ESPRESSIF SYSTEMS (SHANGHAI) CO., LTD. ESPRESSIF ESP32-S3 ESP32-S3 10 32-bit MCU & 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi & Bluetooth 5 (LE) Copyright 2022 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) PTE LTD Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. Xtensa LX7 r0p0 little false true 3 false 32 32 0x00000000 0xFFFFFFFF AES AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) Accelerator AES 0x6003A000 0x0 0xB8 registers AES 77 8 0x4 KEY_%s AES key register %s 0x0 0x20 KEY_0 Stores AES keys. 0 32 read-write 4 0x4 TEXT_IN_%s Source data register %s 0x20 0x20 TEXT_IN_0 Stores the source data when the AES accelerator operates in the Typical AES working mode. 0 32 read-write 4 0x4 TEXT_OUT_%s Result data register %s 0x30 0x20 TEXT_OUT_0 Stores the result data when the AES accelerator operates in the Typical AES working mode. 0 32 read-write MODE AES Mode register 0x40 0x20 MODE Defines the key length and the encryption/decryption of the AES accelerator. 0 3 read-write TRIGGER AES trigger register 0x48 0x20 TRIGGER Set this bit to 1 to start AES calculation. 0 1 write-only STATE AES state register 0x4C 0x20 STATE Stores the working status of the AES accelerator. For typical AES, 0: idle, 1: busy. For DMA-AES, 0: idle, 1: busy, 2: calculation_done. 0 2 read-only 16 0x1 IV_MEM[%s] The memory that stores initialization vector 0x50 0x8 16 0x1 H_MEM[%s] The memory that stores GCM hash subkey 0x60 0x8 16 0x1 J0_MEM[%s] The memory that stores J0 0x70 0x8 16 0x1 T0_MEM[%s] The memory that stores T0 0x80 0x8 DMA_ENABLE AES accelerator working mode register 0x90 0x20 DMA_ENABLE Defines the working mode of the AES accelerator. 1'b0: typical AES working mode, 1'b1: DMA-AES working mode. 0 1 read-write BLOCK_MODE AES cipher block mode register 0x94 0x20 BLOCK_MODE Defines the block cipher mode of the AES accelerator operating under the DMA-AES working mode. 0x0: ECB, 0x1: CBC, 0x2: OFB, 0x3: CTR, 0x4: CFB-8, 0x5: CFB-128, 0x6: reserved, 0x7: reserved. 0 3 read-write BLOCK_NUM AES block number register 0x98 0x20 BLOCK_NUM Stores the Block Number of plaintext or ciphertext when the AES accelerator operates under the DMA-AES working mode. 0 32 read-write INC_SEL Standard incrementing function configure register 0x9C 0x20 INC_SEL Defines the Standard Incrementing Function for CTR block operation. Set this bit to 0 or 1 to choose INC32 or INC128. 0 1 read-write AAD_BLOCK_NUM Additional Authential Data block number register 0xA0 0x20 AAD_BLOCK_NUM Those bits stores the number of AAD block. 0 32 read-write REMAINDER_BIT_NUM AES remainder bit number register 0xA4 0x20 REMAINDER_BIT_NUM Those bits stores the number of remainder bit. 0 7 read-write CONTINUE AES continue register 0xA8 0x20 CONTINUE Set this bit to 1 to continue GCM operation. 0 1 write-only INT_CLR AES Interrupt clear register 0xAC 0x20 INT_CLEAR Set this bit to 1 to clear AES interrupt. 0 1 write-only INT_ENA DMA-AES Interrupt enable register 0xB0 0x20 INT_ENA Set this bit to 1 to enable AES interrupt and 0 to disable interrupt. This field is only effective for DMA-AES operation. 0 1 read-write DATE AES version control register 0xB4 0x20 0x20191210 DATE This bits stores the version information of AES. 0 30 read-write DMA_EXIT AES-DMA exit config 0xB8 0x20 DMA_EXIT Set this bit to 1 to exit AES operation. This field is only effective for DMA-AES operation. 0 1 write-only APB_CTRL Advanced Peripheral Bus Controller APB_CTRL 0x60026000 0x0 0xCC registers SYSCLK_CONF ******* Description *********** 0x0 0x20 0x00000001 PRE_DIV_CNT ******* Description *********** 0 10 read-write CLK_320M_EN ******* Description *********** 10 1 read-write CLK_EN ******* Description *********** 11 1 read-write RST_TICK_CNT ******* Description *********** 12 1 read-write TICK_CONF ******* Description *********** 0x4 0x20 0x00010727 XTAL_TICK_NUM ******* Description *********** 0 8 read-write CK8M_TICK_NUM ******* Description *********** 8 8 read-write TICK_ENABLE ******* Description *********** 16 1 read-write CLK_OUT_EN ******* Description *********** 0x8 0x20 0x000007FF CLK20_OEN ******* Description *********** 0 1 read-write CLK22_OEN ******* Description *********** 1 1 read-write CLK44_OEN ******* Description *********** 2 1 read-write CLK_BB_OEN ******* Description *********** 3 1 read-write CLK80_OEN ******* Description *********** 4 1 read-write CLK160_OEN ******* Description *********** 5 1 read-write CLK_320M_OEN ******* Description *********** 6 1 read-write CLK_ADC_INF_OEN ******* Description *********** 7 1 read-write CLK_DAC_CPU_OEN ******* Description *********** 8 1 read-write CLK40X_BB_OEN ******* Description *********** 9 1 read-write CLK_XTAL_OEN ******* Description *********** 10 1 read-write WIFI_BB_CFG ******* Description *********** 0xC 0x20 WIFI_BB_CFG ******* Description *********** 0 32 read-write WIFI_BB_CFG_2 ******* Description *********** 0x10 0x20 WIFI_BB_CFG_2 ******* Description *********** 0 32 read-write WIFI_CLK_EN ******* Description *********** 0x14 0x20 0xFFFCE030 WIFI_CLK_EN ******* Description *********** 0 32 read-write WIFI_RST_EN ******* Description *********** 0x18 0x20 WIFI_RST ******* Description *********** 0 32 read-write HOST_INF_SEL ******* Description *********** 0x1C 0x20 PERI_IO_SWAP ******* Description *********** 0 8 read-write EXT_MEM_PMS_LOCK ******* Description *********** 0x20 0x20 EXT_MEM_PMS_LOCK ******* Description *********** 0 1 read-write EXT_MEM_WRITEBACK_BYPASS ******* Description *********** 0x24 0x20 WRITEBACK_BYPASS Set 1 to bypass cache writeback request to external memory so that spi will not check its attribute. 0 1 read-write FLASH_ACE0_ATTR ******* Description *********** 0x28 0x20 0x000000FF FLASH_ACE0_ATTR ******* Description *********** 0 9 read-write FLASH_ACE1_ATTR ******* Description *********** 0x2C 0x20 0x000000FF FLASH_ACE1_ATTR ******* Description *********** 0 9 read-write FLASH_ACE2_ATTR ******* Description *********** 0x30 0x20 0x000000FF FLASH_ACE2_ATTR ******* Description *********** 0 9 read-write FLASH_ACE3_ATTR ******* Description *********** 0x34 0x20 0x000000FF FLASH_ACE3_ATTR ******* Description *********** 0 9 read-write FLASH_ACE0_ADDR ******* Description *********** 0x38 0x20 S ******* Description *********** 0 32 read-write FLASH_ACE1_ADDR ******* Description *********** 0x3C 0x20 0x10000000 S ******* Description *********** 0 32 read-write FLASH_ACE2_ADDR ******* Description *********** 0x40 0x20 0x20000000 S ******* Description *********** 0 32 read-write FLASH_ACE3_ADDR ******* Description *********** 0x44 0x20 0x30000000 S ******* Description *********** 0 32 read-write FLASH_ACE0_SIZE ******* Description *********** 0x48 0x20 0x00001000 FLASH_ACE0_SIZE ******* Description *********** 0 16 read-write FLASH_ACE1_SIZE ******* Description *********** 0x4C 0x20 0x00001000 FLASH_ACE1_SIZE ******* Description *********** 0 16 read-write FLASH_ACE2_SIZE ******* Description *********** 0x50 0x20 0x00001000 FLASH_ACE2_SIZE ******* Description *********** 0 16 read-write FLASH_ACE3_SIZE ******* Description *********** 0x54 0x20 0x00001000 FLASH_ACE3_SIZE ******* Description *********** 0 16 read-write SRAM_ACE0_ATTR ******* Description *********** 0x58 0x20 0x000000FF SRAM_ACE0_ATTR ******* Description *********** 0 9 read-write SRAM_ACE1_ATTR ******* Description *********** 0x5C 0x20 0x000000FF SRAM_ACE1_ATTR ******* Description *********** 0 9 read-write SRAM_ACE2_ATTR ******* Description *********** 0x60 0x20 0x000000FF SRAM_ACE2_ATTR ******* Description *********** 0 9 read-write SRAM_ACE3_ATTR ******* Description *********** 0x64 0x20 0x000000FF SRAM_ACE3_ATTR ******* Description *********** 0 9 read-write SRAM_ACE0_ADDR ******* Description *********** 0x68 0x20 S ******* Description *********** 0 32 read-write SRAM_ACE1_ADDR ******* Description *********** 0x6C 0x20 0x10000000 S ******* Description *********** 0 32 read-write SRAM_ACE2_ADDR ******* Description *********** 0x70 0x20 0x20000000 S ******* Description *********** 0 32 read-write SRAM_ACE3_ADDR ******* Description *********** 0x74 0x20 0x30000000 S ******* Description *********** 0 32 read-write SRAM_ACE0_SIZE ******* Description *********** 0x78 0x20 0x00001000 SRAM_ACE0_SIZE ******* Description *********** 0 16 read-write SRAM_ACE1_SIZE ******* Description *********** 0x7C 0x20 0x00001000 SRAM_ACE1_SIZE ******* Description *********** 0 16 read-write SRAM_ACE2_SIZE ******* Description *********** 0x80 0x20 0x00001000 SRAM_ACE2_SIZE ******* Description *********** 0 16 read-write SRAM_ACE3_SIZE ******* Description *********** 0x84 0x20 0x00001000 SRAM_ACE3_SIZE ******* Description *********** 0 16 read-write SPI_MEM_PMS_CTRL ******* Description *********** 0x88 0x20 SPI_MEM_REJECT_INT ******* Description *********** 0 1 read-only SPI_MEM_REJECT_CLR ******* Description *********** 1 1 write-only SPI_MEM_REJECT_CDE ******* Description *********** 2 5 read-only SPI_MEM_REJECT_ADDR ******* Description *********** 0x8C 0x20 SPI_MEM_REJECT_ADDR ******* Description *********** 0 32 read-only SDIO_CTRL ******* Description *********** 0x90 0x20 SDIO_WIN_ACCESS_EN ******* Description *********** 0 1 read-write REDCY_SIG0 ******* Description *********** 0x94 0x20 REDCY_SIG0 ******* Description *********** 0 31 read-write REDCY_ANDOR ******* Description *********** 31 1 read-only REDCY_SIG1 ******* Description *********** 0x98 0x20 REDCY_SIG1 ******* Description *********** 0 31 read-write REDCY_NANDOR ******* Description *********** 31 1 read-only FRONT_END_MEM_PD ******* Description *********** 0x9C 0x20 0x00000055 AGC_MEM_FORCE_PU ******* Description *********** 0 1 read-write AGC_MEM_FORCE_PD ******* Description *********** 1 1 read-write PBUS_MEM_FORCE_PU ******* Description *********** 2 1 read-write PBUS_MEM_FORCE_PD ******* Description *********** 3 1 read-write DC_MEM_FORCE_PU ******* Description *********** 4 1 read-write DC_MEM_FORCE_PD ******* Description *********** 5 1 read-write FREQ_MEM_FORCE_PU ******* Description *********** 6 1 read-write FREQ_MEM_FORCE_PD ******* Description *********** 7 1 read-write SPI_MEM_ECC_CTRL ******* Description *********** 0xA0 0x20 0x00200000 FLASH_PAGE_SIZE Set the page size of the used MSPI flash. 0: 256 bytes. 1: 512 bytes. 2: 1024 bytes. 3: 2048 bytes. 18 2 read-write SRAM_PAGE_SIZE Set the page size of the used MSPI external RAM. 0: 256 bytes. 1: 512 bytes. 2: 1024 bytes. 3: 2048 bytes. 20 2 read-write CLKGATE_FORCE_ON ******* Description *********** 0xA8 0x20 0x00003FFF ROM_CLKGATE_FORCE_ON ******* Description *********** 0 3 read-write SRAM_CLKGATE_FORCE_ON ******* Description *********** 3 11 read-write MEM_POWER_DOWN ******* Description *********** 0xAC 0x20 ROM_POWER_DOWN ******* Description *********** 0 3 read-write SRAM_POWER_DOWN ******* Description *********** 3 11 read-write MEM_POWER_UP ******* Description *********** 0xB0 0x20 0x00003FFF ROM_POWER_UP ******* Description *********** 0 3 read-write SRAM_POWER_UP ******* Description *********** 3 11 read-write RETENTION_CTRL ******* Description *********** 0xB4 0x20 RETENTION_CPU_LINK_ADDR ******* Description *********** 0 27 read-write NOBYPASS_CPU_ISO_RST ******* Description *********** 27 1 read-write RETENTION_CTRL1 ******* Description *********** 0xB8 0x20 RETENTION_TAG_LINK_ADDR ******* Description *********** 0 27 read-write RETENTION_CTRL2 ******* Description *********** 0xBC 0x20 0x001FEFF0 RET_ICACHE_SIZE ******* Description *********** 4 8 read-write RET_ICACHE_VLD_SIZE ******* Description *********** 13 8 read-write RET_ICACHE_START_POINT ******* Description *********** 22 8 read-write RET_ICACHE_ENABLE ******* Description *********** 31 1 read-write RETENTION_CTRL3 ******* Description *********** 0xC0 0x20 0x003FFFF0 RET_DCACHE_SIZE ******* Description *********** 4 9 read-write RET_DCACHE_VLD_SIZE ******* Description *********** 13 9 read-write RET_DCACHE_START_POINT ******* Description *********** 22 9 read-write RET_DCACHE_ENABLE ******* Description *********** 31 1 read-write RETENTION_CTRL4 ******* Description *********** 0xC4 0x20 0xFFFFFFFF RETENTION_INV_CFG ******* Description *********** 0 32 read-write RETENTION_CTRL5 ******* Description *********** 0xC8 0x20 RETENTION_DISABLE ******* Description *********** 0 1 read-write DATE ******* Description *********** 0x3FC 0x20 0x02101150 DATE Version control 0 32 read-write APB_SARADC Successive Approximation Register Analog to Digital Converter APB_SARADC 0x60040000 0x0 0x70 registers APB_ADC 65 CTRL configure apb saradc controller 0x0 0x20 0x407F8240 SARADC_START_FORCE enable start saradc by sw 0 1 read-write SARADC_START start saradc by sw 1 1 read-write SARADC_WORK_MODE 0: single mode, 1: double mode, 2: alternate mode 3 2 read-write SARADC_SAR_SEL 0: SAR1, 1: SAR2, only work for single SAR mode 5 1 read-write SARADC_SAR_CLK_GATED enable SAR CLK gate when saradc idle 6 1 read-write SARADC_SAR_CLK_DIV SAR clock divider 7 8 read-write SARADC_SAR1_PATT_LEN 0 ~ 15 means length 1 ~ 16 15 4 read-write SARADC_SAR2_PATT_LEN 0 ~ 15 means length 1 ~ 16 19 4 read-write SARADC_SAR1_PATT_P_CLEAR clear the pointer of pattern table for DIG ADC1 CTRL 23 1 read-write SARADC_SAR2_PATT_P_CLEAR clear the pointer of pattern table for DIG ADC2 CTRL 24 1 read-write SARADC_DATA_SAR_SEL 1: sar_sel will be coded by the MSB of the 16-bit output data, in this case the resolution should not be larger than 11 bits. 25 1 read-write SARADC_DATA_TO_I2S 1: I2S input data is from SAR ADC (for DMA), 0: I2S input data is from GPIO matrix 26 1 read-write SARADC_XPD_SAR_FORCE force option to xpd sar blocks 27 2 read-write SARADC_WAIT_ARB_CYCLE wait arbit signal stable after sar_done 30 2 read-write CTRL2 configure apb saradc controller 0x4 0x20 0x0000A1FE SARADC_MEAS_NUM_LIMIT enable apb saradc limit the sample num 0 1 read-write SARADC_MAX_MEAS_NUM max conversion number 1 8 read-write SARADC_SAR1_INV 1: data to DIG ADC1 CTRL is inverted, otherwise not 9 1 read-write SARADC_SAR2_INV 1: data to DIG ADC2 CTRL is inverted, otherwise not 10 1 read-write SARADC_TIMER_SEL 1: select saradc timer 0: i2s_ws trigger 11 1 read-write SARADC_TIMER_TARGET to set saradc timer target 12 12 read-write SARADC_TIMER_EN to enable saradc timer trigger 24 1 read-write FILTER_CTRL1 configure saradc filter 0x8 0x20 FILTER_FACTOR1 apb saradc factor1 26 3 read-write FILTER_FACTOR0 apb saradc factor0 29 3 read-write FSM_WAIT configure apb saradc fsm 0xC 0x20 0x00FF0808 SARADC_XPD_WAIT the cycle which saradc controller in xpd state 0 8 read-write SARADC_RSTB_WAIT the cycle which saradc controller in rst state 8 8 read-write SARADC_STANDBY_WAIT the cycle which saradc controller in standby state 16 8 read-write SAR1_STATUS saradc1 status for debug 0x10 0x20 SARADC_SAR1_STATUS saradc1 status 0 32 read-only SAR2_STATUS saradc2 status for debug 0x14 0x20 SARADC_SAR2_STATUS saradc2 status 0 32 read-only SAR1_PATT_TAB1 configure apb saradc pattern table 0x18 0x20 SARADC_SAR1_PATT_TAB1 item 0 ~ 3 for pattern table 1 (each item 6bit) 0 24 read-write SAR1_PATT_TAB2 configure apb saradc pattern table 0x1C 0x20 SARADC_SAR1_PATT_TAB2 Item 4 ~ 7 for pattern table 1 (each item 6bit) 0 24 read-write SAR1_PATT_TAB3 configure apb saradc pattern table 0x20 0x20 SARADC_SAR1_PATT_TAB3 Item 8 ~ 11 for pattern table 1 (each item 6bit) 0 24 read-write SAR1_PATT_TAB4 configure apb saradc pattern table 0x24 0x20 SARADC_SAR1_PATT_TAB4 Item 12 ~ 15 for pattern table 1 (each item 6bit) 0 24 read-write SAR2_PATT_TAB1 configure apb saradc pattern table 0x28 0x20 SARADC_SAR2_PATT_TAB1 item 0 ~ 3 for pattern table 2 (each item 6bit) 0 24 read-write SAR2_PATT_TAB2 configure apb saradc pattern table 0x2C 0x20 SARADC_SAR2_PATT_TAB2 Item 4 ~ 7 for pattern table 2 (each item 6bit) 0 24 read-write SAR2_PATT_TAB3 configure apb saradc pattern table 0x30 0x20 SARADC_SAR2_PATT_TAB3 Item 8 ~ 11 for pattern table 2 (each item 6bit) 0 24 read-write SAR2_PATT_TAB4 configure apb saradc pattern table 0x34 0x20 SARADC_SAR2_PATT_TAB4 Item 12 ~ 15 for pattern table 2 (each item 6bit) 0 24 read-write APB_ADC_ARB_CTRL configure apb saradc arbit 0x38 0x20 0x00000900 ADC_ARB_APB_FORCE adc2 arbiter force to enableapb controller 2 1 read-write ADC_ARB_RTC_FORCE adc2 arbiter force to enable rtc controller 3 1 read-write ADC_ARB_WIFI_FORCE adc2 arbiter force to enable wifi controller 4 1 read-write ADC_ARB_GRANT_FORCE adc2 arbiter force grant 5 1 read-write ADC_ARB_APB_PRIORITY Set adc2 arbiterapb priority 6 2 read-write ADC_ARB_RTC_PRIORITY Set adc2 arbiter rtc priority 8 2 read-write ADC_ARB_WIFI_PRIORITY Set adc2 arbiter wifi priority 10 2 read-write ADC_ARB_FIX_PRIORITY adc2 arbiter uses fixed priority 12 1 read-write FILTER_CTRL0 configure apb saradc arbit 0x3C 0x20 0x006B4000 FILTER_CHANNEL1 configure the filter1 channel 14 5 read-write FILTER_CHANNEL0 configure the filter0 channel 19 5 read-write FILTER_RESET enable apb_adc1_filter 31 1 read-write APB_SARADC1_DATA_STATUS get apb saradc sample data 0x40 0x20 APB_SARADC1_DATA apbsaradc sample data 0 17 read-only THRES0_CTRL configure apb saradc thres monitor 0x44 0x20 0x0003FFED THRES0_CHANNEL configure which channel thres0 monitor 0 5 read-write THRES0_HIGH thres0 monitor high thres 5 13 read-write THRES0_LOW thres0 monitor low thres 18 13 read-write THRES1_CTRL configure apb saradc thres monitor 0x48 0x20 0x0003FFED THRES1_CHANNEL configure which channel thres0 monitor 0 5 read-write THRES1_HIGH thres1 monitor high thres 5 13 read-write THRES1_LOW thres1 monitor low thres 18 13 read-write THRES_CTRL configure thres monitor enable 0x58 0x20 THRES_ALL_EN enable thres0 to monitor all channel 27 1 read-write THRES3_EN no public 28 1 read-write THRES2_EN no public 29 1 read-write THRES1_EN enable thres1 30 1 read-write THRES0_EN enable thres0 31 1 read-write INT_ENA enable interrupt 0x5C 0x20 THRES1_LOW_INT_ENA interrupt of thres1 low 26 1 read-write THRES0_LOW_INT_ENA interrupt of thres0 low 27 1 read-write THRES1_HIGH_INT_ENA interrupt of thres1 high 28 1 read-write THRES0_HIGH_INT_ENA interrupt of thres0 high 29 1 read-write APB_SARADC2_DONE_INT_ENA interrupt of sar2 done 30 1 read-write APB_SARADC1_DONE_INT_ENA interrupt of sar1 done 31 1 read-write INT_RAW raw of interrupt 0x60 0x20 THRES1_LOW_INT_RAW interrupt of thres1 low 26 1 read-only THRES0_LOW_INT_RAW interrupt of thres0 low 27 1 read-only THRES1_HIGH_INT_RAW interrupt of thres1 high 28 1 read-only THRES0_HIGH_INT_RAW interrupt of thres0 high 29 1 read-only APB_SARADC2_DONE_INT_RAW interrupt of sar2 done 30 1 read-only APB_SARADC1_DONE_INT_RAW interrupt of sar1 done 31 1 read-only INT_ST state of interrupt 0x64 0x20 THRES1_LOW_INT_ST interrupt of thres1 low 26 1 read-only THRES0_LOW_INT_ST interrupt of thres0 low 27 1 read-only THRES1_HIGH_INT_ST interrupt of thres1 high 28 1 read-only THRES0_HIGH_INT_ST interrupt of thres0 high 29 1 read-only APB_SARADC2_DONE_INT_ST interrupt of sar2 done 30 1 read-only APB_SARADC1_DONE_INT_ST interrupt of sar1 done 31 1 read-only INT_CLR clear interrupt 0x68 0x20 THRES1_LOW_INT_CLR interrupt of thres1 low 26 1 write-only THRES0_LOW_INT_CLR interrupt of thres0 low 27 1 write-only THRES1_HIGH_INT_CLR interrupt of thres1 high 28 1 write-only THRES0_HIGH_INT_CLR interrupt of thres0 high 29 1 write-only APB_SARADC2_DONE_INT_CLR interrupt of sar2 done 30 1 write-only APB_SARADC1_DONE_INT_CLR interrupt of sar1 done 31 1 write-only DMA_CONF configure apb saradc dma 0x6C 0x20 0x000000FF APB_ADC_EOF_NUM the dma_in_suc_eof gen when sample cnt = spi_eof_num 0 16 read-write APB_ADC_RESET_FSM reset_apb_adc_state 30 1 read-write APB_ADC_TRANS enable apb_adc use spi_dma 31 1 read-write APB_ADC_CLKM_CONF configure apb saradc clock 0x70 0x20 0x00000004 CLKM_DIV_NUM Integral clock divider value 0 8 read-write CLKM_DIV_B Fractional clock divider numerator value 8 6 read-write CLKM_DIV_A Fractional clock divider denominator value 14 6 read-write CLK_EN no public 20 1 read-write CLK_SEL Set this bit to enable clk_apll 21 2 read-write APB_SARADC2_DATA_STATUS get apb saradc2 sample data 0x78 0x20 APB_SARADC2_DATA apb saradc2 sample data 0 17 read-only APB_CTRL_DATE version 0x3FC 0x20 0x02101180 APB_CTRL_DATE version 0 32 read-write DEBUG_ASSIST Debug Assist DEBUG_ASSIST 0x600CE000 0x0 0x15C registers ASSIST_DEBUG 83 CORE_0_INTERRUPT_ENA core0 monitor enable configuration register 0x0 0x20 CORE_0_AREA_DRAM0_0_RD_ENA Core0 dram0 area0 read monitor enable 0 1 read-write CORE_0_AREA_DRAM0_0_WR_ENA Core0 dram0 area0 write monitor enable 1 1 read-write CORE_0_AREA_DRAM0_1_RD_ENA Core0 dram0 area1 read monitor enable 2 1 read-write CORE_0_AREA_DRAM0_1_WR_ENA Core0 dram0 area1 write monitor enable 3 1 read-write CORE_0_AREA_PIF_0_RD_ENA Core0 PIF area0 read monitor enable 4 1 read-write CORE_0_AREA_PIF_0_WR_ENA Core0 PIF area0 write monitor enable 5 1 read-write CORE_0_AREA_PIF_1_RD_ENA Core0 PIF area1 read monitor enable 6 1 read-write CORE_0_AREA_PIF_1_WR_ENA Core0 PIF area1 write monitor enable 7 1 read-write CORE_0_SP_SPILL_MIN_ENA Core0 stackpoint overflow monitor enable 8 1 read-write CORE_0_SP_SPILL_MAX_ENA Core0 stackpoint underflow monitor enable 9 1 read-write CORE_0_IRAM0_EXCEPTION_MONITOR_ENA IBUS busy monitor enable 10 1 read-write CORE_0_DRAM0_EXCEPTION_MONITOR_ENA DBUS busy monitor enbale 11 1 read-write CORE_0_INTERRUPT_RAW core0 monitor interrupt status register 0x4 0x20 CORE_0_AREA_DRAM0_0_RD_RAW Core0 dram0 area0 read monitor interrupt status 0 1 read-only CORE_0_AREA_DRAM0_0_WR_RAW Core0 dram0 area0 write monitor interrupt status 1 1 read-only CORE_0_AREA_DRAM0_1_RD_RAW Core0 dram0 area1 read monitor interrupt status 2 1 read-only CORE_0_AREA_DRAM0_1_WR_RAW Core0 dram0 area1 write monitor interrupt status 3 1 read-only CORE_0_AREA_PIF_0_RD_RAW Core0 PIF area0 read monitor interrupt status 4 1 read-only CORE_0_AREA_PIF_0_WR_RAW Core0 PIF area0 write monitor interrupt status 5 1 read-only CORE_0_AREA_PIF_1_RD_RAW Core0 PIF area1 read monitor interrupt status 6 1 read-only CORE_0_AREA_PIF_1_WR_RAW Core0 PIF area1 write monitor interrupt status 7 1 read-only CORE_0_SP_SPILL_MIN_RAW Core0 stackpoint overflow monitor interrupt status 8 1 read-only CORE_0_SP_SPILL_MAX_RAW Core0 stackpoint underflow monitor interrupt status 9 1 read-only CORE_0_IRAM0_EXCEPTION_MONITOR_RAW IBUS busy monitor interrupt status 10 1 read-only CORE_0_DRAM0_EXCEPTION_MONITOR_RAW DBUS busy monitor initerrupt status 11 1 read-only CORE_0_INTERRUPT_RLS core0 monitor interrupt enable register 0x8 0x20 CORE_0_AREA_DRAM0_0_RD_RLS Core0 dram0 area0 read monitor interrupt enable 0 1 read-write CORE_0_AREA_DRAM0_0_WR_RLS Core0 dram0 area0 write monitor interrupt enable 1 1 read-write CORE_0_AREA_DRAM0_1_RD_RLS Core0 dram0 area1 read monitor interrupt enable 2 1 read-write CORE_0_AREA_DRAM0_1_WR_RLS Core0 dram0 area1 write monitor interrupt enable 3 1 read-write CORE_0_AREA_PIF_0_RD_RLS Core0 PIF area0 read monitor interrupt enable 4 1 read-write CORE_0_AREA_PIF_0_WR_RLS Core0 PIF area0 write monitor interrupt enable 5 1 read-write CORE_0_AREA_PIF_1_RD_RLS Core0 PIF area1 read monitor interrupt enable 6 1 read-write CORE_0_AREA_PIF_1_WR_RLS Core0 PIF area1 write monitor interrupt enable 7 1 read-write CORE_0_SP_SPILL_MIN_RLS Core0 stackpoint overflow monitor interrupt enable 8 1 read-write CORE_0_SP_SPILL_MAX_RLS Core0 stackpoint underflow monitor interrupt enable 9 1 read-write CORE_0_IRAM0_EXCEPTION_MONITOR_RLS IBUS busy monitor interrupt enable 10 1 read-write CORE_0_DRAM0_EXCEPTION_MONITOR_RLS DBUS busy monitor interrupt enbale 11 1 read-write CORE_0_INTERRUPT_CLR core0 monitor interrupt clr register 0xC 0x20 CORE_0_AREA_DRAM0_0_RD_CLR Core0 dram0 area0 read monitor interrupt clr 0 1 read-write CORE_0_AREA_DRAM0_0_WR_CLR Core0 dram0 area0 write monitor interrupt clr 1 1 read-write CORE_0_AREA_DRAM0_1_RD_CLR Core0 dram0 area1 read monitor interrupt clr 2 1 read-write CORE_0_AREA_DRAM0_1_WR_CLR Core0 dram0 area1 write monitor interrupt clr 3 1 read-write CORE_0_AREA_PIF_0_RD_CLR Core0 PIF area0 read monitor interrupt clr 4 1 read-write CORE_0_AREA_PIF_0_WR_CLR Core0 PIF area0 write monitor interrupt clr 5 1 read-write CORE_0_AREA_PIF_1_RD_CLR Core0 PIF area1 read monitor interrupt clr 6 1 read-write CORE_0_AREA_PIF_1_WR_CLR Core0 PIF area1 write monitor interrupt clr 7 1 read-write CORE_0_SP_SPILL_MIN_CLR Core0 stackpoint overflow monitor interrupt clr 8 1 read-write CORE_0_SP_SPILL_MAX_CLR Core0 stackpoint underflow monitor interrupt clr 9 1 read-write CORE_0_IRAM0_EXCEPTION_MONITOR_CLR IBUS busy monitor interrupt clr 10 1 read-write CORE_0_DRAM0_EXCEPTION_MONITOR_CLR DBUS busy monitor interrupt clr 11 1 read-write CORE_0_AREA_DRAM0_0_MIN core0 dram0 region0 addr configuration register 0x10 0x20 0xFFFFFFFF CORE_0_AREA_DRAM0_0_MIN Core0 dram0 region0 start addr 0 32 read-write CORE_0_AREA_DRAM0_0_MAX core0 dram0 region0 addr configuration register 0x14 0x20 CORE_0_AREA_DRAM0_0_MAX Core0 dram0 region0 end addr 0 32 read-write CORE_0_AREA_DRAM0_1_MIN core0 dram0 region1 addr configuration register 0x18 0x20 0xFFFFFFFF CORE_0_AREA_DRAM0_1_MIN Core0 dram0 region1 start addr 0 32 read-write CORE_0_AREA_DRAM0_1_MAX core0 dram0 region1 addr configuration register 0x1C 0x20 CORE_0_AREA_DRAM0_1_MAX Core0 dram0 region1 end addr 0 32 read-write CORE_0_AREA_PIF_0_MIN core0 PIF region0 addr configuration register 0x20 0x20 0xFFFFFFFF CORE_0_AREA_PIF_0_MIN Core0 PIF region0 start addr 0 32 read-write CORE_0_AREA_PIF_0_MAX core0 PIF region0 addr configuration register 0x24 0x20 CORE_0_AREA_PIF_0_MAX Core0 PIF region0 end addr 0 32 read-write CORE_0_AREA_PIF_1_MIN core0 PIF region1 addr configuration register 0x28 0x20 0xFFFFFFFF CORE_0_AREA_PIF_1_MIN Core0 PIF region1 start addr 0 32 read-write CORE_0_AREA_PIF_1_MAX core0 PIF region1 addr configuration register 0x2C 0x20 CORE_0_AREA_PIF_1_MAX Core0 PIF region1 end addr 0 32 read-write CORE_0_AREA_SP core0 area sp status register 0x30 0x20 0xFFFFFFFF CORE_0_AREA_SP the stackpointer when first touch region monitor interrupt 0 32 read-only CORE_0_AREA_PC core0 area pc status register 0x34 0x20 CORE_0_AREA_PC the PC when first touch region monitor interrupt 0 32 read-only CORE_0_SP_UNSTABLE core0 sp unstable configuration register 0x38 0x20 0x0000000B CORE_0_SP_UNSTABLE unstable period when window change,during this period no check stackpointer 0 8 read-write CORE_0_SP_MIN core0 sp region configuration regsiter 0x3C 0x20 CORE_0_SP_MIN stack min value 0 32 read-write CORE_0_SP_MAX core0 sp region configuration regsiter 0x40 0x20 0xFFFFFFFF CORE_0_SP_MAX stack max value 0 32 read-write CORE_0_SP_PC core0 sp pc status register 0x44 0x20 CORE_0_SP_PC the PC when first touch stack monitor interrupt 0 32 read-only CORE_0_RCD_PDEBUGENABLE core0 pdebug configuration register 0x48 0x20 CORE_0_RCD_PDEBUGENABLE Core0 Pdebugenable,set 1 to open core0 Pdebug interface,then can get core0 PC 0 1 read-write CORE_0_RCD_RECORDING core0 pdebug status register 0x4C 0x20 CORE_0_RCD_RECORDING Pdebug record enable,set 1 to record core0 pdebug interface signal 0 1 read-write CORE_0_RCD_PDEBUGINST core0 pdebug status register 0x50 0x20 CORE_0_RCD_PDEBUGINST core0 pdebuginst 0 32 read-only CORE_0_RCD_PDEBUGSTATUS core0 pdebug status register 0x54 0x20 CORE_0_RCD_PDEBUGSTATUS core0 pdebugstatus 0 8 read-only CORE_0_RCD_PDEBUGDATA core0 pdebug status register 0x58 0x20 CORE_0_RCD_PDEBUGDATA core0_pdebugdata 0 32 read-only CORE_0_RCD_PDEBUGPC core0 pdebug status register 0x5C 0x20 CORE_0_RCD_PDEBUGPC core0_pdebugPC 0 32 read-only CORE_0_RCD_PDEBUGLS0STAT core0 pdebug status register 0x60 0x20 CORE_0_RCD_PDEBUGLS0STAT core0_pdebug_s0stat 0 32 read-only CORE_0_RCD_PDEBUGLS0ADDR core0 pdebug status register 0x64 0x20 CORE_0_RCD_PDEBUGLS0ADDR core0_pdebug_s0addr 0 32 read-only CORE_0_RCD_PDEBUGLS0DATA core0 pdebug status register 0x68 0x20 CORE_0_RCD_PDEBUGLS0DATA core0_pdebug_s0data 0 32 read-only CORE_0_RCD_SP core0 pdebug status register 0x6C 0x20 CORE_0_RCD_SP core0_stack pointer 0 32 read-only CORE_0_IRAM0_EXCEPTION_MONITOR_0 core0 bus busy status regsiter 0x70 0x20 CORE_0_IRAM0_RECORDING_ADDR_0 The first iram0's addr[25:2] status when trigger IRAM busy interrupt 0 24 read-only CORE_0_IRAM0_RECORDING_WR_0 The first iram0's wr status when trigger IRAM busy interrupt 24 1 read-only CORE_0_IRAM0_RECORDING_LOADSTORE_0 The first iram0's loadstore status when trigger IRAM busy interrupt 25 1 read-only CORE_0_IRAM0_EXCEPTION_MONITOR_1 core0 bus busy status regsiter 0x74 0x20 CORE_0_IRAM0_RECORDING_ADDR_1 The second iram0's addr[25:2] status when trigger IRAM busy interrupt 0 24 read-only CORE_0_IRAM0_RECORDING_WR_1 The second iram0's wr status when trigger IRAM busy interrupt 24 1 read-only CORE_0_IRAM0_RECORDING_LOADSTORE_1 The second iram0's loadstore status when trigger IRAM busy interrupt 25 1 read-only CORE_0_DRAM0_EXCEPTION_MONITOR_0 core0 bus busy status regsiter 0x78 0x20 CORE_0_DRAM0_RECORDING_ADDR_0 The first dram0's addr[25:4] status when trigger DRAM busy interrupt 0 22 read-only CORE_0_DRAM0_RECORDING_WR_0 The first dram0's wr status when trigger DRAM busy interrupt 22 1 read-only CORE_0_DRAM0_EXCEPTION_MONITOR_1 core0 bus busy status regsiter 0x7C 0x20 CORE_0_DRAM0_RECORDING_BYTEEN_0 The first dram0's byteen status when trigger DRAM busy interrupt 0 16 read-only CORE_0_DRAM0_EXCEPTION_MONITOR_2 core0 bus busy status regsiter 0x80 0x20 0xFFFFFFFF CORE_0_DRAM0_RECORDING_PC_0 The first dram0's PC status when trigger DRAM busy interrupt 0 32 read-only CORE_0_DRAM0_EXCEPTION_MONITOR_3 core0 bus busy status regsiter 0x84 0x20 CORE_0_DRAM0_RECORDING_ADDR_1 The second dram0's addr[25:4] status when trigger DRAM busy interrupt 0 22 read-only CORE_0_DRAM0_RECORDING_WR_1 The second dram0's wr status when trigger DRAM busy interrupt 22 1 read-only CORE_0_DRAM0_EXCEPTION_MONITOR_4 core0 bus busy configuration regsiter 0x88 0x20 CORE_0_DRAM0_RECORDING_BYTEEN_1 The second dram0's byteen status when trigger DRAM busy interrupt 0 16 read-only CORE_0_DRAM0_EXCEPTION_MONITOR_5 core0 bus busy configuration regsiter 0x8C 0x20 0xFFFFFFFF CORE_0_DRAM0_RECORDING_PC_1 The second dram0's PC status when trigger DRAM busy interrupt 0 32 read-only CORE_1_INTERRUPT_ENA Core1 monitor enable configuration register 0x90 0x20 CORE_1_AREA_DRAM0_0_RD_ENA Core1 dram0 area0 read monitor enable 0 1 read-write CORE_1_AREA_DRAM0_0_WR_ENA Core1 dram0 area0 write monitor enable 1 1 read-write CORE_1_AREA_DRAM0_1_RD_ENA Core1 dram0 area1 read monitor enable 2 1 read-write CORE_1_AREA_DRAM0_1_WR_ENA Core1 dram0 area1 write monitor enable 3 1 read-write CORE_1_AREA_PIF_0_RD_ENA Core1 PIF area0 read monitor enable 4 1 read-write CORE_1_AREA_PIF_0_WR_ENA Core1 PIF area0 write monitor enable 5 1 read-write CORE_1_AREA_PIF_1_RD_ENA Core1 PIF area1 read monitor enable 6 1 read-write CORE_1_AREA_PIF_1_WR_ENA Core1 PIF area1 write monitor enable 7 1 read-write CORE_1_SP_SPILL_MIN_ENA Core1 stackpoint overflow monitor enable 8 1 read-write CORE_1_SP_SPILL_MAX_ENA Core1 stackpoint underflow monitor enable 9 1 read-write CORE_1_IRAM0_EXCEPTION_MONITOR_ENA IBUS busy monitor enable 10 1 read-write CORE_1_DRAM0_EXCEPTION_MONITOR_ENA DBUS busy monitor enbale 11 1 read-write CORE_1_INTERRUPT_RAW Core1 monitor interrupt status register 0x94 0x20 CORE_1_AREA_DRAM0_0_RD_RAW Core1 dram0 area0 read monitor interrupt status 0 1 read-only CORE_1_AREA_DRAM0_0_WR_RAW Core1 dram0 area0 write monitor interrupt status 1 1 read-only CORE_1_AREA_DRAM0_1_RD_RAW Core1 dram0 area1 read monitor interrupt status 2 1 read-only CORE_1_AREA_DRAM0_1_WR_RAW Core1 dram0 area1 write monitor interrupt status 3 1 read-only CORE_1_AREA_PIF_0_RD_RAW Core1 PIF area0 read monitor interrupt status 4 1 read-only CORE_1_AREA_PIF_0_WR_RAW Core1 PIF area0 write monitor interrupt status 5 1 read-only CORE_1_AREA_PIF_1_RD_RAW Core1 PIF area1 read monitor interrupt status 6 1 read-only CORE_1_AREA_PIF_1_WR_RAW Core1 PIF area1 write monitor interrupt status 7 1 read-only CORE_1_SP_SPILL_MIN_RAW Core1 stackpoint overflow monitor interrupt status 8 1 read-only CORE_1_SP_SPILL_MAX_RAW Core1 stackpoint underflow monitor interrupt status 9 1 read-only CORE_1_IRAM0_EXCEPTION_MONITOR_RAW IBUS busy monitor interrupt status 10 1 read-only CORE_1_DRAM0_EXCEPTION_MONITOR_RAW DBUS busy monitor initerrupt status 11 1 read-only CORE_1_INTERRUPT_RLS Core1 monitor interrupt enable register 0x98 0x20 CORE_1_AREA_DRAM0_0_RD_RLS Core1 dram0 area0 read monitor interrupt enable 0 1 read-write CORE_1_AREA_DRAM0_0_WR_RLS Core1 dram0 area0 write monitor interrupt enable 1 1 read-write CORE_1_AREA_DRAM0_1_RD_RLS Core1 dram0 area1 read monitor interrupt enable 2 1 read-write CORE_1_AREA_DRAM0_1_WR_RLS Core1 dram0 area1 write monitor interrupt enable 3 1 read-write CORE_1_AREA_PIF_0_RD_RLS Core1 PIF area0 read monitor interrupt enable 4 1 read-write CORE_1_AREA_PIF_0_WR_RLS Core1 PIF area0 write monitor interrupt enable 5 1 read-write CORE_1_AREA_PIF_1_RD_RLS Core1 PIF area1 read monitor interrupt enable 6 1 read-write CORE_1_AREA_PIF_1_WR_RLS Core1 PIF area1 write monitor interrupt enable 7 1 read-write CORE_1_SP_SPILL_MIN_RLS Core1 stackpoint overflow monitor interrupt enable 8 1 read-write CORE_1_SP_SPILL_MAX_RLS Core1 stackpoint underflow monitor interrupt enable 9 1 read-write CORE_1_IRAM0_EXCEPTION_MONITOR_RLS IBUS busy monitor interrupt enable 10 1 read-write CORE_1_DRAM0_EXCEPTION_MONITOR_RLS DBUS busy monitor interrupt enbale 11 1 read-write CORE_1_INTERRUPT_CLR Core1 monitor interrupt clr register 0x9C 0x20 CORE_1_AREA_DRAM0_0_RD_CLR Core1 dram0 area0 read monitor interrupt clr 0 1 read-write CORE_1_AREA_DRAM0_0_WR_CLR Core1 dram0 area0 write monitor interrupt clr 1 1 read-write CORE_1_AREA_DRAM0_1_RD_CLR Core1 dram0 area1 read monitor interrupt clr 2 1 read-write CORE_1_AREA_DRAM0_1_WR_CLR Core1 dram0 area1 write monitor interrupt clr 3 1 read-write CORE_1_AREA_PIF_0_RD_CLR Core1 PIF area0 read monitor interrupt clr 4 1 read-write CORE_1_AREA_PIF_0_WR_CLR Core1 PIF area0 write monitor interrupt clr 5 1 read-write CORE_1_AREA_PIF_1_RD_CLR Core1 PIF area1 read monitor interrupt clr 6 1 read-write CORE_1_AREA_PIF_1_WR_CLR Core1 PIF area1 write monitor interrupt clr 7 1 read-write CORE_1_SP_SPILL_MIN_CLR Core1 stackpoint overflow monitor interrupt clr 8 1 read-write CORE_1_SP_SPILL_MAX_CLR Core1 stackpoint underflow monitor interrupt clr 9 1 read-write CORE_1_IRAM0_EXCEPTION_MONITOR_CLR IBUS busy monitor interrupt clr 10 1 read-write CORE_1_DRAM0_EXCEPTION_MONITOR_CLR DBUS busy monitor interrupt clr 11 1 read-write CORE_1_AREA_DRAM0_0_MIN Core1 dram0 region0 addr configuration register 0xA0 0x20 0xFFFFFFFF CORE_1_AREA_DRAM0_0_MIN Core1 dram0 region0 start addr 0 32 read-write CORE_1_AREA_DRAM0_0_MAX Core1 dram0 region0 addr configuration register 0xA4 0x20 CORE_1_AREA_DRAM0_0_MAX Core1 dram0 region0 end addr 0 32 read-write CORE_1_AREA_DRAM0_1_MIN Core1 dram0 region1 addr configuration register 0xA8 0x20 0xFFFFFFFF CORE_1_AREA_DRAM0_1_MIN Core1 dram0 region1 start addr 0 32 read-write CORE_1_AREA_DRAM0_1_MAX Core1 dram0 region1 addr configuration register 0xAC 0x20 CORE_1_AREA_DRAM0_1_MAX Core1 dram0 region1 end addr 0 32 read-write CORE_1_AREA_PIF_0_MIN Core1 PIF region0 addr configuration register 0xB0 0x20 0xFFFFFFFF CORE_1_AREA_PIF_0_MIN Core1 PIF region0 start addr 0 32 read-write CORE_1_AREA_PIF_0_MAX Core1 PIF region0 addr configuration register 0xB4 0x20 CORE_1_AREA_PIF_0_MAX Core1 PIF region0 end addr 0 32 read-write CORE_1_AREA_PIF_1_MIN Core1 PIF region1 addr configuration register 0xB8 0x20 0xFFFFFFFF CORE_1_AREA_PIF_1_MIN Core1 PIF region1 start addr 0 32 read-write CORE_1_AREA_PIF_1_MAX Core1 PIF region1 addr configuration register 0xBC 0x20 CORE_1_AREA_PIF_1_MAX Core1 PIF region1 end addr 0 32 read-write CORE_1_AREA_PC Core1 area sp status register 0xC0 0x20 CORE_1_AREA_PC the stackpointer when first touch region monitor interrupt 0 32 read-only CORE_1_AREA_SP Core1 area pc status register 0xC4 0x20 CORE_1_AREA_SP the PC when first touch region monitor interrupt 0 32 read-only CORE_1_SP_UNSTABLE Core1 sp unstable configuration register 0xC8 0x20 0x0000000B CORE_1_SP_UNSTABLE unstable period when window change,during this period no check stackpointer 0 8 read-write CORE_1_SP_MIN Core1 sp region configuration regsiter 0xCC 0x20 CORE_1_SP_MIN stack min value 0 32 read-write CORE_1_SP_MAX Core1 sp region configuration regsiter 0xD0 0x20 0xFFFFFFFF CORE_1_SP_MAX stack max value 0 32 read-write CORE_1_SP_PC Core1 sp pc status register 0xD4 0x20 CORE_1_SP_PC the PC when first touch stack monitor interrupt 0 32 read-only CORE_1_RCD_PDEBUGENABLE Core1 pdebug configuration register 0xD8 0x20 CORE_1_RCD_PDEBUGENABLE Core1 Pdebugenable,set 1 to open Core1 Pdebug interface, then can get Core1 PC 0 1 read-write CORE_1_RCD_RECORDING Core1 pdebug status register 0xDC 0x20 CORE_1_RCD_RECORDING Pdebug record enable,set 1 to record Core1 pdebug interface signal 0 1 read-write CORE_1_RCD_PDEBUGINST Core1 pdebug status register 0xE0 0x20 CORE_1_RCD_PDEBUGINST Core1 pdebuginst 0 32 read-only CORE_1_RCD_PDEBUGSTATUS Core1 pdebug status register 0xE4 0x20 CORE_1_RCD_PDEBUGSTATUS Core1 pdebugstatus 0 8 read-only CORE_1_RCD_PDEBUGDATA Core1 pdebug status register 0xE8 0x20 CORE_1_RCD_PDEBUGDATA Core1_pdebugdata 0 32 read-only CORE_1_RCD_PDEBUGPC Core1 pdebug status register 0xEC 0x20 CORE_1_RCD_PDEBUGPC Core1_pdebugPC 0 32 read-only CORE_1_RCD_PDEBUGLS0STAT Core1 pdebug status register 0xF0 0x20 CORE_1_RCD_PDEBUGLS0STAT Core1_pdebug_s0stat 0 32 read-only CORE_1_RCD_PDEBUGLS0ADDR Core1 pdebug status register 0xF4 0x20 CORE_1_RCD_PDEBUGLS0ADDR Core1_pdebug_s0addr 0 32 read-only CORE_1_RCD_PDEBUGLS0DATA Core1 pdebug status register 0xF8 0x20 CORE_1_RCD_PDEBUGLS0DATA Core1_pdebug_s0data 0 32 read-only CORE_1_RCD_SP Core1 pdebug status register 0xFC 0x20 CORE_1_RCD_SP Core1_stack pointer 0 32 read-only CORE_1_IRAM0_EXCEPTION_MONITOR_0 Core1 bus busy status regsiter 0x100 0x20 CORE_1_IRAM0_RECORDING_ADDR_0 The first iram0's addr[25:2] status when trigger IRAM busy interrupt 0 24 read-only CORE_1_IRAM0_RECORDING_WR_0 The first iram0's wr status when trigger IRAM busy interrupt 24 1 read-only CORE_1_IRAM0_RECORDING_LOADSTORE_0 The first iram0's loadstore status when trigger IRAM busy interrupt 25 1 read-only CORE_1_IRAM0_EXCEPTION_MONITOR_1 Core1 bus busy status regsiter 0x104 0x20 CORE_1_IRAM0_RECORDING_ADDR_1 The second iram0's addr[25:2] status when trigger IRAM busy interrupt 0 24 read-only CORE_1_IRAM0_RECORDING_WR_1 The second iram0's wr status when trigger IRAM busy interrupt 24 1 read-only CORE_1_IRAM0_RECORDING_LOADSTORE_1 The second iram0's loadstore status when trigger IRAM busy interrupt 25 1 read-only CORE_1_DRAM0_EXCEPTION_MONITOR_0 Core1 bus busy status regsiter 0x108 0x20 CORE_1_DRAM0_RECORDING_ADDR_0 The first dram0's addr[25:4] status when trigger DRAM busy interrupt 0 22 read-only CORE_1_DRAM0_RECORDING_WR_0 The first dram0's wr status when trigger DRAM busy interrupt 22 1 read-only CORE_1_DRAM0_EXCEPTION_MONITOR_1 Core1 bus busy status regsiter 0x10C 0x20 CORE_1_DRAM0_RECORDING_BYTEEN_0 The first dram0's byteen status when trigger DRAM busy interrupt 0 16 read-only CORE_1_DRAM0_EXCEPTION_MONITOR_2 Core1 bus busy status regsiter 0x110 0x20 0xFFFFFFFF CORE_1_DRAM0_RECORDING_PC_0 The first dram0's PC status when trigger DRAM busy interrupt 0 32 read-only CORE_1_DRAM0_EXCEPTION_MONITOR_3 Core1 bus busy status regsiter 0x114 0x20 CORE_1_DRAM0_RECORDING_ADDR_1 The second dram0's addr[25:4] status when trigger DRAM busy interrupt 0 22 read-only CORE_1_DRAM0_RECORDING_WR_1 The second dram0's wr status when trigger DRAM busy interrupt 22 1 read-only CORE_1_DRAM0_EXCEPTION_MONITOR_4 Core1 bus busy status regsiter 0x118 0x20 CORE_1_DRAM0_RECORDING_BYTEEN_1 The second dram0's byteen status when trigger DRAM busy interrupt 0 16 read-only CORE_1_DRAM0_EXCEPTION_MONITOR_5 Core1 bus busy status regsiter 0x11C 0x20 0xFFFFFFFF CORE_1_DRAM0_RECORDING_PC_1 The second dram0's PC status when trigger DRAM busy interrupt 0 32 read-only CORE_X_IRAM0_DRAM0_EXCEPTION_MONITOR_0 bus busy configuration register 0x120 0x20 0x000FFFFF CORE_X_IRAM0_DRAM0_LIMIT_CYCLE_0 busy monitor window cycle 0 20 read-write CORE_X_IRAM0_DRAM0_EXCEPTION_MONITOR_1 bus busy configuration register 0x124 0x20 0x000FFFFF CORE_X_IRAM0_DRAM0_LIMIT_CYCLE_1 non busy cycle,for example: when cycle=100 and cycle=10,it means that in 100 cycle, if busy access success time less than 10, it will trigger interrutpt 0 20 read-write LOG_SETTING log set register 0x128 0x20 0x00000040 LOG_ENA bus moniter enable: [0]Core1,[1]core1,[2]dma 0 3 read-write LOG_MODE check_mode:0:write,1:word,2:halword,3:byte,4:doubleword,5:4word 3 3 read-write LOG_MEM_LOOP_ENABLE mem_loop enable,1 means that loop write 6 1 read-write LOG_DATA_0 log check data register 0x12C 0x20 LOG_DATA_0 check data0 0 32 read-write LOG_DATA_1 log check data register 0x130 0x20 LOG_DATA_1 check data1 0 32 read-write LOG_DATA_2 log check data register 0x134 0x20 LOG_DATA_2 check data2 0 32 read-write LOG_DATA_3 log check data register 0x138 0x20 LOG_DATA_3 check data3 0 32 read-write LOG_DATA_MASK log check data mask register 0x13C 0x20 LOG_DATA_SIZE data mask 0 16 read-write LOG_MIN log check region configuration register 0x140 0x20 LOG_MIN check region min addr 0 32 read-write LOG_MAX log check region configuration register 0x144 0x20 LOG_MAX check region max addr 0 32 read-write LOG_MEM_START log mem region configuration register 0x148 0x20 LOG_MEM_START mem start addr 0 32 read-write LOG_MEM_END log mem region configuration register 0x14C 0x20 LOG_MEM_END mem end addr 0 32 read-write LOG_MEM_WRITING_ADDR log mem addr status register 0x150 0x20 LOG_MEM_WRITING_ADDR mem current addr, it means next writing addr 0 32 read-only LOG_MEM_FULL_FLAG log mem status register 0x154 0x20 LOG_MEM_FULL_FLAG when it's 1,show that mem write loop morte than one time. 0 1 read-write DATE version register 0x1FC 0x20 0x02003040 DATE version register 0 28 read-write DMA DMA (Direct Memory Access) Controller DMA 0x6003F000 0x0 0x320 registers DMA_IN_CH0 66 DMA_IN_CH1 67 DMA_IN_CH2 68 DMA_IN_CH3 69 DMA_IN_CH4 70 DMA_OUT_CH0 71 DMA_OUT_CH1 72 DMA_OUT_CH2 73 DMA_OUT_CH3 74 DMA_OUT_CH4 75 APB_PMS_MONITOR_VIOLATE 84 DMA_EXTMEM_REJECT 98 5 0xC0 IN_CONF0_CH%s Configure 0 register of Rx channel 0 0x0 0x20 IN_RST_CH This bit is used to reset DMA channel 0 Rx FSM and Rx FIFO pointer. 0 1 read-write IN_LOOP_TEST_CH reserved 1 1 read-write INDSCR_BURST_EN_CH Set this bit to 1 to enable INCR burst transfer for Rx channel 0 reading link descriptor when accessing internal SRAM. 2 1 read-write IN_DATA_BURST_EN_CH Set this bit to 1 to enable INCR burst transfer for Rx channel 0 receiving data when accessing internal SRAM. 3 1 read-write MEM_TRANS_EN_CH Set this bit 1 to enable automatic transmitting data from memory to memory via DMA. 4 1 read-write 5 0xC0 IN_CONF1_CH%s Configure 1 register of Rx channel 0 0x4 0x20 0x0000000C DMA_INFIFO_FULL_THRS_CH This register is used to generate the INFIFO_FULL_WM_INT interrupt when Rx channel 0 received byte number in Rx FIFO is up to the value of the register. 0 12 read-write IN_CHECK_OWNER_CH Set this bit to enable checking the owner attribute of the link descriptor. 12 1 read-write IN_EXT_MEM_BK_SIZE_CH Block size of Rx channel 0 when DMA access external SRAM. 0: 16 bytes 1: 32 bytes 2/3:reserved 13 2 read-write 5 0xC0 IN_INT_RAW_CH%s Raw status interrupt of Rx channel 0 0x8 0x20 IN_DONE_CH_INT_RAW The raw interrupt bit turns to high level when the last data pointed by one inlink descriptor has been received for Rx channel 0. 0 1 read-only IN_SUC_EOF_CH_INT_RAW The raw interrupt bit turns to high level when the last data pointed by one inlink descriptor has been received for Rx channel 0. For UHCI0, the raw interrupt bit turns to high level when the last data pointed by one inlink descriptor has been received and no data error is detected for Rx channel 0. 1 1 read-only IN_ERR_EOF_CH_INT_RAW The raw interrupt bit turns to high level when data error is detected only in the case that the peripheral is UHCI0 for Rx channel 0. For other peripherals, this raw interrupt is reserved. 2 1 read-only IN_DSCR_ERR_CH_INT_RAW The raw interrupt bit turns to high level when detecting inlink descriptor error, including owner error, the second and third word error of inlink descriptor for Rx channel 0. 3 1 read-only IN_DSCR_EMPTY_CH_INT_RAW The raw interrupt bit turns to high level when Rx buffer pointed by inlink is full and receiving data is not completed, but there is no more inlink for Rx channel 0. 4 1 read-only INFIFO_FULL_WM_CH_INT_RAW The raw interrupt bit turns to high level when received data byte number is up to threshold configured by REG_DMA_INFIFO_FULL_THRS_CH0 in Rx FIFO of channel 0. 5 1 read-only INFIFO_OVF_L1_CH_INT_RAW This raw interrupt bit turns to high level when level 1 fifo of Rx channel 0 is overflow. 6 1 read-only INFIFO_UDF_L1_CH_INT_RAW This raw interrupt bit turns to high level when level 1 fifo of Rx channel 0 is underflow. 7 1 read-only INFIFO_OVF_L3_CH_INT_RAW This raw interrupt bit turns to high level when level 3 fifo of Rx channel 0 is overflow. 8 1 read-only INFIFO_UDF_L3_CH_INT_RAW This raw interrupt bit turns to high level when level 3 fifo of Rx channel 0 is underflow. 9 1 read-only 5 0xC0 IN_INT_ST_CH%s Masked interrupt of Rx channel 0 0xC 0x20 IN_DONE_CH_INT_ST The raw interrupt status bit for the IN_DONE_CH_INT interrupt. 0 1 read-only IN_SUC_EOF_CH_INT_ST The raw interrupt status bit for the IN_SUC_EOF_CH_INT interrupt. 1 1 read-only IN_ERR_EOF_CH_INT_ST The raw interrupt status bit for the IN_ERR_EOF_CH_INT interrupt. 2 1 read-only IN_DSCR_ERR_CH_INT_ST The raw interrupt status bit for the IN_DSCR_ERR_CH_INT interrupt. 3 1 read-only IN_DSCR_EMPTY_CH_INT_ST The raw interrupt status bit for the IN_DSCR_EMPTY_CH_INT interrupt. 4 1 read-only INFIFO_FULL_WM_CH_INT_ST The raw interrupt status bit for the INFIFO_FULL_WM_CH_INT interrupt. 5 1 read-only INFIFO_OVF_L1_CH_INT_ST The raw interrupt status bit for the INFIFO_OVF_L1_CH_INT interrupt. 6 1 read-only INFIFO_UDF_L1_CH_INT_ST The raw interrupt status bit for the INFIFO_UDF_L1_CH_INT interrupt. 7 1 read-only INFIFO_OVF_L3_CH_INT_ST The raw interrupt status bit for the INFIFO_OVF_L3_CH_INT interrupt. 8 1 read-only INFIFO_UDF_L3_CH_INT_ST The raw interrupt status bit for the INFIFO_UDF_L3_CH_INT interrupt. 9 1 read-only 5 0xC0 IN_INT_ENA_CH%s Interrupt enable bits of Rx channel 0 0x10 0x20 IN_DONE_CH_INT_ENA The interrupt enable bit for the IN_DONE_CH_INT interrupt. 0 1 read-write IN_SUC_EOF_CH_INT_ENA The interrupt enable bit for the IN_SUC_EOF_CH_INT interrupt. 1 1 read-write IN_ERR_EOF_CH_INT_ENA The interrupt enable bit for the IN_ERR_EOF_CH_INT interrupt. 2 1 read-write IN_DSCR_ERR_CH_INT_ENA The interrupt enable bit for the IN_DSCR_ERR_CH_INT interrupt. 3 1 read-write IN_DSCR_EMPTY_CH_INT_ENA The interrupt enable bit for the IN_DSCR_EMPTY_CH_INT interrupt. 4 1 read-write INFIFO_FULL_WM_CH_INT_ENA The interrupt enable bit for the INFIFO_FULL_WM_CH_INT interrupt. 5 1 read-write INFIFO_OVF_L1_CH_INT_ENA The interrupt enable bit for the INFIFO_OVF_L1_CH_INT interrupt. 6 1 read-write INFIFO_UDF_L1_CH_INT_ENA The interrupt enable bit for the INFIFO_UDF_L1_CH_INT interrupt. 7 1 read-write INFIFO_OVF_L3_CH_INT_ENA The interrupt enable bit for the INFIFO_OVF_L3_CH_INT interrupt. 8 1 read-write INFIFO_UDF_L3_CH_INT_ENA The interrupt enable bit for the INFIFO_UDF_L3_CH_INT interrupt. 9 1 read-write 5 0xC0 IN_INT_CLR_CH%s Interrupt clear bits of Rx channel 0 0x14 0x20 IN_DONE_CH_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the IN_DONE_CH_INT interrupt. 0 1 write-only IN_SUC_EOF_CH_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the IN_SUC_EOF_CH_INT interrupt. 1 1 write-only IN_ERR_EOF_CH_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the IN_ERR_EOF_CH_INT interrupt. 2 1 write-only IN_DSCR_ERR_CH_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the IN_DSCR_ERR_CH_INT interrupt. 3 1 write-only IN_DSCR_EMPTY_CH_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the IN_DSCR_EMPTY_CH_INT interrupt. 4 1 write-only DMA_INFIFO_FULL_WM_CH_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the INFIFO_FULL_WM_CH_INT interrupt. 5 1 write-only INFIFO_OVF_L1_CH_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the INFIFO_OVF_L1_CH_INT interrupt. 6 1 write-only INFIFO_UDF_L1_CH_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the INFIFO_UDF_L1_CH_INT interrupt. 7 1 write-only INFIFO_OVF_L3_CH_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the INFIFO_OVF_L3_CH_INT interrupt. 8 1 write-only INFIFO_UDF_L3_CH_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the INFIFO_UDF_L3_CH_INT interrupt. 9 1 write-only 5 0xC0 INFIFO_STATUS_CH%s Receive FIFO status of Rx channel 0 0x18 0x20 0x0F00003A INFIFO_FULL_L1_CH L1 Rx FIFO full signal for Rx channel 0. 0 1 read-only INFIFO_EMPTY_L1_CH L1 Rx FIFO empty signal for Rx channel 0. 1 1 read-only INFIFO_FULL_L2_CH L2 Rx FIFO full signal for Rx channel 0. 2 1 read-only INFIFO_EMPTY_L2_CH L2 Rx FIFO empty signal for Rx channel 0. 3 1 read-only INFIFO_FULL_L3_CH L3 Rx FIFO full signal for Rx channel 0. 4 1 read-only INFIFO_EMPTY_L3_CH L3 Rx FIFO empty signal for Rx channel 0. 5 1 read-only INFIFO_CNT_L1_CH The register stores the byte number of the data in L1 Rx FIFO for Rx channel 0. 6 6 read-only INFIFO_CNT_L2_CH The register stores the byte number of the data in L2 Rx FIFO for Rx channel 0. 12 7 read-only INFIFO_CNT_L3_CH The register stores the byte number of the data in L3 Rx FIFO for Rx channel 0. 19 5 read-only IN_REMAIN_UNDER_1B_L3_CH reserved 24 1 read-only IN_REMAIN_UNDER_2B_L3_CH reserved 25 1 read-only IN_REMAIN_UNDER_3B_L3_CH reserved 26 1 read-only IN_REMAIN_UNDER_4B_L3_CH reserved 27 1 read-only IN_BUF_HUNGRY_CH reserved 28 1 read-only 5 0xC0 IN_POP_CH%s Pop control register of Rx channel 0 0x1C 0x20 0x00000800 INFIFO_RDATA_CH This register stores the data popping from DMA FIFO. 0 12 read-only INFIFO_POP_CH Set this bit to pop data from DMA FIFO. 12 1 read-write 5 0xC0 IN_LINK_CH%s Link descriptor configure and control register of Rx channel 0 0x20 0x20 0x01100000 INLINK_ADDR_CH This register stores the 20 least significant bits of the first inlink descriptor's address. 0 20 read-write INLINK_AUTO_RET_CH Set this bit to return to current inlink descriptor's address, when there are some errors in current receiving data. 20 1 read-write INLINK_STOP_CH Set this bit to stop dealing with the inlink descriptors. 21 1 read-write INLINK_START_CH Set this bit to start dealing with the inlink descriptors. 22 1 read-write INLINK_RESTART_CH Set this bit to mount a new inlink descriptor. 23 1 read-write INLINK_PARK_CH 1: the inlink descriptor's FSM is in idle state. 0: the inlink descriptor's FSM is working. 24 1 read-only 5 0xC0 IN_STATE_CH%s Receive status of Rx channel 0 0x24 0x20 INLINK_DSCR_ADDR_CH This register stores the current inlink descriptor's address. 0 18 read-only IN_DSCR_STATE_CH reserved 18 2 read-only IN_STATE_CH reserved 20 3 read-only 5 0xC0 IN_SUC_EOF_DES_ADDR_CH%s Inlink descriptor address when EOF occurs of Rx channel 0 0x28 0x20 IN_SUC_EOF_DES_ADDR_CH This register stores the address of the inlink descriptor when the EOF bit in this descriptor is 1. 0 32 read-only 5 0xC0 IN_ERR_EOF_DES_ADDR_CH%s Inlink descriptor address when errors occur of Rx channel 0 0x2C 0x20 IN_ERR_EOF_DES_ADDR_CH This register stores the address of the inlink descriptor when there are some errors in current receiving data. Only used when peripheral is UHCI0. 0 32 read-only 5 0xC0 IN_DSCR_CH%s Current inlink descriptor address of Rx channel 0 0x30 0x20 INLINK_DSCR_CH The address of the current inlink descriptor x. 0 32 read-only 5 0xC0 IN_DSCR_BF0_CH%s The last inlink descriptor address of Rx channel 0 0x34 0x20 INLINK_DSCR_BF0_CH The address of the last inlink descriptor x-1. 0 32 read-only 5 0xC0 IN_DSCR_BF1_CH%s The second-to-last inlink descriptor address of Rx channel 0 0x38 0x20 INLINK_DSCR_BF1_CH The address of the second-to-last inlink descriptor x-2. 