/****************************************************************************** * \attention * *

© COPYRIGHT 2016 STMicroelectronics

* * Licensed under ST MYLIBERTY SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT (the "License"); * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * www.st.com/myliberty * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied, * AND SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMING THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ******************************************************************************/ /* * PROJECT: ST25R3911 firmware * Revision: * LANGUAGE: ISO C99 */ /*! \file * * \author Gustavo Patricio * * \brief RF Abstraction Layer (RFAL) * * RFAL implementation for ST25R3911 */ /* ****************************************************************************** * INCLUDES ****************************************************************************** */ #include "rfal_chip.h" #include "utils.h" #include "st25r3911.h" #include "st25r3911_com.h" #include "st25r3911_interrupt.h" #include "rfal_analogConfig.h" #include "rfal_iso15693_2.h" /* ****************************************************************************** * ENABLE SWITCHS ****************************************************************************** */ #ifndef RFAL_FEATURE_LISTEN_MODE #error " RFAL: Module configuration missing. Please enable/disable support for Listen Mode: RFAL_FEATURE_LISTEN_MODE " #endif #ifndef RFAL_FEATURE_WAKEUP_MODE #error " RFAL: Module configuration missing. Please enable/disable support for Wake-Up Mode: RFAL_FEATURE_WAKEUP_MODE " #endif /* ****************************************************************************** * GLOBAL TYPES ****************************************************************************** */ /*! Struct that holds all involved on a Transceive including the context passed by the caller */ typedef struct{ rfalTransceiveState state; /*!< Current transceive state */ rfalTransceiveState lastState; /*!< Last transceive state (debug purposes) */ ReturnCode status; /*!< Current status/error of the transceive */ bool rxse; /*!< Flag indicating if RXE was received with RXS */ rfalTransceiveContext ctx; /*!< The transceive context given by the caller */ } rfalTxRx; /*! Struct that holds all context for the Listen Mode */ typedef struct{ rfalLmState state; /*!< Current Listen Mode state */ rfalBitRate brDetected; /*!< Last bit rate detected */ uint8_t* rxBuf; /*!< Location to store incoming data in Listen Mode */ uint16_t rxBufLen; /*!< Length of rxBuf */ uint16_t* rxLen; /*!< Pointer to write the data length placed into rxBuf */ bool dataFlag; /*!< Listen Mode current Data Flag */ } rfalLm; /*! Struct that holds all context for the Wake-Up Mode */ typedef struct{ rfalWumState state; /*!< Current Wake-Up Mode state */ rfalWakeUpConfig cfg; /*!< Current Wake-Up Mode context */ } rfalWum; /*! Struct that holds the timings GT and FDTs */ typedef struct{ uint32_t GT; /*!< GT in 1/fc */ uint32_t FDTListen; /*!< FDTListen in 1/fc */ uint32_t FDTPoll; /*!< FDTPoll in 1/fc */ } rfalTimings; /*! Struct that holds the software timers */ typedef struct{ uint32_t GT; /*!< RFAL's GT timer */ uint32_t FWT; /*!< FWT/RWT timer for Active P2P*/ uint32_t RXE; /*!< Timer between RXS and RXE */ } rfalTimers; /*! Struct that holds the RFAL's callbacks */ typedef struct{ rfalPreTxRxCallback preTxRx; /*!< RFAL's Pre TxRx callback */ rfalPostTxRxCallback postTxRx; /*!< RFAL's Post TxRx callback */ } rfalCallbacks; /*! Struct that holds counters to control the FIFO on Tx and Rx */ typedef struct{ uint16_t expWL; /*!< The amount of bytes expected to be Tx when a WL interrupt occours */ uint16_t bytesTotal; /*!< Total bytes to be transmitted OR the total bytes received */ uint16_t bytesWritten;/*!< Amount of bytes already written on FIFO (Tx) OR read (RX) from FIFO and written on rxBuffer*/ uint8_t status[ST25R3911_FIFO_STATUS_LEN]; /*!< FIFO Status Registers */ } rfalFIFO; /*! Struct that holds RFAL's configuration settings */ typedef struct{ uint8_t obsvModeTx; /*!< RFAL's config of the ST25R3911's observation mode while Tx */ uint8_t obsvModeRx; /*!< RFAL's config of the ST25R3911's observation mode while Rx */ rfalEHandling eHandling; /*!< RFAL's error handling config/mode */ } rfalConfigs; /*! Struct that holds NFC-F data - Used only inside rfalFelicaPoll() (static to avoid adding it into stack) */ typedef struct{ rfalFeliCaPollRes pollResponses[RFAL_FELICA_POLL_MAX_SLOTS]; /* FeliCa Poll response container for 16 slots */ } rfalNfcfWorkingData; /*! Struct that holds NFC-V current context * * 96 bytes is FIFO size of ST25R3911, codingBuffer has to be big enough for coping with maximum response size (Manchester coded) * - current implementation expects it be written in one bulk into FIFO * - needs to be above FIFO water level of ST25R3911 (64) * - 65 is actually 1 byte too much, but ~75us in 1of256 another byte is already gone * * - inventory requests responses: 14 bytes * - Max read single block responses: 32 bytes * - Read multiple block responses: variable * * ISO15693 frame: SOF + Flags + Data + CRC + EOF */ typedef struct{ uint8_t codingBuffer[((2 + 255 + 3)*2)];/*!< Coding buffer, length MUST be above 64: [65; ...] */ uint16_t nfcvOffset; /*!< Offset needed for ISO15693 coding function */ rfalTransceiveContext origCtx; /*!< Context provided by user */ uint16_t ignoreBits; /*!< Number of bits at the beginning of a frame to be ignored when decoding*/ } rfalNfcvWorkingData; /*! RFAL instance */ typedef struct{ rfalState state; /*!< RFAL's current state */ rfalMode mode; /*!< RFAL's current mode */ rfalBitRate txBR; /*!< RFAL's current Tx Bit Rate */ rfalBitRate rxBR; /*!< RFAL's current Rx Bit Rate */ bool field; /*!< Current field state (On / Off) */ rfalConfigs conf; /*!< RFAL's configuration settings */ rfalTimings timings; /*!< RFAL's timing setting */ rfalTxRx TxRx; /*!< RFAL's transceive management */ rfalFIFO fifo; /*!< RFAL's FIFO management */ rfalTimers tmr; /*!< RFAL's Software timers */ rfalCallbacks callbacks; /*!< RFAL's callbacks */ #if RFAL_FEATURE_LISTEN_MODE rfalLm Lm; /*!< RFAL's listen mode management */ #endif /* RFAL_FEATURE_LISTEN_MODE */ #if RFAL_FEATURE_WAKEUP_MODE rfalWum wum; /*!< RFAL's Wake-up mode management */ #endif /* RFAL_FEATURE_WAKEUP_MODE */ #if RFAL_FEATURE_NFCF rfalNfcfWorkingData nfcfData; /*!< RFAL's working data when supporting NFC-F */ #endif /* RFAL_FEATURE_NFCF */ #if RFAL_FEATURE_NFCV rfalNfcvWorkingData nfcvData; /*!< RFAL's working data when supporting NFC-V */ #endif /* RFAL_FEATURE_NFCV */ } rfal; /*! Felica's command set */ typedef enum { FELICA_CMD_POLLING = 0x00, /*!< Felica Poll/REQC command (aka SENSF_REQ) to identify a card */ FELICA_CMD_POLLING_RES = 0x01, /*!< Felica Poll/REQC command (aka SENSF_RES) response */ FELICA_CMD_REQUEST_SERVICE = 0x02, /*!< verify the existence of Area and Service */ FELICA_CMD_REQUEST_RESPONSE = 0x04, /*!< verify the existence of a card */ FELICA_CMD_READ_WITHOUT_ENCRYPTION = 0x06, /*!< read Block Data from a Service that requires no authentication */ FELICA_CMD_WRITE_WITHOUT_ENCRYPTION = 0x08, /*!< write Block Data to a Service that requires no authentication */ FELICA_CMD_REQUEST_SYSTEM_CODE = 0x0c, /*!< acquire the System Code registered to a card */ FELICA_CMD_AUTHENTICATION1 = 0x10, /*!< authenticate a card */ FELICA_CMD_AUTHENTICATION2 = 0x12, /*!< allow a card to authenticate a Reader/Writer */ FELICA_CMD_READ = 0x14, /*!< read Block Data from a Service that requires authentication */ FELICA_CMD_WRITE = 0x16, /*!< write Block Data to a Service that requires authentication */ }t_rfalFeliCaCmd; /* ****************************************************************************** * GLOBAL DEFINES ****************************************************************************** */ #define RFAL_FIFO_IN_LT_32 32U /*!< Number of bytes in the FIFO when WL interrupt occurs while Tx ( fifo_lt: 0 ) */ #define RFAL_FIFO_IN_LT_16 16U /*!< Number of bytes in the FIFO when WL interrupt occurs while Tx ( fifo_lt: 1 ) */ #define RFAL_FIFO_OUT_LT_32 (ST25R3911_FIFO_DEPTH - RFAL_FIFO_IN_LT_32) /*!< Number of bytes sent/out of the FIFO when WL interrupt occurs while Tx ( fifo_lt: 0 ) */ #define RFAL_FIFO_OUT_LT_16 (ST25R3911_FIFO_DEPTH - RFAL_FIFO_IN_LT_16) /*!< Number of bytes sent/out of the FIFO when WL interrupt occurs while Tx ( fifo_lt: 1 ) */ #define RFAL_FIFO_STATUS_REG1 0U /*!< Location of FIFO status register 1 in local copy */ #define RFAL_FIFO_STATUS_REG2 1U /*!< Location of FIFO status register 2 in local copy */ #define RFAL_FIFO_STATUS_INVALID 0xFFU /*!< Value indicating that the local FIFO status in invalid|cleared */ #define RFAL_ST25R3911_GPT_MAX_1FC rfalConv8fcTo1fc( 0xFFFFU ) /*!< Max GPT steps in 1fc (0xFFFF steps of 8/fc => 0xFFFF * 590ns = 38,7ms) */ #define RFAL_ST25R3911_NRT_MAX_1FC rfalConv4096fcTo1fc( 0xFFFFU ) /*!< Max NRT steps in 1fc (0xFFFF steps of 4096/fc => 0xFFFF * 302us = 19.8s ) */ #define RFAL_ST25R3911_NRT_DISABLED 0U /*!< NRT Disabled: All 0 No-response timer is not started, wait forever */ #define RFAL_ST25R3911_MRT_MAX_1FC rfalConv64fcTo1fc( 0x00FFU ) /*!< Max MRT steps in 1fc (0x00FF steps of 64/fc => 0x00FF * 4.72us = 1.2ms ) */ #define RFAL_ST25R3911_MRT_MIN_1FC rfalConv64fcTo1fc( 0x0004U ) /*!< Min MRT steps in 1fc ( 0<=mrt<=4 ; 4 (64/fc) => 0x0004 * 4.72us = 18.88us ) */ #define RFAL_ST25R3911_GT_MAX_1FC rfalConvMsTo1fc( 5000U ) /*!< Max GT value allowed in 1/fc */ #define RFAL_ST25R3911_GT_MIN_1FC rfalConvMsTo1fc(RFAL_ST25R3911_SW_TMR_MIN_1MS) /*!< Min GT value allowed in 1/fc */ #define RFAL_ST25R3911_SW_TMR_MIN_1MS 1U /*!< Min value of a SW timer in ms */ #define RFAL_OBSMODE_DISABLE 0x00U /*!< Observation Mode disabled */ #define RFAL_NFC_RX_INCOMPLETE_LEN (uint8_t)1U /*!< Threshold value where incoming rx may be considered as incomplete in NFC */ #define RFAL_EMVCO_RX_MAXLEN (uint8_t)4U /*!< Maximum value where EMVCo to apply special error handling */ #define RFAL_EMVCO_RX_MINLEN (uint8_t)2U /*!< Minimum value where EMVCo to apply special error handling */ #define RFAL_NORXE_TOUT 10U /*!< Timeout to be used on a potential missing RXE - Silicon ST25R3911B Errata #1.1 */ #define RFAL_ISO14443A_SDD_RES_LEN 5U /*!< SDD_RES | Anticollision (UID CLn) length - rfalNfcaSddRes */ #define RFAL_FELICA_POLL_DELAY_TIME 512U /*!< FeliCa Poll Processing time is 2.417 ms ~512*64/fc Digital 1.1 A4 */ #define RFAL_FELICA_POLL_SLOT_TIME 256U /*!< FeliCa Poll Time Slot duration is 1.208 ms ~256*64/fc Digital 1.1 A4 */ #define RFAL_ISO15693_IGNORE_BITS rfalConvBytesToBits(2U) /*!< Ignore collisions before the UID (RES_FLAG + DSFID) */ /*******************************************************************************/ #define RFAL_LM_GT rfalConvUsTo1fc(100U) /*!< Listen Mode Guard Time enforced (GT - Passive; TIRFG - Active) */ #define RFAL_FDT_POLL_ADJUSTMENT rfalConvUsTo1fc(80U) /*!< FDT Poll adjustment: Time between the expiration of GPT to the actual Tx */ #define RFAL_FDT_LISTEN_MRT_ADJUSTMENT 64U /*!< MRT jitter adjustment: timeout will be between [ tout ; tout + 64 cycles ] */ #define RFAL_AP2P_FIELDOFF_TRFW rfalConv8fcTo1fc(64U) /*!< Time after TXE and Field Off in AP2P Trfw: 37.76us -> 64 (8/fc) */ /*! FWT adjustment: * 64 : NRT jitter between TXE and NRT start */ #define RFAL_FWT_ADJUSTMENT 64U /*! FWT ISO14443A adjustment: * 512 : Initial 4bit length */ #define RFAL_FWT_A_ADJUSTMENT 512U /*! FWT ISO14443B adjustment: * 2784 : Adjustment for the SOF and initial byte */ #define RFAL_FWT_B_ADJUSTMENT 2784U /*! FWT FeliCa 212 adjustment: * 1024 : Length of the two Sync bytes at 212kbps */ #define RFAL_FWT_F_212_ADJUSTMENT 1024U /*! FWT FeliCa 424 adjustment: * 512 : Length of the two Sync bytes at 424kbps */ #define RFAL_FWT_F_424_ADJUSTMENT 512U /*! Time between our field Off and other peer field On : Tadt + (n x Trfw) * Ecma 340 11.1.2 - Tadt: [56.64 , 188.72] us ; n: [0 , 3] ; Trfw = 37.76 us * Should be: 189 + (3*38) = 303us ; we'll use a more relaxed setting: 605 us */ #define RFAL_AP2P_FIELDON_TADTTRFW rfalConvUsTo1fc(605U) /*! FDT Listen adjustment for ISO14443A EMVCo 2.6 ; Digital 1.1 6.10 * * 276: Time from the rising pulse of the pause of the logic '1' (i.e. the time point to measure the deaftime from), * to the actual end of the EOF sequence (the point where the MRT starts). Please note that the ST25R391x uses the * ISO14443-2 definition where the EOF consists of logic '0' followed by sequence Y. */ #define RFAL_FDT_LISTEN_A_ADJUSTMENT 276U /*! FDT Listen adjustment for ISO14443B EMVCo 2.6 ; Digital 1.1 7.9 * * 340: Time from the rising edge of the EoS to the starting point of the MRT timer (sometime after the final high * part of the EoS is completed). * * -64: Adjustment for the TR1PUTMIN. * The TR1PUTMIN of the ST25R3911 is 1152/fc (72/fs). The EMVCo test case TB0000 measures the TR1PUTMIN. * It takes the default value of TR1PUTMIN (79/fs) and reduces it by 128/fc in every iteration. * This results in a TR1PUTMIN of 1136/fc (71/fs) for the second iteration. The ST25R3911 sends a NAK because * the TR1PUTMIN of the ST25R3911 (72/fs) is higher than 71/fs. * Therefore the test suite assumes TR1PUTMIN of 1264/fc (79/fs). * The test cases TB340.0 and TB435.0 uses the TR1PUTMIN to send frames too early. In order to correctly * recognise these frames as being sent too early (starting inside reader deaf time), the MRT has to be * increased by at least 64/fc (8/fs). */ #define RFAL_FDT_LISTEN_B_ADJUSTMENT (340U - 64U) /*! FDT Listen adjustment for ISO15693 * ISO15693 2000 8.4 t1 MIN = 4192/fc * ISO15693 2009 9.1 t1 MIN = 4320/fc * Digital 2.1 B.5 FDTV,LISTEN,MIN = 4310/fc * Set FDT Listen one step earlier than on the more recent spec versions for greater interoprability */ #define RFAL_FDT_LISTEN_V_ADJUSTMENT 128U /* ****************************************************************************** * GLOBAL MACROS ****************************************************************************** */ #define rfalCalcNumBytes( nBits ) (((uint32_t)(nBits) + 7U) / 8U) /*!< Returns the number of bytes required to fit given the number of bits */ #define rfalTimerStart( timer, time_ms ) (timer) = platformTimerCreate((uint16_t)(time_ms)) /*!