/****************************************************************************** * \attention * * <h2><center>© COPYRIGHT 2018 STMicroelectronics</center></h2> * * Licensed under ST MYLIBERTY SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT (the "License"); * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * www.st.com/myliberty * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied, * AND SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMING THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ******************************************************************************/ /* * PROJECT: ST25R391x firmware * Revision: * LANGUAGE: ISO C99 */ /*! \file rfal_t4t.h * * \author Gustavo Patricio * * \brief Provides convenience methods and definitions for T4T (ISO7816-4) * * This module provides an interface to exchange T4T APDUs according to * NFC Forum T4T and ISO7816-4 * * This implementation was based on the following specs: * - ISO/IEC 7816-4 3rd Edition 2013-04-15 * - NFC Forum T4T Technical Specification 1.0 2017-08-28 * */ /* ****************************************************************************** * INCLUDES ****************************************************************************** */ #include "rfal_t4t.h" #include "utils.h" /* ****************************************************************************** * ENABLE SWITCH ****************************************************************************** */ #ifndef RFAL_FEATURE_T4T #define RFAL_FEATURE_T4T false /* T4T module configuration missing. Disabled by default */ #endif #if RFAL_FEATURE_T4T /* ****************************************************************************** * GLOBAL DEFINES ****************************************************************************** */ #define RFAL_T4T_OFFSET_DO 0x54U /*!< Tag value for offset BER-TLV data object */ #define RFAL_T4T_LENGTH_DO 0x03U /*!< Len value for offset BER-TLV data object */ #define RFAL_T4T_DATA_DO 0x53U /*!< Tag value for data BER-TLV data object */ #define RFAL_T4T_MAX_LC 255U /*!< Maximum Lc value for short Lc coding */ /* ****************************************************************************** * GLOBAL TYPES ****************************************************************************** */ /* ****************************************************************************** * GLOBAL MACROS ****************************************************************************** */ /* ****************************************************************************** * LOCAL VARIABLES ****************************************************************************** */ /* ****************************************************************************** * GLOBAL FUNCTIONS ****************************************************************************** */ /*******************************************************************************/ ReturnCode rfalT4TPollerComposeCAPDU( rfalT4tCApduParam *apduParam ) { uint8_t hdrLen; uint16_t msgIt; if( (apduParam == NULL) || (apduParam->cApduBuf == NULL) || (apduParam->cApduLen == NULL) ) { return ERR_PARAM; } msgIt = 0; *(apduParam->cApduLen) = 0; /*******************************************************************************/ /* Compute Command-APDU according to the format T4T 1.0 5.1.2 & ISO7816-4 2013 Table 1 */ /* Check if Data is present */ if( apduParam->LcFlag ) { if( apduParam->Lc == 0U ) { /* Extented field coding not supported */ return ERR_PARAM; } /* Check whether requested Lc fits */ if( (uint16_t)apduParam->Lc > (uint16_t)(RFAL_FEATURE_ISO_DEP_APDU_MAX_LEN - RFAL_T4T_LE_LEN) ) { return ERR_PARAM; /* PRQA S 2880 # MISRA 2.1 - Unreachable code due to configuration option being set/unset */ } /* Calculate the header length a place the data/body where it should