0 32 read-only 5 0xC0 IN_WIGHT_CH%s Weight register of Rx channel 0 0x3C 0x20 0x00000F00 RX_WEIGHT_CH The weight of Rx channel 0. 8 4 read-write 5 0xC0 IN_PRI_CH%s Priority register of Rx channel 0 0x44 0x20 RX_PRI_CH The priority of Rx channel 0. The larger of the value, the higher of the priority. 0 4 read-write 5 0xC0 IN_PERI_SEL_CH%s Peripheral selection of Rx channel 0 0x48 0x20 0x0000003F PERI_IN_SEL_CH This register is used to select peripheral for Rx channel 0. 0:SPI2. 1: SPI3. 2: UHCI0. 3: I2S0. 4: I2S1. 5: LCD_CAM. 6: AES. 7: SHA. 8: ADC_DAC. 9: RMT. 0 6 read-write 5 0xC0 OUT_CONF0_CH%s Configure 0 register of Tx channel 0 0x60 0x20 0x00000008 OUT_RST_CH This bit is used to reset DMA channel 0 Tx FSM and Tx FIFO pointer. 0 1 read-write OUT_LOOP_TEST_CH reserved 1 1 read-write OUT_AUTO_WRBACK_CH Set this bit to enable automatic outlink-writeback when all the data in tx buffer has been transmitted. 2 1 read-write OUT_EOF_MODE_CH EOF flag generation mode when transmitting data. 1: EOF flag for Tx channel 0 is generated when data need to transmit has been popped from FIFO in DMA 3 1 read-write OUTDSCR_BURST_EN_CH Set this bit to 1 to enable INCR burst transfer for Tx channel 0 reading link descriptor when accessing internal SRAM. 4 1 read-write OUT_DATA_BURST_EN_CH Set this bit to 1 to enable INCR burst transfer for Tx channel 0 transmitting data when accessing internal SRAM. 5 1 read-write 5 0xC0 OUT_CONF1_CH%s Configure 1 register of Tx channel 0 0x64 0x20 OUT_CHECK_OWNER_CH Set this bit to enable checking the owner attribute of the link descriptor. 12 1 read-write OUT_EXT_MEM_BK_SIZE_CH Block size of Tx channel 0 when DMA access external SRAM. 0: 16 bytes 1: 32 bytes 2/3:reserved 13 2 read-write 5 0xC0 OUT_INT_RAW_CH%s Raw status interrupt of Tx channel 0 0x68 0x20 OUT_DONE_CH_INT_RAW The raw interrupt bit turns to high level when the last data pointed by one outlink descriptor has been transmitted to peripherals for Tx channel 0. 0 1 read-only OUT_EOF_CH_INT_RAW The raw interrupt bit turns to high level when the last data pointed by one outlink descriptor has been read from memory for Tx channel 0. 1 1 read-only OUT_DSCR_ERR_CH_INT_RAW The raw interrupt bit turns to high level when detecting outlink descriptor error, including owner error, the second and third word error of outlink descriptor for Tx channel 0. 2 1 read-only OUT_TOTAL_EOF_CH_INT_RAW The raw interrupt bit turns to high level when data corresponding a outlink (includes one link descriptor or few link descriptors) is transmitted out for Tx channel 0. 3 1 read-only OUTFIFO_OVF_L1_CH_INT_RAW This raw interrupt bit turns to high level when level 1 fifo of Tx channel 0 is overflow. 4 1 read-only OUTFIFO_UDF_L1_CH_INT_RAW This raw interrupt bit turns to high level when level 1 fifo of Tx channel 0 is underflow. 5 1 read-only OUTFIFO_OVF_L3_CH_INT_RAW This raw interrupt bit turns to high level when level 3 fifo of Tx channel 0 is overflow. 6 1 read-only OUTFIFO_UDF_L3_CH_INT_RAW This raw interrupt bit turns to high level when level 3 fifo of Tx channel 0 is underflow. 7 1 read-only 5 0xC0 OUT_INT_ST_CH%s Masked interrupt of Tx channel 0 0x6C 0x20 OUT_DONE_CH_INT_ST The raw interrupt status bit for the OUT_DONE_CH_INT interrupt. 0 1 read-only OUT_EOF_CH_INT_ST The raw interrupt status bit for the OUT_EOF_CH_INT interrupt. 1 1 read-only OUT_DSCR_ERR_CH_INT_ST The raw interrupt status bit for the OUT_DSCR_ERR_CH_INT interrupt. 2 1 read-only OUT_TOTAL_EOF_CH_INT_ST The raw interrupt status bit for the OUT_TOTAL_EOF_CH_INT interrupt. 3 1 read-only OUTFIFO_OVF_L1_CH_INT_ST The raw interrupt status bit for the OUTFIFO_OVF_L1_CH_INT interrupt. 4 1 read-only OUTFIFO_UDF_L1_CH_INT_ST The raw interrupt status bit for the OUTFIFO_UDF_L1_CH_INT interrupt. 5 1 read-only OUTFIFO_OVF_L3_CH_INT_ST The raw interrupt status bit for the OUTFIFO_OVF_L3_CH_INT interrupt. 6 1 read-only OUTFIFO_UDF_L3_CH_INT_ST The raw interrupt status bit for the OUTFIFO_UDF_L3_CH_INT interrupt. 7 1 read-only 5 0xC0 OUT_INT_ENA_CH%s Interrupt enable bits of Tx channel 0 0x70 0x20 OUT_DONE_CH_INT_ENA The interrupt enable bit for the OUT_DONE_CH_INT interrupt. 0 1 read-write OUT_EOF_CH_INT_ENA The interrupt enable bit for the OUT_EOF_CH_INT interrupt. 1 1 read-write OUT_DSCR_ERR_CH_INT_ENA The interrupt enable bit for the OUT_DSCR_ERR_CH_INT interrupt. 2 1 read-write OUT_TOTAL_EOF_CH_INT_ENA The interrupt enable bit for the OUT_TOTAL_EOF_CH_INT interrupt. 3 1 read-write OUTFIFO_OVF_L1_CH_INT_ENA The interrupt enable bit for the OUTFIFO_OVF_L1_CH_INT interrupt. 4 1 read-write OUTFIFO_UDF_L1_CH_INT_ENA The interrupt enable bit for the OUTFIFO_UDF_L1_CH_INT interrupt. 5 1 read-write OUTFIFO_OVF_L3_CH_INT_ENA The interrupt enable bit for the OUTFIFO_OVF_L3_CH_INT interrupt. 6 1 read-write OUTFIFO_UDF_L3_CH_INT_ENA The interrupt enable bit for the OUTFIFO_UDF_L3_CH_INT interrupt. 7 1 read-write 5 0xC0 OUT_INT_CLR_CH%s Interrupt clear bits of Tx channel 0 0x74 0x20 OUT_DONE_CH_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the OUT_DONE_CH_INT interrupt. 0 1 write-only OUT_EOF_CH_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the OUT_EOF_CH_INT interrupt. 1 1 write-only OUT_DSCR_ERR_CH_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the OUT_DSCR_ERR_CH_INT interrupt. 2 1 write-only OUT_TOTAL_EOF_CH_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the OUT_TOTAL_EOF_CH_INT interrupt. 3 1 write-only OUTFIFO_OVF_L1_CH_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the OUTFIFO_OVF_L1_CH_INT interrupt. 4 1 write-only OUTFIFO_UDF_L1_CH_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the OUTFIFO_UDF_L1_CH_INT interrupt. 5 1 write-only OUTFIFO_OVF_L3_CH_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the OUTFIFO_OVF_L3_CH_INT interrupt. 6 1 write-only OUTFIFO_UDF_L3_CH_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the OUTFIFO_UDF_L3_CH_INT interrupt. 7 1 write-only 5 0xC0 OUTFIFO_STATUS_CH%s Transmit FIFO status of Tx channel 0 0x78 0x20 0x0780002A OUTFIFO_FULL_L1_CH L1 Tx FIFO full signal for Tx channel 0. 0 1 read-only OUTFIFO_EMPTY_L1_CH L1 Tx FIFO empty signal for Tx channel 0. 1 1 read-only OUTFIFO_FULL_L2_CH L2 Tx FIFO full signal for Tx channel 0. 2 1 read-only OUTFIFO_EMPTY_L2_CH L2 Tx FIFO empty signal for Tx channel 0. 3 1 read-only OUTFIFO_FULL_L3_CH L3 Tx FIFO full signal for Tx channel 0. 4 1 read-only OUTFIFO_EMPTY_L3_CH L3 Tx FIFO empty signal for Tx channel 0. 5 1 read-only OUTFIFO_CNT_L1_CH The register stores the byte number of the data in L1 Tx FIFO for Tx channel 0. 6 5 read-only OUTFIFO_CNT_L2_CH The register stores the byte number of the data in L2 Tx FIFO for Tx channel 0. 11 7 read-only OUTFIFO_CNT_L3_CH The register stores the byte number of the data in L3 Tx FIFO for Tx channel 0. 18 5 read-only OUT_REMAIN_UNDER_1B_L3_CH reserved 23 1 read-only OUT_REMAIN_UNDER_2B_L3_CH reserved 24 1 read-only OUT_REMAIN_UNDER_3B_L3_CH reserved 25 1 read-only OUT_REMAIN_UNDER_4B_L3_CH reserved 26 1 read-only 5 0xC0 OUT_PUSH_CH%s Push control register of Rx channel 0 0x7C 0x20 OUTFIFO_WDATA_CH This register stores the data that need to be pushed into DMA FIFO. 0 9 read-write OUTFIFO_PUSH_CH Set this bit to push data into DMA FIFO. 9 1 read-write 5 0xC0 OUT_LINK_CH%s Link descriptor configure and control register of Tx channel 0 0x80 0x20 0x00800000 OUTLINK_ADDR_CH This register stores the 20 least significant bits of the first outlink descriptor's address. 0 20 read-write OUTLINK_STOP_CH Set this bit to stop dealing with the outlink descriptors. 20 1 read-write OUTLINK_START_CH Set this bit to start dealing with the outlink descriptors. 21 1 read-write OUTLINK_RESTART_CH Set this bit to restart a new outlink from the last address. 22 1 read-write OUTLINK_PARK_CH 1: the outlink descriptor's FSM is in idle state. 0: the outlink descriptor's FSM is working. 23 1 read-only 5 0xC0 OUT_STATE_CH%s Transmit status of Tx channel 0 0x84 0x20 OUTLINK_DSCR_ADDR_CH This register stores the current outlink descriptor's address. 0 18 read-only OUT_DSCR_STATE_CH reserved 18 2 read-only OUT_STATE_CH reserved 20 3 read-only 5 0xC0 OUT_EOF_DES_ADDR_CH%s Outlink descriptor address when EOF occurs of Tx channel 0 0x88 0x20 OUT_EOF_DES_ADDR_CH This register stores the address of the outlink descriptor when the EOF bit in this descriptor is 1. 0 32 read-only 5 0xC0 OUT_EOF_BFR_DES_ADDR_CH%s The last outlink descriptor address when EOF occurs of Tx channel 0 0x8C 0x20 OUT_EOF_BFR_DES_ADDR_CH This register stores the address of the outlink descriptor before the last outlink descriptor. 0 32 read-only 5 0xC0 OUT_DSCR_CH%s Current inlink descriptor address of Tx channel 0 0x90 0x20 OUTLINK_DSCR_CH The address of the current outlink descriptor y. 0 32 read-only 5 0xC0 OUT_DSCR_BF0_CH%s The last inlink descriptor address of Tx channel 0 0x94 0x20 OUTLINK_DSCR_BF0_CH The address of the last outlink descriptor y-1. 0 32 read-only 5 0xC0 OUT_DSCR_BF1_CH%s The second-to-last inlink descriptor address of Tx channel 0 0x98 0x20 OUTLINK_DSCR_BF1_CH The address of the second-to-last inlink descriptor x-2. 0 32 read-only 5 0xC0 OUT_WIGHT_CH%s Weight register of Rx channel 0 0x9C 0x20 0x00000F00 TX_WEIGHT_CH The weight of Tx channel 0. 8 4 read-write 5 0xC0 OUT_PRI_CH%s Priority register of Tx channel 0. 0xA4 0x20 TX_PRI_CH The priority of Tx channel 0. The larger of the value, the higher of the priority. 0 4 read-write 5 0xC0 OUT_PERI_SEL_CH%s Peripheral selection of Tx channel 0 0xA8 0x20 0x0000003F PERI_OUT_SEL_CH This register is used to select peripheral for Tx channel 0. 0:SPI2. 1: SPI3. 2: UHCI0. 3: I2S0. 4: I2S1. 5: LCD_CAM. 6: AES. 7: SHA. 8: ADC_DAC. 9: RMT. 0 6 read-write AHB_TEST reserved 0x3C0 0x20 AHB_TESTMODE reserved 0 3 read-write AHB_TESTADDR reserved 4 2 read-write PD_CONF reserved 0x3C4 0x20 0x00000020 DMA_RAM_FORCE_PD Set this bit to force power down DMA internal memory. 4 1 read-write DMA_RAM_FORCE_PU Set this bit to force power up DMA internal memory 5 1 read-write DMA_RAM_CLK_FO 1: Force to open the clock and bypass the gate-clock when accessing the RAM in DMA. 0: A gate-clock will be used when accessing the RAM in DMA. 6 1 read-write MISC_CONF MISC register 0x3C8 0x20 AHBM_RST_INTER Set this bit, then clear this bit to reset the internal ahb FSM. 0 1 read-write AHBM_RST_EXTER Set this bit, then clear this bit to reset the external ahb FSM. 1 1 read-write ARB_PRI_DIS Set this bit to disable priority arbitration function. 2 1 read-write CLK_EN 1'h1: Force clock on for register. 1'h0: Support clock only when application writes registers. 4 1 read-write 5 0x8 IN_SRAM_SIZE_CH%s Receive L2 FIFO depth of Rx channel 0 0x3CC 0x20 0x0000000E IN_SIZE_CH This register is used to configure the size of L2 Tx FIFO for Rx channel 0. 0:16 bytes. 1:24 bytes. 2:32 bytes. 3: 40 bytes. 4: 48 bytes. 5:56 bytes. 6: 64 bytes. 7: 72 bytes. 8: 80 bytes. 0 7 read-write 5 0x8 OUT_SRAM_SIZE_CH%s Transmit L2 FIFO depth of Tx channel 0 0x3D0 0x20 0x0000000E OUT_SIZE_CH This register is used to configure the size of L2 Tx FIFO for Tx channel 0. 0:16 bytes. 1:24 bytes. 2:32 bytes. 3: 40 bytes. 4: 48 bytes. 5:56 bytes. 6: 64 bytes. 7: 72 bytes. 8: 80 bytes. 0 7 read-write EXTMEM_REJECT_ADDR Reject address accessing external RAM 0x3F4 0x20 EXTMEM_REJECT_ADDR This register store the first address rejected by permission control when accessing external RAM. 0 32 read-only EXTMEM_REJECT_ST Reject status accessing external RAM 0x3F8 0x20 EXTMEM_REJECT_ATRR The reject accessing. Bit 0: if this bit is 1, the rejected accessing is READ. Bit 1: if this bit is 1, the rejected accessing is WRITE. 0 2 read-only EXTMEM_REJECT_CHANNEL_NUM The register indicate the reject accessing from which channel. 2 4 read-only EXTMEM_REJECT_PERI_NUM This register indicate reject accessing from which peripheral. 6 6 read-only EXTMEM_REJECT_INT_RAW Raw interrupt status of external RAM permission 0x3FC 0x20 EXTMEM_REJECT_INT_RAW The raw interrupt bit turns to high level when accessing external RAM is rejected by permission control. 0 1 read-only EXTMEM_REJECT_INT_ST Masked interrupt status of external RAM permission 0x400 0x20 EXTMEM_REJECT_INT_ST The raw interrupt status bit for the EXTMEM_REJECT_INT interrupt. 0 1 read-only EXTMEM_REJECT_INT_ENA Interrupt enable bits of external RAM permission 0x404 0x20 EXTMEM_REJECT_INT_ENA The interrupt enable bit for the EXTMEM_REJECT_INT interrupt. 0 1 read-write EXTMEM_REJECT_INT_CLR Interrupt clear bits of external RAM permission 0x408 0x20 EXTMEM_REJECT_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the EXTMEM_REJECT_INT interrupt. 0 1 write-only DATE Version control register 0x40C 0x20 0x02101180 DATE register version. 0 32 read-write DS Digital Signature DS 0x6003D000 0x0 0xA5C registers 1584 0x1 C_MEM[%s] Memory C 0x0 0x8 4 0x4 IV_%s IV block data 0x630 0x20 IV_0 Stores IV block data 0 32 read-write 512 0x1 X_MEM[%s] Memory X 0x800 0x8 512 0x1 Z_MEM[%s] Memory Z 0xA00 0x8 SET_START Activates the DS peripheral 0xE00 0x20 SET_START Write 1 to this register to active the DS peripheral 0 1 write-only SET_ME Starts DS operation 0xE04 0x20 SET_ME Write 1 to this register to start DS operation. 0 1 write-only SET_FINISH Ends DS operation 0xE08 0x20 SET_FINISH Write 1 to this register to end DS operation. 0 1 write-only QUERY_BUSY Status of the DS perihperal 0xE0C 0x20 QUERY_BUSY Stores the status of the DS peripheral. 1: The DS peripheral is busy. 0: The DS peripheral is idle. 0 1 read-only QUERY_KEY_WRONG Checks the reason why DS_KEY is not ready 0xE10 0x20 QUERY_KEY_WRONG 1-15: HMAC was activated, but the DS peripheral did not successfully receive the DS_KEY from the HMAC peripheral. (The biggest value is 15). 0: HMAC is not activated. 0 4 read-only QUERY_CHECK Queries DS check result 0xE14 0x20 MD_ERROR MD checkout result. 1: The MD check fails. 0: The MD check passes. 0 1 read-only PADDING_BAD padding checkout result. 1: The padding check fails. 0: The padding check passes. 1 1 read-only DATE DS version control register 0xE20 0x20 0x20191217 DATE ds version information 0 30 read-write EFUSE eFuse Controller EFUSE 0x60007000 0x0 0x1CC registers EFUSE 36 PGM_DATA0 Register 0 that stores data to be programmed. 0x0 0x20 PGM_DATA_0 The content of the 0th 32-bit data to be programmed. 0 32 read-write PGM_DATA1 Register 1 that stores data to be programmed. 0x4 0x20 PGM_DATA_1 The content of the 1st 32-bit data to be programmed. 0 32 read-write PGM_DATA2 Register 2 that stores data to be programmed. 0x8 0x20 PGM_DATA_2 The content of the 2nd 32-bit data to be programmed. 0 32 read-write PGM_DATA3 Register 3 that stores data to be programmed. 0xC 0x20 PGM_DATA_3 The content of the 3rd 32-bit data to be programmed. 0 32 read-write PGM_DATA4 Register 4 that stores data to be programmed. 0x10 0x20 PGM_DATA_4 The content of the 4th 32-bit data to be programmed. 0 32 read-write PGM_DATA5 Register 5 that stores data to be programmed. 0x14 0x20 PGM_DATA_5 The content of the 5th 32-bit data to be programmed. 0 32 read-write PGM_DATA6 Register 6 that stores data to be programmed. 0x18 0x20 PGM_DATA_6 The content of the 6th 32-bit data to be programmed. 0 32 read-write PGM_DATA7 Register 7 that stores data to be programmed. 0x1C 0x20 PGM_DATA_7 The content of the 7th 32-bit data to be programmed. 0 32 read-write PGM_CHECK_VALUE0 Register 0 that stores the RS code to be programmed. 0x20 0x20 PGM_RS_DATA_0 The content of the 0th 32-bit RS code to be programmed. 0 32 read-write PGM_CHECK_VALUE1 Register 1 that stores the RS code to be programmed. 0x24 0x20 PGM_RS_DATA_1 The content of the 1st 32-bit RS code to be programmed. 0 32 read-write PGM_CHECK_VALUE2 Register 2 that stores the RS code to be programmed. 0x28 0x20 PGM_RS_DATA_2 The content of the 2nd 32-bit RS code to be programmed. 0 32 read-write RD_WR_DIS BLOCK0 data register 0. 0x2C 0x20 WR_DIS Disable programming of individual eFuses. 0 32 read-only RD_REPEAT_DATA0 BLOCK0 data register 1. 0x30 0x20 RD_DIS Set this bit to disable reading from BlOCK4-10. 0 7 read-only DIS_RTC_RAM_BOOT Set this bit to disable boot from RTC RAM. 7 1 read-only DIS_ICACHE Set this bit to disable Icache. 8 1 read-only DIS_DCACHE Set this bit to disable Dcache. 9 1 read-only DIS_DOWNLOAD_ICACHE Set this bit to disable Icache in download mode (boot_mode[3:0] is 0, 1, 2, 3, 6, 7). 10 1 read-only DIS_DOWNLOAD_DCACHE Set this bit to disable Dcache in download mode ( boot_mode[3:0] is 0, 1, 2, 3, 6, 7). 11 1 read-only DIS_FORCE_DOWNLOAD Set this bit to disable the function that forces chip into download mode. 12 1 read-only DIS_USB Set this bit to disable USB function. 13 1 read-only DIS_CAN Set this bit to disable CAN function. 14 1 read-only DIS_APP_CPU Disable app cpu. 15 1 read-only SOFT_DIS_JTAG Set these bits to disable JTAG in the soft way (odd number 1 means disable ). JTAG can be enabled in HMAC module. 16 3 read-only DIS_PAD_JTAG Set this bit to disable JTAG in the hard way. JTAG is disabled permanently. 19 1 read-only DIS_DOWNLOAD_MANUAL_ENCRYPT Set this bit to disable flash encryption when in download boot modes. 20 1 read-only USB_DREFH Controls single-end input threshold vrefh, 1.76 V to 2 V with step of 80 mV, stored in eFuse. 21 2 read-only USB_DREFL Controls single-end input threshold vrefl, 0.8 V to 1.04 V with step of 80 mV, stored in eFuse. 23 2 read-only USB_EXCHG_PINS Set this bit to exchange USB D+ and D- pins. 25 1 read-only EXT_PHY_ENABLE Set this bit to enable external PHY. 26 1 read-only BTLC_GPIO_ENABLE Bluetooth GPIO signal output security level control. 27 2 read-only VDD_SPI_MODECURLIM SPI regulator switches current limit mode. 29 1 read-only VDD_SPI_DREFH SPI regulator high voltage reference. 30 2 read-only RD_REPEAT_DATA1 BLOCK0 data register 2. 0x34 0x20 VDD_SPI_DREFM SPI regulator medium voltage reference. 0 2 read-only VDD_SPI_DREFL SPI regulator low voltage reference. 2 2 read-only VDD_SPI_XPD SPI regulator power up signal. 4 1 read-only VDD_SPI_TIEH SPI regulator output is short connected to VDD3P3_RTC_IO. 5 1 read-only VDD_SPI_FORCE Set this bit and force to use the configuration of eFuse to configure VDD_SPI. 6 1 read-only VDD_SPI_EN_INIT Set SPI regulator to 0 to configure init[1:0]=0. 7 1 read-only VDD_SPI_ENCURLIM Set SPI regulator to 1 to enable output current limit. 8 1 read-only VDD_SPI_DCURLIM Tunes the current limit threshold of SPI regulator when tieh=0, about 800 mA/(8+d). 9 3 read-only VDD_SPI_INIT Adds resistor from LDO output to ground. 0: no resistance 1: 6 K 2: 4 K 3: 2 K. 12 2 read-only VDD_SPI_DCAP Prevents SPI regulator from overshoot. 14 2 read-only WDT_DELAY_SEL Selects RTC watchdog timeout threshold, in unit of slow clock cycle. 0: 40000. 1: 80000. 2: 160000. 3:320000. 16 2 read-only SPI_BOOT_CRYPT_CNT Set this bit to enable SPI boot encrypt/decrypt. Odd number of 1: enable. even number of 1: disable. 18 3 read-only SECURE_BOOT_KEY_REVOKE0 Set this bit to enable revoking first secure boot key. 21 1 read-only SECURE_BOOT_KEY_REVOKE1 Set this bit to enable revoking second secure boot key. 22 1 read-only SECURE_BOOT_KEY_REVOKE2 Set this bit to enable revoking third secure boot key. 23 1 read-only KEY_PURPOSE_0 Purpose of Key0. 24 4 read-only KEY_PURPOSE_1 Purpose of Key1. 28 4 read-only RD_REPEAT_DATA2 BLOCK0 data register 3. 0x38 0x20 KEY_PURPOSE_2 Purpose of Key2. 0 4 read-only KEY_PURPOSE_3 Purpose of Key3. 4 4 read-only KEY_PURPOSE_4 Purpose of Key4. 8 4 read-only KEY_PURPOSE_5 Purpose of Key5. 12 4 read-only RPT4_RESERVED0 Reserved (used for four backups method). 16 4 read-only SECURE_BOOT_EN Set this bit to enable secure boot. 20 1 read-only SECURE_BOOT_AGGRESSIVE_REVOKE Set this bit to enable revoking aggressive secure boot. 21 1 read-only DIS_USB_JTAG Set this bit to disable function of usb switch to jtag in module of usb device. 22 1 read-only DIS_USB_DEVICE Set this bit to disable usb device. 23 1 read-only STRAP_JTAG_SEL Set this bit to enable selection between usb_to_jtag and pad_to_jtag through strapping gpio10 when both reg_dis_usb_jtag and reg_dis_pad_jtag are equal to 0. 24 1 read-only USB_PHY_SEL This bit is used to switch internal PHY and external PHY for USB OTG and USB Device. 0: internal PHY is assigned to USB Device while external PHY is assigned to USB OTG. 1: internal PHY is assigned to USB OTG while external PHY is assigned to USB Device. 25 1 read-only POWER_GLITCH_DSENSE Sample delay configuration of power glitch. 26 2 read-only FLASH_TPUW Configures flash waiting time after power-up, in unit of ms. If the value is less than 15, the waiting time is the configurable value. Otherwise, the waiting time is twice the configurable value. 28 4 read-only RD_REPEAT_DATA3 BLOCK0 data register 4. 0x3C 0x20 DIS_DOWNLOAD_MODE Set this bit to disable download mode (boot_mode[3:0] = 0, 1, 2, 3, 6, 7). 0 1 read-only DIS_LEGACY_SPI_BOOT Set this bit to disable Legacy SPI boot mode (boot_mode[3:0] = 4). 1 1 read-only UART_PRINT_CHANNEL Selectes the default UART print channel. 0: UART0. 1: UART1. 2 1 read-only FLASH_ECC_MODE Set ECC mode in ROM, 0: ROM would Enable Flash ECC 16to18 byte mode. 1:ROM would use 16to17 byte mode. 3 1 read-only DIS_USB_DOWNLOAD_MODE Set this bit to disable UART download mode through USB. 4 1 read-only ENABLE_SECURITY_DOWNLOAD Set this bit to enable secure UART download mode. 5 1 read-only UART_PRINT_CONTROL Set the default UARTboot message output mode. 00: Enabled. 01: Enabled when GPIO8 is low at reset. 10: Enabled when GPIO8 is high at reset. 11:disabled. 6 2 read-only PIN_POWER_SELECTION GPIO33-GPIO37 power supply selection in ROM code. 0: VDD3P3_CPU. 1: VDD_SPI. 8 1 read-only FLASH_TYPE Set the maximum lines of SPI flash. 0: four lines. 1: eight lines. 9 1 read-only FLASH_PAGE_SIZE Set Flash page size. 10 2 read-only FLASH_ECC_EN Set 1 to enable ECC for flash boot. 12 1 read-only FORCE_SEND_RESUME Set this bit to force ROM code to send a resume command during SPI boot. 13 1 read-only SECURE_VERSION Secure version (used by ESP-IDF anti-rollback feature). 14 16 read-only POWERGLITCH_EN Set this bit to enable power glitch function. 30 1 read-only RPT4_RESERVED1 Reserved (used for four backups method). 31 1 read-only RD_REPEAT_DATA4 BLOCK0 data register 5. 0x40 0x20 RPT4_RESERVED2 Reserved (used for four backups method). 0 24 read-only RD_MAC_SPI_SYS_0 BLOCK1 data register 0. 0x44 0x20 MAC_0 Stores the low 32 bits of MAC address. 0 32 read-only RD_MAC_SPI_SYS_1 BLOCK1 data register 1. 0x48 0x20 MAC_1 Stores the high 16 bits of MAC address. 0 16 read-only SPI_PAD_CONF_0 Stores the zeroth part of SPI_PAD_CONF. 16 16 read-only RD_MAC_SPI_SYS_2 BLOCK1 data register 2. 0x4C 0x20 SPI_PAD_CONF_1 Stores the first part of SPI_PAD_CONF. 0 32 read-only RD_MAC_SPI_SYS_3 BLOCK1 data register 3. 0x50 0x20 SPI_PAD_CONF_2 Stores the second part of SPI_PAD_CONF. 0 18 read-only SYS_DATA_PART0_0 Stores the fist 14 bits of the zeroth part of system data. 18 14 read-only RD_MAC_SPI_SYS_4 BLOCK1 data register 4. 0x54 0x20 SYS_DATA_PART0_1 Stores the fist 32 bits of the zeroth part of system data. 0 32 read-only RD_MAC_SPI_SYS_5 BLOCK1 data register 5. 0x58 0x20 SYS_DATA_PART0_2 Stores the second 32 bits of the zeroth part of system data. 0 32 read-only RD_SYS_PART1_DATA0 Register 0 of BLOCK2 (system). 0x5C 0x20 SYS_DATA_PART1_0 Stores the zeroth 32 bits of the first part of system data. 0 32 read-only RD_SYS_PART1_DATA1 Register 1 of BLOCK2 (system). 0x60 0x20 SYS_DATA_PART1_1 Stores the first 32 bits of the first part of system data. 0 32 read-only RD_SYS_PART1_DATA2 Register 2 of BLOCK2 (system). 0x64 0x20 SYS_DATA_PART1_2 Stores the second 32 bits of the first part of system data. 0 32 read-only RD_SYS_PART1_DATA3 Register 3 of BLOCK2 (system). 0x68 0x20 SYS_DATA_PART1_3 Stores the third 32 bits of the first part of system data. 0 32 read-only RD_SYS_PART1_DATA4 Register 4 of BLOCK2 (system). 0x6C 0x20 SYS_DATA_PART1_4 Stores the fourth 32 bits of the first part of system data. 0 32 read-only RD_SYS_PART1_DATA5 Register 5 of BLOCK2 (system). 0x70 0x20 SYS_DATA_PART1_5 Stores the fifth 32 bits of the first part of system data. 0 32 read-only RD_SYS_PART1_DATA6 Register 6 of BLOCK2 (system). 0x74 0x20 SYS_DATA_PART1_6 Stores the sixth 32 bits of the first part of system data. 0 32 read-only RD_SYS_PART1_DATA7 Register 7 of BLOCK2 (system). 0x78 0x20 SYS_DATA_PART1_7 Stores the seventh 32 bits of the first part of system data. 0 32 read-only RD_USR_DATA0 Register 0 of BLOCK3 (user). 0x7C 0x20 USR_DATA0 Stores the zeroth 32 bits of BLOCK3 (user). 0 32 read-only RD_USR_DATA1 Register 1 of BLOCK3 (user). 0x80 0x20 USR_DATA1 Stores the first 32 bits of BLOCK3 (user). 0 32 read-only RD_USR_DATA2 Register 2 of BLOCK3 (user). 0x84 0x20 USR_DATA2 Stores the second 32 bits of BLOCK3 (user). 0 32 read-only RD_USR_DATA3 Register 3 of BLOCK3 (user). 0x88 0x20 USR_DATA3 Stores the third 32 bits of BLOCK3 (user). 0 32 read-only RD_USR_DATA4 Register 4 of BLOCK3 (user). 0x8C 0x20 USR_DATA4 Stores the fourth 32 bits of BLOCK3 (user). 0 32 read-only RD_USR_DATA5 Register 5 of BLOCK3 (user). 0x90 0x20 USR_DATA5 Stores the fifth 32 bits of BLOCK3 (user). 0 32 read-only RD_USR_DATA6 Register 6 of BLOCK3 (user). 0x94 0x20 USR_DATA6 Stores the sixth 32 bits of BLOCK3 (user). 0 32 read-only RD_USR_DATA7 Register 7 of BLOCK3 (user). 0x98 0x20 USR_DATA7 Stores the seventh 32 bits of BLOCK3 (user). 0 32 read-only RD_KEY0_DATA0 Register 0 of BLOCK4 (KEY0). 0x9C 0x20 KEY0_DATA0 Stores the zeroth 32 bits of KEY0. 0 32 read-only RD_KEY0_DATA1 Register 1 of BLOCK4 (KEY0). 0xA0 0x20 KEY0_DATA1 Stores the first 32 bits of KEY0. 0 32 read-only RD_KEY0_DATA2 Register 2 of BLOCK4 (KEY0). 0xA4 0x20 KEY0_DATA2 Stores the second 32 bits of KEY0. 0 32 read-only RD_KEY0_DATA3 Register 3 of BLOCK4 (KEY0). 0xA8 0x20 KEY0_DATA3 Stores the third 32 bits of KEY0. 0 32 read-only RD_KEY0_DATA4 Register 4 of BLOCK4 (KEY0). 0xAC 0x20 KEY0_DATA4 Stores the fourth 32 bits of KEY0. 0 32 read-only RD_KEY0_DATA5 Register 5 of BLOCK4 (KEY0). 0xB0 0x20 KEY0_DATA5 Stores the fifth 32 bits of KEY0. 0 32 read-only RD_KEY0_DATA6 Register 6 of BLOCK4 (KEY0). 0xB4 0x20 KEY0_DATA6 Stores the sixth 32 bits of KEY0. 0 32 read-only RD_KEY0_DATA7 Register 7 of BLOCK4 (KEY0). 0xB8 0x20 KEY0_DATA7 Stores the seventh 32 bits of KEY0. 0 32 read-only RD_KEY1_DATA0 Register 0 of BLOCK5 (KEY1). 0xBC 0x20 KEY1_DATA0 Stores the zeroth 32 bits of KEY1. 0 32 read-only RD_KEY1_DATA1 Register 1 of BLOCK5 (KEY1). 0xC0 0x20 KEY1_DATA1 Stores the first 32 bits of KEY1. 0 32 read-only RD_KEY1_DATA2 Register 2 of BLOCK5 (KEY1). 0xC4 0x20 KEY1_DATA2 Stores the second 32 bits of KEY1. 0 32 read-only RD_KEY1_DATA3 Register 3 of BLOCK5 (KEY1). 0xC8 0x20 KEY1_DATA3 Stores the third 32 bits of KEY1. 0 32 read-only RD_KEY1_DATA4 Register 4 of BLOCK5 (KEY1). 0xCC 0x20 KEY1_DATA4 Stores the fourth 32 bits of KEY1. 0 32 read-only RD_KEY1_DATA5 Register 5 of BLOCK5 (KEY1). 0xD0 0x20 KEY1_DATA5 Stores the fifth 32 bits of KEY1. 0 32 read-only RD_KEY1_DATA6 Register 6 of BLOCK5 (KEY1). 0xD4 0x20 KEY1_DATA6 Stores the sixth 32 bits of KEY1. 0 32 read-only RD_KEY1_DATA7 Register 7 of BLOCK5 (KEY1). 0xD8 0x20 KEY1_DATA7 Stores the seventh 32 bits of KEY1. 0 32 read-only RD_KEY2_DATA0 Register 0 of BLOCK6 (KEY2). 0xDC 0x20 KEY2_DATA0 Stores the zeroth 32 bits of KEY2. 0 32 read-only RD_KEY2_DATA1 Register 1 of BLOCK6 (KEY2). 0xE0 0x20 KEY2_DATA1 Stores the first 32 bits of KEY2. 0 32 read-only RD_KEY2_DATA2 Register 2 of BLOCK6 (KEY2). 0xE4 0x20 KEY2_DATA2 Stores the second 32 bits of KEY2. 0 32 read-only RD_KEY2_DATA3 Register 3 of BLOCK6 (KEY2). 0xE8 0x20 KEY2_DATA3 Stores the third 32 bits of KEY2. 0 32 read-only RD_KEY2_DATA4 Register 4 of BLOCK6 (KEY2). 0xEC 0x20 KEY2_DATA4 Stores the fourth 32 bits of KEY2. 0 32 read-only RD_KEY2_DATA5 Register 5 of BLOCK6 (KEY2). 0xF0 0x20 KEY2_DATA5 Stores the fifth 32 bits of KEY2. 0 32 read-only RD_KEY2_DATA6 Register 6 of BLOCK6 (KEY2). 0xF4 0x20 KEY2_DATA6 Stores the sixth 32 bits of KEY2. 0 32 read-only RD_KEY2_DATA7 Register 7 of BLOCK6 (KEY2). 0xF8 0x20 KEY2_DATA7 Stores the seventh 32 bits of KEY2. 0 32 read-only RD_KEY3_DATA0 Register 0 of BLOCK7 (KEY3). 0xFC 0x20 KEY3_DATA0 Stores the zeroth 32 bits of KEY3. 0 32 read-only RD_KEY3_DATA1 Register 1 of BLOCK7 (KEY3). 0x100 0x20 KEY3_DATA1 Stores the first 32 bits of KEY3. 0 32 read-only RD_KEY3_DATA2 Register 2 of BLOCK7 (KEY3). 0x104 0x20 KEY3_DATA2 Stores the second 32 bits of KEY3. 0 32 read-only RD_KEY3_DATA3 Register 3 of BLOCK7 (KEY3). 0x108 0x20 KEY3_DATA3 Stores the third 32 bits of KEY3. 0 32 read-only RD_KEY3_DATA4 Register 4 of BLOCK7 (KEY3). 0x10C 0x20 KEY3_DATA4 Stores the fourth 32 bits of KEY3. 0 32 read-only RD_KEY3_DATA5 Register 5 of BLOCK7 (KEY3). 0x110 0x20 KEY3_DATA5 Stores the fifth 32 bits of KEY3. 0 32 read-only RD_KEY3_DATA6 Register 6 of BLOCK7 (KEY3). 0x114 0x20 KEY3_DATA6 Stores the sixth 32 bits of KEY3. 0 32 read-only RD_KEY3_DATA7 Register 7 of BLOCK7 (KEY3). 0x118 0x20 KEY3_DATA7 Stores the seventh 32 bits of KEY3. 0 32 read-only RD_KEY4_DATA0 Register 0 of BLOCK8 (KEY4). 0x11C 0x20 KEY4_DATA0 Stores the zeroth 32 bits of KEY4. 0 32 read-only RD_KEY4_DATA1 Register 1 of BLOCK8 (KEY4). 0x120 0x20 KEY4_DATA1 Stores the first 32 bits of KEY4. 0 32 read-only RD_KEY4_DATA2 Register 2 of BLOCK8 (KEY4). 0x124 0x20 KEY4_DATA2 Stores the second 32 bits of KEY4. 0 32 read-only RD_KEY4_DATA3 Register 3 of BLOCK8 (KEY4). 0x128 0x20 KEY4_DATA3 Stores the third 32 bits of KEY4. 0 32 read-only RD_KEY4_DATA4 Register 4 of BLOCK8 (KEY4). 0x12C 0x20 KEY4_DATA4 Stores the fourth 32 bits of KEY4. 0 32 read-only RD_KEY4_DATA5 Register 5 of BLOCK8 (KEY4). 0x130 0x20 KEY4_DATA5 Stores the fifth 32 bits of KEY4. 0 32 read-only RD_KEY4_DATA6 Register 6 of BLOCK8 (KEY4). 0x134 0x20 KEY4_DATA6 Stores the sixth 32 bits of KEY4. 0 32 read-only RD_KEY4_DATA7 Register 7 of BLOCK8 (KEY4). 0x138 0x20 KEY4_DATA7 Stores the seventh 32 bits of KEY4. 0 32 read-only RD_KEY5_DATA0 Register 0 of BLOCK9 (KEY5). 0x13C 0x20 KEY5_DATA0 Stores the zeroth 32 bits of KEY5. 0 32 read-only RD_KEY5_DATA1 Register 1 of BLOCK9 (KEY5). 0x140 0x20 KEY5_DATA1 Stores the first 32 bits of KEY5. 0 32 read-only RD_KEY5_DATA2 Register 2 of BLOCK9 (KEY5). 0x144 0x20 KEY5_DATA2 Stores the second 32 bits of KEY5. 0 32 read-only RD_KEY5_DATA3 Register 3 of BLOCK9 (KEY5). 0x148 0x20 KEY5_DATA3 Stores the third 32 bits of KEY5. 0 32 read-only RD_KEY5_DATA4 Register 4 of BLOCK9 (KEY5). 0x14C 0x20 KEY5_DATA4 Stores the fourth 32 bits of KEY5. 0 32 read-only RD_KEY5_DATA5 Register 5 of BLOCK9 (KEY5). 0x150 0x20 KEY5_DATA5 Stores the fifth 32 bits of KEY5. 0 32 read-only RD_KEY5_DATA6 Register 6 of BLOCK9 (KEY5). 0x154 0x20 KEY5_DATA6 Stores the sixth 32 bits of KEY5. 0 32 read-only RD_KEY5_DATA7 Register 7 of BLOCK9 (KEY5). 0x158 0x20 KEY5_DATA7 Stores the seventh 32 bits of KEY5. 0 32 read-only RD_SYS_PART2_DATA0 Register 0 of BLOCK10 (system). 0x15C 0x20 SYS_DATA_PART2_0 Stores the 0th 32 bits of the 2nd part of system data. 0 32 read-only RD_SYS_PART2_DATA1 Register 1 of BLOCK9 (KEY5). 0x160 0x20 SYS_DATA_PART2_1 Stores the 1st 32 bits of the 2nd part of system data. 0 32 read-only RD_SYS_PART2_DATA2 Register 2 of BLOCK10 (system). 0x164 0x20 SYS_DATA_PART2_2 Stores the 2nd 32 bits of the 2nd part of system data. 0 32 read-only RD_SYS_PART2_DATA3 Register 3 of BLOCK10 (system). 0x168 0x20 SYS_DATA_PART2_3 Stores the 3rd 32 bits of the 2nd part of system data. 0 32 read-only RD_SYS_PART2_DATA4 Register 4 of BLOCK10 (system). 0x16C 0x20 SYS_DATA_PART2_4 Stores the 4th 32 bits of the 2nd part of system data. 0 32 read-only RD_SYS_PART2_DATA5 Register 5 of BLOCK10 (system). 0x170 0x20 SYS_DATA_PART2_5 Stores the 5th 32 bits of the 2nd part of system data. 0 32 read-only RD_SYS_PART2_DATA6 Register 6 of BLOCK10 (system). 0x174 0x20 SYS_DATA_PART2_6 Stores the 6th 32 bits of the 2nd part of system data. 0 32 read-only RD_SYS_PART2_DATA7 Register 7 of BLOCK10 (system). 0x178 0x20 SYS_DATA_PART2_7 Stores the 7th 32 bits of the 2nd part of system data. 0 32 read-only RD_REPEAT_ERR0 Programming error record register 0 of BLOCK0. 0x17C 0x20 RD_DIS_ERR If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error. 0 7 read-only DIS_RTC_RAM_BOOT_ERR If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error. 7 1 read-only DIS_ICACHE_ERR If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error. 8 1 read-only DIS_DCACHE_ERR If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error. 9 1 read-only DIS_DOWNLOAD_ICACHE_ERR If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error. 10 1 read-only DIS_DOWNLOAD_DCACHE_ERR If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error. 11 1 read-only DIS_FORCE_DOWNLOAD_ERR If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error. 12 1 read-only DIS_USB_ERR If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error. 13 1 read-only DIS_CAN_ERR If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error. 14 1 read-only DIS_APP_CPU_ERR If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error. 15 1 read-only SOFT_DIS_JTAG_ERR If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error. 16 3 read-only DIS_PAD_JTAG_ERR If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error. 19 1 read-only DIS_DOWNLOAD_MANUAL_ENCRYPT_ERR If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error. 20 1 read-only USB_DREFH_ERR If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error. 21 2 read-only USB_DREFL_ERR If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error. 23 2 read-only USB_EXCHG_PINS_ERR If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error. 25 1 read-only EXT_PHY_ENABLE_ERR If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error. 26 1 read-only BTLC_GPIO_ENABLE_ERR If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error. 27 2 read-only VDD_SPI_MODECURLIM_ERR If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error. 29 1 read-only VDD_SPI_DREFH_ERR If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error. 30 2 read-only RD_REPEAT_ERR1 Programming error record register 1 of BLOCK0. 0x180 0x20 VDD_SPI_DREFM_ERR If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error. 0 2 read-only VDD_SPI_DREFL_ERR If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error. 2 2 read-only VDD_SPI_XPD_ERR If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error. 4 1 read-only VDD_SPI_TIEH_ERR If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error. 5 1 read-only VDD_SPI_FORCE_ERR If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error. 6 1 read-only VDD_SPI_EN_INIT_ERR If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error. 7 1 read-only VDD_SPI_ENCURLIM_ERR If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error. 8 1 read-only VDD_SPI_DCURLIM_ERR If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error. 9 3 read-only VDD_SPI_INIT_ERR If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error. 12 2 read-only VDD_SPI_DCAP_ERR If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error. 14 2 read-only WDT_DELAY_SEL_ERR If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error. 16 2 read-only SPI_BOOT_CRYPT_CNT_ERR If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error. 18 3 read-only SECURE_BOOT_KEY_REVOKE0_ERR If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error. 21 1 read-only SECURE_BOOT_KEY_REVOKE1_ERR If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error. 22 1 read-only SECURE_BOOT_KEY_REVOKE2_ERR If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error. 23 1 read-only KEY_PURPOSE_0_ERR If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error. 24 4 read-only KEY_PURPOSE_1_ERR If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error. 28 4 read-only RD_REPEAT_ERR2 Programming error record register 2 of BLOCK0. 0x184 0x20 KEY_PURPOSE_2_ERR If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error. 0 4 read-only KEY_PURPOSE_3_ERR If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error. 4 4 read-only KEY_PURPOSE_4_ERR If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error. 8 4 read-only KEY_PURPOSE_5_ERR If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error. 12 4 read-only RPT4_RESERVED0_ERR If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error. 16 4 read-only SECURE_BOOT_EN_ERR If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error. 20 1 read-only SECURE_BOOT_AGGRESSIVE_REVOKE_ERR If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error. 21 1 read-only DIS_USB_JTAG_ERR If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error. 22 1 read-only DIS_USB_DEVICE_ERR If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error. 23 1 read-only STRAP_JTAG_SEL_ERR If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error. 24 1 read-only USB_PHY_SEL_ERR If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error. 25 1 read-only POWER_GLITCH_DSENSE_ERR If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error. 26 2 read-only FLASH_TPUW_ERR If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error. 28 4 read-only RD_REPEAT_ERR3 Programming error record register 3 of BLOCK0. 0x188 0x20 DIS_DOWNLOAD_MODE_ERR If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error. 0 1 read-only DIS_LEGACY_SPI_BOOT_ERR If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error. 1 1 read-only UART_PRINT_CHANNEL_ERR If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error. 2 1 read-only FLASH_ECC_MODE_ERR If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error. 3 1 read-only DIS_USB_DOWNLOAD_MODE_ERR If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error. 4 1 read-only ENABLE_SECURITY_DOWNLOAD_ERR If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error. 5 1 read-only UART_PRINT_CONTROL_ERR If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error. 6 2 read-only PIN_POWER_SELECTION_ERR If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error. 8 1 read-only FLASH_TYPE_ERR If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error. 9 1 read-only FLASH_PAGE_SIZE_ERR If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error. 10 2 read-only FLASH_ECC_EN_ERR If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error. 12 1 read-only FORCE_SEND_RESUME_ERR If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error. 13 1 read-only SECURE_VERSION_ERR If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error. 14 16 read-only POWERGLITCH_EN_ERR If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error. 30 1 read-only RPT4_RESERVED1_ERR Reserved. 31 1 read-only RD_REPEAT_ERR4 Programming error record register 4 of BLOCK0. 0x190 0x20 RPT4_RESERVED2_ERR If any bits in this filed are 1, then it indicates a programming error. 0 24 read-only RD_RS_ERR0 Programming error record register 0 of BLOCK1-10. 0x1C0 0x20 MAC_SPI_8M_ERR_NUM The value of this signal means the number of error bytes. 0 3 read-only MAC_SPI_8M_FAIL 0: Means no failure and that the data of MAC_SPI_8M is reliable 1: Means that programming user data failed and the number of error bytes is over 6. 3 1 read-only SYS_PART1_NUM The value of this signal means the number of error bytes. 4 3 read-only SYS_PART1_FAIL 0: Means no failure and that the data of system part1 is reliable 1: Means that programming user data failed and the number of error bytes is over 6. 7 1 read-only USR_DATA_ERR_NUM The value of this signal means the number of error bytes. 8 3 read-only USR_DATA_FAIL 0: Means no failure and that the user data is reliable 1: Means that programming user data failed and the number of error bytes is over 6. 11 1 read-only KEY0_ERR_NUM The value of this signal means the number of error bytes. 12 3 read-only KEY0_FAIL 0: Means no failure and that the data of key0 is reliable 1: Means that programming key0 failed and the number of error bytes is over 6. 15 1 read-only KEY1_ERR_NUM The value of this signal means the number of error bytes. 16 3 read-only KEY1_FAIL 0: Means no failure and that the data of key1 is reliable 1: Means that programming key1 failed and the number of error bytes is over 6. 19 1 read-only KEY2_ERR_NUM The value of this signal means the number of error bytes. 20 3 read-only KEY2_FAIL 0: Means no failure and that the data of key2 is reliable 1: Means that programming key2 failed and the number of error bytes is over 6. 23 1 read-only KEY3_ERR_NUM The value of this signal means the number of error bytes. 24 3 read-only KEY3_FAIL 0: Means no failure and that the data of key3 is reliable 1: Means that programming key3 failed and the number of error bytes is over 6. 27 1 read-only KEY4_ERR_NUM The value of this signal means the number of error bytes. 28 3 read-only KEY4_FAIL 0: Means no failure and that the data of key4 is reliable 1: Means that programming key4 failed and the number of error bytes is over 6. 31 1 read-only RD_RS_ERR1 Programming error record register 1 of BLOCK1-10. 0x1C4 0x20 KEY5_ERR_NUM The value of this signal means the number of error bytes. 0 3 read-only KEY5_FAIL 0: Means no failure and that the data of KEY5 is reliable 1: Means that programming user data failed and the number of error bytes is over 6. 3 1 read-only SYS_PART2_ERR_NUM The value of this signal means the number of error bytes. 4 3 read-only SYS_PART2_FAIL 0: Means no failure and that the data of system part2 is reliable 1: Means that programming user data failed and the number of error bytes is over 6. 7 1 read-only CLK eFuse clcok configuration register. 0x1C8 0x20 0x00000002 EFUSE_MEM_FORCE_PD Set this bit to force eFuse SRAM into power-saving mode. 0 1 read-write MEM_CLK_FORCE_ON Set this bit and force to activate clock signal of eFuse SRAM. 1 1 read-write EFUSE_MEM_FORCE_PU Set this bit to force eFuse SRAM into working mode. 2 1 read-write EN Set this bit and force to enable clock signal of eFuse memory. 16 1 read-write CONF eFuse operation mode configuraiton register 0x1CC 0x20 OP_CODE 0x5A5A: Operate programming command 0x5AA5: Operate read command. 0 16 read-write STATUS eFuse status register. 0x1D0 0x20 STATE Indicates the state of the eFuse state machine. 0 4 read-only OTP_LOAD_SW The value of OTP_LOAD_SW. 4 1 read-only OTP_VDDQ_C_SYNC2 The value of OTP_VDDQ_C_SYNC2. 5 1 read-only OTP_STROBE_SW The value of OTP_STROBE_SW. 6 1 read-only OTP_CSB_SW The value of OTP_CSB_SW. 7 1 read-only OTP_PGENB_SW The value of OTP_PGENB_SW. 8 1 read-only OTP_VDDQ_IS_SW The value of OTP_VDDQ_IS_SW. 9 1 read-only REPEAT_ERR_CNT Indicates the number of error bits during programming BLOCK0. 10 8 read-only CMD eFuse command register. 0x1D4 0x20 READ_CMD Set this bit to send read command. 0 1 read-write PGM_CMD Set this bit to send programming command. 1 1 read-write BLK_NUM The serial number of the block to be programmed. Value 0-10 corresponds to block number 0-10, respectively. 2 4 read-write INT_RAW eFuse raw interrupt register. 0x1D8 0x20 READ_DONE_INT_RAW The raw bit signal for read_done interrupt. 0 1 read-write PGM_DONE_INT_RAW The raw bit signal for pgm_done interrupt. 1 1 read-write INT_ST eFuse interrupt status register. 0x1DC 0x20 READ_DONE_INT_ST The status signal for read_done interrupt. 0 1 read-only PGM_DONE_INT_ST The status signal for pgm_done interrupt. 1 1 read-only INT_ENA eFuse interrupt enable register. 0x1E0 0x20 READ_DONE_INT_ENA The enable signal for read_done interrupt. 0 1 read-write PGM_DONE_INT_ENA The enable signal for pgm_done interrupt. 1 1 read-write INT_CLR eFuse interrupt clear register. 0x1E4 0x20 READ_DONE_INT_CLR The clear signal for read_done interrupt. 0 1 write-only PGM_DONE_INT_CLR The clear signal for pgm_done interrupt. 1 1 write-only DAC_CONF Controls the eFuse programming voltage. 0x1E8 0x20 0x0001FE1C DAC_CLK_DIV Controls the division factor of the rising clock of the programming voltage. 0 8 read-write DAC_CLK_PAD_SEL Don't care. 8 1 read-write DAC_NUM Controls the rising period of the programming voltage. 9 8 read-write OE_CLR Reduces the power supply of the programming voltage. 17 1 read-write RD_TIM_CONF Configures read timing parameters. 0x1EC 0x20 0x12000000 READ_INIT_NUM Configures the initial read time of eFuse. 24 8 read-write WR_TIM_CONF1 Configurarion register 1 of eFuse programming timing parameters. 0x1F4 0x20 0x00288000 PWR_ON_NUM Configures the power up time for VDDQ. 8 16 read-write WR_TIM_CONF2 Configurarion register 2 of eFuse programming timing parameters. 0x1F8 0x20 0x00000190 PWR_OFF_NUM Configures the power outage time for VDDQ. 0 16 read-write DATE eFuse version register. 0x1FC 0x20 0x02101290 DATE Stores eFuse version. 0 28 read-write EXTMEM External Memory EXTMEM 0x600C4000 0x0 0x17C registers DCACHE_CTRL ******* Description *********** 0x0 0x20 DCACHE_ENABLE The bit is used to activate the data cache. 0: disable, 1: enable 0 1 read-write DCACHE_SIZE_MODE The bit is used to configure cache memory size.0: 32KB, 1: 64KB 2 1 read-write DCACHE_BLOCKSIZE_MODE The bit is used to configure cache block size.0: 16 bytes, 1: 32 bytes,2: 64 bytes 3 2 read-write DCACHE_CTRL1 ******* Description *********** 0x4 0x20 0x00000003 DCACHE_SHUT_CORE0_BUS The bit is used to disable core0 dbus, 0: enable, 1: disable 0 1 read-write DCACHE_SHUT_CORE1_BUS The bit is used to disable core1 dbus, 0: enable, 1: disable 1 1 read-write DCACHE_TAG_POWER_CTRL ******* Description *********** 0x8 0x20 0x00000005 DCACHE_TAG_MEM_FORCE_ON The bit is used to close clock gating of dcache tag memory. 1: close gating, 0: open clock gating. 0 1 read-write DCACHE_TAG_MEM_FORCE_PD The bit is used to power dcache tag memory down, 0: follow rtc_lslp_pd, 1: power down 1 1 read-write DCACHE_TAG_MEM_FORCE_PU The bit is used to power dcache tag memory up, 0: follow rtc_lslp_pd, 1: power up 2 1 read-write DCACHE_PRELOCK_CTRL ******* Description *********** 0xC 0x20 DCACHE_PRELOCK_SCT0_EN The bit is used to enable the first section of prelock function. 0 1 read-write DCACHE_PRELOCK_SCT1_EN The bit is used to enable the second section of prelock function. 1 1 read-write DCACHE_PRELOCK_SCT0_ADDR ******* Description *********** 0x10 0x20 DCACHE_PRELOCK_SCT0_ADDR The bits are used to configure the first start virtual address of data prelock, which is combined with DCACHE_PRELOCK_SCT0_SIZE_REG 0 32 read-write DCACHE_PRELOCK_SCT1_ADDR ******* Description *********** 0x14 0x20 DCACHE_PRELOCK_SCT1_ADDR The bits are used to configure the second start virtual address of data prelock, which is combined with DCACHE_PRELOCK_SCT1_SIZE_REG 0 32 read-write DCACHE_PRELOCK_SCT_SIZE ******* Description *********** 0x18 0x20 DCACHE_PRELOCK_SCT1_SIZE The bits are used to configure the second length of data locking, which is combined with DCACHE_PRELOCK_SCT1_ADDR_REG 0 16 read-write DCACHE_PRELOCK_SCT0_SIZE The bits are used to configure the first length of data locking, which is combined with DCACHE_PRELOCK_SCT0_ADDR_REG 16 16 read-write DCACHE_LOCK_CTRL ******* Description *********** 0x1C 0x20 0x00000004 DCACHE_LOCK_ENA The bit is used to enable lock operation. It will be cleared by hardware after lock operation done. 0 1 read-write DCACHE_UNLOCK_ENA The bit is used to enable unlock operation. It will be cleared by hardware after unlock operation done. 1 1 read-write DCACHE_LOCK_DONE The bit is used to indicate unlock/lock operation is finished. 2 1 read-only DCACHE_LOCK_ADDR ******* Description *********** 0x20 0x20 DCACHE_LOCK_ADDR The bits are used to configure the start virtual address for lock operations. It should be combined with DCACHE_LOCK_SIZE_REG. 0 32 read-write DCACHE_LOCK_SIZE ******* Description *********** 0x24 0x20 DCACHE_LOCK_SIZE The bits are used to configure the length for lock operations. The bits are the counts of cache block. It should be combined with DCACHE_LOCK_ADDR_REG. 0 16 read-write DCACHE_SYNC_CTRL ******* Description *********** 0x28 0x20 0x00000001 DCACHE_INVALIDATE_ENA The bit is used to enable invalidate operation. It will be cleared by hardware after invalidate operation done. 0 1 read-write DCACHE_WRITEBACK_ENA The bit is used to enable writeback operation. It will be cleared by hardware after writeback operation done. 1 1 read-write DCACHE_CLEAN_ENA The bit is used to enable clean operation. It will be cleared by hardware after clean operation done. 2 1 read-write DCACHE_SYNC_DONE The bit is used to indicate clean/writeback/invalidate operation is finished. 3 1 read-only DCACHE_SYNC_ADDR ******* Description *********** 0x2C 0x20 DCACHE_SYNC_ADDR The bits are used to configure the start virtual address for clean operations. It should be combined with DCACHE_SYNC_SIZE_REG. 0 32 read-write DCACHE_SYNC_SIZE ******* Description *********** 0x30 0x20 DCACHE_SYNC_SIZE The bits are used to configure the length for sync operations. The bits are the counts of cache block. It should be combined with DCACHE_SYNC_ADDR_REG. 0 23 read-write DCACHE_OCCUPY_CTRL ******* Description *********** 0x34 0x20 0x00000002 DCACHE_OCCUPY_ENA The bit is used to enable occupy operation. It will be cleared by hardware after issuing Auot-Invalidate Operation. 0 1 read-write DCACHE_OCCUPY_DONE The bit is used to indicate occupy operation is finished. 1 1 read-only DCACHE_OCCUPY_ADDR ******* Description *********** 0x38 0x20 DCACHE_OCCUPY_ADDR The bits are used to configure the start virtual address for occupy operation. It should be combined with DCACHE_OCCUPY_SIZE_REG. 0 32 read-write DCACHE_OCCUPY_SIZE ******* Description *********** 0x3C 0x20 DCACHE_OCCUPY_SIZE The bits are used to configure the length for occupy operation. The bits are the counts of cache block. It should be combined with DCACHE_OCCUPY_ADDR_REG. 0 16 read-write DCACHE_PRELOAD_CTRL ******* Description *********** 0x40 0x20 0x00000002 DCACHE_PRELOAD_ENA The bit is used to enable preload operation. It will be cleared by hardware after preload operation done. 0 1 read-write DCACHE_PRELOAD_DONE The bit is used to indicate preload operation is finished. 1 1 read-only DCACHE_PRELOAD_ORDER The bit is used to configure the direction of preload operation. 1: descending, 0: ascending. 2 1 read-write DCACHE_PRELOAD_ADDR ******* Description *********** 0x44 0x20 DCACHE_PRELOAD_ADDR The bits are used to configure the start virtual address for preload operation. It should be combined with DCACHE_PRELOAD_SIZE_REG. 0 32 read-write DCACHE_PRELOAD_SIZE ******* Description *********** 0x48 0x20 DCACHE_PRELOAD_SIZE The bits are used to configure the length for preload operation. The bits are the counts of cache block. It should be combined with DCACHE_PRELOAD_ADDR_REG.. 0 16 read-write DCACHE_AUTOLOAD_CTRL ******* Description *********** 0x4C 0x20 0x00000008 DCACHE_AUTOLOAD_SCT0_ENA The bits are used to enable the first section for autoload operation. 0 1 read-write DCACHE_AUTOLOAD_SCT1_ENA The bits are used to enable the second section for autoload operation. 1 1 read-write DCACHE_AUTOLOAD_ENA The bit is used to enable and disable autoload operation. It is combined with dcache_autoload_done. 1: enable, 0: disable. 2 1 read-write DCACHE_AUTOLOAD_DONE The bit is used to indicate autoload operation is finished. 3 1 read-only DCACHE_AUTOLOAD_ORDER The bits are used to configure the direction of autoload. 1: descending, 0: ascending. 4 1 read-write DCACHE_AUTOLOAD_RQST The bits are used to configure trigger conditions for autoload. 0/3: cache miss, 1: cache hit, 2: both cache miss and hit. 5 2 read-write DCACHE_AUTOLOAD_SIZE The bits are used to configure the numbers of the cache block for the issuing autoload operation. 7 2 read-write DCACHE_AUTOLOAD_BUFFER_CLEAR The bit is used to clear autoload buffer in dcache. 