if( ret != ERR_NONE ) { /* Conclude procedure TS T4T v1.0 */ return ret; } /* Read CCFILE TS T4T v1.0 */ /* read CCFILE assuming at least 15 bytes are available. If V3 found will read the extra bytes in a second step */ ret = ndefT4TPollerReadBinary(ctx, 0U, NDEF_T4T_CCFILEV2_LEN); if( ret != ERR_NONE ) { /* Conclude procedure TS T4T v1.0 */ return ret; } (void)ST_MEMCPY(ctx->ccBuf, ctx->subCtx.t4t.rApduBuf.apdu, NDEF_T4T_CCFILEV2_LEN); dataIt = 0; ctx->cc.t4t.ccLen = GETU16(&ctx->ccBuf[dataIt]); dataIt += (uint8_t)sizeof(uint16_t); ctx->cc.t4t.vNo = ctx->ccBuf[dataIt]; dataIt++; ctx->cc.t4t.mLe = GETU16(&ctx->ccBuf[dataIt]); dataIt += (uint8_t)sizeof(uint16_t); ctx->cc.t4t.mLc = GETU16(&ctx->ccBuf[dataIt]); dataIt += (uint8_t)sizeof(uint16_t); /* TS T4T v1.0 verify MLe and MLc are within the valid range */ if( (ctx->cc.t4t.mLe < NDEF_T4T_MIN_VALID_MLE) || (ctx->cc.t4t.mLc < NDEF_T4T_MIN_VALID_MLC) ) { /* Conclude procedure TS T4T v1.0 */ return ERR_REQUEST; } ctx->subCtx.t4t.curMLe = (uint8_t)MIN(ctx->cc.t4t.mLe, NDEF_T4T_MAX_MLE); /* Only short field codind supported */ ctx->subCtx.t4t.curMLc = (uint8_t)MIN(ctx->cc.t4t.mLc, NDEF_T4T_MAX_MLC); /* Only short field codind supported */ /* TS T4T v1.0 and verify support of mapping version */ if( ndefMajorVersion(ctx->cc.t4t.vNo) > ndefMajorVersion(NDEF_T4T_MAPPING_VERSION_3_0) ) { /* Conclude procedure TS T4T v1.0 */ return ERR_REQUEST; } if( ndefMajorVersion(ctx->cc.t4t.vNo) == ndefMajorVersion(NDEF_T4T_MAPPING_VERSION_3_0) ) { /* V3 found: read remainng bytes */ ret = ndefT4TPollerReadBinary(ctx, NDEF_T4T_CCFILEV2_LEN, NDEF_T4T_CCFILEV3_LEN - NDEF_T4T_CCFILEV2_LEN); if( ret != ERR_NONE ) { /* Conclude procedure TS T4T v1.0 */ return ret; } (void)ST_MEMCPY(&ctx->ccBuf[NDEF_T4T_CCFILEV2_LEN], ctx->subCtx.t4t.rApduBuf.apdu, NDEF_T4T_CCFILEV3_LEN - NDEF_T4T_CCFILEV2_LEN); /* TS T4T v1.0 verify coding as in table 5 */ if( ctx->ccBuf[dataIt] != NDEF_T4T_ENDEF_CTLV_T ) { /* Conclude procedure TS T4T v1.0 */ return ERR_REQUEST; } dataIt++; if( ctx->ccBuf[dataIt] < NDEF_T4T_ENDEF_CTLV_L ) { /* Conclude procedure TS T4T v1.0 */ return ERR_REQUEST; } dataIt++; ctx->cc.t4t.fileId[0U] = ctx->ccBuf[dataIt]; dataIt++; ctx->cc.t4t.fileId[1U] = ctx->ccBuf[dataIt]; dataIt++; ctx->cc.t4t.fileSize = GETU32(&ctx->ccBuf[dataIt]); dataIt += (uint8_t)sizeof(uint32_t); ctx->cc.t4t.readAccess = ctx->ccBuf[dataIt]; dataIt++; ctx->cc.t4t.writeAccess = ctx->ccBuf[dataIt]; dataIt++; } else { if( ctx->ccBuf[dataIt] != NDEF_T4T_NDEF_CTLV_T ) { return ERR_REQUEST; } dataIt++; if( ctx->ccBuf[dataIt] < NDEF_T4T_NDEF_CTLV_L ) { return ERR_REQUEST; } dataIt++; ctx->cc.t4t.fileId[0U] = ctx->ccBuf[dataIt]; dataIt++; ctx->cc.t4t.fileId[1U] = ctx->ccBuf[dataIt]; dataIt++; ctx->cc.t4t.fileSize = ndefBytes2Uint16(ctx->ccBuf[dataIt], ctx->ccBuf[dataIt + 1U]); dataIt += (uint8_t)sizeof(uint16_t); ctx->cc.t4t.readAccess = ctx->ccBuf[dataIt]; dataIt++; ctx->cc.t4t.writeAccess = ctx->ccBuf[dataIt]; dataIt++; } return ERR_NONE; } /*******************************************************************************/ ReturnCode ndefT4TPollerSelectNdefTagApplication(ndefContext *ctx) { ReturnCode ret; rfalIsoDepApduTxRxParam isoDepAPDU; static const uint8_t NDEF_T4T_AID_NDEF[] = {0xD2, 0x76, 0x00, 0x00, 0x85, 0x01, 0x01}; /*!< AID_NDEF v2.0 or higher T4T 1.0 4.3.3 */ static const uint8_t NDEF_T4T_AID_NDEF_V1[] = {0xD2, 0x76, 0x00, 0x00, 0x85, 0x01, 0x00}; /*!< AID_NDEF v1.0 T4T 1.0 4.3.3 */ if( (ctx == NULL) || !ndefT4TisT4TDevice(&ctx->device) ) { return ERR_PARAM; } ndefT4TInitializeIsoDepTxRxParam(ctx, &isoDepAPDU); (void)rfalT4TPollerComposeSelectAppl(isoDepAPDU.txBuf, NDEF_T4T_AID_NDEF, (uint8_t)sizeof(NDEF_T4T_AID_NDEF), &isoDepAPDU.txBufLen); ret = ndefT4TTransceiveTxRx(ctx, &isoDepAPDU); if( ret == ERR_NONE ) { /* application v2 or higher found */ ctx->subCtx.t4t.mv1Flag = false; return ret; } if( ret != ERR_REQUEST ) { return ret; } /* if v2 application not found, try v1 */ (void)rfalT4TPollerComposeSelectAppl(isoDepAPDU.txBuf, NDEF_T4T_AID_NDEF_V1, (uint8_t)sizeof(NDEF_T4T_AID_NDEF_V1), &isoDepAPDU.txBufLen); ret = ndefT4TTransceiveTxRx(ctx, &isoDepAPDU); if( ret == ERR_NONE ) { /* application v1 found */ ctx->subCtx.t4t.mv1Flag = true; } return ret; } /*******************************************************************************/ ReturnCode ndefT4TPollerSelectFile(ndefContext *ctx, const uint8_t *fileId) { ReturnCode ret; rfalIsoDepApduTxRxParam isoDepAPDU; if( (ctx == NULL) || !ndefT4TisT4TDevice(&ctx->device) ) { return ERR_PARAM; } ndefT4TInitializeIsoDepTxRxParam(ctx, &isoDepAPDU); if (ctx->subCtx.t4t.mv1Flag) { (void)rfalT4TPollerComposeSelectFileV1Mapping(isoDepAPDU.txBuf, fileId, (uint8_t)sizeof(fileId), &isoDepAPDU.txBufLen); } else { (void)rfalT4TPollerComposeSelectFile(isoDepAPDU.txBuf, fileId, NDEF_T4T_FID_SIZE, &isoDepAPDU.txBufLen); } ret = ndefT4TTransceiveTxRx(ctx, &isoDepAPDU); return ret; } /*******************************************************************************/ ReturnCode ndefT4TPollerReadBinary(ndefContext *ctx, uint16_t offset, uint8_t len) { ReturnCode ret; rfalIsoDepApduTxRxParam isoDepAPDU; if( (ctx == NULL) || !ndefT4TisT4TDevice(&ctx->device) || (len > ctx->subCtx.t4t.curMLe) || (offset > NDEF_T4T_OFFSET_MAX) ) { return ERR_PARAM; } ndefT4TInitializeIsoDepTxRxParam(ctx, &isoDepAPDU); (void)rfalT4TPollerComposeReadData(isoDepAPDU.txBuf, offset, len, &isoDepAPDU.txBufLen); ret = ndefT4TTransceiveTxRx(ctx, &isoDepAPDU); return ret; } /*******************************************************************************/ ReturnCode ndefT4TPollerReadBinaryODO(ndefContext *ctx, uint32_t offset, uint8_t len) { ReturnCode ret; rfalIsoDepApduTxRxParam isoDepAPDU; if( (ctx == NULL) || !ndefT4TisT4TDevice(&ctx->device) || (len > ctx->subCtx.t4t.curMLe) || (offset > NDEF_T4T_ODO_OFFSET_MAX) ) { return ERR_PARAM; } ndefT4TInitializeIsoDepTxRxParam(ctx, &isoDepAPDU); (void)rfalT4TPollerComposeReadDataODO(isoDepAPDU.txBuf, offset, len, &isoDepAPDU.txBufLen); ret = ndefT4TTransceiveTxRx(ctx, &isoDepAPDU); return ret; } /*******************************************************************************/ ReturnCode ndefT4TPollerReadBytes(ndefContext *ctx, uint32_t offset, uint32_t len, uint8_t *buf, uint32_t *rcvdLen) { ReturnCode ret; uint8_t le; uint32_t lvOffset = offset; uint32_t lvLen = len; uint8_t * lvBuf = buf; if( (ctx == NULL) || !ndefT4TisT4TDevice(&ctx->device) || (lvLen == 0U) ) { return ERR_PARAM; } if( rcvdLen != NULL ) { *rcvdLen = 0U; } do { le = ( lvLen > ctx->subCtx.t4t.curMLe ) ? ctx->subCtx.t4t.curMLe : (uint8_t)lvLen; if( lvOffset > NDEF_T4T_MV2_MAX_OFSSET ) { ret = ndefT4TPollerReadBinaryODO(ctx, lvOffset, le); } else { ret = ndefT4TPollerReadBinary(ctx, (uint16_t)lvOffset, le); } if( ret != ERR_NONE ) { return ret; } if( ctx->subCtx.t4t.rApduBodyLen == 0U ) { break; /* no more to read */ } if( ctx->subCtx.t4t.rApduBodyLen > lvLen ) { return ERR_SYSTEM; } (void)ST_MEMCPY(lvBuf, ctx->subCtx.t4t.rApduBuf.apdu, ctx->subCtx.t4t.rApduBodyLen); lvBuf = &lvBuf[ctx->subCtx.t4t.rApduBodyLen]; lvOffset += ctx->subCtx.t4t.rApduBodyLen; lvLen -= ctx->subCtx.t4t.rApduBodyLen; if( rcvdLen != NULL ) { *rcvdLen += ctx->subCtx.t4t.rApduBodyLen; } } while( lvLen != 0U ); return ERR_NONE; } /*******************************************************************************/ ReturnCode ndefT4TPollerContextInitialization(ndefContext *ctx, const rfalNfcDevice *dev) { if( (ctx == NULL) || (dev == NULL) || !ndefT4TisT4TDevice(dev) ) { return ERR_PARAM; } (void)ST_MEMCPY(&ctx->device, dev, sizeof(ctx->device)); ctx->state = NDEF_STATE_INVALID; ctx->subCtx.t4t.curMLc = NDEF_T4T_DEFAULT_MLC; ctx->subCtx.t4t.curMLe = NDEF_T4T_DEFAULT_MLE; return ERR_NONE; } /*******************************************************************************/ ReturnCode ndefT4TPollerNdefDetect(ndefContext *ctx, ndefInfo *info) { ReturnCode ret; uint8_t* nLen; uint8_t nlenLen; if( info != NULL ) { info->state = NDEF_STATE_INVALID; info->majorVersion = 0U; info->minorVersion = 0U; info->areaLen = 0U; info->areaAvalableSpaceLen = 0U; info->messageLen = 0U; } if( (ctx == NULL) || !ndefT4TisT4TDevice(&ctx->device) ) { return ERR_PARAM; } ctx->state = NDEF_STATE_INVALID; /* Select NDEF Tag application TS T4T v1.0 */ ret = ndefT4TPollerSelectNdefTagApplication(ctx); if( ret != ERR_NONE ) { /* Conclude procedure TS T4T v1.0 */ return ret; } /* TS T4T v1.0 and following */ ret = ndefT4TReadAndParseCCFile(ctx); if( ret != ERR_NONE ) { return ret; } nlenLen = ( ndefMajorVersion(ctx->cc.t4t.vNo) == ndefMajorVersion(NDEF_T4T_MAPPING_VERSION_3_0) ) ? NDEF_T4T_ENLEN_LEN : NDEF_T4T_NLEN_LEN; /* TS T4T v1.0 verify file READ access */ if( !