  * \attention
  * <h2><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT 2019 STMicroelectronics</center></h2>
  * Licensed under ST MYLIBERTY SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT (the "License");
  * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
  * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
  *        www.st.com/myliberty
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied,
  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  * limitations under the License.

 *      PROJECT:   NDEF firmware
 *      Revision:
 *      LANGUAGE:  ISO C99

/*! \file
 *  \author
 *  \brief NDEF message dump utils header file

#ifndef NDEF_DUMP_H
#define NDEF_DUMP_H


#include "platform.h"
#include "ndef_record.h"
#include "ndef_message.h"
#include "ndef_types.h"




 * Dump an NDEF record
 * This function dumps an NDEF record in a formatted readable style
 * The verbose selector enables more or less dump output.
 * \param[in] record
 * \param[in] verbose
 * \return ERR_NONE if successful or a standard error code
ReturnCode ndefRecordDump(const ndefRecord* record, bool verbose);

 * Dump an NDEF message
 * This function dumps an NDEF message in a formatted readable style
 * The verbose selector enables more or less dump output.
 * \param[in] message
 * \param[in] verbose
 * \return ERR_NONE if successful or a standard error code
ReturnCode ndefMessageDump(const ndefMessage* message, bool verbose);

 * Dump an Empty type
 * \param[in] empty: Type to dump
 * \return ERR_NONE if successful or a standard error code
ReturnCode ndefEmptyTypeDump(const ndefType* empty);

 * Dump a Device Information RTD well-known type
 * \param[in] devInfo: Well-known type to dump
 * \return ERR_NONE if successful or a standard error code
ReturnCode ndefRtdDeviceInfoDump(const ndefType* devInfo);

 * Dump a Text RTD well-known type
 * \param[in] text: Well-known type to dump
 * \return ERR_NONE if successful or a standard error code
ReturnCode ndefRtdTextDump(const ndefType* text);

 * Dump a URI RTD well-known type
 * \param[in] uri: Well-known type to dump
 * \return ERR_NONE if successful or a standard error code
ReturnCode ndefRtdUriDump(const ndefType* uri);

 * Dump an External RTD type
 * \param[in] ext: Well-known type to dump
 * \return ERR_NONE if successful or a standard error code
ReturnCode ndefRtdAarDump(const ndefType* ext);

 * Dump a Media type
 * \param[in] media: Media type to dump
 * \return ERR_NONE if successful or a standard error code
ReturnCode ndefMediaTypeDump(const ndefType* media);

 * Dump a vCard Media type
 * \param[in] vCard: vCard to dump
 * \return ERR_NONE if successful or a standard error code
ReturnCode ndefMediaVCardDump(const ndefType* vCard);

 * Dump a Wifi Media type
 * \param[in] wifi: Wifi parameters to dump
 * \return ERR_NONE if successful or a standard error code
ReturnCode ndefMediaWifiDump(const ndefType* wifi);

 * Dump a well-known type
 * \param[in] record: Record to dump
 * \return ERR_NONE if successful or a standard error code
ReturnCode ndefRecordDumpType(const ndefRecord* record);

 * Dump a raw buffer stored in a ndefBuffer
 * This function dumps a raw buffer in a formatted style
 * \param[in] string:     Message displayed before the buffer
 * \param[in] bufPayload: Payload buffer to display
 * \param[in] verbose     Increase the lenght displayed
 * \return ERR_NONE if successful or a standard error code
ReturnCode ndefBufferDump(const char* string, const ndefConstBuffer* bufPayload, bool verbose);

 * Dump a raw buffer stored in a ndefBuffer
 * This function dumps a raw buffer in a formatted style
 * \param[in] prefix:     String displayed before the buffer
 * \param[in] bufPayload: Payload buffer to display
 * \param[in] suffix:     String displayed after the buffer
 * \return ERR_NONE if successful or a standard error code
ReturnCode ndefBufferPrint(const char* prefix, const ndefConstBuffer* bufPayload, const char* suffix);

 * Dump a raw buffer stored in a ndefBuffer8
 * This function dumps a raw buffer in a formatted style
 * \param[in] prefix:     String displayed before the buffer
 * \param[in] bufPayload: Payload buffer to display
 * \param[in] suffix:     String displayed after the buffer
 * \return ERR_NONE if successful or a standard error code
ReturnCode ndefBuffer8Print(const char* prefix, const ndefConstBuffer8* bufPayload, const char* suffix);

#endif /* NDEF_DUMP_H */