9 1 read-write DCACHE_AUTOLOAD_SCT0_ADDR ******* Description *********** 0x50 0x20 DCACHE_AUTOLOAD_SCT0_ADDR The bits are used to configure the start virtual address of the first section for autoload operation. It should be combined with dcache_autoload_sct0_ena. 0 32 read-write DCACHE_AUTOLOAD_SCT0_SIZE ******* Description *********** 0x54 0x20 DCACHE_AUTOLOAD_SCT0_SIZE The bits are used to configure the length of the first section for autoload operation. It should be combined with dcache_autoload_sct0_ena. 0 27 read-write DCACHE_AUTOLOAD_SCT1_ADDR ******* Description *********** 0x58 0x20 DCACHE_AUTOLOAD_SCT1_ADDR The bits are used to configure the start virtual address of the second section for autoload operation. It should be combined with dcache_autoload_sct1_ena. 0 32 read-write DCACHE_AUTOLOAD_SCT1_SIZE ******* Description *********** 0x5C 0x20 DCACHE_AUTOLOAD_SCT1_SIZE The bits are used to configure the length of the second section for autoload operation. It should be combined with dcache_autoload_sct1_ena. 0 27 read-write ICACHE_CTRL ******* Description *********** 0x60 0x20 ICACHE_ENABLE The bit is used to activate the data cache. 0: disable, 1: enable 0 1 read-write ICACHE_WAY_MODE The bit is used to configure cache way mode.0: 4-way, 1: 8-way 1 1 read-write ICACHE_SIZE_MODE The bit is used to configure cache memory size.0: 16KB, 1: 32KB 2 1 read-write ICACHE_BLOCKSIZE_MODE The bit is used to configure cache block size.0: 16 bytes, 1: 32 bytes 3 1 read-write ICACHE_CTRL1 ******* Description *********** 0x64 0x20 0x00000003 ICACHE_SHUT_CORE0_BUS The bit is used to disable core0 ibus, 0: enable, 1: disable 0 1 read-write ICACHE_SHUT_CORE1_BUS The bit is used to disable core1 ibus, 0: enable, 1: disable 1 1 read-write ICACHE_TAG_POWER_CTRL ******* Description *********** 0x68 0x20 0x00000005 ICACHE_TAG_MEM_FORCE_ON The bit is used to close clock gating of icache tag memory. 1: close gating, 0: open clock gating. 0 1 read-write ICACHE_TAG_MEM_FORCE_PD The bit is used to power icache tag memory down, 0: follow rtc_lslp, 1: power down 1 1 read-write ICACHE_TAG_MEM_FORCE_PU The bit is used to power icache tag memory up, 0: follow rtc_lslp, 1: power up 2 1 read-write ICACHE_PRELOCK_CTRL ******* Description *********** 0x6C 0x20 ICACHE_PRELOCK_SCT0_EN The bit is used to enable the first section of prelock function. 0 1 read-write ICACHE_PRELOCK_SCT1_EN The bit is used to enable the second section of prelock function. 1 1 read-write ICACHE_PRELOCK_SCT0_ADDR ******* Description *********** 0x70 0x20 ICACHE_PRELOCK_SCT0_ADDR The bits are used to configure the first start virtual address of data prelock, which is combined with ICACHE_PRELOCK_SCT0_SIZE_REG 0 32 read-write ICACHE_PRELOCK_SCT1_ADDR ******* Description *********** 0x74 0x20 ICACHE_PRELOCK_SCT1_ADDR The bits are used to configure the second start virtual address of data prelock, which is combined with ICACHE_PRELOCK_SCT1_SIZE_REG 0 32 read-write ICACHE_PRELOCK_SCT_SIZE ******* Description *********** 0x78 0x20 ICACHE_PRELOCK_SCT1_SIZE The bits are used to configure the second length of data locking, which is combined with ICACHE_PRELOCK_SCT1_ADDR_REG 0 16 read-write ICACHE_PRELOCK_SCT0_SIZE The bits are used to configure the first length of data locking, which is combined with ICACHE_PRELOCK_SCT0_ADDR_REG 16 16 read-write ICACHE_LOCK_CTRL ******* Description *********** 0x7C 0x20 0x00000004 ICACHE_LOCK_ENA The bit is used to enable lock operation. It will be cleared by hardware after lock operation done. 0 1 read-write ICACHE_UNLOCK_ENA The bit is used to enable unlock operation. It will be cleared by hardware after unlock operation done. 1 1 read-write ICACHE_LOCK_DONE The bit is used to indicate unlock/lock operation is finished. 2 1 read-only ICACHE_LOCK_ADDR ******* Description *********** 0x80 0x20 ICACHE_LOCK_ADDR The bits are used to configure the start virtual address for lock operations. It should be combined with ICACHE_LOCK_SIZE_REG. 0 32 read-write ICACHE_LOCK_SIZE ******* Description *********** 0x84 0x20 ICACHE_LOCK_SIZE The bits are used to configure the length for lock operations. The bits are the counts of cache block. It should be combined with ICACHE_LOCK_ADDR_REG. 0 16 read-write ICACHE_SYNC_CTRL ******* Description *********** 0x88 0x20 0x00000001 ICACHE_INVALIDATE_ENA The bit is used to enable invalidate operation. It will be cleared by hardware after invalidate operation done. 0 1 read-write ICACHE_SYNC_DONE The bit is used to indicate invalidate operation is finished. 1 1 read-only ICACHE_SYNC_ADDR ******* Description *********** 0x8C 0x20 ICACHE_SYNC_ADDR The bits are used to configure the start virtual address for clean operations. It should be combined with ICACHE_SYNC_SIZE_REG. 0 32 read-write ICACHE_SYNC_SIZE ******* Description *********** 0x90 0x20 ICACHE_SYNC_SIZE The bits are used to configure the length for sync operations. The bits are the counts of cache block. It should be combined with ICACHE_SYNC_ADDR_REG. 0 23 read-write ICACHE_PRELOAD_CTRL ******* Description *********** 0x94 0x20 0x00000002 ICACHE_PRELOAD_ENA The bit is used to enable preload operation. It will be cleared by hardware after preload operation done. 0 1 read-write ICACHE_PRELOAD_DONE The bit is used to indicate preload operation is finished. 1 1 read-only ICACHE_PRELOAD_ORDER The bit is used to configure the direction of preload operation. 1: descending, 0: ascending. 2 1 read-write ICACHE_PRELOAD_ADDR ******* Description *********** 0x98 0x20 ICACHE_PRELOAD_ADDR The bits are used to configure the start virtual address for preload operation. It should be combined with ICACHE_PRELOAD_SIZE_REG. 0 32 read-write ICACHE_PRELOAD_SIZE ******* Description *********** 0x9C 0x20 ICACHE_PRELOAD_SIZE The bits are used to configure the length for preload operation. The bits are the counts of cache block. It should be combined with ICACHE_PRELOAD_ADDR_REG.. 0 16 read-write ICACHE_AUTOLOAD_CTRL ******* Description *********** 0xA0 0x20 0x00000008 ICACHE_AUTOLOAD_SCT0_ENA The bits are used to enable the first section for autoload operation. 0 1 read-write ICACHE_AUTOLOAD_SCT1_ENA The bits are used to enable the second section for autoload operation. 1 1 read-write ICACHE_AUTOLOAD_ENA The bit is used to enable and disable autoload operation. It is combined with icache_autoload_done. 1: enable, 0: disable. 2 1 read-write ICACHE_AUTOLOAD_DONE The bit is used to indicate autoload operation is finished. 3 1 read-only ICACHE_AUTOLOAD_ORDER The bits are used to configure the direction of autoload. 1: descending, 0: ascending. 4 1 read-write ICACHE_AUTOLOAD_RQST The bits are used to configure trigger conditions for autoload. 0/3: cache miss, 1: cache hit, 2: both cache miss and hit. 5 2 read-write ICACHE_AUTOLOAD_SIZE The bits are used to configure the numbers of the cache block for the issuing autoload operation. 7 2 read-write ICACHE_AUTOLOAD_BUFFER_CLEAR The bit is used to clear autoload buffer in icache. 9 1 read-write ICACHE_AUTOLOAD_SCT0_ADDR ******* Description *********** 0xA4 0x20 ICACHE_AUTOLOAD_SCT0_ADDR The bits are used to configure the start virtual address of the first section for autoload operation. It should be combined with icache_autoload_sct0_ena. 0 32 read-write ICACHE_AUTOLOAD_SCT0_SIZE ******* Description *********** 0xA8 0x20 ICACHE_AUTOLOAD_SCT0_SIZE The bits are used to configure the length of the first section for autoload operation. It should be combined with icache_autoload_sct0_ena. 0 27 read-write ICACHE_AUTOLOAD_SCT1_ADDR ******* Description *********** 0xAC 0x20 ICACHE_AUTOLOAD_SCT1_ADDR The bits are used to configure the start virtual address of the second section for autoload operation. It should be combined with icache_autoload_sct1_ena. 0 32 read-write ICACHE_AUTOLOAD_SCT1_SIZE ******* Description *********** 0xB0 0x20 ICACHE_AUTOLOAD_SCT1_SIZE The bits are used to configure the length of the second section for autoload operation. It should be combined with icache_autoload_sct1_ena. 0 27 read-write IBUS_TO_FLASH_START_VADDR ******* Description *********** 0xB4 0x20 0x44000000 IBUS_TO_FLASH_START_VADDR The bits are used to configure the start virtual address of ibus to access flash. The register is used to give constraints to ibus access counter. 0 32 read-write IBUS_TO_FLASH_END_VADDR ******* Description *********** 0xB8 0x20 0x47FFFFFF IBUS_TO_FLASH_END_VADDR The bits are used to configure the end virtual address of ibus to access flash. The register is used to give constraints to ibus access counter. 0 32 read-write DBUS_TO_FLASH_START_VADDR ******* Description *********** 0xBC 0x20 DBUS_TO_FLASH_START_VADDR The bits are used to configure the start virtual address of dbus to access flash. The register is used to give constraints to dbus access counter. 0 32 read-write DBUS_TO_FLASH_END_VADDR ******* Description *********** 0xC0 0x20 DBUS_TO_FLASH_END_VADDR The bits are used to configure the end virtual address of dbus to access flash. The register is used to give constraints to dbus access counter. 0 32 read-write CACHE_ACS_CNT_CLR ******* Description *********** 0xC4 0x20 DCACHE_ACS_CNT_CLR The bit is used to clear dcache counter. 0 1 write-only ICACHE_ACS_CNT_CLR The bit is used to clear icache counter. 1 1 write-only IBUS_ACS_MISS_CNT ******* Description *********** 0xC8 0x20 IBUS_ACS_MISS_CNT The bits are used to count the number of the cache miss caused by ibus access flash/spiram. 0 32 read-only IBUS_ACS_CNT ******* Description *********** 0xCC 0x20 IBUS_ACS_CNT The bits are used to count the number of ibus access flash/spiram through icache. 0 32 read-only DBUS_ACS_FLASH_MISS_CNT ******* Description *********** 0xD0 0x20 DBUS_ACS_FLASH_MISS_CNT The bits are used to count the number of the cache miss caused by dbus access flash. 0 32 read-only DBUS_ACS_SPIRAM_MISS_CNT ******* Description *********** 0xD4 0x20 DBUS_ACS_SPIRAM_MISS_CNT The bits are used to count the number of the cache miss caused by dbus access spiram. 0 32 read-only DBUS_ACS_CNT ******* Description *********** 0xD8 0x20 DBUS_ACS_CNT The bits are used to count the number of dbus access flash/spiram through dcache. 0 32 read-only CACHE_ILG_INT_ENA ******* Description *********** 0xDC 0x20 ICACHE_SYNC_OP_FAULT_INT_ENA The bit is used to enable interrupt by sync configurations fault. 0 1 read-write ICACHE_PRELOAD_OP_FAULT_INT_ENA The bit is used to enable interrupt by preload configurations fault. 1 1 read-write DCACHE_SYNC_OP_FAULT_INT_ENA The bit is used to enable interrupt by sync configurations fault. 2 1 read-write DCACHE_PRELOAD_OP_FAULT_INT_ENA The bit is used to enable interrupt by preload configurations fault. 3 1 read-write DCACHE_WRITE_FLASH_INT_ENA The bit is used to enable interrupt by dcache trying to write flash. 4 1 read-write MMU_ENTRY_FAULT_INT_ENA The bit is used to enable interrupt by mmu entry fault. 5 1 read-write DCACHE_OCCUPY_EXC_INT_ENA The bit is used to enable interrupt by dcache trying to replace a line whose blocks all have been occupied by occupy-mode. 6 1 read-write IBUS_CNT_OVF_INT_ENA The bit is used to enable interrupt by ibus counter overflow. 7 1 read-write DBUS_CNT_OVF_INT_ENA The bit is used to enable interrupt by dbus counter overflow. 8 1 read-write CACHE_ILG_INT_CLR ******* Description *********** 0xE0 0x20 ICACHE_SYNC_OP_FAULT_INT_CLR The bit is used to clear interrupt by sync configurations fault. 0 1 write-only ICACHE_PRELOAD_OP_FAULT_INT_CLR The bit is used to clear interrupt by preload configurations fault. 1 1 write-only DCACHE_SYNC_OP_FAULT_INT_CLR The bit is used to clear interrupt by sync configurations fault. 2 1 write-only DCACHE_PRELOAD_OP_FAULT_INT_CLR The bit is used to clear interrupt by preload configurations fault. 3 1 write-only DCACHE_WRITE_FLASH_INT_CLR The bit is used to clear interrupt by dcache trying to write flash. 4 1 write-only MMU_ENTRY_FAULT_INT_CLR The bit is used to clear interrupt by mmu entry fault. 5 1 write-only DCACHE_OCCUPY_EXC_INT_CLR The bit is used to clear interrupt by dcache trying to replace a line whose blocks all have been occupied by occupy-mode. 6 1 write-only IBUS_CNT_OVF_INT_CLR The bit is used to clear interrupt by ibus counter overflow. 7 1 write-only DBUS_CNT_OVF_INT_CLR The bit is used to clear interrupt by dbus counter overflow. 8 1 write-only CACHE_ILG_INT_ST ******* Description *********** 0xE4 0x20 ICACHE_SYNC_OP_FAULT_ST The bit is used to indicate interrupt by sync configurations fault. 0 1 read-only ICACHE_PRELOAD_OP_FAULT_ST The bit is used to indicate interrupt by preload configurations fault. 1 1 read-only DCACHE_SYNC_OP_FAULT_ST The bit is used to indicate interrupt by sync configurations fault. 2 1 read-only DCACHE_PRELOAD_OP_FAULT_ST The bit is used to indicate interrupt by preload configurations fault. 3 1 read-only DCACHE_WRITE_FLASH_ST The bit is used to indicate interrupt by dcache trying to write flash. 4 1 read-only MMU_ENTRY_FAULT_ST The bit is used to indicate interrupt by mmu entry fault. 5 1 read-only DCACHE_OCCUPY_EXC_ST The bit is used to indicate interrupt by dcache trying to replace a line whose blocks all have been occupied by occupy-mode. 6 1 read-only IBUS_ACS_CNT_OVF_ST The bit is used to indicate interrupt by ibus access flash/spiram counter overflow. 7 1 read-only IBUS_ACS_MISS_CNT_OVF_ST The bit is used to indicate interrupt by ibus access flash/spiram miss counter overflow. 8 1 read-only DBUS_ACS_CNT_OVF_ST The bit is used to indicate interrupt by dbus access flash/spiram counter overflow. 9 1 read-only DBUS_ACS_FLASH_MISS_CNT_OVF_ST The bit is used to indicate interrupt by dbus access flash miss counter overflow. 10 1 read-only DBUS_ACS_SPIRAM_MISS_CNT_OVF_ST The bit is used to indicate interrupt by dbus access spiram miss counter overflow. 11 1 read-only CORE0_ACS_CACHE_INT_ENA ******* Description *********** 0xE8 0x20 CORE0_IBUS_ACS_MSK_IC_INT_ENA The bit is used to enable interrupt by cpu access icache while the corresponding ibus is disabled which include speculative access. 0 1 read-write CORE0_IBUS_WR_IC_INT_ENA The bit is used to enable interrupt by ibus trying to write icache 1 1 read-write CORE0_IBUS_REJECT_INT_ENA The bit is used to enable interrupt by authentication fail. 2 1 read-write CORE0_DBUS_ACS_MSK_DC_INT_ENA The bit is used to enable interrupt by cpu access dcache while the corresponding dbus is disabled which include speculative access. 3 1 read-write CORE0_DBUS_REJECT_INT_ENA The bit is used to enable interrupt by authentication fail. 4 1 read-write CORE0_ACS_CACHE_INT_CLR ******* Description *********** 0xEC 0x20 CORE0_IBUS_ACS_MSK_IC_INT_CLR The bit is used to clear interrupt by cpu access icache while the corresponding ibus is disabled or icache is disabled which include speculative access. 0 1 write-only CORE0_IBUS_WR_IC_INT_CLR The bit is used to clear interrupt by ibus trying to write icache 1 1 write-only CORE0_IBUS_REJECT_INT_CLR The bit is used to clear interrupt by authentication fail. 2 1 write-only CORE0_DBUS_ACS_MSK_DC_INT_CLR The bit is used to clear interrupt by cpu access dcache while the corresponding dbus is disabled or dcache is disabled which include speculative access. 3 1 write-only CORE0_DBUS_REJECT_INT_CLR The bit is used to clear interrupt by authentication fail. 4 1 write-only CORE0_ACS_CACHE_INT_ST ******* Description *********** 0xF0 0x20 CORE0_IBUS_ACS_MSK_ICACHE_ST The bit is used to indicate interrupt by cpu access icache while the core0_ibus is disabled or icache is disabled which include speculative access. 0 1 read-only CORE0_IBUS_WR_ICACHE_ST The bit is used to indicate interrupt by ibus trying to write icache 1 1 read-only CORE0_IBUS_REJECT_ST The bit is used to indicate interrupt by authentication fail. 2 1 read-only CORE0_DBUS_ACS_MSK_DCACHE_ST The bit is used to indicate interrupt by cpu access dcache while the core0_dbus is disabled or dcache is disabled which include speculative access. 3 1 read-only CORE0_DBUS_REJECT_ST The bit is used to indicate interrupt by authentication fail. 4 1 read-only CORE1_ACS_CACHE_INT_ENA ******* Description *********** 0xF4 0x20 CORE1_IBUS_ACS_MSK_IC_INT_ENA The bit is used to enable interrupt by cpu access icache while the corresponding ibus is disabled which include speculative access. 0 1 read-write CORE1_IBUS_WR_IC_INT_ENA The bit is used to enable interrupt by ibus trying to write icache 1 1 read-write CORE1_IBUS_REJECT_INT_ENA The bit is used to enable interrupt by authentication fail. 2 1 read-write CORE1_DBUS_ACS_MSK_DC_INT_ENA The bit is used to enable interrupt by cpu access dcache while the corresponding dbus is disabled which include speculative access. 3 1 read-write CORE1_DBUS_REJECT_INT_ENA The bit is used to enable interrupt by authentication fail. 4 1 read-write CORE1_ACS_CACHE_INT_CLR ******* Description *********** 0xF8 0x20 CORE1_IBUS_ACS_MSK_IC_INT_CLR The bit is used to clear interrupt by cpu access icache while the corresponding ibus is disabled or icache is disabled which include speculative access. 0 1 write-only CORE1_IBUS_WR_IC_INT_CLR The bit is used to clear interrupt by ibus trying to write icache 1 1 write-only CORE1_IBUS_REJECT_INT_CLR The bit is used to clear interrupt by authentication fail. 2 1 write-only CORE1_DBUS_ACS_MSK_DC_INT_CLR The bit is used to clear interrupt by cpu access dcache while the corresponding dbus is disabled or dcache is disabled which include speculative access. 3 1 write-only CORE1_DBUS_REJECT_INT_CLR The bit is used to clear interrupt by authentication fail. 4 1 write-only CORE1_ACS_CACHE_INT_ST ******* Description *********** 0xFC 0x20 CORE1_IBUS_ACS_MSK_ICACHE_ST The bit is used to indicate interrupt by cpu access icache while the core1_ibus is disabled or icache is disabled which include speculative access. 0 1 read-only CORE1_IBUS_WR_ICACHE_ST The bit is used to indicate interrupt by ibus trying to write icache 1 1 read-only CORE1_IBUS_REJECT_ST The bit is used to indicate interrupt by authentication fail. 2 1 read-only CORE1_DBUS_ACS_MSK_DCACHE_ST The bit is used to indicate interrupt by cpu access dcache while the core1_dbus is disabled or dcache is disabled which include speculative access. 3 1 read-only CORE1_DBUS_REJECT_ST The bit is used to indicate interrupt by authentication fail. 4 1 read-only CORE0_DBUS_REJECT_ST ******* Description *********** 0x100 0x20 CORE0_DBUS_TAG_ATTR The bits are used to indicate the attribute of data from external memory when authentication fail. 0: invalidate, 1: execute-able, 2: read-able, 4: write-able. 0 3 read-only CORE0_DBUS_ATTR The bits are used to indicate the attribute of CPU access dbus when authentication fail. 0: invalidate, 1: execute-able, 2: read-able, 4: write-able. 3 3 read-only CORE0_DBUS_WORLD The bit is used to indicate the world of CPU access dbus when authentication fail. 0: WORLD0, 1: WORLD1 6 1 read-only CORE0_DBUS_REJECT_VADDR ******* Description *********** 0x104 0x20 0xFFFFFFFF CORE0_DBUS_VADDR The bits are used to indicate the virtual address of CPU access dbus when authentication fail. 0 32 read-only CORE0_IBUS_REJECT_ST ******* Description *********** 0x108 0x20 CORE0_IBUS_TAG_ATTR The bits are used to indicate the attribute of data from external memory when authentication fail. 0: invalidate, 1: execute-able, 2: read-able, 4: write-able. 0 3 read-only CORE0_IBUS_ATTR The bits are used to indicate the attribute of CPU access ibus when authentication fail. 0: invalidate, 1: execute-able, 2: read-able 3 3 read-only CORE0_IBUS_WORLD The bit is used to indicate the world of CPU access ibus when authentication fail. 0: WORLD0, 1: WORLD1 6 1 read-only CORE0_IBUS_REJECT_VADDR ******* Description *********** 0x10C 0x20 0xFFFFFFFF CORE0_IBUS_VADDR The bits are used to indicate the virtual address of CPU access ibus when authentication fail. 0 32 read-only CORE1_DBUS_REJECT_ST ******* Description *********** 0x110 0x20 CORE1_DBUS_TAG_ATTR The bits are used to indicate the attribute of data from external memory when authentication fail. 0: invalidate, 1: execute-able, 2: read-able, 4: write-able. 0 3 read-only CORE1_DBUS_ATTR The bits are used to indicate the attribute of CPU access dbus when authentication fail. 0: invalidate, 1: execute-able, 2: read-able, 4: write-able. 3 3 read-only CORE1_DBUS_WORLD The bit is used to indicate the world of CPU access dbus when authentication fail. 0: WORLD0, 1: WORLD1 6 1 read-only CORE1_DBUS_REJECT_VADDR ******* Description *********** 0x114 0x20 0xFFFFFFFF CORE1_DBUS_VADDR The bits are used to indicate the virtual address of CPU access dbus when authentication fail. 0 32 read-only CORE1_IBUS_REJECT_ST ******* Description *********** 0x118 0x20 CORE1_IBUS_TAG_ATTR The bits are used to indicate the attribute of data from external memory when authentication fail. 0: invalidate, 1: execute-able, 2: read-able, 4: write-able. 0 3 read-only CORE1_IBUS_ATTR The bits are used to indicate the attribute of CPU access ibus when authentication fail. 0: invalidate, 1: execute-able, 2: read-able 3 3 read-only CORE1_IBUS_WORLD The bit is used to indicate the world of CPU access ibus when authentication fail. 0: WORLD0, 1: WORLD1 6 1 read-only CORE1_IBUS_REJECT_VADDR ******* Description *********** 0x11C 0x20 0xFFFFFFFF CORE1_IBUS_VADDR The bits are used to indicate the virtual address of CPU access ibus when authentication fail. 0 32 read-only CACHE_MMU_FAULT_CONTENT ******* Description *********** 0x120 0x20 CACHE_MMU_FAULT_CONTENT The bits are used to indicate the content of mmu entry which cause mmu fault.. 0 16 read-only CACHE_MMU_FAULT_CODE The right-most 3 bits are used to indicate the operations which cause mmu fault occurrence. 0: default, 1: cpu miss, 2: preload miss, 3: writeback, 4: cpu miss evict recovery address, 5: load miss evict recovery address, 6: external dma tx, 7: external dma rx. The most significant bit is used to indicate this operation occurs in which one icache. 16 4 read-only CACHE_MMU_FAULT_VADDR ******* Description *********** 0x124 0x20 CACHE_MMU_FAULT_VADDR The bits are used to indicate the virtual address which cause mmu fault.. 0 32 read-only CACHE_WRAP_AROUND_CTRL ******* Description *********** 0x128 0x20 CACHE_FLASH_WRAP_AROUND The bit is used to enable wrap around mode when read data from flash. 0 1 read-write CACHE_SRAM_RD_WRAP_AROUND The bit is used to enable wrap around mode when read data from spiram. 1 1 read-write CACHE_MMU_POWER_CTRL ******* Description *********** 0x12C 0x20 0x00000005 CACHE_MMU_MEM_FORCE_ON The bit is used to enable clock gating to save power when access mmu memory, 0: enable, 1: disable 0 1 read-write CACHE_MMU_MEM_FORCE_PD The bit is used to power mmu memory down, 0: follow_rtc_lslp_pd, 1: power down 1 1 read-write CACHE_MMU_MEM_FORCE_PU The bit is used to power mmu memory down, 0: follow_rtc_lslp_pd, 1: power up 2 1 read-write CACHE_STATE ******* Description *********** 0x130 0x20 ICACHE_STATE The bit is used to indicate whether icache main fsm is in idle state or not. 1: in idle state, 0: not in idle state 0 12 read-only DCACHE_STATE The bit is used to indicate whether dcache main fsm is in idle state or not. 1: in idle state, 0: not in idle state 12 12 read-only CACHE_ENCRYPT_DECRYPT_RECORD_DISABLE ******* Description *********** 0x134 0x20 RECORD_DISABLE_DB_ENCRYPT Reserved 0 1 read-write RECORD_DISABLE_G0CB_DECRYPT Reserved 1 1 read-write CACHE_ENCRYPT_DECRYPT_CLK_FORCE_ON ******* Description *********** 0x138 0x20 0x00000007 CLK_FORCE_ON_MANUAL_CRYPT The bit is used to close clock gating of manual crypt clock. 1: close gating, 0: open clock gating. 0 1 read-write CLK_FORCE_ON_AUTO_CRYPT The bit is used to close clock gating of automatic crypt clock. 1: close gating, 0: open clock gating. 1 1 read-write CLK_FORCE_ON_CRYPT The bit is used to close clock gating of external memory encrypt and decrypt clock. 1: close gating, 0: open clock gating. 2 1 read-write CACHE_BRIDGE_ARBITER_CTRL ******* Description *********** 0x13C 0x20 ALLOC_WB_HOLD_ARBITER Reserved 0 1 read-write CACHE_PRELOAD_INT_CTRL ******* Description *********** 0x140 0x20 ICACHE_PRELOAD_INT_ST The bit is used to indicate the interrupt by icache pre-load done. 0 1 read-only ICACHE_PRELOAD_INT_ENA The bit is used to enable the interrupt by icache pre-load done. 1 1 read-write ICACHE_PRELOAD_INT_CLR The bit is used to clear the interrupt by icache pre-load done. 2 1 write-only DCACHE_PRELOAD_INT_ST The bit is used to indicate the interrupt by dcache pre-load done. 3 1 read-only DCACHE_PRELOAD_INT_ENA The bit is used to enable the interrupt by dcache pre-load done. 4 1 read-write DCACHE_PRELOAD_INT_CLR The bit is used to clear the interrupt by dcache pre-load done. 5 1 write-only CACHE_SYNC_INT_CTRL ******* Description *********** 0x144 0x20 ICACHE_SYNC_INT_ST The bit is used to indicate the interrupt by icache sync done. 0 1 read-only ICACHE_SYNC_INT_ENA The bit is used to enable the interrupt by icache sync done. 1 1 read-write ICACHE_SYNC_INT_CLR The bit is used to clear the interrupt by icache sync done. 2 1 write-only DCACHE_SYNC_INT_ST The bit is used to indicate the interrupt by dcache sync done. 3 1 read-only DCACHE_SYNC_INT_ENA The bit is used to enable the interrupt by dcache sync done. 4 1 read-write DCACHE_SYNC_INT_CLR The bit is used to clear the interrupt by dcache sync done. 5 1 write-only CACHE_MMU_OWNER ******* Description *********** 0x148 0x20 CACHE_MMU_OWNER The bits are used to specify the owner of MMU.bit0: icache, bit1: dcache, bit2: dma, bit3: reserved. 0 24 read-write CACHE_CONF_MISC ******* Description *********** 0x14C 0x20 0x00000007 CACHE_IGNORE_PRELOAD_MMU_ENTRY_FAULT The bit is used to disable checking mmu entry fault by preload operation. 0 1 read-write CACHE_IGNORE_SYNC_MMU_ENTRY_FAULT The bit is used to disable checking mmu entry fault by sync operation. 1 1 read-write CACHE_TRACE_ENA The bit is used to enable cache trace function. 2 1 read-write DCACHE_FREEZE ******* Description *********** 0x150 0x20 0x00000004 ENA The bit is used to enable dcache freeze mode 0 1 read-write MODE The bit is used to configure freeze mode, 0: assert busy if CPU miss 1: assert hit if CPU miss 1 1 read-write DONE The bit is used to indicate dcache freeze success 2 1 read-only ICACHE_FREEZE ******* Description *********** 0x154 0x20 0x00000004 ENA The bit is used to enable icache freeze mode 0 1 read-write MODE The bit is used to configure freeze mode, 0: assert busy if CPU miss 1: assert hit if CPU miss 1 1 read-write DONE The bit is used to indicate icache freeze success 2 1 read-only ICACHE_ATOMIC_OPERATE_ENA ******* Description *********** 0x158 0x20 0x00000001 ICACHE_ATOMIC_OPERATE_ENA The bit is used to activate icache atomic operation protection. In this case, sync/lock operation can not interrupt miss-work. This feature does not work during invalidateAll operation. 0 1 read-write DCACHE_ATOMIC_OPERATE_ENA ******* Description *********** 0x15C 0x20 0x00000001 DCACHE_ATOMIC_OPERATE_ENA The bit is used to activate dcache atomic operation protection. In this case, sync/lock/occupy operation can not interrupt miss-work. This feature does not work during invalidateAll operation. 0 1 read-write CACHE_REQUEST ******* Description *********** 0x160 0x20 BYPASS The bit is used to disable request recording which could cause performance issue 0 1 read-write CLOCK_GATE ******* Description *********** 0x164 0x20 0x00000001 CLK_EN Reserved 0 1 read-write CACHE_TAG_OBJECT_CTRL ******* Description *********** 0x180 0x20 ICACHE_TAG_OBJECT Set this bit to set icache tag memory as object. This bit should be onehot with the others fields inside this register. 0 1 read-write DCACHE_TAG_OBJECT Set this bit to set dcache tag memory as object. This bit should be onehot with the others fields inside this register. 1 1 read-write CACHE_TAG_WAY_OBJECT ******* Description *********** 0x184 0x20 CACHE_TAG_WAY_OBJECT Set this bits to select which way of the tag-object will be accessed. 0: way0, 1: way1, 2: way2, 3: way3, .., 7: way7. 0 3 read-write CACHE_VADDR ******* Description *********** 0x188 0x20 CACHE_VADDR Those bits stores the virtual address which will decide where inside the specified tag memory object will be accessed. 0 32 read-write CACHE_TAG_CONTENT ******* Description *********** 0x18C 0x20 CACHE_TAG_CONTENT This is a constant place where we can write data to or read data from the tag memory on the specified cache. 0 32 read-write DATE ******* Description *********** 0x3FC 0x20 0x02012310 DATE version information. 0 28 read-write GPIO General Purpose Input/Output GPIO 0x60004000 0x0 0x634 registers GPIO 16 GPIO_NMI 17 BT_SELECT GPIO bit select register 0x0 0x20 BT_SEL GPIO bit select register 0 32 read-write OUT GPIO output register for GPIO0-31 0x4 0x20 DATA_ORIG GPIO output register for GPIO0-31 0 32 OUT_W1TS GPIO output set register for GPIO0-31 0x8 0x20 OUT_W1TS GPIO output set register for GPIO0-31 0 32 write-only OUT_W1TC GPIO output clear register for GPIO0-31 0xC 0x20 OUT_W1TC GPIO output clear register for GPIO0-31 0 32 write-only OUT1 GPIO output register for GPIO32-53 0x10 0x20 DATA_ORIG GPIO output register for GPIO32-53 0 22 OUT1_W1TS GPIO output set register for GPIO32-53 0x14 0x20 OUT1_W1TS GPIO output set register for GPIO32-53 0 22 write-only OUT1_W1TC GPIO output clear register for GPIO32-53 0x18 0x20 OUT1_W1TC GPIO output clear register for GPIO32-53 0 22 write-only SDIO_SELECT GPIO sdio select register 0x1C 0x20 SDIO_SEL GPIO sdio select register 0 8 read-write ENABLE GPIO output enable register for GPIO0-31 0x20 0x20 DATA GPIO output enable register for GPIO0-31 0 32 read-write ENABLE_W1TS GPIO output enable set register for GPIO0-31 0x24 0x20 ENABLE_W1TS GPIO output enable set register for GPIO0-31 0 32 write-only ENABLE_W1TC GPIO output enable clear register for GPIO0-31 0x28 0x20 ENABLE_W1TC GPIO output enable clear register for GPIO0-31 0 32 write-only ENABLE1 GPIO output enable register for GPIO32-53 0x2C 0x20 DATA GPIO output enable register for GPIO32-53 0 22 read-write ENABLE1_W1TS GPIO output enable set register for GPIO32-53 0x30 0x20 ENABLE1_W1TS GPIO output enable set register for GPIO32-53 0 22 write-only ENABLE1_W1TC GPIO output enable clear register for GPIO32-53 0x34 0x20 ENABLE1_W1TC GPIO output enable clear register for GPIO32-53 0 22 write-only STRAP pad strapping register 0x38 0x20 STRAPPING pad strapping register 0 16 read-only IN GPIO input register for GPIO0-31 0x3C 0x20 DATA_NEXT GPIO input register for GPIO0-31 0 32 read-write IN1 GPIO input register for GPIO32-53 0x40 0x20 DATA_NEXT GPIO input register for GPIO32-53 0 22 read-write STATUS GPIO interrupt status register for GPIO0-31 0x44 0x20 INTERRUPT GPIO interrupt status register for GPIO0-31 0 32 read-write STATUS_W1TS GPIO interrupt status set register for GPIO0-31 0x48 0x20 STATUS_W1TS GPIO interrupt status set register for GPIO0-31 0 32 write-only STATUS_W1TC GPIO interrupt status clear register for GPIO0-31 0x4C 0x20 STATUS_W1TC GPIO interrupt status clear register for GPIO0-31 0 32 write-only STATUS1 GPIO interrupt status register for GPIO32-53 0x50 0x20 INTERRUPT GPIO interrupt status register for GPIO32-53 0 22 read-write STATUS1_W1TS GPIO interrupt status set register for GPIO32-53 0x54 0x20 STATUS1_W1TS GPIO interrupt status set register for GPIO32-53 0 22 write-only STATUS1_W1TC GPIO interrupt status clear register for GPIO32-53 0x58 0x20 STATUS1_W1TC GPIO interrupt status clear register for GPIO32-53 0 22 write-only PCPU_INT GPIO PRO_CPU interrupt status register for GPIO0-31 0x5C 0x20 PROCPU_INT GPIO PRO_CPU interrupt status register for GPIO0-31 0 32 read-only PCPU_NMI_INT GPIO PRO_CPU(not shielded) interrupt status register for GPIO0-31 0x60 0x20 PROCPU_NMI_INT GPIO PRO_CPU(not shielded) interrupt status register for GPIO0-31 0 32 read-only CPUSDIO_INT GPIO CPUSDIO interrupt status register for GPIO0-31 0x64 0x20 SDIO_INT GPIO CPUSDIO interrupt status register for GPIO0-31 0 32 read-only PCPU_INT1 GPIO PRO_CPU interrupt status register for GPIO32-53 0x68 0x20 PROCPU_INT1 GPIO PRO_CPU interrupt status register for GPIO32-53 0 22 read-only PCPU_NMI_INT1 GPIO PRO_CPU(not shielded) interrupt status register for GPIO32-53 0x6C 0x20 PROCPU_NMI_INT1 GPIO PRO_CPU(not shielded) interrupt status register for GPIO32-53 0 22 read-only CPUSDIO_INT1 GPIO CPUSDIO interrupt status register for GPIO32-53 0x70 0x20 SDIO_INT1 GPIO CPUSDIO interrupt status register for GPIO32-53 0 22 read-only 54 0x4 0-53 PIN%s GPIO pin configuration register 0x74 0x20 SYNC2_BYPASS set GPIO input_sync2 signal mode. 0:disable. 1:trigger at negedge. 2or3:trigger at posedge. 0 2 read-write PAD_DRIVER set this bit to select pad driver. 1:open-drain. 0:normal. 2 1 read-write SYNC1_BYPASS set GPIO input_sync1 signal mode. 0:disable. 1:trigger at negedge. 2or3:trigger at posedge. 3 2 read-write INT_TYPE set this value to choose interrupt mode. 0:disable GPIO interrupt. 1:trigger at posedge. 2:trigger at negedge. 3:trigger at any edge. 4:valid at low level. 5:valid at high level 7 3 read-write WAKEUP_ENABLE set this bit to enable GPIO wakeup.(can only wakeup CPU from Light-sleep Mode) 10 1 read-write CONFIG reserved 11 2 read-write INT_ENA set bit 13 to enable CPU interrupt. set bit 14 to enable CPU(not shielded) interrupt. 13 5 read-write STATUS_NEXT GPIO interrupt source register for GPIO0-31 0x14C 0x20 STATUS_INTERRUPT_NEXT GPIO interrupt source register for GPIO0-31 0 32 read-only STATUS_NEXT1 GPIO interrupt source register for GPIO32-53 0x150 0x20 STATUS_INTERRUPT_NEXT1 GPIO interrupt source register for GPIO32-53 0 22 read-only 256 0x4 0-255 FUNC%s_IN_SEL_CFG GPIO input function configuration register 0x154 0x20 IN_SEL set this value: s=0-53: connect GPIO[s] to this port. s=0x38: set this port always high level. s=0x3C: set this port always low level. 0 6 read-write IN_INV_SEL set this bit to invert input signal. 1:invert. 0:not invert. 6 1 read-write SEL set this bit to bypass GPIO. 1:do not bypass GPIO. 0:bypass GPIO. 7 1 read-write 54 0x4 0-53 FUNC%s_OUT_SEL_CFG GPIO output function select register 0x554 0x20 0x00000100 OUT_SEL The value of the bits: 0<=s<=256. Set the value to select output signal. s=0-255: output of GPIO[n] equals input of peripheral[s]. s=256: output of GPIO[n] equals GPIO_OUT_REG[n]. 0 9 read-write INV_SEL set this bit to invert output signal.1:invert.0:not invert. 9 1 read-write OEN_SEL set this bit to select output enable signal.1:use GPIO_ENABLE_REG[n] as output enable signal.0:use peripheral output enable signal. 10 1 read-write OEN_INV_SEL set this bit to invert output enable signal.1:invert.0:not invert. 11 1 read-write CLOCK_GATE GPIO clock gate register 0x62C 0x20 0x00000001 CLK_EN set this bit to enable GPIO clock gate 0 1 read-write REG_DATE GPIO version register 0x6FC 0x20 0x01907040 REG_DATE version register 0 28 read-write GPIOSD Sigma-Delta Modulation GPIOSD 0x60004F00 0x0 0x2C registers 8 0x4 SIGMADELTA%s Duty Cycle Configure Register of SDM%s 0x0 0x20 0x0000FF00 SD_IN This field is used to configure the duty cycle of sigma delta modulation output. 0 8 read-write SD_PRESCALE This field is used to set a divider value to divide APB clock. 8 8 read-write SIGMADELTA_CG Clock Gating Configure Register 0x20 0x20 CLK_EN Clock enable bit of configuration registers for sigma delta modulation. 31 1 read-write SIGMADELTA_MISC MISC Register 0x24 0x20 FUNCTION_CLK_EN Clock enable bit of sigma delta modulation. 30 1 read-write SPI_SWAP Reserved. 31 1 read-write SIGMADELTA_VERSION Version Control Register 0x28 0x20 0x01802260 GPIO_SD_DATE Version control register. 0 28 read-write HMAC HMAC (Hash-based Message Authentication Code) Accelerator HMAC 0x6003E000 0x0 0xA4 registers SET_START Process control register 0. 0x40 0x20 SET_START Start hmac operation. 0 1 write-only SET_PARA_PURPOSE Configure purpose. 0x44 0x20 PURPOSE_SET Set hmac parameter purpose. 0 4 write-only SET_PARA_KEY Configure key. 0x48 0x20 KEY_SET Set hmac parameter key. 0 3 write-only SET_PARA_FINISH Finish initial configuration. 0x4C 0x20 SET_PARA_END Finish hmac configuration. 0 1 write-only SET_MESSAGE_ONE Process control register 1. 0x50 0x20 SET_TEXT_ONE Call SHA to calculate one message block. 0 1 write-only SET_MESSAGE_ING Process control register 2. 0x54 0x20 SET_TEXT_ING Continue typical hmac. 0 1 write-only SET_MESSAGE_END Process control register 3. 0x58 0x20 SET_TEXT_END Start hardware padding. 0 1 write-only SET_RESULT_FINISH Process control register 4. 0x5C 0x20 SET_RESULT_END After read result from upstream, then let hmac back to idle. 0 1 write-only SET_INVALIDATE_JTAG Invalidate register 0. 0x60 0x20 SET_INVALIDATE_JTAG Clear result from hmac downstream JTAG. 0 1 write-only SET_INVALIDATE_DS Invalidate register 1. 0x64 0x20 SET_INVALIDATE_DS Clear result from hmac downstream DS. 0 1 write-only QUERY_ERROR Error register. 0x68 0x20 QUREY_CHECK Hmac configuration state. 0: key are agree with purpose. 1: error 0 1 read-only QUERY_BUSY Busy register. 0x6C 0x20 BUSY_STATE Hmac state. 1'b0: idle. 1'b1: busy 0 1 read-only 64 0x1 WR_MESSAGE_MEM[%s] Message block memory. 0x80 0x8 32 0x1 RD_RESULT_MEM[%s] Result from upstream. 0xC0 0x8 SET_MESSAGE_PAD Process control register 5. 0xF0 0x20 SET_TEXT_PAD Start software padding. 0 1 write-only ONE_BLOCK Process control register 6. 0xF4 0x20 SET_ONE_BLOCK Don't have to do padding. 0 1 write-only SOFT_JTAG_CTRL Jtag register 0. 0xF8 0x20 SOFT_JTAG_CTRL Turn on JTAG verification. 0 1 write-only WR_JTAG Jtag register 1. 0xFC 0x20 WR_JTAG 32-bit of key to be compared. 0 32 write-only DATE Date register. 0x1FC 0x20 0x02101070 DATE Hmac date information/ hmac version information. 0 28 read-write I2C0 I2C (Inter-Integrated Circuit) Controller I2C 0x60013000 0x0 0x90 registers I2C_MST 11 I2C_EXT0 42 SCL_LOW_PERIOD Configures the low level width of the SCL Clock 0x0 0x20 SCL_LOW_PERIOD This register is used to configure for how long SCL remains low in master mode, in I2C module clock cycles. 0 9 read-write CTR Transmission setting 0x4 0x20 0x0000020B SDA_FORCE_OUT 0: direct output; 1: open drain output. 0 1 read-write SCL_FORCE_OUT 0: direct output; 1: open drain output. 1 1 read-write SAMPLE_SCL_LEVEL This register is used to select the sample mode. 1: sample SDA data on the SCL low level. 0: sample SDA data on the SCL high level. 2 1 read-write RX_FULL_ACK_LEVEL This register is used to configure the ACK value that need to sent by master when the rx_fifo_cnt has reached the threshold. 3 1 read-write MS_MODE Set this bit to configure the module as an I2C Master. Clear this bit to configure the module as an I2C Slave. 4 1 read-write TRANS_START Set this bit to start sending the data in txfifo. 5 1 write-only TX_LSB_FIRST This bit is used to control the sending mode for data needing to be sent. 1: send data from the least significant bit; 0: send data from the most significant bit. 6 1 read-write RX_LSB_FIRST This bit is used to control the storage mode for received data. 1: receive data from the least significant bit; 0: receive data from the most significant bit. 7 1 read-write CLK_EN Reserved 8 1 read-write ARBITRATION_EN This is the enable bit for arbitration_lost. 9 1 read-write FSM_RST This register is used to reset the scl FMS. 10 1 write-only CONF_UPGATE synchronization bit 11 1 write-only SLV_TX_AUTO_START_EN This is the enable bit for slave to send data automatically 12 1 read-write ADDR_10BIT_RW_CHECK_EN This is the enable bit to check if the r/w bit of 10bit addressing consists with I2C protocol 13 1 read-write ADDR_BROADCASTING_EN This is the enable bit to support the 7bit general call function. 14 1 read-write SR Describe I2C work status. 0x8 0x20 0x0000C000 RESP_REC The received ACK value in master mode or slave mode. 0: ACK, 1: NACK. 0 1 read-only SLAVE_RW When in slave mode, 1: master reads from slave; 0: master writes to slave. 1 1 read-only ARB_LOST When the I2C controller loses control of SCL line, this register changes to 1. 3 1 read-only BUS_BUSY 1: the I2C bus is busy transferring data; 0: the I2C bus is in idle state. 4 1 read-only SLAVE_ADDRESSED When configured as an I2C Slave, and the address sent by the master is equal to the address of the slave, then this bit will be of high level. 5 1 read-only RXFIFO_CNT This field represents the amount of data needed to be sent. 8 6 read-only STRETCH_CAUSE The cause of stretching SCL low in slave mode. 0: stretching SCL low at the beginning of I2C read data state. 1: stretching SCL low when I2C Tx FIFO is empty in slave mode. 2: stretching SCL low when I2C Rx FIFO is full in slave mode. 14 2 read-only TXFIFO_CNT This field stores the amount of received data in RAM. 18 6 read-only SCL_MAIN_STATE_LAST This field indicates the states of the I2C module state machine. 0: Idle; 1: Address shift; 2: ACK address; 3: Rx data; 4: Tx data; 5: Send ACK; 6: Wait ACK 24 3 read-only SCL_STATE_LAST This field indicates the states of the state machine used to produce SCL. 0: Idle; 1: Start; 2: Negative edge; 3: Low; 4: Positive edge; 5: High; 6: Stop 28 3 read-only TO Setting time out control for receiving data. 0xC 0x20 0x00000010 TIME_OUT_VALUE This register is used to configure the timeout for receiving a data bit in APB clock cycles. 0 5 read-write TIME_OUT_EN This is the enable bit for time out control. 5 1 read-write SLAVE_ADDR Local slave address setting 0x10 0x20 SLAVE_ADDR When configured as an I2C Slave, this field is used to configure the slave address. 0 15 read-write ADDR_10BIT_EN This field is used to enable the slave 10-bit addressing mode in master mode. 31 1 read-write FIFO_ST FIFO status register. 0x14 0x20 RXFIFO_RADDR This is the offset address of the APB reading from rxfifo 0 5 read-only RXFIFO_WADDR This is the offset address of i2c module receiving data and writing to rxfifo. 5 5 read-only TXFIFO_RADDR This is the offset address of i2c module reading from txfifo. 10 5 read-only TXFIFO_WADDR This is the offset address of APB bus writing to txfifo. 15 5 read-only SLAVE_RW_POINT The received data in I2C slave mode. 22 8 read-only FIFO_CONF FIFO configuration register. 0x18 0x20 0x0000408B RXFIFO_WM_THRHD The water mark threshold of rx FIFO in nonfifo access mode. When reg_reg_fifo_prt_en is 1 and rx FIFO counter is bigger than reg_rxfifo_wm_thrhd[4:0], reg_rxfifo_wm_int_raw bit will be valid. 0 5 read-write TXFIFO_WM_THRHD The water mark threshold of tx FIFO in nonfifo access mode. When reg_reg_fifo_prt_en is 1 and tx FIFO counter is smaller than reg_txfifo_wm_thrhd[4:0], reg_txfifo_wm_int_raw bit will be valid. 5 5 read-write NONFIFO_EN Set this bit to enable APB nonfifo access. 10 1 read-write FIFO_ADDR_CFG_EN When this bit is set to 1, the byte received after the I2C address byte represents the offset address in the I2C Slave RAM. 11 1 read-write RX_FIFO_RST Set this bit to reset rx-fifo. 12 1 read-write TX_FIFO_RST Set this bit to reset tx-fifo. 13 1 read-write FIFO_PRT_EN The control enable bit of FIFO pointer in non-fifo access mode. This bit controls the valid bits and the interrupts of tx/rx_fifo overflow, underflow, full and empty. 14 1 read-write DATA Rx FIFO read data. 0x1C 0x20 FIFO_RDATA The value of rx FIFO read data. 0 8 read-write INT_RAW Raw interrupt status 0x20 0x20 0x00000002 RXFIFO_WM_INT_RAW The raw interrupt bit for I2C_RXFIFO_WM_INT interrupt. 0 1 read-only TXFIFO_WM_INT_RAW The raw interrupt bit for I2C_TXFIFO_WM_INT interrupt. 1 1 read-only RXFIFO_OVF_INT_RAW The raw interrupt bit for I2C_RXFIFO_OVF_INT interrupt. 2 1 read-only END_DETECT_INT_RAW The raw interrupt bit for the I2C_END_DETECT_INT interrupt. 3 1 read-only BYTE_TRANS_DONE_INT_RAW The raw interrupt bit for the I2C_END_DETECT_INT interrupt. 4 1 read-only ARBITRATION_LOST_INT_RAW The raw interrupt bit for the I2C_ARBITRATION_LOST_INT interrupt. 5 1 read-only MST_TXFIFO_UDF_INT_RAW The raw interrupt bit for I2C_TRANS_COMPLETE_INT interrupt. 6 1 read-only TRANS_COMPLETE_INT_RAW The raw interrupt bit for the I2C_TRANS_COMPLETE_INT interrupt. 7 1 read-only TIME_OUT_INT_RAW The raw interrupt bit for the I2C_TIME_OUT_INT interrupt. 8 1 read-only TRANS_START_INT_RAW The raw interrupt bit for the I2C_TRANS_START_INT interrupt. 9 1 read-only NACK_INT_RAW The raw interrupt bit for I2C_SLAVE_STRETCH_INT interrupt. 10 1 read-only TXFIFO_OVF_INT_RAW The raw interrupt bit for I2C_TXFIFO_OVF_INT interrupt. 11 1 read-only RXFIFO_UDF_INT_RAW The raw interrupt bit for I2C_RXFIFO_UDF_INT interrupt. 12 1 read-only SCL_ST_TO_INT_RAW The raw interrupt bit for I2C_SCL_ST_TO_INT interrupt. 13 1 read-only SCL_MAIN_ST_TO_INT_RAW The raw interrupt bit for I2C_SCL_MAIN_ST_TO_INT interrupt. 14 1 read-only DET_START_INT_RAW The raw interrupt bit for I2C_DET_START_INT interrupt. 15 1 read-only SLAVE_STRETCH_INT_RAW The raw interrupt bit for I2C_SLAVE_STRETCH_INT interrupt. 16 1 read-only GENERAL_CALL_INT_RAW The raw interrupt bit for I2C_GENARAL_CALL_INT interrupt. 17 1 read-only INT_CLR Interrupt clear bits 0x24 0x20 RXFIFO_WM_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear I2C_RXFIFO_WM_INT interrupt. 0 1 write-only TXFIFO_WM_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear I2C_TXFIFO_WM_INT interrupt. 1 1 write-only RXFIFO_OVF_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear I2C_RXFIFO_OVF_INT interrupt. 2 1 write-only END_DETECT_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the I2C_END_DETECT_INT interrupt. 3 1 write-only BYTE_TRANS_DONE_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the I2C_END_DETECT_INT interrupt. 4 1 write-only ARBITRATION_LOST_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the I2C_ARBITRATION_LOST_INT interrupt. 5 1 write-only MST_TXFIFO_UDF_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear I2C_TRANS_COMPLETE_INT interrupt. 6 1 write-only TRANS_COMPLETE_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the I2C_TRANS_COMPLETE_INT interrupt. 7 1 write-only TIME_OUT_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the I2C_TIME_OUT_INT interrupt. 8 1 write-only TRANS_START_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the I2C_TRANS_START_INT interrupt. 9 1 write-only NACK_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear I2C_SLAVE_STRETCH_INT interrupt. 10 1 write-only TXFIFO_OVF_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear I2C_TXFIFO_OVF_INT interrupt. 11 1 write-only RXFIFO_UDF_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear I2C_RXFIFO_UDF_INT interrupt. 12 1 write-only SCL_ST_TO_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear I2C_SCL_ST_TO_INT interrupt. 13 1 write-only SCL_MAIN_ST_TO_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear I2C_SCL_MAIN_ST_TO_INT interrupt. 14 1 write-only DET_START_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear I2C_DET_START_INT interrupt. 15 1 write-only SLAVE_STRETCH_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear I2C_SLAVE_STRETCH_INT interrupt. 16 1 write-only GENERAL_CALL_INT_CLR Set this bit for I2C_GENARAL_CALL_INT interrupt. 17 1 write-only INT_ENA Interrupt enable bits 0x28 0x20 RXFIFO_WM_INT_ENA The interrupt enable bit for I2C_RXFIFO_WM_INT interrupt. 0 1 read-write TXFIFO_WM_INT_ENA The interrupt enable bit for I2C_TXFIFO_WM_INT interrupt. 1 1 read-write RXFIFO_OVF_INT_ENA The interrupt enable bit for I2C_RXFIFO_OVF_INT interrupt. 2 1 read-write END_DETECT_INT_ENA The interrupt enable bit for the I2C_END_DETECT_INT interrupt. 3 1 read-write BYTE_TRANS_DONE_INT_ENA The interrupt enable bit for the I2C_END_DETECT_INT interrupt. 4 1 read-write ARBITRATION_LOST_INT_ENA The interrupt enable bit for the I2C_ARBITRATION_LOST_INT interrupt. 5 1 read-write MST_TXFIFO_UDF_INT_ENA The interrupt enable bit for I2C_TRANS_COMPLETE_INT interrupt. 6 1 read-write TRANS_COMPLETE_INT_ENA The interrupt enable bit for the I2C_TRANS_COMPLETE_INT interrupt. 7 1 read-write TIME_OUT_INT_ENA The interrupt enable bit for the I2C_TIME_OUT_INT interrupt. 8 1 read-write TRANS_START_INT_ENA The interrupt enable bit for the I2C_TRANS_START_INT interrupt. 9 1 read-write NACK_INT_ENA The interrupt enable bit for I2C_SLAVE_STRETCH_INT interrupt. 10 1 read-write TXFIFO_OVF_INT_ENA The interrupt enable bit for I2C_TXFIFO_OVF_INT interrupt. 11 1 read-write RXFIFO_UDF_INT_ENA The interrupt enable bit for I2C_RXFIFO_UDF_INT interrupt. 12 1 read-write SCL_ST_TO_INT_ENA The interrupt enable bit for I2C_SCL_ST_TO_INT interrupt. 13 1 read-write SCL_MAIN_ST_TO_INT_ENA The interrupt enable bit for I2C_SCL_MAIN_ST_TO_INT interrupt. 14 1 read-write DET_START_INT_ENA The interrupt enable bit for I2C_DET_START_INT interrupt. 15 1 read-write SLAVE_STRETCH_INT_ENA The interrupt enable bit for I2C_SLAVE_STRETCH_INT interrupt. 16 1 read-write GENERAL_CALL_INT_ENA The interrupt enable bit for I2C_GENARAL_CALL_INT interrupt. 17 1 read-write INT_STATUS Status of captured I2C communication events 0x2C 0x20 RXFIFO_WM_INT_ST The masked interrupt status bit for I2C_RXFIFO_WM_INT interrupt. 0 1 read-only TXFIFO_WM_INT_ST The masked interrupt status bit for I2C_TXFIFO_WM_INT interrupt. 1 1 read-only RXFIFO_OVF_INT_ST The masked interrupt status bit for I2C_RXFIFO_OVF_INT interrupt. 2 1 read-only END_DETECT_INT_ST The masked interrupt status bit for the I2C_END_DETECT_INT interrupt. 3 1 read-only BYTE_TRANS_DONE_INT_ST The masked interrupt status bit for the I2C_END_DETECT_INT interrupt. 4 1 read-only ARBITRATION_LOST_INT_ST The masked interrupt status bit for the I2C_ARBITRATION_LOST_INT interrupt. 5 1 read-only MST_TXFIFO_UDF_INT_ST The masked interrupt status bit for I2C_TRANS_COMPLETE_INT interrupt. 6 1 read-only TRANS_COMPLETE_INT_ST The masked interrupt status bit for the I2C_TRANS_COMPLETE_INT interrupt. 7 1 read-only TIME_OUT_INT_ST The masked interrupt status bit for the I2C_TIME_OUT_INT interrupt. 8 1 read-only TRANS_START_INT_ST The masked interrupt status bit for the I2C_TRANS_START_INT interrupt. 9 1 read-only NACK_INT_ST The masked interrupt status bit for I2C_SLAVE_STRETCH_INT interrupt. 10 1 read-only TXFIFO_OVF_INT_ST The masked interrupt status bit for I2C_TXFIFO_OVF_INT interrupt. 11 1 read-only RXFIFO_UDF_INT_ST The masked interrupt status bit for I2C_RXFIFO_UDF_INT interrupt. 12 1 read-only SCL_ST_TO_INT_ST The masked interrupt status bit for I2C_SCL_ST_TO_INT interrupt. 13 1 read-only SCL_MAIN_ST_TO_INT_ST The masked interrupt status bit for I2C_SCL_MAIN_ST_TO_INT interrupt. 14 1 read-only DET_START_INT_ST The masked interrupt status bit for I2C_DET_START_INT interrupt. 15 1 read-only SLAVE_STRETCH_INT_ST The masked interrupt status bit for I2C_SLAVE_STRETCH_INT interrupt. 16 1 read-only GENERAL_CALL_INT_ST The masked interrupt status bit for I2C_GENARAL_CALL_INT interrupt. 17 1 read-only SDA_HOLD Configures the hold time after a negative SCL edge. 0x30 0x20 TIME This register is used to configure the time to hold the data after the negative edge of SCL, in I2C module clock cycles. 0 9 read-write SDA_SAMPLE Configures the sample time after a positive SCL edge. 0x34 0x20 TIME This register is used to configure for how long SDA is sampled, in I2C module clock cycles. 0 9 read-write SCL_HIGH_PERIOD Configures the high level width of SCL 0x38 0x20 SCL_HIGH_PERIOD This register is used to configure for how long SCL remains high in master mode, in I2C module clock cycles. 0 9 read-write SCL_WAIT_HIGH_PERIOD This register is used to configure for the SCL_FSM's waiting period for SCL high level in master mode, in I2C module clock cycles. 9 7 read-write SCL_START_HOLD Configures the delay between the SDA and SCL negative edge for a start condition 0x40 0x20 0x00000008 TIME This register is used to configure the time between the negative edge of SDA and the negative edge of SCL for a START condition, in I2C module clock cycles. 0 9 read-write SCL_RSTART_SETUP Configures the delay between the positive edge of SCL and the negative edge of SDA 0x44 0x20 0x00000008 TIME This register is used to configure the time between the positive edge of SCL and the negative edge of SDA for a RESTART condition, in I2C module clock cycles. 0 9 read-write SCL_STOP_HOLD Configures the delay after the SCL clock edge for a stop condition 0x48 0x20 0x00000008 TIME This register is used to configure the delay after the STOP condition, in I2C module clock cycles. 0 9 read-write SCL_STOP_SETUP Configures the delay between the SDA and SCL positive edge for a stop condition 0x4C 0x20 0x00000008 TIME This register is used to configure the time between the positive edge of SCL and the positive edge of SDA, in I2C module clock cycles. 