(ndefT4TIsReadAccessGranted(ctx->cc.t4t.readAccess)) ) { /* Conclude procedure TS T4T v1.0 */ return ERR_REQUEST; } /* File size need at least be enough to store NLEN or ENLEN */ if( ctx->cc.t4t.fileSize < nlenLen) { return ERR_REQUEST; } /* Select NDEF File TS T4T v1.0 */ ret = ndefT4TPollerSelectFile(ctx, ctx->cc.t4t.fileId); if( ret != ERR_NONE ) { /* Conclude procedure TS T4T v1.0 */ return ret; } /* Read NLEN/ENLEN TS T4T v1.0 */ ret = ndefT4TPollerReadBinary(ctx, 0U, nlenLen); if( ret != ERR_NONE ) { /* Conclude procedure TS T4T v1.0 */ return ret; } nLen = ctx->subCtx.t4t.rApduBuf.apdu; ctx->messageLen = (nlenLen == NDEF_T4T_ENLEN_LEN) ? GETU32(&nLen[0]) : (uint32_t)ndefBytes2Uint16(nLen[0], nLen[1]); ctx->messageOffset = nlenLen; ctx->areaLen = ctx->cc.t4t.fileSize; if ( (ctx->messageLen > (ctx->cc.t4t.fileSize - nlenLen)) || ((ctx->messageLen > 0U) && (ctx->messageLen < NDEF_T4T_MIN_NLEN)) ) { /* Conclude procedure TS T4T v1.0 */ return ERR_REQUEST; } if( ctx->messageLen == 0U ) { if( !(ndefT4TIsWriteAccessGranted(ctx->cc.t4t.writeAccess)) ) { /* Conclude procedure TS T4T v1.0 */ return ERR_REQUEST; } ctx->state = NDEF_STATE_INITIALIZED; } else { ctx->state = (ndefT4TIsWriteAccessGranted(ctx->cc.t4t.writeAccess)) ? NDEF_STATE_READWRITE : NDEF_STATE_READONLY; } if( info != NULL ) { info->state = ctx->state; info->majorVersion = ndefMajorVersion(ctx->cc.t4t.vNo); info->minorVersion = ndefMinorVersion(ctx->cc.t4t.vNo); info->areaLen = ctx->areaLen; info->areaAvalableSpaceLen = ctx->areaLen - ctx->messageOffset; info->messageLen = ctx->messageLen; } return ERR_NONE; } /*******************************************************************************/ ReturnCode ndefT4TPollerReadRawMessage(ndefContext *ctx, uint8_t *buf, uint32_t bufLen, uint32_t *rcvdLen) { ReturnCode ret; if( (ctx == NULL) || !ndefT4TisT4TDevice(&ctx->device) || (buf == NULL) ) { return ERR_PARAM; } /* TS T4T v1.0 T4T NDEF Detect should have been called before NDEF read procedure */ /* Warning: current selected file must not be changed between NDEF Detect procedure and NDEF read procedure*/ /* TS T4T v1.0 check presence of NDEF message */ if ( ctx->state <= NDEF_STATE_INITIALIZED ) { /* Conclude procedure TS T4T v1.0 */ return ERR_WRONG_STATE; } if( ctx->messageLen > bufLen ) { return ERR_NOMEM; } /* TS T4T v1.0 read the NDEF message */ ret = ndefT4TPollerReadBytes(ctx, ctx->messageOffset, ctx->messageLen, buf, rcvdLen); if( ret != ERR_NONE ) { ctx->state = NDEF_STATE_INVALID; } return ret; } #if NDEF_FEATURE_ALL /*******************************************************************************/ ReturnCode ndefT4TPollerWriteBinary(ndefContext *ctx, uint16_t offset, const uint8_t *data, uint8_t len) { ReturnCode ret; rfalIsoDepApduTxRxParam isoDepAPDU; if( (ctx == NULL) || !ndefT4TisT4TDevice(&ctx->device) || (len > ctx->subCtx.t4t.curMLc) || (offset > NDEF_T4T_OFFSET_MAX) ) { return ERR_PARAM; } ndefT4TInitializeIsoDepTxRxParam(ctx, &isoDepAPDU); (void)rfalT4TPollerComposeWriteData(isoDepAPDU.txBuf, offset, data, len, &isoDepAPDU.txBufLen); ret = ndefT4TTransceiveTxRx(ctx, &isoDepAPDU); return ret; } /*******************************************************************************/ ReturnCode ndefT4TPollerWriteBinaryODO(ndefContext *ctx, uint32_t offset, const uint8_t *data, uint8_t len) { ReturnCode ret; rfalIsoDepApduTxRxParam isoDepAPDU; if( (ctx == NULL) || !ndefT4TisT4TDevice(&ctx->device) || (len > ctx->subCtx.t4t.curMLc) || (offset > NDEF_T4T_ODO_OFFSET_MAX) ) { return ERR_PARAM; } ndefT4TInitializeIsoDepTxRxParam(ctx, &isoDepAPDU); (void)rfalT4TPollerComposeWriteDataODO(isoDepAPDU.txBuf, offset, data, len, &isoDepAPDU.txBufLen); ret = ndefT4TTransceiveTxRx(ctx, &isoDepAPDU); return ret; } /*******************************************************************************/ ReturnCode ndefT4TPollerWriteBytes(ndefContext *ctx, uint32_t offset, const uint8_t *buf, uint32_t len) { ReturnCode ret; uint8_t lc; uint32_t lvOffset = offset; uint32_t lvLen = len; const uint8_t * lvBuf = buf; if( (ctx == NULL) || !ndefT4TisT4TDevice(&ctx->device) || (lvLen == 0U) ) { return ERR_PARAM; } do { if( lvOffset > NDEF_T4T_MV2_MAX_OFSSET ) { lc = ( lvLen > ((uint32_t)ctx->subCtx.t4t.curMLc - NDEF_T4T_WRITE_ODO_PREFIX_SIZE) ) ? (uint8_t)(ctx->subCtx.t4t.curMLc - NDEF_T4T_WRITE_ODO_PREFIX_SIZE) : (uint8_t)lvLen; ret = ndefT4TPollerWriteBinaryODO(ctx, lvOffset, lvBuf, lc); } else { lc = ( lvLen > ctx->subCtx.t4t.curMLc ) ? ctx->subCtx.t4t.curMLc : (uint8_t)lvLen; ret = ndefT4TPollerWriteBinary(ctx, (uint16_t)lvOffset, lvBuf, lc); } if( ret != ERR_NONE ) { return ret; } lvBuf = &lvBuf[lc]; lvOffset += lc; lvLen -= lc; } while( lvLen != 0U ); return ERR_NONE; } /*******************************************************************************/ ReturnCode ndefT4TPollerWriteRawMessageLen(ndefContext *ctx, uint32_t rawMessageLen) { ReturnCode ret; uint8_t buf[NDEF_T4T_ENLEN_LEN]; uint8_t dataIt; if( (ctx == NULL) || !ndefT4TisT4TDevice(&ctx->device) ) { return ERR_PARAM; } if ( (ctx->state != NDEF_STATE_INITIALIZED) && (ctx->state != NDEF_STATE_READWRITE) ) { return ERR_WRONG_STATE; } dataIt = 0U; if( ndefMajorVersion(ctx->cc.t4t.vNo) == ndefMajorVersion(NDEF_T4T_MAPPING_VERSION_3_0) ) { buf[dataIt] = (uint8_t)(rawMessageLen >> 24U); dataIt++; buf[dataIt] = (uint8_t)(rawMessageLen >> 