< Configures and starts the RTOX timer */ #define rfalTimerisExpired( timer ) platformTimerIsExpired( timer ) /*!< Checks if timer has expired */ #define rfalST25R3911ObsModeDisable() st25r3911WriteTestRegister(0x01U, 0x00U) /*!< Disable ST25R3911 Observation mode */ #define rfalST25R3911ObsModeTx() st25r3911WriteTestRegister(0x01U, gRFAL.conf.obsvModeTx) /*!< Enable Observation mode 0x0A CSI: Digital TX modulation signal CSO: none */ #define rfalST25R3911ObsModeRx() st25r3911WriteTestRegister(0x01U, gRFAL.conf.obsvModeRx) /*!< Enable Observation mode 0x04 CSI: Digital output of AM channel CSO: Digital output of PM channel */ #define rfalCheckDisableObsMode() if(gRFAL.conf.obsvModeRx != 0U){ rfalST25R3911ObsModeDisable(); } /*!< Checks if the observation mode is enabled, and applies on ST25R3911 */ #define rfalCheckEnableObsModeTx() if(gRFAL.conf.obsvModeTx != 0U){ rfalST25R3911ObsModeTx(); } /*!< Checks if the observation mode is enabled, and applies on ST25R3911 */ #define rfalCheckEnableObsModeRx() if(gRFAL.conf.obsvModeRx != 0U){ rfalST25R3911ObsModeRx(); } /*!< Checks if the observation mode is enabled, and applies on ST25R3911 */ #define rfalGetIncmplBits( FIFOStatus2 ) (( (FIFOStatus2) >> 1) & 0x07U) /*!< Returns the number of bits from fifo status */ #define rfalIsIncompleteByteError( error ) (((error) >= ERR_INCOMPLETE_BYTE) && ((error) <= ERR_INCOMPLETE_BYTE_07)) /*!< Checks if given error is a Incomplete error */ #define rfalAdjACBR( b ) (((uint16_t)(b) >= (uint16_t)RFAL_BR_52p97) ? (uint16_t)(b) : ((uint16_t)(b)+1U)) /*!< Adjusts ST25R391x Bit rate to Analog Configuration */ #define rfalConvBR2ACBR( b ) (((rfalAdjACBR((b)))<din; streamConf.dout = isoStreamConfig->dout; streamConf.report_period_length = isoStreamConfig->report_period_length; streamConf.useBPSK = isoStreamConfig->useBPSK; st25r3911StreamConfigure(&streamConf); } /* Set Analog configurations for this bit rate */ rfalSetAnalogConfig( (RFAL_ANALOG_CONFIG_TECH_CHIP | RFAL_ANALOG_CONFIG_CHIP_POLL_COMMON) ); rfalSetAnalogConfig( (rfalAnalogConfigId)(RFAL_ANALOG_CONFIG_POLL | RFAL_ANALOG_CONFIG_TECH_NFCV | rfalConvBR2ACBR(gRFAL.txBR) | RFAL_ANALOG_CONFIG_TX ) ); rfalSetAnalogConfig( (rfalAnalogConfigId)(RFAL_ANALOG_CONFIG_POLL | RFAL_ANALOG_CONFIG_TECH_NFCV | rfalConvBR2ACBR(gRFAL.rxBR) | RFAL_ANALOG_CONFIG_RX ) ); break; #endif /* RFAL_FEATURE_NFCV */ /*******************************************************************************/ case RFAL_MODE_POLL_ACTIVE_P2P: /* Set Analog configurations for this bit rate */ rfalSetAnalogConfig( (RFAL_ANALOG_CONFIG_TECH_CHIP | RFAL_ANALOG_CONFIG_CHIP_POLL_COMMON) ); rfalSetAnalogConfig( (rfalAnalogConfigId)(RFAL_ANALOG_CONFIG_POLL | RFAL_ANALOG_CONFIG_TECH_AP2P | rfalConvBR2ACBR(gRFAL.txBR) | RFAL_ANALOG_CONFIG_TX ) ); rfalSetAnalogConfig( (rfalAnalogConfigId)(RFAL_ANALOG_CONFIG_POLL | RFAL_ANALOG_CONFIG_TECH_AP2P | rfalConvBR2ACBR(gRFAL.rxBR) | RFAL_ANALOG_CONFIG_RX ) ); break; /*******************************************************************************/ case RFAL_MODE_LISTEN_ACTIVE_P2P: /* Set Analog configurations for this bit rate */ rfalSetAnalogConfig( (RFAL_ANALOG_CONFIG_TECH_CHIP | RFAL_ANALOG_CONFIG_CHIP_LISTEN_COMMON) ); rfalSetAnalogConfig( (rfalAnalogConfigId)(RFAL_ANALOG_CONFIG_LISTEN | RFAL_ANALOG_CONFIG_TECH_AP2P | rfalConvBR2ACBR(gRFAL.txBR) | RFAL_ANALOG_CONFIG_TX ) ); rfalSetAnalogConfig( (rfalAnalogConfigId)(RFAL_ANALOG_CONFIG_LISTEN | RFAL_ANALOG_CONFIG_TECH_AP2P | rfalConvBR2ACBR(gRFAL.rxBR) | RFAL_ANALOG_CONFIG_RX ) ); break; /*******************************************************************************/ case RFAL_MODE_LISTEN_NFCA: case RFAL_MODE_LISTEN_NFCB: case RFAL_MODE_LISTEN_NFCF: case RFAL_MODE_NONE: return ERR_WRONG_STATE; /*******************************************************************************/ default: return ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } return ERR_NONE; } /*******************************************************************************/ ReturnCode rfalGetBitRate( rfalBitRate *txBR, rfalBitRate *rxBR ) { if( (gRFAL.state == RFAL_STATE_IDLE) || (gRFAL.mode == RFAL_MODE_NONE) ) { return ERR_WRONG_STATE; } if( txBR != NULL ) { *txBR = gRFAL.txBR; } if( rxBR != NULL ) { *rxBR = gRFAL.rxBR; } return ERR_NONE; } /*******************************************************************************/ void rfalSetErrorHandling( rfalEHandling eHandling ) { gRFAL.conf.eHandling = eHandling; } /*******************************************************************************/ rfalEHandling rfalGetErrorHandling( void ) { return gRFAL.conf.eHandling; } /*******************************************************************************/ void rfalSetFDTPoll( uint32_t FDTPoll ) { gRFAL.timings.FDTPoll = MIN( FDTPoll, RFAL_ST25R3911_GPT_MAX_1FC ); } /*******************************************************************************/ uint32_t rfalGetFDTPoll( void ) { return gRFAL.timings.FDTPoll; } /*******************************************************************************/ void rfalSetFDTListen( uint32_t FDTListen ) { gRFAL.timings.FDTListen = MIN( FDTListen, RFAL_ST25R3911_MRT_MAX_1FC); } /*******************************************************************************/ uint32_t rfalGetFDTListen( void ) { return gRFAL.timings.FDTListen; } void rfalSetGT( uint32_t GT ) { gRFAL.timings.GT = MIN( GT, RFAL_ST25R3911_GT_MAX_1FC ); } /*******************************************************************************/ uint32_t rfalGetGT( void ) { return gRFAL.timings.GT; } /*******************************************************************************/ bool rfalIsGTExpired( void ) { if( gRFAL.tmr.GT != RFAL_TIMING_NONE ) { if( !rfalTimerisExpired( gRFAL.tmr.GT ) ) { return false; } } return true; } /*******************************************************************************/ ReturnCode rfalFieldOnAndStartGT( void ) { ReturnCode ret; /* Check if RFAL has been initialized (Oscillator should be running) and also * if a direct register access has been performed and left the Oscillator Off */ if( !st25r3911IsOscOn() || (gRFAL.state < RFAL_STATE_INIT) ) { return ERR_WRONG_STATE; } ret = ERR_NONE; /* Set Analog configurations for Field On event */ rfalSetAnalogConfig( (RFAL_ANALOG_CONFIG_TECH_CHIP | RFAL_ANALOG_CONFIG_CHIP_FIELD_ON) ); /*******************************************************************************/ /* Perform collision avoidance and turn field On if not already On */ if( !st25r3911IsTxEnabled() || !gRFAL.field ) { /* Use Thresholds set by AnalogConfig */ ret = st25r3911PerformCollisionAvoidance( ST25R3911_CMD_RESPONSE_RF_COLLISION_0, ST25R3911_THRESHOLD_DO_NOT_SET, ST25R3911_THRESHOLD_DO_NOT_SET, 0 ); gRFAL.field = st25r3911IsTxEnabled(); /* Only turn on Receiver and Transmitter if field was successfully turned On */ if(gRFAL.field) { st25r3911TxRxOn(); /* Enable Tx and Rx (Tx is already On) */ } } /*******************************************************************************/ /* Start GT timer in case the GT value is set */ if( (gRFAL.timings.GT != RFAL_TIMING_NONE) ) { /* Ensure that a SW timer doesn't have a lower value then the minimum */ rfalTimerStart( gRFAL.tmr.GT, rfalConv1fcToMs( MAX( (gRFAL.timings.GT), RFAL_ST25R3911_GT_MIN_1FC) ) ); } return ret; } /*******************************************************************************/ ReturnCode rfalFieldOff( void ) { /* Check whether a TxRx is not yet finished */ if( gRFAL.TxRx.state != RFAL_TXRX_STATE_IDLE ) { rfalCleanupTransceive(); } /* Disable Tx and Rx */ st25r3911TxRxOff(); /* Set Analog configurations for Field Off event */ rfalSetAnalogConfig( (RFAL_ANALOG_CONFIG_TECH_CHIP | RFAL_ANALOG_CONFIG_CHIP_FIELD_OFF) ); gRFAL.field = false; return ERR_NONE; } /*******************************************************************************/ ReturnCode rfalStartTransceive( const rfalTransceiveContext *ctx ) { uint32_t FxTAdj; /* FWT or FDT adjustment calculation */ /* Check for valid parameters */ if( ctx == NULL ) { return ERR_PARAM; } /* Ensure that RFAL is already Initialized and the mode has been set */ if( (gRFAL.state >= RFAL_STATE_MODE_SET) /*&& (gRFAL.TxRx.state == RFAL_TXRX_STATE_INIT )*/ ) { /*******************************************************************************/ /* Check whether the field is already On, otherwise no TXE will be received */ if( !st25r3911IsTxEnabled() && (!rfalIsModePassiveListen( gRFAL.mode ) && (ctx->txBuf != NULL)) ) { return ERR_WRONG_STATE; } gRFAL.TxRx.ctx = *ctx; /*******************************************************************************/ if( gRFAL.timings.FDTListen != RFAL_TIMING_NONE ) { /* Calculate MRT adjustment accordingly to the current mode */ FxTAdj = RFAL_FDT_LISTEN_MRT_ADJUSTMENT; if(gRFAL.mode == RFAL_MODE_POLL_NFCA) { FxTAdj += (uint32_t)RFAL_FDT_LISTEN_A_ADJUSTMENT; } if(gRFAL.mode == RFAL_MODE_POLL_NFCA_T1T) { FxTAdj += (uint32_t)RFAL_FDT_LISTEN_A_ADJUSTMENT; } if(gRFAL.mode == RFAL_MODE_POLL_NFCB) { FxTAdj += (uint32_t)RFAL_FDT_LISTEN_B_ADJUSTMENT; } if(gRFAL.mode == RFAL_MODE_POLL_NFCV) { FxTAdj += (uint32_t)RFAL_FDT_LISTEN_V_ADJUSTMENT; } /* Set Minimum FDT(Listen) in which PICC is not allowed to send a response */ st25r3911WriteRegister( ST25R3911_REG_MASK_RX_TIMER, (uint8_t)rfalConv1fcTo64fc( (FxTAdj > gRFAL.timings.FDTListen) ? RFAL_ST25R3911_MRT_MIN_1FC : (gRFAL.timings.FDTListen - FxTAdj) ) ); } /*******************************************************************************/ /* FDT Poll will be loaded in rfalPrepareTransceive() once the previous was expired */ /*******************************************************************************/ if( rfalIsModePassiveComm( gRFAL.mode ) ) /* Passive Comms */ { if( (gRFAL.TxRx.ctx.fwt != RFAL_FWT_NONE) && (gRFAL.TxRx.ctx.fwt != 0U) ) { /* Ensure proper timing configuration */ if( gRFAL.timings.FDTListen >= gRFAL.TxRx.ctx.fwt ) { return ERR_PARAM; } FxTAdj = RFAL_FWT_ADJUSTMENT; if(gRFAL.mode == RFAL_MODE_POLL_NFCA) { FxTAdj += (uint32_t)RFAL_FWT_A_ADJUSTMENT; } if(gRFAL.mode == RFAL_MODE_POLL_NFCA_T1T) { FxTAdj += (uint32_t)RFAL_FWT_A_ADJUSTMENT; } if(gRFAL.mode == RFAL_MODE_POLL_NFCB) { FxTAdj += (uint32_t)RFAL_FWT_B_ADJUSTMENT; } if(gRFAL.mode == RFAL_MODE_POLL_NFCF) { FxTAdj += (uint32_t)((gRFAL.txBR == RFAL_BR_212) ? RFAL_FWT_F_212_ADJUSTMENT : RFAL_FWT_F_424_ADJUSTMENT ); } /* Ensure that the given FWT doesn't exceed NRT maximum */ gRFAL.TxRx.ctx.fwt = MIN( (gRFAL.TxRx.ctx.fwt + FxTAdj), RFAL_ST25R3911_NRT_MAX_1FC ); /* Set FWT in the NRT */ st25r3911SetNoResponseTime_64fcs( rfalConv1fcTo64fc( gRFAL.TxRx.ctx.fwt ) ); } else { /* Disable NRT, no NRE will be triggered, therefore wait endlessly for Rx */ st25r3911SetNoResponseTime_64fcs( RFAL_ST25R3911_NRT_DISABLED ); } } else /* Active Comms */ { /* Setup NRT timer for rf response RF collision timeout. */ st25r3911SetNoResponseTime_64fcs( rfalConv1fcTo64fc(RFAL_AP2P_FIELDON_TADTTRFW) ); /* In Active Mode No Response Timer cannot be used to measure FWT a SW timer is used instead */ } gRFAL.state = RFAL_STATE_TXRX; gRFAL.TxRx.state = RFAL_TXRX_STATE_TX_IDLE; gRFAL.TxRx.status = ERR_BUSY; gRFAL.TxRx.rxse = false; #if RFAL_FEATURE_NFCV /*******************************************************************************/ if( (RFAL_MODE_POLL_NFCV == gRFAL.mode) || (RFAL_MODE_POLL_PICOPASS == gRFAL.mode) ) { /* Exchange receive buffer with internal buffer */ gRFAL.nfcvData.origCtx = gRFAL.TxRx.ctx; gRFAL.TxRx.ctx.rxBuf = ((gRFAL.nfcvData.origCtx.rxBuf != NULL) ? gRFAL.nfcvData.codingBuffer : NULL); gRFAL.TxRx.ctx.rxBufLen = (uint16_t)rfalConvBytesToBits(sizeof(gRFAL.nfcvData.codingBuffer)); gRFAL.TxRx.ctx.flags = (uint32_t)RFAL_TXRX_FLAGS_CRC_TX_MANUAL | (uint32_t)RFAL_TXRX_FLAGS_CRC_RX_KEEP | (uint32_t)RFAL_TXRX_FLAGS_NFCIP1_OFF | (uint32_t)(gRFAL.nfcvData.origCtx.flags & (uint32_t)RFAL_TXRX_FLAGS_AGC_OFF) | (uint32_t)RFAL_TXRX_FLAGS_PAR_RX_KEEP | (uint32_t)RFAL_TXRX_FLAGS_PAR_TX_NONE; /* In NFCV a TxRx with a valid txBuf and txBufSize==0 indicates to send an EOF */ /* Skip logic below that would go directly into receive */ if ( gRFAL.TxRx.ctx.txBuf != NULL ) { return ERR_NONE; } } #endif /* RFAL_FEATURE_NFCV */ /*******************************************************************************/ /* Check if the Transceive start performing Tx or goes directly to Rx */ if( (gRFAL.TxRx.ctx.txBuf == NULL) || (gRFAL.TxRx.ctx.txBufLen == 0U) ) { /* Clear FIFO, Clear and Enable the Interrupts */ rfalPrepareTransceive( ); /* Disable our field upon a Rx reEnable on AP2P */ if( rfalIsModeActiveComm(gRFAL.mode) ) { st25r3911TxOff(); } /* No Tx done, enable the Receiver */ st25r3911ExecuteCommand( ST25R3911_CMD_UNMASK_RECEIVE_DATA ); /* Start NRT manually, if FWT = 0 (wait endlessly for Rx) chip will ignore anyhow */ st25r3911ExecuteCommand( ST25R3911_CMD_START_NO_RESPONSE_TIMER ); gRFAL.TxRx.state = RFAL_TXRX_STATE_RX_IDLE; } return ERR_NONE; } return ERR_WRONG_STATE; } /*******************************************************************************/ bool rfalIsTransceiveInTx( void ) { return ( (gRFAL.TxRx.state >= RFAL_TXRX_STATE_TX_IDLE) && (gRFAL.TxRx.state < RFAL_TXRX_STATE_RX_IDLE) ); } /*******************************************************************************/ bool rfalIsTransceiveInRx( void ) { return (gRFAL.TxRx.state >= RFAL_TXRX_STATE_RX_IDLE); } /*******************************************************************************/ ReturnCode rfalTransceiveBlockingTx( uint8_t* txBuf, uint16_t txBufLen, uint8_t* rxBuf, uint16_t rxBufLen, uint16_t* actLen, uint32_t flags, uint32_t fwt ) { ReturnCode ret; rfalTransceiveContext ctx; rfalCreateByteFlagsTxRxContext( ctx, txBuf, txBufLen, rxBuf, rxBufLen, actLen, flags, fwt ); EXIT_ON_ERR( ret, rfalStartTransceive( &ctx ) ); return rfalTransceiveRunBlockingTx(); } /*******************************************************************************/ static ReturnCode rfalTransceiveRunBlockingTx( void ) { ReturnCode ret; do{ rfalWorker(); ret = rfalGetTransceiveStatus(); } while( rfalIsTransceiveInTx() && (ret == ERR_BUSY) ); if( rfalIsTransceiveInRx() ) { return ERR_NONE; } return ret; } /*******************************************************************************/ ReturnCode rfalTransceiveBlockingRx( void ) { ReturnCode ret; do{ rfalWorker(); ret = rfalGetTransceiveStatus(); } while( rfalIsTransceiveInRx() && (ret == ERR_BUSY) ); return ret; } /*******************************************************************************/ ReturnCode rfalTransceiveBlockingTxRx( uint8_t* txBuf, uint16_t txBufLen, uint8_t* rxBuf, uint16_t rxBufLen, uint16_t* actLen, uint32_t flags, uint32_t fwt ) { ReturnCode ret; EXIT_ON_ERR( ret, rfalTransceiveBlockingTx( txBuf, txBufLen, rxBuf, rxBufLen, actLen, flags, fwt ) ); ret = rfalTransceiveBlockingRx(); /* Convert received bits to bytes */ if( actLen != NULL ) { *actLen = rfalConvBitsToBytes(*actLen); } return ret; } /*******************************************************************************/ static ReturnCode rfalRunTransceiveWorker( void ) { if( gRFAL.state == RFAL_STATE_TXRX ) { /* Run Tx or Rx state machines */ if( rfalIsTransceiveInTx() ) { rfalTransceiveTx(); return rfalGetTransceiveStatus(); } if( rfalIsTransceiveInRx() ) { rfalTransceiveRx(); return rfalGetTransceiveStatus(); } } return ERR_WRONG_STATE; } /*******************************************************************************/ rfalTransceiveState rfalGetTransceiveState( void ) { return gRFAL.TxRx.state; } ReturnCode rfalGetTransceiveStatus( void ) { return ((gRFAL.TxRx.state == RFAL_TXRX_STATE_IDLE) ? gRFAL.TxRx.status : ERR_BUSY); } /*******************************************************************************/ ReturnCode rfalGetTransceiveRSSI( uint16_t *rssi ) { uint16_t amRSSI; uint16_t pmRSSI; if( rssi == NULL ) { return ERR_PARAM; } /* Check if Manual channel is enabled */ if( st25r3911CheckReg( ST25R3911_REG_OP_CONTROL, ST25R3911_REG_OP_CONTROL_rx_man, ST25R3911_REG_OP_CONTROL_rx_man ) ) { st25r3911GetRSSI( &amRSSI, &pmRSSI ); /* Check which channel is selected */ *rssi = ( st25r3911CheckReg( ST25R3911_REG_RX_CONF1, ST25R3911_REG_RX_CONF1_ch_sel, ST25R3911_REG_RX_CONF1_ch_sel ) ? pmRSSI : amRSSI ); return ERR_NONE; } *rssi = 0; return ERR_NOTSUPP; } /*******************************************************************************/ void rfalWorker( void ) { platformProtectWorker(); /* Protect RFAL Worker/Task/Process */ switch( gRFAL.state ) { case RFAL_STATE_TXRX: rfalRunTransceiveWorker(); break; #if RFAL_FEATURE_LISTEN_MODE case RFAL_STATE_LM: rfalRunListenModeWorker(); break; #endif /* RFAL_FEATURE_LISTEN_MODE */ #if RFAL_FEATURE_WAKEUP_MODE case RFAL_STATE_WUM: rfalRunWakeUpModeWorker(); break; #endif /* RFAL_FEATURE_WAKEUP_MODE */ /* Nothing to be done */ default: /* MISRA 16.4: no empty default statement (a comment being enough) */ break; } platformUnprotectWorker(); /* Unprotect RFAL Worker/Task/Process */ } /*******************************************************************************/ static void rfalErrorHandling( void ) { bool rxHasIncParError; uint8_t fifoBytesToRead; uint8_t reEnRx[] = { ST25R3911_CMD_CLEAR_FIFO, ST25R3911_CMD_UNMASK_RECEIVE_DATA }; fifoBytesToRead = rfalFIFOStatusGetNumBytes(); /*******************************************************************************/ /* EMVCo */ /*******************************************************************************/ if( gRFAL.conf.eHandling == RFAL_ERRORHANDLING_EMVCO ) { /*******************************************************************************/ /* EMD Handling - NFC Forum Digital 1.1 ; EMVCo 2.6 4.9.2 */ /* ReEnable the receiver on frames with a length < 4 bytes, upon: */ /* - Collision or Framing error detected */ /* - Residual bits are detected (hard framing error) */ /* - Parity error */ /* - CRC error */ /*******************************************************************************/ /* Check if reception has incompete bytes or parity error */ rxHasIncParError = ( rfalFIFOStatusIsIncompleteByte() ? true : rfalFIFOStatusIsMissingPar() ); /* MISRA 13.5 */ /* In case there are residual bits decrement FIFO bytes */ if( (fifoBytesToRead > 0U) && rxHasIncParError) { fifoBytesToRead--; } if( ( (gRFAL.fifo.bytesTotal + fifoBytesToRead) < RFAL_EMVCO_RX_MAXLEN ) && ( (gRFAL.TxRx.status == ERR_RF_COLLISION) || (gRFAL.TxRx.status == ERR_FRAMING) || (gRFAL.TxRx.status == ERR_PAR) || (gRFAL.TxRx.status == ERR_CRC) || rxHasIncParError ) ) { /* Ignore this reception, ReEnable receiver */ st25r3911ExecuteCommands( reEnRx, sizeof(reEnRx) ); rfalFIFOStatusClear(); gRFAL.fifo.bytesTotal = 0; gRFAL.TxRx.status = ERR_BUSY; gRFAL.TxRx.state = RFAL_TXRX_STATE_RX_WAIT_RXS; } return; } /*******************************************************************************/ /* ISO14443A Mode */ /*******************************************************************************/ if( gRFAL.mode == RFAL_MODE_POLL_NFCA ) { /*******************************************************************************/ /* If we received one incomplete byte (not a block and a incomplete byte at * * the end) we will raise a specific error ( support for T2T 4 bit ACK / NAK ) * * Otherwise just leave it as an CRC/FRAMING/PAR error */ /*******************************************************************************/ if( (gRFAL.TxRx.status == ERR_PAR) || (gRFAL.TxRx.status == ERR_CRC) ) { if( rfalFIFOStatusIsIncompleteByte() && (fifoBytesToRead == RFAL_NFC_RX_INCOMPLETE_LEN) ) { st25r3911ReadFifo( (uint8_t*)(gRFAL.TxRx.ctx.rxBuf), fifoBytesToRead ); if( (gRFAL.TxRx.ctx.rxRcvdLen) != NULL ) { *gRFAL.TxRx.ctx.rxRcvdLen = rfalFIFOGetNumIncompleteBits(); } gRFAL.TxRx.status = ERR_INCOMPLETE_BYTE; gRFAL.TxRx.state = RFAL_TXRX_STATE_RX_FAIL; } } } } /*******************************************************************************/ static void rfalCleanupTransceive( void ) { /*******************************************************************************/ /* Transceive flags */ /*******************************************************************************/ /* Restore default settings on NFCIP1 mode, Receiving parity + CRC bits and manual Tx Parity*/ st25r3911ClrRegisterBits( ST25R3911_REG_ISO14443A_NFC, (ST25R3911_REG_ISO14443A_NFC_no_tx_par | ST25R3911_REG_ISO14443A_NFC_no_rx_par | ST25R3911_REG_ISO14443A_NFC_nfc_f0) ); /* Restore AGC enabled */ st25r3911SetRegisterBits( ST25R3911_REG_RX_CONF2, ST25R3911_REG_RX_CONF2_agc_en ); /*******************************************************************************/ /*******************************************************************************/ /* Execute Post Transceive Callback */ /*******************************************************************************/ if( gRFAL.callbacks.postTxRx != NULL ) { gRFAL.callbacks.postTxRx(); } /*******************************************************************************/ } /*******************************************************************************/ static void rfalPrepareTransceive( void ) { uint32_t maskInterrupts; uint8_t reg; /*******************************************************************************/ /* In the EMVCo mode the NRT will continue to run. * * For the clear to stop it, the EMV mode has to be disabled before */ st25r3911ClrRegisterBits( ST25R3911_REG_GPT_CONTROL, ST25R3911_REG_GPT_CONTROL_nrt_emv ); /* Reset receive logic */ st25r3911ExecuteCommand( ST25R3911_CMD_CLEAR_FIFO ); /* Reset Rx Gain */ st25r3911ExecuteCommand( ST25R3911_CMD_CLEAR_SQUELCH ); /*******************************************************************************/ /* FDT Poll */ /*******************************************************************************/ if( rfalIsModePassiveComm( gRFAL.mode ) ) /* Passive Comms */ { /* In Passive communications General Purpose Timer is used to measure FDT Poll */ if( gRFAL.timings.FDTPoll != RFAL_TIMING_NONE ) { /* Configure GPT to start at RX end */ st25r3911StartGPTimer_8fcs( (uint16_t)rfalConv1fcTo8fc( MIN( gRFAL.timings.FDTPoll, (gRFAL.timings.FDTPoll - RFAL_FDT_POLL_ADJUSTMENT) ) ), ST25R3911_REG_GPT_CONTROL_gptc_erx ); } } /*******************************************************************************/ /* Execute Pre Transceive Callback */ /*******************************************************************************/ if( gRFAL.callbacks.preTxRx != NULL ) { gRFAL.callbacks.preTxRx(); } /*******************************************************************************/ maskInterrupts = ( ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_FWL | ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_TXE | ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_RXS | ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_RXE | ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_FWL | ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_NRE | ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_PAR | ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_CRC | ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_ERR1 | ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_ERR2 ); /*******************************************************************************/ /* Transceive flags */ /*******************************************************************************/ reg = (ST25R3911_REG_ISO14443A_NFC_no_tx_par_off | ST25R3911_REG_ISO14443A_NFC_no_rx_par_off | ST25R3911_REG_ISO14443A_NFC_nfc_f0_off); /* Check if NFCIP1 mode is to be enabled */ if( (gRFAL.TxRx.ctx.flags & (uint8_t)RFAL_TXRX_FLAGS_NFCIP1_ON) != 0U ) { reg |= ST25R3911_REG_ISO14443A_NFC_nfc_f0; } /* Check if Parity check is to be skipped and to keep the parity + CRC bits in FIFO */ if( (gRFAL.TxRx.ctx.flags & (uint8_t)RFAL_TXRX_FLAGS_PAR_RX_KEEP) != 0U ) { reg |= ST25R3911_REG_ISO14443A_NFC_no_rx_par; } /* Check if automatic Parity bits is to be disabled */ if( (gRFAL.TxRx.ctx.flags & (uint8_t)RFAL_TXRX_FLAGS_PAR_TX_NONE) != 0U ) { reg |= ST25R3911_REG_ISO14443A_NFC_no_tx_par; } /* Apply current TxRx flags on ISO14443A and NFC 106kb/s Settings Register */ st25r3911ChangeRegisterBits( ST25R3911_REG_ISO14443A_NFC, (ST25R3911_REG_ISO14443A_NFC_no_tx_par | ST25R3911_REG_ISO14443A_NFC_no_rx_par | ST25R3911_REG_ISO14443A_NFC_nfc_f0), reg ); /* Check if AGC is to be disabled */ if( (gRFAL.TxRx.ctx.flags & (uint8_t)RFAL_TXRX_FLAGS_AGC_OFF) != 0U ) { st25r3911ClrRegisterBits( ST25R3911_REG_RX_CONF2, ST25R3911_REG_RX_CONF2_agc_en ); } else { st25r3911SetRegisterBits( ST25R3911_REG_RX_CONF2, ST25R3911_REG_RX_CONF2_agc_en ); } /*******************************************************************************/ /*******************************************************************************/ /* EMVCo NRT mode */ /*******************************************************************************/ if( gRFAL.conf.eHandling == RFAL_ERRORHANDLING_EMVCO ) { st25r3911SetRegisterBits( ST25R3911_REG_GPT_CONTROL, ST25R3911_REG_GPT_CONTROL_nrt_emv ); } else { st25r3911ClrRegisterBits( ST25R3911_REG_GPT_CONTROL, ST25R3911_REG_GPT_CONTROL_nrt_emv ); } /*******************************************************************************/ /* In Active comms enable also External Field interrupts */ if( rfalIsModeActiveComm( gRFAL.mode ) ) { maskInterrupts |= ( ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_EOF | ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_EON | ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_CAT | ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_CAC ); } /*******************************************************************************/ /* clear and enable these interrupts */ st25r3911GetInterrupt( maskInterrupts ); st25r3911EnableInterrupts( maskInterrupts ); /* Clear FIFO status local copy */ rfalFIFOStatusClear(); } /*******************************************************************************/ static void rfalTransceiveTx( void ) { volatile uint32_t irqs; uint16_t tmp; ReturnCode ret; /* Supress warning in case NFC-V feature is disabled */ ret = ERR_NONE; NO_WARNING(ret); irqs = ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_NONE; if( gRFAL.TxRx.state != gRFAL.TxRx.lastState ) { /* rfalLogD( "RFAL: lastSt: %d curSt: %d \r\n", gRFAL.TxRx.lastState, gRFAL.TxRx.state ); */ gRFAL.TxRx.lastState = gRFAL.TxRx.state; } switch( gRFAL.TxRx.state ) { /*******************************************************************************/ case RFAL_TXRX_STATE_TX_IDLE: /* Nothing to do */ gRFAL.TxRx.state = RFAL_TXRX_STATE_TX_WAIT_GT ; /* fall through */ /*******************************************************************************/ case RFAL_TXRX_STATE_TX_WAIT_GT: /* PRQA S 2003 # MISRA 16.3 - Intentional fall through */ if( !rfalIsGTExpired() ) { break; } gRFAL.tmr.GT = RFAL_TIMING_NONE; gRFAL.TxRx.state = RFAL_TXRX_STATE_TX_WAIT_FDT; /* fall through */ /*******************************************************************************/ case RFAL_TXRX_STATE_TX_WAIT_FDT: /* PRQA S 2003 # MISRA 16.3 - Intentional fall through */ /* Only in Passive communications GPT is used to measure FDT Poll */ if( rfalIsModePassiveComm( gRFAL.mode ) ) { if( st25r3911IsGPTRunning() ) { break; } } gRFAL.TxRx.state = RFAL_TXRX_STATE_TX_TRANSMIT; /* fall through */ /*******************************************************************************/ case RFAL_TXRX_STATE_TX_TRANSMIT: /* PRQA S 2003 # MISRA 16.3 - Intentional fall through */ /* Clear FIFO, Clear and Enable the Interrupts */ rfalPrepareTransceive( ); /* Calculate when Water Level Interrupt will be triggered */ gRFAL.fifo.expWL = (uint16_t)( st25r3911CheckReg( ST25R3911_REG_IO_CONF1, ST25R3911_REG_IO_CONF1_fifo_lt, ST25R3911_REG_IO_CONF1_fifo_lt_16bytes) ? RFAL_FIFO_OUT_LT_16 : RFAL_FIFO_OUT_LT_32 ); #if RFAL_FEATURE_NFCV /*******************************************************************************/ /* In NFC-V streaming mode, the FIFO needs to be loaded with the coded bits */ if( (RFAL_MODE_POLL_NFCV == gRFAL.mode) || (RFAL_MODE_POLL_PICOPASS == gRFAL.mode) ) { #if 0 /* Debugging code: output the payload bits by writing into the FIFO and subsequent clearing */ st25r3911WriteFifo(gRFAL.TxRx.ctx.txBuf, rfalConvBitsToBytes(gRFAL.TxRx.ctx.txBufLen)); st25r3911ExecuteCommand( ST25R3911_CMD_CLEAR_FIFO ); #endif /* Calculate the bytes needed to be Written into FIFO (a incomplete byte will be added as 1byte) */ gRFAL.nfcvData.nfcvOffset = 0; ret = iso15693VCDCode(gRFAL.TxRx.ctx.txBuf, rfalConvBitsToBytes(gRFAL.TxRx.ctx.txBufLen), (((gRFAL.nfcvData.origCtx.flags & (uint32_t)RFAL_TXRX_FLAGS_CRC_TX_MANUAL) != 0U)?false:true),(((gRFAL.nfcvData.origCtx.flags & (uint32_t)RFAL_TXRX_FLAGS_NFCV_FLAG_MANUAL) != 0U)?false:true), (RFAL_MODE_POLL_PICOPASS == gRFAL.mode), &gRFAL.fifo.bytesTotal, &gRFAL.nfcvData.nfcvOffset, gRFAL.nfcvData.codingBuffer, MIN( (uint16_t)ST25R3911_FIFO_DEPTH, (uint16_t)sizeof(gRFAL.nfcvData.codingBuffer) ), &gRFAL.fifo.bytesWritten); if( (ret != ERR_NONE) && (ret != ERR_AGAIN) ) { gRFAL.TxRx.status = ret; gRFAL.TxRx.state = RFAL_TXRX_STATE_TX_FAIL; break; } /* Set the number of full bytes and bits to be transmitted */ st25r3911SetNumTxBits( rfalConvBytesToBits(gRFAL.fifo.bytesTotal) ); /* Load FIFO with coded bytes */ /* TODO: check bytesWritten does not exceed 255 */ st25r3911WriteFifo( gRFAL.nfcvData.codingBuffer, (uint8_t)gRFAL.fifo.bytesWritten ); } /*******************************************************************************/ else #endif /* RFAL_FEATURE_NFCV */ { /* Calculate the bytes needed to be Written into FIFO (a incomplete byte will be added as 1byte) */ gRFAL.fifo.bytesTotal = (uint16_t)rfalCalcNumBytes(gRFAL.TxRx.ctx.txBufLen); /* Set the number of full bytes and bits to be transmitted */ st25r3911SetNumTxBits( gRFAL.TxRx.ctx.txBufLen ); /* Load FIFO with total length or FIFO's maximum */ gRFAL.fifo.bytesWritten = MIN( gRFAL.fifo.bytesTotal, ST25R3911_FIFO_DEPTH ); st25r3911WriteFifo( gRFAL.TxRx.ctx.txBuf, (uint8_t)gRFAL.fifo.bytesWritten ); } /*Check if Observation Mode is enabled and set it on ST25R391x */ rfalCheckEnableObsModeTx(); /*******************************************************************************/ /* Trigger/Start transmission */ if( (gRFAL.TxRx.ctx.flags & (uint32_t)RFAL_TXRX_FLAGS_CRC_TX_MANUAL) != 0U ) { st25r3911ExecuteCommand( ST25R3911_CMD_TRANSMIT_WITHOUT_CRC ); } else { st25r3911ExecuteCommand( ST25R3911_CMD_TRANSMIT_WITH_CRC ); } /* Check if a WL level is expected or TXE should come */ gRFAL.TxRx.state = (( gRFAL.fifo.bytesWritten < gRFAL.fifo.bytesTotal ) ? RFAL_TXRX_STATE_TX_WAIT_WL : RFAL_TXRX_STATE_TX_WAIT_TXE); break; /*******************************************************************************/ case RFAL_TXRX_STATE_TX_WAIT_WL: irqs = st25r3911GetInterrupt( (ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_FWL | ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_TXE) ); if( irqs == ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_NONE ) { break; /* No interrupt to process */ } if( ((irqs & ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_FWL) != 0U) && ((irqs & ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_TXE) == 0U) ) { gRFAL.TxRx.state = RFAL_TXRX_STATE_TX_RELOAD_FIFO; } else { gRFAL.TxRx.status = ERR_IO; gRFAL.TxRx.state = RFAL_TXRX_STATE_TX_FAIL; break; } /* fall through */ /*******************************************************************************/ case RFAL_TXRX_STATE_TX_RELOAD_FIFO: /* PRQA S 2003 # MISRA 16.3 - Intentional fall through */ #if RFAL_FEATURE_NFCV /*******************************************************************************/ /* In NFC-V streaming mode, the FIFO needs to be loaded with the coded bits */ if( (RFAL_MODE_POLL_NFCV == gRFAL.mode) || (RFAL_MODE_POLL_PICOPASS == gRFAL.mode) ) { uint16_t maxLen; /* Load FIFO with the remaining length or maximum available (which fit on the coding buffer) */ maxLen = (uint16_t)MIN( (gRFAL.fifo.bytesTotal - gRFAL.fifo.bytesWritten), gRFAL.fifo.expWL); maxLen = (uint16_t)MIN( maxLen, sizeof(gRFAL.nfcvData.codingBuffer) ); tmp = 0; /* Calculate the bytes needed to be Written into FIFO (a incomplete byte will be added as 1byte) */ ret = iso15693VCDCode(gRFAL.TxRx.ctx.txBuf, rfalConvBitsToBytes(gRFAL.TxRx.ctx.txBufLen), (((gRFAL.nfcvData.origCtx.flags & (uint32_t)RFAL_TXRX_FLAGS_CRC_TX_MANUAL) != 0U)?false:true), (((gRFAL.nfcvData.origCtx.flags & (uint32_t)RFAL_TXRX_FLAGS_NFCV_FLAG_MANUAL) != 0U)?false:true), (RFAL_MODE_POLL_PICOPASS == gRFAL.mode), &gRFAL.fifo.bytesTotal, &gRFAL.nfcvData.nfcvOffset, gRFAL.nfcvData.codingBuffer, maxLen, &tmp); if( (ret != ERR_NONE) && (ret != ERR_AGAIN) ) { gRFAL.TxRx.status = ret; gRFAL.TxRx.state = RFAL_TXRX_STATE_TX_FAIL; break; } /* Load FIFO with coded bytes */ /* TODO: check tmp does not exceed 255 */ st25r3911WriteFifo( gRFAL.nfcvData.codingBuffer, (uint8_t)tmp ); } /*******************************************************************************/ else #endif /* RFAL_FEATURE_NFCV */ { /* Load FIFO with the remaining length or maximum available */ tmp = MIN( (gRFAL.fifo.bytesTotal - gRFAL.fifo.bytesWritten), gRFAL.fifo.expWL); /* tmp holds the number of bytes written on this iteration */ /* TODO: check tmp does not exceed 255 */ st25r3911WriteFifo( &gRFAL.TxRx.ctx.txBuf[gRFAL.fifo.bytesWritten], (uint8_t)tmp ); } /* Update total written bytes to FIFO */ gRFAL.fifo.bytesWritten += tmp; /* Check if a WL level is expected or TXE should come */ gRFAL.TxRx.state = (( gRFAL.fifo.bytesWritten < gRFAL.fifo.bytesTotal ) ? RFAL_TXRX_STATE_TX_WAIT_WL : RFAL_TXRX_STATE_TX_WAIT_TXE); break; /*******************************************************************************/ case RFAL_TXRX_STATE_TX_WAIT_TXE: irqs = st25r3911GetInterrupt( (ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_FWL | ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_TXE) ); if( irqs == ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_NONE ) { break; /* No interrupt to process */ } if( (irqs & ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_TXE) != 0U ) { /* In Active comm start SW timer to measure FWT */ if( rfalIsModeActiveComm( gRFAL.mode) && (gRFAL.TxRx.ctx.fwt != RFAL_FWT_NONE) && (gRFAL.TxRx.ctx.fwt != 0U) ) { rfalTimerStart( gRFAL.tmr.FWT, rfalConv1fcToMs( gRFAL.TxRx.ctx.fwt ) ); } gRFAL.TxRx.state = RFAL_TXRX_STATE_TX_DONE; } else if( (irqs & ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_FWL) != 0U ) { /*******************************************************************************/ /* REMARK: Silicon workaround ST25R3911 Errata #TBD */ /* ST25R3911 may send a WL even when all bytes have been written to FIFO */ /*******************************************************************************/ break; /* Ignore ST25R3911 FIFO WL if total TxLen is already on the FIFO */ } else { gRFAL.TxRx.status = ERR_IO; gRFAL.TxRx.state = RFAL_TXRX_STATE_TX_FAIL; break; } /* fall through */ /*******************************************************************************/ case RFAL_TXRX_STATE_TX_DONE: /* PRQA S 2003 # MISRA 16.3 - Intentional fall through */ /* If no rxBuf is provided do not wait/expect Rx */ if( gRFAL.TxRx.ctx.rxBuf == NULL ) { /*Check if Observation Mode was enabled and disable it on ST25R391x */ rfalCheckDisableObsMode(); /* Clean up Transceive */ rfalCleanupTransceive(); gRFAL.TxRx.status = ERR_NONE; gRFAL.TxRx.state = RFAL_TXRX_STATE_IDLE; break; } rfalCheckEnableObsModeRx(); /* Goto Rx */ gRFAL.TxRx.state = RFAL_TXRX_STATE_RX_IDLE; break; /*******************************************************************************/ case RFAL_TXRX_STATE_TX_FAIL: /* Error should be assigned by previous state */ if( gRFAL.TxRx.status == ERR_BUSY ) { gRFAL.TxRx.status = ERR_SYSTEM; } /*Check if Observation Mode was enabled and disable it on ST25R391x */ rfalCheckDisableObsMode(); /* Clean up Transceive */ rfalCleanupTransceive(); gRFAL.TxRx.state = RFAL_TXRX_STATE_IDLE; break; /*******************************************************************************/ default: gRFAL.TxRx.status = ERR_SYSTEM; gRFAL.TxRx.state = RFAL_TXRX_STATE_TX_FAIL; break; } } /*******************************************************************************/ static void rfalTransceiveRx( void ) { volatile uint32_t irqs; uint8_t tmp; uint8_t aux; irqs = ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_NONE; if( gRFAL.TxRx.state != gRFAL.TxRx.lastState ) { /* rfalLogD( "RFAL: lastSt: %d curSt: %d \r\n", gRFAL.TxRx.lastState, gRFAL.TxRx.state ); */ gRFAL.TxRx.lastState = gRFAL.TxRx.state; } switch( gRFAL.TxRx.state ) { /*******************************************************************************/ case RFAL_TXRX_STATE_RX_IDLE: /* Clear rx counters */ gRFAL.fifo.bytesWritten = 0; // Total bytes written on RxBuffer gRFAL.fifo.bytesTotal = 0; // Total bytes in FIFO will now be from Rx if( gRFAL.TxRx.ctx.rxRcvdLen != NULL ) { *gRFAL.TxRx.ctx.rxRcvdLen = 0; } gRFAL.TxRx.state = ( rfalIsModeActiveComm( gRFAL.mode ) ? RFAL_TXRX_STATE_RX_WAIT_EON : RFAL_TXRX_STATE_RX_WAIT_RXS ); break; /*******************************************************************************/ case RFAL_TXRX_STATE_RX_WAIT_RXS: /*******************************************************************************/ /* If in Active comm, Check if FWT SW timer has expired */ if( rfalIsModeActiveComm( gRFAL.mode ) && (gRFAL.TxRx.ctx.fwt != RFAL_FWT_NONE) && (gRFAL.TxRx.ctx.fwt != 0U) ) { if( rfalTimerisExpired( gRFAL.tmr.FWT ) ) { gRFAL.TxRx.status = ERR_TIMEOUT; gRFAL.TxRx.state = RFAL_TXRX_STATE_RX_FAIL; break; } } /*******************************************************************************/ irqs = st25r3911GetInterrupt( ( ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_RXS | ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_NRE | ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_EOF | ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_RXE) ); if( irqs == ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_NONE ) { break; /* No interrupt to process */ } /*******************************************************************************/ /* REMARK: Silicon workaround ST25R3911 Errata #1.7 */ /* NRE interrupt may be triggered twice */ /* Ignore NRE if is detected together with no Rx Start */ /*******************************************************************************/ /* Only raise Timeout if NRE is detected with no Rx Start (NRT EMV mode) */ if( ((irqs & ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_NRE) != 0U) && ((irqs & ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_RXS) == 0U) ) { gRFAL.TxRx.status = ERR_TIMEOUT; gRFAL.TxRx.state = RFAL_TXRX_STATE_RX_FAIL; break; } /* Only raise Link Loss if EOF is detected with no Rx Start */ if( ((irqs & ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_EOF) != 0U) && ((irqs & ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_RXS) == 0U) ) { /* In AP2P a Field On has already occurred - treat this as timeout | mute */ gRFAL.TxRx.status = ( rfalIsModeActiveComm( gRFAL.mode ) ? ERR_TIMEOUT : ERR_LINK_LOSS ); gRFAL.TxRx.state = RFAL_TXRX_STATE_RX_FAIL; break; } if( (irqs & ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_RXS) != 0U ) { /* If we got RXS + RXE together, jump directly into RFAL_TXRX_STATE_RX_ERR_CHECK */ if( (irqs & ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_RXE) != 0U ) { gRFAL.TxRx.rxse = true; gRFAL.TxRx.state = RFAL_TXRX_STATE_RX_ERR_CHECK; break; } else { /*******************************************************************************/ /* REMARK: Silicon workaround ST25R3911 Errata #1.1 */ /* Rarely on corrupted frames I_rxs gets signaled but I_rxe is not signaled */ /* Use a SW timer to handle an eventual missing RXE */ rfalTimerStart( gRFAL.tmr.RXE, RFAL_NORXE_TOUT ); /*******************************************************************************/ gRFAL.TxRx.state = RFAL_TXRX_STATE_RX_WAIT_RXE; } } else if( (irqs & ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_RXE) != 0U ) { /*******************************************************************************/ /* REMARK: Silicon workaround ST25R3911 Errata #1.9 */ /* ST25R3911 may indicate RXE without RXS previously, this happens upon some */ /* noise or incomplete byte frames with less than 4 bits */ /*******************************************************************************/ gRFAL.TxRx.status = ERR_IO; gRFAL.TxRx.state = RFAL_TXRX_STATE_RX_FAIL; rfalErrorHandling(); break; } else { gRFAL.TxRx.status = ERR_IO; gRFAL.TxRx.state = RFAL_TXRX_STATE_RX_FAIL; break; } /* fall through */ /*******************************************************************************/ case RFAL_TXRX_STATE_RX_WAIT_RXE: /* PRQA S 2003 # MISRA 16.3 - Intentional fall through */ irqs = st25r3911GetInterrupt( (ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_RXE | ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_FWL | ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_EOF) ); if( irqs == ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_NONE ) { /*******************************************************************************/ /* REMARK: Silicon workaround ST25R3911B Errata #1.1 */ /* ST25R3911 may indicate RXS without RXE afterwards, this happens rarely on */ /* corrupted frames. */ /* SW timer is used to timeout upon a missing RXE */ if( rfalTimerisExpired( gRFAL.tmr.RXE ) ) { gRFAL.TxRx.status = ERR_FRAMING; gRFAL.TxRx.state = RFAL_TXRX_STATE_RX_FAIL; } /*******************************************************************************/ break; /* No interrupt to process */ } if( ((irqs & ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_FWL) != 0U) && ((irqs & ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_RXE) == 0U) ) { gRFAL.TxRx.state = RFAL_TXRX_STATE_RX_READ_FIFO; break; } gRFAL.TxRx.state = RFAL_TXRX_STATE_RX_ERR_CHECK; /* fall through */ /*******************************************************************************/ case RFAL_TXRX_STATE_RX_ERR_CHECK: /* PRQA S 2003 # MISRA 16.3 - Intentional fall through */ /* Retrieve and check for any error irqs */ irqs |= st25r3911GetInterrupt( (ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_CRC | ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_PAR | ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_ERR1 | ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_ERR2 | ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_COL) ); if( (irqs & ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_ERR1) != 0U ) { gRFAL.TxRx.status = ERR_FRAMING; gRFAL.TxRx.state = RFAL_TXRX_STATE_RX_READ_DATA; /* Check if there's a specific error handling for this */ rfalErrorHandling(); break; } /* Discard Soft Framing errors if not in EMVCo error handling */ else if( ((irqs & ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_ERR2) != 