0 9 read-write FILTER_CFG SCL and SDA filter configuration register 0x50 0x20 0x00000300 SCL_FILTER_THRES When a pulse on the SCL input has smaller width than this register value in I2C module clock cycles, the I2C controller will ignore that pulse. 0 4 read-write SDA_FILTER_THRES When a pulse on the SDA input has smaller width than this register value in I2C module clock cycles, the I2C controller will ignore that pulse. 4 4 read-write SCL_FILTER_EN This is the filter enable bit for SCL. 8 1 read-write SDA_FILTER_EN This is the filter enable bit for SDA. 9 1 read-write CLK_CONF I2C CLK configuration register 0x54 0x20 0x00200000 SCLK_DIV_NUM the integral part of the fractional divisor for i2c module 0 8 read-write SCLK_DIV_A the numerator of the fractional part of the fractional divisor for i2c module 8 6 read-write SCLK_DIV_B the denominator of the fractional part of the fractional divisor for i2c module 14 6 read-write SCLK_SEL The clock selection for i2c module:0-XTAL;1-CLK_8MHz. 20 1 read-write SCLK_ACTIVE The clock switch for i2c module 21 1 read-write 8 0x4 0-7 COMD%s I2C command register %s 0x58 0x20 COMMAND This is the content of command 0. It consists of three parts: op_code is the command, 0: RSTART; 1: WRITE; 2: READ; 3: STOP; 4: END. Byte_num represents the number of bytes that need to be sent or received. ack_check_en, ack_exp and ack are used to control the ACK bit. See I2C cmd structure for more Information. 0 14 read-write COMMAND_DONE When command 0 is done in I2C Master mode, this bit changes to high level. 31 1 read-write SCL_ST_TIME_OUT SCL status time out register 0x78 0x20 0x00000010 SCL_ST_TO_I2C The threshold value of SCL_FSM state unchanged period. It should be o more than 23 0 5 read-write SCL_MAIN_ST_TIME_OUT SCL main status time out register 0x7C 0x20 0x00000010 SCL_MAIN_ST_TO_I2C The threshold value of SCL_MAIN_FSM state unchanged period.nIt should be o more than 23 0 5 read-write SCL_SP_CONF Power configuration register 0x80 0x20 SCL_RST_SLV_EN When I2C master is IDLE, set this bit to send out SCL pulses. The number of pulses equals to reg_scl_rst_slv_num[4:0]. 0 1 read-write SCL_RST_SLV_NUM Configure the pulses of SCL generated in I2C master mode. Valid when reg_scl_rst_slv_en is 1. 1 5 read-write SCL_PD_EN The power down enable bit for the I2C output SCL line. 1: Power down. 0: Not power down. Set reg_scl_force_out and reg_scl_pd_en to 1 to stretch SCL low. 6 1 read-write SDA_PD_EN The power down enable bit for the I2C output SDA line. 1: Power down. 0: Not power down. Set reg_sda_force_out and reg_sda_pd_en to 1 to stretch SDA low. 7 1 read-write SCL_STRETCH_CONF Set SCL stretch of I2C slave 0x84 0x20 STRETCH_PROTECT_NUM Configure the period of I2C slave stretching SCL line. 0 10 read-write SLAVE_SCL_STRETCH_EN The enable bit for slave SCL stretch function. 1: Enable. 0: Disable. The SCL output line will be stretched low when reg_slave_scl_stretch_en is 1 and stretch event happens. The stretch cause can be seen in reg_stretch_cause. 10 1 read-write SLAVE_SCL_STRETCH_CLR Set this bit to clear the I2C slave SCL stretch function. 11 1 write-only SLAVE_BYTE_ACK_CTL_EN The enable bit for slave to control ACK level function. 12 1 read-write SLAVE_BYTE_ACK_LVL Set the ACK level when slave controlling ACK level function enables. 13 1 read-write DATE Version register 0xF8 0x20 0x20070201 DATE This is the the version register. 0 32 read-write TXFIFO_START_ADDR I2C TXFIFO base address register 0x100 0x20 TXFIFO_START_ADDR This is the I2C txfifo first address. 0 32 read-only RXFIFO_START_ADDR I2C RXFIFO base address register 0x180 0x20 RXFIFO_START_ADDR This is the I2C rxfifo first address. 0 32 read-only I2C1 I2C (Inter-Integrated Circuit) Controller 0x60027000 I2C_EXT1 43 I2S0 I2S (Inter-IC Sound) Controller I2S 0x6000F000 0x0 0x5C registers I2S0 25 INT_RAW I2S interrupt raw register, valid in level. 0xC 0x20 RX_DONE_INT_RAW The raw interrupt status bit for the i2s_rx_done_int interrupt 0 1 read-only TX_DONE_INT_RAW The raw interrupt status bit for the i2s_tx_done_int interrupt 1 1 read-only RX_HUNG_INT_RAW The raw interrupt status bit for the i2s_rx_hung_int interrupt 2 1 read-only TX_HUNG_INT_RAW The raw interrupt status bit for the i2s_tx_hung_int interrupt 3 1 read-only INT_ST I2S interrupt status register. 0x10 0x20 RX_DONE_INT_ST The masked interrupt status bit for the i2s_rx_done_int interrupt 0 1 read-only TX_DONE_INT_ST The masked interrupt status bit for the i2s_tx_done_int interrupt 1 1 read-only RX_HUNG_INT_ST The masked interrupt status bit for the i2s_rx_hung_int interrupt 2 1 read-only TX_HUNG_INT_ST The masked interrupt status bit for the i2s_tx_hung_int interrupt 3 1 read-only INT_ENA I2S interrupt enable register. 0x14 0x20 RX_DONE_INT_ENA The interrupt enable bit for the i2s_rx_done_int interrupt 0 1 read-write TX_DONE_INT_ENA The interrupt enable bit for the i2s_tx_done_int interrupt 1 1 read-write RX_HUNG_INT_ENA The interrupt enable bit for the i2s_rx_hung_int interrupt 2 1 read-write TX_HUNG_INT_ENA The interrupt enable bit for the i2s_tx_hung_int interrupt 3 1 read-write INT_CLR I2S interrupt clear register. 0x18 0x20 RX_DONE_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the i2s_rx_done_int interrupt 0 1 write-only TX_DONE_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the i2s_tx_done_int interrupt 1 1 write-only RX_HUNG_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the i2s_rx_hung_int interrupt 2 1 write-only TX_HUNG_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the i2s_tx_hung_int interrupt 3 1 write-only RX_CONF I2S RX configure register 0x20 0x20 0x00009600 RX_RESET Set this bit to reset receiver 0 1 write-only RX_FIFO_RESET Set this bit to reset Rx AFIFO 1 1 write-only RX_START Set this bit to start receiving data 2 1 read-write RX_SLAVE_MOD Set this bit to enable slave receiver mode 3 1 read-write RX_MONO Set this bit to enable receiver in mono mode 5 1 read-write RX_BIG_ENDIAN I2S Rx byte endian, 1: low addr value to high addr. 0: low addr with low addr value. 7 1 read-write RX_UPDATE Set 1 to update I2S RX registers from APB clock domain to I2S RX clock domain. This bit will be cleared by hardware after update register done. 8 1 read-write RX_MONO_FST_VLD 1: The first channel data value is valid in I2S RX mono mode. 0: The second channel data value is valid in I2S RX mono mode. 9 1 read-write RX_PCM_CONF I2S RX compress/decompress configuration bit. & 0 (atol): A-Law decompress, 1 (ltoa) : A-Law compress, 2 (utol) : u-Law decompress, 3 (ltou) : u-Law compress. & 10 2 read-write RX_PCM_BYPASS Set this bit to bypass Compress/Decompress module for received data. 12 1 read-write RX_STOP_MODE 0 : I2S Rx only stop when reg_rx_start is cleared. 1: Stop when reg_rx_start is 0 or in_suc_eof is 1. 2: Stop I2S RX when reg_rx_start is 0 or RX FIFO is full. 13 2 read-write RX_LEFT_ALIGN 1: I2S RX left alignment mode. 0: I2S RX right alignment mode. 15 1 read-write RX_24_FILL_EN 1: store 24 channel bits to 32 bits. 0:store 24 channel bits to 24 bits. 16 1 read-write RX_WS_IDLE_POL 0: WS should be 0 when receiving left channel data, and WS is 1in right channel. 1: WS should be 1 when receiving left channel data, and WS is 0in right channel. 17 1 read-write RX_BIT_ORDER I2S Rx bit endian. 1:small endian, the LSB is received first. 0:big endian, the MSB is received first. 18 1 read-write RX_TDM_EN 1: Enable I2S TDM Rx mode . 0: Disable. 19 1 read-write RX_PDM_EN 1: Enable I2S PDM Rx mode . 0: Disable. 20 1 read-write RX_PDM2PCM_EN 1: Enable PDM2PCM RX mode. 0: DIsable. 21 1 read-write RX_PDM_SINC_DSR_16_EN Configure the down sampling rate of PDM RX filter group1 module. 1: The down sampling rate is 128. 0: down sampling rate is 64. 22 1 read-write TX_CONF I2S TX configure register 0x24 0x20 0x0000B200 TX_RESET Set this bit to reset transmitter 0 1 write-only TX_FIFO_RESET Set this bit to reset Tx AFIFO 1 1 write-only TX_START Set this bit to start transmitting data 2 1 read-write TX_SLAVE_MOD Set this bit to enable slave transmitter mode 3 1 read-write TX_MONO Set this bit to enable transmitter in mono mode 5 1 read-write TX_CHAN_EQUAL 1: The value of Left channel data is equal to the value of right channel data in I2S TX mono mode or TDM channel select mode. 0: The invalid channel data is reg_i2s_single_data in I2S TX mono mode or TDM channel select mode. 6 1 read-write TX_BIG_ENDIAN I2S Tx byte endian, 1: low addr value to high addr. 0: low addr with low addr value. 7 1 read-write TX_UPDATE Set 1 to update I2S TX registers from APB clock domain to I2S TX clock domain. This bit will be cleared by hardware after update register done. 8 1 read-write TX_MONO_FST_VLD 1: The first channel data value is valid in I2S TX mono mode. 0: The second channel data value is valid in I2S TX mono mode. 9 1 read-write TX_PCM_CONF I2S TX compress/decompress configuration bit. & 0 (atol): A-Law decompress, 1 (ltoa) : A-Law compress, 2 (utol) : u-Law decompress, 3 (ltou) : u-Law compress. & 10 2 read-write TX_PCM_BYPASS Set this bit to bypass Compress/Decompress module for transmitted data. 12 1 read-write TX_STOP_EN Set this bit to stop disable output BCK signal and WS signal when tx FIFO is emtpy 13 1 read-write TX_LEFT_ALIGN 1: I2S TX left alignment mode. 0: I2S TX right alignment mode. 15 1 read-write TX_24_FILL_EN 1: Sent 32 bits in 24 channel bits mode. 0: Sent 24 bits in 24 channel bits mode 16 1 read-write TX_WS_IDLE_POL 0: WS should be 0 when sending left channel data, and WS is 1in right channel. 1: WS should be 1 when sending left channel data, and WS is 0in right channel. 17 1 read-write TX_BIT_ORDER I2S Tx bit endian. 1:small endian, the LSB is sent first. 0:big endian, the MSB is sent first. 18 1 read-write TX_TDM_EN 1: Enable I2S TDM Tx mode . 0: Disable. 19 1 read-write TX_PDM_EN 1: Enable I2S PDM Tx mode . 0: Disable. 20 1 read-write TX_CHAN_MOD I2S transmitter channel mode configuration bits. 24 3 read-write SIG_LOOPBACK Enable signal loop back mode with transmitter module and receiver module sharing the same WS and BCK signals. 27 1 read-write RX_CONF1 I2S RX configure register 1 0x28 0x20 0x2F3DE300 RX_TDM_WS_WIDTH The width of rx_ws_out in TDM mode is (I2S_RX_TDM_WS_WIDTH[6:0] +1) * T_bck 0 7 read-write RX_BCK_DIV_NUM Bit clock configuration bits in receiver mode. 7 6 read-write RX_BITS_MOD Set the bits to configure the valid data bit length of I2S receiver channel. 7: all the valid channel data is in 8-bit-mode. 15: all the valid channel data is in 16-bit-mode. 23: all the valid channel data is in 24-bit-mode. 31:all the valid channel data is in 32-bit-mode. 13 5 read-write RX_HALF_SAMPLE_BITS I2S Rx half sample bits -1. 18 6 read-write RX_TDM_CHAN_BITS The Rx bit number for each channel minus 1in TDM mode. 24 5 read-write RX_MSB_SHIFT Set this bit to enable receiver in Phillips standard mode 29 1 read-write TX_CONF1 I2S TX configure register 1 0x2C 0x20 0x6F3DE300 TX_TDM_WS_WIDTH The width of tx_ws_out in TDM mode is (I2S_TX_TDM_WS_WIDTH[6:0] +1) * T_bck 0 7 read-write TX_BCK_DIV_NUM Bit clock configuration bits in transmitter mode. 7 6 read-write TX_BITS_MOD Set the bits to configure the valid data bit length of I2S transmitter channel. 7: all the valid channel data is in 8-bit-mode. 15: all the valid channel data is in 16-bit-mode. 23: all the valid channel data is in 24-bit-mode. 31:all the valid channel data is in 32-bit-mode. 13 5 read-write TX_HALF_SAMPLE_BITS I2S Tx half sample bits -1. 18 6 read-write TX_TDM_CHAN_BITS The Tx bit number for each channel minus 1in TDM mode. 24 5 read-write TX_MSB_SHIFT Set this bit to enable transmitter in Phillips standard mode 29 1 read-write TX_BCK_NO_DLY 1: BCK is not delayed to generate pos/neg edge in master mode. 0: BCK is delayed to generate pos/neg edge in master mode. 30 1 read-write RX_CLKM_CONF I2S RX clock configure register 0x30 0x20 0x00000002 RX_CLKM_DIV_NUM Integral I2S clock divider value 0 8 read-write RX_CLK_ACTIVE I2S Rx module clock enable signal. 26 1 read-write RX_CLK_SEL Select I2S Rx module source clock. 0: no clock. 1: APLL. 2: CLK160. 3: I2S_MCLK_in. 27 2 read-write MCLK_SEL 0: UseI2S Tx module clock as I2S_MCLK_OUT. 1: UseI2S Rx module clock as I2S_MCLK_OUT. 29 1 read-write TX_CLKM_CONF I2S TX clock configure register 0x34 0x20 0x00000002 TX_CLKM_DIV_NUM Integral I2S TX clock divider value. f_I2S_CLK = f_I2S_CLK_S/(N+b/a). There will be (a-b) * n-div and b * (n+1)-div. So the average combination will be: for b <= a/2, z * [x * n-div + (n+1)-div] + y * n-div. For b > a/2, z * [n-div + x * (n+1)-div] + y * (n+1)-div. 0 8 read-write TX_CLK_ACTIVE I2S Tx module clock enable signal. 26 1 read-write TX_CLK_SEL Select I2S Tx module source clock. 0: XTAL clock. 1: APLL. 2: CLK160. 3: I2S_MCLK_in. 27 2 read-write CLK_EN Set this bit to enable clk gate 29 1 read-write RX_CLKM_DIV_CONF I2S RX module clock divider configure register 0x38 0x20 0x00000200 RX_CLKM_DIV_Z For b <= a/2, the value of I2S_RX_CLKM_DIV_Z is b. For b > a/2, the value of I2S_RX_CLKM_DIV_Z is (a-b). 0 9 read-write RX_CLKM_DIV_Y For b <= a/2, the value of I2S_RX_CLKM_DIV_Y is (a%b) . For b > a/2, the value of I2S_RX_CLKM_DIV_Y is (a%(a-b)). 9 9 read-write RX_CLKM_DIV_X For b <= a/2, the value of I2S_RX_CLKM_DIV_X is (a/b) - 1. For b > a/2, the value of I2S_RX_CLKM_DIV_X is (a/(a-b)) - 1. 18 9 read-write RX_CLKM_DIV_YN1 For b <= a/2, the value of I2S_RX_CLKM_DIV_YN1 is 0 . For b > a/2, the value of I2S_RX_CLKM_DIV_YN1 is 1. 27 1 read-write TX_CLKM_DIV_CONF I2S TX module clock divider configure register 0x3C 0x20 0x00000200 TX_CLKM_DIV_Z For b <= a/2, the value of I2S_TX_CLKM_DIV_Z is b. For b > a/2, the value of I2S_TX_CLKM_DIV_Z is (a-b). 0 9 read-write TX_CLKM_DIV_Y For b <= a/2, the value of I2S_TX_CLKM_DIV_Y is (a%b) . For b > a/2, the value of I2S_TX_CLKM_DIV_Y is (a%(a-b)). 9 9 read-write TX_CLKM_DIV_X For b <= a/2, the value of I2S_TX_CLKM_DIV_X is (a/b) - 1. For b > a/2, the value of I2S_TX_CLKM_DIV_X is (a/(a-b)) - 1. 18 9 read-write TX_CLKM_DIV_YN1 For b <= a/2, the value of I2S_TX_CLKM_DIV_YN1 is 0 . For b > a/2, the value of I2S_TX_CLKM_DIV_YN1 is 1. 27 1 read-write TX_PCM2PDM_CONF I2S TX PCM2PDM configuration register 0x40 0x20 0x004AA004 TX_PDM_HP_BYPASS I2S TX PDM bypass hp filter or not. The option has been removed. 0 1 read-write TX_PDM_SINC_OSR2 I2S TX PDM OSR2 value 1 4 read-write TX_PDM_PRESCALE I2S TX PDM prescale for sigmadelta 5 8 read-write TX_PDM_HP_IN_SHIFT I2S TX PDM sigmadelta scale shift number: 0:/2 , 1:x1 , 2:x2 , 3: x4 13 2 read-write TX_PDM_LP_IN_SHIFT I2S TX PDM sigmadelta scale shift number: 0:/2 , 1:x1 , 2:x2 , 3: x4 15 2 read-write TX_PDM_SINC_IN_SHIFT I2S TX PDM sigmadelta scale shift number: 0:/2 , 1:x1 , 2:x2 , 3: x4 17 2 read-write TX_PDM_SIGMADELTA_IN_SHIFT I2S TX PDM sigmadelta scale shift number: 0:/2 , 1:x1 , 2:x2 , 3: x4 19 2 read-write TX_PDM_SIGMADELTA_DITHER2 I2S TX PDM sigmadelta dither2 value 21 1 read-write TX_PDM_SIGMADELTA_DITHER I2S TX PDM sigmadelta dither value 22 1 read-write TX_PDM_DAC_2OUT_EN I2S TX PDM dac mode enable 23 1 read-write TX_PDM_DAC_MODE_EN I2S TX PDM dac 2channel enable 24 1 read-write PCM2PDM_CONV_EN I2S TX PDM Converter enable 25 1 read-write TX_PCM2PDM_CONF1 I2S TX PCM2PDM configuration register 0x44 0x20 0x03F783C0 TX_PDM_FP I2S TX PDM Fp 0 10 read-write TX_PDM_FS I2S TX PDM Fs 10 10 read-write TX_IIR_HP_MULT12_5 The fourth parameter of PDM TX IIR_HP filter stage 2 is (504 + I2S_TX_IIR_HP_MULT12_5[2:0]) 20 3 read-write TX_IIR_HP_MULT12_0 The fourth parameter of PDM TX IIR_HP filter stage 1 is (504 + I2S_TX_IIR_HP_MULT12_0[2:0]) 23 3 read-write RX_TDM_CTRL I2S TX TDM mode control register 0x50 0x20 0x0000FFFF RX_TDM_PDM_CHAN0_EN 1: Enable the valid data input of I2S RX TDM or PDM channel 0. 0: Disable, just input 0 in this channel. 0 1 read-write RX_TDM_PDM_CHAN1_EN 1: Enable the valid data input of I2S RX TDM or PDM channel 1. 0: Disable, just input 0 in this channel. 1 1 read-write RX_TDM_PDM_CHAN2_EN 1: Enable the valid data input of I2S RX TDM or PDM channel 2. 0: Disable, just input 0 in this channel. 2 1 read-write RX_TDM_PDM_CHAN3_EN 1: Enable the valid data input of I2S RX TDM or PDM channel 3. 0: Disable, just input 0 in this channel. 3 1 read-write RX_TDM_PDM_CHAN4_EN 1: Enable the valid data input of I2S RX TDM or PDM channel 4. 0: Disable, just input 0 in this channel. 4 1 read-write RX_TDM_PDM_CHAN5_EN 1: Enable the valid data input of I2S RX TDM or PDM channel 5. 0: Disable, just input 0 in this channel. 5 1 read-write RX_TDM_PDM_CHAN6_EN 1: Enable the valid data input of I2S RX TDM or PDM channel 6. 0: Disable, just input 0 in this channel. 6 1 read-write RX_TDM_PDM_CHAN7_EN 1: Enable the valid data input of I2S RX TDM or PDM channel 7. 0: Disable, just input 0 in this channel. 7 1 read-write RX_TDM_CHAN8_EN 1: Enable the valid data input of I2S RX TDM channel 8. 0: Disable, just input 0 in this channel. 8 1 read-write RX_TDM_CHAN9_EN 1: Enable the valid data input of I2S RX TDM channel 9. 0: Disable, just input 0 in this channel. 9 1 read-write RX_TDM_CHAN10_EN 1: Enable the valid data input of I2S RX TDM channel 10. 0: Disable, just input 0 in this channel. 10 1 read-write RX_TDM_CHAN11_EN 1: Enable the valid data input of I2S RX TDM channel 11. 0: Disable, just input 0 in this channel. 11 1 read-write RX_TDM_CHAN12_EN 1: Enable the valid data input of I2S RX TDM channel 12. 0: Disable, just input 0 in this channel. 12 1 read-write RX_TDM_CHAN13_EN 1: Enable the valid data input of I2S RX TDM channel 13. 0: Disable, just input 0 in this channel. 13 1 read-write RX_TDM_CHAN14_EN 1: Enable the valid data input of I2S RX TDM channel 14. 0: Disable, just input 0 in this channel. 14 1 read-write RX_TDM_CHAN15_EN 1: Enable the valid data input of I2S RX TDM channel 15. 0: Disable, just input 0 in this channel. 15 1 read-write RX_TDM_TOT_CHAN_NUM The total channel number of I2S TX TDM mode. 16 4 read-write TX_TDM_CTRL I2S TX TDM mode control register 0x54 0x20 0x0000FFFF TX_TDM_CHAN0_EN 1: Enable the valid data output of I2S TX TDM channel 0. 0: Disable, just output 0 in this channel. 0 1 read-write TX_TDM_CHAN1_EN 1: Enable the valid data output of I2S TX TDM channel 1. 0: Disable, just output 0 in this channel. 1 1 read-write TX_TDM_CHAN2_EN 1: Enable the valid data output of I2S TX TDM channel 2. 0: Disable, just output 0 in this channel. 2 1 read-write TX_TDM_CHAN3_EN 1: Enable the valid data output of I2S TX TDM channel 3. 0: Disable, just output 0 in this channel. 3 1 read-write TX_TDM_CHAN4_EN 1: Enable the valid data output of I2S TX TDM channel 4. 0: Disable, just output 0 in this channel. 4 1 read-write TX_TDM_CHAN5_EN 1: Enable the valid data output of I2S TX TDM channel 5. 0: Disable, just output 0 in this channel. 5 1 read-write TX_TDM_CHAN6_EN 1: Enable the valid data output of I2S TX TDM channel 6. 0: Disable, just output 0 in this channel. 6 1 read-write TX_TDM_CHAN7_EN 1: Enable the valid data output of I2S TX TDM channel 7. 0: Disable, just output 0 in this channel. 7 1 read-write TX_TDM_CHAN8_EN 1: Enable the valid data output of I2S TX TDM channel 8. 0: Disable, just output 0 in this channel. 8 1 read-write TX_TDM_CHAN9_EN 1: Enable the valid data output of I2S TX TDM channel 9. 0: Disable, just output 0 in this channel. 9 1 read-write TX_TDM_CHAN10_EN 1: Enable the valid data output of I2S TX TDM channel 10. 0: Disable, just output 0 in this channel. 10 1 read-write TX_TDM_CHAN11_EN 1: Enable the valid data output of I2S TX TDM channel 11. 0: Disable, just output 0 in this channel. 11 1 read-write TX_TDM_CHAN12_EN 1: Enable the valid data output of I2S TX TDM channel 12. 0: Disable, just output 0 in this channel. 12 1 read-write TX_TDM_CHAN13_EN 1: Enable the valid data output of I2S TX TDM channel 13. 0: Disable, just output 0 in this channel. 13 1 read-write TX_TDM_CHAN14_EN 1: Enable the valid data output of I2S TX TDM channel 14. 0: Disable, just output 0 in this channel. 14 1 read-write TX_TDM_CHAN15_EN 1: Enable the valid data output of I2S TX TDM channel 15. 0: Disable, just output 0 in this channel. 15 1 read-write TX_TDM_TOT_CHAN_NUM The total channel number of I2S TX TDM mode. 16 4 read-write TX_TDM_SKIP_MSK_EN When DMA TX buffer stores the data of (REG_TX_TDM_TOT_CHAN_NUM + 1) channels, and only the data of the enabled channels is sent, then this bit should be set. Clear it when all the data stored in DMA TX buffer is for enabled channels. 20 1 read-write RX_TIMING I2S RX timing control register 0x58 0x20 RX_SD_IN_DM The delay mode of I2S Rx SD input signal. 0: bypass. 1: delay by pos edge. 2: delay by neg edge. 3: not used. 0 2 read-write RX_SD1_IN_DM The delay mode of I2S Rx SD1 input signal. 0: bypass. 1: delay by pos edge. 2: delay by neg edge. 3: not used. 4 2 read-write RX_SD2_IN_DM The delay mode of I2S Rx SD2 input signal. 0: bypass. 1: delay by pos edge. 2: delay by neg edge. 3: not used. 8 2 read-write RX_SD3_IN_DM The delay mode of I2S Rx SD3 input signal. 0: bypass. 1: delay by pos edge. 2: delay by neg edge. 3: not used. 12 2 read-write RX_WS_OUT_DM The delay mode of I2S Rx WS output signal. 0: bypass. 1: delay by pos edge. 2: delay by neg edge. 3: not used. 16 2 read-write RX_BCK_OUT_DM The delay mode of I2S Rx BCK output signal. 0: bypass. 1: delay by pos edge. 2: delay by neg edge. 3: not used. 20 2 read-write RX_WS_IN_DM The delay mode of I2S Rx WS input signal. 0: bypass. 1: delay by pos edge. 2: delay by neg edge. 3: not used. 24 2 read-write RX_BCK_IN_DM The delay mode of I2S Rx BCK input signal. 0: bypass. 1: delay by pos edge. 2: delay by neg edge. 3: not used. 28 2 read-write TX_TIMING I2S TX timing control register 0x5C 0x20 TX_SD_OUT_DM The delay mode of I2S TX SD output signal. 0: bypass. 1: delay by pos edge. 2: delay by neg edge. 3: not used. 0 2 read-write TX_SD1_OUT_DM The delay mode of I2S TX SD1 output signal. 0: bypass. 1: delay by pos edge. 2: delay by neg edge. 3: not used. 4 2 read-write TX_WS_OUT_DM The delay mode of I2S TX WS output signal. 0: bypass. 1: delay by pos edge. 2: delay by neg edge. 3: not used. 16 2 read-write TX_BCK_OUT_DM The delay mode of I2S TX BCK output signal. 0: bypass. 1: delay by pos edge. 2: delay by neg edge. 3: not used. 20 2 read-write TX_WS_IN_DM The delay mode of I2S TX WS input signal. 0: bypass. 1: delay by pos edge. 2: delay by neg edge. 3: not used. 24 2 read-write TX_BCK_IN_DM The delay mode of I2S TX BCK input signal. 0: bypass. 1: delay by pos edge. 2: delay by neg edge. 3: not used. 28 2 read-write LC_HUNG_CONF I2S HUNG configure register. 0x60 0x20 0x00000810 LC_FIFO_TIMEOUT the i2s_tx_hung_int interrupt or the i2s_rx_hung_int interrupt will be triggered when fifo hung counter is equal to this value 0 8 read-write LC_FIFO_TIMEOUT_SHIFT The bits are used to scale tick counter threshold. The tick counter is reset when counter value >= 88000/2^i2s_lc_fifo_timeout_shift 8 3 read-write LC_FIFO_TIMEOUT_ENA The enable bit for FIFO timeout 11 1 read-write RXEOF_NUM I2S RX data number control register. 0x64 0x20 0x00000040 RX_EOF_NUM The receive data bit length is (I2S_RX_BITS_MOD[4:0] + 1) * (REG_RX_EOF_NUM[11:0] + 1) . It will trigger in_suc_eof interrupt in the configured DMA RX channel. 0 12 read-write CONF_SIGLE_DATA I2S signal data register 0x68 0x20 SINGLE_DATA The configured constant channel data to be sent out. 0 32 read-write STATE I2S TX status register 0x6C 0x20 0x00000001 TX_IDLE 1: i2s_tx is idle state. 0: i2s_tx is working. 0 1 read-only DATE Version control register 0x80 0x20 0x02009070 DATE I2S version control register 0 28 read-write I2S1 I2S (Inter-IC Sound) Controller I2S1 0x6002D000 0x0 0x54 registers I2S1 26 I2S_INT_RAW I2S interrupt raw register, valid in level. 0xC 0x20 I2S_RX_DONE_INT_RAW The raw interrupt status bit for the i2s_rx_done_int interrupt 0 1 read-only I2S_TX_DONE_INT_RAW The raw interrupt status bit for the i2s_tx_done_int interrupt 1 1 read-only I2S_RX_HUNG_INT_RAW The raw interrupt status bit for the i2s_rx_hung_int interrupt 2 1 read-only I2S_TX_HUNG_INT_RAW The raw interrupt status bit for the i2s_tx_hung_int interrupt 3 1 read-only I2S_INT_ST I2S interrupt status register. 0x10 0x20 I2S_RX_DONE_INT_ST The masked interrupt status bit for the i2s_rx_done_int interrupt 0 1 read-only I2S_TX_DONE_INT_ST The masked interrupt status bit for the i2s_tx_done_int interrupt 1 1 read-only I2S_RX_HUNG_INT_ST The masked interrupt status bit for the i2s_rx_hung_int interrupt 2 1 read-only I2S_TX_HUNG_INT_ST The masked interrupt status bit for the i2s_tx_hung_int interrupt 3 1 read-only I2S_INT_ENA I2S interrupt enable register. 0x14 0x20 I2S_RX_DONE_INT_ENA The interrupt enable bit for the i2s_rx_done_int interrupt 0 1 read-write I2S_TX_DONE_INT_ENA The interrupt enable bit for the i2s_tx_done_int interrupt 1 1 read-write I2S_RX_HUNG_INT_ENA The interrupt enable bit for the i2s_rx_hung_int interrupt 2 1 read-write I2S_TX_HUNG_INT_ENA The interrupt enable bit for the i2s_tx_hung_int interrupt 3 1 read-write I2S_INT_CLR I2S interrupt clear register. 0x18 0x20 I2S_RX_DONE_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the i2s_rx_done_int interrupt 0 1 write-only I2S_TX_DONE_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the i2s_tx_done_int interrupt 1 1 write-only I2S_RX_HUNG_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the i2s_rx_hung_int interrupt 2 1 write-only I2S_TX_HUNG_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the i2s_tx_hung_int interrupt 3 1 write-only I2S_RX_CONF I2S RX configure register 0x20 0x20 0x00009600 I2S_RX_RESET Set this bit to reset receiver 0 1 write-only I2S_RX_FIFO_RESET Set this bit to reset Rx AFIFO 1 1 write-only I2S_RX_START Set this bit to start receiving data 2 1 read-write I2S_RX_SLAVE_MOD Set this bit to enable slave receiver mode 3 1 read-write I2S_RX_MONO Set this bit to enable receiver in mono mode 5 1 read-write I2S_RX_BIG_ENDIAN I2S Rx byte endian, 1: low addr value to high addr. 0: low addr with low addr value. 7 1 read-write I2S_RX_UPDATE Set 1 to update I2S RX registers from APB clock domain to I2S RX clock domain. This bit will be cleared by hardware after update register done. 8 1 read-write I2S_RX_MONO_FST_VLD 1: The first channel data value is valid in I2S RX mono mode. 0: The second channel data value is valid in I2S RX mono mode. 9 1 read-write I2S_RX_PCM_CONF I2S RX compress/decompress configuration bit. & 0 (atol): A-Law decompress, 1 (ltoa) : A-Law compress, 2 (utol) : u-Law decompress, 3 (ltou) : u-Law compress. & 10 2 read-write I2S_RX_PCM_BYPASS Set this bit to bypass Compress/Decompress module for received data. 12 1 read-write I2S_RX_STOP_MODE 0 : I2S Rx only stop when reg_rx_start is cleared. 1: Stop when reg_rx_start is 0 or in_suc_eof is 1. 2: Stop I2S RX when reg_rx_start is 0 or RX FIFO is full. 13 2 read-write I2S_RX_LEFT_ALIGN 1: I2S RX left alignment mode. 0: I2S RX right alignment mode. 15 1 read-write I2S_RX_24_FILL_EN 1: store 24 channel bits to 32 bits. 0:store 24 channel bits to 24 bits. 16 1 read-write I2S_RX_WS_IDLE_POL 0: WS should be 0 when receiving left channel data, and WS is 1in right channel. 1: WS should be 1 when receiving left channel data, and WS is 0in right channel. 17 1 read-write I2S_RX_BIT_ORDER I2S Rx bit endian. 1:small endian, the LSB is received first. 0:big endian, the MSB is received first. 18 1 read-write I2S_RX_TDM_EN 1: Enable I2S TDM Rx mode . 0: Disable. 19 1 read-write I2S_RX_PDM_EN 1: Enable I2S PDM Rx mode . 0: Disable. 20 1 read-write I2S_TX_CONF I2S TX configure register 0x24 0x20 0x0000B200 I2S_TX_RESET Set this bit to reset transmitter 0 1 write-only I2S_TX_FIFO_RESET Set this bit to reset Tx AFIFO 1 1 write-only I2S_TX_START Set this bit to start transmitting data 2 1 read-write I2S_TX_SLAVE_MOD Set this bit to enable slave transmitter mode 3 1 read-write I2S_TX_MONO Set this bit to enable transmitter in mono mode 5 1 read-write I2S_TX_CHAN_EQUAL 1: The value of Left channel data is equal to the value of right channel data in I2S TX mono mode or TDM channel select mode. 0: The invalid channel data is reg_i2s_single_data in I2S TX mono mode or TDM channel select mode. 6 1 read-write I2S_TX_BIG_ENDIAN I2S Tx byte endian, 1: low addr value to high addr. 0: low addr with low addr value. 7 1 read-write I2S_TX_UPDATE Set 1 to update I2S TX registers from APB clock domain to I2S TX clock domain. This bit will be cleared by hardware after update register done. 8 1 read-write I2S_TX_MONO_FST_VLD 1: The first channel data value is valid in I2S TX mono mode. 0: The second channel data value is valid in I2S TX mono mode. 9 1 read-write I2S_TX_PCM_CONF I2S TX compress/decompress configuration bit. & 0 (atol): A-Law decompress, 1 (ltoa) : A-Law compress, 2 (utol) : u-Law decompress, 3 (ltou) : u-Law compress. & 10 2 read-write I2S_TX_PCM_BYPASS Set this bit to bypass Compress/Decompress module for transmitted data. 12 1 read-write I2S_TX_STOP_EN Set this bit to stop disable output BCK signal and WS signal when tx FIFO is emtpy 13 1 read-write I2S_TX_LEFT_ALIGN 1: I2S TX left alignment mode. 0: I2S TX right alignment mode. 15 1 read-write I2S_TX_24_FILL_EN 1: Sent 32 bits in 24 channel bits mode. 0: Sent 24 bits in 24 channel bits mode 16 1 read-write I2S_TX_WS_IDLE_POL 0: WS should be 0 when sending left channel data, and WS is 1in right channel. 1: WS should be 1 when sending left channel data, and WS is 0in right channel. 17 1 read-write I2S_TX_BIT_ORDER I2S Tx bit endian. 1:small endian, the LSB is sent first. 0:big endian, the MSB is sent first. 18 1 read-write I2S_TX_TDM_EN 1: Enable I2S TDM Tx mode . 0: Disable. 19 1 read-write I2S_TX_PDM_EN 1: Enable I2S PDM Tx mode . 0: Disable. 20 1 read-write I2S_TX_CHAN_MOD I2S transmitter channel mode configuration bits. 24 3 read-write I2S_SIG_LOOPBACK Enable signal loop back mode with transmitter module and receiver module sharing the same WS and BCK signals. 27 1 read-write I2S_RX_CONF1 I2S RX configure register 1 0x28 0x20 0x2F3DE300 I2S_RX_TDM_WS_WIDTH The width of rx_ws_out in TDM mode is (I2S_RX_TDM_WS_WIDTH[6:0] +1) * T_bck 0 7 read-write I2S_RX_BCK_DIV_NUM Bit clock configuration bits in receiver mode. 7 6 read-write I2S_RX_BITS_MOD Set the bits to configure the valid data bit length of I2S receiver channel. 7: all the valid channel data is in 8-bit-mode. 15: all the valid channel data is in 16-bit-mode. 23: all the valid channel data is in 24-bit-mode. 31:all the valid channel data is in 32-bit-mode. 13 5 read-write I2S_RX_HALF_SAMPLE_BITS I2S Rx half sample bits -1. 18 6 read-write I2S_RX_TDM_CHAN_BITS The Rx bit number for each channel minus 1in TDM mode. 24 5 read-write I2S_RX_MSB_SHIFT Set this bit to enable receiver in Phillips standard mode 29 1 read-write I2S_TX_CONF1 I2S TX configure register 1 0x2C 0x20 0x6F3DE300 I2S_TX_TDM_WS_WIDTH The width of tx_ws_out in TDM mode is (I2S_TX_TDM_WS_WIDTH[6:0] +1) * T_bck 0 7 read-write I2S_TX_BCK_DIV_NUM Bit clock configuration bits in transmitter mode. 7 6 read-write I2S_TX_BITS_MOD Set the bits to configure the valid data bit length of I2S transmitter channel. 7: all the valid channel data is in 8-bit-mode. 15: all the valid channel data is in 16-bit-mode. 23: all the valid channel data is in 24-bit-mode. 31:all the valid channel data is in 32-bit-mode. 13 5 read-write I2S_TX_HALF_SAMPLE_BITS I2S Tx half sample bits -1. 18 6 read-write I2S_TX_TDM_CHAN_BITS The Tx bit number for each channel minus 1in TDM mode. 24 5 read-write I2S_TX_MSB_SHIFT Set this bit to enable transmitter in Phillips standard mode 29 1 read-write I2S_TX_BCK_NO_DLY 1: BCK is not delayed to generate pos/neg edge in master mode. 0: BCK is delayed to generate pos/neg edge in master mode. 30 1 read-write I2S_RX_CLKM_CONF I2S RX clock configure register 0x30 0x20 0x00000002 I2S_RX_CLKM_DIV_NUM Integral I2S clock divider value 0 8 read-write I2S_RX_CLK_ACTIVE I2S Rx module clock enable signal. 26 1 read-write I2S_RX_CLK_SEL Select I2S Rx module source clock. 0: no clock. 1: APLL. 2: CLK160. 3: I2S_MCLK_in. 27 2 read-write I2S_MCLK_SEL 0: UseI2S Tx module clock as I2S_MCLK_OUT. 1: UseI2S Rx module clock as I2S_MCLK_OUT. 29 1 read-write I2S_TX_CLKM_CONF I2S TX clock configure register 0x34 0x20 0x00000002 I2S_TX_CLKM_DIV_NUM Integral I2S TX clock divider value. f_I2S_CLK = f_I2S_CLK_S/(N+b/a). There will be (a-b) * n-div and b * (n+1)-div. So the average combination will be: for b <= a/2, z * [x * n-div + (n+1)-div] + y * n-div. For b > a/2, z * [n-div + x * (n+1)-div] + y * (n+1)-div. 0 8 read-write I2S_TX_CLK_ACTIVE I2S Tx module clock enable signal. 26 1 read-write I2S_TX_CLK_SEL Select I2S Tx module source clock. 0: XTAL clock. 1: APLL. 2: CLK160. 3: I2S_MCLK_in. 27 2 read-write I2S_CLK_EN Set this bit to enable clk gate 29 1 read-write I2S_RX_CLKM_DIV_CONF I2S RX module clock divider configure register 0x38 0x20 0x00000200 I2S_RX_CLKM_DIV_Z For b <= a/2, the value of I2S_RX_CLKM_DIV_Z is b. For b > a/2, the value of I2S_RX_CLKM_DIV_Z is (a-b). 0 9 read-write I2S_RX_CLKM_DIV_Y For b <= a/2, the value of I2S_RX_CLKM_DIV_Y is (a%b) . For b > a/2, the value of I2S_RX_CLKM_DIV_Y is (a%(a-b)). 9 9 read-write I2S_RX_CLKM_DIV_X For b <= a/2, the value of I2S_RX_CLKM_DIV_X is (a/b) - 1. For b > a/2, the value of I2S_RX_CLKM_DIV_X is (a/(a-b)) - 1. 18 9 read-write I2S_RX_CLKM_DIV_YN1 For b <= a/2, the value of I2S_RX_CLKM_DIV_YN1 is 0 . For b > a/2, the value of I2S_RX_CLKM_DIV_YN1 is 1. 27 1 read-write I2S_TX_CLKM_DIV_CONF I2S TX module clock divider configure register 0x3C 0x20 0x00000200 I2S_TX_CLKM_DIV_Z For b <= a/2, the value of I2S_TX_CLKM_DIV_Z is b. For b > a/2, the value of I2S_TX_CLKM_DIV_Z is (a-b). 0 9 read-write I2S_TX_CLKM_DIV_Y For b <= a/2, the value of I2S_TX_CLKM_DIV_Y is (a%b) . For b > a/2, the value of I2S_TX_CLKM_DIV_Y is (a%(a-b)). 9 9 read-write I2S_TX_CLKM_DIV_X For b <= a/2, the value of I2S_TX_CLKM_DIV_X is (a/b) - 1. For b > a/2, the value of I2S_TX_CLKM_DIV_X is (a/(a-b)) - 1. 18 9 read-write I2S_TX_CLKM_DIV_YN1 For b <= a/2, the value of I2S_TX_CLKM_DIV_YN1 is 0 . For b > a/2, the value of I2S_TX_CLKM_DIV_YN1 is 1. 27 1 read-write I2S_RX_TDM_CTRL I2S TX TDM mode control register 0x50 0x20 0x0000FFFF I2S_RX_TDM_PDM_CHAN0_EN 1: Enable the valid data input of I2S RX TDM or PDM channel 0. 0: Disable, just input 0 in this channel. 0 1 read-write I2S_RX_TDM_PDM_CHAN1_EN 1: Enable the valid data input of I2S RX TDM or PDM channel 1. 0: Disable, just input 0 in this channel. 1 1 read-write I2S_RX_TDM_PDM_CHAN2_EN 1: Enable the valid data input of I2S RX TDM or PDM channel 2. 0: Disable, just input 0 in this channel. 2 1 read-write I2S_RX_TDM_PDM_CHAN3_EN 1: Enable the valid data input of I2S RX TDM or PDM channel 3. 0: Disable, just input 0 in this channel. 3 1 read-write I2S_RX_TDM_PDM_CHAN4_EN 1: Enable the valid data input of I2S RX TDM or PDM channel 4. 0: Disable, just input 0 in this channel. 4 1 read-write I2S_RX_TDM_PDM_CHAN5_EN 1: Enable the valid data input of I2S RX TDM or PDM channel 5. 0: Disable, just input 0 in this channel. 5 1 read-write I2S_RX_TDM_PDM_CHAN6_EN 1: Enable the valid data input of I2S RX TDM or PDM channel 6. 0: Disable, just input 0 in this channel. 6 1 read-write I2S_RX_TDM_PDM_CHAN7_EN 1: Enable the valid data input of I2S RX TDM or PDM channel 7. 0: Disable, just input 0 in this channel. 7 1 read-write I2S_RX_TDM_CHAN8_EN 1: Enable the valid data input of I2S RX TDM channel 8. 0: Disable, just input 0 in this channel. 8 1 read-write I2S_RX_TDM_CHAN9_EN 1: Enable the valid data input of I2S RX TDM channel 9. 0: Disable, just input 0 in this channel. 9 1 read-write I2S_RX_TDM_CHAN10_EN 1: Enable the valid data input of I2S RX TDM channel 10. 0: Disable, just input 0 in this channel. 10 1 read-write I2S_RX_TDM_CHAN11_EN 1: Enable the valid data input of I2S RX TDM channel 11. 0: Disable, just input 0 in this channel. 11 1 read-write I2S_RX_TDM_CHAN12_EN 1: Enable the valid data input of I2S RX TDM channel 12. 0: Disable, just input 0 in this channel. 12 1 read-write I2S_RX_TDM_CHAN13_EN 1: Enable the valid data input of I2S RX TDM channel 13. 0: Disable, just input 0 in this channel. 13 1 read-write I2S_RX_TDM_CHAN14_EN 1: Enable the valid data input of I2S RX TDM channel 14. 0: Disable, just input 0 in this channel. 14 1 read-write I2S_RX_TDM_CHAN15_EN 1: Enable the valid data input of I2S RX TDM channel 15. 0: Disable, just input 0 in this channel. 15 1 read-write I2S_RX_TDM_TOT_CHAN_NUM The total channel number of I2S TX TDM mode. 16 4 read-write I2S_TX_TDM_CTRL I2S TX TDM mode control register 0x54 0x20 0x0000FFFF I2S_TX_TDM_CHAN0_EN 1: Enable the valid data output of I2S TX TDM channel 0. 0: Disable, just output 0 in this channel. 0 1 read-write I2S_TX_TDM_CHAN1_EN 1: Enable the valid data output of I2S TX TDM channel 1. 0: Disable, just output 0 in this channel. 1 1 read-write I2S_TX_TDM_CHAN2_EN 1: Enable the valid data output of I2S TX TDM channel 2. 0: Disable, just output 0 in this channel. 2 1 read-write I2S_TX_TDM_CHAN3_EN 1: Enable the valid data output of I2S TX TDM channel 3. 0: Disable, just output 0 in this channel. 3 1 read-write I2S_TX_TDM_CHAN4_EN 1: Enable the valid data output of I2S TX TDM channel 4. 0: Disable, just output 0 in this channel. 4 1 read-write I2S_TX_TDM_CHAN5_EN 1: Enable the valid data output of I2S TX TDM channel 5. 0: Disable, just output 0 in this channel. 5 1 read-write I2S_TX_TDM_CHAN6_EN 1: Enable the valid data output of I2S TX TDM channel 6. 0: Disable, just output 0 in this channel. 6 1 read-write I2S_TX_TDM_CHAN7_EN 1: Enable the valid data output of I2S TX TDM channel 7. 0: Disable, just output 0 in this channel. 7 1 read-write I2S_TX_TDM_CHAN8_EN 1: Enable the valid data output of I2S TX TDM channel 8. 0: Disable, just output 0 in this channel. 8 1 read-write I2S_TX_TDM_CHAN9_EN 1: Enable the valid data output of I2S TX TDM channel 9. 0: Disable, just output 0 in this channel. 9 1 read-write I2S_TX_TDM_CHAN10_EN 1: Enable the valid data output of I2S TX TDM channel 10. 0: Disable, just output 0 in this channel. 10 1 read-write I2S_TX_TDM_CHAN11_EN 1: Enable the valid data output of I2S TX TDM channel 11. 0: Disable, just output 0 in this channel. 11 1 read-write I2S_TX_TDM_CHAN12_EN 1: Enable the valid data output of I2S TX TDM channel 12. 0: Disable, just output 0 in this channel. 12 1 read-write I2S_TX_TDM_CHAN13_EN 1: Enable the valid data output of I2S TX TDM channel 13. 0: Disable, just output 0 in this channel. 13 1 read-write I2S_TX_TDM_CHAN14_EN 1: Enable the valid data output of I2S TX TDM channel 14. 0: Disable, just output 0 in this channel. 14 1 read-write I2S_TX_TDM_CHAN15_EN 1: Enable the valid data output of I2S TX TDM channel 15. 0: Disable, just output 0 in this channel. 15 1 read-write I2S_TX_TDM_TOT_CHAN_NUM The total channel number of I2S TX TDM mode. 16 4 read-write I2S_TX_TDM_SKIP_MSK_EN When DMA TX buffer stores the data of (REG_TX_TDM_TOT_CHAN_NUM + 1) channels, and only the data of the enabled channels is sent, then this bit should be set. Clear it when all the data stored in DMA TX buffer is for enabled channels. 20 1 read-write I2S_RX_TIMING I2S RX timing control register 0x58 0x20 I2S_RX_SD_IN_DM The delay mode of I2S Rx SD input signal. 0: bypass. 1: delay by pos edge. 2: delay by neg edge. 3: not used. 0 2 read-write I2S_RX_WS_OUT_DM The delay mode of I2S Rx WS output signal. 0: bypass. 1: delay by pos edge. 2: delay by neg edge. 3: not used. 16 2 read-write I2S_RX_BCK_OUT_DM The delay mode of I2S Rx BCK output signal. 0: bypass. 1: delay by pos edge. 2: delay by neg edge. 3: not used. 20 2 read-write I2S_RX_WS_IN_DM The delay mode of I2S Rx WS input signal. 0: bypass. 1: delay by pos edge. 2: delay by neg edge. 3: not used. 24 2 read-write I2S_RX_BCK_IN_DM The delay mode of I2S Rx BCK input signal. 0: bypass. 1: delay by pos edge. 2: delay by neg edge. 3: not used. 28 2 read-write I2S_TX_TIMING I2S TX timing control register 0x5C 0x20 I2S_TX_SD_OUT_DM The delay mode of I2S TX SD output signal. 0: bypass. 1: delay by pos edge. 2: delay by neg edge. 3: not used. 0 2 read-write I2S_TX_SD1_OUT_DM The delay mode of I2S TX SD1 output signal. 0: bypass. 1: delay by pos edge. 2: delay by neg edge. 3: not used. 4 2 read-write I2S_TX_WS_OUT_DM The delay mode of I2S TX WS output signal. 0: bypass. 1: delay by pos edge. 2: delay by neg edge. 3: not used. 16 2 read-write I2S_TX_BCK_OUT_DM The delay mode of I2S TX BCK output signal. 0: bypass. 1: delay by pos edge. 2: delay by neg edge. 3: not used. 20 2 read-write I2S_TX_WS_IN_DM The delay mode of I2S TX WS input signal. 0: bypass. 1: delay by pos edge. 2: delay by neg edge. 3: not used. 24 2 read-write I2S_TX_BCK_IN_DM The delay mode of I2S TX BCK input signal. 0: bypass. 1: delay by pos edge. 2: delay by neg edge. 3: not used. 28 2 read-write I2S_LC_HUNG_CONF I2S HUNG configure register. 0x60 0x20 0x00000810 I2S_LC_FIFO_TIMEOUT the i2s_tx_hung_int interrupt or the i2s_rx_hung_int interrupt will be triggered when fifo hung counter is equal to this value 0 8 read-write I2S_LC_FIFO_TIMEOUT_SHIFT The bits are used to scale tick counter threshold. The tick counter is reset when counter value >= 88000/2^i2s_lc_fifo_timeout_shift 8 3 read-write I2S_LC_FIFO_TIMEOUT_ENA The enable bit for FIFO timeout 11 1 read-write I2S_RXEOF_NUM I2S RX data number control register. 0x64 0x20 0x00000040 I2S_RX_EOF_NUM The receive data bit length is (I2S_RX_BITS_MOD[4:0] + 1) * (REG_RX_EOF_NUM[11:0] + 1) . It will trigger in_suc_eof interrupt in the configured DMA RX channel. 0 12 read-write I2S_CONF_SIGLE_DATA I2S signal data register 0x68 0x20 I2S_SINGLE_DATA The configured constant channel data to be sent out. 0 32 read-write I2S_STATE I2S TX status register 0x6C 0x20 0x00000001 I2S_TX_IDLE 1: i2s_tx is idle state. 0: i2s_tx is working. 0 1 read-only I2S_DATE Version control register 0x80 0x20 0x02009070 I2S_DATE I2S version control register 0 28 read-write INTERRUPT_CORE0 Interrupt Core INTERRUPT_CORE0 0x600C2000 0x0 0x1A4 registers WIFI_MAC 0 WIFI_NMI 1 WIFI_BB 2 BT_MAC 3 BT_BB 4 BT_BB_NMI 5 RWBT 6 RWBLE 7 RWBT_NMI 8 RWBLE_NMI 9 CORE_0_IRAM0_PMS_MONITOR_VIOLATE 85 CORE_0_DRAM0_PMS_MONITOR_VIOLATE 86 CORE_0_PIF_PMS_MONITOR_VIOLATE 87 CORE_0_PIF_PMS_MONITOR_VIOLATE_SIZE 88 CACHE_CORE0_ACS 94 PRO_MAC_INTR_MAP mac interrupt configuration register 0x0 0x20 0x00000010 MAC_INTR_MAP this register used to map mac interrupt to one of core0's external interrupt 0 5 read-write MAC_NMI_MAP mac_nmi interrupt configuration register 0x4 0x20 0x00000010 MAC_NMI_MAP this register used to map_nmi interrupt to one of core0's external interrupt 0 5 read-write PWR_INTR_MAP pwr interrupt configuration register 0x8 0x20 0x00000010 PWR_INTR_MAP this register used to map pwr interrupt to one of core0's external interrupt 0 5 read-write BB_INT_MAP bb interrupt configuration register 0xC 0x20 0x00000010 BB_INT_MAP this register used to map bb interrupt to one of core0's external interrupt 0 5 read-write BT_MAC_INT_MAP bb_mac interrupt configuration register 0x10 0x20 0x00000010 BT_MAC_INT_MAP this register used to map bb_mac interrupt to one of core0's external interrupt 0 5 read-write BT_BB_INT_MAP bt_bb interrupt configuration register 0x14 0x20 0x00000010 BT_BB_INT_MAP this register used to map bt_bb interrupt to one of core0's external interrupt 0 5 read-write BT_BB_NMI_MAP bt_bb_nmi interrupt configuration register 0x18 0x20 0x00000010 BT_BB_NMI_MAP this register used to map bb_bt_nmi interrupt to one of core0's external interrupt 0 5 read-write RWBT_IRQ_MAP rwbt_irq interrupt configuration register 0x1C 0x20 0x00000010 RWBT_IRQ_MAP this register used to map rwbt_irq interrupt to one of core0's external interrupt 0 5 read-write RWBLE_IRQ_MAP rwble_irq interrupt configuration register 0x20 0x20 0x00000010 RWBLE_IRQ_MAP this register used to map rwble_irq interrupt to one of core0's external interrupt 0 5 read-write RWBT_NMI_MAP rwbt_nmi interrupt configuration register 0x24 0x20 0x00000010 RWBT_NMI_MAP this register used to map mac rwbt_nmi to one of core0's external interrupt 0 5 read-write RWBLE_NMI_MAP rwble_nmi interrupt configuration register 0x28 0x20 0x00000010 RWBLE_NMI_MAP this register used to map rwble_nmi interrupt to one of core0's external interrupt 0 5 read-write I2C_MST_INT_MAP i2c_mst interrupt configuration register 0x2C 0x20 0x00000010 I2C_MST_INT_MAP this register used to map i2c_mst interrupt to one of core0's external interrupt 0 5 read-write SLC0_INTR_MAP slc0 interrupt configuration register 0x30 0x20 0x00000010 SLC0_INTR_MAP this register used to map slc0 interrupt to one of core0's external interrupt 0 5 read-write SLC1_INTR_MAP slc1 interrupt configuration register 0x34 0x20 0x00000010 SLC1_INTR_MAP this register used to map slc1 interrupt to one of core0's external interrupt 0 5 read-write UHCI0_INTR_MAP uhci0 interrupt configuration register 0x38 0x20 0x00000010 UHCI0_INTR_MAP this register used to map uhci0 interrupt to one of core0's external interrupt 0 5 read-write UHCI1_INTR_MAP uhci1 interrupt configuration register 0x3C 0x20 0x00000010 UHCI1_INTR_MAP this register used to map uhci1 interrupt to one of core0's external interrupt 0 5 read-write GPIO_INTERRUPT_PRO_MAP gpio_interrupt_pro interrupt configuration register 0x40 0x20 0x00000010 GPIO_INTERRUPT_PRO_MAP this register used to map gpio_interrupt_pro interrupt to one of core0's external interrupt 0 5 read-write GPIO_INTERRUPT_PRO_NMI_MAP gpio_interrupt_pro_nmi interrupt configuration register 0x44 0x20 0x00000010 GPIO_INTERRUPT_PRO_NMI_MAP this register used to map gpio_interrupt_pro_nmi interrupt to one of core0's external interrupt 0 5 read-write GPIO_INTERRUPT_APP_MAP gpio_interrupt_app interrupt configuration register 0x48 0x20 0x00000010 GPIO_INTERRUPT_APP_MAP this register used to map gpio_interrupt_app interrupt to one of core0's external interrupt 0 5 read-write GPIO_INTERRUPT_APP_NMI_MAP gpio_interrupt_app_nmi interrupt configuration register 0x4C 0x20 0x00000010 GPIO_INTERRUPT_APP_NMI_MAP this register used to map gpio_interrupt_app_nmi interrupt to one of core0's external interrupt 0 5 read-write SPI_INTR_1_MAP spi_intr_1 interrupt configuration register 0x50 0x20 0x00000010 SPI_INTR_1_MAP this register used to map spi_intr_1 interrupt to one of core0's external interrupt 0 5 read-write SPI_INTR_2_MAP spi_intr_2 interrupt configuration register 0x54 0x20 0x00000010 SPI_INTR_2_MAP this register used to map spi_intr_2 interrupt to one of core0's external interrupt 0 5 read-write SPI_INTR_3_MAP spi_intr_3 interrupt configuration register 0x58 0x20 0x00000010 SPI_INTR_3_MAP this register used to map spi_intr_3 interrupt to one of core0's external interrupt 0 5 read-write SPI_INTR_4_MAP spi_intr_4 interrupt configuration register 0x5C 0x20 0x00000010 SPI_INTR_4_MAP this register used to map spi_intr_4 interrupt to one of core0's external interrupt 0 5 read-write LCD_CAM_INT_MAP lcd_cam interrupt configuration register 0x60 0x20 0x00000010 LCD_CAM_INT_MAP this register used to map lcd_cam interrupt to one of core0's external interrupt 0 5 read-write I2S0_INT_MAP i2s0 interrupt configuration register 0x64 0x20 0x00000010 I2S0_INT_MAP this register used to map i2s0 interrupt to one of core0's external interrupt 0 5 read-write I2S1_INT_MAP i2s1 interrupt configuration register 0x68 0x20 0x00000010 I2S1_INT_MAP this register used to map i2s1 interrupt to one of core0's external interrupt 0 5 read-write UART_INTR_MAP uart interrupt configuration register 0x6C 0x20 0x00000010 UART_INTR_MAP this register used to map uart interrupt to one of core0's external interrupt 0 5 read-write UART1_INTR_MAP uart1 interrupt configuration register 0x70 0x20 0x00000010 UART1_INTR_MAP this register used to map uart1 interrupt to one of core0's external interrupt 0 5 read-write UART2_INTR_MAP uart2 interrupt configuration register 0x74 0x20 0x00000010 UART2_INTR_MAP this register used to map uart2 interrupt to one of core0's external interrupt 0 5 read-write SDIO_HOST_INTERRUPT_MAP sdio_host interrupt configuration register 0x78 0x20 0x00000010 SDIO_HOST_INTERRUPT_MAP this register used to map sdio_host interrupt to one of core0's external interrupt 0 5 read-write PWM0_INTR_MAP pwm0 interrupt configuration register 0x7C 0x20 0x00000010 PWM0_INTR_MAP this register used to map pwm0 interrupt to one of core0's external interrupt 0 5 read-write PWM1_INTR_MAP pwm1 interrupt configuration register 0x80 0x20 0x00000010 PWM1_INTR_MAP this register used to map pwm1 interrupt to one of core0's external interrupt 0 5 read-write PWM2_INTR_MAP pwm2 interrupt configuration register 0x84 0x20 0x00000010 PWM2_INTR_MAP this register used to map pwm2 interrupt to one of core0's external interrupt 0 5 read-write PWM3_INTR_MAP pwm3 interrupt configuration register 0x88 0x20 0x00000010 PWM3_INTR_MAP this register used to map pwm3 interrupt to one of core0's external interrupt 0 5 read-write LEDC_INT_MAP ledc interrupt configuration register 0x8C 0x20 0x00000010 LEDC_INT_MAP this register used to map ledc interrupt to one of core0's external interrupt 0 5 read-write EFUSE_INT_MAP efuse interrupt configuration register 0x90 0x20 0x00000010 EFUSE_INT_MAP this register used to map efuse interrupt to one of core0's external interrupt 0 5 read-write CAN_INT_MAP can interrupt configuration register 0x94 0x20 0x00000010 CAN_INT_MAP this register used to map can interrupt to one of core0's external interrupt 0 5 read-write USB_INTR_MAP usb interrupt configuration register 0x98 0x20 0x00000010 USB_INTR_MAP this register used to map usb interrupt to one of core0's external interrupt 0 5 read-write RTC_CORE_INTR_MAP rtc_core interrupt configuration register 0x9C 0x20 0x00000010 RTC_CORE_INTR_MAP this register used to map rtc_core interrupt to one of core0's external interrupt 0 5 read-write RMT_INTR_MAP rmt interrupt configuration register 0xA0 0x20 0x00000010 RMT_INTR_MAP this register used to map rmt interrupt to one of core0's external interrupt 0 5 read-write PCNT_INTR_MAP pcnt interrupt configuration register 0xA4 0x20 0x00000010 PCNT_INTR_MAP this register used to map pcnt interrupt to one of core0's external interrupt 0 5 read-write I2C_EXT0_INTR_MAP i2c_ext0 interrupt configuration register 0xA8 0x20 0x00000010 I2C_EXT0_INTR_MAP this register used to map i2c_ext0 interrupt to one of core0's external interrupt 0 5 read-write I2C_EXT1_INTR_MAP i2c_ext1 interrupt configuration register 0xAC 0x20 0x00000010 I2C_EXT1_INTR_MAP this register used to map i2c_ext1 interrupt to one of core0's external interrupt 0 5 read-write SPI2_DMA_INT_MAP spi2_dma interrupt configuration register 0xB0 0x20 0x00000010 SPI2_DMA_INT_MAP this register used to map spi2_dma interrupt to one of core0's external interrupt 0 5 read-write SPI3_DMA_INT_MAP spi3_dma interrupt configuration register 0xB4 0x20 0x00000010 SPI3_DMA_INT_MAP this register used to map spi3_dma interrupt to one of core0's external interrupt 0 5 read-write SPI4_DMA_INT_MAP spi4_dma interrupt configuration register 0xB8 0x20 0x00000010 SPI4_DMA_INT_MAP this register used to map spi4_dma interrupt to one of core0's external interrupt 0 5 read-write WDG_INT_MAP wdg interrupt configuration register 0xBC 0x20 0x00000010 WDG_INT_MAP this register used to map wdg interrupt to one of core0's external interrupt 0 5 read-write TIMER_INT1_MAP timer_int1 interrupt configuration register 0xC0 0x20 0x00000010 TIMER_INT1_MAP this register used to map timer_int1 interrupt to one of core0's external interrupt 0 5 read-write TIMER_INT2_MAP timer_int2 interrupt configuration register 0xC4 0x20 0x00000010 TIMER_INT2_MAP this register used to map timer_int2 interrupt to one of core0's external interrupt 0 5 read-write TG_T0_INT_MAP tg_t0 interrupt configuration register 0xC8 0x20 0x00000010 TG_T0_INT_MAP this register used to map tg_t0 interrupt to one of core0's external interrupt 0 5 read-write TG_T1_INT_MAP tg_t1 interrupt configuration register 0xCC 0x20 0x00000010 TG_T1_INT_MAP this register used to map tg_t1 interrupt to one of core0's external interrupt 0 5 read-write TG_WDT_INT_MAP tg_wdt interrupt configuration register 0xD0 0x20 0x00000010 TG_WDT_INT_MAP this register used to map rg_wdt