16U); dataIt++; buf[dataIt] = (uint8_t)(rawMessageLen >> 8U); dataIt++; buf[dataIt] = (uint8_t)(rawMessageLen); dataIt++; } else { buf[dataIt] = (uint8_t)(rawMessageLen >> 8U); dataIt++; buf[dataIt] = (uint8_t)(rawMessageLen); dataIt++; } ret = ndefT4TPollerWriteBytes(ctx, 0U, buf, dataIt); return ret; } /*******************************************************************************/ ReturnCode ndefT4TPollerWriteRawMessage(ndefContext *ctx, const uint8_t *buf, uint32_t bufLen) { ReturnCode ret; if( (ctx == NULL) || !ndefT4TisT4TDevice(&ctx->device) || ((buf == NULL) && (bufLen != 0U)) ) { return ERR_PARAM; } /* TS T4T v1.0 T4T NDEF Detect should have been called before NDEF write procedure */ /* Warning: current selected file must not be changed between NDEF Detect procedure and NDEF Write procedure*/ /* TS T4T v1.0 check write access condition */ if ( (ctx->state != NDEF_STATE_INITIALIZED) && (ctx->state != NDEF_STATE_READWRITE) ) { /* Conclude procedure TS T4T v1.0 */ return ERR_WRONG_STATE; } /* TS T4T v1.0 check Mapping Version */ /* Done automatically inside underlying fucntions */ /* TS T4T v1.0 verify length of the NDEF message */ ret = ndefT4TPollerCheckAvailableSpace(ctx, bufLen); if( ret != ERR_NONE ) { /* Conclude procedure TS T4T v1.0 */ return ERR_PARAM; } /* TS T4T v1.0 Write value 0000h in NLEN field (resp. 00000000h in ENLEN field) */ ret = ndefT4TPollerBeginWriteMessage(ctx, bufLen); if( ret != ERR_NONE ) { ctx->state = NDEF_STATE_INVALID; /* Conclude procedure TS T4T v1.0 */ return ret; } if( bufLen != 0U ) { /* TS T4T v1.0 Write NDEF message) */ ret = ndefT4TPollerWriteBytes(ctx, ctx->messageOffset, buf, bufLen); if( ret != ERR_NONE ) { /* Conclude procedure TS T4T v1.0 */ ctx->state = NDEF_STATE_INVALID; return ret; } /* TS T4T v1.0 Write value length in NLEN field (resp. in ENLEN field) */ ret = ndefT4TPollerEndWriteMessage(ctx, bufLen); if( ret != ERR_NONE ) { /* Conclude procedure TS T4T v1.0 */ ctx->state = NDEF_STATE_INVALID; return ret; } } return ret; } /*******************************************************************************/ ReturnCode ndefT4TPollerTagFormat(ndefContext *ctx, const ndefCapabilityContainer *cc, uint32_t options) { ReturnCode ret; uint8_t buf[NDEF_T4T_ENLEN_LEN]; NO_WARNING(cc); NO_WARNING(options); if( (ctx == NULL) || !ndefT4TisT4TDevice(&ctx->device) ) { return ERR_PARAM; } ret = ndefT4TPollerSelectNdefTagApplication(ctx); if( ret != ERR_NONE ) { return ret; } ret = ndefT4TReadAndParseCCFile(ctx); if( ret != ERR_NONE ) { return ret; } ret = ndefT4TPollerSelectFile(ctx, ctx->cc.t4t.fileId); if( ret != ERR_NONE ) { return ret; } (void)ST_MEMSET(buf, 0x00, sizeof(buf)); ret = ndefT4TPollerWriteBytes(ctx, 0U, buf, ( ndefMajorVersion(ctx->cc.t4t.vNo) == ndefMajorVersion(NDEF_T4T_MAPPING_VERSION_3_0) ) ? NDEF_T4T_ENLEN_LEN : NDEF_T4T_NLEN_LEN); return ret; } /*******************************************************************************/ ReturnCode ndefT4TPollerCheckPresence(ndefContext *ctx) { rfalIsoDepApduTxRxParam isoDepAPDU; ReturnCode ret; if( (ctx == NULL) || !ndefT4TisT4TDevice(&ctx->device) ) { return ERR_PARAM; } ndefT4TInitializeIsoDepTxRxParam(ctx, &isoDepAPDU); (void)rfalT4TPollerComposeReadData(isoDepAPDU.txBuf, 0, 1, &isoDepAPDU.txBufLen); /* Initialize respAPDU */ ctx->subCtx.t4t.respAPDU.rApduBuf = &ctx->subCtx.t4t.rApduBuf; isoDepAPDU.rxLen = &ctx->subCtx.t4t.respAPDU.rcvdLen; (void)rfalIsoDepStartApduTransceive(isoDepAPDU); do { /* Blocking implementation, T4T may define rather long timeouts */ rfalWorker(); ret = rfalIsoDepGetApduTransceiveStatus(); } while (ret == ERR_BUSY); return ret; } /*******************************************************************************/ ReturnCode ndefT4TPollerCheckAvailableSpace(const ndefContext *ctx, uint32_t messageLen) { uint8_t nlenLen; if( (ctx == NULL) || !ndefT4TisT4TDevice(&ctx->device) ) { return ERR_PARAM; } if ( ctx->state == NDEF_STATE_INVALID ) { return ERR_WRONG_STATE; } nlenLen = ( ndefMajorVersion(ctx->cc.t4t.vNo) == ndefMajorVersion(NDEF_T4T_MAPPING_VERSION_3_0) ) ? NDEF_T4T_ENLEN_LEN : NDEF_T4T_NLEN_LEN; if( (messageLen + (uint32_t)nlenLen) > ctx->cc.t4t.fileSize ) { return ERR_NOMEM; } return ERR_NONE; } /*******************************************************************************/ ReturnCode ndefT4TPollerBeginWriteMessage(ndefContext *ctx, uint32_t messageLen) { ReturnCode ret; NO_WARNING(messageLen); if( (ctx == NULL) || !ndefT4TisT4TDevice(&ctx->device) ) { return ERR_PARAM; } if( (ctx->state != NDEF_STATE_INITIALIZED) && (ctx->state != NDEF_STATE_READWRITE) ) { return ERR_WRONG_STATE; } /* TS T4T v1.0 Write value 0000h in NLEN field (resp. 00000000h in ENLEN field) */ ret = ndefT4TPollerWriteRawMessageLen(ctx, 0U); if( ret != ERR_NONE ) { /* Conclude procedure */ ctx->state = NDEF_STATE_INVALID; return ret; } ctx->state = NDEF_STATE_INITIALIZED; return ERR_NONE; } /*******************************************************************************/ ReturnCode ndefT4TPollerEndWriteMessage(ndefContext *ctx, uint32_t messageLen) { ReturnCode ret; if( (ctx == NULL) || !ndefT4TisT4TDevice(&ctx->device) ) { return ERR_PARAM; } if( ctx->state != NDEF_STATE_INITIALIZED ) { return ERR_WRONG_STATE; } /* TS T4T v1.0 Write value length in NLEN field (resp. in ENLEN field) */ ret = ndefT4TPollerWriteRawMessageLen(ctx, messageLen); if( ret != ERR_NONE ) { /* Conclude procedure */ ctx->state = NDEF_STATE_INVALID; return ret; } ctx->messageLen = messageLen; ctx->state = (ctx->messageLen == 0U) ? NDEF_STATE_INITIALIZED : NDEF_STATE_READWRITE; return ERR_NONE; } #endif /* NDEF_FEATURE_ALL */ #endif /* RFAL_FEATURE_T4T */