0U) && (gRFAL.conf.eHandling == RFAL_ERRORHANDLING_EMVCO) ) { gRFAL.TxRx.status = ERR_FRAMING; gRFAL.TxRx.state = RFAL_TXRX_STATE_RX_READ_DATA; /* Check if there's a specific error handling for this */ rfalErrorHandling(); break; } else if( (irqs & ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_PAR) != 0U ) { gRFAL.TxRx.status = ERR_PAR; gRFAL.TxRx.state = RFAL_TXRX_STATE_RX_READ_DATA; /* Check if there's a specific error handling for this */ rfalErrorHandling(); break; } else if( (irqs & ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_CRC) != 0U ) { gRFAL.TxRx.status = ERR_CRC; gRFAL.TxRx.state = RFAL_TXRX_STATE_RX_READ_DATA; /* Check if there's a specific error handling for this */ rfalErrorHandling(); break; } else if( (irqs & ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_COL) != 0U ) { gRFAL.TxRx.status = ERR_RF_COLLISION; gRFAL.TxRx.state = RFAL_TXRX_STATE_RX_READ_DATA; /* Check if there's a specific error handling for this */ rfalErrorHandling(); break; } else if( ((irqs & ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_EOF) != 0U) && ((irqs & ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_RXE) == 0U) ) { gRFAL.TxRx.status = ERR_LINK_LOSS; gRFAL.TxRx.state = RFAL_TXRX_STATE_RX_FAIL; break; } else if( ((irqs & ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_RXE) != 0U) || (gRFAL.TxRx.rxse) ) { /* Reception ended without any error indication, * * check FIFO status for malformed or incomplete frames */ /* Check if the reception ends with an incomplete byte (residual bits) */ if( rfalFIFOStatusIsIncompleteByte() ) { gRFAL.TxRx.status = ERR_INCOMPLETE_BYTE; } /* Check if the reception ends with missing parity bit */ else if( rfalFIFOStatusIsMissingPar() ) { gRFAL.TxRx.status = ERR_FRAMING; } else { /* MISRA 15.7 - Empty else */ } gRFAL.TxRx.state = RFAL_TXRX_STATE_RX_READ_DATA; } else { gRFAL.TxRx.status = ERR_IO; gRFAL.TxRx.state = RFAL_TXRX_STATE_RX_FAIL; break; } /* fall through */ /*******************************************************************************/ case RFAL_TXRX_STATE_RX_READ_DATA: /* PRQA S 2003 # MISRA 16.3 - Intentional fall through */ tmp = rfalFIFOStatusGetNumBytes(); /*******************************************************************************/ /* Check if CRC should not be placed in rxBuf */ if( ((gRFAL.TxRx.ctx.flags & (uint32_t)RFAL_TXRX_FLAGS_CRC_RX_KEEP) == 0U) ) { /* Check if CRC is being placed into the FIFO and if received frame was bigger than CRC */ if( st25r3911IsCRCinFIFO() && ((gRFAL.fifo.bytesTotal + tmp) > 0U) ) { /* By default CRC will not be placed into the rxBuffer */ if( ( tmp > (uint8_t)RFAL_CRC_LEN) ) { tmp -= (uint8_t)RFAL_CRC_LEN; } /* If the CRC was already placed into rxBuffer (due to WL interrupt where CRC was already in FIFO Read) * cannot remove it from rxBuf. Can only remove it from rxBufLen not indicate the presence of CRC */ else if(gRFAL.fifo.bytesTotal > (uint16_t)RFAL_CRC_LEN) { gRFAL.fifo.bytesTotal -= (uint16_t)RFAL_CRC_LEN; } else { /* MISRA 15.7 - Empty else */ } } } gRFAL.fifo.bytesTotal += tmp; /* add to total bytes counter */ /*******************************************************************************/ /* Check if remaining bytes fit on the rxBuf available */ if( gRFAL.fifo.bytesTotal > rfalConvBitsToBytes(gRFAL.TxRx.ctx.rxBufLen) ) { tmp = (uint8_t)( rfalConvBitsToBytes(gRFAL.TxRx.ctx.rxBufLen) - gRFAL.fifo.bytesWritten); gRFAL.TxRx.status = ERR_NOMEM; gRFAL.TxRx.state = RFAL_TXRX_STATE_RX_FAIL; } /*******************************************************************************/ /* Retrieve remaining bytes from FIFO to rxBuf, and assign total length rcvd */ st25r3911ReadFifo( &gRFAL.TxRx.ctx.rxBuf[gRFAL.fifo.bytesWritten], tmp); if( (gRFAL.TxRx.ctx.rxRcvdLen != NULL) ) { (*gRFAL.TxRx.ctx.rxRcvdLen) = (uint16_t)rfalConvBytesToBits( gRFAL.fifo.bytesTotal ); if( rfalFIFOStatusIsIncompleteByte() ) { (*gRFAL.TxRx.ctx.rxRcvdLen) -= (RFAL_BITS_IN_BYTE - rfalFIFOGetNumIncompleteBits()); } } #if RFAL_FEATURE_NFCV /*******************************************************************************/ /* Decode sub bit stream into payload bits for NFCV, if no error found so far */ if( ((RFAL_MODE_POLL_NFCV == gRFAL.mode) || (RFAL_MODE_POLL_PICOPASS == gRFAL.mode)) && (gRFAL.TxRx.status == ERR_BUSY) ) { ReturnCode ret; uint16_t offset = 0; ret = iso15693VICCDecode(gRFAL.TxRx.ctx.rxBuf, gRFAL.fifo.bytesTotal, gRFAL.nfcvData.origCtx.rxBuf, rfalConvBitsToBytes(gRFAL.nfcvData.origCtx.rxBufLen), &offset, gRFAL.nfcvData.origCtx.rxRcvdLen, gRFAL.nfcvData.ignoreBits, (RFAL_MODE_POLL_PICOPASS == gRFAL.mode) ); if( ((ERR_NONE == ret) || (ERR_CRC == ret)) && (((uint32_t)RFAL_TXRX_FLAGS_CRC_RX_KEEP & gRFAL.nfcvData.origCtx.flags) == 0U) && ((*gRFAL.nfcvData.origCtx.rxRcvdLen % RFAL_BITS_IN_BYTE) == 0U) && (*gRFAL.nfcvData.origCtx.rxRcvdLen >= rfalConvBytesToBits(RFAL_CRC_LEN) ) ) { *gRFAL.nfcvData.origCtx.rxRcvdLen -= (uint16_t)rfalConvBytesToBits(RFAL_CRC_LEN); /* Remove CRC */ } /* Restore original ctx */ gRFAL.TxRx.ctx = gRFAL.nfcvData.origCtx; gRFAL.TxRx.status = ((ret != ERR_NONE) ? ret : ERR_BUSY); } #endif /* RFAL_FEATURE_NFCV */ /*******************************************************************************/ /* If an error as been marked/detected don't fall into to RX_DONE */ if( gRFAL.TxRx.status != ERR_BUSY ) { gRFAL.TxRx.state = RFAL_TXRX_STATE_RX_FAIL; break; } if( rfalIsModeActiveComm( gRFAL.mode ) ) { gRFAL.TxRx.state = RFAL_TXRX_STATE_RX_WAIT_EOF; break; } gRFAL.TxRx.state = RFAL_TXRX_STATE_RX_DONE; /* fall through */ /*******************************************************************************/ case RFAL_TXRX_STATE_RX_DONE: /* PRQA S 2003 # MISRA 16.3 - Intentional fall through */ /*Check if Observation Mode was enabled and disable it on ST25R391x */ rfalCheckDisableObsMode(); /* Clean up Transceive */ rfalCleanupTransceive(); gRFAL.TxRx.status = ERR_NONE; gRFAL.TxRx.state = RFAL_TXRX_STATE_IDLE; break; /*******************************************************************************/ case RFAL_TXRX_STATE_RX_READ_FIFO: /*******************************************************************************/ /* REMARK: Silicon workaround ST25R3911B Errata #1.1 */ /* ST25R3911 may indicate RXS without RXE afterwards, this happens rarely on */ /* corrupted frames. */ /* Re-Start SW timer to handle an eventual missing RXE */ rfalTimerStart( gRFAL.tmr.RXE, RFAL_NORXE_TOUT ); /*******************************************************************************/ tmp = rfalFIFOStatusGetNumBytes(); gRFAL.fifo.bytesTotal += tmp; /*******************************************************************************/ /* Calculate the amount of bytes that still fits in rxBuf */ aux = (uint8_t)(( gRFAL.fifo.bytesTotal > rfalConvBitsToBytes(gRFAL.TxRx.ctx.rxBufLen) ) ? (rfalConvBitsToBytes(gRFAL.TxRx.ctx.rxBufLen) - gRFAL.fifo.bytesWritten) : tmp); /*******************************************************************************/ /* Retrieve incoming bytes from FIFO to rxBuf, and store already read amount */ st25r3911ReadFifo( &gRFAL.TxRx.ctx.rxBuf[gRFAL.fifo.bytesWritten], aux); gRFAL.fifo.bytesWritten += aux; /*******************************************************************************/ /* If the bytes already read were not the full FIFO WL, dump the remaining * * FIFO so that ST25R391x can continue with reception */ if( aux < tmp ) { st25r3911ReadFifo( NULL, (tmp - aux) ); } rfalFIFOStatusClear(); gRFAL.TxRx.state = RFAL_TXRX_STATE_RX_WAIT_RXE; break; /*******************************************************************************/ case RFAL_TXRX_STATE_RX_FAIL: /*Check if Observation Mode was enabled and disable it on ST25R391x */ rfalCheckDisableObsMode(); /* Clean up Transceive */ rfalCleanupTransceive(); /* Error should be assigned by previous state */ if( gRFAL.TxRx.status == ERR_BUSY ) { gRFAL.TxRx.status = ERR_SYSTEM; } /*rfalLogD( "RFAL: curSt: %d Error: %d \r\n", gRFAL.TxRx.state, gRFAL.TxRx.status );*/ gRFAL.TxRx.state = RFAL_TXRX_STATE_IDLE; break; /*******************************************************************************/ case RFAL_TXRX_STATE_RX_WAIT_EON: irqs = st25r3911GetInterrupt( (ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_EON | ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_NRE) ); if( irqs == ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_NONE ) { break; /* No interrupt to process */ } if( (irqs & ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_EON) != 0U ) { gRFAL.TxRx.state = RFAL_TXRX_STATE_RX_WAIT_RXS; } if( (irqs & ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_NRE) != 0U ) { /* ST25R3911 uses the NRT to measure other device's Field On max time: Tadt + (n x Trfw) */ gRFAL.TxRx.status = ERR_LINK_LOSS; gRFAL.TxRx.state = RFAL_TXRX_STATE_RX_FAIL; } break; /*******************************************************************************/ case RFAL_TXRX_STATE_RX_WAIT_EOF: irqs = st25r3911GetInterrupt( (ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_CAT | ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_CAC) ); if( irqs == ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_NONE ) { break; /* No interrupt to process */ } if( (irqs & ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_CAT) != 0U ) { gRFAL.TxRx.state = RFAL_TXRX_STATE_RX_DONE; } else if( (irqs & ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_CAC) != 0U ) { gRFAL.TxRx.status = ERR_RF_COLLISION; gRFAL.TxRx.state = RFAL_TXRX_STATE_RX_FAIL; } else { gRFAL.TxRx.status = ERR_IO; gRFAL.TxRx.state = RFAL_TXRX_STATE_RX_FAIL; } break; /*******************************************************************************/ default: gRFAL.TxRx.status = ERR_SYSTEM; gRFAL.TxRx.state = RFAL_TXRX_STATE_RX_FAIL; break; } } /*******************************************************************************/ static void rfalFIFOStatusUpdate( void ) { if(gRFAL.fifo.status[RFAL_FIFO_STATUS_REG2] == RFAL_FIFO_STATUS_INVALID) { st25r3911ReadMultipleRegisters( ST25R3911_REG_FIFO_RX_STATUS1, gRFAL.fifo.status, ST25R3911_FIFO_STATUS_LEN ); } } /*******************************************************************************/ static void rfalFIFOStatusClear( void ) { gRFAL.fifo.status[RFAL_FIFO_STATUS_REG2] = RFAL_FIFO_STATUS_INVALID; } /*******************************************************************************/ static uint8_t rfalFIFOStatusGetNumBytes( void ) { rfalFIFOStatusUpdate(); return gRFAL.fifo.status[RFAL_FIFO_STATUS_REG1]; } /*******************************************************************************/ static bool rfalFIFOStatusIsIncompleteByte( void ) { rfalFIFOStatusUpdate(); return ((gRFAL.fifo.status[RFAL_FIFO_STATUS_REG2] & (ST25R3911_REG_FIFO_RX_STATUS2_mask_fifo_lb | ST25R3911_REG_FIFO_RX_STATUS2_fifo_ncp)) != 0U); } /*******************************************************************************/ static bool rfalFIFOStatusIsMissingPar( void ) { rfalFIFOStatusUpdate(); return ((gRFAL.fifo.status[RFAL_FIFO_STATUS_REG2] & ST25R3911_REG_FIFO_RX_STATUS2_np_lb) != 0U); } /*******************************************************************************/ static uint8_t rfalFIFOGetNumIncompleteBits( void ) { rfalFIFOStatusUpdate(); return ((gRFAL.fifo.status[RFAL_FIFO_STATUS_REG2] & ST25R3911_REG_FIFO_RX_STATUS2_mask_fifo_lb) >> ST25R3911_REG_FIFO_RX_STATUS2_shift_fifo_lb); } #if RFAL_FEATURE_NFCA /*******************************************************************************/ ReturnCode rfalISO14443ATransceiveShortFrame( rfal14443AShortFrameCmd txCmd, uint8_t* rxBuf, uint8_t rxBufLen, uint16_t* rxRcvdLen, uint32_t fwt ) { ReturnCode ret; uint8_t directCmd; /* Check if RFAL is properly initialized */ if( !st25r3911IsTxEnabled() || (gRFAL.state < RFAL_STATE_MODE_SET) || (( gRFAL.mode != RFAL_MODE_POLL_NFCA ) && ( gRFAL.mode != RFAL_MODE_POLL_NFCA_T1T )) ) { return ERR_WRONG_STATE; } /* Check for valid parameters */ if( (rxBuf == NULL) || (rxRcvdLen == NULL) || (fwt == RFAL_FWT_NONE) ) { return ERR_PARAM; } /*******************************************************************************/ /* Select the Direct Command to be performed */ switch (txCmd) { case RFAL_14443A_SHORTFRAME_CMD_WUPA: directCmd = ST25R3911_CMD_TRANSMIT_WUPA; break; case RFAL_14443A_SHORTFRAME_CMD_REQA: directCmd = ST25R3911_CMD_TRANSMIT_REQA; break; default: return ERR_PARAM; } /*******************************************************************************/ /* Enable anti collision to recognise collision in first byte of SENS_REQ */ st25r3911SetRegisterBits( ST25R3911_REG_ISO14443A_NFC, ST25R3911_REG_ISO14443A_NFC_antcl); /* Disable CRC while receiving since ATQA has no CRC included */ st25r3911SetRegisterBits( ST25R3911_REG_AUX, ST25R3911_REG_AUX_no_crc_rx ); /*******************************************************************************/ /* Wait for GT and FDT */ while( !rfalIsGTExpired() ) { /* MISRA 15.6: mandatory brackets */ }; while( st25r3911IsGPTRunning() ) { /* MISRA 15.6: mandatory brackets */ }; gRFAL.tmr.GT = RFAL_TIMING_NONE; /*******************************************************************************/ /* Prepare for Transceive, Receive only (bypass Tx states) */ gRFAL.TxRx.ctx.flags = ((uint32_t) RFAL_TXRX_FLAGS_CRC_TX_MANUAL | (uint32_t)RFAL_TXRX_FLAGS_CRC_RX_KEEP ); gRFAL.TxRx.ctx.rxBuf = rxBuf; gRFAL.TxRx.ctx.rxBufLen = rxBufLen; gRFAL.TxRx.ctx.rxRcvdLen = rxRcvdLen; /*******************************************************************************/ /* Load NRT with FWT */ st25r3911SetNoResponseTime_64fcs( rfalConv1fcTo64fc( MIN( (fwt + RFAL_FWT_ADJUSTMENT + RFAL_FWT_A_ADJUSTMENT), RFAL_ST25R3911_NRT_MAX_1FC ) ) ); if( gRFAL.timings.FDTListen != RFAL_TIMING_NONE ) { /* Set Minimum FDT(Listen) in which PICC is not allowed to send a response */ st25r3911WriteRegister( ST25R3911_REG_MASK_RX_TIMER, (uint8_t)rfalConv1fcTo64fc( ((RFAL_FDT_LISTEN_MRT_ADJUSTMENT + RFAL_FDT_LISTEN_A_ADJUSTMENT) > gRFAL.timings.FDTListen) ? RFAL_ST25R3911_MRT_MIN_1FC : (gRFAL.timings.FDTListen - (RFAL_FDT_LISTEN_MRT_ADJUSTMENT + RFAL_FDT_LISTEN_A_ADJUSTMENT)) ) ); } /* In Passive communications General Purpose Timer is used to measure FDT Poll */ if( gRFAL.timings.FDTPoll != RFAL_TIMING_NONE ) { /* Configure GPT to start at RX end */ st25r3911StartGPTimer_8fcs( (uint16_t)rfalConv1fcTo8fc( MIN( gRFAL.timings.FDTPoll, (gRFAL.timings.FDTPoll - RFAL_FDT_POLL_ADJUSTMENT) ) ), ST25R3911_REG_GPT_CONTROL_gptc_erx ); } /*******************************************************************************/ rfalPrepareTransceive(); /* Also enable bit collision interrupt */ st25r3911GetInterrupt( ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_COL ); st25r3911EnableInterrupts( ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_COL ); /*Check if Observation Mode is enabled and set it on ST25R391x */ rfalCheckEnableObsModeTx(); /*******************************************************************************/ /* Chip bug: Clear nbtx bits before sending WUPA/REQA - otherwise ST25R3911 will report parity error */ st25r3911WriteRegister( ST25R3911_REG_NUM_TX_BYTES2, 0); /* Send either WUPA or REQA. All affected tags will backscatter ATQA and change to READY state */ st25r3911ExecuteCommand( directCmd ); /* Wait for TXE */ if( st25r3911WaitForInterruptsTimed( ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_TXE, (uint16_t)MAX( rfalConv1fcToMs( fwt ), RFAL_ST25R3911_SW_TMR_MIN_1MS ) ) == 0U) { ret = ERR_IO; } else { /*Check if Observation Mode is enabled and set it on ST25R391x */ rfalCheckEnableObsModeRx(); /* Jump into a transceive Rx state for reception (bypass Tx states) */ gRFAL.state = RFAL_STATE_TXRX; gRFAL.TxRx.state = RFAL_TXRX_STATE_RX_IDLE; gRFAL.TxRx.status = ERR_BUSY; /* Execute Transceive Rx blocking */ ret = rfalTransceiveBlockingRx(); } /* Disable Collision interrupt */ st25r3911DisableInterrupts( (ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_COL) ); /* Disable anti collision again */ st25r3911ClrRegisterBits( ST25R3911_REG_ISO14443A_NFC, ST25R3911_REG_ISO14443A_NFC_antcl ); /* ReEnable CRC on Rx */ st25r3911ClrRegisterBits(ST25R3911_REG_AUX, ST25R3911_REG_AUX_no_crc_rx ); return ret; } /*******************************************************************************/ ReturnCode rfalISO14443ATransceiveAnticollisionFrame( uint8_t *buf, uint8_t *bytesToSend, uint8_t *bitsToSend, uint16_t *rxLength, uint32_t fwt ) { ReturnCode ret; rfalTransceiveContext ctx; uint8_t collByte; uint8_t collData; /* Check if RFAL is properly initialized */ if( (gRFAL.state < RFAL_STATE_MODE_SET) || ( gRFAL.mode != RFAL_MODE_POLL_NFCA ) ) { return ERR_WRONG_STATE; } /* Check for valid parameters */ if( (buf == NULL) || (bytesToSend == NULL) || (bitsToSend == NULL) || (rxLength == NULL) ) { return ERR_PARAM; } /*******************************************************************************/ /* Set speficic Analog Config for Anticolission if needed */ rfalSetAnalogConfig( (RFAL_ANALOG_CONFIG_POLL | RFAL_ANALOG_CONFIG_TECH_NFCA | RFAL_ANALOG_CONFIG_BITRATE_COMMON | RFAL_ANALOG_CONFIG_ANTICOL) ); /*******************************************************************************/ /* Enable anti collision to recognise collision in first byte of SENS_REQ */ st25r3911SetRegisterBits( ST25R3911_REG_ISO14443A_NFC, ST25R3911_REG_ISO14443A_NFC_antcl ); /* Disable CRC while receiving */ st25r3911SetRegisterBits( ST25R3911_REG_AUX, ST25R3911_REG_AUX_no_crc_rx ); /*******************************************************************************/ /* Prepare for Transceive */ ctx.flags = ( (uint32_t)RFAL_TXRX_FLAGS_CRC_TX_MANUAL | (uint32_t)RFAL_TXRX_FLAGS_CRC_RX_KEEP | (uint32_t)RFAL_TXRX_FLAGS_AGC_OFF ); /* Disable Automatic Gain Control (AGC) for better detection of collision */ ctx.txBuf = buf; ctx.txBufLen = (uint16_t)(rfalConvBytesToBits( *bytesToSend ) + *bitsToSend ); ctx.rxBuf = &buf[*bytesToSend]; ctx.rxBufLen = (uint16_t)rfalConvBytesToBits( RFAL_ISO14443A_SDD_RES_LEN ); ctx.rxRcvdLen = rxLength; ctx.fwt = fwt; rfalStartTransceive( &ctx ); /* Additionally enable bit collision interrupt */ st25r3911GetInterrupt( ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_COL ); st25r3911EnableInterrupts( ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_COL ); /*******************************************************************************/ collByte = 0; /* save the collision byte */ if ((*bitsToSend) > 0U) { buf[(*bytesToSend)] <<= (RFAL_BITS_IN_BYTE - (*bitsToSend)); buf[(*bytesToSend)] >>= (RFAL_BITS_IN_BYTE - (*bitsToSend)); collByte = buf[(*bytesToSend)]; } /*******************************************************************************/ /* Run Transceive blocking */ ret = rfalTransceiveRunBlockingTx(); if( ret == ERR_NONE) { ret = rfalTransceiveBlockingRx(); /*******************************************************************************/ if ((*bitsToSend) > 0U) { buf[(*bytesToSend)] >>= (*bitsToSend); buf[(*bytesToSend)] <<= (*bitsToSend); buf[(*bytesToSend)] |= collByte; } if( (ERR_RF_COLLISION == ret) ) { /* read out collision register */ st25r3911ReadRegister( ST25R3911_REG_COLLISION_STATUS, &collData); (*bytesToSend) = ((collData >> ST25R3911_REG_COLLISION_STATUS_shift_c_byte) & 0x0FU); // 4-bits Byte information (*bitsToSend) = ((collData >> ST25R3911_REG_COLLISION_STATUS_shift_c_bit) & 0x07U); // 3-bits bit information } } /*******************************************************************************/ /* Disable Collision interrupt */ st25r3911DisableInterrupts( (ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_COL) ); /* Disable anti collision again */ st25r3911ClrRegisterBits( ST25R3911_REG_ISO14443A_NFC, ST25R3911_REG_ISO14443A_NFC_antcl ); /* ReEnable CRC on Rx */ st25r3911ClrRegisterBits( ST25R3911_REG_AUX, ST25R3911_REG_AUX_no_crc_rx ); /*******************************************************************************/ /* Restore common Analog configurations for this mode */ rfalSetAnalogConfig( (RFAL_ANALOG_CONFIG_POLL | RFAL_ANALOG_CONFIG_TECH_NFCA | RFAL_ANALOG_CONFIG_BITRATE_COMMON | RFAL_ANALOG_CONFIG_TX) ); rfalSetAnalogConfig( (RFAL_ANALOG_CONFIG_POLL | RFAL_ANALOG_CONFIG_TECH_NFCA | RFAL_ANALOG_CONFIG_BITRATE_COMMON | RFAL_ANALOG_CONFIG_RX) ); return ret; } #endif /* RFAL_FEATURE_NFCA */ #if RFAL_FEATURE_NFCV /*******************************************************************************/ ReturnCode rfalISO15693TransceiveAnticollisionFrame( uint8_t *txBuf, uint8_t txBufLen, uint8_t *rxBuf, uint8_t rxBufLen, uint16_t *actLen ) { ReturnCode ret; rfalTransceiveContext ctx; /* Check if RFAL is properly initialized */ if( (gRFAL.state < RFAL_STATE_MODE_SET) || ( gRFAL.mode != RFAL_MODE_POLL_NFCV ) ) { return ERR_WRONG_STATE; } /*******************************************************************************/ /* Set speficic Analog Config for Anticolission if needed */ rfalSetAnalogConfig( (RFAL_ANALOG_CONFIG_POLL | RFAL_ANALOG_CONFIG_TECH_NFCV | RFAL_ANALOG_CONFIG_BITRATE_COMMON | RFAL_ANALOG_CONFIG_ANTICOL) ); /* Ignoring collisions before the UID (RES_FLAG + DSFID) */ gRFAL.nfcvData.ignoreBits = (uint16_t)RFAL_ISO15693_IGNORE_BITS; /*******************************************************************************/ /* Prepare for Transceive */ ctx.flags = ((txBufLen==0U)?(uint32_t)RFAL_TXRX_FLAGS_CRC_TX_MANUAL:(uint32_t)RFAL_TXRX_FLAGS_CRC_TX_AUTO) | (uint32_t)RFAL_TXRX_FLAGS_CRC_RX_KEEP | (uint32_t)RFAL_TXRX_FLAGS_AGC_OFF | ((txBufLen==0U)?(uint32_t)RFAL_TXRX_FLAGS_NFCV_FLAG_MANUAL:(uint32_t)RFAL_TXRX_FLAGS_NFCV_FLAG_AUTO); /* Disable Automatic Gain Control (AGC) for better detection of collision */ ctx.txBuf = txBuf; ctx.txBufLen = (uint16_t)rfalConvBytesToBits(txBufLen); ctx.rxBuf = rxBuf; ctx.rxBufLen = (uint16_t)rfalConvBytesToBits(rxBufLen); ctx.rxRcvdLen = actLen; ctx.fwt = rfalConv64fcTo1fc(ISO15693_FWT); rfalStartTransceive( &ctx ); /*******************************************************************************/ /* Run Transceive blocking */ ret = rfalTransceiveRunBlockingTx(); if( ret == ERR_NONE) { ret = rfalTransceiveBlockingRx(); } /* Restore common Analog configurations for this mode */ rfalSetAnalogConfig( (RFAL_ANALOG_CONFIG_POLL | RFAL_ANALOG_CONFIG_TECH_NFCV | RFAL_ANALOG_CONFIG_BITRATE_COMMON | RFAL_ANALOG_CONFIG_TX) ); rfalSetAnalogConfig( (RFAL_ANALOG_CONFIG_POLL | RFAL_ANALOG_CONFIG_TECH_NFCV | RFAL_ANALOG_CONFIG_BITRATE_COMMON | RFAL_ANALOG_CONFIG_RX) ); gRFAL.nfcvData.ignoreBits = 0; return ret; } /*******************************************************************************/ ReturnCode rfalISO15693TransceiveEOFAnticollision( uint8_t *rxBuf, uint8_t rxBufLen, uint16_t *actLen ) { uint8_t dummy; return rfalISO15693TransceiveAnticollisionFrame( &dummy, 0, rxBuf, rxBufLen, actLen ); } /*******************************************************************************/ ReturnCode rfalISO15693TransceiveEOF( uint8_t *rxBuf, uint8_t rxBufLen, uint16_t *actLen ) { ReturnCode ret; uint8_t dummy; /* Check if RFAL is properly initialized */ if( ( gRFAL.state < RFAL_STATE_MODE_SET ) || ( gRFAL.mode != RFAL_MODE_POLL_NFCV ) ) { return ERR_WRONG_STATE; } /*******************************************************************************/ /* Run Transceive blocking */ ret = rfalTransceiveBlockingTxRx( &dummy, 0, rxBuf, rxBufLen, actLen, ( (uint32_t)RFAL_TXRX_FLAGS_CRC_TX_MANUAL | (uint32_t)RFAL_TXRX_FLAGS_CRC_RX_KEEP |(uint32_t)RFAL_TXRX_FLAGS_AGC_ON ), rfalConv64fcTo1fc(ISO15693_FWT) ); return ret; } #endif /* RFAL_FEATURE_NFCV */ #if RFAL_FEATURE_NFCF /*******************************************************************************/ ReturnCode rfalFeliCaPoll( rfalFeliCaPollSlots slots, uint16_t sysCode, uint8_t reqCode, rfalFeliCaPollRes* pollResList, uint8_t pollResListSize, uint8_t *devicesDetected, uint8_t *collisionsDetected ) { ReturnCode ret; uint8_t frame[RFAL_FELICA_POLL_REQ_LEN - RFAL_FELICA_LEN_LEN]; // LEN is added by ST25R3911 automatically uint16_t actLen; uint8_t frameIdx; uint8_t devDetected; uint8_t colDetected; rfalEHandling curHandling; uint8_t nbSlots; /* Check if RFAL is properly initialized */ if( (gRFAL.state < RFAL_STATE_MODE_SET) || ( gRFAL.mode != RFAL_MODE_POLL_NFCF ) ) { return ERR_WRONG_STATE; } frameIdx = 0; colDetected = 0; devDetected = 0; nbSlots = (uint8_t)slots; /*******************************************************************************/ /* Compute SENSF_REQ frame */ frame[frameIdx++] = (uint8_t)FELICA_CMD_POLLING; /* CMD: SENF_REQ */ frame[frameIdx++] = (uint8_t)(sysCode >> 8); /* System Code (SC) */ frame[frameIdx++] = (uint8_t)(sysCode & 0xFFU); /* System Code (SC) */ frame[frameIdx++] = reqCode; /* Communication Parameter Request (RC)*/ frame[frameIdx++] = nbSlots; /* TimeSlot (TSN) */ /*******************************************************************************/ /* NRT should not stop on reception - Use EMVCo mode to run NRT in nrt_emv * * ERRORHANDLING_EMVCO has no special handling for NFC-F mode */ curHandling = gRFAL.conf.eHandling; rfalSetErrorHandling( RFAL_ERRORHANDLING_EMVCO ); /*******************************************************************************/ /* Run transceive blocking, * Calculate Total Response Time in(64/fc): * 512 PICC process time + (n * 256 Time Slot duration) */ ret = rfalTransceiveBlockingTx( frame, (uint16_t)frameIdx, (uint8_t*)gRFAL.nfcfData.pollResponses, RFAL_FELICA_POLL_RES_LEN, &actLen, (RFAL_TXRX_FLAGS_DEFAULT), rfalConv64fcTo1fc( RFAL_FELICA_POLL_DELAY_TIME + (RFAL_FELICA_POLL_SLOT_TIME * ((uint32_t)nbSlots + 1U)) ) ); /*******************************************************************************/ /* If Tx OK, Wait for all responses, store them as soon as they appear */ if( ret == ERR_NONE ) { bool timeout; do { ret = rfalTransceiveBlockingRx(); if( ret == ERR_TIMEOUT ) { /* Upon timeout the full Poll Delay + (Slot time)*(nbSlots) has expired */ timeout = true; } else { /* Reception done, reEnabled Rx for following Slot */ st25r3911ExecuteCommand( ST25R3911_CMD_UNMASK_RECEIVE_DATA ); st25r3911ExecuteCommand( ST25R3911_CMD_CLEAR_SQUELCH ); /* If the reception was OK, new device found */ if( ret == ERR_NONE ) { devDetected++; /* Overwrite the Transceive context for the next reception */ gRFAL.TxRx.ctx.rxBuf = (uint8_t*)gRFAL.nfcfData.pollResponses[devDetected]; } /* If the reception was not OK, mark as collision */ else { colDetected++; } /* Check whether NRT has expired meanwhile */ timeout = st25r3911CheckReg( ST25R3911_REG_REGULATOR_RESULT, ST25R3911_REG_REGULATOR_RESULT_nrt_on, 0x00 ); if( !timeout ) { /* Jump again into transceive Rx state for the following reception */ gRFAL.TxRx.status = ERR_BUSY; gRFAL.state = RFAL_STATE_TXRX; gRFAL.TxRx.state = RFAL_TXRX_STATE_RX_IDLE; } } }while( ((nbSlots--) != 0U) && !timeout ); } /*******************************************************************************/ /* Restore NRT to normal mode - back to previous error handling */ rfalSetErrorHandling( curHandling ); /*******************************************************************************/ /* Assign output parameters if requested */ if( (pollResList != NULL) && (pollResListSize > 0U) && (devDetected > 0U) ) { ST_MEMCPY( pollResList, gRFAL.nfcfData.pollResponses, (RFAL_FELICA_POLL_RES_LEN * (uint32_t)MIN(pollResListSize, devDetected) ) ); } if( devicesDetected != NULL ) { *devicesDetected = devDetected; } if( collisionsDetected != NULL ) { *collisionsDetected = colDetected; } return (( (colDetected != 0U) || (devDetected != 0U)) ? ERR_NONE : ret); } #endif /* RFAL_FEATURE_NFCF */ /***************************************************************************** * Listen Mode * *****************************************************************************/ /*******************************************************************************/ bool rfalIsExtFieldOn( void ) { return st25r3911IsExtFieldOn(); } #if RFAL_FEATURE_LISTEN_MODE /*******************************************************************************/ ReturnCode rfalListenStart( uint32_t lmMask, const rfalLmConfPA *confA, const rfalLmConfPB *confB, const rfalLmConfPF *confF, uint8_t *rxBuf, uint16_t rxBufLen, uint16_t *rxLen ) { NO_WARNING(confA); NO_WARNING(confB); NO_WARNING(confF); gRFAL.Lm.state = RFAL_LM_STATE_NOT_INIT; /*******************************************************************************/ if( ((lmMask & RFAL_LM_MASK_NFCA) != 0U) || ((lmMask & RFAL_LM_MASK_NFCB) != 0U) || ((lmMask & RFAL_LM_MASK_NFCF) != 0U) ) { return ERR_NOTSUPP; } /*******************************************************************************/ if( (lmMask & RFAL_LM_MASK_ACTIVE_P2P) != 0U ) { gRFAL.state = RFAL_STATE_LM; gRFAL.Lm.rxBuf = rxBuf; gRFAL.Lm.rxBufLen = rxBufLen; gRFAL.Lm.rxLen = rxLen; *gRFAL.Lm.rxLen = 0; gRFAL.Lm.dataFlag = false; /* Disable GPT trigger source */ st25r3911ChangeRegisterBits( ST25R3911_REG_GPT_CONTROL, ST25R3911_REG_GPT_CONTROL_gptc_mask, ST25R3911_REG_GPT_CONTROL_gptc_no_trigger ); /* On Bit Rate Detection Mode ST25R391x will filter incoming frames during MRT time starting on External Field On event, use 512/fc steps */ st25r3911WriteRegister( ST25R3911_REG_MASK_RX_TIMER, (uint8_t)rfalConv1fcTo512fc( RFAL_LM_GT ) ); /* Restore default settings on NFCIP1 mode, Receiving parity + CRC bits and manual Tx Parity*/ st25r3911ClrRegisterBits( ST25R3911_REG_ISO14443A_NFC, (ST25R3911_REG_ISO14443A_NFC_no_tx_par | ST25R3911_REG_ISO14443A_NFC_no_rx_par | ST25R3911_REG_ISO14443A_NFC_nfc_f0) ); /* Enable External Field Detector */ st25r3911SetRegisterBits( ST25R3911_REG_AUX, ST25R3911_REG_AUX_en_fd ); /* Enable Receiver */ st25r3911ChangeRegisterBits( ST25R3911_REG_OP_CONTROL, ST25R3911_REG_OP_CONTROL_rx_en, ST25R3911_REG_OP_CONTROL_rx_en ); /* Set Analog configurations for generic Listen mode */ /* Not on SetState(POWER OFF) as otherwise would be applied on every Field Event */ rfalSetAnalogConfig( (RFAL_ANALOG_CONFIG_TECH_CHIP | RFAL_ANALOG_CONFIG_CHIP_LISTEN_ON) ); /* Initialize as POWER_OFF and set proper mode in RF Chip */ rfalListenSetState( RFAL_LM_STATE_POWER_OFF ); } else { return ERR_REQUEST; /* Listen Start called but no mode was enabled */ } return ERR_NONE; } /*******************************************************************************/ static ReturnCode rfalRunListenModeWorker( void ) { volatile uint32_t irqs; uint8_t tmp; if( gRFAL.state != RFAL_STATE_LM ) { return ERR_WRONG_STATE; } switch( gRFAL.Lm.state ) { /*******************************************************************************/ case RFAL_LM_STATE_POWER_OFF: irqs = st25r3911GetInterrupt( ( ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_EON ) ); if( irqs == ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_NONE ) { break; /* No interrupt to process */ } if( (irqs & ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_EON) != 0U ) { rfalListenSetState( RFAL_LM_STATE_IDLE ); } else { break; } /* fall through */ /*******************************************************************************/ case RFAL_LM_STATE_IDLE: /* PRQA S 2003 # MISRA 16.3 - Intentional fall through */ irqs = st25r3911GetInterrupt( ( ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_NFCT | ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_RXE | ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_EOF ) ); if( irqs == ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_NONE ) { break; /* No interrupt to process */ } if( (irqs & ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_NFCT) != 0U ) { /* Retrieve detected bitrate */ uint8_t newBr; st25r3911ReadRegister( ST25R3911_REG_NFCIP1_BIT_RATE, &newBr ); newBr >>= ST25R3911_REG_NFCIP1_BIT_RATE_nfc_rate_shift; if (newBr > ST25R3911_REG_BIT_RATE_rxrate_424) { newBr = ST25R3911_REG_BIT_RATE_rxrate_424; } gRFAL.Lm.brDetected = (rfalBitRate)(newBr); /* PRQA S 4342 # MISRA 10.5 - Guaranteed that no invalid enum values may be created. See also equalityGuard_RFAL_BR_106 ff.*/ } if( ((irqs & ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_RXE) != 0U) && (gRFAL.Lm.brDetected != RFAL_BR_KEEP) ) { irqs = st25r3911GetInterrupt( ( ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_RXE | ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_EOF | ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_CRC | ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_PAR | ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_ERR2 | ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_ERR1 ) ); if( ((irqs & ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_CRC) != 0U) || ((irqs & ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_PAR) != 0U) || ((irqs & ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_ERR1) != 0U) ) { /* nfc_ar may have triggered RF Collision Avoidance, disable it before executing Clear (Stop All activities) */ st25r3911ClrRegisterBits( ST25R3911_REG_MODE, ST25R3911_REG_MODE_nfc_ar ); st25r3911ExecuteCommand( ST25R3911_CMD_CLEAR_FIFO ); st25r3911ExecuteCommand( ST25R3911_CMD_UNMASK_RECEIVE_DATA ); st25r3911SetRegisterBits( ST25R3911_REG_MODE, ST25R3911_REG_MODE_nfc_ar ); st25r3911TxOff(); break; /* A bad reception occurred, remain in same state */ } /* Retrieve received data */ st25r3911ReadRegister(ST25R3911_REG_FIFO_RX_STATUS1, &tmp); *gRFAL.Lm.rxLen = tmp; st25r3911ReadFifo( gRFAL.Lm.rxBuf, (uint8_t)MIN( *gRFAL.Lm.rxLen, rfalConvBitsToBytes(gRFAL.Lm.rxBufLen) ) ); /* Check if the data we got has at least the CRC and remove it, otherwise leave at 0 */ *gRFAL.Lm.rxLen -= ((*gRFAL.Lm.rxLen > RFAL_CRC_LEN) ? RFAL_CRC_LEN : *gRFAL.Lm.rxLen); *gRFAL.Lm.rxLen = (uint16_t)rfalConvBytesToBits( *gRFAL.Lm.rxLen ); gRFAL.Lm.dataFlag = true; /*Check if Observation Mode was enabled and disable it on ST25R391x */ rfalCheckDisableObsMode(); } else if( ((irqs & ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_EOF) != 0U) && (!gRFAL.Lm.dataFlag) ) { rfalListenSetState( RFAL_LM_STATE_POWER_OFF ); } else { /* MISRA 15.7 - Empty else */ } break; /*******************************************************************************/ case RFAL_LM_STATE_READY_F: case RFAL_LM_STATE_READY_A: case RFAL_LM_STATE_ACTIVE_A: case RFAL_LM_STATE_ACTIVE_Ax: case RFAL_LM_STATE_SLEEP_A: case RFAL_LM_STATE_SLEEP_B: case RFAL_LM_STATE_SLEEP_AF: case RFAL_LM_STATE_READY_Ax: case RFAL_LM_STATE_CARDEMU_4A: case RFAL_LM_STATE_CARDEMU_4B: case RFAL_LM_STATE_CARDEMU_3: return ERR_INTERNAL; case RFAL_LM_STATE_TARGET_F: case RFAL_LM_STATE_TARGET_A: break; /*******************************************************************************/ default: return ERR_WRONG_STATE; } return ERR_NONE; } /*******************************************************************************/ ReturnCode rfalListenStop( void ) { gRFAL.Lm.state = RFAL_LM_STATE_NOT_INIT; /*Check if Observation Mode was enabled and disable it on ST25R391x */ rfalCheckDisableObsMode(); /* Disable Receiver and Transmitter */ rfalFieldOff(); /* As there's no Off mode, set default value: ISO14443A with automatic RF Collision Avoidance Off */ st25r3911WriteRegister( ST25R3911_REG_MODE, (ST25R3911_REG_MODE_om_iso14443a | ST25R3911_REG_MODE_nfc_ar_off) ); /* Set Analog configurations for Listen Off event */ rfalSetAnalogConfig( (RFAL_ANALOG_CONFIG_TECH_CHIP | RFAL_ANALOG_CONFIG_CHIP_LISTEN_OFF) ); return ERR_NONE; } /*******************************************************************************/ /* PRQA S 3673 1 # MISRA 8.13 - ST25R3911B does not support Listen mode. Implementation for other chips will modify rxBuf and rxLen */ ReturnCode rfalListenSleepStart( rfalLmState sleepSt, uint8_t *rxBuf, uint16_t rxBufLen, uint16_t *rxLen ) { NO_WARNING(sleepSt); NO_WARNING(rxBuf); NO_WARNING(rxBufLen); NO_WARNING(rxLen); return ERR_NOTSUPP; } /*******************************************************************************/ rfalLmState rfalListenGetState( bool *dataFlag, rfalBitRate *lastBR ) { /* Allow state retrieval even if gRFAL.state != RFAL_STATE_LM so * * that this Lm state can be used by caller after activation */ if( lastBR != NULL ) { *lastBR = gRFAL.Lm.brDetected; } if( dataFlag != NULL ) { *dataFlag = gRFAL.Lm.dataFlag; } return gRFAL.Lm.state; } /*******************************************************************************/ ReturnCode rfalListenSetState( rfalLmState newSt ) { ReturnCode ret; uint8_t tmp; rfalLmState newState; bool reSetState; /*rfalLogD( "RFAL: curState: %02X newState: %02X \r\n", gRFAL.Lm.state, newSt );*/ /* SetState clears the Data flag */ gRFAL.Lm.dataFlag = false; newState = newSt; ret = ERR_NONE; do{ reSetState = false; /*******************************************************************************/ switch( newState ) { /*******************************************************************************/ case RFAL_LM_STATE_POWER_OFF: /*******************************************************************************/ /* Disable nfc_ar as RF Collision Avoidance timer may have already started */ st25r3911ClrRegisterBits( ST25R3911_REG_MODE, ST25R3911_REG_MODE_nfc_ar ); st25r3911ExecuteCommand( ST25R3911_CMD_CLEAR_FIFO ); /* Ensure that our field is Off, as automatic response RF Collision Avoidance may have been triggered */ st25r3911TxOff(); /*******************************************************************************/ /* Ensure that the NFCIP1 mode is disabled */ st25r3911ClrRegisterBits( ST25R3911_REG_ISO14443A_NFC, ST25R3911_REG_ISO14443A_NFC_nfc_f0 ); /*******************************************************************************/ /* Clear and enable required IRQs */ st25r3911DisableInterrupts( ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_ALL ); st25r3911GetInterrupt( (ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_NFCT | ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_RXS | ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_CRC | ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_ERR1 | ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_ERR2 | ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_PAR | ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_EON | ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_EOF | ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_RXE ) ); /*******************************************************************************/ /* REMARK: Silicon workaround ST25R3911 Errata TDB */ /* RXS and NFCT are triggered very close (specially in higher bitrates). * * If the interrupt status register is being read when NFCT is trigerred, the * * IRQ line might go low and NFCT is not signalled on the status register. * * For initial bitrate detection, mask RXS, only wait for NFCT and RXE. */ /*******************************************************************************/ st25r3911EnableInterrupts( (ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_NFCT | ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_CRC | ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_ERR1 | ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_ERR2 | ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_PAR | ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_EON | ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_EOF | ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_RXE ) ); /*******************************************************************************/ /* Clear the bitRate previously detected */ gRFAL.Lm.brDetected = RFAL_BR_KEEP; /*******************************************************************************/ /* Apply the BitRate detection mode mode */ st25r3911WriteRegister( ST25R3911_REG_MODE, (ST25R3911_REG_MODE_targ_targ | ST25R3911_REG_MODE_om_bit_rate_detection | ST25R3911_REG_MODE_nfc_ar_on) ); /*******************************************************************************/ /* REMARK: Silicon workaround ST25R3911 Errata #1.3 */ /* Even though bitrate is going to be detected the bitrate must be set to * * 106kbps to get correct 106kbps parity */ st25r3911WriteRegister( ST25R3911_REG_BIT_RATE, (ST25R3911_REG_BIT_RATE_txrate_106 | ST25R3911_REG_BIT_RATE_rxrate_106) ); /*******************************************************************************/ /*******************************************************************************/ /* Check if external Field is already On */ if( rfalIsExtFieldOn() ) { reSetState = true; newState = RFAL_LM_STATE_IDLE; /* Set IDLE state */ } break; /*******************************************************************************/ case RFAL_LM_STATE_IDLE: /*******************************************************************************/ /* In Active P2P the Initiator may: Turn its field On; LM goes into IDLE state; * Initiator sends an unexpected frame raising a Protocol error; Initiator * turns its field Off and ST25R3911 performs the automatic RF Collision * Avoidance keeping our field On; upon a Protocol error upper layer sets * again the state to IDLE to clear dataFlag and wait for next data. * * Ensure that when upper layer calls SetState(IDLE), it restores initial * configuration and that check whether an external Field is still present */ /* nfc_ar may have triggered RF Collision Avoidance, disable it before executing Clear (Stop All activities) */ st25r3911ClrRegisterBits( ST25R3911_REG_MODE, ST25R3911_REG_MODE_nfc_ar ); st25r3911ExecuteCommand( ST25R3911_CMD_CLEAR_FIFO ); st25r3911SetRegisterBits( ST25R3911_REG_MODE, ST25R3911_REG_MODE_nfc_ar ); /* Ensure that our field is Off, as automatic response RF Collision Avoidance may have been triggered */ st25r3911TxOff(); /* Load 2nd/3rd stage gain setting from registers into the receiver */ st25r3911ExecuteCommand( ST25R3911_CMD_CLEAR_SQUELCH ); /*******************************************************************************/ /* REMARK: Silicon workaround ST25R3911 Errata #1.4 */ /* Enable; disable; enable mixer to make sure the digital decoder is in * * high state. This also switches the demodulator to mixer mode. */ st25r3911ReadRegister( ST25R3911_REG_RX_CONF1, &tmp ); st25r3911WriteRegister( ST25R3911_REG_RX_CONF1, (tmp | ST25R3911_REG_RX_CONF1_amd_sel) ); st25r3911WriteRegister( ST25R3911_REG_RX_CONF1, (uint8_t)(tmp & ~ST25R3911_REG_RX_CONF1_amd_sel) ); st25r3911WriteRegister( ST25R3911_REG_RX_CONF1, (tmp | ST25R3911_REG_RX_CONF1_amd_sel) ); /*******************************************************************************/ /* ReEnable the receiver */ st25r3911ExecuteCommand( ST25R3911_CMD_UNMASK_RECEIVE_DATA ); /* If external Field is no longer detected go back to POWER_OFF */ if( !st25r3911IsExtFieldOn() ) { reSetState = true; newState = RFAL_LM_STATE_POWER_OFF; /* Set POWER_OFF state */ } /*******************************************************************************/ /*Check if Observation Mode is enabled and set it on ST25R391x */ rfalCheckEnableObsModeRx(); break; /*******************************************************************************/ case RFAL_LM_STATE_TARGET_A: case RFAL_LM_STATE_TARGET_F: /* States not handled by the LM, just keep state context */ break; /*******************************************************************************/ case RFAL_LM_STATE_READY_F: case RFAL_LM_STATE_CARDEMU_3: case RFAL_LM_STATE_READY_Ax: case RFAL_LM_STATE_READY_A: case RFAL_LM_STATE_ACTIVE_Ax: case RFAL_LM_STATE_ACTIVE_A: case RFAL_LM_STATE_SLEEP_A: case RFAL_LM_STATE_SLEEP_B: case RFAL_LM_STATE_SLEEP_AF: case RFAL_LM_STATE_CARDEMU_4A: case RFAL_LM_STATE_CARDEMU_4B: return ERR_NOTSUPP; /*******************************************************************************/ default: return ERR_WRONG_STATE; } } while( reSetState ); gRFAL.Lm.state = newState; return ret; } #endif /* RFAL_FEATURE_LISTEN_MODE */ /******************************************************************************* * Wake-Up Mode * *******************************************************************************/ #if RFAL_FEATURE_WAKEUP_MODE /*******************************************************************************/ ReturnCode rfalWakeUpModeStart( const rfalWakeUpConfig *config ) { uint8_t aux; uint8_t reg; uint32_t irqs; /* The Wake-Up procedure is explained in detail in Application Note: AN4985 */ if( config == NULL ) { gRFAL.wum.cfg.period = RFAL_WUM_PERIOD_500MS; gRFAL.wum.cfg.irqTout = false; gRFAL.wum.cfg.swTagDetect = false; gRFAL.wum.cfg.indAmp.enabled = true; gRFAL.wum.cfg.indPha.enabled = true; gRFAL.wum.cfg.cap.enabled = false; gRFAL.wum.cfg.indAmp.delta = 2U; gRFAL.wum.cfg.indAmp.reference = RFAL_WUM_REFERENCE_AUTO; gRFAL.wum.cfg.indAmp.autoAvg = false; gRFAL.wum.cfg.indPha.delta = 2U; gRFAL.wum.cfg.indPha.reference = RFAL_WUM_REFERENCE_AUTO; gRFAL.wum.cfg.indPha.autoAvg = false; } else { gRFAL.wum.cfg = *config; } /* Check for valid configuration */ if( (gRFAL.wum.cfg.cap.enabled && (gRFAL.wum.cfg.indAmp.enabled || gRFAL.wum.cfg.indPha.enabled)) || (!gRFAL.wum.cfg.cap.enabled && !gRFAL.wum.cfg.indAmp.enabled && !gRFAL.wum.cfg.indPha.enabled) || gRFAL.wum.cfg.swTagDetect ) { return ERR_PARAM; } irqs = ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_NONE; /* Disable Tx, Rx, External Field Detector and set default ISO14443A mode */ st25r3911TxRxOff(); st25r3911ClrRegisterBits( ST25R3911_REG_AUX, ST25R3911_REG_AUX_en_fd ); st25r3911ChangeRegisterBits(ST25R3911_REG_MODE, (ST25R3911_REG_MODE_targ | ST25R3911_REG_MODE_mask_om), (ST25R3911_REG_MODE_targ_init | ST25R3911_REG_MODE_om_iso14443a) ); /* Set Analog configurations for Wake-up On event */ rfalSetAnalogConfig( (RFAL_ANALOG_CONFIG_TECH_CHIP | RFAL_ANALOG_CONFIG_CHIP_WAKEUP_ON) ); /*******************************************************************************/ /* Prepare Wake-Up Timer Control Register */ reg = (uint8_t)(((uint8_t)gRFAL.wum.cfg.period & 0x0FU) << ST25R3911_REG_WUP_TIMER_CONTROL_shift_wut); reg |= (uint8_t)(((uint8_t)gRFAL.wum.cfg.period < (uint8_t)RFAL_WUM_PERIOD_100MS) ? ST25R3911_REG_WUP_TIMER_CONTROL_wur : 0x00U); if(gRFAL.wum.cfg.irqTout) { reg |= ST25R3911_REG_WUP_TIMER_CONTROL_wto; irqs |= ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_WT; } /*******************************************************************************/ /* Check if Inductive Amplitude is to be performed */ if( gRFAL.wum.cfg.indAmp.enabled ) { aux = (uint8_t)((gRFAL.wum.cfg.indAmp.delta) << ST25R3911_REG_AMPLITUDE_MEASURE_CONF_shift_am_d); aux |= (uint8_t)(gRFAL.wum.cfg.indAmp.aaInclMeas ? ST25R3911_REG_AMPLITUDE_MEASURE_CONF_am_aam : 0x00U); aux |= (uint8_t)(((uint8_t)gRFAL.wum.cfg.indAmp.aaWeight << ST25R3911_REG_AMPLITUDE_MEASURE_CONF_shift_am_aew) & ST25R3911_REG_AMPLITUDE_MEASURE_CONF_mask_am_aew); aux |= (uint8_t)(gRFAL.wum.cfg.indAmp.autoAvg ? ST25R3911_REG_AMPLITUDE_MEASURE_CONF_am_ae : 0x00U); st25r3911WriteRegister( ST25R3911_REG_AMPLITUDE_MEASURE_CONF, aux ); /* Only need to set the reference if not using Auto Average */ if( !gRFAL.wum.cfg.indAmp.autoAvg ) { if( gRFAL.wum.cfg.indAmp.reference == RFAL_WUM_REFERENCE_AUTO ) { st25r3911MeasureAmplitude( &gRFAL.wum.cfg.indAmp.reference ); } st25r3911WriteRegister( ST25R3911_REG_AMPLITUDE_MEASURE_REF, gRFAL.wum.cfg.indAmp.reference ); } reg |= ST25R3911_REG_WUP_TIMER_CONTROL_wam; irqs |= ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_WAM; } /*******************************************************************************/ /* Check if Inductive Phase is to be performed */ if( gRFAL.wum.cfg.indPha.enabled ) { aux = (uint8_t)((gRFAL.wum.cfg.indPha.delta) << ST25R3911_REG_PHASE_MEASURE_CONF_shift_pm_d); aux |= (uint8_t)(gRFAL.wum.cfg.indPha.aaInclMeas ? ST25R3911_REG_PHASE_MEASURE_CONF_pm_aam : 0x00U); aux |= (uint8_t)(((uint8_t)gRFAL.wum.cfg.indPha.aaWeight << ST25R3911_REG_PHASE_MEASURE_CONF_shift_pm_aew) & ST25R3911_REG_PHASE_MEASURE_CONF_mask_pm_aew); aux |= (uint8_t)(gRFAL.wum.cfg.indPha.autoAvg ? ST25R3911_REG_PHASE_MEASURE_CONF_pm_ae : 0x00U); st25r3911WriteRegister( ST25R3911_REG_PHASE_MEASURE_CONF, aux ); /* Only need to set the reference if not using Auto Average */ if( !gRFAL.wum.cfg.indPha.autoAvg ) { if( gRFAL.wum.cfg.indPha.reference == RFAL_WUM_REFERENCE_AUTO ) { st25r3911MeasurePhase( &gRFAL.wum.cfg.indPha.reference ); } st25r3911WriteRegister( ST25R3911_REG_PHASE_MEASURE_REF, gRFAL.wum.cfg.indPha.reference ); } reg |= ST25R3911_REG_WUP_TIMER_CONTROL_wph; irqs |= ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_WPH; } /*******************************************************************************/ /* Check if Capacitive is to be performed */ if( gRFAL.wum.cfg.cap.enabled ) { /*******************************************************************************/ /* Perform Capacitive sensor calibration */ /* Disable Oscillator and Field */ st25r3911ClrRegisterBits( ST25R3911_REG_OP_CONTROL, (ST25R3911_REG_OP_CONTROL_en | ST25R3911_REG_OP_CONTROL_tx_en) ); /* Sensor gain should be configured on Analog Config */ /* Perform calibration procedure */ st25r3911CalibrateCapacitiveSensor( NULL ); /*******************************************************************************/ aux = (uint8_t)((gRFAL.wum.cfg.cap.delta) << ST25R3911_REG_CAPACITANCE_MEASURE_CONF_shift_cm_d); aux |= (uint8_t)(gRFAL.wum.cfg.cap.aaInclMeas ? ST25R3911_REG_CAPACITANCE_MEASURE_CONF_cm_aam : 0x00U); aux |= (uint8_t)(((uint8_t)gRFAL.wum.cfg.cap.aaWeight << ST25R3911_REG_CAPACITANCE_MEASURE_CONF_shift_cm_aew) & ST25R3911_REG_CAPACITANCE_MEASURE_CONF_mask_cm_aew); aux |= (uint8_t)(gRFAL.wum.cfg.cap.autoAvg ? ST25R3911_REG_CAPACITANCE_MEASURE_CONF_cm_ae : 0x00U); st25r3911WriteRegister( ST25R3911_REG_CAPACITANCE_MEASURE_CONF, aux ); /* Only need to set the reference if not using Auto Average */ if( !gRFAL.wum.cfg.cap.autoAvg ) { if( gRFAL.wum.cfg.indPha.reference == RFAL_WUM_REFERENCE_AUTO ) { st25r3911MeasureCapacitance( &gRFAL.wum.cfg.cap.reference ); } st25r3911WriteRegister( ST25R3911_REG_CAPACITANCE_MEASURE_REF, gRFAL.wum.cfg.cap.reference ); } reg |= ST25R3911_REG_WUP_TIMER_CONTROL_wcap; irqs |= ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_WCAP; } /* Disable and clear all interrupts except Wake-Up IRQs */ st25r3911DisableInterrupts( ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_ALL ); st25r3911GetInterrupt( irqs ); st25r3911EnableInterrupts( irqs ); /* Enable Low Power Wake-Up Mode */ st25r3911WriteRegister( ST25R3911_REG_WUP_TIMER_CONTROL, reg ); st25r3911ChangeRegisterBits( ST25R3911_REG_OP_CONTROL, (ST25R3911_REG_OP_CONTROL_en | ST25R3911_REG_OP_CONTROL_wu), ST25R3911_REG_OP_CONTROL_wu ); gRFAL.wum.state = RFAL_WUM_STATE_ENABLED; gRFAL.state = RFAL_STATE_WUM; return ERR_NONE; } /*******************************************************************************/ bool rfalWakeUpModeHasWoke( void ) { return (gRFAL.wum.state >= RFAL_WUM_STATE_ENABLED_WOKE); } /*******************************************************************************/ static void rfalRunWakeUpModeWorker( void ) { uint32_t irqs; if( gRFAL.state != RFAL_STATE_WUM ) { return; } switch( gRFAL.wum.state ) { case RFAL_WUM_STATE_ENABLED: case RFAL_WUM_STATE_ENABLED_WOKE: irqs = st25r3911GetInterrupt( ( ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_WT | ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_WAM | ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_WPH | ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_WCAP ) ); if( irqs == ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_NONE ) { break; /* No interrupt to process */ } /*******************************************************************************/ /* Check and mark which measurement(s) cause interrupt */ if((irqs & ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_WAM) != 0U) { gRFAL.wum.state = RFAL_WUM_STATE_ENABLED_WOKE; } if((irqs & ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_WPH) != 0U) { gRFAL.wum.state = RFAL_WUM_STATE_ENABLED_WOKE; } if((irqs & ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_WCAP) != 0U) { gRFAL.wum.state = RFAL_WUM_STATE_ENABLED_WOKE; } break; default: /* MISRA 16.4: no empty default statement (a comment being enough) */ break; } } /*******************************************************************************/ ReturnCode rfalWakeUpModeStop( void ) { if( gRFAL.wum.state == RFAL_WUM_STATE_NOT_INIT ) { return ERR_WRONG_STATE; } gRFAL.wum.state = RFAL_WUM_STATE_NOT_INIT; /* Re-Enable External Field Detector */ st25r3911SetRegisterBits( ST25R3911_REG_AUX, ST25R3911_REG_AUX_en_fd ); /* Disable Wake-Up Mode */ st25r3911ClrRegisterBits( ST25R3911_REG_OP_CONTROL, ST25R3911_REG_OP_CONTROL_wu ); st25r3911DisableInterrupts( (ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_WT | ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_WAM | ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_WPH | ST25R3911_IRQ_MASK_WCAP) ); /* Re-Enable the Oscillator */ st25r3911OscOn(); /* Set Analog configurations for Wake-up Off event */ rfalSetAnalogConfig( (RFAL_ANALOG_CONFIG_TECH_CHIP | RFAL_ANALOG_CONFIG_CHIP_WAKEUP_OFF) ); return ERR_NONE; } #endif /* RFAL_FEATURE_WAKEUP_MODE */ /******************************************************************************* * RF Chip * *******************************************************************************/ /*******************************************************************************/ ReturnCode rfalChipWriteReg( uint16_t reg, const uint8_t* values, uint8_t len ) { if( !st25r3911IsRegValid( (uint8_t)reg) ) { return ERR_PARAM; } st25r3911WriteMultipleRegisters( (uint8_t)reg, values, len ); return ERR_NONE; } /*******************************************************************************/ ReturnCode rfalChipReadReg( uint16_t reg, uint8_t* values, uint8_t len ) { if( !st25r3911IsRegValid( (uint8_t)reg) ) { return ERR_PARAM; } st25r3911ReadMultipleRegisters( (uint8_t)reg, values, len ); return ERR_NONE; } /*******************************************************************************/ ReturnCode rfalChipExecCmd( uint16_t cmd ) { if( !st25r3911IsCmdValid( (uint8_t)cmd) ) { return ERR_PARAM; } st25r3911ExecuteCommand( (uint8_t) cmd ); return ERR_NONE; } /*******************************************************************************/ ReturnCode rfalChipWriteTestReg( uint16_t reg, uint8_t value ) { st25r3911WriteTestRegister( (uint8_t)reg, value ); return ERR_NONE; } /*******************************************************************************/ ReturnCode rfalChipReadTestReg( uint16_t reg, uint8_t* value ) { st25r3911ReadTestRegister( (uint8_t)reg, value ); return ERR_NONE; } /*******************************************************************************/ ReturnCode rfalChipChangeRegBits( uint16_t reg, uint8_t valueMask, uint8_t value ) { st25r3911ChangeRegisterBits( (uint8_t)reg, valueMask, value ); return ERR_NONE; } /*******************************************************************************/ ReturnCode rfalChipChangeTestRegBits( uint16_t reg, uint8_t valueMask, uint8_t value ) { st25r3911ChangeTestRegisterBits( (uint8_t)reg, valueMask, value ); return ERR_NONE; } /*******************************************************************************/ ReturnCode rfalChipSetRFO( uint8_t rfo ) { st25r3911WriteRegister( ST25R3911_REG_RFO_AM_OFF_LEVEL, rfo ); return ERR_NONE; } /*******************************************************************************/ ReturnCode rfalChipGetRFO( uint8_t* result ) { st25r3911ReadRegister(ST25R3911_REG_RFO_AM_ON_LEVEL, result); return ERR_NONE; } /*******************************************************************************/ ReturnCode rfalChipMeasureAmplitude( uint8_t* result ) { st25r3911MeasureAmplitude( result ); return ERR_NONE; } /*******************************************************************************/ ReturnCode rfalChipMeasurePhase( uint8_t* result ) { st25r3911MeasurePhase( result ); return ERR_NONE; } /*******************************************************************************/ ReturnCode rfalChipMeasureCapacitance( uint8_t* result ) { st25r3911MeasureCapacitance( result ); return ERR_NONE; } /*******************************************************************************/ ReturnCode rfalChipMeasurePowerSupply( uint8_t param, uint8_t* result ) { *result = st25r3911MeasurePowerSupply( param ); return ERR_NONE; } /*******************************************************************************/ /* All bitrates defined in ST25R3911B registers are nibbles. This rfal code * up there only works if equality to values of enum rfalBitrate is guaranteed: */ extern uint8_t equalityGuard_RFAL_BR_106[(ST25R3911_REG_BIT_RATE_rxrate_106==(uint8_t)RFAL_BR_106)?1:(-1)]; extern uint8_t equalityGuard_RFAL_BR_212[(ST25R3911_REG_BIT_RATE_rxrate_212==(uint8_t)RFAL_BR_212)?1:(-1)]; extern uint8_t equalityGuard_RFAL_BR_424[(ST25R3911_REG_BIT_RATE_rxrate_424==(uint8_t)RFAL_BR_424)?1:(-1)]; extern uint8_t equalityGuard_RFAL_BR_848[(ST25R3911_REG_BIT_RATE_rxrate_848==(uint8_t)RFAL_BR_848)?1:(-1)]; extern uint8_t equalityGuard_RFAL_BR_1695[(ST25R3911_REG_BIT_RATE_rxrate_1695==(uint8_t)RFAL_BR_1695)?1:(-1)]; extern uint8_t equalityGuard_RFAL_BR_3390[(ST25R3911_REG_BIT_RATE_rxrate_3390==(uint8_t)RFAL_BR_3390)?1:(-1)]; extern uint8_t equalityGuard_RFAL_BR_6780[(ST25R3911_REG_BIT_RATE_rxrate_6780==(uint8_t)RFAL_BR_6780)?1:(-1)];