interrupt to one of core0's external interrupt 0 5 read-write TG1_T0_INT_MAP tg1_t0 interrupt configuration register 0xD4 0x20 0x00000010 TG1_T0_INT_MAP this register used to map tg1_t0 interrupt to one of core0's external interrupt 0 5 read-write TG1_T1_INT_MAP tg1_t1 interrupt configuration register 0xD8 0x20 0x00000010 TG1_T1_INT_MAP this register used to map tg1_t1 interrupt to one of core0's external interrupt 0 5 read-write TG1_WDT_INT_MAP tg1_wdt interrupt configuration register 0xDC 0x20 0x00000010 TG1_WDT_INT_MAP this register used to map tg1_wdt interrupt to one of core0's external interrupt 0 5 read-write CACHE_IA_INT_MAP cache_ia interrupt configuration register 0xE0 0x20 0x00000010 CACHE_IA_INT_MAP this register used to map cache_ia interrupt to one of core0's external interrupt 0 5 read-write SYSTIMER_TARGET0_INT_MAP systimer_target0 interrupt configuration register 0xE4 0x20 0x00000010 SYSTIMER_TARGET0_INT_MAP this register used to map systimer_target0 interrupt to one of core0's external interrupt 0 5 read-write SYSTIMER_TARGET1_INT_MAP systimer_target1 interrupt configuration register 0xE8 0x20 0x00000010 SYSTIMER_TARGET1_INT_MAP this register used to map systimer_target1 interrupt to one of core0's external interrupt 0 5 read-write SYSTIMER_TARGET2_INT_MAP systimer_target2 interrupt configuration register 0xEC 0x20 0x00000010 SYSTIMER_TARGET2_INT_MAP this register used to map systimer_target2 interrupt to one of core0's external interrupt 0 5 read-write SPI_MEM_REJECT_INTR_MAP spi_mem_reject interrupt configuration register 0xF0 0x20 0x00000010 SPI_MEM_REJECT_INTR_MAP this register used to map spi_mem_reject interrupt to one of core0's external interrupt 0 5 read-write DCACHE_PRELOAD_INT_MAP dcache_prelaod interrupt configuration register 0xF4 0x20 0x00000010 DCACHE_PRELOAD_INT_MAP this register used to map dcache_prelaod interrupt to one of core0's external interrupt 0 5 read-write ICACHE_PRELOAD_INT_MAP icache_preload interrupt configuration register 0xF8 0x20 0x00000010 ICACHE_PRELOAD_INT_MAP this register used to map icache_preload interrupt to one of core0's external interrupt 0 5 read-write DCACHE_SYNC_INT_MAP dcache_sync interrupt configuration register 0xFC 0x20 0x00000010 DCACHE_SYNC_INT_MAP this register used to map dcache_sync interrupt to one of core0's external interrupt 0 5 read-write ICACHE_SYNC_INT_MAP icache_sync interrupt configuration register 0x100 0x20 0x00000010 ICACHE_SYNC_INT_MAP this register used to map icache_sync interrupt to one of core0's external interrupt 0 5 read-write APB_ADC_INT_MAP apb_adc interrupt configuration register 0x104 0x20 0x00000010 APB_ADC_INT_MAP this register used to map apb_adc interrupt to one of core0's external interrupt 0 5 read-write DMA_IN_CH0_INT_MAP dma_in_ch0 interrupt configuration register 0x108 0x20 0x00000010 DMA_IN_CH0_INT_MAP this register used to map dma_in_ch0 interrupt to one of core0's external interrupt 0 5 read-write DMA_IN_CH1_INT_MAP dma_in_ch1 interrupt configuration register 0x10C 0x20 0x00000010 DMA_IN_CH1_INT_MAP this register used to map dma_in_ch1 interrupt to one of core0's external interrupt 0 5 read-write DMA_IN_CH2_INT_MAP dma_in_ch2 interrupt configuration register 0x110 0x20 0x00000010 DMA_IN_CH2_INT_MAP this register used to map dma_in_ch2 interrupt to one of core0's external interrupt 0 5 read-write DMA_IN_CH3_INT_MAP dma_in_ch3 interrupt configuration register 0x114 0x20 0x00000010 DMA_IN_CH3_INT_MAP this register used to map dma_in_ch3 interrupt to one of core0's external interrupt 0 5 read-write DMA_IN_CH4_INT_MAP dma_in_ch4 interrupt configuration register 0x118 0x20 0x00000010 DMA_IN_CH4_INT_MAP this register used to map dma_in_ch4 interrupt to one of core0's external interrupt 0 5 read-write DMA_OUT_CH0_INT_MAP dma_out_ch0 interrupt configuration register 0x11C 0x20 0x00000010 DMA_OUT_CH0_INT_MAP this register used to map dma_out_ch0 interrupt to one of core0's external interrupt 0 5 read-write DMA_OUT_CH1_INT_MAP dma_out_ch1 interrupt configuration register 0x120 0x20 0x00000010 DMA_OUT_CH1_INT_MAP this register used to map dma_out_ch1 interrupt to one of core0's external interrupt 0 5 read-write DMA_OUT_CH2_INT_MAP dma_out_ch2 interrupt configuration register 0x124 0x20 0x00000010 DMA_OUT_CH2_INT_MAP this register used to map dma_out_ch2 interrupt to one of core0's external interrupt 0 5 read-write DMA_OUT_CH3_INT_MAP dma_out_ch3 interrupt configuration register 0x128 0x20 0x00000010 DMA_OUT_CH3_INT_MAP this register used to map dma_out_ch3 interrupt to one of core0's external interrupt 0 5 read-write DMA_OUT_CH4_INT_MAP dma_out_ch4 interrupt configuration register 0x12C 0x20 0x00000010 DMA_OUT_CH4_INT_MAP this register used to map dma_out_ch4 interrupt to one of core0's external interrupt 0 5 read-write RSA_INT_MAP rsa interrupt configuration register 0x130 0x20 0x00000010 RSA_INT_MAP this register used to map rsa interrupt to one of core0's external interrupt 0 5 read-write AES_INT_MAP aes interrupt configuration register 0x134 0x20 0x00000010 AES_INT_MAP this register used to map aes interrupt to one of core0's external interrupt 0 5 read-write SHA_INT_MAP sha interrupt configuration register 0x138 0x20 0x00000010 SHA_INT_MAP this register used to map sha interrupt to one of core0's external interrupt 0 5 read-write CPU_INTR_FROM_CPU_0_MAP cpu_intr_from_cpu_0 interrupt configuration register 0x13C 0x20 0x00000010 CPU_INTR_FROM_CPU_0_MAP this register used to map cpu_intr_from_cpu_0 interrupt to one of core0's external interrupt 0 5 read-write CPU_INTR_FROM_CPU_1_MAP cpu_intr_from_cpu_1 interrupt configuration register 0x140 0x20 0x00000010 CPU_INTR_FROM_CPU_1_MAP this register used to map cpu_intr_from_cpu_1 interrupt to one of core0's external interrupt 0 5 read-write CPU_INTR_FROM_CPU_2_MAP cpu_intr_from_cpu_2 interrupt configuration register 0x144 0x20 0x00000010 CPU_INTR_FROM_CPU_2_MAP this register used to map cpu_intr_from_cpu_2 interrupt to one of core0's external interrupt 0 5 read-write CPU_INTR_FROM_CPU_3_MAP cpu_intr_from_cpu_3 interrupt configuration register 0x148 0x20 0x00000010 CPU_INTR_FROM_CPU_3_MAP this register used to map cpu_intr_from_cpu_3 interrupt to one of core0's external interrupt 0 5 read-write ASSIST_DEBUG_INTR_MAP assist_debug interrupt configuration register 0x14C 0x20 0x00000010 ASSIST_DEBUG_INTR_MAP this register used to map assist_debug interrupt to one of core0's external interrupt 0 5 read-write DMA_APBPERI_PMS_MONITOR_VIOLATE_INTR_MAP dma_pms_monitor_violatile interrupt configuration register 0x150 0x20 0x00000010 DMA_APBPERI_PMS_MONITOR_VIOLATE_INTR_MAP this register used to map dma_pms_monitor_violatile interrupt to one of core0's external interrupt 0 5 read-write CORE_0_IRAM0_PMS_MONITOR_VIOLATE_INTR_MAP core0_IRam0_pms_monitor_violatile interrupt configuration register 0x154 0x20 0x00000010 CORE_0_IRAM0_PMS_MONITOR_VIOLATE_INTR_MAP this register used to map core0_IRam0_pms_monitor_violatile interrupt to one of core0's external interrupt 0 5 read-write CORE_0_DRAM0_PMS_MONITOR_VIOLATE_INTR_MAP core0_DRam0_pms_monitor_violatile interrupt configuration register 0x158 0x20 0x00000010 CORE_0_DRAM0_PMS_MONITOR_VIOLATE_INTR_MAP this register used to map core0_DRam0_pms_monitor_violatile interrupt to one of core0's external interrupt 0 5 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_MONITOR_VIOLATE_INTR_MAP core0_PIF_pms_monitor_violatile interrupt configuration register 0x15C 0x20 0x00000010 CORE_0_PIF_PMS_MONITOR_VIOLATE_INTR_MAP this register used to map core0_PIF_pms_monitor_violatile interrupt to one of core0's external interrupt 0 5 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_MONITOR_VIOLATE_SIZE_INTR_MAP core0_PIF_pms_monitor_violatile_size interrupt configuration register 0x160 0x20 0x00000010 CORE_0_PIF_PMS_MONITOR_VIOLATE_SIZE_INTR_MAP this register used to map core0_PIF_pms_monitor_violatile_size interrupt to one of core0's external interrupt 0 5 read-write CORE_1_IRAM0_PMS_MONITOR_VIOLATE_INTR_MAP core1_IRam0_pms_monitor_violatile interrupt configuration register 0x164 0x20 0x00000010 CORE_1_IRAM0_PMS_MONITOR_VIOLATE_INTR_MAP this register used to map core1_IRam0_pms_monitor_violatile interrupt to one of core0's external interrupt 0 5 read-write CORE_1_DRAM0_PMS_MONITOR_VIOLATE_INTR_MAP core1_DRam0_pms_monitor_violatile interrupt configuration register 0x168 0x20 0x00000010 CORE_1_DRAM0_PMS_MONITOR_VIOLATE_INTR_MAP this register used to map core1_DRam0_pms_monitor_violatile interrupt to one of core0's external interrupt 0 5 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_MONITOR_VIOLATE_INTR_MAP core1_PIF_pms_monitor_violatile interrupt configuration register 0x16C 0x20 0x00000010 CORE_1_PIF_PMS_MONITOR_VIOLATE_INTR_MAP this register used to map core1_PIF_pms_monitor_violatile interrupt to one of core0's external interrupt 0 5 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_MONITOR_VIOLATE_SIZE_INTR_MAP core1_PIF_pms_monitor_violatile_size interrupt configuration register 0x170 0x20 0x00000010 CORE_1_PIF_PMS_MONITOR_VIOLATE_SIZE_INTR_MAP this register used to map core1_PIF_pms_monitor_violatile_size interrupt to one of core0's external interrupt 0 5 read-write BACKUP_PMS_VIOLATE_INTR_MAP backup_pms_monitor_violatile interrupt configuration register 0x174 0x20 0x00000010 BACKUP_PMS_VIOLATE_INTR_MAP this register used to map backup_pms_monitor_violatile interrupt to one of core0's external interrupt 0 5 read-write CACHE_CORE0_ACS_INT_MAP cache_core0_acs interrupt configuration register 0x178 0x20 0x00000010 CACHE_CORE0_ACS_INT_MAP this register used to map cache_core0_acs interrupt to one of core0's external interrupt 0 5 read-write CACHE_CORE1_ACS_INT_MAP cache_core1_acs interrupt configuration register 0x17C 0x20 0x00000010 CACHE_CORE1_ACS_INT_MAP this register used to map cache_core1_acs interrupt to one of core0's external interrupt 0 5 read-write USB_DEVICE_INT_MAP usb_device interrupt configuration register 0x180 0x20 0x00000010 USB_DEVICE_INT_MAP this register used to map usb_device interrupt to one of core0's external interrupt 0 5 read-write PERI_BACKUP_INT_MAP peri_backup interrupt configuration register 0x184 0x20 0x00000010 PERI_BACKUP_INT_MAP this register used to map peri_backup interrupt to one of core0's external interrupt 0 5 read-write DMA_EXTMEM_REJECT_INT_MAP dma_extmem_reject interrupt configuration register 0x188 0x20 0x00000010 DMA_EXTMEM_REJECT_INT_MAP this register used to map dma_extmem_reject interrupt to one of core0's external interrupt 0 5 read-write PRO_INTR_STATUS_0 interrupt status register 0x18C 0x20 INTR_STATUS_0 this register store the status of the first 32 interrupt source 0 32 read-only PRO_INTR_STATUS_1 interrupt status register 0x190 0x20 INTR_STATUS_1 this register store the status of the first 32 interrupt source 0 32 read-only PRO_INTR_STATUS_2 interrupt status register 0x194 0x20 INTR_STATUS_2 this register store the status of the first 32 interrupt source 0 32 read-only PRO_INTR_STATUS_3 interrupt status register 0x198 0x20 INTR_STATUS_3 this register store the status of the first 32 interrupt source 0 32 read-only CLOCK_GATE clock gate register 0x19C 0x20 0x00000001 REG_CLK_EN this register uesd to control clock-gating interupt martrix 0 1 read-write DATE version register 0x7FC 0x20 0x02012300 INTERRUPT_REG_DATE version register 0 28 read-write INTERRUPT_CORE1 Interrupt Core INTERRUPT_CORE1 0x600C2800 0x0 0x1A4 registers CORE_1_IRAM0_PMS_MONITOR_VIOLATE 89 CORE_1_DRAM0_PMS_MONITOR_VIOLATE 90 CORE_1_PIF_PMS_MONITOR_VIOLATE 91 CORE_1_PIF_PMS_MONITOR_VIOLATE_SIZE 92 CACHE_CORE1_ACS 95 APP_MAC_INTR_MAP mac interrupt configuration register 0x800 0x20 0x00000010 MAC_INTR_MAP this register used to map mac interrupt to one of core1's external interrupt 0 5 read-write MAC_NMI_MAP mac_nmi interrupt configuration register 0x804 0x20 0x00000010 MAC_NMI_MAP this register used to map_nmi interrupt to one of core1's external interrupt 0 5 read-write PWR_INTR_MAP pwr interrupt configuration register 0x808 0x20 0x00000010 PWR_INTR_MAP this register used to map pwr interrupt to one of core1's external interrupt 0 5 read-write BB_INT_MAP bb interrupt configuration register 0x80C 0x20 0x00000010 BB_INT_MAP this register used to map bb interrupt to one of core1's external interrupt 0 5 read-write BT_MAC_INT_MAP bb_mac interrupt configuration register 0x810 0x20 0x00000010 BT_MAC_INT_MAP this register used to map bb_mac interrupt to one of core1's external interrupt 0 5 read-write BT_BB_INT_MAP bt_bb interrupt configuration register 0x814 0x20 0x00000010 BT_BB_INT_MAP this register used to map bt_bb interrupt to one of core1's external interrupt 0 5 read-write BT_BB_NMI_MAP bt_bb_nmi interrupt configuration register 0x818 0x20 0x00000010 BT_BB_NMI_MAP this register used to map bb_bt_nmi interrupt to one of core1's external interrupt 0 5 read-write RWBT_IRQ_MAP rwbt_irq interrupt configuration register 0x81C 0x20 0x00000010 RWBT_IRQ_MAP this register used to map rwbt_irq interrupt to one of core1's external interrupt 0 5 read-write RWBLE_IRQ_MAP rwble_irq interrupt configuration register 0x820 0x20 0x00000010 RWBLE_IRQ_MAP this register used to map rwble_irq interrupt to one of core1's external interrupt 0 5 read-write RWBT_NMI_MAP rwbt_nmi interrupt configuration register 0x824 0x20 0x00000010 RWBT_NMI_MAP this register used to map rwbt_nmi interupt to one of core1's external interrupt 0 5 read-write RWBLE_NMI_MAP rwble_nmi interrupt configuration register 0x828 0x20 0x00000010 RWBLE_NMI_MAP this register used to map rwble_nmi interrupt to one of core1's external interrupt 0 5 read-write I2C_MST_INT_MAP i2c_mst interrupt configuration register 0x82C 0x20 0x00000010 I2C_MST_INT_MAP this register used to map i2c_mst interrupt to one of core1's external interrupt 0 5 read-write SLC0_INTR_MAP slc0 interrupt configuration register 0x830 0x20 0x00000010 SLC0_INTR_MAP this register used to map slc0 interrupt to one of core1's external interrupt 0 5 read-write SLC1_INTR_MAP slc1 interrupt configuration register 0x834 0x20 0x00000010 SLC1_INTR_MAP this register used to map slc1 interrupt to one of core1's external interrupt 0 5 read-write UHCI0_INTR_MAP uhci0 interrupt configuration register 0x838 0x20 0x00000010 UHCI0_INTR_MAP this register used to map uhci0 interrupt to one of core1's external interrupt 0 5 read-write UHCI1_INTR_MAP uhci1 interrupt configuration register 0x83C 0x20 0x00000010 UHCI1_INTR_MAP this register used to map uhci1 interrupt to one of core1's external interrupt 0 5 read-write GPIO_INTERRUPT_PRO_MAP gpio_interrupt_pro interrupt configuration register 0x840 0x20 0x00000010 GPIO_INTERRUPT_PRO_MAP this register used to map gpio_interrupt_pro interrupt to one of core1's external interrupt 0 5 read-write GPIO_INTERRUPT_PRO_NMI_MAP gpio_interrupt_pro_nmi interrupt configuration register 0x844 0x20 0x00000010 GPIO_INTERRUPT_PRO_NMI_MAP this register used to map gpio_interrupt_pro_nmi interrupt to one of core1's external interrupt 0 5 read-write GPIO_INTERRUPT_APP_MAP gpio_interrupt_app interrupt configuration register 0x848 0x20 0x00000010 GPIO_INTERRUPT_APP_MAP this register used to map gpio_interrupt_app interrupt to one of core1's external interrupt 0 5 read-write GPIO_INTERRUPT_APP_NMI_MAP gpio_interrupt_app_nmi interrupt configuration register 0x84C 0x20 0x00000010 GPIO_INTERRUPT_APP_NMI_MAP this register used to map gpio_interrupt_app_nmi interrupt to one of core1's external interrupt 0 5 read-write SPI_INTR_1_MAP spi_intr_1 interrupt configuration register 0x850 0x20 0x00000010 SPI_INTR_1_MAP this register used to map spi_intr_1 interrupt to one of core1's external interrupt 0 5 read-write SPI_INTR_2_MAP spi_intr_2 interrupt configuration register 0x854 0x20 0x00000010 SPI_INTR_2_MAP this register used to map spi_intr_2 interrupt to one of core1's external interrupt 0 5 read-write SPI_INTR_3_MAP spi_intr_3 interrupt configuration register 0x858 0x20 0x00000010 SPI_INTR_3_MAP this register used to map spi_intr_3 interrupt to one of core1's external interrupt 0 5 read-write SPI_INTR_4_MAP spi_intr_4 interrupt configuration register 0x85C 0x20 0x00000010 SPI_INTR_4_MAP this register used to map spi_intr_4 interrupt to one of core1's external interrupt 0 5 read-write LCD_CAM_INT_MAP lcd_cam interrupt configuration register 0x860 0x20 0x00000010 LCD_CAM_INT_MAP this register used to map lcd_cam interrupt to one of core1's external interrupt 0 5 read-write I2S0_INT_MAP i2s0 interrupt configuration register 0x864 0x20 0x00000010 I2S0_INT_MAP this register used to map i2s0 interrupt to one of core1's external interrupt 0 5 read-write I2S1_INT_MAP i2s1 interrupt configuration register 0x868 0x20 0x00000010 I2S1_INT_MAP this register used to map i2s1 interrupt to one of core1's external interrupt 0 5 read-write UART_INTR_MAP uart interrupt configuration register 0x86C 0x20 0x00000010 UART_INTR_MAP this register used to map uart interrupt to one of core1's external interrupt 0 5 read-write UART1_INTR_MAP uart1 interrupt configuration register 0x870 0x20 0x00000010 UART1_INTR_MAP this register used to map uart1 interrupt to one of core1's external interrupt 0 5 read-write UART2_INTR_MAP uart2 interrupt configuration register 0x874 0x20 0x00000010 UART2_INTR_MAP this register used to map uart2 interrupt to one of core1's external interrupt 0 5 read-write SDIO_HOST_INTERRUPT_MAP sdio_host interrupt configuration register 0x878 0x20 0x00000010 SDIO_HOST_INTERRUPT_MAP this register used to map sdio_host interrupt to one of core1's external interrupt 0 5 read-write PWM0_INTR_MAP pwm0 interrupt configuration register 0x87C 0x20 0x00000010 PWM0_INTR_MAP this register used to map pwm0 interrupt to one of core1's external interrupt 0 5 read-write PWM1_INTR_MAP pwm1 interrupt configuration register 0x880 0x20 0x00000010 PWM1_INTR_MAP this register used to map pwm1 interrupt to one of core1's external interrupt 0 5 read-write PWM2_INTR_MAP pwm2 interrupt configuration register 0x884 0x20 0x00000010 PWM2_INTR_MAP this register used to map pwm2 interrupt to one of core1's external interrupt 0 5 read-write PWM3_INTR_MAP pwm3 interrupt configuration register 0x888 0x20 0x00000010 PWM3_INTR_MAP this register used to map pwm3 interrupt to one of core1's external interrupt 0 5 read-write LEDC_INT_MAP ledc interrupt configuration register 0x88C 0x20 0x00000010 LEDC_INT_MAP this register used to map ledc interrupt to one of core1's external interrupt 0 5 read-write EFUSE_INT_MAP efuse interrupt configuration register 0x890 0x20 0x00000010 EFUSE_INT_MAP this register used to map efuse interrupt to one of core1's external interrupt 0 5 read-write CAN_INT_MAP can interrupt configuration register 0x894 0x20 0x00000010 CAN_INT_MAP this register used to map can interrupt to one of core1's external interrupt 0 5 read-write USB_INTR_MAP usb interrupt configuration register 0x898 0x20 0x00000010 USB_INTR_MAP this register used to map usb interrupt to one of core1's external interrupt 0 5 read-write RTC_CORE_INTR_MAP rtc_core interrupt configuration register 0x89C 0x20 0x00000010 RTC_CORE_INTR_MAP this register used to map rtc_core interrupt to one of core1's external interrupt 0 5 read-write RMT_INTR_MAP rmt interrupt configuration register 0x8A0 0x20 0x00000010 RMT_INTR_MAP this register used to map rmt interrupt to one of core1's external interrupt 0 5 read-write PCNT_INTR_MAP pcnt interrupt configuration register 0x8A4 0x20 0x00000010 PCNT_INTR_MAP this register used to map pcnt interrupt to one of core1's external interrupt 0 5 read-write I2C_EXT0_INTR_MAP i2c_ext0 interrupt configuration register 0x8A8 0x20 0x00000010 I2C_EXT0_INTR_MAP this register used to map i2c_ext0 interrupt to one of core1's external interrupt 0 5 read-write I2C_EXT1_INTR_MAP i2c_ext1 interrupt configuration register 0x8AC 0x20 0x00000010 I2C_EXT1_INTR_MAP this register used to map i2c_ext1 interrupt to one of core1's external interrupt 0 5 read-write SPI2_DMA_INT_MAP spi2_dma interrupt configuration register 0x8B0 0x20 0x00000010 SPI2_DMA_INT_MAP this register used to map spi2_dma interrupt to one of core1's external interrupt 0 5 read-write SPI3_DMA_INT_MAP spi3_dma interrupt configuration register 0x8B4 0x20 0x00000010 SPI3_DMA_INT_MAP this register used to map spi3_dma interrupt to one of core1's external interrupt 0 5 read-write SPI4_DMA_INT_MAP spi4_dma interrupt configuration register 0x8B8 0x20 0x00000010 SPI4_DMA_INT_MAP this register used to map spi4_dma interrupt to one of core1's external interrupt 0 5 read-write WDG_INT_MAP wdg interrupt configuration register 0x8BC 0x20 0x00000010 WDG_INT_MAP this register used to map wdg interrupt to one of core1's external interrupt 0 5 read-write TIMER_INT1_MAP timer_int1 interrupt configuration register 0x8C0 0x20 0x00000010 TIMER_INT1_MAP this register used to map timer_int1 interrupt to one of core1's external interrupt 0 5 read-write TIMER_INT2_MAP timer_int2 interrupt configuration register 0x8C4 0x20 0x00000010 TIMER_INT2_MAP this register used to map timer_int2 interrupt to one of core1's external interrupt 0 5 read-write TG_T0_INT_MAP tg_t0 interrupt configuration register 0x8C8 0x20 0x00000010 TG_T0_INT_MAP this register used to map tg_t0 interrupt to one of core1's external interrupt 0 5 read-write TG_T1_INT_MAP tg_t1 interrupt configuration register 0x8CC 0x20 0x00000010 TG_T1_INT_MAP this register used to map tg_t1 interrupt to one of core1's external interrupt 0 5 read-write TG_WDT_INT_MAP tg_wdt interrupt configuration register 0x8D0 0x20 0x00000010 TG_WDT_INT_MAP this register used to map rg_wdt interrupt to one of core1's external interrupt 0 5 read-write TG1_T0_INT_MAP tg1_t0 interrupt configuration register 0x8D4 0x20 0x00000010 TG1_T0_INT_MAP this register used to map tg1_t0 interrupt to one of core1's external interrupt 0 5 read-write TG1_T1_INT_MAP tg1_t1 interrupt configuration register 0x8D8 0x20 0x00000010 TG1_T1_INT_MAP this register used to map tg1_t1 interrupt to one of core1's external interrupt 0 5 read-write TG1_WDT_INT_MAP tg1_wdt interrupt configuration register 0x8DC 0x20 0x00000010 TG1_WDT_INT_MAP this register used to map tg1_wdt interrupt to one of core1's external interrupt 0 5 read-write CACHE_IA_INT_MAP cache_ia interrupt configuration register 0x8E0 0x20 0x00000010 CACHE_IA_INT_MAP this register used to map cache_ia interrupt to one of core1's external interrupt 0 5 read-write SYSTIMER_TARGET0_INT_MAP systimer_target0 interrupt configuration register 0x8E4 0x20 0x00000010 SYSTIMER_TARGET0_INT_MAP this register used to map systimer_target0 interrupt to one of core1's external interrupt 0 5 read-write SYSTIMER_TARGET1_INT_MAP systimer_target1 interrupt configuration register 0x8E8 0x20 0x00000010 SYSTIMER_TARGET1_INT_MAP this register used to map systimer_target1 interrupt to one of core1's external interrupt 0 5 read-write SYSTIMER_TARGET2_INT_MAP systimer_target2 interrupt configuration register 0x8EC 0x20 0x00000010 SYSTIMER_TARGET2_INT_MAP this register used to map systimer_target2 interrupt to one of core1's external interrupt 0 5 read-write SPI_MEM_REJECT_INTR_MAP spi_mem_reject interrupt configuration register 0x8F0 0x20 0x00000010 SPI_MEM_REJECT_INTR_MAP this register used to map spi_mem_reject interrupt to one of core1's external interrupt 0 5 read-write DCACHE_PRELOAD_INT_MAP dcache_prelaod interrupt configuration register 0x8F4 0x20 0x00000010 DCACHE_PRELOAD_INT_MAP this register used to map dcache_prelaod interrupt to one of core1's external interrupt 0 5 read-write ICACHE_PRELOAD_INT_MAP icache_preload interrupt configuration register 0x8F8 0x20 0x00000010 ICACHE_PRELOAD_INT_MAP this register used to map icache_preload interrupt to one of core1's external interrupt 0 5 read-write DCACHE_SYNC_INT_MAP dcache_sync interrupt configuration register 0x8FC 0x20 0x00000010 DCACHE_SYNC_INT_MAP this register used to map dcache_sync interrupt to one of core1's external interrupt 0 5 read-write ICACHE_SYNC_INT_MAP icache_sync interrupt configuration register 0x900 0x20 0x00000010 ICACHE_SYNC_INT_MAP this register used to map icache_sync interrupt to one of core1's external interrupt 0 5 read-write APB_ADC_INT_MAP apb_adc interrupt configuration register 0x904 0x20 0x00000010 APB_ADC_INT_MAP this register used to map apb_adc interrupt to one of core1's external interrupt 0 5 read-write DMA_IN_CH0_INT_MAP dma_in_ch0 interrupt configuration register 0x908 0x20 0x00000010 DMA_IN_CH0_INT_MAP this register used to map dma_in_ch0 interrupt to one of core1's external interrupt 0 5 read-write DMA_IN_CH1_INT_MAP dma_in_ch1 interrupt configuration register 0x90C 0x20 0x00000010 DMA_IN_CH1_INT_MAP this register used to map dma_in_ch1 interrupt to one of core1's external interrupt 0 5 read-write DMA_IN_CH2_INT_MAP dma_in_ch2 interrupt configuration register 0x910 0x20 0x00000010 DMA_IN_CH2_INT_MAP this register used to map dma_in_ch2 interrupt to one of core1's external interrupt 0 5 read-write DMA_IN_CH3_INT_MAP dma_in_ch3 interrupt configuration register 0x914 0x20 0x00000010 DMA_IN_CH3_INT_MAP this register used to map dma_in_ch3 interrupt to one of core1's external interrupt 0 5 read-write DMA_IN_CH4_INT_MAP dma_in_ch4 interrupt configuration register 0x918 0x20 0x00000010 DMA_IN_CH4_INT_MAP this register used to map dma_in_ch4 interrupt to one of core1's external interrupt 0 5 read-write DMA_OUT_CH0_INT_MAP dma_out_ch0 interrupt configuration register 0x91C 0x20 0x00000010 DMA_OUT_CH0_INT_MAP this register used to map dma_out_ch0 interrupt to one of core1's external interrupt 0 5 read-write DMA_OUT_CH1_INT_MAP dma_out_ch1 interrupt configuration register 0x920 0x20 0x00000010 DMA_OUT_CH1_INT_MAP this register used to map dma_out_ch1 interrupt to one of core1's external interrupt 0 5 read-write DMA_OUT_CH2_INT_MAP dma_out_ch2 interrupt configuration register 0x924 0x20 0x00000010 DMA_OUT_CH2_INT_MAP this register used to map dma_out_ch2 interrupt to one of core1's external interrupt 0 5 read-write DMA_OUT_CH3_INT_MAP dma_out_ch3 interrupt configuration register 0x928 0x20 0x00000010 DMA_OUT_CH3_INT_MAP this register used to map dma_out_ch3 interrupt to one of core1's external interrupt 0 5 read-write DMA_OUT_CH4_INT_MAP dma_out_ch4 interrupt configuration register 0x92C 0x20 0x00000010 DMA_OUT_CH4_INT_MAP this register used to map dma_out_ch4 interrupt to one of core1's external interrupt 0 5 read-write RSA_INT_MAP rsa interrupt configuration register 0x930 0x20 0x00000010 RSA_INT_MAP this register used to map rsa interrupt to one of core1's external interrupt 0 5 read-write AES_INT_MAP aes interrupt configuration register 0x934 0x20 0x00000010 AES_INT_MAP this register used to map aes interrupt to one of core1's external interrupt 0 5 read-write SHA_INT_MAP sha interrupt configuration register 0x938 0x20 0x00000010 SHA_INT_MAP this register used to map sha interrupt to one of core1's external interrupt 0 5 read-write CPU_INTR_FROM_CPU_0_MAP cpu_intr_from_cpu_0 interrupt configuration register 0x93C 0x20 0x00000010 CPU_INTR_FROM_CPU_0_MAP this register used to map cpu_intr_from_cpu_0 interrupt to one of core1's external interrupt 0 5 read-write CPU_INTR_FROM_CPU_1_MAP cpu_intr_from_cpu_1 interrupt configuration register 0x940 0x20 0x00000010 CPU_INTR_FROM_CPU_1_MAP this register used to map cpu_intr_from_cpu_1 interrupt to one of core1's external interrupt 0 5 read-write CPU_INTR_FROM_CPU_2_MAP cpu_intr_from_cpu_2 interrupt configuration register 0x944 0x20 0x00000010 CPU_INTR_FROM_CPU_2_MAP this register used to map cpu_intr_from_cpu_2 interrupt to one of core1's external interrupt 0 5 read-write CPU_INTR_FROM_CPU_3_MAP cpu_intr_from_cpu_3 interrupt configuration register 0x948 0x20 0x00000010 CPU_INTR_FROM_CPU_3_MAP this register used to map cpu_intr_from_cpu_3 interrupt to one of core1's external interrupt 0 5 read-write ASSIST_DEBUG_INTR_MAP assist_debug interrupt configuration register 0x94C 0x20 0x00000010 ASSIST_DEBUG_INTR_MAP this register used to map assist_debug interrupt to one of core1's external interrupt 0 5 read-write DMA_APBPERI_PMS_MONITOR_VIOLATE_INTR_MAP dma_pms_monitor_violatile interrupt configuration register 0x950 0x20 0x00000010 DMA_APBPERI_PMS_MONITOR_VIOLATE_INTR_MAP this register used to map dma_pms_monitor_violatile interrupt to one of core1's external interrupt 0 5 read-write CORE_0_IRAM0_PMS_MONITOR_VIOLATE_INTR_MAP core0_IRam0_pms_monitor_violatile interrupt configuration register 0x954 0x20 0x00000010 CORE_0_IRAM0_PMS_MONITOR_VIOLATE_INTR_MAP this register used to map core0_IRam0_pms_monitor_violatile interrupt to one of core1's external interrupt 0 5 read-write CORE_0_DRAM0_PMS_MONITOR_VIOLATE_INTR_MAP core0_DRam0_pms_monitor_violatile interrupt configuration register 0x958 0x20 0x00000010 CORE_0_DRAM0_PMS_MONITOR_VIOLATE_INTR_MAP this register used to map core0_DRam0_pms_monitor_violatile interrupt to one of core1's external interrupt 0 5 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_MONITOR_VIOLATE_INTR_MAP core0_PIF_pms_monitor_violatile interrupt configuration register 0x95C 0x20 0x00000010 CORE_0_PIF_PMS_MONITOR_VIOLATE_INTR_MAP this register used to map core0_PIF_pms_monitor_violatile interrupt to one of core1's external interrupt 0 5 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_MONITOR_VIOLATE_SIZE_INTR_MAP core0_PIF_pms_monitor_violatile_size interrupt configuration register 0x960 0x20 0x00000010 CORE_0_PIF_PMS_MONITOR_VIOLATE_SIZE_INTR_MAP this register used to map core0_PIF_pms_monitor_violatile_size interrupt to one of core1's external interrupt 0 5 read-write CORE_1_IRAM0_PMS_MONITOR_VIOLATE_INTR_MAP core1_IRam0_pms_monitor_violatile interrupt configuration register 0x964 0x20 0x00000010 CORE_1_IRAM0_PMS_MONITOR_VIOLATE_INTR_MAP this register used to map core1_IRam0_pms_monitor_violatile interrupt to one of core1's external interrupt 0 5 read-write CORE_1_DRAM0_PMS_MONITOR_VIOLATE_INTR_MAP core1_DRam0_pms_monitor_violatile interrupt configuration register 0x968 0x20 0x00000010 CORE_1_DRAM0_PMS_MONITOR_VIOLATE_INTR_MAP this register used to map core1_DRam0_pms_monitor_violatile interrupt to one of core1's external interrupt 0 5 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_MONITOR_VIOLATE_INTR_MAP core1_PIF_pms_monitor_violatile interrupt configuration register 0x96C 0x20 0x00000010 CORE_1_PIF_PMS_MONITOR_VIOLATE_INTR_MAP this register used to map core1_PIF_pms_monitor_violatile interrupt to one of core1's external interrupt 0 5 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_MONITOR_VIOLATE_SIZE_INTR_MAP core1_PIF_pms_monitor_violatile_size interrupt configuration register 0x970 0x20 0x00000010 CORE_1_PIF_PMS_MONITOR_VIOLATE_SIZE_INTR_MAP this register used to map core1_PIF_pms_monitor_violatile_size interrupt to one of core1's external interrupt 0 5 read-write BACKUP_PMS_VIOLATE_INTR_MAP backup_pms_monitor_violatile interrupt configuration register 0x974 0x20 0x00000010 BACKUP_PMS_VIOLATE_INTR_MAP this register used to map backup_pms_monitor_violatile interrupt to one of core1's external interrupt 0 5 read-write CACHE_CORE0_ACS_INT_MAP cache_core0_acs interrupt configuration register 0x978 0x20 0x00000010 CACHE_CORE0_ACS_INT_MAP this register used to map cache_core0_acs interrupt to one of core1's external interrupt 0 5 read-write CACHE_CORE1_ACS_INT_MAP cache_core1_acs interrupt configuration register 0x97C 0x20 0x00000010 CACHE_CORE1_ACS_INT_MAP this register used to map cache_core1_acs interrupt to one of core1's external interrupt 0 5 read-write USB_DEVICE_INT_MAP usb_device interrupt configuration register 0x980 0x20 0x00000010 USB_DEVICE_INT_MAP this register used to map usb_device interrupt to one of core1's external interrupt 0 5 read-write PERI_BACKUP_INT_MAP peri_backup interrupt configuration register 0x984 0x20 0x00000010 PERI_BACKUP_INT_MAP this register used to map peri_backup interrupt to one of core1's external interrupt 0 5 read-write DMA_EXTMEM_REJECT_INT_MAP dma_extmem_reject interrupt configuration register 0x988 0x20 0x00000010 DMA_EXTMEM_REJECT_INT_MAP this register used to map dma_extmem_reject interrupt to one of core1's external interrupt 0 5 read-write APP_INTR_STATUS_0 interrupt status register 0x98C 0x20 INTR_STATUS_0 this register store the status of the first 32 interrupt source 0 32 read-only APP_INTR_STATUS_1 interrupt status register 0x990 0x20 INTR_STATUS_1 this register store the status of the first 32 interrupt source 0 32 read-only APP_INTR_STATUS_2 interrupt status register 0x994 0x20 INTR_STATUS_2 this register store the status of the first 32 interrupt source 0 32 read-only APP_INTR_STATUS_3 interrupt status register 0x998 0x20 INTR_STATUS_3 this register store the status of the first 32 interrupt source 0 32 read-only CLOCK_GATE clock gate register 0x99C 0x20 0x00000001 REG_CLK_EN this register uesd to control clock-gating interupt martrix 0 1 read-write DATE version register 0xFFC 0x20 0x02012300 INTERRUPT_DATE version register 0 28 read-write IO_MUX Input/Output Multiplexer IO_MUX 0x60009000 0x0 0xCC registers PIN_CTRL Clock Output Configuration Register 0x0 0x20 0x000007FF CLK_OUT1 If you want to output clock for I2S to CLK_OUT_out1, set this register to 0x0. CLK_OUT_out1 can be found in peripheral output signals. 0 4 read-write CLK_OUT2 If you want to output clock for I2S to CLK_OUT_out2, set this register to 0x0. CLK_OUT_out2 can be found in peripheral output signals. 4 4 read-write CLK_OUT3 If you want to output clock for I2S to CLK_OUT_out3, set this register to 0x0. CLK_OUT_out3 can be found in peripheral output signals. 8 4 read-write 49 0x4 GPIO%s IO MUX Configure Register for pad GPIO0 0x4 0x20 0x00000B00 MCU_OE Output enable of the pad in sleep mode. 1: output enabled; 0: output disabled. 0 1 read-write SLP_SEL Sleep mode selection of this pad. Set to 1 to put the pad in pad mode. 1 1 read-write MCU_WPD Pull-down enable of the pad in sleep mode. 1: internal pull-down enabled; 0: internal pull-down disabled. 2 1 read-write MCU_WPU Pull-up enable of the pad during sleep mode. 1: internal pull-up enabled; 0: internal pull-up disabled. 3 1 read-write MCU_IE Input enable of the pad during sleep mode. 1: input enabled; 0: input disabled. 4 1 read-write FUN_WPD Pull-down enable of the pad. 1: internal pull-down enabled; 0: internal pull-down disabled. 7 1 read-write FUN_WPU Pull-up enable of the pad. 1: internal pull-up enabled; 0: internal pull-up disabled. 8 1 read-write FUN_IE Input enable of the pad. 1: input enabled; 0: input disabled. 9 1 read-write FUN_DRV Select the drive strength of the pad. 0: ~5 mA; 1: ~10mA; 2: ~20mA; 3: ~40mA. 10 2 read-write MCU_SEL Select IO MUX function for this signal. 0: Select Function 1; 1: Select Function 2; etc. 12 3 read-write FILTER_EN Enable filter for pin input signals. 1: Filter enabled; 2: Filter disabled. 15 1 read-write DATE IO MUX Version Control Register 0xFC 0x20 0x01907160 REG_DATE Version control register 0 28 read-write LCD_CAM Peripheral LCD_CAM LCD_CAM 0x60041000 0x0 0x48 registers LCD_CLOCK LCD clock register 0x0 0x20 0x00000843 LCD_CLKCNT_N f_LCD_PCLK = f_LCD_CLK / (reg_clkcnt_N + 1) when reg_clk_equ_sysclk is 0. 0 6 read-write LCD_CLK_EQU_SYSCLK 1: f_LCD_PCLK = f_LCD_CLK. 0: f_LCD_PCLK = f_LCD_CLK / (reg_clkcnt_N + 1). 6 1 read-write LCD_CK_IDLE_EDGE 1: LCD_PCLK line is high when idle 0: LCD_PCLK line is low when idle. 7 1 read-write LCD_CK_OUT_EDGE 1: LCD_PCLK high in first half clock cycle. 0: LCD_PCLK low in first half clock cycle. 8 1 read-write LCD_CLKM_DIV_NUM Integral LCD clock divider value 9 8 read-write LCD_CLKM_DIV_B Fractional clock divider numerator value 17 6 read-write LCD_CLKM_DIV_A Fractional clock divider denominator value 23 6 read-write LCD_CLK_SEL Select LCD module source clock. 0: no clock. 1: APLL. 2: CLK160. 3: no clock. 29 2 read-write CLK_EN Set this bit to enable clk gate 31 1 read-write CAM_CTRL Camera configuration register 0x4 0x20 0x00000800 CAM_STOP_EN Camera stop enable signal, 1: camera stops when DMA Rx FIFO is full. 0: Not stop. 0 1 read-write CAM_VSYNC_FILTER_THRES Filter threshold value for CAM_VSYNC signal. 1 3 read-write CAM_UPDATE 1: Update Camera registers, will be cleared by hardware. 0 : Not care. 4 1 read-write CAM_BYTE_ORDER 1: Change data bit order, change CAM_DATA_in[7:0] to CAM_DATA_in[0:7] in one byte mode, and bits[15:0] to bits[0:15] in two byte mode. 0: Not change. 5 1 read-write CAM_BIT_ORDER 1: invert data byte order, only valid in 2 byte mode. 0: Not change. 6 1 read-write CAM_LINE_INT_EN 1: Enable to generate CAM_HS_INT. 0: Disable. 7 1 read-write CAM_VS_EOF_EN 1: CAM_VSYNC to generate in_suc_eof. 0: in_suc_eof is controlled by reg_cam_rec_data_cyclelen. 8 1 read-write CAM_CLKM_DIV_NUM Integral Camera clock divider value 9 8 read-write CAM_CLKM_DIV_B Fractional clock divider numerator value 17 6 read-write CAM_CLKM_DIV_A Fractional clock divider denominator value 23 6 read-write CAM_CLK_SEL Select Camera module source clock. 0: no clock. 1: APLL. 2: CLK160. 3: no clock. 29 2 read-write CAM_CTRL1 Camera configuration register 0x8 0x20 CAM_REC_DATA_BYTELEN Camera receive data byte length minus 1 to set DMA in_suc_eof_int. 0 16 read-write CAM_LINE_INT_NUM The line number minus 1 to generate cam_hs_int. 16 6 read-write CAM_CLK_INV 1: Invert the input signal CAM_PCLK. 0: Not invert. 22 1 read-write CAM_VSYNC_FILTER_EN 1: Enable CAM_VSYNC filter function. 0: bypass. 23 1 read-write CAM_2BYTE_EN 1: The bit number of input data is 9~16. 0: The bit number of input data is 0~8. 24 1 read-write CAM_DE_INV CAM_DE invert enable signal, valid in high level. 25 1 read-write CAM_HSYNC_INV CAM_HSYNC invert enable signal, valid in high level. 26 1 read-write CAM_VSYNC_INV CAM_VSYNC invert enable signal, valid in high level. 27 1 read-write CAM_VH_DE_MODE_EN 1: Input control signals are CAM_DE CAM_HSYNC and CAM_VSYNC is 1. 0: Input control signals are CAM_DE and CAM_VSYNC. CAM_HSYNC and CAM_DE are all 1 the the same time. 28 1 read-write CAM_START Camera module start signal. 29 1 read-write CAM_RESET Camera module reset signal. 30 1 write-only CAM_AFIFO_RESET Camera AFIFO reset signal. 31 1 write-only CAM_RGB_YUV Camera configuration register 0xC 0x20 0x00C00000 CAM_CONV_8BITS_DATA_INV 1:invert every two 8bits input data. 2. disabled. 21 1 read-write CAM_CONV_YUV2YUV_MODE 0: to yuv422. 1: to yuv420. 2: to yuv411. 3: disabled. To enable yuv2yuv mode, trans_mode must be set to 1. 22 2 read-write CAM_CONV_YUV_MODE 0: yuv422. 1: yuv420. 2: yuv411. When in yuv2yuv mode, yuv_mode decides the yuv mode of Data_in 24 2 read-write CAM_CONV_PROTOCOL_MODE 0:BT601. 1:BT709. 26 1 read-write CAM_CONV_DATA_OUT_MODE LIMIT or FULL mode of Data out. 0: limit. 1: full 27 1 read-write CAM_CONV_DATA_IN_MODE LIMIT or FULL mode of Data in. 0: limit. 1: full 28 1 read-write CAM_CONV_MODE_8BITS_ON 0: 16bits mode. 1: 8bits mode. 29 1 read-write CAM_CONV_TRANS_MODE 0: YUV to RGB. 1: RGB to YUV. 30 1 read-write CAM_CONV_BYPASS 0: Bypass converter. 1: Enable converter. 31 1 read-write LCD_RGB_YUV LCD configuration register 0x10 0x20 0x00C00000 LCD_CONV_8BITS_DATA_INV 1:invert every two 8bits input data. 2. disabled. 20 1 read-write LCD_CONV_TXTORX 0: txtorx mode off. 1: txtorx mode on. 21 1 read-write LCD_CONV_YUV2YUV_MODE 0: to yuv422. 1: to yuv420. 2: to yuv411. 3: disabled. To enable yuv2yuv mode, trans_mode must be set to 1. 22 2 read-write LCD_CONV_YUV_MODE 0: yuv422. 1: yuv420. 2: yuv411. When in yuv2yuv mode, yuv_mode decides the yuv mode of Data_in 24 2 read-write LCD_CONV_PROTOCOL_MODE 0:BT601. 1:BT709. 26 1 read-write LCD_CONV_DATA_OUT_MODE LIMIT or FULL mode of Data out. 0: limit. 1: full 27 1 read-write LCD_CONV_DATA_IN_MODE LIMIT or FULL mode of Data in. 0: limit. 1: full 28 1 read-write LCD_CONV_MODE_8BITS_ON 0: 16bits mode. 1: 8bits mode. 29 1 read-write LCD_CONV_TRANS_MODE 0: YUV to RGB. 1: RGB to YUV. 30 1 read-write LCD_CONV_BYPASS 0: Bypass converter. 1: Enable converter. 31 1 read-write LCD_USER LCD configuration register 0x14 0x20 0x00000001 LCD_DOUT_CYCLELEN The output data cycles minus 1 of LCD module. 0 13 read-write LCD_ALWAYS_OUT_EN LCD always output when LCD is in LCD_DOUT state, unless reg_lcd_start is cleared or reg_lcd_reset is set. 13 1 read-write LCD_8BITS_ORDER 1: invert every two data byte, valid in 1 byte mode. 0: Not change. 19 1 read-write LCD_UPDATE 1: Update LCD registers, will be cleared by hardware. 0 : Not care. 20 1 read-write LCD_BIT_ORDER 1: Change data bit order, change LCD_DATA_out[7:0] to LCD_DATA_out[0:7] in one byte mode, and bits[15:0] to bits[0:15] in two byte mode. 0: Not change. 21 1 read-write LCD_BYTE_ORDER 1: invert data byte order, only valid in 2 byte mode. 0: Not change. 22 1 read-write LCD_2BYTE_EN 1: The bit number of output LCD data is 9~16. 0: The bit number of output LCD data is 0~8. 23 1 read-write LCD_DOUT 1: Be able to send data out in LCD sequence when LCD starts. 0: Disable. 24 1 read-write LCD_DUMMY 1: Enable DUMMY phase in LCD sequence when LCD starts. 0: Disable. 25 1 read-write LCD_CMD 1: Be able to send command in LCD sequence when LCD starts. 0: Disable. 26 1 read-write LCD_START LCD start sending data enable signal, valid in high level. 27 1 read-write LCD_RESET The value of command. 28 1 write-only LCD_DUMMY_CYCLELEN The dummy cycle length minus 1. 29 2 read-write LCD_CMD_2_CYCLE_EN The cycle length of command phase. 1: 2 cycles. 0: 1 cycle. 31 1 read-write LCD_MISC LCD configuration register 0x18 0x20 0x000000D6 LCD_AFIFO_THRESHOLD_NUM The awfull threshold number of lcd_afifo. 1 5 read-write LCD_VFK_CYCLELEN The setup cycle length minus 1 in LCD non-RGB mode. 6 6 read-write LCD_VBK_CYCLELEN The vertical back blank region cycle length minus 1 in LCD RGB mode, or the hold time cycle length in LCD non-RGB mode. 12 13 read-write LCD_NEXT_FRAME_EN 1: Send the next frame data when the current frame is sent out. 0: LCD stops when the current frame is sent out. 25 1 read-write LCD_BK_EN 1: Enable blank region when LCD sends data out. 0: No blank region. 26 1 read-write LCD_AFIFO_RESET LCD AFIFO reset signal. 27 1 write-only LCD_CD_DATA_SET 1: LCD_CD = !reg_cd_idle_edge when lcd_st[2:0] is in LCD_DOUT state. 0: LCD_CD = reg_cd_idle_edge. 28 1 read-write LCD_CD_DUMMY_SET 1: LCD_CD = !reg_cd_idle_edge when lcd_st[2:0] is in LCD_DUMMY state. 0: LCD_CD = reg_cd_idle_edge. 29 1 read-write LCD_CD_CMD_SET 1: LCD_CD = !reg_cd_idle_edge when lcd_st[2:0] is in LCD_CMD state. 0: LCD_CD = reg_cd_idle_edge. 30 1 read-write LCD_CD_IDLE_EDGE The default value of LCD_CD. 31 1 read-write LCD_CTRL LCD configuration register 0x1C 0x20 LCD_HB_FRONT It is the horizontal blank front porch of a frame. 0 11 read-write LCD_VA_HEIGHT It is the vertical active height of a frame. 11 10 read-write LCD_VT_HEIGHT It is the vertical total height of a frame. 21 10 read-write LCD_RGB_MODE_EN 1: Enable reg mode input vsync, hsync, de. 0: Disable. 31 1 read-write LCD_CTRL1 LCD configuration register 0x20 0x20 LCD_VB_FRONT It is the vertical blank front porch of a frame. 0 8 read-write LCD_HA_WIDTH It is the horizontal active width of a frame. 8 12 read-write LCD_HT_WIDTH It is the horizontal total width of a frame. 20 12 read-write LCD_CTRL2 LCD configuration register 0x24 0x20 0x00010001 LCD_VSYNC_WIDTH It is the position of LCD_VSYNC active pulse in a line. 0 7 read-write LCD_VSYNC_IDLE_POL It is the idle value of LCD_VSYNC. 7 1 read-write LCD_DE_IDLE_POL It is the idle value of LCD_DE. 8 1 read-write LCD_HS_BLANK_EN 1: The pulse of LCD_HSYNC is out in vertical blanking lines RGB mode. 0: LCD_HSYNC pulse is valid only in active region lines in RGB mode. 9 1 read-write LCD_HSYNC_WIDTH It is the position of LCD_HSYNC active pulse in a line. 16 7 read-write LCD_HSYNC_IDLE_POL It is the idle value of LCD_HSYNC. 23 1 read-write LCD_HSYNC_POSITION It is the position of LCD_HSYNC active pulse in a line. 24 8 read-write LCD_CMD_VAL LCD configuration register 0x28 0x20 LCD_CMD_VALUE The LCD write command value. 0 32 read-write LCD_DLY_MODE LCD configuration register 0x30 0x20 LCD_CD_MODE The output LCD_CD is delayed by module clock LCD_CLK. 0: output without delayed. 1: delay by the positive edge of LCD_CLK. 2: delay by the negative edge of LCD_CLK. 0 2 read-write LCD_DE_MODE The output LCD_DE is delayed by module clock LCD_CLK. 0: output without delayed. 1: delay by the positive edge of LCD_CLK. 2: delay by the negative edge of LCD_CLK. 2 2 read-write LCD_HSYNC_MODE The output LCD_HSYNC is delayed by module clock LCD_CLK. 0: output without delayed. 1: delay by the positive edge of LCD_CLK. 2: delay by the negative edge of LCD_CLK. 4 2 read-write LCD_VSYNC_MODE The output LCD_VSYNC is delayed by module clock LCD_CLK. 0: output without delayed. 1: delay by the positive edge of LCD_CLK. 2: delay by the negative edge of LCD_CLK. 6 2 read-write LCD_DATA_DOUT_MODE LCD configuration register 0x38 0x20 DOUT0_MODE The output data bit 0 is delayed by module clock LCD_CLK. 0: output without delayed. 1: delay by the positive edge of LCD_CLK. 2: delay by the negative edge of LCD_CLK. 0 2 read-write DOUT1_MODE The output data bit 2 is delayed by module clock LCD_CLK. 0: output without delayed. 1: delay by the positive edge of LCD_CLK. 2: delay by the negative edge of LCD_CLK. 2 2 read-write DOUT2_MODE The output data bit 4 is delayed by module clock LCD_CLK. 0: output without delayed. 1: delay by the positive edge of LCD_CLK. 2: delay by the negative edge of LCD_CLK. 4 2 read-write DOUT3_MODE The output data bit 6 is delayed by module clock LCD_CLK. 0: output without delayed. 1: delay by the positive edge of LCD_CLK. 2: delay by the negative edge of LCD_CLK. 6 2 read-write DOUT4_MODE The output data bit 8 is delayed by module clock LCD_CLK. 0: output without delayed. 1: delay by the positive edge of LCD_CLK. 2: delay by the negative edge of LCD_CLK. 8 2 read-write DOUT5_MODE The output data bit 10 is delayed by module clock LCD_CLK. 0: output without delayed. 1: delay by the positive edge of LCD_CLK. 2: delay by the negative edge of LCD_CLK. 10 2 read-write DOUT6_MODE The output data bit 12 is delayed by module clock LCD_CLK. 0: output without delayed. 1: delay by the positive edge of LCD_CLK. 2: delay by the negative edge of LCD_CLK. 12 2 read-write DOUT7_MODE The output data bit 14 is delayed by module clock LCD_CLK. 0: output without delayed. 1: delay by the positive edge of LCD_CLK. 2: delay by the negative edge of LCD_CLK. 14 2 read-write DOUT8_MODE The output data bit 16 is delayed by module clock LCD_CLK. 0: output without delayed. 1: delay by the positive edge of LCD_CLK. 2: delay by the negative edge of LCD_CLK. 16 2 read-write DOUT9_MODE The output data bit 18 is delayed by module clock LCD_CLK. 0: output without delayed. 1: delay by the positive edge of LCD_CLK. 2: delay by the negative edge of LCD_CLK. 18 2 read-write DOUT10_MODE The output data bit 20 is delayed by module clock LCD_CLK. 0: output without delayed. 1: delay by the positive edge of LCD_CLK. 2: delay by the negative edge of LCD_CLK. 20 2 read-write DOUT11_MODE The output data bit 22 is delayed by module clock LCD_CLK. 0: output without delayed. 1: delay by the positive edge of LCD_CLK. 2: delay by the negative edge of LCD_CLK. 22 2 read-write DOUT12_MODE The output data bit 24 is delayed by module clock LCD_CLK. 0: output without delayed. 1: delay by the positive edge of LCD_CLK. 2: delay by the negative edge of LCD_CLK. 24 2 read-write DOUT13_MODE The output data bit 26 is delayed by module clock LCD_CLK. 0: output without delayed. 1: delay by the positive edge of LCD_CLK. 2: delay by the negative edge of LCD_CLK. 26 2 read-write DOUT14_MODE The output data bit 28 is delayed by module clock LCD_CLK. 0: output without delayed. 1: delay by the positive edge of LCD_CLK. 2: delay by the negative edge of LCD_CLK. 28 2 read-write DOUT15_MODE The output data bit 30 is delayed by module clock LCD_CLK. 0: output without delayed. 1: delay by the positive edge of LCD_CLK. 2: delay by the negative edge of LCD_CLK. 30 2 read-write LC_DMA_INT_ENA LCD_camera DMA inturrupt enable register 0x64 0x20 LCD_VSYNC_INT_ENA The enable bit for LCD frame end interrupt. 0 1 read-write LCD_TRANS_DONE_INT_ENA The enable bit for lcd transfer end interrupt. 1 1 read-write CAM_VSYNC_INT_ENA The enable bit for Camera frame end interrupt. 2 1 read-write CAM_HS_INT_ENA The enable bit for Camera line interrupt. 3 1 read-write LC_DMA_INT_RAW LCD_camera DMA raw inturrupt status register 0x68 0x20 LCD_VSYNC_INT_RAW The raw bit for LCD frame end interrupt. 0 1 read-only LCD_TRANS_DONE_INT_RAW The raw bit for lcd transfer end interrupt. 1 1 read-only CAM_VSYNC_INT_RAW The raw bit for Camera frame end interrupt. 2 1 read-only CAM_HS_INT_RAW The raw bit for Camera line interrupt. 3 1 read-only LC_DMA_INT_ST LCD_camera DMA masked inturrupt status register 0x6C 0x20 LCD_VSYNC_INT_ST The status bit for LCD frame end interrupt. 0 1 read-only LCD_TRANS_DONE_INT_ST The status bit for lcd transfer end interrupt. 1 1 read-only CAM_VSYNC_INT_ST The status bit for Camera frame end interrupt. 2 1 read-only CAM_HS_INT_ST The status bit for Camera transfer end interrupt. 3 1 read-only LC_DMA_INT_CLR LCD_camera DMA inturrupt clear register 0x70 0x20 LCD_VSYNC_INT_CLR The clear bit for LCD frame end interrupt. 0 1 write-only LCD_TRANS_DONE_INT_CLR The clear bit for lcd transfer end interrupt. 1 1 write-only CAM_VSYNC_INT_CLR The clear bit for Camera frame end interrupt. 2 1 write-only CAM_HS_INT_CLR The clear bit for Camera line interrupt. 3 1 write-only LC_REG_DATE Version register 0xFC 0x20 0x02003020 LC_DATE LCD_CAM version control register 0 28 read-write LEDC LED PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) Controller LEDC 0x60019000 0x0 0xD8 registers LEDC 35 8 0x14 CH%s_CONF0 Configuration register 0 for channel %s 0x0 0x20 TIMER_SEL This field is used to select one of timers for channel %s. 0: select timer0 1: select timer1 2: select timer2 3: select timer3 0 2 read-write SIG_OUT_EN Set this bit to enable signal output on channel %s. 2 1 read-write IDLE_LV This bit is used to control the output value when channel %s is inactive (when LEDC_SIG_OUT_EN_CH%s is 0). 3 1 read-write PARA_UP This bit is used to update LEDC_HPOINT_CH%s, LEDC_DUTY_START_CH%s, LEDC_SIG_OUT_EN_CH%s, LEDC_TIMER_SEL_CH%s, LEDC_DUTY_NUM_CH%s, LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_CH%s, LEDC_DUTY_SCALE_CH%s, LEDC_DUTY_INC_CH%s, and LEDC_OVF_CNT_EN_CH%s fields for channel %s, and will be automatically cleared by hardware. 4 1 write-only OVF_NUM This register is used to configure the maximum times of overflow minus 1. The LEDC_OVF_CNT_CH%s_INT interrupt will be triggered when channel %s overflows for (LEDC_OVF_NUM_CH%s + 1) times. 5 10 read-write OVF_CNT_EN This bit is used to enable the ovf_cnt of channel %s. 15 1 read-write OVF_CNT_RESET Set this bit to reset the ovf_cnt of channel %s. 16 1 write-only OVF_CNT_RESET_ST This is the status bit of LEDC_OVF_CNT_RESET_CH%s. 17 1 read-only 8 0x14 CH%s_HPOINT High point register for channel %s 0x4 0x20 HPOINT The output value changes to high when the selected timers has reached the value specified by this register. 0 14 read-write 8 0x14 CH%s_DUTY Initial duty cycle for channel %s 0x8 0x20 DUTY This register is used to change the output duty by controlling the Lpoint. The output value turns to low when the selected timers has reached the Lpoint. 0 19 read-write 8 0x14 CH%s_CONF1 Configuration register 1 for channel %s 0xC 0x20 0x40000000 DUTY_SCALE This register is used to configure the changing step scale of duty on channel %s. 0 10 read-write DUTY_CYCLE The duty will change every LEDC_DUTY_CYCLE_CH%s on channel %s. 10 10 read-write DUTY_NUM This register is used to control the number of times the duty cycle will be changed. 20 10 read-write DUTY_INC This register is used to increase or decrease the duty of output signal on channel %s. 1: Increase; 0: Decrease. 30 1 read-write DUTY_START Other configured fields in LEDC_CH%s_CONF1_REG will start to take effect when this bit is set to 1. 