be */ hdrLen = RFAL_T4T_MAX_CAPDU_PROLOGUE_LEN + RFAL_T4T_LC_LEN; /* make sure not to exceed buffer size */ if( ((uint16_t)hdrLen + (uint16_t)apduParam->Lc + (apduParam->LeFlag ? RFAL_T4T_LC_LEN : 0U)) > RFAL_FEATURE_ISO_DEP_APDU_MAX_LEN ) { return ERR_NOMEM; /* PRQA S 2880 # MISRA 2.1 - Unreachable code due to configuration option being set/unset */ } ST_MEMMOVE( &apduParam->cApduBuf->apdu[hdrLen], apduParam->cApduBuf->apdu, apduParam->Lc ); } /* Prepend the ADPDU's header */ apduParam->cApduBuf->apdu[msgIt++] = apduParam->CLA; apduParam->cApduBuf->apdu[msgIt++] = apduParam->INS; apduParam->cApduBuf->apdu[msgIt++] = apduParam->P1; apduParam->cApduBuf->apdu[msgIt++] = apduParam->P2; /* Check if Data field length is to be added */ if( apduParam->LcFlag ) { apduParam->cApduBuf->apdu[msgIt++] = apduParam->Lc; msgIt += apduParam->Lc; } /* Check if Expected Response Length is to be added */ if( apduParam->LeFlag ) { apduParam->cApduBuf->apdu[msgIt++] = apduParam->Le; } *(apduParam->cApduLen) = msgIt; return ERR_NONE; } /*******************************************************************************/ ReturnCode rfalT4TPollerParseRAPDU( rfalT4tRApduParam *apduParam ) { if( (apduParam == NULL) || (apduParam->rApduBuf == NULL) ) { return ERR_PARAM; } if( apduParam->rcvdLen < RFAL_T4T_MAX_RAPDU_SW1SW2_LEN ) { return ERR_PROTO; } apduParam->rApduBodyLen = (apduParam->rcvdLen - (uint16_t)RFAL_T4T_MAX_RAPDU_SW1SW2_LEN); apduParam->statusWord = GETU16( &apduParam->rApduBuf->apdu[ apduParam->rApduBodyLen ] ); /* Check SW1 SW2 T4T 1.0 5.1.3 NOTE */ if( apduParam->statusWord == RFAL_T4T_ISO7816_STATUS_COMPLETE ) { return ERR_NONE; } return ERR_REQUEST; } /*******************************************************************************/ ReturnCode rfalT4TPollerComposeSelectAppl( rfalIsoDepApduBufFormat *cApduBuf, const uint8_t* aid, uint8_t aidLen, uint16_t *cApduLen ) { rfalT4tCApduParam cAPDU; /* CLA INS P1 P2 Lc Data Le */ /* 00h A4h 00h 00h 07h AID 00h */ cAPDU.CLA = RFAL_T4T_CLA; cAPDU.INS = (uint8_t)RFAL_T4T_INS_SELECT; cAPDU.P1 = RFAL_T4T_ISO7816_P1_SELECT_BY_DF_NAME; cAPDU.P2 = RFAL_T4T_ISO7816_P2_SELECT_FIRST_OR_ONLY_OCCURENCE | RFAL_T4T_ISO7816_P2_SELECT_RETURN_FCI_TEMPLATE; cAPDU.Lc = aidLen; cAPDU.Le = 0x00; cAPDU.LcFlag = true; cAPDU.LeFlag = true; cAPDU.cApduBuf = cApduBuf; cAPDU.cApduLen = cApduLen; if( aidLen > 0U ) { ST_MEMCPY( cAPDU.cApduBuf->apdu, aid, aidLen ); } return rfalT4TPollerComposeCAPDU( &cAPDU ); } /*******************************************************************************/ ReturnCode rfalT4TPollerComposeSelectFile( rfalIsoDepApduBufFormat *cApduBuf, const uint8_t* fid, uint8_t fidLen, uint16_t *cApduLen ) { rfalT4tCApduParam cAPDU; /* CLA INS P1 P2 Lc Data Le */ /* 00h A4h 00h 0Ch 02h FID - */ cAPDU.CLA = RFAL_T4T_CLA; cAPDU.INS = (uint8_t)RFAL_T4T_INS_SELECT; cAPDU.P1 = RFAL_T4T_ISO7816_P1_SELECT_BY_FILEID; cAPDU.P2 = RFAL_T4T_ISO7816_P2_SELECT_FIRST_OR_ONLY_OCCURENCE | RFAL_T4T_ISO7816_P2_SELECT_NO_RESPONSE_DATA; cAPDU.Lc = fidLen; cAPDU.Le = 0x00; cAPDU.LcFlag = true; cAPDU.LeFlag = false; cAPDU.cApduBuf = cApduBuf; cAPDU.cApduLen = cApduLen; if( fidLen > 0U ) { ST_MEMCPY( cAPDU.cApduBuf->apdu, fid, fidLen ); } return rfalT4TPollerComposeCAPDU( &cAPDU ); } /*******************************************************************************/ ReturnCode rfalT4TPollerComposeSelectFileV1Mapping( rfalIsoDepApduBufFormat *cApduBuf, const uint8_t* fid, uint8_t fidLen, uint16_t *cApduLen ) { rfalT4tCApduParam cAPDU; /* CLA INS P1 P2 Lc Data Le */ /* 00h A4h 00h 00h 02h FID - */ cAPDU.CLA = RFAL_T4T_CLA; cAPDU.INS = (uint8_t)RFAL_T4T_INS_SELECT; cAPDU.P1 = RFAL_T4T_ISO7816_P1_SELECT_BY_FILEID; cAPDU.P2 = RFAL_T4T_ISO7816_P2_SELECT_FIRST_OR_ONLY_OCCURENCE | RFAL_T4T_ISO7816_P2_SELECT_RETURN_FCI_TEMPLATE; cAPDU.Lc = fidLen; cAPDU.Le = 0x00; cAPDU.LcFlag = true; cAPDU.LeFlag = false; cAPDU.cApduBuf = cApduBuf; cAPDU.cApduLen = cApduLen; if( fidLen > 0U ) { ST_MEMCPY( cAPDU.cApduBuf->apdu, fid, fidLen ); } return rfalT4TPollerComposeCAPDU( &cAPDU ); } /*******************************************************************************/ ReturnCode rfalT4TPollerComposeReadData( rfalIsoDepApduBufFormat *cApduBuf, uint16_t offset, uint8_t expLen, uint16_t *cApduLen ) { rfalT4tCApduParam cAPDU; /* CLA INS P1 P2 Lc Data Le */ /* 00h B0h [Offset] - - len */ cAPDU.CLA = RFAL_T4T_CLA; cAPDU.INS = (uint8_t)RFAL_T4T_INS_READBINARY; cAPDU.P1 = (uint8_t)((offset >> 8U) & 0xFFU); cAPDU.P2 = (uint8_t)((offset >> 0U) & 0xFFU); cAPDU.Le = expLen; cAPDU.LcFlag = false; cAPDU.LeFlag = true; cAPDU.cApduBuf = cApduBuf; cAPDU.cApduLen = cApduLen; return rfalT4TPollerComposeCAPDU( &cAPDU ); } /*******************************************************************************/ ReturnCode rfalT4TPollerComposeReadDataODO( rfalIsoDepApduBufFormat *cApduBuf, uint32_t offset, uint8_t expLen, uint16_t *cApduLen ) { rfalT4tCApduParam cAPDU; uint8_t dataIt; /* CLA INS P1 P2 Lc Data Le */ /* 00h B1h 00h 00h Lc 54 03 xxyyzz len */ /* [Offset] */ cAPDU.CLA = RFAL_T4T_CLA; cAPDU.INS = (uint8_t)RFAL_T4T_INS_READBINARY_ODO; cAPDU.P1 = 0x00U; cAPDU.P2 = 0x00U; cAPDU.Le = expLen; cAPDU.LcFlag = true; cAPDU.LeFlag = true; cAPDU.cApduBuf = cApduBuf; cAPDU.cApduLen = cApduLen; dataIt = 0U; cApduBuf->apdu[dataIt++] = RFAL_T4T_OFFSET_DO; cApduBuf->apdu[dataIt++] = RFAL_T4T_LENGTH_DO; cApduBuf->apdu[dataIt++] = (uint8_t)(offset >> 16U); cApduBuf->apdu[dataIt++] = (uint8_t)(offset >> 8U); cApduBuf->apdu[dataIt++] = (uint8_t)(offset); cAPDU.Lc = dataIt; return rfalT4TPollerComposeCAPDU( &cAPDU ); } /*******************************************************************************/ ReturnCode rfalT4TPollerComposeWriteData( rfalIsoDepApduBufFormat *cApduBuf, uint16_t offset, const uint8_t* data, uint8_t dataLen, uint16_t *cApduLen ) { rfalT4tCApduParam cAPDU; /* CLA INS P1 P2 Lc Data Le */ /* 00h D6h [Offset] len Data - */ cAPDU.CLA = RFAL_T4T_CLA; cAPDU.INS = (uint8_t)RFAL_T4T_INS_UPDATEBINARY; cAPDU.P1 = (uint8_t)((offset >> 8U) & 0xFFU); cAPDU.P2 = (uint8_t)((offset >> 0U) & 0xFFU); cAPDU.Lc = dataLen; cAPDU.LcFlag = true; cAPDU.LeFlag = false; cAPDU.cApduBuf = cApduBuf; cAPDU.cApduLen = cApduLen; if( dataLen > 0U ) { ST_MEMCPY( cAPDU.cApduBuf->apdu, data, dataLen ); } return rfalT4TPollerComposeCAPDU( &cAPDU ); } /*******************************************************************************/ ReturnCode rfalT4TPollerComposeWriteDataODO( rfalIsoDepApduBufFormat *cApduBuf, uint32_t offset, const uint8_t* data, uint8_t dataLen, uint16_t *cApduLen ) { rfalT4tCApduParam cAPDU; uint8_t dataIt; /* CLA INS P1 P2 Lc Data Le */ /* 00h D7h 00h 00h len 54 03 xxyyzz 53 Ld data - */ /* [offset] [data] */ cAPDU.CLA = RFAL_T4T_CLA; cAPDU.INS = (uint8_t)RFAL_T4T_INS_UPDATEBINARY_ODO; cAPDU.P1 = 0x00U; cAPDU.P2 = 0x00U; cAPDU.LcFlag = true; cAPDU.LeFlag = false; cAPDU.cApduBuf = cApduBuf; cAPDU.cApduLen = cApduLen; dataIt = 0U; cApduBuf->apdu[dataIt++] = RFAL_T4T_OFFSET_DO; cApduBuf->apdu[dataIt++] = RFAL_T4T_LENGTH_DO; cApduBuf->apdu[dataIt++] = (uint8_t)(offset >> 16U); cApduBuf->apdu[dataIt++] = (uint8_t)(offset >> 8U); cApduBuf->apdu[dataIt++] = (uint8_t)(offset); cApduBuf->apdu[dataIt++] = RFAL_T4T_DATA_DO; cApduBuf->apdu[dataIt++] = dataLen; if( (((uint32_t)dataLen + (uint32_t)dataIt) >= RFAL_T4T_MAX_LC) || (((uint32_t)dataLen + (uint32_t)dataIt) >= RFAL_FEATURE_ISO_DEP_APDU_MAX_LEN) ) { return (ERR_NOMEM); } if( dataLen > 0U ) { ST_MEMCPY( &cAPDU.cApduBuf->apdu[dataIt], data, dataLen ); } dataIt += dataLen; cAPDU.Lc = dataIt; return rfalT4TPollerComposeCAPDU( &cAPDU ); } #endif /* RFAL_FEATURE_T4T */