31 1 read-write 8 0x14 CH%s_DUTY_R Current duty cycle for channel %s 0x10 0x20 DUTY_R This register stores the current duty of output signal on channel %s. 0 19 read-only 4 0x8 TIMER%s_CONF Timer %s configuration 0xA0 0x20 0x00800000 DUTY_RES This register is used to control the range of the counter in timer %s. 0 4 read-write CLK_DIV This register is used to configure the divisor for the divider in timer %s. The least significant eight bits represent the fractional part. 4 18 read-write PAUSE This bit is used to suspend the counter in timer %s. 22 1 read-write RST This bit is used to reset timer %s. The counter will show 0 after reset. 23 1 read-write TICK_SEL This bit is used to select clock for timer %s. When this bit is set to 1 LEDC_APB_CLK_SEL[1:0] should be 1, otherwise the timer clock may be not accurate. 1'h0: SLOW_CLK 1'h1: REF_TICK 24 1 read-write PARA_UP Set this bit to update LEDC_CLK_DIV_TIMER%s and LEDC_TIMER%s_DUTY_RES. 25 1 write-only 4 0x8 TIMER%s_VALUE Timer %s current counter value 0xA4 0x20 CNT This register stores the current counter value of timer %s. 0 14 read-only INT_RAW Raw interrupt status 0xC0 0x20 TIMER0_OVF_INT_RAW Triggered when the timer0 has reached its maximum counter value. 0 1 read-only TIMER1_OVF_INT_RAW Triggered when the timer1 has reached its maximum counter value. 1 1 read-only TIMER2_OVF_INT_RAW Triggered when the timer2 has reached its maximum counter value. 2 1 read-only TIMER3_OVF_INT_RAW Triggered when the timer3 has reached its maximum counter value. 3 1 read-only DUTY_CHNG_END_CH0_INT_RAW Interrupt raw bit for channel 0. Triggered when the gradual change of duty has finished. 4 1 read-only DUTY_CHNG_END_CH1_INT_RAW Interrupt raw bit for channel 1. Triggered when the gradual change of duty has finished. 5 1 read-only DUTY_CHNG_END_CH2_INT_RAW Interrupt raw bit for channel 2. Triggered when the gradual change of duty has finished. 6 1 read-only DUTY_CHNG_END_CH3_INT_RAW Interrupt raw bit for channel 3. Triggered when the gradual change of duty has finished. 7 1 read-only DUTY_CHNG_END_CH4_INT_RAW Interrupt raw bit for channel 4. Triggered when the gradual change of duty has finished. 8 1 read-only DUTY_CHNG_END_CH5_INT_RAW Interrupt raw bit for channel 5. Triggered when the gradual change of duty has finished. 9 1 read-only DUTY_CHNG_END_CH6_INT_RAW Interrupt raw bit for channel 6. Triggered when the gradual change of duty has finished. 10 1 read-only DUTY_CHNG_END_CH7_INT_RAW Interrupt raw bit for channel 7. Triggered when the gradual change of duty has finished. 11 1 read-only OVF_CNT_CH0_INT_RAW Interrupt raw bit for channel 0. Triggered when the ovf_cnt has reached the value specified by LEDC_OVF_NUM_CH0. 12 1 read-only OVF_CNT_CH1_INT_RAW Interrupt raw bit for channel 1. Triggered when the ovf_cnt has reached the value specified by LEDC_OVF_NUM_CH1. 13 1 read-only OVF_CNT_CH2_INT_RAW Interrupt raw bit for channel 2. Triggered when the ovf_cnt has reached the value specified by LEDC_OVF_NUM_CH2. 14 1 read-only OVF_CNT_CH3_INT_RAW Interrupt raw bit for channel 3. Triggered when the ovf_cnt has reached the value specified by LEDC_OVF_NUM_CH3. 15 1 read-only OVF_CNT_CH4_INT_RAW Interrupt raw bit for channel 4. Triggered when the ovf_cnt has reached the value specified by LEDC_OVF_NUM_CH4. 16 1 read-only OVF_CNT_CH5_INT_RAW Interrupt raw bit for channel 5. Triggered when the ovf_cnt has reached the value specified by LEDC_OVF_NUM_CH5. 17 1 read-only OVF_CNT_CH6_INT_RAW Interrupt raw bit for channel 6. Triggered when the ovf_cnt has reached the value specified by LEDC_OVF_NUM_CH6. 18 1 read-only OVF_CNT_CH7_INT_RAW Interrupt raw bit for channel 7. Triggered when the ovf_cnt has reached the value specified by LEDC_OVF_NUM_CH7. 19 1 read-only INT_ST Masked interrupt status 0xC4 0x20 TIMER0_OVF_INT_ST This is the masked interrupt status bit for the LEDC_TIMER0_OVF_INT interrupt when LEDC_TIMER0_OVF_INT_ENA is set to 1. 0 1 read-only TIMER1_OVF_INT_ST This is the masked interrupt status bit for the LEDC_TIMER1_OVF_INT interrupt when LEDC_TIMER1_OVF_INT_ENA is set to 1. 1 1 read-only TIMER2_OVF_INT_ST This is the masked interrupt status bit for the LEDC_TIMER2_OVF_INT interrupt when LEDC_TIMER2_OVF_INT_ENA is set to 1. 2 1 read-only TIMER3_OVF_INT_ST This is the masked interrupt status bit for the LEDC_TIMER3_OVF_INT interrupt when LEDC_TIMER3_OVF_INT_ENA is set to 1. 3 1 read-only DUTY_CHNG_END_CH0_INT_ST This is the masked interrupt status bit for the LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_CH0_INT interrupt when LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_CH0_INT_ENAIS set to 1. 4 1 read-only DUTY_CHNG_END_CH1_INT_ST This is the masked interrupt status bit for the LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_CH1_INT interrupt when LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_CH1_INT_ENAIS set to 1. 5 1 read-only DUTY_CHNG_END_CH2_INT_ST This is the masked interrupt status bit for the LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_CH2_INT interrupt when LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_CH2_INT_ENAIS set to 1. 6 1 read-only DUTY_CHNG_END_CH3_INT_ST This is the masked interrupt status bit for the LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_CH3_INT interrupt when LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_CH3_INT_ENAIS set to 1. 7 1 read-only DUTY_CHNG_END_CH4_INT_ST This is the masked interrupt status bit for the LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_CH4_INT interrupt when LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_CH4_INT_ENAIS set to 1. 8 1 read-only DUTY_CHNG_END_CH5_INT_ST This is the masked interrupt status bit for the LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_CH5_INT interrupt when LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_CH5_INT_ENAIS set to 1. 9 1 read-only DUTY_CHNG_END_CH6_INT_ST This is the masked interrupt status bit for the LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_CH6_INT interrupt when LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_CH6_INT_ENAIS set to 1. 10 1 read-only DUTY_CHNG_END_CH7_INT_ST This is the masked interrupt status bit for the LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_CH7_INT interrupt when LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_CH7_INT_ENAIS set to 1. 11 1 read-only OVF_CNT_CH0_INT_ST This is the masked interrupt status bit for the LEDC_OVF_CNT_CH0_INT interrupt when LEDC_OVF_CNT_CH0_INT_ENA is set to 1. 12 1 read-only OVF_CNT_CH1_INT_ST This is the masked interrupt status bit for the LEDC_OVF_CNT_CH1_INT interrupt when LEDC_OVF_CNT_CH1_INT_ENA is set to 1. 13 1 read-only OVF_CNT_CH2_INT_ST This is the masked interrupt status bit for the LEDC_OVF_CNT_CH2_INT interrupt when LEDC_OVF_CNT_CH2_INT_ENA is set to 1. 14 1 read-only OVF_CNT_CH3_INT_ST This is the masked interrupt status bit for the LEDC_OVF_CNT_CH3_INT interrupt when LEDC_OVF_CNT_CH3_INT_ENA is set to 1. 15 1 read-only OVF_CNT_CH4_INT_ST This is the masked interrupt status bit for the LEDC_OVF_CNT_CH4_INT interrupt when LEDC_OVF_CNT_CH4_INT_ENA is set to 1. 16 1 read-only OVF_CNT_CH5_INT_ST This is the masked interrupt status bit for the LEDC_OVF_CNT_CH5_INT interrupt when LEDC_OVF_CNT_CH5_INT_ENA is set to 1. 17 1 read-only OVF_CNT_CH6_INT_ST This is the masked interrupt status bit for the LEDC_OVF_CNT_CH6_INT interrupt when LEDC_OVF_CNT_CH6_INT_ENA is set to 1. 18 1 read-only OVF_CNT_CH7_INT_ST This is the masked interrupt status bit for the LEDC_OVF_CNT_CH7_INT interrupt when LEDC_OVF_CNT_CH7_INT_ENA is set to 1. 19 1 read-only INT_ENA Interrupt enable bits 0xC8 0x20 TIMER0_OVF_INT_ENA The interrupt enable bit for the LEDC_TIMER0_OVF_INT interrupt. 0 1 read-write TIMER1_OVF_INT_ENA The interrupt enable bit for the LEDC_TIMER1_OVF_INT interrupt. 1 1 read-write TIMER2_OVF_INT_ENA The interrupt enable bit for the LEDC_TIMER2_OVF_INT interrupt. 2 1 read-write TIMER3_OVF_INT_ENA The interrupt enable bit for the LEDC_TIMER3_OVF_INT interrupt. 3 1 read-write DUTY_CHNG_END_CH0_INT_ENA The interrupt enable bit for the LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_CH0_INT interrupt. 4 1 read-write DUTY_CHNG_END_CH1_INT_ENA The interrupt enable bit for the LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_CH1_INT interrupt. 5 1 read-write DUTY_CHNG_END_CH2_INT_ENA The interrupt enable bit for the LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_CH2_INT interrupt. 6 1 read-write DUTY_CHNG_END_CH3_INT_ENA The interrupt enable bit for the LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_CH3_INT interrupt. 7 1 read-write DUTY_CHNG_END_CH4_INT_ENA The interrupt enable bit for the LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_CH4_INT interrupt. 8 1 read-write DUTY_CHNG_END_CH5_INT_ENA The interrupt enable bit for the LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_CH5_INT interrupt. 9 1 read-write DUTY_CHNG_END_CH6_INT_ENA The interrupt enable bit for the LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_CH6_INT interrupt. 10 1 read-write DUTY_CHNG_END_CH7_INT_ENA The interrupt enable bit for the LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_CH7_INT interrupt. 11 1 read-write OVF_CNT_CH0_INT_ENA The interrupt enable bit for the LEDC_OVF_CNT_CH0_INT interrupt. 12 1 read-write OVF_CNT_CH1_INT_ENA The interrupt enable bit for the LEDC_OVF_CNT_CH1_INT interrupt. 13 1 read-write OVF_CNT_CH2_INT_ENA The interrupt enable bit for the LEDC_OVF_CNT_CH2_INT interrupt. 14 1 read-write OVF_CNT_CH3_INT_ENA The interrupt enable bit for the LEDC_OVF_CNT_CH3_INT interrupt. 15 1 read-write OVF_CNT_CH4_INT_ENA The interrupt enable bit for the LEDC_OVF_CNT_CH4_INT interrupt. 16 1 read-write OVF_CNT_CH5_INT_ENA The interrupt enable bit for the LEDC_OVF_CNT_CH5_INT interrupt. 17 1 read-write OVF_CNT_CH6_INT_ENA The interrupt enable bit for the LEDC_OVF_CNT_CH6_INT interrupt. 18 1 read-write OVF_CNT_CH7_INT_ENA The interrupt enable bit for the LEDC_OVF_CNT_CH7_INT interrupt. 19 1 read-write INT_CLR Interrupt clear bits 0xCC 0x20 TIMER0_OVF_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the LEDC_TIMER0_OVF_INT interrupt. 0 1 write-only TIMER1_OVF_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the LEDC_TIMER1_OVF_INT interrupt. 1 1 write-only TIMER2_OVF_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the LEDC_TIMER2_OVF_INT interrupt. 2 1 write-only TIMER3_OVF_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the LEDC_TIMER3_OVF_INT interrupt. 3 1 write-only DUTY_CHNG_END_CH0_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_CH0_INT interrupt. 4 1 write-only DUTY_CHNG_END_CH1_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_CH1_INT interrupt. 5 1 write-only DUTY_CHNG_END_CH2_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_CH2_INT interrupt. 6 1 write-only DUTY_CHNG_END_CH3_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_CH3_INT interrupt. 7 1 write-only DUTY_CHNG_END_CH4_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_CH4_INT interrupt. 8 1 write-only DUTY_CHNG_END_CH5_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_CH5_INT interrupt. 9 1 write-only DUTY_CHNG_END_CH6_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_CH6_INT interrupt. 10 1 write-only DUTY_CHNG_END_CH7_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the LEDC_DUTY_CHNG_END_CH7_INT interrupt. 11 1 write-only OVF_CNT_CH0_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the LEDC_OVF_CNT_CH0_INT interrupt. 12 1 write-only OVF_CNT_CH1_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the LEDC_OVF_CNT_CH1_INT interrupt. 13 1 write-only OVF_CNT_CH2_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the LEDC_OVF_CNT_CH2_INT interrupt. 14 1 write-only OVF_CNT_CH3_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the LEDC_OVF_CNT_CH3_INT interrupt. 15 1 write-only OVF_CNT_CH4_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the LEDC_OVF_CNT_CH4_INT interrupt. 16 1 write-only OVF_CNT_CH5_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the LEDC_OVF_CNT_CH5_INT interrupt. 17 1 write-only OVF_CNT_CH6_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the LEDC_OVF_CNT_CH6_INT interrupt. 18 1 write-only OVF_CNT_CH7_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the LEDC_OVF_CNT_CH7_INT interrupt. 19 1 write-only CONF Global ledc configuration register 0xD0 0x20 APB_CLK_SEL This bit is used to select clock source for the 4 timers . 2'd1: APB_CLK 2'd2: RTC8M_CLK 2'd3: XTAL_CLK 0 2 read-write CLK_EN This bit is used to control clock. 1'b1: Force clock on for register. 1'h0: Support clock only when application writes registers. 31 1 read-write DATE Version control register 0xFC 0x20 0x19040200 DATE This is the version control register. 0 32 read-write PCNT Pulse Count Controller PCNT 0x60017000 0x0 0x68 registers PCNT 41 4 0xC U%s_CONF0 Configuration register 0 for unit %s 0x0 0x20 0x00003C10 FILTER_THRES_U This sets the maximum threshold, in APB_CLK cycles, for the filter. Any pulses with width less than this will be ignored when the filter is enabled. 0 10 read-write FILTER_EN_U This is the enable bit for unit %s's input filter. 10 1 read-write THR_ZERO_EN_U This is the enable bit for unit %s's zero comparator. 11 1 read-write THR_H_LIM_EN_U This is the enable bit for unit %s's thr_h_lim comparator. 12 1 read-write THR_L_LIM_EN_U This is the enable bit for unit %s's thr_l_lim comparator. 13 1 read-write THR_THRES0_EN_U This is the enable bit for unit %s's thres0 comparator. 14 1 read-write THR_THRES1_EN_U This is the enable bit for unit %s's thres1 comparator. 15 1 read-write CH0_NEG_MODE_U This register sets the behavior when the signal input of channel 0 detects a negative edge. 1: Increase the counter;2: Decrease the counter;0, 3: No effect on counter 16 2 read-write CH0_POS_MODE_U This register sets the behavior when the signal input of channel 0 detects a positive edge. 1: Increase the counter;2: Decrease the counter;0, 3: No effect on counter 18 2 read-write CH0_HCTRL_MODE_U This register configures how the CH%s_POS_MODE/CH%s_NEG_MODE settings will be modified when the control signal is high. 0: No modification;1: Invert behavior (increase -> decrease, decrease -> increase);2, 3: Inhibit counter modification 20 2 read-write CH0_LCTRL_MODE_U This register configures how the CH%s_POS_MODE/CH%s_NEG_MODE settings will be modified when the control signal is low. 0: No modification;1: Invert behavior (increase -> decrease, decrease -> increase);2, 3: Inhibit counter modification 22 2 read-write CH1_NEG_MODE_U This register sets the behavior when the signal input of channel 1 detects a negative edge. 1: Increment the counter;2: Decrement the counter;0, 3: No effect on counter 24 2 read-write CH1_POS_MODE_U This register sets the behavior when the signal input of channel 1 detects a positive edge. 1: Increment the counter;2: Decrement the counter;0, 3: No effect on counter 26 2 read-write CH1_HCTRL_MODE_U This register configures how the CH%s_POS_MODE/CH%s_NEG_MODE settings will be modified when the control signal is high. 0: No modification;1: Invert behavior (increase -> decrease, decrease -> increase);2, 3: Inhibit counter modification 28 2 read-write CH1_LCTRL_MODE_U This register configures how the CH%s_POS_MODE/CH%s_NEG_MODE settings will be modified when the control signal is low. 0: No modification;1: Invert behavior (increase -> decrease, decrease -> increase);2, 3: Inhibit counter modification 30 2 read-write 4 0xC U%s_CONF1 Configuration register 1 for unit %s 0x4 0x20 CNT_THRES0_U This register is used to configure the thres0 value for unit %s. 0 16 read-write CNT_THRES1_U This register is used to configure the thres1 value for unit %s. 16 16 read-write 4 0xC U%s_CONF2 Configuration register 2 for unit %s 0x8 0x20 CNT_H_LIM_U This register is used to configure the thr_h_lim value for unit %s. 0 16 read-write CNT_L_LIM_U This register is used to configure the thr_l_lim value for unit %s. 16 16 read-write 4 0x4 U%s_CNT Counter value for unit %s 0x30 0x20 PULSE_CNT_U This register stores the current pulse count value for unit %s. 0 16 read-only INT_RAW Interrupt raw status register 0x40 0x20 CNT_THR_EVENT_U0_INT_RAW The raw interrupt status bit for the PCNT_CNT_THR_EVENT_U0_INT interrupt. 0 1 read-only CNT_THR_EVENT_U1_INT_RAW The raw interrupt status bit for the PCNT_CNT_THR_EVENT_U1_INT interrupt. 1 1 read-only CNT_THR_EVENT_U2_INT_RAW The raw interrupt status bit for the PCNT_CNT_THR_EVENT_U2_INT interrupt. 2 1 read-only CNT_THR_EVENT_U3_INT_RAW The raw interrupt status bit for the PCNT_CNT_THR_EVENT_U3_INT interrupt. 3 1 read-only INT_ST Interrupt status register 0x44 0x20 CNT_THR_EVENT_U0_INT_ST The masked interrupt status bit for the PCNT_CNT_THR_EVENT_U0_INT interrupt. 0 1 read-only CNT_THR_EVENT_U1_INT_ST The masked interrupt status bit for the PCNT_CNT_THR_EVENT_U1_INT interrupt. 1 1 read-only CNT_THR_EVENT_U2_INT_ST The masked interrupt status bit for the PCNT_CNT_THR_EVENT_U2_INT interrupt. 2 1 read-only CNT_THR_EVENT_U3_INT_ST The masked interrupt status bit for the PCNT_CNT_THR_EVENT_U3_INT interrupt. 3 1 read-only INT_ENA Interrupt enable register 0x48 0x20 CNT_THR_EVENT_U0_INT_ENA The interrupt enable bit for the PCNT_CNT_THR_EVENT_U0_INT interrupt. 0 1 read-write CNT_THR_EVENT_U1_INT_ENA The interrupt enable bit for the PCNT_CNT_THR_EVENT_U1_INT interrupt. 1 1 read-write CNT_THR_EVENT_U2_INT_ENA The interrupt enable bit for the PCNT_CNT_THR_EVENT_U2_INT interrupt. 2 1 read-write CNT_THR_EVENT_U3_INT_ENA The interrupt enable bit for the PCNT_CNT_THR_EVENT_U3_INT interrupt. 3 1 read-write INT_CLR Interrupt clear register 0x4C 0x20 CNT_THR_EVENT_U0_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the PCNT_CNT_THR_EVENT_U0_INT interrupt. 0 1 write-only CNT_THR_EVENT_U1_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the PCNT_CNT_THR_EVENT_U1_INT interrupt. 1 1 write-only CNT_THR_EVENT_U2_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the PCNT_CNT_THR_EVENT_U2_INT interrupt. 2 1 write-only CNT_THR_EVENT_U3_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the PCNT_CNT_THR_EVENT_U3_INT interrupt. 3 1 write-only 4 0x4 U%s_STATUS PNCT UNIT%s status register 0x50 0x20 CNT_THR_ZERO_MODE_U The pulse counter status of PCNT_U%s corresponding to 0. 0: pulse counter decreases from positive to 0. 1: pulse counter increases from negative to 0. 2: pulse counter is negative. 3: pulse counter is positive. 0 2 read-only CNT_THR_THRES1_LAT_U The latched value of thres1 event of PCNT_U%s when threshold event interrupt is valid. 1: the current pulse counter equals to thres1 and thres1 event is valid. 0: others 2 1 read-only CNT_THR_THRES0_LAT_U The latched value of thres0 event of PCNT_U%s when threshold event interrupt is valid. 1: the current pulse counter equals to thres0 and thres0 event is valid. 0: others 3 1 read-only CNT_THR_L_LIM_LAT_U The latched value of low limit event of PCNT_U%s when threshold event interrupt is valid. 1: the current pulse counter equals to thr_l_lim and low limit event is valid. 0: others 4 1 read-only CNT_THR_H_LIM_LAT_U The latched value of high limit event of PCNT_U%s when threshold event interrupt is valid. 1: the current pulse counter equals to thr_h_lim and high limit event is valid. 0: others 5 1 read-only CNT_THR_ZERO_LAT_U The latched value of zero threshold event of PCNT_U%s when threshold event interrupt is valid. 1: the current pulse counter equals to 0 and zero threshold event is valid. 0: others 6 1 read-only CTRL Control register for all counters 0x60 0x20 0x00000001 PULSE_CNT_RST_U0 Set this bit to clear unit 0's counter. 0 1 read-write CNT_PAUSE_U0 Set this bit to freeze unit 0's counter. 1 1 read-write PULSE_CNT_RST_U1 Set this bit to clear unit 1's counter. 2 1 read-write CNT_PAUSE_U1 Set this bit to freeze unit 1's counter. 3 1 read-write PULSE_CNT_RST_U2 Set this bit to clear unit 2's counter. 4 1 read-write CNT_PAUSE_U2 Set this bit to freeze unit 2's counter. 5 1 read-write PULSE_CNT_RST_U3 Set this bit to clear unit 3's counter. 6 1 read-write CNT_PAUSE_U3 Set this bit to freeze unit 3's counter. 7 1 read-write CLK_EN The registers clock gate enable signal of PCNT module. 1: the registers can be read and written by application. 0: the registers can not be read or written by application 16 1 read-write DATE PCNT version control register 0xFC 0x20 0x19072601 DATE This is the PCNT version control register. 0 32 read-write PERI_BACKUP Peripheral PERI_BACKUP PERI_BACKUP 0x6002A000 0x0 0x30 registers PERI_BACKUP 97 CONFIG x 0x0 0x20 0x00006480 FLOW_ERR x 0 3 read-only ADDR_MAP_MODE x 3 1 read-write BURST_LIMIT x 4 5 read-write TOUT_THRES x 9 10 read-write SIZE x 19 10 read-write START x 29 1 write-only TO_MEM x 30 1 read-write ENA x 31 1 read-write APB_ADDR x 0x4 0x20 APB_START_ADDR x 0 32 read-write MEM_ADDR x 0x8 0x20 MEM_START_ADDR x 0 32 read-write REG_MAP0 x 0xC 0x20 MAP0 x 0 32 read-write REG_MAP1 x 0x10 0x20 MAP1 x 0 32 read-write REG_MAP2 x 0x14 0x20 MAP2 x 0 32 read-write REG_MAP3 x 0x18 0x20 MAP3 x 0 32 read-write INT_RAW x 0x1C 0x20 DONE_INT_RAW x 0 1 read-only ERR_INT_RAW x 1 1 read-only INT_ST x 0x20 0x20 DONE_INT_ST x 0 1 read-only ERR_INT_ST x 1 1 read-only INT_ENA x 0x24 0x20 DONE_INT_ENA x 0 1 read-write ERR_INT_ENA x 1 1 read-write INT_CLR x 0x28 0x20 DONE_INT_CLR x 0 1 write-only ERR_INT_CLR x 1 1 write-only DATE x 0xFC 0x20 0x02012300 DATE x 0 28 read-write CLK_EN register file clk gating 31 1 read-write PWM0 Peripheral PWM0 PWM 0x6001E000 0x0 0x128 registers PWM0 31 CLK_CFG PWM clock prescaler register. 0x0 0x20 CLK_PRESCALE Period of PWM_clk = 6.25ns * (PWM_CLK_PRESCALE + 1) 0 8 read-write TIMER0_CFG0 PWM timer0 period and update method configuration register. 0x4 0x20 0x0000FF00 TIMER0_PRESCALE period of PT0_clk = Period of PWM_clk * (PWM_TIMER0_PRESCALE + 1) 0 8 read-write TIMER0_PERIOD period shadow register of PWM timer0 8 16 read-write TIMER0_PERIOD_UPMETHOD Update method for active register of PWM timer0 period, 0: immediate, 1: TEZ, 2: sync, 3: TEZ | sync. TEZ here and below means timer equal zero event 24 2 read-write TIMER0_CFG1 PWM timer0 working mode and start/stop control configuration register. 0x8 0x20 TIMER0_START PWM timer0 start and stop control. 0: if PWM timer0 starts, then stops at TEZ, 1: if timer0 starts, then stops at TEP, 2: PWM timer0 starts and runs on, 3: timer0 starts and stops at the next TEZ, 4: timer0 starts and stops at the next TEP. TEP here and below means the event that happens when the timer equals to period 0 3 read-write TIMER0_MOD PWM timer0 working mode, 0: freeze, 1: increase mode, 2: decrease mode, 3: up-down mode 3 2 read-write TIMER0_SYNC PWM timer0 sync function configuration register. 0xC 0x20 TIMER0_SYNCI_EN When set, timer reloading with phase on sync input event is enabled. 0 1 read-write SW Toggling this bit will trigger a software sync. 1 1 read-write TIMER0_SYNCO_SEL PWM timer0 sync_out selection, 0: synci, 1: TEZ, 2: TEP, otherwise:sync out is software sync 2 2 read-write TIMER0_PHASE phase for timer reload on sync event 4 17 read-write TIMER0_STATUS PWM timer0 status register. 0x10 0x20 TIMER0_VALUE current PWM timer0 counter value 0 16 read-only TIMER0_DIRECTION current PWM timer0 counter direction, 0: increment 1: decrement 16 1 read-only TIMER1_CFG0 PWM timer1 period and update method configuration register. 0x14 0x20 0x0000FF00 TIMER1_PRESCALE period of PT0_clk = Period of PWM_clk * (PWM_timer1_PRESCALE + 1) 0 8 read-write TIMER1_PERIOD period shadow register of PWM timer1 8 16 read-write TIMER1_PERIOD_UPMETHOD Update method for active register of PWM timer1 period, 0: immediate, 1: TEZ, 2: sync, 3: TEZ | sync. TEZ here and below means timer equal zero event 24 2 read-write TIMER1_CFG1 PWM timer1 working mode and start/stop control configuration register. 0x18 0x20 TIMER1_START PWM timer1 start and stop control. 0: if PWM timer1 starts, then stops at TEZ, 1: if timer1 starts, then stops at TEP, 2: PWM timer1 starts and runs on, 3: timer1 starts and stops at the next TEZ, 4: timer1 starts and stops at the next TEP. TEP here and below means the event that happens when the timer equals to period 0 3 read-write TIMER1_MOD PWM timer1 working mode, 0: freeze, 1: increase mode, 2: decrease mode, 3: up-down mode 3 2 read-write TIMER1_SYNC PWM timer1 sync function configuration register. 0x1C 0x20 TIMER1_SYNCI_EN When set, timer reloading with phase on sync input event is enabled. 0 1 read-write SW Toggling this bit will trigger a software sync. 1 1 read-write TIMER1_SYNCO_SEL PWM timer1 sync_out selection, 0: synci, 1: TEZ, 2: TEP, otherwise:sync out is software sync 2 2 read-write TIMER1_PHASE phase for timer reload on sync event 4 17 read-write TIMER1_STATUS PWM timer1 status register. 0x20 0x20 TIMER1_VALUE current PWM timer1 counter value 0 16 read-only TIMER1_DIRECTION current PWM timer1 counter direction, 0: increment 1: decrement 16 1 read-only TIMER2_CFG0 PWM timer2 period and update method configuration register. 0x24 0x20 0x0000FF00 TIMER2_PRESCALE period of PT0_clk = Period of PWM_clk * (PWM_timer2_PRESCALE + 1) 0 8 read-write TIMER2_PERIOD period shadow register of PWM timer2 8 16 read-write TIMER2_PERIOD_UPMETHOD Update method for active register of PWM timer2 period, 0: immediate, 1: TEZ, 2: sync, 3: TEZ | sync. TEZ here and below means timer equal zero event 24 2 read-write TIMER2_CFG1 PWM timer2 working mode and start/stop control configuration register. 0x28 0x20 TIMER2_START PWM timer2 start and stop control. 0: if PWM timer2 starts, then stops at TEZ, 1: if timer2 starts, then stops at TEP, 2: PWM timer2 starts and runs on, 3: timer2 starts and stops at the next TEZ, 4: timer2 starts and stops at the next TEP. TEP here and below means the event that happens when the timer equals to period 0 3 read-write TIMER2_MOD PWM timer2 working mode, 0: freeze, 1: increase mode, 2: decrease mode, 3: up-down mode 3 2 read-write TIMER2_SYNC PWM timer2 sync function configuration register. 0x2C 0x20 TIMER2_SYNCI_EN When set, timer reloading with phase on sync input event is enabled. 0 1 read-write SW Toggling this bit will trigger a software sync. 1 1 read-write TIMER2_SYNCO_SEL PWM timer2 sync_out selection, 0: synci, 1: TEZ, 2: TEP, otherwise:sync out is software sync 2 2 read-write TIMER2_PHASE phase for timer reload on sync event 4 17 read-write TIMER2_STATUS PWM timer2 status register. 0x30 0x20 TIMER2_VALUE current PWM timer2 counter value 0 16 read-only TIMER2_DIRECTION current PWM timer2 counter direction, 0: increment 1: decrement 16 1 read-only TIMER_SYNCI_CFG Synchronization input selection for three PWM timers. 0x34 0x20 TIMER0_SYNCISEL select sync input for PWM timer0, 1: PWM timer0 sync_out, 2: PWM timer1 sync_out, 3: PWM timer2 sync_out, 4: SYNC0 from GPIO matrix, 5: SYNC1 from GPIO matrix, 6: SYNC2 from GPIO matrix, other values: no sync input selected 0 3 read-write TIMER1_SYNCISEL select sync input for PWM timer1, 1: PWM timer0 sync_out, 2: PWM timer1 sync_out, 3: PWM timer2 sync_out, 4: SYNC0 from GPIO matrix, 5: SYNC1 from GPIO matrix, 6: SYNC2 from GPIO matrix, other values: no sync input selected 3 3 read-write TIMER2_SYNCISEL select sync input for PWM timer2, 1: PWM timer0 sync_out, 2: PWM timer1 sync_out, 3: PWM timer2 sync_out, 4: SYNC0 from GPIO matrix, 5: SYNC1 from GPIO matrix, 6: SYNC2 from GPIO matrix, other values: no sync input selected 6 3 read-write EXTERNAL_SYNCI0_INVERT invert SYNC0 from GPIO matrix 9 1 read-write EXTERNAL_SYNCI1_INVERT invert SYNC1 from GPIO matrix 10 1 read-write EXTERNAL_SYNCI2_INVERT invert SYNC2 from GPIO matrix 11 1 read-write OPERATOR_TIMERSEL Select specific timer for PWM operators. 0x38 0x20 OPERATOR0_TIMERSEL Select which PWM timer's is the timing reference for PWM operator0, 0: timer0, 1: timer1, 2: timer2 0 2 read-write OPERATOR1_TIMERSEL Select which PWM timer's is the timing reference for PWM operator1, 0: timer0, 1: timer1, 2: timer2 2 2 read-write OPERATOR2_TIMERSEL Select which PWM timer's is the timing reference for PWM operator2, 0: timer0, 1: timer1, 2: timer2 4 2 read-write CMPR0_CFG Transfer status and update method for time stamp registers A and B 0x3C 0x20 CMPR0_A_UPMETHOD Update method for PWM generator 0 time stamp A's active register. When all bits are set to 0: immediately, when bit0 is set to 1: TEZ, when bit1 is set to 1: TEP,when bit2 is set to 1: sync, when bit3 is set to 1: disable the update. 0 4 read-write CMPR0_B_UPMETHOD Update method for PWM generator 0 time stamp B's active register. When all bits are set to 0: immediately, when bit0 is set to 1: TEZ, when bit1 is set to 1: TEP,when bit2 is set to 1: sync, when bit3 is set to 1: disable the update. 4 4 read-write CMPR0_A_SHDW_FULL Set and reset by hardware. If set, PWM generator 0 time stamp A's shadow reg is filled and waiting to be transferred to A's active reg. If cleared, A's active reg has been updated with shadow register latest value 8 1 read-only CMPR0_B_SHDW_FULL Set and reset by hardware. If set, PWM generator 0 time stamp B's shadow reg is filled and waiting to be transferred to B's active reg. If cleared, B's active reg has been updated with shadow register latest value 9 1 read-only CMPR0_VALUE0 Shadow register for register A. 0x40 0x20 CMPR0_A PWM generator 0 time stamp A's shadow register 0 16 read-write CMPR0_VALUE1 Shadow register for register B. 0x44 0x20 CMPR0_B PWM generator 0 time stamp B's shadow register 0 16 read-write GEN0_CFG0 Fault event T0 and T1 handling 0x48 0x20 GEN0_CFG_UPMETHOD Update method for PWM generator 0's active register of configuration. When all bits are set to 0: immediately, when bit0 is set to 1: TEZ, when bit1 is set to 1: 0 4 read-write GEN0_T0_SEL Source selection for PWM generator 0 event_t0, take effect immediately, 0: fault_event0, 1: fault_event1, 2: fault_event2, 3: sync_taken, 4: none 4 3 read-write GEN0_T1_SEL Source selection for PWM generator 0 event_t1, take effect immediately, 0: fault_event0, 1: fault_event1, 2: fault_event2, 3: sync_taken, 4: none 7 3 read-write GEN0_FORCE Permissives to force PWM0A and PWM0B outputs by software 0x4C 0x20 0x00000020 GEN0_CNTUFORCE_UPMETHOD Updating method for continuous software force of PWM generator0. When all bits are set to 0: immediately, when bit0 is set to 1: TEZ,,when bit1 is set to 1: TEP, when bit2 is set to 1: TEA, when bit3 is set to 1: TEB, when bit4 is set to 1: sync, when bit5 is set to 1: disable update. (TEA/B here and below means an event generated when the timer's value equals to that of register A/B.) 0 6 read-write GEN0_A_CNTUFORCE_MODE Continuous software force mode for PWM0A. 0: disabled, 1: low, 2: high, 3: disabled 6 2 read-write GEN0_B_CNTUFORCE_MODE Continuous software force mode for PWM0B. 0: disabled, 1: low, 2: high, 3: disabled 8 2 read-write GEN0_A_NCIFORCE Trigger of non-continuous immediate software-force event for PWM0A, a toggle will trigger a force event. 10 1 read-write GEN0_A_NCIFORCE_MODE non-continuous immediate software force mode for PWM0A, 0: disabled, 1: low, 2: high, 3: disabled 11 2 read-write GEN0_B_NCIFORCE Trigger of non-continuous immediate software-force event for PWM0B, a toggle will trigger a force event. 13 1 read-write GEN0_B_NCIFORCE_MODE non-continuous immediate software force mode for PWM0B, 0: disabled, 1: low, 2: high, 3: disabled 14 2 read-write GEN0_A Actions triggered by events on PWM0A 0x50 0x20 UTEZ Action on PWM0A triggered by event TEZ when timer increasing 0 2 read-write UTEP Action on PWM0A triggered by event TEP when timer increasing 2 2 read-write UTEA Action on PWM0A triggered by event TEA when timer increasing 4 2 read-write UTEB Action on PWM0A triggered by event TEB when timer increasing 6 2 read-write UT0 Action on PWM0A triggered by event_t0 when timer increasing 8 2 read-write UT1 Action on PWM0A triggered by event_t1 when timer increasing 10 2 read-write DTEZ Action on PWM0A triggered by event TEZ when timer decreasing 12 2 read-write DTEP Action on PWM0A triggered by event TEP when timer decreasing 14 2 read-write DTEA Action on PWM0A triggered by event TEA when timer decreasing 16 2 read-write DTEB Action on PWM0A triggered by event TEB when timer decreasing 18 2 read-write DT0 Action on PWM0A triggered by event_t0 when timer decreasing 20 2 read-write DT1 Action on PWM0A triggered by event_t1 when timer decreasing. 0: no change, 1: low, 2: high, 3: toggle 22 2 read-write GEN0_B Actions triggered by events on PWM0B 0x54 0x20 UTEZ Action on PWM0B triggered by event TEZ when timer increasing 0 2 read-write UTEP Action on PWM0B triggered by event TEP when timer increasing 2 2 read-write UTEA Action on PWM0B triggered by event TEA when timer increasing 4 2 read-write UTEB Action on PWM0B triggered by event TEB when timer increasing 6 2 read-write UT0 Action on PWM0B triggered by event_t0 when timer increasing 8 2 read-write UT1 Action on PWM0B triggered by event_t1 when timer increasing 10 2 read-write DTEZ Action on PWM0B triggered by event TEZ when timer decreasing 12 2 read-write DTEP Action on PWM0B triggered by event TEP when timer decreasing 14 2 read-write DTEA Action on PWM0B triggered by event TEA when timer decreasing 16 2 read-write DTEB Action on PWM0B triggered by event TEB when timer decreasing 18 2 read-write DT0 Action on PWM0B triggered by event_t0 when timer decreasing 20 2 read-write DT1 Action on PWM0B triggered by event_t1 when timer decreasing. 0: no change, 1: low, 2: high, 3: toggle 22 2 read-write DB0_CFG dead time type selection and configuration 0x58 0x20 0x00018000 DB0_FED_UPMETHOD Update method for FED (falling edge delay) active register. 0: immediate, bit0: tez, bit1: tep, bit2: sync, bit3: freeze 0 4 read-write DB0_RED_UPMETHOD Update method for RED (rising edge delay) active register. 0: immediate, bit0: tez, bit1: tep, bit2: sync, bit3: freeze 4 4 read-write DB0_DEB_MODE S8 in documentation, dual-edge B mode, 0: fed/red take effect on different path separately, 1: fed/red take effect on B path, A out is in bypass or dulpB mode 8 1 read-write DB0_A_OUTSWAP S6 in documentation 9 1 read-write DB0_B_OUTSWAP S7 in documentation 10 1 read-write DB0_RED_INSEL S4 in documentation 11 1 read-write DB0_FED_INSEL S5 in documentation 12 1 read-write DB0_RED_OUTINVERT S2 in documentation 13 1 read-write DB0_FED_OUTINVERT S3 in documentation 14 1 read-write DB0_A_OUTBYPASS S1 in documentation 15 1 read-write DB0_B_OUTBYPASS S0 in documentation 16 1 read-write DB0_CLK_SEL Dead time generator 0 clock selection. 0: PWM_clk, 1: PT_clk 17 1 read-write DB0_FED_CFG Shadow register for falling edge delay (FED). 0x5C 0x20 DB0_FED Shadow register for FED 0 16 read-write DB0_RED_CFG Shadow register for rising edge delay (RED). 0x60 0x20 DB0_RED Shadow register for RED 0 16 read-write CHOPPER0_CFG Carrier enable and configuratoin 0x64 0x20 CHOPPER0_EN When set, carrier0 function is enabled. When cleared, carrier0 is bypassed 0 1 read-write CHOPPER0_PRESCALE PWM carrier0 clock (PC_clk) prescale value. Period of PC_clk = period of PWM_clk * (PWM_CARRIER0_PRESCALE + 1) 1 4 read-write CHOPPER0_DUTY carrier duty selection. Duty = PWM_CARRIER0_DUTY / 8 5 3 read-write CHOPPER0_OSHTWTH width of the fist pulse in number of periods of the carrier 8 4 read-write CHOPPER0_OUT_INVERT when set, invert the output of PWM0A and PWM0B for this submodule 12 1 read-write CHOPPER0_IN_INVERT when set, invert the input of PWM0A and PWM0B for this submodule 13 1 read-write TZ0_CFG0 Actions on PWM0A and PWM0B trip events 0x68 0x20 TZ0_SW_CBC Enable register for software force cycle-by-cycle mode action. 0: disable, 1: enable 0 1 read-write TZ0_F2_CBC event_f2 will trigger cycle-by-cycle mode action. 0: disable, 1: enable 1 1 read-write TZ0_F1_CBC event_f1 will trigger cycle-by-cycle mode action. 0: disable, 1: enable 2 1 read-write TZ0_F0_CBC event_f0 will trigger cycle-by-cycle mode action. 0: disable, 1: enable 3 1 read-write TZ0_SW_OST Enable register for software force one-shot mode action. 0: disable, 1: enable 4 1 read-write TZ0_F2_OST event_f2 will trigger one-shot mode action. 0: disable, 1: enable 5 1 read-write TZ0_F1_OST event_f1 will trigger one-shot mode action. 0: disable, 1: enable 6 1 read-write TZ0_F0_OST event_f0 will trigger one-shot mode action. 0: disable, 1: enable 7 1 read-write TZ0_A_CBC_D Cycle-by-cycle mode action on PWM0A when fault event occurs and timer is decreasing. 0: do nothing, 1: force lo, 2: force hi, 3: toggle 8 2 read-write TZ0_A_CBC_U Cycle-by-cycle mode action on PWM0A when fault event occurs and timer is increasing. 0: do nothing, 1: force lo, 2: force hi, 3: toggle 10 2 read-write TZ0_A_OST_D One-shot mode action on PWM0A when fault event occurs and timer is decreasing. 0: do nothing, 1: force lo, 2: force hi, 3: toggle 12 2 read-write TZ0_A_OST_U One-shot mode action on PWM0A when fault event occurs and timer is increasing. 0: do nothing, 1: force lo, 2: force hi, 3: toggle 14 2 read-write TZ0_B_CBC_D Cycle-by-cycle mode action on PWM0B when fault event occurs and timer is decreasing. 0: do nothing, 1: force lo, 2: force hi, 3: toggle 16 2 read-write TZ0_B_CBC_U Cycle-by-cycle mode action on PWM0B when fault event occurs and timer is increasing. 0: do nothing, 1: force lo, 2: force hi, 3: toggle 18 2 read-write TZ0_B_OST_D One-shot mode action on PWM0B when fault event occurs and timer is decreasing. 0: do nothing, 1: force lo, 2: force hi, 3: toggle 20 2 read-write TZ0_B_OST_U One-shot mode action on PWM0B when fault event occurs and timer is increasing. 0: do nothing, 1: force lo, 2: force hi, 3: toggle 22 2 read-write TZ0_CFG1 Software triggers for fault handler actions 0x6C 0x20 TZ0_CLR_OST a rising edge will clear on going one-shot mode action 0 1 read-write TZ0_CBCPULSE cycle-by-cycle mode action refresh moment selection. Bit0: TEZ, bit1:TEP 1 2 read-write TZ0_FORCE_CBC a toggle trigger a cycle-by-cycle mode action 3 1 read-write TZ0_FORCE_OST a toggle (software negate its value) triggers a one-shot mode action 4 1 read-write TZ0_STATUS Status of fault events. 0x70 0x20 TZ0_CBC_ON Set and reset by hardware. If set, a cycle-by-cycle mode action is on going 0 1 read-only TZ0_OST_ON Set and reset by hardware. If set, an one-shot mode action is on going 1 1 read-only CMPR1_CFG Transfer status and update method for time stamp registers A and B 0x74 0x20 CMPR1_A_UPMETHOD Update method for PWM generator 1 time stamp A's active register. When all bits are set to 0: immediately, when bit0 is set to 1: TEZ, when bit1 is set to 1: TEP,when bit2 is set to 1: sync, when bit3 is set to 1: disable the update. 0 4 read-write CMPR1_B_UPMETHOD Update method for PWM generator 1 time stamp B's active register. When all bits are set to 0: immediately, when bit0 is set to 1: TEZ, when bit1 is set to 1: TEP,when bit2 is set to 1: sync, when bit3 is set to 1: disable the update. 4 4 read-write CMPR1_A_SHDW_FULL Set and reset by hardware. If set, PWM generator 1 time stamp A's shadow reg is filled and waiting to be transferred to A's active reg. If cleared, A's active reg has been updated with shadow register latest value 8 1 read-only CMPR1_B_SHDW_FULL Set and reset by hardware. If set, PWM generator 1 time stamp B's shadow reg is filled and waiting to be transferred to B's active reg. If cleared, B's active reg has been updated with shadow register latest value 9 1 read-only CMPR1_VALUE0 Shadow register for register A. 0x78 0x20 CMPR1_A PWM generator 1 time stamp A's shadow register 0 16 read-write CMPR1_VALUE1 Shadow register for register B. 0x7C 0x20 CMPR1_B PWM generator 1 time stamp B's shadow register 0 16 read-write GEN1_CFG0 Fault event T0 and T1 handling 0x80 0x20 GEN1_CFG_UPMETHOD Update method for PWM generator 1's active register of configuration. When all bits are set to 0: immediately, when bit0 is set to 1: TEZ, when bit1 is set to 1: 0 4 read-write GEN1_T0_SEL Source selection for PWM generator 1 event_t0, take effect immediately, 0: fault_event0, 1: fault_event1, 2: fault_event2, 3: sync_taken, 4: none 4 3 read-write GEN1_T1_SEL Source selection for PWM generator 1 event_t1, take effect immediately, 0: fault_event0, 1: fault_event1, 2: fault_event2, 3: sync_taken, 4: none 7 3 read-write GEN1_FORCE Permissives to force PWM1A and PWM1B outputs by software 0x84 0x20 0x00000020 GEN1_CNTUFORCE_UPMETHOD Updating method for continuous software force of PWM generator 1. When all bits are set to 0: immediately, when bit0 is set to 1: TEZ,,when bit1 is set to 1: TEP, when bit2 is set to 1: TEA, when bit3 is set to 1: TEB, when bit4 is set to 1: sync, when bit5 is set to 1: disable update. (TEA/B here and below means an event generated when the timer's value equals to that of register A/B.) 0 6 read-write GEN1_A_CNTUFORCE_MODE Continuous software force mode for PWM1A. 0: disabled, 1: low, 2: high, 3: disabled 6 2 read-write GEN1_B_CNTUFORCE_MODE Continuous software force mode for PWM1B. 0: disabled, 1: low, 2: high, 3: disabled 8 2 read-write GEN1_A_NCIFORCE Trigger of non-continuous immediate software-force event for PWM1A, a toggle will trigger a force event. 10 1 read-write GEN1_A_NCIFORCE_MODE non-continuous immediate software force mode for PWM1A, 0: disabled, 1: low, 2: high, 3: disabled 11 2 read-write GEN1_B_NCIFORCE Trigger of non-continuous immediate software-force event for PWM1B, a toggle will trigger a force event. 13 1 read-write GEN1_B_NCIFORCE_MODE non-continuous immediate software force mode for PWM1B, 0: disabled, 1: low, 2: high, 3: disabled 14 2 read-write GEN1_A Actions triggered by events on PWM1A 0x88 0x20 UTEZ Action on PWM1A triggered by event TEZ when timer increasing 0 2 read-write UTEP Action on PWM1A triggered by event TEP when timer increasing 2 2 read-write UTEA Action on PWM1A triggered by event TEA when timer increasing 4 2 read-write UTEB Action on PWM1A triggered by event TEB when timer increasing 6 2 read-write UT0 Action on PWM1A triggered by event_t0 when timer increasing 8 2 read-write UT1 Action on PWM1A triggered by event_t1 when timer increasing 10 2 read-write DTEZ Action on PWM1A triggered by event TEZ when timer decreasing 12 2 read-write DTEP Action on PWM1A triggered by event TEP when timer decreasing 14 2 read-write DTEA Action on PWM1A triggered by event TEA when timer decreasing 16 2 read-write DTEB Action on PWM1A triggered by event TEB when timer decreasing 18 2 read-write DT0 Action on PWM1A triggered by event_t0 when timer decreasing 20 2 read-write DT1 Action on PWM1A triggered by event_t1 when timer decreasing. 0: no change, 1: low, 2: high, 3: toggle 22 2 read-write GEN1_B Actions triggered by events on PWM1B 0x8C 0x20 UTEZ Action on PWM1B triggered by event TEZ when timer increasing 0 2 read-write UTEP Action on PWM1B triggered by event TEP when timer increasing 2 2 read-write UTEA Action on PWM1B triggered by event TEA when timer increasing 4 2 read-write UTEB Action on PWM1B triggered by event TEB when timer increasing 6 2 read-write UT0 Action on PWM1B triggered by event_t0 when timer increasing 8 2 read-write UT1 Action on PWM1B triggered by event_t1 when timer increasing 10 2 read-write DTEZ Action on PWM1B triggered by event TEZ when timer decreasing 12 2 read-write DTEP Action on PWM1B triggered by event TEP when timer decreasing 14 2 read-write DTEA Action on PWM1B triggered by event TEA when timer decreasing 16 2 read-write DTEB Action on PWM1B triggered by event TEB when timer decreasing 18 2 read-write DT0 Action on PWM1B triggered by event_t0 when timer decreasing 20 2 read-write DT1 Action on PWM1B triggered by event_t1 when timer decreasing. 0: no change, 1: low, 2: high, 3: toggle 22 2 read-write DB1_CFG dead time type selection and configuration 0x90 0x20 0x00018000 DB1_FED_UPMETHOD Update method for FED (falling edge delay) active register. 0: immediate, bit0: tez, bit1: tep, bit2: sync, bit3: freeze 0 4 read-write DB1_RED_UPMETHOD Update method for RED (rising edge delay) active register. 0: immediate, bit0: tez, bit1: tep, bit2: sync, bit3: freeze 4 4 read-write DB1_DEB_MODE S8 in documentation, dual-edge B mode, 0: fed/red take effect on different path separately, 1: fed/red take effect on B path, A out is in bypass or dulpB mode 8 1 read-write DB1_A_OUTSWAP S6 in documentation 9 1 read-write DB1_B_OUTSWAP S7 in documentation 10 1 read-write DB1_RED_INSEL S4 in documentation 11 1 read-write DB1_FED_INSEL S5 in documentation 12 1 read-write DB1_RED_OUTINVERT S2 in documentation 13 1 read-write DB1_FED_OUTINVERT S3 in documentation 14 1 read-write DB1_A_OUTBYPASS S1 in documentation 15 1 read-write DB1_B_OUTBYPASS S0 in documentation 16 1 read-write DB1_CLK_SEL Dead time generator 1 clock selection. 0: PWM_clk, 1: PT_clk 17 1 read-write DB1_FED_CFG Shadow register for falling edge delay (FED). 0x94 0x20 DB1_FED Shadow register for FED 0 16 read-write DB1_RED_CFG Shadow register for rising edge delay (RED). 0x98 0x20 DB1_RED Shadow register for RED 0 16 read-write CHOPPER1_CFG Carrier enable and configuratoin 0x9C 0x20 CHOPPER1_EN When set, carrier0 function is enabled. When cleared, carrier0 is bypassed 0 1 read-write CHOPPER1_PRESCALE PWM carrier0 clock (PC_clk) prescale value. Period of PC_clk = period of PWM_clk * (PWM_CARRIER0_PRESCALE + 1) 1 4 read-write CHOPPER1_DUTY carrier duty selection. Duty = PWM_CARRIER0_DUTY / 8 5 3 read-write CHOPPER1_OSHTWTH width of the fist pulse in number of periods of the carrier 8 4 read-write CHOPPER1_OUT_INVERT when set, invert the output of PWM1A and PWM1B for this submodule 12 1 read-write CHOPPER1_IN_INVERT when set, invert the input of PWM1A and PWM1B for this submodule 13 1 read-write TZ1_CFG0 Actions on PWM1A and PWM1B trip events 0xA0 0x20 TZ1_SW_CBC Enable register for software force cycle-by-cycle mode action. 0: disable, 1: enable 0 1 read-write TZ1_F2_CBC event_f2 will trigger cycle-by-cycle mode action. 0: disable, 1: enable 1 1 read-write TZ1_F1_CBC event_f1 will trigger cycle-by-cycle mode action. 0: disable, 1: enable 2 1 read-write TZ1_F0_CBC event_f0 will trigger cycle-by-cycle mode action. 0: disable, 1: enable 3 1 read-write TZ1_SW_OST Enable register for software force one-shot mode action. 0: disable, 1: enable 4 1 read-write TZ1_F2_OST event_f2 will trigger one-shot mode action. 0: disable, 1: enable 5 1 read-write TZ1_F1_OST event_f1 will trigger one-shot mode action. 0: disable, 1: enable 6 1 read-write TZ1_F0_OST event_f0 will trigger one-shot mode action. 0: disable, 1: enable 7 1 read-write TZ1_A_CBC_D Cycle-by-cycle mode action on PWM1A when fault event occurs and timer is decreasing. 0: do nothing, 1: force lo, 2: force hi, 3: toggle 8 2 read-write TZ1_A_CBC_U Cycle-by-cycle mode action on PWM1A when fault event occurs and timer is increasing. 0: do nothing, 1: force lo, 2: force hi, 3: toggle 10 2 read-write TZ1_A_OST_D One-shot mode action on PWM1A when fault event occurs and timer is decreasing. 0: do nothing, 1: force lo, 2: force hi, 3: toggle 12 2 read-write TZ1_A_OST_U One-shot mode action on PWM1A when fault event occurs and timer is increasing. 0: do nothing, 1: force lo, 2: force hi, 3: toggle 14 2 read-write TZ1_B_CBC_D Cycle-by-cycle mode action on PWM1B when fault event occurs and timer is decreasing. 0: do nothing, 1: force lo, 2: force hi, 3: toggle 16 2 read-write TZ1_B_CBC_U Cycle-by-cycle mode action on PWM1B when fault event occurs and timer is increasing. 0: do nothing, 1: force lo, 2: force hi, 3: toggle 18 2 read-write TZ1_B_OST_D One-shot mode action on PWM1B when fault event occurs and timer is decreasing. 0: do nothing, 1: force lo, 2: force hi, 3: toggle 20 2 read-write TZ1_B_OST_U One-shot mode action on PWM1B when fault event occurs and timer is increasing. 0: do nothing, 1: force lo, 2: force hi, 3: toggle 22 2 read-write TZ1_CFG1 Software triggers for fault handler actions 0xA4 0x20 TZ1_CLR_OST a rising edge will clear on going one-shot mode action 0 1 read-write TZ1_CBCPULSE cycle-by-cycle mode action refresh moment selection. Bit0: TEZ, bit1:TEP 1 2 read-write TZ1_FORCE_CBC a toggle trigger a cycle-by-cycle mode action 3 1 read-write TZ1_FORCE_OST a toggle (software negate its value) triggers a one-shot mode action 4 1 read-write TZ1_STATUS Status of fault events. 0xA8 0x20 TZ1_CBC_ON Set and reset by hardware. If set, a cycle-by-cycle mode action is on going 0 1 read-only TZ1_OST_ON Set and reset by hardware. If set, an one-shot mode action is on going 1 1 read-only CMPR2_CFG Transfer status and update method for time stamp registers A and B 0xAC 0x20 CMPR2_A_UPMETHOD Update method for PWM generator 2 time stamp A's active register. When all bits are set to 0: immediately, when bit0 is set to 1: TEZ, when bit1 is set to 1: TEP,when bit2 is set to 1: sync, when bit3 is set to 1: disable the update. 0 4 read-write CMPR2_B_UPMETHOD Update method for PWM generator 2 time stamp B's active register. When all bits are set to 0: immediately, when bit0 is set to 1: TEZ, when bit1 is set to 1: TEP,when bit2 is set to 1: sync, when bit3 is set to 1: disable the update. 4 4 read-write CMPR2_A_SHDW_FULL Set and reset by hardware. If set, PWM generator 2 time stamp A's shadow reg is filled and waiting to be transferred to A's active reg. If cleared, A's active reg has been updated with shadow register latest value 8 1 read-only CMPR2_B_SHDW_FULL Set and reset by hardware. If set, PWM generator 2 time stamp B's shadow reg is filled and waiting to be transferred to B's active reg. If cleared, B's active reg has been updated with shadow register latest value 9 1 read-only CMPR2_VALUE0 Shadow register for register A. 0xB0 0x20 CMPR2_A PWM generator 2 time stamp A's shadow register 0 16 read-write CMPR2_VALUE1 Shadow register for register B. 0xB4 0x20 CMPR2_B PWM generator 2 time stamp B's shadow register 0 16 read-write GEN2_CFG0 Fault event T0 and T1 handling 0xB8 0x20 GEN2_CFG_UPMETHOD Update method for PWM generator 2's active register of configuration. When all bits are set to 0: immediately, when bit0 is set to 1: TEZ, when bit1 is set to 1: 0 4 read-write GEN2_T0_SEL Source selection for PWM generator 2 event_t0, take effect immediately, 0: fault_event0, 1: fault_event1, 2: fault_event2, 3: sync_taken, 4: none 4 3 read-write GEN2_T1_SEL Source selection for PWM generator 2 event_t1, take effect immediately, 0: fault_event0, 1: fault_event1, 2: fault_event2, 3: sync_taken, 4: none 7 3 read-write GEN2_FORCE Permissives to force PWM2A and PWM2B outputs by software 0xBC 0x20 0x00000020 GEN2_CNTUFORCE_UPMETHOD Updating method for continuous software force of PWM generator 2. When all bits are set to 0: immediately, when bit0 is set to 1: TEZ,,when bit1 is set to 1: TEP, when bit2 is set to 1: TEA, when bit3 is set to 1: TEB, when bit4 is set to 1: sync, when bit5 is set to 1: disable update. (TEA/B here and below means an event generated when the timer's value equals to that of register A/B.) 0 6 read-write GEN2_A_CNTUFORCE_MODE Continuous software force mode for PWM2A. 0: disabled, 1: low, 2: high, 3: disabled 6 2 read-write GEN2_B_CNTUFORCE_MODE Continuous software force mode for PWM2B. 0: disabled, 1: low, 2: high, 3: disabled 8 2 read-write GEN2_A_NCIFORCE Trigger of non-continuous immediate software-force event for PWM2A, a toggle will trigger a force event. 10 1 read-write GEN2_A_NCIFORCE_MODE non-continuous immediate software force mode for PWM2A, 0: disabled, 1: low, 2: high, 3: disabled 11 2 read-write GEN2_B_NCIFORCE Trigger of non-continuous immediate software-force event for PWM2B, a toggle will trigger a force event. 13 1 read-write GEN2_B_NCIFORCE_MODE non-continuous immediate software force mode for PWM2B, 0: disabled, 1: low, 2: high, 3: disabled 14 2 read-write GEN2_A Actions triggered by events on PWM2A 0xC0 0x20 UTEZ Action on PWM2A triggered by event TEZ when timer increasing 0 2 read-write UTEP Action on PWM2A triggered by event TEP when timer increasing 2 2 read-write UTEA Action on PWM2A triggered by event TEA when timer increasing 4 2 read-write UTEB Action on PWM2A triggered by event TEB when timer increasing 6 2 read-write UT0 Action on PWM2A triggered by event_t0 when timer increasing 8 2 read-write UT1 Action on PWM2A triggered by event_t1 when timer increasing 10 2 read-write DTEZ Action on PWM2A triggered by event TEZ when timer decreasing 12 2 read-write DTEP Action on PWM2A triggered by event TEP when timer decreasing 14 2 read-write DTEA Action on PWM2A triggered by event TEA when timer decreasing 16 2 read-write DTEB Action on PWM2A triggered by event TEB when timer decreasing 18 2 read-write DT0 Action on PWM2A triggered by event_t0 when timer decreasing 20 2 read-write DT1 Action on PWM2A triggered by event_t1 when timer decreasing. 0: no change, 1: low, 2: high, 3: toggle 22 2 read-write GEN2_B Actions triggered by events on PWM2B 0xC4 0x20 UTEZ Action on PWM2B triggered by event TEZ when timer increasing 0 2 read-write UTEP Action on PWM2B triggered by event TEP when timer increasing 2 2 read-write UTEA Action on PWM2B triggered by event TEA when timer increasing 4 2 read-write UTEB Action on PWM2B triggered by event TEB when timer increasing 6 2 read-write UT0 Action on PWM2B triggered by event_t0 when timer increasing 8 2 read-write UT1 Action on PWM2B triggered by event_t1 when timer increasing 10 2 read-write DTEZ Action on PWM2B triggered by event TEZ when timer decreasing 12 2 read-write DTEP Action on PWM2B triggered by event TEP when timer decreasing 14 2 read-write DTEA Action on PWM2B triggered by event TEA when timer decreasing 16 2 read-write DTEB Action on PWM2B triggered by event TEB when timer decreasing 18 2 read-write DT0 Action on PWM2B triggered by event_t0 when timer decreasing 20 2 read-write DT1 Action on PWM2B triggered by event_t1 when timer decreasing. 0: no change, 1: low, 2: high, 3: toggle 22 2 read-write DB2_CFG dead time type selection and configuration 0xC8 0x20 0x00018000 DB2_FED_UPMETHOD Update method for FED (falling edge delay) active register. 0: immediate, bit0: tez, bit1: tep, bit2: sync, bit3: freeze 0 4 read-write DB2_RED_UPMETHOD Update method for RED (rising edge delay) active register. 0: immediate, bit0: tez, bit1: tep, bit2: sync, bit3: freeze 4 4 read-write DB2_DEB_MODE S8 in documentation, dual-edge B mode, 0: fed/red take effect on different path separately, 1: fed/red take effect on B path, A out is in bypass or dulpB mode 8 1 read-write DB2_A_OUTSWAP S6 in documentation 9 1 read-write DB2_B_OUTSWAP S7 in documentation 10 1 read-write DB2_RED_INSEL S4 in documentation 11 1 read-write DB2_FED_INSEL S5 in documentation 12 1 read-write DB2_RED_OUTINVERT S2 in documentation 13 1 read-write DB2_FED_OUTINVERT S3 in documentation 14 1 read-write DB2_A_OUTBYPASS S1 in documentation 15 1 read-write DB2_B_OUTBYPASS S0 in documentation 16 1 read-write DB2_CLK_SEL Dead time generator 2 clock selection. 0: PWM_clk, 1: PT_clk 17 1 read-write DB2_FED_CFG Shadow register for falling edge delay (FED). 0xCC 0x20 DB2_FED Shadow register for FED 0 16 read-write DB2_RED_CFG Shadow register for rising edge delay (RED). 0xD0 0x20 DB2_RED Shadow register for RED 0 16 read-write CHOPPER2_CFG Carrier enable and configuratoin 0xD4 0x20 CHOPPER2_EN When set, carrier0 function is enabled. When cleared, carrier0 is bypassed 0 1 read-write CHOPPER2_PRESCALE PWM carrier0 clock (PC_clk) prescale value. Period of PC_clk = period of PWM_clk * (PWM_CARRIER0_PRESCALE + 1) 1 4 read-write CHOPPER2_DUTY carrier duty selection. Duty = PWM_CARRIER0_DUTY / 8 5 3 read-write CHOPPER2_OSHTWTH width of the fist pulse in number of periods of the carrier 8 4 read-write CHOPPER2_OUT_INVERT when set, invert the output of PWM2A and PWM2B for this submodule 12 1 read-write CHOPPER2_IN_INVERT when set, invert the input of PWM2A and PWM2B for this submodule 13 1 read-write TZ2_CFG0 Actions on PWM2A and PWM2B trip events 0xD8 0x20 TZ2_SW_CBC Enable register for software force cycle-by-cycle mode action. 0: disable, 1: enable 0 1 read-write TZ2_F2_CBC event_f2 will trigger cycle-by-cycle mode action. 0: disable, 1: enable 1 1 read-write TZ2_F1_CBC event_f1 will trigger cycle-by-cycle mode action. 0: disable, 1: enable 2 1 read-write TZ2_F0_CBC event_f0 will trigger cycle-by-cycle mode action. 0: disable, 1: enable 3 1 read-write TZ2_SW_OST Enable register for software force one-shot mode action. 0: disable, 1: enable 4 1 read-write TZ2_F2_OST event_f2 will trigger one-shot mode action. 0: disable, 1: enable 5 1 read-write TZ2_F1_OST event_f1 will trigger one-shot mode action. 0: disable, 1: enable 6 1 read-write TZ2_F0_OST event_f0 will trigger one-shot mode action. 0: disable, 1: enable 7 1 read-write TZ2_A_CBC_D Cycle-by-cycle mode action on PWM2A when fault event occurs and timer is decreasing. 0: do nothing, 1: force lo, 2: force hi, 3: toggle 8 2 read-write TZ2_A_CBC_U Cycle-by-cycle mode action on PWM2A when fault event occurs and timer is increasing. 0: do nothing, 1: force lo, 2: force hi, 3: toggle 10 2 read-write TZ2_A_OST_D One-shot mode action on PWM2A when fault event occurs and timer is decreasing. 0: do nothing, 1: force lo, 2: force hi, 3: toggle 12 2 read-write TZ2_A_OST_U One-shot mode action on PWM2A when fault event occurs and timer is increasing. 0: do nothing, 1: force lo, 2: force hi, 3: toggle 14 2 read-write TZ2_B_CBC_D Cycle-by-cycle mode action on PWM2B when fault event occurs and timer is decreasing. 0: do nothing, 1: force lo, 2: force hi, 3: toggle 16 2 read-write TZ2_B_CBC_U Cycle-by-cycle mode action on PWM2B when fault event occurs and timer is increasing. 0: do nothing, 1: force lo, 2: force hi, 3: toggle 18 2 read-write TZ2_B_OST_D One-shot mode action on PWM2B when fault event occurs and timer is decreasing. 0: do nothing, 1: force lo, 2: force hi, 3: toggle 20 2 read-write TZ2_B_OST_U One-shot mode action on PWM2B when fault event occurs and timer is increasing. 0: do nothing, 1: force lo, 2: force hi, 3: toggle 22 2 read-write TZ2_CFG1 Software triggers for fault handler actions 0xDC 0x20 TZ2_CLR_OST a rising edge will clear on going one-shot mode action 0 1 read-write TZ2_CBCPULSE cycle-by-cycle mode action refresh moment selection. Bit0: TEZ, bit1:TEP 1 2 read-write TZ2_FORCE_CBC a toggle trigger a cycle-by-cycle mode action 3 1 read-write TZ2_FORCE_OST a toggle (software negate its value) triggers a one-shot mode action 4 1 read-write TZ2_STATUS Status of fault events. 0xE0 0x20 TZ2_CBC_ON Set and reset by hardware. If set, a cycle-by-cycle mode action is on going 0 1 read-only TZ2_OST_ON Set and reset by hardware. If set, an one-shot mode action is on going 1 1 read-only FAULT_DETECT Fault detection configuration and status 0xE4 0x20 F0_EN When set, event_f0 generation is enabled 0 1 read-write F1_EN When set, event_f1 generation is enabled 1 1 read-write F2_EN When set, event_f2 generation is enabled 2 1 read-write F0_POLE Set event_f0 trigger polarity on FAULT2 source from GPIO matrix. 0: level low, 1: level high 3 1 read-write F1_POLE Set event_f1 trigger polarity on FAULT2 source from GPIO matrix. 0: level low, 1: level high 4 1 read-write F2_POLE Set event_f2 trigger polarity on FAULT2 source from GPIO matrix. 0: level low, 1: level high 5 1 read-write EVENT_F0 Set and reset by hardware. If set, event_f0 is on going 6 1 read-only EVENT_F1 Set and reset by hardware. If set, event_f1 is on going 7 1 read-only EVENT_F2 Set and reset by hardware. If set, event_f2 is on going 8 1 read-only CAP_TIMER_CFG Configure capture timer 0xE8 0x20 CAP_TIMER_EN When set, capture timer incrementing under APB_clk is enabled. 0 1 read-write CAP_SYNCI_EN When set, capture timer sync is enabled. 1 1 read-write CAP_SYNCI_SEL capture module sync input selection. 0: none, 1: timer0 sync_out, 2: timer1 sync_out, 3: timer2 sync_out, 4: SYNC0 from GPIO matrix, 5: SYNC1 from GPIO matrix, 6: SYNC2 from GPIO matrix 2 3 read-write CAP_SYNC_SW Write 1 will force a capture timer sync, capture timer is loaded with value in phase register. 5 1 write-only CAP_TIMER_PHASE Phase for capture timer sync 0xEC 0x20 CAP_PHASE Phase value for capture timer sync operation. 0 32 read-write CAP_CH0_CFG Capture channel 0 configuration and enable 0xF0 0x20 CAP0_EN When set, capture on channel 0 is enabled 0 1 read-write CAP0_MODE Edge of capture on channel 0 after prescaling. When bit0 is set to 1: enable capture on the negative edge, When bit1 is set to 1: enable capture on the positive edge. 1 2 read-write CAP0_PRESCALE Value of prescaling on possitive edge of CAP0. Prescale value = PWM_CAP0_PRESCALE + 1 3 8 read-write CAP0_IN_INVERT when set, CAP0 form GPIO matrix is inverted before prescale 11 1 read-write CAP0_SW Write 1 will trigger a software forced capture on channel 0 12 1 write-only CAP_CH1_CFG Capture channel 1 configuration and enable 0xF4 0x20 CAP1_EN When set, capture on channel 2 is enabled 0 1 read-write CAP1_MODE Edge of capture on channel 1 after prescaling. When bit0 is set to 1: enable capture on the negative edge, When bit1 is set to 1: enable capture on the positive edge. 1 2 read-write CAP1_PRESCALE Value of prescaling on possitive edge of CAP1. Prescale value = PWM_CAP1_PRESCALE + 1 3 8 read-write CAP1_IN_INVERT when set, CAP1 form GPIO matrix is inverted before prescale 11 1 read-write CAP1_SW Write 1 will trigger a software forced capture on channel 1 12 1 write-only CAP_CH2_CFG Capture channel 2 configuration and enable 0xF8 0x20 CAP2_EN When set, capture on channel 2 is enabled 0 1 read-write CAP2_MODE Edge of capture on channel 2 after prescaling. When bit0 is set to 1: enable capture on the negative edge, When bit1 is set to 1: enable capture on the positive edge. 1 2 read-write CAP2_PRESCALE Value of prescaling on possitive edge of CAP2. Prescale value = PWM_CAP2_PRESCALE + 1 3 8 read-write CAP2_IN_INVERT when set, CAP2 form GPIO matrix is inverted before prescale 11 1 read-write CAP2_SW Write 1 will trigger a software forced capture on channel 2 12 1 write-only CAP_CH0 Value of last capture on channel 0 0xFC 0x20 CAP0_VALUE Value of last capture on channel 0 0 32 read-only CAP_CH1 Value of last capture on channel 1 0x100 0x20 CAP1_VALUE Value of last capture on channel 1 0 32 read-only CAP_CH2 Value of last capture on channel 2 0x104 0x20 CAP2_VALUE Value of last capture on channel 2 0 32 read-only CAP_STATUS Edge of last capture trigger 0x108 0x20 CAP0_EDGE Edge of last capture trigger on channel 0, 0: posedge, 1: negedge 0 1 read-only CAP1_EDGE Edge of last capture trigger on channel 1, 0: posedge, 1: negedge 1 1 read-only CAP2_EDGE Edge of last capture trigger on channel 2, 0: posedge, 1: negedge 2 1 read-only UPDATE_CFG Enable update. 0x10C 0x20 0x00000055 GLOBAL_UP_EN The global enable of update of all active registers in MCPWM module 0 1 read-write GLOBAL_FORCE_UP a toggle (software invert its value) will trigger a forced update of all active registers in MCPWM module 1 1 read-write OP0_UP_EN When set and PWM_GLOBAL_UP_EN is set, update of active registers in PWM operator 0 are enabled 2 1 read-write OP0_FORCE_UP a toggle (software invert its value) will trigger a forced update of active registers in PWM operator 0 3 1 read-write OP1_UP_EN When set and PWM_GLOBAL_UP_EN is set, update of active registers in PWM operator 1 are enabled 4 1 read-write OP1_FORCE_UP a toggle (software invert its value) will trigger a forced update of active registers in PWM operator 1 5 1 read-write OP2_UP_EN When set and PWM_GLOBAL_UP_EN is set, update of active registers in PWM operator 2 are enabled 6 1 read-write OP2_FORCE_UP a toggle (software invert its value) will trigger a forced update of active registers in PWM operator 2 7 1 read-write INT_ENA Interrupt enable bits 0x110 0x20 TIMER0_STOP_INT_ENA The enable bit for the interrupt triggered when the timer 0 stops. 0 1 read-write TIMER1_STOP_INT_ENA The enable bit for the interrupt triggered when the timer 1 stops. 1 1 read-write TIMER2_STOP_INT_ENA The enable bit for the interrupt triggered when the timer 2 stops. 2 1 read-write TIMER0_TEZ_INT_ENA The enable bit for the interrupt triggered by a PWM timer 0 TEZ event. 3 1 read-write TIMER1_TEZ_INT_ENA The enable bit for the interrupt triggered by a PWM timer 1 TEZ event. 4 1 read-write TIMER2_TEZ_INT_ENA The enable bit for the interrupt triggered by a PWM timer 2 TEZ event. 5 1 read-write TIMER0_TEP_INT_ENA The enable bit for the interrupt triggered by a PWM timer 0 TEP event. 6 1 read-write TIMER1_TEP_INT_ENA The enable bit for the interrupt triggered by a PWM timer 1 TEP event. 7 1 read-write TIMER2_TEP_INT_ENA The enable bit for the interrupt triggered by a PWM timer 2 TEP event. 8 1 read-write FAULT0_INT_ENA The enable bit for the interrupt triggered when event_f0 starts. 9 1 read-write FAULT1_INT_ENA The enable bit for the interrupt triggered when event_f1 starts. 10 1 read-write FAULT2_INT_ENA The enable bit for the interrupt triggered when event_f2 starts. 11 1 read-write FAULT0_CLR_INT_ENA The enable bit for the interrupt triggered when event_f0 ends. 12 1 read-write FAULT1_CLR_INT_ENA The enable bit for the interrupt triggered when event_f1 ends. 13 1 read-write FAULT2_CLR_INT_ENA The enable bit for the interrupt triggered when event_f2 ends. 14 1 read-write CMPR0_TEA_INT_ENA The enable bit for the interrupt triggered by a PWM operator 0 TEA event 15 1 read-write CMPR1_TEA_INT_ENA The enable bit for the interrupt triggered by a PWM operator 1 TEA event 16 1 read-write CMPR2_TEA_INT_ENA The enable bit for the interrupt triggered by a PWM operator 2 TEA event 17 1 read-write CMPR0_TEB_INT_ENA The enable bit for the interrupt triggered by a PWM operator 0 TEB event 18 1 read-write CMPR1_TEB_INT_ENA The enable bit for the interrupt triggered by a PWM operator 1 TEB event 19 1 read-write CMPR2_TEB_INT_ENA The enable bit for the interrupt triggered by a PWM operator 2 TEB event 20 1 read-write TZ0_CBC_INT_ENA The enable bit for the interrupt triggered by a cycle-by-cycle mode action on PWM0. 21 1 read-write TZ1_CBC_INT_ENA The enable bit for the interrupt triggered by a cycle-by-cycle mode action on PWM1. 22 1 read-write TZ2_CBC_INT_ENA The enable bit for the interrupt triggered by a cycle-by-cycle mode action on PWM2. 23 1 read-write TZ0_OST_INT_ENA The enable bit for the interrupt triggered by a one-shot mode action on PWM0. 24 1 read-write TZ1_OST_INT_ENA The enable bit for the interrupt triggered by a one-shot mode action on PWM1. 25 1 read-write TZ2_OST_INT_ENA The enable bit for the interrupt triggered by a one-shot mode action on PWM2. 26 1 read-write CAP0_INT_ENA The enable bit for the interrupt triggered by capture on channel 0. 27 1 read-write CAP1_INT_ENA The enable bit for the interrupt triggered by capture on channel 1. 28 1 read-write CAP2_INT_ENA The enable bit for the interrupt triggered by capture on channel 2. 29 1 read-write INT_RAW Raw interrupt status 0x114 0x20 TIMER0_STOP_INT_RAW The raw status bit for the interrupt triggered when the timer 0 stops. 0 1 read-only TIMER1_STOP_INT_RAW The raw status bit for the interrupt triggered when the timer 1 stops. 1 1 read-only TIMER2_STOP_INT_RAW The raw status bit for the interrupt triggered when the timer 2 stops. 2 1 read-only TIMER0_TEZ_INT_RAW The raw status bit for the interrupt triggered by a PWM timer 0 TEZ event. 3 1 read-only TIMER1_TEZ_INT_RAW The raw status bit for the interrupt triggered by a PWM timer 1 TEZ event. 4 1 read-only TIMER2_TEZ_INT_RAW The raw status bit for the interrupt triggered by a PWM timer 2 TEZ event. 5 1 read-only TIMER0_TEP_INT_RAW The raw status bit for the interrupt triggered by a PWM timer 0 TEP event. 6 1 read-only TIMER1_TEP_INT_RAW The raw status bit for the interrupt triggered by a PWM timer 1 TEP event. 7 1 read-only TIMER2_TEP_INT_RAW The raw status bit for the interrupt triggered by a PWM timer 2 TEP event. 8 1 read-only FAULT0_INT_RAW The raw status bit for the interrupt triggered when event_f0 starts. 9 1 read-only FAULT1_INT_RAW The raw status bit for the interrupt triggered when event_f1 starts. 10 1 read-only FAULT2_INT_RAW The raw status bit for the interrupt triggered when event_f2 starts. 11 1 read-only FAULT0_CLR_INT_RAW The raw status bit for the interrupt triggered when event_f0 ends. 12 1 read-only FAULT1_CLR_INT_RAW The raw status bit for the interrupt triggered when event_f1 ends. 13 1 read-only FAULT2_CLR_INT_RAW The raw status bit for the interrupt triggered when event_f2 ends. 14 1 read-only CMPR0_TEA_INT_RAW The raw status bit for the interrupt triggered by a PWM operator 0 TEA event 15 1 read-only CMPR1_TEA_INT_RAW The raw status bit for the interrupt triggered by a PWM operator 1 TEA event 16 1 read-only CMPR2_TEA_INT_RAW The raw status bit for the interrupt triggered by a PWM operator 2 TEA event 17 1 read-only CMPR0_TEB_INT_RAW The raw status bit for the interrupt triggered by a PWM operator 0 TEB event 18 1 read-only CMPR1_TEB_INT_RAW The raw status bit for the interrupt triggered by a PWM operator 1 TEB event 19 1 read-only CMPR2_TEB_INT_RAW The raw status bit for the interrupt triggered by a PWM operator 2 TEB event 20 1 read-only TZ0_CBC_INT_RAW The raw status bit for the interrupt triggered by a cycle-by-cycle mode action on PWM0. 21 1 read-only TZ1_CBC_INT_RAW The raw status bit for the interrupt triggered by a cycle-by-cycle mode action on PWM1. 22 1 read-only TZ2_CBC_INT_RAW The raw status bit for the interrupt triggered by a cycle-by-cycle mode action on PWM2. 23 1 read-only TZ0_OST_INT_RAW The raw status bit for the interrupt triggered by a one-shot mode action on PWM0. 24 1 read-only TZ1_OST_INT_RAW The raw status bit for the interrupt triggered by a one-shot mode action on PWM1. 25 1 read-only TZ2_OST_INT_RAW The raw status bit for the interrupt triggered by a one-shot mode action on PWM2. 26 1 read-only CAP0_INT_RAW The raw status bit for the interrupt triggered by capture on channel 0. 27 1 read-only CAP1_INT_RAW The raw status bit for the interrupt triggered by capture on channel 1. 28 1 read-only CAP2_INT_RAW The raw status bit for the interrupt triggered by capture on channel 2. 29 1 read-only INT_ST Masked interrupt status 0x118 0x20 TIMER0_STOP_INT_ST The masked status bit for the interrupt triggered when the timer 0 stops. 0 1 read-only TIMER1_STOP_INT_ST The masked status bit for the interrupt triggered when the timer 1 stops. 1 1 read-only TIMER2_STOP_INT_ST The masked status bit for the interrupt triggered when the timer 2 stops. 2 1 read-only TIMER0_TEZ_INT_ST The masked status bit for the interrupt triggered by a PWM timer 0 TEZ event. 3 1 read-only TIMER1_TEZ_INT_ST The masked status bit for the interrupt triggered by a PWM timer 1 TEZ event. 4 1 read-only TIMER2_TEZ_INT_ST The masked status bit for the interrupt triggered by a PWM timer 2 TEZ event. 5 1 read-only TIMER0_TEP_INT_ST The masked status bit for the interrupt triggered by a PWM timer 0 TEP event. 6 1 read-only TIMER1_TEP_INT_ST The masked status bit for the interrupt triggered by a PWM timer 1 TEP event. 7 1 read-only TIMER2_TEP_INT_ST The masked status bit for the interrupt triggered by a PWM timer 2 TEP event. 8 1 read-only FAULT0_INT_ST The masked status bit for the interrupt triggered when event_f0 starts. 9 1 read-only FAULT1_INT_ST The masked status bit for the interrupt triggered when event_f1 starts. 10 1 read-only FAULT2_INT_ST The masked status bit for the interrupt triggered when event_f2 starts. 11 1 read-only FAULT0_CLR_INT_ST The masked status bit for the interrupt triggered when event_f0 ends. 12 1 read-only FAULT1_CLR_INT_ST The masked status bit for the interrupt triggered when event_f1 ends. 13 1 read-only FAULT2_CLR_INT_ST The masked status bit for the interrupt triggered when event_f2 ends. 14 1 read-only CMPR0_TEA_INT_ST The masked status bit for the interrupt triggered by a PWM operator 0 TEA event 15 1 read-only CMPR1_TEA_INT_ST The masked status bit for the interrupt triggered by a PWM operator 1 TEA event 16 1 read-only CMPR2_TEA_INT_ST The masked status bit for the interrupt triggered by a PWM operator 2 TEA event 17 1 read-only CMPR0_TEB_INT_ST The masked status bit for the interrupt triggered by a PWM operator 0 TEB event 18 1 read-only CMPR1_TEB_INT_ST The masked status bit for the interrupt triggered by a PWM operator 1 TEB event 19 1 read-only CMPR2_TEB_INT_ST The masked status bit for the interrupt triggered by a PWM operator 2 TEB event 20 1 read-only TZ0_CBC_INT_ST The masked status bit for the interrupt triggered by a cycle-by-cycle mode action on PWM0. 21 1 read-only TZ1_CBC_INT_ST The masked status bit for the interrupt triggered by a cycle-by-cycle mode action on PWM1. 22 1 read-only TZ2_CBC_INT_ST The masked status bit for the interrupt triggered by a cycle-by-cycle mode action on PWM2. 23 1 read-only TZ0_OST_INT_ST The masked status bit for the interrupt triggered by a one-shot mode action on PWM0. 24 1 read-only TZ1_OST_INT_ST The masked status bit for the interrupt triggered by a one-shot mode action on PWM1. 25 1 read-only TZ2_OST_INT_ST The masked status bit for the interrupt triggered by a one-shot mode action on PWM2. 26 1 read-only CAP0_INT_ST The masked status bit for the interrupt triggered by capture on channel 0. 27 1 read-only CAP1_INT_ST The masked status bit for the interrupt triggered by capture on channel 1. 28 1 read-only CAP2_INT_ST The masked status bit for the interrupt triggered by capture on channel 2. 29 1 read-only INT_CLR Interrupt clear bits 0x11C 0x20 TIMER0_STOP_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the interrupt triggered when the timer 0 stops. 0 1 write-only TIMER1_STOP_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the interrupt triggered when the timer 1 stops. 1 1 write-only TIMER2_STOP_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the interrupt triggered when the timer 2 stops. 2 1 write-only TIMER0_TEZ_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the interrupt triggered by a PWM timer 0 TEZ event. 3 1 write-only TIMER1_TEZ_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the interrupt triggered by a PWM timer 1 TEZ event. 4 1 write-only TIMER2_TEZ_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the interrupt triggered by a PWM timer 2 TEZ event. 5 1 write-only TIMER0_TEP_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the interrupt triggered by a PWM timer 0 TEP event. 6 1 write-only TIMER1_TEP_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the interrupt triggered by a PWM timer 1 TEP event. 7 1 write-only TIMER2_TEP_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the interrupt triggered by a PWM timer 2 TEP event. 8 1 write-only FAULT0_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the interrupt triggered when event_f0 starts. 9 1 write-only FAULT1_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the interrupt triggered when event_f1 starts. 10 1 write-only FAULT2_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the interrupt triggered when event_f2 starts. 11 1 write-only FAULT0_CLR_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the interrupt triggered when event_f0 ends. 12 1 write-only FAULT1_CLR_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the interrupt triggered when event_f1 ends. 13 1 write-only FAULT2_CLR_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the interrupt triggered when event_f2 ends. 14 1 write-only CMPR0_TEA_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the interrupt triggered by a PWM operator 0 TEA event 15 1 write-only CMPR1_TEA_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the interrupt triggered by a PWM operator 1 TEA event 16 1 write-only CMPR2_TEA_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the interrupt triggered by a PWM operator 2 TEA event 17 1 write-only CMPR0_TEB_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the interrupt triggered by a PWM operator 0 TEB event 18 1 write-only CMPR1_TEB_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the interrupt triggered by a PWM operator 1 TEB event 19 1 write-only CMPR2_TEB_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the interrupt triggered by a PWM operator 2 TEB event 20 1 write-only TZ0_CBC_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the interrupt triggered by a cycle-by-cycle mode action on PWM0. 21 1 write-only TZ1_CBC_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the interrupt triggered by a cycle-by-cycle mode action on PWM1. 22 1 write-only TZ2_CBC_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the interrupt triggered by a cycle-by-cycle mode action on PWM2. 23 1 write-only TZ0_OST_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the interrupt triggered by a one-shot mode action on PWM0. 24 1 write-only TZ1_OST_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the interrupt triggered by a one-shot mode action on PWM1. 25 1 write-only TZ2_OST_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the interrupt triggered by a one-shot mode action on PWM2. 26 1 write-only CAP0_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the interrupt triggered by capture on channel 0. 27 1 write-only CAP1_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the interrupt triggered by capture on channel 1. 28 1 write-only CAP2_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the interrupt triggered by capture on channel 2. 29 1 write-only CLK MCPWM APB configuration register 0x120 0x20 EN Force clock on for this register file 0 1 read-write VERSION Version register. 0x124 0x20 0x01509110 DATE Version of this register file 0 28 read-write PWM1 0x6002C000 PWM1 32 RMT Remote control RMT 0x60016000 0x0 0xD0 registers RMT 40 4 0x4 TX_CH%sDATA The read and write data register for CHANNEL%s by apb fifo access. 0x0 0x20 CHDATA Read and write data for channel %s via APB FIFO. 0 32 read-only 4 0x4 RX_CH%sDATA The read and write data register for CHANNEL$n by apb fifo access. 0x10 0x20 CHDATA Read and write data for channel 0 via APB FIFO. 0 32 read-only 4 0x4 CH%s_TX_CONF0 Channel %s configure register 0 0x20 0x20 0x00710200 TX_START Set this bit to start sending data on CHANNEL%s. 0 1 write-only MEM_RD_RST Set this bit to reset read ram address for CHANNEL%s by accessing transmitter. 1 1 write-only APB_MEM_RST Set this bit to reset W/R ram address for CHANNEL%s by accessing apb fifo. 2 1 write-only TX_CONTI_MODE Set this bit to restart transmission from the first data to the last data in CHANNEL%s. 3 1 read-write MEM_TX_WRAP_EN This is the channel %s enable bit for wraparound mode: it will resume sending at the start when the data to be sent is more than its memory size. 4 1 read-write IDLE_OUT_LV This bit configures the level of output signal in CHANNEL%s when the latter is in IDLE state. 5 1 read-write IDLE_OUT_EN This is the output enable-control bit for CHANNEL%s in IDLE state. 6 1 read-write TX_STOP Set this bit to stop the transmitter of CHANNEL%s sending data out. 7 1 read-write DIV_CNT This register is used to configure the divider for clock of CHANNEL%s. 8 8 read-write MEM_SIZE This register is used to configure the maximum size of memory allocated to CHANNEL%s. 16 4 read-write CARRIER_EFF_EN 1: Add carrier modulation on the output signal only at the send data state for CHANNEL%s. 0: Add carrier modulation on the output signal at all state for CHANNEL%s. Only valid when RMT_CARRIER_EN_CH%s is 1. 20 1 read-write CARRIER_EN This is the carrier modulation enable-control bit for CHANNEL%s. 1: Add carrier modulation in the output signal. 0: No carrier modulation in sig_out. 21 1 read-write CARRIER_OUT_LV This bit is used to configure the position of carrier wave for CHANNEL%s. 1'h0: add carrier wave on low level. 1'h1: add carrier wave on high level. 22 1 read-write AFIFO_RST Reserved 23 1 write-only CONF_UPDATE synchronization bit for CHANNEL%s 24 1 write-only 4 0x8 CH%s_RX_CONF0 Channel %s configure register 0 0x30 0x20 0x317FFF02 DIV_CNT This register is used to configure the divider for clock of CHANNEL%s. 0 8 read-write IDLE_THRES When no edge is detected on the input signal and continuous clock cycles is longer than this register value, received process is finished. 8 15 read-write MEM_SIZE This register is used to configure the maximum size of memory allocated to CHANNEL%s. 24 4 read-write CARRIER_EN This is the carrier modulation enable-control bit for CHANNEL%s. 1: Add carrier modulation in the output signal. 0: No carrier modulation in sig_out. 28 1 read-write CARRIER_OUT_LV This bit is used to configure the position of carrier wave for CHANNEL%s. 1'h0: add carrier wave on low level. 1'h1: add carrier wave on high level. 29 1 read-write 4 0x8 CH%s_RX_CONF1 Channel %s configure register 1 0x34 0x20 0x000001E8 RX_EN Set this bit to enable receiver to receive data on CHANNEL%s. 0 1 read-write MEM_WR_RST Set this bit to reset write ram address for CHANNEL%s by accessing receiver. 1 1 write-only APB_MEM_RST Set this bit to reset W/R ram address for CHANNEL%s by accessing apb fifo. 2 1 write-only MEM_OWNER This register marks the ownership of CHANNEL%s's ram block. 1'h1: Receiver is using the ram. 1'h0: APB bus is using the ram. 3 1 read-write RX_FILTER_EN This is the receive filter's enable bit for CHANNEL%s. 4 1 read-write RX_FILTER_THRES Ignores the input pulse when its width is smaller than this register value in APB clock periods (in receive mode). 5 8 read-write MEM_RX_WRAP_EN This is the channel %s enable bit for wraparound mode: it will resume receiving at the start when the data to be received is more than its memory size. 13 1 read-write AFIFO_RST Reserved 14 1 write-only CONF_UPDATE synchronization bit for CHANNEL%s 15 1 write-only 4 0x4 CH%s_TX_STATUS Channel %s status register 0x50 0x20 MEM_RADDR_EX This register records the memory address offset when transmitter of CHANNEL%s is using the RAM. 0 10 read-only APB_MEM_WADDR This register records the memory address offset when writes RAM over APB bus. 11 10 read-only STATE This register records the FSM status of CHANNEL%s. 22 3 read-only MEM_EMPTY This status bit will be set when the data to be set is more than memory size and the wraparound mode is disabled. 25 1 read-only APB_MEM_WR_ERR This status bit will be set if the offset address out of memory size when writes via APB bus. 26 1 read-only 4 0x4 CH%s_RX_STATUS Channel %s status register 0x60 0x20 0x000600C0 MEM_WADDR_EX This register records the memory address offset when receiver of CHANNEL%s is using the RAM. 0 10 read-only APB_MEM_RADDR This register records the memory address offset when reads RAM over APB bus. 11 10 read-only STATE This register records the FSM status of CHANNEL%s. 22 3 read-only MEM_OWNER_ERR This status bit will be set when the ownership of memory block is wrong. 25 1 read-only MEM_FULL This status bit will be set if the receiver receives more data than the memory size. 26 1 read-only APB_MEM_RD_ERR This status bit will be set if the offset address out of memory size when reads via APB bus. 27 1 read-only INT_RAW Raw interrupt status 0x70 0x20 4 0x1 0-3 CH%s_TX_END_INT_RAW The interrupt raw bit for CHANNEL%s. Triggered when transmission done. 0 1 read-only 4 0x1 0-3 CH%s_TX_ERR_INT_RAW The interrupt raw bit for CHANNEL%s. Triggered when error occurs. 4 1 read-only 4 0x1 0-3 CH%s_TX_THR_EVENT_INT_RAW The interrupt raw bit for CHANNEL%s. Triggered when transmitter sent more data than configured value. 8 1 read-only 4 0x1 0-3 CH%s_TX_LOOP_INT_RAW The interrupt raw bit for CHANNEL%s. Triggered when the loop count reaches the configured threshold value. 12 1 read-only 4 0x1 4-7 CH%s_RX_END_INT_RAW The interrupt raw bit for CHANNEL4. Triggered when reception done. 16 1 read-only 4 0x1 4-7 CH%s_RX_ERR_INT_RAW The interrupt raw bit for CHANNEL4. Triggered when error occurs. 20 1 read-only CH4_RX_THR_EVENT_INT_RAW The interrupt raw bit for CHANNEL4. Triggered when receiver receive more data than configured value. 24 1 read-only CH5_RX_THR_EVENT_INT_RAW The interrupt raw bit for CHANNEL5. Triggered when receiver receive more data than configured value. 25 1 read-only CH6_RX_THR_EVENT_INT_RAW The interrupt raw bit for CHANNEL6. Triggered when receiver receive more data than configured value. 26 1 read-only CH7_RX_THR_EVENT_INT_RAW The interrupt raw bit for CHANNEL7. Triggered when receiver receive more data than configured value. 27 1 read-only TX_CH3_DMA_ACCESS_FAIL_INT_RAW The interrupt raw bit for CHANNEL3. Triggered when dma accessing CHANNEL3 fails. 28 1 read-only RX_CH7_DMA_ACCESS_FAIL_INT_RAW The interrupt raw bit for CHANNEL7. Triggered when dma accessing CHANNEL7 fails. 29 1 read-only INT_ST Masked interrupt status 0x74 0x20 4 0x1 0-3 CH%s_TX_END_INT_ST The masked interrupt status bit for CH%s_TX_END_INT. 0 1 read-only 4 0x1 0-3 CH%s_TX_ERR_INT_ST The masked interrupt status bit for CH%s_ERR_INT. 4 1 read-only 4 0x1 0-3 CH%s_TX_THR_EVENT_INT_ST The masked interrupt status bit for CH%s_TX_THR_EVENT_INT. 8 1 read-only 4 0x1 0-3 CH%s_TX_LOOP_INT_ST The masked interrupt status bit for CH%s_TX_LOOP_INT. 12 1 read-only 4 0x1 4-7 CH%s_RX_END_INT_ST The masked interrupt status bit for CH4_RX_END_INT. 16 1 read-only 4 0x1 4-7 CH%s_RX_ERR_INT_ST The masked interrupt status bit for CH4_ERR_INT. 20 1 read-only CH4_RX_THR_EVENT_INT_ST The masked interrupt status bit for CH4_RX_THR_EVENT_INT. 24 1 read-only CH5_RX_THR_EVENT_INT_ST The masked interrupt status bit for CH5_RX_THR_EVENT_INT. 25 1 read-only CH6_RX_THR_EVENT_INT_ST The masked interrupt status bit for CH6_RX_THR_EVENT_INT. 26 1 read-only CH7_RX_THR_EVENT_INT_ST The masked interrupt status bit for CH7_RX_THR_EVENT_INT. 27 1 read-only TX_CH3_DMA_ACCESS_FAIL_INT_ST The masked interrupt status bit for CH3_DMA_ACCESS_FAIL_INT. 28 1 read-only RX_CH7_DMA_ACCESS_FAIL_INT_ST The masked interrupt status bit for CH7_DMA_ACCESS_FAIL_INT. 29 1 read-only INT_ENA Interrupt enable bits 0x78 0x20 4 0x1 0-3 CH%s_TX_END_INT_ENA The interrupt enable bit for CH%s_TX_END_INT. 0 1 read-write 4 0x1 0-3 CH%s_TX_ERR_INT_ENA The interrupt enable bit for CH%s_ERR_INT. 4 1 read-write 4 0x1 0-3 CH%s_TX_THR_EVENT_INT_ENA The interrupt enable bit for CH%s_TX_THR_EVENT_INT. 8 1 read-write 4 0x1 0-3 CH%s_TX_LOOP_INT_ENA The interrupt enable bit for CH%s_TX_LOOP_INT. 12 1 read-write 4 0x1 4-7 CH%s_RX_END_INT_ENA The interrupt enable bit for CH4_RX_END_INT. 16 1 read-write 4 0x1 4-7 CH%s_RX_ERR_INT_ENA The interrupt enable bit for CH4_ERR_INT. 20 1 read-write CH4_RX_THR_EVENT_INT_ENA The interrupt enable bit for CH4_RX_THR_EVENT_INT. 24 1 read-write CH5_RX_THR_EVENT_INT_ENA The interrupt enable bit for CH5_RX_THR_EVENT_INT. 25 1 read-write CH6_RX_THR_EVENT_INT_ENA The interrupt enable bit for CH6_RX_THR_EVENT_INT. 26 1 read-write CH7_RX_THR_EVENT_INT_ENA The interrupt enable bit for CH7_RX_THR_EVENT_INT. 27 1 read-write TX_CH3_DMA_ACCESS_FAIL_INT_ENA The interrupt enable bit for CH3_DMA_ACCESS_FAIL_INT. 28 1 read-write RX_CH7_DMA_ACCESS_FAIL_INT_ENA The interrupt enable bit for CH7_DMA_ACCESS_FAIL_INT. 29 1 read-write INT_CLR Interrupt clear bits 0x7C 0x20 4 0x1 0-3 CH%s_TX_END_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear theCH%s_TX_END_INT interrupt. 0 1 write-only 4 0x1 0-3 CH%s_TX_ERR_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear theCH%s_ERR_INT interrupt. 4 1 write-only 4 0x1 0-3 CH%s_TX_THR_EVENT_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear theCH%s_TX_THR_EVENT_INT interrupt. 8 1 write-only 4 0x1 0-3 CH%s_TX_LOOP_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear theCH%s_TX_LOOP_INT interrupt. 12 1 write-only 4 0x1 4-7 CH%s_RX_END_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear theCH4_RX_END_INT interrupt. 16 1 write-only 4 0x1 RX_CH4,RX_CH5,RX_CH6,RX_CH7 CH%s_RX_ERR_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear theCH4_ERR_INT interrupt. 20 1 write-only CH4_RX_THR_EVENT_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear theCH4_RX_THR_EVENT_INT interrupt. 24 1 write-only CH5_RX_THR_EVENT_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear theCH5_RX_THR_EVENT_INT interrupt. 25 1 write-only CH6_RX_THR_EVENT_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear theCH6_RX_THR_EVENT_INT interrupt. 26 1 write-only CH7_RX_THR_EVENT_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear theCH7_RX_THR_EVENT_INT interrupt. 27 1 write-only TX_CH3_DMA_ACCESS_FAIL_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the CH3_DMA_ACCESS_FAIL_INT interrupt. 28 1 write-only RX_CH7_DMA_ACCESS_FAIL_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the CH7_DMA_ACCESS_FAIL_INT interrupt. 29 1 write-only 4 0x4 CH%sCARRIER_DUTY Channel %s duty cycle configuration register 0x80 0x20 0x00400040 CARRIER_LOW This register is used to configure carrier wave 's low level clock period for CHANNEL%s. 0 16 read-write CARRIER_HIGH This register is used to configure carrier wave 's high level clock period for CHANNEL%s. 16 16 read-write 4 0x4 CH%s_RX_CARRIER_RM Channel %s carrier remove register 0x90 0x20 CARRIER_LOW_THRES The low level period in a carrier modulation mode is (REG_RMT_REG_CARRIER_LOW_THRES_CH%s + 1) for channel %s. 0 16 read-write CARRIER_HIGH_THRES The high level period in a carrier modulation mode is (REG_RMT_REG_CARRIER_HIGH_THRES_CH%s + 1) for channel %s. 16 16 read-write 4 0x4 CH%s_TX_LIM Channel %s Tx event configuration register 0xA0 0x20 0x00000080 TX_LIM This register is used to configure the maximum entries that CHANNEL%s can send out. 0 9 read-write TX_LOOP_NUM This register is used to configure the maximum loop count when tx_conti_mode is valid. 9 10 read-write TX_LOOP_CNT_EN This register is the enabled bit for loop count. 19 1 read-write LOOP_COUNT_RESET This register is used to reset the loop count when tx_conti_mode is valid. 20 1 write-only LOOP_STOP_EN This bit is used to enable the loop send stop function after the loop counter counts to loop number for CHANNEL%s. 21 1 read-write 4 0x4 CH%s_RX_LIM Channel %s Rx event configuration register 0xB0 0x20 0x00000080 RX_LIM This register is used to configure the maximum entries that CHANNEL%s can receive. 0 9 read-write SYS_CONF RMT apb configuration register 0xC0 0x20 0x05000010 APB_FIFO_MASK 1'h1: access memory directly. 1'h0: access memory by FIFO. 0 1 read-write MEM_CLK_FORCE_ON Set this bit to enable the clock for RMT memory. 1 1 read-write MEM_FORCE_PD Set this bit to power down RMT memory. 2 1 read-write MEM_FORCE_PU 1: Disable RMT memory light sleep power down function. 0: Power down RMT memory when RMT is in light sleep mode. 3 1 read-write SCLK_DIV_NUM the integral part of the fractional divisor 4 8 read-write SCLK_DIV_A the numerator of the fractional part of the fractional divisor 12 6 read-write SCLK_DIV_B the denominator of the fractional part of the fractional divisor 18 6 read-write SCLK_SEL choose the clock source of rmt_sclk. 1:CLK_80Mhz;2:CLK_8MHz; 2:XTAL 24 2 read-write SCLK_ACTIVE rmt_sclk switch 26 1 read-write CLK_EN RMT register clock gate enable signal. 1: Power up the drive clock of registers. 0: Power down the drive clock of registers 31 1 read-write TX_SIM RMT TX synchronous register 0xC4 0x20 CH0 Set this bit to enable CHANNEL0 to start sending data synchronously with other enabled channels. 0 1 read-write CH1 Set this bit to enable CHANNEL1 to start sending data synchronously with other enabled channels. 1 1 read-write CH2 Set this bit to enable CHANNEL2 to start sending data synchronously with other enabled channels. 2 1 read-write CH3 Set this bit to enable CHANNEL3 to start sending data synchronously with other enabled channels. 3 1 read-write EN This register is used to enable multiple of channels to start sending data synchronously. 4 1 read-write REF_CNT_RST RMT clock divider reset register 0xC8 0x20 8 0x1 TX_REF_CNT_RST_CH0,TX_REF_CNT_RST_CH1,TX_REF_CNT_RST_CH2,TX_REF_CNT_RST_CH3,RX_REF_CNT_RST_CH4,RX_REF_CNT_RST_CH5,RX_REF_CNT_RST_CH6,RX_REF_CNT_RST_CH7 CH%s This register is used to reset the clock divider of CHANNEL0. 0 1 write-only DATE RMT version register 0xCC 0x20 0x02101181 DATE This is the version register. 0 28 read-write RNG Hardware random number generator RNG 0x60034F6C 0x0 0x4 registers DATA Random number data 0x110 0x20 RSA RSA (Rivest Shamir Adleman) Accelerator RSA 0x6003C000 0x0 0x834 registers RSA 76 512 0x1 M_MEM[%s] Memory M 0x0 0x8 512 0x1 Z_MEM[%s] Memory Z 0x200 0x8 512 0x1 Y_MEM[%s] Memory Y 0x400 0x8 512 0x1 X_MEM[%s] Memory X 0x600 0x8 M_PRIME RSA M' register 0x800 0x20 M_PRIME Stores M' 0 32 read-write MODE RSA length mode register 0x804 0x20 MODE Stores the RSA length mode 0 7 read-write CLEAN RSA clean register 0x808 0x20 CLEAN The content of this bit is 1 when memories complete initialization. 0 1 read-only MODEXP_START Modular exponentiation trigger register. 0x80C 0x20 MODEXP_START Set this bit to 1 to start the modular exponentiation. 0 1 write-only MODMULT_START Modular multiplication trigger register. 0x810 0x20 MODMULT_START Set this bit to 1 to start the modular multiplication 0 1 write-only MULT_START Normal multiplication trigger register. 0x814 0x20 MULT_START Set this bit to 1 to start the multiplicaiton. 0 1 write-only IDLE RSA idle register 0x818 0x20 IDLE The content of this bit is 1 when the RSA accelerator is idle. 0 1 read-only CLEAR_INTERRUPT RSA interrupt clear register 0x81C 0x20 CLEAR_INTERRUPT set this bit to 1 to clear the RSA interrupt. 0 1 write-only CONSTANT_TIME CONSTANT_TIME option control register 0x820 0x20 0x00000001 CONSTANT_TIME Controls the CONSTANT_TIME option. 0: acceleration. 1: no acceleration(by default). 0 1 read-write SEARCH_ENABLE SEARCH option enable register 0x824 0x20 SEARCH_ENABLE Controls the SEARCH option. 0: no acceleration(by default). 1: acceleration. 0 1 read-write SEARCH_POS RSA search position configure register 0x828 0x20 SEARCH_POS This field is used to configure the starting search position when the acceleration option of SEARCH is used. 0 12 read-write INTERRUPT_ENA RSA interrupt enable register 0x82C 0x20 INTERRUPT_ENA Set this bit to 1 to enable the RSA interrupt. This option is enabled by default. 0 1 read-write DATE RSA version control register 0x830 0x20 0x20191231 DATE rsa version information 0 30 read-write RTC_CNTL Real Time Controller RTC_CNTL 0x60008000 0x0 0x15C registers RTC_CORE 39 OPTIONS0 RTC common configure register 0x0 0x20 0x1C00A000 SW_STALL_APPCPU_C0 {reg_sw_stall_appcpu_c1[5:0], reg_sw_stall_appcpu_c0[1:0]} == 0x86 will stall APP CPU 0 2 read-write SW_STALL_PROCPU_C0 {reg_sw_stall_procpu_c1[5:0], reg_sw_stall_procpu_c0[1:0]} == 0x86 will stall PRO CPU 2 2 read-write SW_APPCPU_RST APP CPU SW reset 4 1 write-only SW_PROCPU_RST PRO CPU SW reset 5 1 write-only BB_I2C_FORCE_PD BB_I2C force power down 6 1 read-write BB_I2C_FORCE_PU BB_I2C force power up 7 1 read-write BBPLL_I2C_FORCE_PD BB_PLL _I2C force power down 8 1 read-write BBPLL_I2C_FORCE_PU BB_PLL_I2C force power up 9 1 read-write BBPLL_FORCE_PD BB_PLL force power down 10 1 read-write BBPLL_FORCE_PU BB_PLL force power up 11 1 read-write XTL_FORCE_PD crystall force power down 12 1 read-write XTL_FORCE_PU crystall force power up 13 1 read-write XTL_EN_WAIT wait bias_sleep and current source wakeup 14 4 read-write XTL_FORCE_ISO No public 23 1 read-write PLL_FORCE_ISO No public 24 1 read-write ANALOG_FORCE_ISO No public 25 1 read-write XTL_FORCE_NOISO No public 26 1 read-write PLL_FORCE_NOISO No public 27 1 read-write ANALOG_FORCE_NOISO No public 28 1 read-write DG_WRAP_FORCE_RST digital wrap force reset in deep sleep 29 1 read-write DG_WRAP_FORCE_NORST digital core force no reset in deep sleep 30 1 read-write SW_SYS_RST SW system reset 31 1 write-only SLP_TIMER0 configure min sleep time 0x4 0x20 SLP_VAL_LO RTC sleep timer low 32 bits 0 32 read-write SLP_TIMER1 configure sleep time hi 0x8 0x20 SLP_VAL_HI RTC sleep timer high 16 bits 0 16 read-write MAIN_TIMER_ALARM_EN timer alarm enable bit 16 1 write-only TIME_UPDATE update rtc main timer 0xC 0x20 TIMER_SYS_STALL Enable to record system stall time 27 1 read-write TIMER_XTL_OFF Enable to record 40M XTAL OFF time 28 1 read-write TIMER_SYS_RST enable to record system reset time 29 1 read-write TIME_UPDATE Set 1: to update register with RTC timer 31 1 write-only TIME_LOW0 read rtc_main timer low bits 0x10 0x20 TIMER_VALUE0_LOW RTC timer low 32 bits 0 32 read-only TIME_HIGH0 read rtc_main timer high bits 0x14 0x20 TIMER_VALUE0_HIGH RTC timer high 16 bits 0 16 read-only STATE0 configure chip sleep 0x18 0x20 SW_CPU_INT rtc software interrupt to main cpu 0 1 write-only SLP_REJECT_CAUSE_CLR clear rtc sleep reject cause 1 1 write-only APB2RTC_BRIDGE_SEL 1: APB to RTC using bridge, 0: APB to RTC using sync 22 1 read-write SDIO_ACTIVE_IND SDIO active indication 28 1 read-only SLP_WAKEUP leep wakeup bit 29 1 read-write SLP_REJECT leep reject bit 30 1 read-write SLEEP_EN sleep enable bit 31 1 read-write TIMER1 rtc state wait time 0x1C 0x20 0x28140403 CPU_STALL_EN CPU stall enable bit 0 1 read-write CPU_STALL_WAIT CPU stall wait cycles in fast_clk_rtc 1 5 read-write CK8M_WAIT CK8M wait cycles in slow_clk_rtc 6 8 read-write XTL_BUF_WAIT XTAL wait cycles in slow_clk_rtc 14 10 read-write PLL_BUF_WAIT PLL wait cycles in slow_clk_rtc 24 8 read-write TIMER2 rtc monitor state delay time 0x20 0x20 0x01080000 ULPCP_TOUCH_START_WAIT wait cycles in slow_clk_rtc before ULP-coprocessor / touch controller start to work 15 9 read-write MIN_TIME_CK8M_OFF minimal cycles in slow_clk_rtc for CK8M in power down state 24 8 read-write TIMER3 No public 0x24 0x20 0x14160A08 WIFI_WAIT_TIMER No public 0 9 read-write WIFI_POWERUP_TIMER No public 9 7 read-write BT_WAIT_TIMER No public 16 9 read-write BT_POWERUP_TIMER No public 25 7 read-write TIMER4 No public 0x28 0x20 0x10200A08 WAIT_TIMER No public 0 9 read-write POWERUP_TIMER No public 9 7 read-write DG_WRAP_WAIT_TIMER No public 16 9 read-write DG_WRAP_POWERUP_TIMER No public 25 7 read-write TIMER5 configure min sleep time 0x2C 0x20 0x00008000 MIN_SLP_VAL minimal sleep cycles in slow_clk_rtc 8 8 read-write TIMER6 No public 0x30 0x20 0x10200A08 CPU_TOP_WAIT_TIMER No public 0 9 read-write CPU_TOP_POWERUP_TIMER No public 9 7 read-write DG_PERI_WAIT_TIMER No public 16 9 read-write DG_PERI_POWERUP_TIMER No public 25 7 read-write ANA_CONF analog configure register 0x34 0x20 0x00440000 I2C_RESET_POR_FORCE_PD force down I2C_RESET_POR 18 1 read-write I2C_RESET_POR_FORCE_PU force on I2C_RESET_POR 19 1 read-write GLITCH_RST_EN enable clk glitch 20 1 read-write SAR_I2C_PU PLLA force power up 22 1 read-write ANALOG_TOP_ISO_SLEEP PLLA force power down 23 1 read-write ANALOG_TOP_ISO_MONITOR PLLA force power up 24 1 read-write BBPLL_CAL_SLP_START start BBPLL calibration during sleep 25 1 read-write PVTMON_PU 1: PVTMON power up, otherwise power down 26 1 read-write TXRF_I2C_PU 1: TXRF_I2C power up, otherwise power down 27 1 read-write RFRX_PBUS_PU 1: RFRX_PBUS power up, otherwise power down 28 1 read-write CKGEN_I2C_PU 1: CKGEN_I2C power up, otherwise power down 30 1 read-write PLL_I2C_PU power on pll i2c 31 1 read-write RESET_STATE get reset state 0x38 0x20 0x00003000 RESET_CAUSE_PROCPU reset cause of PRO CPU 0 6 read-only RESET_CAUSE_APPCPU reset cause of APP CPU 6 6 read-only APPCPU_STAT_VECTOR_SEL APP CPU state vector sel 12 1 read-write PROCPU_STAT_VECTOR_SEL PRO CPU state vector sel 13 1 read-write RESET_FLAG_PROCPU PRO CPU reset_flag 14 1 read-only RESET_FLAG_APPCPU APP CPU reset flag 15 1 read-only RESET_FLAG_PROCPU_CLR clear PRO CPU reset_flag 16 1 write-only RESET_FLAG_APPCPU_CLR clear APP CPU reset flag 17 1 write-only APPCPU_OCD_HALT_ON_RESET APPCPU OcdHaltOnReset 18 1 read-write PROCPU_OCD_HALT_ON_RESET PROCPU OcdHaltOnReset 19 1 read-write RESET_FLAG_JTAG_PROCPU jtag reset flag 20 1 read-only RESET_FLAG_JTAG_APPCPU jtag reset flag 21 1 read-only RESET_FLAG_JTAG_PROCPU_CLR clear jtag reset flag 22 1 write-only RESET_FLAG_JTAG_APPCPU_CLR clear jtag reset flag 23 1 write-only APP_DRESET_MASK bypass cpu1 dreset 24 1 read-write PRO_DRESET_MASK bypass cpu0 dreset 25 1 read-write WAKEUP_STATE configure wakeup state 0x3C 0x20 0x00060000 WAKEUP_ENA wakeup enable bitmap 15 17 read-write INT_ENA_RTC configure rtc interrupt register 0x40 0x20 SLP_WAKEUP_INT_ENA enable sleep wakeup interrupt 0 1 read-write SLP_REJECT_INT_ENA enable sleep reject interrupt 1 1 read-write SDIO_IDLE_INT_ENA enable SDIO idle interrupt 2 1 read-write WDT_INT_ENA enable RTC WDT interrupt 3 1 read-write TOUCH_SCAN_DONE_INT_ENA enable touch scan done interrupt 4 1 read-write ULP_CP_INT_ENA enable ULP-coprocessor interrupt 5 1 read-write TOUCH_DONE_INT_ENA enable touch done interrupt 6 1 read-write TOUCH_ACTIVE_INT_ENA enable touch active interrupt 7 1 read-write TOUCH_INACTIVE_INT_ENA enable touch inactive interrupt 8 1 read-write BROWN_OUT_INT_ENA enable brown out interrupt 9 1 read-write MAIN_TIMER_INT_ENA enable RTC main timer interrupt 10 1 read-write SARADC1_INT_ENA enable saradc1 interrupt 11 1 read-write TSENS_INT_ENA enable tsens interrupt 12 1 read-write COCPU_INT_ENA enable riscV cocpu interrupt 13 1 read-write SARADC2_INT_ENA enable saradc2 interrupt 14 1 read-write SWD_INT_ENA enable super watch dog interrupt 15 1 read-write XTAL32K_DEAD_INT_ENA enable xtal32k_dead interrupt 16 1 read-write COCPU_TRAP_INT_ENA enable cocpu trap interrupt 17 1 read-write TOUCH_TIMEOUT_INT_ENA enable touch timeout interrupt 18 1 read-write GLITCH_DET_INT_ENA enbale gitch det interrupt 19 1 read-write TOUCH_APPROACH_LOOP_DONE_INT_ENA touch approach mode loop interrupt 20 1 read-write INT_RAW_RTC rtc interrupt register 0x44 0x20 SLP_WAKEUP_INT_RAW sleep wakeup interrupt raw 0 1 read-only SLP_REJECT_INT_RAW sleep reject interrupt raw 1 1 read-only SDIO_IDLE_INT_RAW SDIO idle interrupt raw 2 1 read-only WDT_INT_RAW RTC WDT interrupt raw 3 1 read-only TOUCH_SCAN_DONE_INT_RAW enable touch scan done interrupt raw 4 1 read-only ULP_CP_INT_RAW ULP-coprocessor interrupt raw 5 1 read-only TOUCH_DONE_INT_RAW touch interrupt raw 6 1 read-only TOUCH_ACTIVE_INT_RAW touch active interrupt raw 7 1 read-only TOUCH_INACTIVE_INT_RAW touch inactive interrupt raw 8 1 read-only BROWN_OUT_INT_RAW brown out interrupt raw 9 1 read-only MAIN_TIMER_INT_RAW RTC main timer interrupt raw 10 1 read-only SARADC1_INT_RAW saradc1 interrupt raw 11 1 read-only TSENS_INT_RAW tsens interrupt raw 12 1 read-only COCPU_INT_RAW riscV cocpu interrupt raw 13 1 read-only SARADC2_INT_RAW saradc2 interrupt raw 14 1 read-only SWD_INT_RAW super watch dog interrupt raw 15 1 read-only XTAL32K_DEAD_INT_RAW xtal32k dead detection interrupt raw 16 1 read-only COCPU_TRAP_INT_RAW cocpu trap interrupt raw 17 1 read-only TOUCH_TIMEOUT_INT_RAW touch timeout interrupt raw 18 1 read-only GLITCH_DET_INT_RAW glitch_det_interrupt_raw 19 1 read-only TOUCH_APPROACH_LOOP_DONE_INT_RAW touch approach mode loop interrupt raw 20 1 read-write INT_ST_RTC rtc interrupt register 0x48 0x20 SLP_WAKEUP_INT_ST sleep wakeup interrupt state 0 1 read-only SLP_REJECT_INT_ST sleep reject interrupt state 1 1 read-only SDIO_IDLE_INT_ST SDIO idle interrupt state 2 1 read-only WDT_INT_ST RTC WDT interrupt state 3 1 read-only TOUCH_SCAN_DONE_INT_ST enable touch scan done interrupt raw 4 1 read-only ULP_CP_INT_ST ULP-coprocessor interrupt state 5 1 read-only TOUCH_DONE_INT_ST touch done interrupt state 6 1 read-only TOUCH_ACTIVE_INT_ST touch active interrupt state 7 1 read-only TOUCH_INACTIVE_INT_ST touch inactive interrupt state 8 1 read-only BROWN_OUT_INT_ST brown out interrupt state 9 1 read-only MAIN_TIMER_INT_ST RTC main timer interrupt state 10 1 read-only SARADC1_INT_ST saradc1 interrupt state 11 1 read-only TSENS_INT_ST tsens interrupt state 12 1 read-only COCPU_INT_ST riscV cocpu interrupt state 13 1 read-only SARADC2_INT_ST saradc2 interrupt state 14 1 read-only SWD_INT_ST super watch dog interrupt state 15 1 read-only XTAL32K_DEAD_INT_ST xtal32k dead detection interrupt state 16 1 read-only COCPU_TRAP_INT_ST cocpu trap interrupt state 17 1 read-only TOUCH_TIMEOUT_INT_ST Touch timeout interrupt state 18 1 read-only GLITCH_DET_INT_ST glitch_det_interrupt state 19 1 read-only TOUCH_APPROACH_LOOP_DONE_INT_ST touch approach mode loop interrupt state 20 1 read-only INT_CLR_RTC rtc interrupt register 0x4C 0x20 SLP_WAKEUP_INT_CLR Clear sleep wakeup interrupt state 0 1 write-only SLP_REJECT_INT_CLR Clear sleep reject interrupt state 1 1 write-only SDIO_IDLE_INT_CLR Clear SDIO idle interrupt state 2 1 write-only WDT_INT_CLR Clear RTC WDT interrupt state 3 1 write-only TOUCH_SCAN_DONE_INT_CLR clear touch scan done interrupt raw 4 1 write-only ULP_CP_INT_CLR Clear ULP-coprocessor interrupt state 5 1 write-only TOUCH_DONE_INT_CLR Clear touch done interrupt state 6 1 write-only TOUCH_ACTIVE_INT_CLR Clear touch active interrupt state 7 1 write-only TOUCH_INACTIVE_INT_CLR Clear touch inactive interrupt state 8 1 write-only BROWN_OUT_INT_CLR Clear brown out interrupt state 9 1 write-only MAIN_TIMER_INT_CLR Clear RTC main timer interrupt state 10 1 write-only SARADC1_INT_CLR Clear saradc1 interrupt state 11 1 write-only TSENS_INT_CLR Clear tsens interrupt state 12 1 write-only COCPU_INT_CLR Clear riscV cocpu interrupt state 13 1 write-only SARADC2_INT_CLR Clear saradc2 interrupt state 14 1 write-only SWD_INT_CLR Clear super watch dog interrupt state 15 1 write-only XTAL32K_DEAD_INT_CLR Clear RTC WDT interrupt state 16 1 write-only COCPU_TRAP_INT_CLR Clear cocpu trap interrupt state 17 1 write-only TOUCH_TIMEOUT_INT_CLR Clear touch timeout interrupt state 18 1 write-only GLITCH_DET_INT_CLR Clear glitch det interrupt state 19 1 write-only TOUCH_APPROACH_LOOP_DONE_INT_CLR cleartouch approach mode loop interrupt state 20 1 write-only STORE0 Reserved register 0x50 0x20 SCRATCH0 Reserved register 0 32 read-write STORE1 Reserved register 0x54 0x20 SCRATCH1 Reserved register 0 32 read-write STORE2 Reserved register 0x58 0x20 SCRATCH2 Reserved register 0 32 read-write STORE3 Reserved register 0x5C 0x20 SCRATCH3 Reserved register 0 32 read-write EXT_XTL_CONF Reserved register 0x60 0x20 0x00066C80 XTAL32K_WDT_EN xtal 32k watch dog enable 0 1 read-write XTAL32K_WDT_CLK_FO xtal 32k watch dog clock force on 1 1 read-write XTAL32K_WDT_RESET xtal 32k watch dog sw reset 2 1 read-write XTAL32K_EXT_CLK_FO xtal 32k external xtal clock force on 3 1 read-write XTAL32K_AUTO_BACKUP xtal 32k switch to back up clock when xtal is dead 4 1 read-write XTAL32K_AUTO_RESTART xtal 32k restart xtal when xtal is dead 5 1 read-write XTAL32K_AUTO_RETURN xtal 32k switch back xtal when xtal is restarted 6 1 read-write XTAL32K_XPD_FORCE Xtal 32k xpd control by sw or fsm 7 1 read-write ENCKINIT_XTAL_32K apply an internal clock to help xtal 32k to start 8 1 read-write DBUF_XTAL_32K 0: single-end buffer 1: differential buffer 9 1 read-write DGM_XTAL_32K xtal_32k gm control 10 3 read-write DRES_XTAL_32K DRES_XTAL_32K 13 3 read-write XPD_XTAL_32K XPD_XTAL_32K 16 1 read-write DAC_XTAL_32K DAC_XTAL_32K 17 3 read-write WDT_STATE state of 32k_wdt 20 3 read-only XTAL32K_GPIO_SEL XTAL_32K sel. 0: external XTAL_32K, 1: CLK from RTC pad X32P_C 23 1 read-write XTL_EXT_CTR_LV 0: power down XTAL at high level, 1: power down XTAL at low level 30 1 read-write XTL_EXT_CTR_EN Reserved register 31 1 read-write EXT_WAKEUP_CONF ext wakeup configure 0x64 0x20 GPIO_WAKEUP_FILTER enable filter for gpio wakeup event 29 1 read-write EXT_WAKEUP0_LV 0: external wakeup at low level, 1: external wakeup at high level 30 1 read-write EXT_WAKEUP1_LV 0: external wakeup at low level, 1: external wakeup at high level 31 1 read-write SLP_REJECT_CONF reject sleep register 0x68 0x20 SLEEP_REJECT_ENA sleep reject enable 12 18 read-write LIGHT_SLP_REJECT_EN enable reject for light sleep 30 1 read-write DEEP_SLP_REJECT_EN enable reject for deep sleep 31 1 read-write CPU_PERIOD_CONF conigure cpu freq 0x6C 0x20 CPUSEL_CONF CPU sel option 29 1 read-write CPUPERIOD_SEL conigure cpu freq 30 2 read-write SDIO_ACT_CONF No public 0x70 0x20 SDIO_ACT_DNUM No public 22 10 read-write CLK_CONF configure clock register 0x74 0x20 0x1158321C EFUSE_CLK_FORCE_GATING force efuse clk gating 1 1 read-write EFUSE_CLK_FORCE_NOGATING force efuse clk nogating 2 1 read-write CK8M_DIV_SEL_VLD used to sync reg_ck8m_div_sel bus. Clear vld before set reg_ck8m_div_sel, then set vld to actually switch the clk 3 1 read-write CK8M_DIV CK8M_D256_OUT divider. 00: div128, 01: div256, 10: div512, 11: div1024. 4 2 read-write ENB_CK8M disable CK8M and CK8M_D256_OUT 6 1 read-write ENB_CK8M_DIV 1: CK8M_D256_OUT is actually CK8M, 0: CK8M_D256_OUT is CK8M divided by 256 7 1 read-write DIG_XTAL32K_EN enable CK_XTAL_32K for digital core (no relationship with RTC core) 8 1 read-write DIG_CLK8M_D256_EN enable CK8M_D256_OUT for digital core (no relationship with RTC core) 9 1 read-write DIG_CLK8M_EN enable CK8M for digital core (no relationship with RTC core) 10 1 read-write CK8M_DIV_SEL divider = reg_ck8m_div_sel + 1 12 3 read-write XTAL_FORCE_NOGATING XTAL force no gating during sleep 15 1 read-write CK8M_FORCE_NOGATING CK8M force no gating during sleep 16 1 read-write CK8M_DFREQ CK8M_DFREQ 17 8 read-write CK8M_FORCE_PD CK8M force power down 25 1 read-write CK8M_FORCE_PU CK8M force power up 26 1 read-write XTAL_GLOBAL_FORCE_GATING force global xtal gating 27 1 read-write XTAL_GLOBAL_FORCE_NOGATING force global xtal no gating 28 1 read-write FAST_CLK_RTC_SEL fast_clk_rtc sel. 0: XTAL div 4, 1: CK8M 29 1 read-write ANA_CLK_RTC_SEL select slow clock 30 2 read-write SLOW_CLK_CONF configure slow clk 0x78 0x20 0x00400000 ANA_CLK_DIV_VLD used to sync div bus. clear vld before set reg_rtc_ana_clk_div, then set vld to actually switch the clk 22 1 read-write ANA_CLK_DIV rtc clk div 23 8 read-write SLOW_CLK_NEXT_EDGE No public 31 1 read-write SDIO_CONF configure flash power 0x7C 0x20 0x0AB0BE0A SDIO_TIMER_TARGET timer count to apply reg_sdio_dcap after sdio power on 0 8 read-write SDIO_DTHDRV Tieh = 1 mode drive ability. Initially set to 0 to limit charge current, set to 3 after several us. 9 2 read-write SDIO_DCAP ability to prevent LDO from overshoot 11 2 read-write SDIO_INITI add resistor from ldo output to ground. 0: no res, 1: 6k,2:4k,3:2k 13 2 read-write SDIO_EN_INITI 0 to set init[1:0]=0 15 1 read-write SDIO_DCURLIM tune current limit threshold when tieh = 0. About 800mA/(8+d) 16 3 read-write SDIO_MODECURLIM select current limit mode 19 1 read-write SDIO_ENCURLIM enable current limit 20 1 read-write SDIO_REG_PD_EN power down SDIO_REG in sleep. Only active when reg_sdio_force = 0 21 1 read-write SDIO_FORCE 1: use SW option to control SDIO_REG, 0: use state machine 22 1 read-write SDIO_TIEH SW option for SDIO_TIEH. Only active when reg_sdio_force = 1 23 1 read-write REG1P8_READY read only register for REG1P8_READY 24 1 read-only DREFL_SDIO SW option for DREFL_SDIO. Only active when reg_sdio_force = 1 25 2 read-write DREFM_SDIO SW option for DREFM_SDIO. Only active when reg_sdio_force = 1 27 2 read-write DREFH_SDIO SW option for DREFH_SDIO. Only active when reg_sdio_force = 1 29 2 read-write XPD_SDIO power on flash regulator 31 1 read-write BIAS_CONF No public 0x80 0x20 0x00010800 BIAS_BUF_IDLE No public 10 1 read-write BIAS_BUF_WAKE No public 11 1 read-write BIAS_BUF_DEEP_SLP No public 12 1 read-write BIAS_BUF_MONITOR No public 13 1 read-write PD_CUR_DEEP_SLP xpd cur when rtc in sleep_state 14 1 read-write PD_CUR_MONITOR xpd cur when rtc in monitor state 15 1 read-write BIAS_SLEEP_DEEP_SLP bias_sleep when rtc in sleep_state 16 1 read-write BIAS_SLEEP_MONITOR bias_sleep when rtc in monitor state 17 1 read-write DBG_ATTEN_DEEP_SLP DBG_ATTEN when rtc in sleep state 18 4 read-write DBG_ATTEN_MONITOR DBG_ATTEN when rtc in monitor state 22 4 read-write DBG_ATTEN_WAKEUP No public 26 4 read-write RTC configure rtc regulator 0x84 0x20 0xA0000000 DIG_REG_CAL_EN enable dig regulator cali 7 1 read-write SCK_DCAP SCK_DCAP 14 8 read-write DBOOST_FORCE_PD RTC_DBOOST force power down 28 1 read-write DBOOST_FORCE_PU RTC_DBOOST force power up 29 1 read-write REGULATOR_FORCE_PD RTC_REG force power down (for RTC_REG power down means decrease the voltage to 0.8v or lower ) 30 1 read-write REGULATOR_FORCE_PU RTC_REG force power on (for RTC_REG power down means decrease the voltage to 0.8v or lower ) 31 1 read-write PWC configure rtc power 0x88 0x20 0x00000925 FASTMEM_FORCE_NOISO Fast RTC memory force no ISO 0 1 read-write FASTMEM_FORCE_ISO Fast RTC memory force ISO 1 1 read-write SLOWMEM_FORCE_NOISO RTC memory force no ISO 2 1 read-write SLOWMEM_FORCE_ISO RTC memory force ISO 3 1 read-write FORCE_ISO rtc_peri force ISO 4 1 read-write FORCE_NOISO rtc_peri force no ISO 5 1 read-write FASTMEM_FOLW_CPU 1: Fast RTC memory PD following CPU, 0: fast RTC memory PD following RTC state machine 6 1 read-write FASTMEM_FORCE_LPD Fast RTC memory force PD 7 1 read-write FASTMEM_FORCE_LPU Fast RTC memory force no PD 8 1 read-write SLOWMEM_FOLW_CPU 1: RTC memory PD following CPU, 0: RTC memory PD following RTC state machine 9 1 read-write SLOWMEM_FORCE_LPD RTC memory force PD 10 1 read-write SLOWMEM_FORCE_LPU RTC memory force no PD 11 1 read-write FORCE_PD rtc_peri force power down 18 1 read-write FORCE_PU rtc_peri force power up 19 1 read-write PD_EN enable power down rtc_peri in sleep 20 1 read-write PAD_FORCE_HOLD rtc pad force hold 21 1 read-write REGULATOR_DRV_CTRL No public 0x8C 0x20 REGULATOR_DRV_B_MONITOR No public 0 6 read-write REGULATOR_DRV_B_SLP No public 6 6 read-write DG_VDD_DRV_B_SLP No public 12 8 read-write DG_VDD_DRV_B_MONITOR No public 20 8 read-write DIG_PWC configure digital power 0x90 0x20 0x00545010 LSLP_MEM_FORCE_PD memories in digital core force PD in sleep 3 1 read-write LSLP_MEM_FORCE_PU memories in digital core force no PD in sleep 4 1 read-write BT_FORCE_PD internal SRAM 2 force power down 11 1 read-write BT_FORCE_PU internal SRAM 2 force power up 12 1 read-write DG_PERI_FORCE_PD internal SRAM 3 force power down 13 1 read-write DG_PERI_FORCE_PU internal SRAM 3 force power up 14 1 read-write WIFI_FORCE_PD wifi force power down 17 1 read-write WIFI_FORCE_PU wifi force power up 18 1 read-write DG_WRAP_FORCE_PD digital core force power down 19 1 read-write DG_WRAP_FORCE_PU digital core force power up 20 1 read-write CPU_TOP_FORCE_PD digital dcdc force power down 21 1 read-write CPU_TOP_FORCE_PU digital dcdc force power up 22 1 read-write BT_PD_EN enable power down internal SRAM 2 in sleep 27 1 read-write DG_PERI_PD_EN enable power down internal SRAM 3 in sleep 28 1 read-write CPU_TOP_PD_EN enable power down internal SRAM 4 in sleep 29 1 read-write WIFI_PD_EN enable power down wifi in sleep 30 1 read-write DG_WRAP_PD_EN enable power down all digital logic 31 1 read-write DIG_ISO congigure digital power isolation 0x94 0x20 0xAA805080 FORCE_OFF No public 7 1 read-write FORCE_ON No public 8 1 read-write DG_PAD_AUTOHOLD read only register to indicate digital pad auto-hold status 9 1 read-only CLR_DG_PAD_AUTOHOLD wtite only register to clear digital pad auto-hold 10 1 write-only DG_PAD_AUTOHOLD_EN digital pad enable auto-hold 11 1 read-write DG_PAD_FORCE_NOISO digital pad force no ISO 12 1 read-write DG_PAD_FORCE_ISO digital pad force ISO 13 1 read-write DG_PAD_FORCE_UNHOLD digital pad force un-hold 14 1 read-write DG_PAD_FORCE_HOLD digital pad force hold 15 1 read-write BT_FORCE_ISO internal SRAM 2 force ISO 22 1 read-write BT_FORCE_NOISO internal SRAM 2 force no ISO 23 1 read-write DG_PERI_FORCE_ISO internal SRAM 3 force ISO 24 1 read-write DG_PERI_FORCE_NOISO internal SRAM 3 force no ISO 25 1 read-write CPU_TOP_FORCE_ISO internal SRAM 4 force ISO 26 1 read-write CPU_TOP_FORCE_NOISO internal SRAM 4 force no ISO 27 1 read-write WIFI_FORCE_ISO wifi force ISO 28 1 read-write WIFI_FORCE_NOISO wifi force no ISO 29 1 read-write DG_WRAP_FORCE_ISO digital core force ISO 30 1 read-write DG_WRAP_FORCE_NOISO digita core force no ISO 31 1 read-write WDTCONFIG0 configure rtc watch dog 0x98 0x20 0x00013214 WDT_CHIP_RESET_WIDTH chip reset siginal pulse width 0 8 read-write WDT_CHIP_RESET_EN wdt reset whole chip enable 8 1 read-write WDT_PAUSE_IN_SLP pause WDT in sleep 9 1 read-write WDT_APPCPU_RESET_EN enable WDT reset APP CPU 10 1 read-write WDT_PROCPU_RESET_EN enable WDT reset PRO CPU 11 1 read-write WDT_FLASHBOOT_MOD_EN enable WDT in flash boot 12 1 read-write WDT_SYS_RESET_LENGTH system reset counter length 13 3 read-write WDT_CPU_RESET_LENGTH CPU reset counter length 16 3 read-write WDT_STG3 1: interrupt stage en 2: CPU reset stage en 3: system reset stage en 4: RTC reset stage en 19 3 read-write WDT_STG2 1: interrupt stage en 2: CPU reset stage en 3: system reset stage en 4: RTC reset stage en 22 3 read-write WDT_STG1 1: interrupt stage en 2: CPU reset stage en 3: system reset stage en 4: RTC reset stage en 25 3 read-write WDT_STG0 1: interrupt stage en 2: CPU reset stage en 3: system reset stage en 4: RTC reset stage en 28 3 read-write WDT_EN enable rtc watch dog 31 1 read-write WDTCONFIG1 stage0 hold time 0x9C 0x20 0x00030D40 WDT_STG0_HOLD stage0 hold time 0 32 read-write WDTCONFIG2 stage1 hold time 0xA0 0x20 0x00013880 WDT_STG1_HOLD stage1 hold time 0 32 read-write WDTCONFIG3 stage2 hold time 0xA4 0x20 0x00000FFF WDT_STG2_HOLD stage2 hold time 0 32 read-write WDTCONFIG4 stage3 hold time 0xA8 0x20 0x00000FFF WDT_STG3_HOLD stage3 hold time 0 32 read-write WDTFEED rtc wdt feed 0xAC 0x20 WDT_FEED rtc wdt feed 31 1 write-only WDTWPROTECT configure rtc watch dog 0xB0 0x20 0x50D83AA1 WDT_WKEY rtc watch dog key 0 32 read-write SWD_CONF congfigure super watch dog 0xB4 0x20 0x04B00000 SWD_RESET_FLAG swd reset flag 0 1 read-only SWD_FEED_INT swd interrupt for feeding 1 1 read-only SWD_BYPASS_RST bypass super watch dog reset 17 1 read-write SWD_SIGNAL_WIDTH adjust signal width send to swd 18 10 read-write SWD_RST_FLAG_CLR reset swd reset flag 28 1 write-only SWD_FEED Sw feed swd 29 1 write-only SWD_DISABLE disabel SWD 30 1 read-write SWD_AUTO_FEED_EN automatically feed swd when int comes 31 1 read-write SWD_WPROTECT super watch dog key 0xB8 0x20 0x8F1D312A SWD_WKEY super watch dog key 0 32 read-write SW_CPU_STALL configure cpu stall by sw 0xBC 0x20 SW_STALL_APPCPU_C1 {reg_sw_stall_appcpu_c1[5:0], reg_sw_stall_appcpu_c0[1:0]} == 0x86 will stall APP CPU 20 6 read-write SW_STALL_PROCPU_C1 {reg_sw_stall_appcpu_c1[5:0], reg_sw_stall_appcpu_c0[1:0]} == 0x86 will stall APP CPU 26 6 read-write STORE4 reserved register 0xC0 0x20 SCRATCH4 reserved register 0 32 read-write STORE5 reserved register 0xC4 0x20 SCRATCH5 reserved register 0 32 read-write STORE6 reserved register 0xC8 0x20 SCRATCH6 reserved register 0 32 read-write STORE7 reserved register 0xCC 0x20 SCRATCH7 reserved register 0 32 read-write LOW_POWER_ST reserved register 0xD0 0x20 XPD_ROM0 rom0 power down 0 1 read-only XPD_DIG_DCDC External DCDC power down 2 1 read-only PERI_ISO rtc peripheral iso 3 1 read-only XPD_RTC_PERI rtc peripheral power down 4 1 read-only WIFI_ISO wifi iso 5 1 read-only XPD_WIFI wifi wrap power down 6 1 read-only DIG_ISO digital wrap iso 7 1 read-only XPD_DIG digital wrap power down 8 1 read-only TOUCH_STATE_START touch should start to work 9 1 read-only TOUCH_STATE_SWITCH touch is about to working. Switch rtc main state 10 1 read-only TOUCH_STATE_SLP touch is in sleep state 11 1 read-only TOUCH_STATE_DONE touch is done 12 1 read-only COCPU_STATE_START ulp/cocpu should start to work 13 1 read-only COCPU_STATE_SWITCH ulp/cocpu is about to working. Switch rtc main state 14 1 read-only COCPU_STATE_SLP ulp/cocpu is in sleep state 15 1 read-only COCPU_STATE_DONE ulp/cocpu is done 16 1 read-only MAIN_STATE_XTAL_ISO no use any more 17 1 read-only MAIN_STATE_PLL_ON rtc main state machine is in states that pll should be running 18 1 read-only RDY_FOR_WAKEUP rtc is ready to receive wake up trigger from wake up source 19 1 read-only MAIN_STATE_WAIT_END rtc main state machine has been waited for some cycles 20 1 read-only IN_WAKEUP_STATE rtc main state machine is in the states of wakeup process 21 1 read-only IN_LOW_POWER_STATE rtc main state machine is in the states of low power 22 1 read-only MAIN_STATE_IN_WAIT_8M rtc main state machine is in wait 8m state 23 1 read-only MAIN_STATE_IN_WAIT_PLL rtc main state machine is in wait pll state 24 1 read-only MAIN_STATE_IN_WAIT_XTL rtc main state machine is in wait xtal state 25 1 read-only MAIN_STATE_IN_SLP rtc main state machine is in sleep state 26 1 read-only MAIN_STATE_IN_IDLE rtc main state machine is in idle state 27 1 read-only MAIN_STATE rtc main state machine status 28 4 read-only DIAG0 No public 0xD4 0x20 LOW_POWER_DIAG1 No public 0 32 read-only PAD_HOLD rtc pad hold configure 0xD8 0x20 TOUCH_PAD0_HOLD hold rtc pad0 0 1 read-write TOUCH_PAD1_HOLD hold rtc pad-1 1 1 read-write TOUCH_PAD2_HOLD hold rtc pad-2 2 1 read-write TOUCH_PAD3_HOLD hold rtc pad-3 3 1 read-write TOUCH_PAD4_HOLD hold rtc pad-4 4 1 read-write TOUCH_PAD5_HOLD hold rtc pad-5 5 1 read-write TOUCH_PAD6_HOLD hold rtc pad-6 6 1 read-write TOUCH_PAD7_HOLD hold rtc pad-7 7 1 read-write TOUCH_PAD8_HOLD hold rtc pad-8 8 1 read-write TOUCH_PAD9_HOLD hold rtc pad-9 9 1 read-write TOUCH_PAD10_HOLD hold rtc pad-10 10 1 read-write TOUCH_PAD11_HOLD hold rtc pad-11 11 1 read-write TOUCH_PAD12_HOLD hold rtc pad-12 12 1 read-write TOUCH_PAD13_HOLD hold rtc pad-13 13 1 read-write TOUCH_PAD14_HOLD hold rtc pad-14 14 1 read-write X32P_HOLD hold rtc pad-15 15 1 read-write X32N_HOLD hold rtc pad-16 16 1 read-write PDAC1_HOLD hold rtc pad-17 17 1 read-write PDAC2_HOLD hold rtc pad-18 18 1 read-write PAD19_HOLD hold rtc pad-19 19 1 read-write PAD20_HOLD hold rtc pad-20 20 1 read-write PAD21_HOLD hold rtc pad-21 21 1 read-write DIG_PAD_HOLD configure digtal pad hold 0xDC 0x20 DIG_PAD_HOLD configure digtal pad hold 0 32 read-write EXT_WAKEUP1 configure ext1 wakeup 0xE0 0x20 EXT_WAKEUP1_SEL Bitmap to select RTC pads for ext wakeup1 0 22 read-write EXT_WAKEUP1_STATUS_CLR clear ext wakeup1 status 22 1 write-only EXT_WAKEUP1_STATUS check ext wakeup1 status 0xE4 0x20 EXT_WAKEUP1_STATUS ext wakeup1 status 0 22 read-only BROWN_OUT congfigure brownout 0xE8 0x20 0x43FF0010 BROWN_OUT_INT_WAIT brown out interrupt wait cycles 4 10 read-write BROWN_OUT_CLOSE_FLASH_ENA enable close flash when brown out happens 14 1 read-write BROWN_OUT_PD_RF_ENA enable power down RF when brown out happens 15 1 read-write BROWN_OUT_RST_WAIT brown out reset wait cycles 16 10 read-write BROWN_OUT_RST_ENA enable brown out reset 26 1 read-write BROWN_OUT_RST_SEL 1: 4-pos reset, 0: sys_reset 27 1 read-write BROWN_OUT_ANA_RST_EN enable brown out reset en 28 1 read-write BROWN_OUT_CNT_CLR clear brown out counter 29 1 write-only BROWN_OUT_ENA enable brown out 30 1 read-write DET get brown out detect 31 1 read-only TIME_LOW1 RTC timer low 32 bits 0xEC 0x20 TIMER_VALUE1_LOW RTC timer low 32 bits 0 32 read-only TIME_HIGH1 RTC timer high 16 bits 0xF0 0x20 TIMER_VALUE1_HIGH RTC timer high 16 bits 0 16 read-only XTAL32K_CLK_FACTOR xtal 32k watch dog backup clock factor 0xF4 0x20 XTAL32K_CLK_FACTOR xtal 32k watch dog backup clock factor 0 32 read-write XTAL32K_CONF configure xtal32k 0xF8 0x20 0x0FF00000 XTAL32K_RETURN_WAIT cycles to wait to return noral xtal 32k 0 4 read-write XTAL32K_RESTART_WAIT cycles to wait to repower on xtal 32k 4 16 read-write XTAL32K_WDT_TIMEOUT If no clock detected for this amount of time 32k is regarded as dead 20 8 read-write XTAL32K_STABLE_THRES if restarted xtal32k period is smaller than this, it is regarded as stable 28 4 read-write ULP_CP_TIMER configure ulp 0xFC 0x20 ULP_CP_PC_INIT ULP-coprocessor PC initial address 0 11 read-write ULP_CP_GPIO_WAKEUP_ENA ULP-coprocessor wakeup by GPIO enable 29 1 read-write ULP_CP_GPIO_WAKEUP_CLR ULP-coprocessor wakeup by GPIO state clear 30 1 write-only ULP_CP_SLP_TIMER_EN ULP-coprocessor timer enable bit 31 1 read-write ULP_CP_CTRL configure ulp 0x100 0x20 0x00100200 ULP_CP_MEM_ADDR_INIT No public 0 11 read-write ULP_CP_MEM_ADDR_SIZE No public 11 11 read-write ULP_CP_MEM_OFFST_CLR No public 22 1 write-only ULP_CP_CLK_FO ulp coprocessor clk force on 28 1 read-write ULP_CP_RESET ulp coprocessor clk software reset 29 1 read-write ULP_CP_FORCE_START_TOP 1: ULP-coprocessor is started by SW 30 1 read-write ULP_CP_START_TOP Write 1 to start ULP-coprocessor 31 1 read-write COCPU_CTRL configure ulp-riscv 0x104 0x20 0x008A0810 COCPU_CLK_FO cocpu clk force on 0 1 read-write COCPU_START_2_RESET_DIS time from start cocpu to pull down reset 1 6 read-write COCPU_START_2_INTR_EN time from start cocpu to give start interrupt 7 6 read-write COCPU_SHUT to shut cocpu 13 1 read-write COCPU_SHUT_2_CLK_DIS time from shut cocpu to disable clk 14 8 read-write COCPU_SHUT_RESET_EN to reset cocpu 22 1 read-write COCPU_SEL 1: old ULP 0: new riscV 23 1 read-write COCPU_DONE_FORCE 1: select riscv done 0: select ulp done 24 1 read-write COCPU_DONE done signal used by riscv to control timer. 25 1 read-write COCPU_SW_INT_TRIGGER trigger cocpu register interrupt 26 1 write-only COCPU_CLKGATE_EN open ulp-riscv clk gate 27 1 read-write TOUCH_CTRL1 configure touch controller 0x108 0x20 0x10000100 TOUCH_SLEEP_CYCLES sleep cycles for timer 0 16 read-write TOUCH_MEAS_NUM the meas length (in 8MHz) 16 16 read-write TOUCH_CTRL2 configure touch controller 0x10C 0x20 0x000840CC TOUCH_DRANGE TOUCH_DRANGE 2 2 read-write TOUCH_DREFL TOUCH_DREFL 4 2 read-write TOUCH_DREFH TOUCH_DREFH 6 2 read-write TOUCH_XPD_BIAS TOUCH_XPD_BIAS 8 1 read-write TOUCH_REFC TOUCH pad0 reference cap 9 3 read-write TOUCH_DBIAS 1:use self bias 0:use bandgap bias 12 1 read-write TOUCH_SLP_TIMER_EN touch timer enable bit 13 1 read-write TOUCH_START_FSM_EN 1: TOUCH_START & TOUCH_XPD is controlled by touch fsm 14 1 read-write TOUCH_START_EN 1: start touch fsm 15 1 read-write TOUCH_START_FORCE 1: to start touch fsm by SW 16 1 read-write TOUCH_XPD_WAIT the waiting cycles (in 8MHz) between TOUCH_START and TOUCH_XPD 17 8 read-write TOUCH_SLP_CYC_DIV when a touch pad is active sleep cycle could be divided by this number 25 2 read-write TOUCH_TIMER_FORCE_DONE force touch timer done 27 2 read-write TOUCH_RESET reset upgrade touch 29 1 read-write TOUCH_CLK_FO touch clock force on 30 1 read-write TOUCH_CLKGATE_EN touch clock enable 31 1 read-write TOUCH_SCAN_CTRL configure touch controller 0x110 0x20 0xF0000102 TOUCH_DENOISE_RES De-noise resolution: 12/10/8/4 bit 0 2 read-write TOUCH_DENOISE_EN touch pad0 will be used to de-noise 2 1 read-write TOUCH_INACTIVE_CONNECTION inactive touch pads connect to 1: gnd 0: HighZ 8 1 read-write TOUCH_SHIELD_PAD_EN touch pad14 will be used as shield 9 1 read-write TOUCH_SCAN_PAD_MAP touch scan mode pad enable map 10 15 read-write TOUCH_BUFDRV touch7 buffer driver strength 25 3 read-write TOUCH_OUT_RING select out ring pad 28 4 read-write TOUCH_SLP_THRES configure touch controller 0x114 0x20 0x78000000 TOUCH_SLP_TH the threshold for sleep touch pad 0 22 read-write TOUCH_SLP_APPROACH_EN sleep pad approach function enable 26 1 read-write TOUCH_SLP_PAD configure which pad as slp pad 27 5 read-write TOUCH_APPROACH configure touch controller 0x118 0x20 0x50000000 TOUCH_SLP_CHANNEL_CLR clear touch slp channel 23 1 write-only TOUCH_APPROACH_MEAS_TIME approach pads total meas times 24 8 read-write TOUCH_FILTER_CTRL configure touch controller 0x11C 0x20 0x96AA8800 TOUCH_BYPASS_NEG_NOISE_THRES bypass neg noise thres 7 1 read-write TOUCH_BYPASS_NOISE_THRES bypaas noise thres 8 1 read-write TOUCH_SMOOTH_LVL smooth filter factor 9 2 read-write TOUCH_JITTER_STEP touch jitter step 11 4 read-write TOUCH_NEG_NOISE_LIMIT negative threshold counter limit 15 4 read-write TOUCH_NEG_NOISE_THRES neg noise thres 19 2 read-write TOUCH_NOISE_THRES noise thres 21 2 read-write TOUCH_HYSTERESIS hysteresis 23 2 read-write TOUCH_DEBOUNCE debounce counter 25 3 read-write TOUCH_FILTER_MODE 0: IIR ? 1: IIR ? 2: IIR 1/8 3: Jitter 28 3 read-write TOUCH_FILTER_EN touch filter enable 31 1 read-write USB_CONF usb configure 0x120 0x20 USB_VREFH reg_usb_vrefh 0 2 read-write USB_VREFL reg_usb_vrefl 2 2 read-write USB_VREF_OVERRIDE reg_usb_vref_override 4 1 read-write USB_PAD_PULL_OVERRIDE reg_usb_pad_pull_override 5 1 read-write USB_DP_PULLUP reg_usb_dp_pullup 6 1 read-write USB_DP_PULLDOWN reg_usb_dp_pulldown 7 1 read-write USB_DM_PULLUP reg_usb_dm_pullup 8 1 read-write USB_DM_PULLDOWN reg_usb_dm_pulldown 9 1 read-write USB_PULLUP_VALUE reg_usb_pullup_value 10 1 read-write USB_PAD_ENABLE_OVERRIDE reg_usb_pad_enable_override 11 1 read-write USB_PAD_ENABLE reg_usb_pad_enable 12 1 read-write USB_TXM reg_usb_txm 13 1 read-write USB_TXP reg_usb_txp 14 1 read-write USB_TX_EN reg_usb_tx_en 15 1 read-write USB_TX_EN_OVERRIDE reg_usb_tx_en_override 16 1 read-write USB_RESET_DISABLE reg_usb_reset_disable 17 1 read-write IO_MUX_RESET_DISABLE reg_io_mux_reset_disable 18 1 read-write SW_USB_PHY_SEL reg_sw_usb_phy_sel 19 1 read-write SW_HW_USB_PHY_SEL reg_sw_hw_usb_phy_sel 20 1 read-write TOUCH_TIMEOUT_CTRL configure touch controller 0x124 0x20 0x007FFFFF TOUCH_TIMEOUT_NUM configure touch timerout time 0 22 read-write TOUCH_TIMEOUT_EN enable touch timerout 22 1 read-write SLP_REJECT_CAUSE get reject casue 0x128 0x20 REJECT_CAUSE sleep reject cause 0 18 read-only OPTION1 rtc common configure 0x12C 0x20 FORCE_DOWNLOAD_BOOT force chip entry download boot by sw 0 1 read-write SLP_WAKEUP_CAUSE get wakeup cause 0x130 0x20 WAKEUP_CAUSE sleep wakeup cause 0 17 read-only ULP_CP_TIMER_1 configure ulp sleep time 0x134 0x20 0x0000C800 ULP_CP_TIMER_SLP_CYCLE sleep cycles for ULP-coprocessor timer 8 24 read-write INT_ENA_RTC_W1TS oneset rtc interrupt 0x138 0x20 SLP_WAKEUP_INT_ENA_W1TS enable sleep wakeup interrupt 0 1 write-only SLP_REJECT_INT_ENA_W1TS enable sleep reject interrupt 1 1 write-only SDIO_IDLE_INT_ENA_W1TS enable SDIO idle interrupt 2 1 write-only WDT_INT_ENA_W1TS enable RTC WDT interrupt 3 1 write-only TOUCH_SCAN_DONE_INT_ENA_W1TS enable touch scan done interrupt 4 1 write-only ULP_CP_INT_ENA_W1TS enable ULP-coprocessor interrupt 5 1 write-only TOUCH_DONE_INT_ENA_W1TS enable touch done interrupt 6 1 write-only TOUCH_ACTIVE_INT_ENA_W1TS enable touch active interrupt 7 1 write-only TOUCH_INACTIVE_INT_ENA_W1TS enable touch inactive interrupt 8 1 write-only BROWN_OUT_INT_ENA_W1TS enable brown out interrupt 9 1 write-only MAIN_TIMER_INT_ENA_W1TS enable RTC main timer interrupt 10 1 write-only SARADC1_INT_ENA_W1TS enable saradc1 interrupt 11 1 write-only TSENS_INT_ENA_W1TS enable tsens interrupt 12 1 write-only COCPU_INT_ENA_W1TS enable riscV cocpu interrupt 13 1 write-only SARADC2_INT_ENA_W1TS enable saradc2 interrupt 14 1 write-only SWD_INT_ENA_W1TS enable super watch dog interrupt 15 1 write-only XTAL32K_DEAD_INT_ENA_W1TS enable xtal32k_dead interrupt 16 1 write-only COCPU_TRAP_INT_ENA_W1TS enable cocpu trap interrupt 17 1 write-only TOUCH_TIMEOUT_INT_ENA_W1TS enable touch timeout interrupt 18 1 write-only GLITCH_DET_INT_ENA_W1TS enbale gitch det interrupt 19 1 write-only TOUCH_APPROACH_LOOP_DONE_INT_ENA_W1TS enbale touch approach_loop done interrupt 20 1 write-only INT_ENA_RTC_W1TC oneset clr rtc interrupt enable 0x13C 0x20 SLP_WAKEUP_INT_ENA_W1TC enable sleep wakeup interrupt 0 1 write-only SLP_REJECT_INT_ENA_W1TC enable sleep reject interrupt 1 1 write-only SDIO_IDLE_INT_ENA_W1TC enable SDIO idle interrupt 2 1 write-only WDT_INT_ENA_W1TC enable RTC WDT interrupt 3 1 write-only TOUCH_SCAN_DONE_INT_ENA_W1TC enable touch scan done interrupt 4 1 write-only ULP_CP_INT_ENA_W1TC enable ULP-coprocessor interrupt 5 1 write-only TOUCH_DONE_INT_ENA_W1TC enable touch done interrupt 6 1 write-only TOUCH_ACTIVE_INT_ENA_W1TC enable touch active interrupt 7 1 write-only TOUCH_INACTIVE_INT_ENA_W1TC enable touch inactive interrupt 8 1 write-only BROWN_OUT_INT_ENA_W1TC enable brown out interrupt 9 1 write-only MAIN_TIMER_INT_ENA_W1TC enable RTC main timer interrupt 10 1 write-only SARADC1_INT_ENA_W1TC enable saradc1 interrupt 11 1 write-only TSENS_INT_ENA_W1TC enable tsens interrupt 12 1 write-only COCPU_INT_ENA_W1TC enable riscV cocpu interrupt 13 1 write-only SARADC2_INT_ENA_W1TC enable saradc2 interrupt 14 1 write-only SWD_INT_ENA_W1TC enable super watch dog interrupt 15 1 write-only XTAL32K_DEAD_INT_ENA_W1TC enable xtal32k_dead interrupt 16 1 write-only COCPU_TRAP_INT_ENA_W1TC enable cocpu trap interrupt 17 1 write-only TOUCH_TIMEOUT_INT_ENA_W1TC enable touch timeout interrupt 18 1 write-only GLITCH_DET_INT_ENA_W1TC enbale gitch det interrupt 19 1 write-only TOUCH_APPROACH_LOOP_DONE_INT_ENA_W1TC enbale touch approach_loop done interrupt 20 1 write-only RETENTION_CTRL configure retention 0x140 0x20 0x28340000 RETENTION_TAG_MODE No public 10 4 read-write RETENTION_TARGET congfigure retention target cpu and/or tag 14 2 read-write RETENTION_CLK_SEL No public 16 1 read-write RETENTION_DONE_WAIT wait retention done cycle 17 3 read-write RETENTION_CLKOFF_WAIT wait clk off cycle 20 4 read-write RETENTION_EN enable retention 24 1 read-write RETENTION_WAIT wait cycles for rention operation 25 7 read-write PG_CTRL configure power glitch 0x144 0x20 POWER_GLITCH_DSENSE GLITCH_DSENSE 26 2 read-write POWER_GLITCH_FORCE_PD force power glitch disable 28 1 read-write POWER_GLITCH_FORCE_PU force power glitch enable 29 1 read-write POWER_GLITCH_EFUSE_SEL select use analog fib signal 30 1 read-write POWER_GLITCH_EN enable power glitch 31 1 read-write FIB_SEL No public 0x148 0x20 0x00000007 FIB_SEL No public 0 3 read-write TOUCH_DAC configure touch dac 0x14C 0x20 TOUCH_PAD9_DAC configure touch pad dac9 2 3 read-write TOUCH_PAD8_DAC configure touch pad dac8 5 3 read-write TOUCH_PAD7_DAC configure touch pad dac7 8 3 read-write TOUCH_PAD6_DAC configure touch pad dac6 11 3 read-write TOUCH_PAD5_DAC configure touch pad dac5 14 3 read-write TOUCH_PAD4_DAC configure touch pad dac4 17 3 read-write TOUCH_PAD3_DAC configure touch pad dac3 20 3 read-write TOUCH_PAD2_DAC configure touch pad dac2 23 3 read-write TOUCH_PAD1_DAC configure touch pad dac1 26 3 read-write TOUCH_PAD0_DAC configure touch pad dac0 29 3 read-write TOUCH_DAC1 configure touch dac 0x150 0x20 TOUCH_PAD14_DAC configure touch pad dac14 17 3 read-write TOUCH_PAD13_DAC configure touch pad dac13 20 3 read-write TOUCH_PAD12_DAC configure touch pad dac12 23 3 read-write TOUCH_PAD11_DAC configure touch pad dac11 26 3 read-write TOUCH_PAD10_DAC configure touch pad dac10 29 3 read-write COCPU_DISABLE configure ulp diable 0x154 0x20 DISABLE_RTC_CPU configure ulp diable 31 1 read-write DATE version register 0x1FC 0x20 0x02101271 DATE version register 0 28 read-write RTC_I2C Peripheral RTC_I2C RTC_I2C 0x60008C00 0x0 0x7C registers SCL_LOW configure low scl period 0x0 0x20 0x00000100 PERIOD time period that scl =0 0 20 read-write CTRL configure i2c ctrl 0x4 0x20 SDA_FORCE_OUT 1=push pull,0=open drain 0 1 read-write SCL_FORCE_OUT 1=push pull,0=open drain 1 1 read-write MS_MODE 1=master,0=slave 2 1 read-write TRANS_START force start 3 1 read-write TX_LSB_FIRST transit lsb first 4 1 read-write RX_LSB_FIRST receive lsb first 5 1 read-write I2C_CTRL_CLK_GATE_EN configure i2c ctrl clk enable 29 1 read-write I2C_RESET rtc i2c sw reset 30 1 read-write I2CCLK_EN rtc i2c reg clk gating 31 1 read-write STATUS get i2c status 0x8 0x20 ACK_REC ack response 0 1 read-only SLAVE_RW slave read or write 1 1 read-only ARB_LOST arbitration is lost 2 1 read-only BUS_BUSY bus is busy 3 1 read-only SLAVE_ADDRESSED slave reg sub address 4 1 read-only BYTE_TRANS One byte transit done 5 1 read-only OP_CNT which operation is working 6 2 read-only SHIFT shifter content 16 8 read-only SCL_MAIN_STATE_LAST i2c last main status 24 3 read-only SCL_STATE_LAST scl last status 28 3 read-only TO configure time out 0xC 0x20 0x00010000 TIME_OUT time out threshold 0 20 read-write SLAVE_ADDR configure slave id 0x10 0x20 SLAVE_ADDR slave address 0 15 read-write ADDR_10BIT_EN i2c 10bit mode enable 31 1 read-write SCL_HIGH configure high scl period 0x14 0x20 0x00000100 PERIOD time period that scl = 1 0 20 read-write SDA_DUTY configure sda duty 0x18 0x20 0x00000010 NUM time period for SDA to toggle after SCL goes low 0 20 read-write SCL_START_PERIOD configure scl start period 0x1C 0x20 0x00000008 SCL_START_PERIOD time period for SCL to toggle after I2C start is triggered 0 20 read-write SCL_STOP_PERIOD configure scl stop period 0x20 0x20 0x00000008 SCL_STOP_PERIOD time period for SCL to stop after I2C end is triggered 0 20 read-write INT_CLR interrupt clear register 0x24 0x20 SLAVE_TRAN_COMP_INT_CLR clear slave transit complete interrupt 0 1 write-only ARBITRATION_LOST_INT_CLR clear arbitration lost interrupt 1 1 write-only MASTER_TRAN_COMP_INT_CLR clear master transit complete interrupt 2 1 write-only TRANS_COMPLETE_INT_CLR clear transit complete interrupt 3 1 write-only TIME_OUT_INT_CLR clear time out interrupt 4 1 write-only ACK_ERR_INT_CLR clear ack error interrupt 5 1 write-only RX_DATA_INT_CLR clear receive data interrupt 6 1 write-only TX_DATA_INT_CLR clear transit load data complete interrupt 7 1 write-only DETECT_START_INT_CLR clear detect start interrupt 8 1 write-only INT_RAW interrupt raw register 0x28 0x20 SLAVE_TRAN_COMP_INT_RAW slave transit complete interrupt raw 0 1 read-only ARBITRATION_LOST_INT_RAW arbitration lost interrupt raw 1 1 read-only MASTER_TRAN_COMP_INT_RAW master transit complete interrupt raw 2 1 read-only TRANS_COMPLETE_INT_RAW transit complete interrupt raw 3 1 read-only TIME_OUT_INT_RAW time out interrupt raw 4 1 read-only ACK_ERR_INT_RAW ack error interrupt raw 5 1 read-only RX_DATA_INT_RAW receive data interrupt raw 6 1 read-only TX_DATA_INT_RAW transit data interrupt raw 7 1 read-only DETECT_START_INT_RAW detect start interrupt raw 8 1 read-only INT_ST interrupt state register 0x2C 0x20 SLAVE_TRAN_COMP_INT_ST slave transit complete interrupt state 0 1 read-only ARBITRATION_LOST_INT_ST arbitration lost interrupt state 1 1 read-only MASTER_TRAN_COMP_INT_ST master transit complete interrupt state 2 1 read-only TRANS_COMPLETE_INT_ST transit complete interrupt state 3 1 read-only TIME_OUT_INT_ST time out interrupt state 4 1 read-only ACK_ERR_INT_ST ack error interrupt state 5 1 read-only RX_DATA_INT_ST receive data interrupt state 6 1 read-only TX_DATA_INT_ST transit data interrupt state 7 1 read-only DETECT_START_INT_ST detect start interrupt state 8 1 read-only INT_ENA interrupt enable register 0x30 0x20 SLAVE_TRAN_COMP_INT_ENA enable slave transit complete interrupt 0 1 read-write ARBITRATION_LOST_INT_ENA enable arbitration lost interrupt 1 1 read-write MASTER_TRAN_COMP_INT_ENA enable master transit complete interrupt 2 1 read-write TRANS_COMPLETE_INT_ENA enable transit complete interrupt 3 1 read-write TIME_OUT_INT_ENA enable time out interrupt 4 1 read-write ACK_ERR_INT_ENA enable eack error interrupt 5 1 read-write RX_DATA_INT_ENA enable receive data interrupt 6 1 read-write TX_DATA_INT_ENA enable transit data interrupt 7 1 read-write DETECT_START_INT_ENA enable detect start interrupt 8 1 read-write DATA get i2c data status 0x34 0x20 I2C_RDATA data received 0 8 read-only SLAVE_TX_DATA data sent by slave 8 8 read-write I2C_DONE i2c done 31 1 read-only CMD0 i2c commond0 register 0x38 0x20 0x00000903 COMMAND0 command0 0 14 read-write COMMAND0_DONE command0_done 31 1 read-only CMD1 i2c commond1 register 0x3C 0x20 0x00001901 COMMAND1 command1 0 14 read-write COMMAND1_DONE command1_done 31 1 read-only CMD2 i2c commond2 register 0x40 0x20 0x00000902 COMMAND2 command2 0 14 read-write COMMAND2_DONE command2_done 31 1 read-only CMD3 i2c commond3 register 0x44 0x20 0x00000101 COMMAND3 command3 0 14 read-write COMMAND3_DONE command3_done 31 1 read-only CMD4 i2c commond4 register 0x48 0x20 0x00000901 COMMAND4 command4 0 14 read-write COMMAND4_DONE command4_done 31 1 read-only CMD5 i2c commond5_register 0x4C 0x20 0x00001701 COMMAND5 command5 0 14 read-write COMMAND5_DONE command5_done 31 1 read-only CMD6 i2c commond6 register 0x50 0x20 0x00001901 COMMAND6 command6 0 14 read-write COMMAND6_DONE command6_done 31 1 read-only CMD7 i2c commond7 register 0x54 0x20 0x00000904 COMMAND7 command7 0 14 read-write COMMAND7_DONE command7_done 31 1 read-only CMD8 i2c commond8 register 0x58 0x20 0x00001901 COMMAND8 command8 0 14 read-write COMMAND8_DONE command8_done 31 1 read-only CMD9 i2c commond9 register 0x5C 0x20 0x00000903 COMMAND9 command9 0 14 read-write COMMAND9_DONE command9_done 31 1 read-only CMD10 i2c commond10 register 0x60 0x20 0x00000101 COMMAND10 command10 0 14 read-write COMMAND10_DONE command10_done 31 1 read-only CMD11 i2c commond11 register 0x64 0x20 0x00000901 COMMAND11 command11 0 14 read-write COMMAND11_DONE command11_done 31 1 read-only CMD12 i2c commond12 register 0x68 0x20 0x00001701 COMMAND12 command12 0 14 read-write COMMAND12_DONE command12_done 31 1 read-only CMD13 i2c commond13 register 0x6C 0x20 0x00001901 COMMAND13 command13 0 14 read-write COMMAND13_DONE command13_done 31 1 read-only CMD14 i2c commond14 register 0x70 0x20 COMMAND14 command14 0 14 read-write COMMAND14_DONE command14_done 31 1 read-only CMD15 i2c commond15 register 0x74 0x20 COMMAND15 command15 0 14 read-write COMMAND15_DONE command15_done 31 1 read-only DATE version register 0xFC 0x20 0x01905310 I2C_DATE version 0 28 read-write RTCIO Peripheral RTC_IO RTC_IO 0x60008400 0x0 0xF0 registers RTC_GPIO_OUT RTC GPIO 0 ~ 21 output data register 0x0 0x20 DATA RTC GPIO 0 ~ 21 output data 10 22 read-write RTC_GPIO_OUT_W1TS one set RTC GPIO output data 0x4 0x20 RTC_GPIO_OUT_DATA_W1TS RTC GPIO 0 ~ 21 output data write 1 to set 10 22 write-only RTC_GPIO_OUT_W1TC one clear RTC GPIO output data 0x8 0x20 RTC_GPIO_OUT_DATA_W1TC RTC GPIO 0 ~ 21 output data write 1 to clear 10 22 write-only RTC_GPIO_ENABLE Configure RTC GPIO output enable 0xC 0x20 RTC_GPIO_ENABLE RTC GPIO 0 ~ 21 enable 10 22 read-write RTC_GPIO_ENABLE_W1TS one set RTC GPIO output enable 0x10 0x20 RTC_GPIO_ENABLE_W1TS RTC GPIO 0 ~ 21 enable write 1 to set 10 22 write-only ENABLE_W1TC one clear RTC GPIO output enable 0x14 0x20 ENABLE_W1TC RTC GPIO 0 ~ 21 enable write 1 to clear 10 22 write-only RTC_GPIO_STATUS RTC GPIO 0 ~ 21 interrupt status 0x18 0x20 INT RTC GPIO 0 ~ 21 interrupt status 10 22 read-write RTC_GPIO_STATUS_W1TS One set RTC GPIO 0 ~ 21 interrupt status 0x1C 0x20 RTC_GPIO_STATUS_INT_W1TS RTC GPIO 0 ~ 21 interrupt status write 1 to set 10 22 write-only RTC_GPIO_STATUS_W1TC One clear RTC GPIO 0 ~ 21 interrupt status 0x20 0x20 RTC_GPIO_STATUS_INT_W1TC RTC GPIO 0 ~ 21 interrupt status write 1 to clear 10 22 write-only RTC_GPIO_IN RTC GPIO input data 0x24 0x20 NEXT RTC GPIO input data 10 22 read-only 22 0x4 0-21 PIN%s configure RTC GPIO%s 0x28 0x20 PAD_DRIVER if set to 0: normal output, if set to 1: open drain 2 1 read-write INT_TYPE if set to 0: GPIO interrupt disable, if set to 1: rising edge trigger, if set to 2: falling edge trigger, if set to 3: any edge trigger, if set to 4: low level trigger, if set to 5: high level trigger 7 3 read-write WAKEUP_ENABLE RTC GPIO wakeup enable bit 10 1 read-write RTC_DEBUG_SEL configure rtc debug 0x80 0x20 RTC_DEBUG_SEL0 configure rtc debug 0 5 read-write RTC_DEBUG_SEL1 configure rtc debug 5 5 read-write RTC_DEBUG_SEL2 configure rtc debug 10 5 read-write RTC_DEBUG_SEL3 configure rtc debug 15 5 read-write RTC_DEBUG_SEL4 configure rtc debug 20 5 read-write RTC_DEBUG_12M_NO_GATING configure rtc debug 25 1 read-write TOUCH_PAD0 configure RTC PAD0 0x84 0x20 0x50000000 FUN_IE input enable in work mode 13 1 read-write SLP_OE output enable in sleep mode 14 1 read-write SLP_IE input enable in sleep mode 15 1 read-write SLP_SEL 1: enable sleep mode during sleep,0: no sleep mode 16 1 read-write FUN_SEL function sel 17 2 read-write MUX_SEL 1: use RTC GPIO,0: use digital GPIO 19 1 read-write XPD TOUCH_XPD 20 1 read-write TIE_OPT TOUCH_TIE_OPT 21 1 read-write START TOUCH_START 22 1 read-write RUE RUE 27 1 read-write RDE RDE 28 1 read-write DRV DRV 29 2 read-write TOUCH_PAD1 configure RTC PAD1 0x88 0x20 0x48000000 FUN_IE input enable in work mode 13 1 read-write SLP_OE output enable in sleep mode 14 1 read-write SLP_IE input enable in sleep mode 15 1 read-write SLP_SEL 1: enable sleep mode during sleep,0: no sleep mode 16 1 read-write FUN_SEL function sel 17 2 read-write MUX_SEL 1: use RTC GPIO,0: use digital GPIO 19 1 read-write XPD TOUCH_XPD 20 1 read-write TIE_OPT TOUCH_TIE_OPT 21 1 read-write START TOUCH_START 22 1 read-write RUE RUE 27 1 read-write RDE RDE 28 1 read-write DRV DRV 29 2 read-write TOUCH_PAD2 configure RTC PAD2 0x8C 0x20 0x50000000 FUN_IE input enable in work mode 13 1 read-write SLP_OE output enable in sleep mode 14 1 read-write SLP_IE input enable in sleep mode 15 1 read-write SLP_SEL 1: enable sleep mode during sleep,0: no sleep mode 16 1 read-write FUN_SEL function sel 17 2 read-write MUX_SEL 1: use RTC GPIO,0: use digital GPIO 19 1 read-write XPD TOUCH_XPD 20 1 read-write TIE_OPT TOUCH_TIE_OPT 21 1 read-write START TOUCH_START 22 1 read-write RUE RUE 27 1 read-write RDE RDE 28 1 read-write DRV DRV 29 2 read-write TOUCH_PAD3 configure RTC PAD3 0x90 0x20 0x48000000 FUN_IE input enable in work mode 13 1 read-write SLP_OE output enable in sleep mode 14 1 read-write SLP_IE input enable in sleep mode 15 1 read-write SLP_SEL 1: enable sleep mode during sleep,0: no sleep mode 16 1 read-write FUN_SEL function sel 17 2 read-write MUX_SEL 1: use RTC GPIO,0: use digital GPIO 19 1 read-write XPD TOUCH_XPD 20 1 read-write TIE_OPT TOUCH_TIE_OPT 21 1 read-write START TOUCH_START 22 1 read-write RUE RUE 27 1 read-write RDE RDE 28 1 read-write DRV DRV 29 2 read-write TOUCH_PAD4 configure RTC PAD4 0x94 0x20 0x50000000 FUN_IE input enable in work mode 13 1 read-write SLP_OE output enable in sleep mode 14 1 read-write SLP_IE input enable in sleep mode 15 1 read-write SLP_SEL 1: enable sleep mode during sleep,0: no sleep mode 16 1 read-write FUN_SEL function sel 17 2 read-write MUX_SEL 1: use RTC GPIO,0: use digital GPIO 19 1 read-write XPD TOUCH_XPD 20 1 read-write TIE_OPT TOUCH_TIE_OPT 21 1 read-write START TOUCH_START 22 1 read-write RUE RUE 27 1 read-write RDE RDE 28 1 read-write DRV DRV 29 2 read-write TOUCH_PAD5 configure RTC PAD5 0x98 0x20 0x50000000 FUN_IE input enable in work mode 13 1 read-write SLP_OE output enable in sleep mode 14 1 read-write SLP_IE input enable in sleep mode 15 1 read-write SLP_SEL 1: enable sleep mode during sleep,0: no sleep mode 16 1 read-write FUN_SEL function sel 17 2 read-write MUX_SEL 1: use RTC GPIO,0: use digital GPIO 19 1 read-write XPD TOUCH_XPD 20 1 read-write TIE_OPT TOUCH_TIE_OPT 21 1 read-write START TOUCH_START 22 1 read-write RUE RUE 27 1 read-write RDE RDE 28 1 read-write DRV DRV 29 2 read-write TOUCH_PAD6 configure RTC PAD6 0x9C 0x20 0x48000000 FUN_IE input enable in work mode 13 1 read-write SLP_OE output enable in sleep mode 14 1 read-write SLP_IE input enable in sleep mode 15 1 read-write SLP_SEL 1: enable sleep mode during sleep,0: no sleep mode 16 1 read-write FUN_SEL function sel 17 2 read-write MUX_SEL 1: use RTC GPIO,0: use digital GPIO 19 1 read-write XPD TOUCH_XPD 20 1 read-write TIE_OPT TOUCH_TIE_OPT 21 1 read-write START TOUCH_START 22 1 read-write RUE RUE 27 1 read-write RDE RDE 28 1 read-write DRV DRV 29 2 read-write TOUCH_PAD7 configure RTC PAD7 0xA0 0x20 0x40000000 FUN_IE input enable in work mode 13 1 read-write SLP_OE output enable in sleep mode 14 1 read-write SLP_IE input enable in sleep mode 15 1 read-write SLP_SEL 1: enable sleep mode during sleep,0: no sleep mode 16 1 read-write FUN_SEL function sel 17 2 read-write MUX_SEL 1: use RTC GPIO,0: use digital GPIO 19 1 read-write XPD TOUCH_XPD 20 1 read-write TIE_OPT TOUCH_TIE_OPT 21 1 read-write START TOUCH_START 22 1 read-write RUE RUE 27 1 read-write RDE RDE 28 1 read-write DRV DRV 29 2 read-write TOUCH_PAD8 configure RTC PAD8 0xA4 0x20 0x40000000 FUN_IE input enable in work mode 13 1 read-write SLP_OE output enable in sleep mode 14 1 read-write SLP_IE input enable in sleep mode 15 1 read-write SLP_SEL 1: enable sleep mode during sleep,0: no sleep mode 16 1 read-write FUN_SEL function sel 17 2 read-write MUX_SEL 1: use RTC GPIO,0: use digital GPIO 19 1 read-write XPD TOUCH_XPD 20 1 read-write TIE_OPT TOUCH_TIE_OPT 21 1 read-write START TOUCH_START 22 1 read-write RUE RUE 27 1 read-write RDE RDE 28 1 read-write DRV DRV 29 2 read-write TOUCH_PAD9 configure RTC PAD9 0xA8 0x20 0x40000000 FUN_IE input enable in work mode 13 1 read-write SLP_OE output enable in sleep mode 14 1 read-write SLP_IE input enable in sleep mode 15 1 read-write SLP_SEL 1: enable sleep mode during sleep,0: no sleep mode 16 1 read-write FUN_SEL function sel 17 2 read-write MUX_SEL 1: use RTC GPIO,0: use digital GPIO 19 1 read-write XPD TOUCH_XPD 20 1 read-write TIE_OPT TOUCH_TIE_OPT 21 1 read-write START TOUCH_START 22 1 read-write RUE RUE 27 1 read-write RDE RDE 28 1 read-write DRV DRV 29 2 read-write TOUCH_PAD10 configure RTC PAD10 0xAC 0x20 0x40000000 FUN_IE input enable in work mode 13 1 read-write SLP_OE output enable in sleep mode 14 1 read-write SLP_IE input enable in sleep mode 15 1 read-write SLP_SEL 1: enable sleep mode during sleep,0: no sleep mode 16 1 read-write FUN_SEL function sel 17 2 read-write MUX_SEL 1: use RTC GPIO,0: use digital GPIO 19 1 read-write XPD TOUCH_XPD 20 1 read-write TIE_OPT TOUCH_TIE_OPT 21 1 read-write START TOUCH_START 22 1 read-write RUE RUE 27 1 read-write RDE RDE 28 1 read-write DRV DRV 29 2 read-write TOUCH_PAD11 configure RTC PAD11 0xB0 0x20 0x40000000 FUN_IE input enable in work mode 13 1 read-write SLP_OE output enable in sleep mode 14 1 read-write SLP_IE input enable in sleep mode 15 1 read-write SLP_SEL 1: enable sleep mode during sleep,0: no sleep mode 16 1 read-write FUN_SEL function sel 17 2 read-write MUX_SEL 1: use RTC GPIO,0: use digital GPIO 19 1 read-write XPD TOUCH_XPD 20 1 read-write TIE_OPT TOUCH_TIE_OPT 21 1 read-write START TOUCH_START 22 1 read-write RUE RUE 27 1 read-write RDE RDE 28 1 read-write DRV DRV 29 2 read-write TOUCH_PAD12 configure RTC PAD12 0xB4 0x20 0x40000000 FUN_IE input enable in work mode 13 1 read-write SLP_OE output enable in sleep mode 14 1 read-write SLP_IE input enable in sleep mode 15 1 read-write SLP_SEL 1: enable sleep mode during sleep,0: no sleep mode 16 1 read-write FUN_SEL function sel 17 2 read-write MUX_SEL 1: use RTC GPIO,0: use digital GPIO 19 1 read-write XPD TOUCH_XPD 20 1 read-write TIE_OPT TOUCH_TIE_OPT 21 1 read-write START TOUCH_START 22 1 read-write RUE RUE 27 1 read-write RDE RDE 28 1 read-write DRV DRV 29 2 read-write TOUCH_PAD13 configure RTC PAD13 0xB8 0x20 0x40000000 FUN_IE input enable in work mode 13 1 read-write SLP_OE output enable in sleep mode 14 1 read-write SLP_IE input enable in sleep mode 15 1 read-write SLP_SEL 1: enable sleep mode during sleep,0: no sleep mode 16 1 read-write FUN_SEL function sel 17 2 read-write MUX_SEL 1: use RTC GPIO,0: use digital GPIO 19 1 read-write XPD TOUCH_XPD 20 1 read-write TIE_OPT TOUCH_TIE_OPT 21 1 read-write START TOUCH_START 22 1 read-write RUE RUE 27 1 read-write RDE RDE 28 1 read-write DRV DRV 29 2 read-write TOUCH_PAD14 configure RTC PAD14 0xBC 0x20 0x40000000 FUN_IE input enable in work mode 13 1 read-write SLP_OE output enable in sleep mode 14 1 read-write SLP_IE input enable in sleep mode 15 1 read-write SLP_SEL 1: enable sleep mode during sleep,0: no sleep mode 16 1 read-write FUN_SEL function sel 17 2 read-write MUX_SEL 1: use RTC GPIO,0: use digital GPIO 19 1 read-write XPD TOUCH_XPD 20 1 read-write TIE_OPT TOUCH_TIE_OPT 21 1 read-write START TOUCH_START 22 1 read-write RUE RUE 27 1 read-write RDE RDE 28 1 read-write DRV DRV 29 2 read-write XTAL_32P_PAD configure RTC PAD15 0xC0 0x20 0x40000000 X32P_FUN_IE input enable in work mode 13 1 read-write X32P_SLP_OE output enable in sleep mode 14 1 read-write X32P_SLP_IE input enable in sleep mode 15 1 read-write X32P_SLP_SEL 1: enable sleep mode during sleep,0: no sleep mode 16 1 read-write X32P_FUN_SEL function sel 17 2 read-write X32P_MUX_SEL 1: use RTC GPIO,0: use digital GPIO 19 1 read-write X32P_RUE RUE 27 1 read-write X32P_RDE RDE 28 1 read-write X32P_DRV DRV 29 2 read-write XTAL_32N_PAD configure RTC PAD16 0xC4 0x20 0x40000000 X32N_FUN_IE input enable in work mode 13 1 read-write X32N_SLP_OE output enable in sleep mode 14 1 read-write X32N_SLP_IE input enable in sleep mode 15 1 read-write X32N_SLP_SEL 1: enable sleep mode during sleep,0: no sleep mode 16 1 read-write X32N_FUN_SEL function sel 17 2 read-write X32N_MUX_SEL 1: use RTC GPIO,0: use digital GPIO 19 1 read-write X32N_RUE RUE 27 1 read-write X32N_RDE RDE 28 1 read-write X32N_DRV DRV 29 2 read-write PAD_DAC1 configure RTC PAD17 0xC8 0x20 0x40000000 PDAC1_DAC PDAC1_DAC 3 8 read-write PDAC1_XPD_DAC PDAC1_XPD_DAC 11 1 read-write PDAC1_DAC_XPD_FORCE 1: use reg_pdac1_xpd_dac to control PDAC1_XPD_DAC,0: use SAR ADC FSM to control PDAC1_XPD_DAC 12 1 read-write PDAC1_FUN_IE input enable in work mode 13 1 read-write PDAC1_SLP_OE output enable in sleep mode 14 1 read-write PDAC1_SLP_IE input enable in sleep mode 15 1 read-write PDAC1_SLP_SEL 1: enable sleep mode during sleep,0: no sleep mode 16 1 read-write PDAC1_FUN_SEL PDAC1 function sel 17 2 read-write PDAC1_MUX_SEL 1: use RTC GPIO,0: use digital GPIO 19 1 read-write PDAC1_RUE PDAC1_RUE 27 1 read-write PDAC1_RDE PDAC1_RDE 28 1 read-write PDAC1_DRV PDAC1_DRV 29 2 read-write PAD_DAC2 configure RTC PAD18 0xCC 0x20 0x40000000 PDAC2_DAC PDAC2_DAC 3 8 read-write PDAC2_XPD_DAC PDAC2_XPD_DAC 11 1 read-write PDAC2_DAC_XPD_FORCE 1: use reg_pdac2_xpd_dac to control PDAC2_XPD_DAC,0: use SAR ADC FSM to control PDAC2_XPD_DAC 12 1 read-write PDAC2_FUN_IE input enable in work mode 13 1 read-write PDAC2_SLP_OE output enable in sleep mode 14 1 read-write PDAC2_SLP_IE input enable in sleep mode 15 1 read-write PDAC2_SLP_SEL 1: enable sleep mode during sleep,0: no sleep mode 16 1 read-write PDAC2_FUN_SEL PDAC1 function sel 17 2 read-write PDAC2_MUX_SEL 1: use RTC GPIO,0: use digital GPIO 19 1 read-write PDAC2_RUE PDAC2_RUE 27 1 read-write PDAC2_RDE PDAC2_RDE 28 1 read-write PDAC2_DRV PDAC2_DRV 29 2 read-write RTC_PAD19 configure RTC PAD19 0xD0 0x20 0x50000000 FUN_IE input enable in work mode 13 1 read-write SLP_OE output enable in sleep mode 14 1 read-write SLP_IE input enable in sleep mode 15 1 read-write SLP_SEL 1: enable sleep mode during sleep,0: no sleep mode 16 1 read-write FUN_SEL function sel 17 2 read-write MUX_SEL 1: use RTC GPIO,0: use digital GPIO 19 1 read-write RUE RUE 27 1 read-write RDE RDE 28 1 read-write DRV DRV 29 2 read-write RTC_PAD20 configure RTC PAD20 0xD4 0x20 0x50000000 FUN_IE input enable in work mode 13 1 read-write SLP_OE output enable in sleep mode 14 1 read-write SLP_IE input enable in sleep mode 15 1 read-write SLP_SEL 1: enable sleep mode during sleep,0: no sleep mode 16 1 read-write FUN_SEL function sel 17 2 read-write MUX_SEL 1: use RTC GPIO,0: use digital GPIO 19 1 read-write RUE RUE 27 1 read-write RDE RDE 28 1 read-write DRV DRV 29 2 read-write RTC_PAD21 configure RTC PAD21 0xD8 0x20 0x50000000 FUN_IE input enable in work mode 13 1 read-write SLP_OE output enable in sleep mode 14 1 read-write SLP_IE input enable in sleep mode 15 1 read-write SLP_SEL 1: enable sleep mode during sleep,0: no sleep mode 16 1 read-write FUN_SEL function sel 17 2 read-write MUX_SEL 1: use RTC GPIO,0: use digital GPIO 19 1 read-write RUE RUE 27 1 read-write RDE RDE 28 1 read-write DRV DRV 29 2 read-write EXT_WAKEUP0 configure EXT0 wakeup 0xDC 0x20 SEL ******* Description configure*** 27 5 read-write XTL_EXT_CTR configure gpio pd XTAL 0xE0 0x20 SEL select RTC GPIO 0 ~ 17 to control XTAL 27 5 read-write SAR_I2C_IO configure rtc i2c mux 0xE4 0x20 SAR_DEBUG_BIT_SEL ******* Description configure*** 23 5 read-write SAR_I2C_SCL_SEL ******* Description configure*** 28 2 read-write SAR_I2C_SDA_SEL ******* Description configure*** 30 2 read-write TOUCH_CTRL configure touch pad bufmode 0xE8 0x20 IO_TOUCH_BUFSEL BUF_SEL when touch work without fsm 0 4 read-write IO_TOUCH_BUFMODE BUF_MODE when touch work without fsm 4 1 read-write DATE version 0x1FC 0x20 0x02101180 DATE version 0 28 read-write SENS Peripheral SENS SENS 0x60008800 0x0 0x11C registers SAR_READER1_CTRL configure saradc1 reader 0x0 0x20 0x20040002 SAR_SAR1_CLK_DIV clock divider 0 8 read-write SAR_SAR1_CLK_GATED no public 18 1 read-write SAR_SAR1_SAMPLE_NUM no public 19 8 read-write SAR_SAR1_DATA_INV Invert SAR ADC1 data 28 1 read-write SAR_SAR1_INT_EN enable saradc1 to send out interrupt 29 1 read-write SAR_READER1_STATUS get saradc1 reader controller status 0x4 0x20 SAR_SAR1_READER_STATUS get saradc1 reader controller status 0 32 read-only SAR_MEAS1_CTRL1 no public 0x8 0x20 SAR_FORCE_XPD_AMP no public 24 2 read-write SAR_AMP_RST_FB_FORCE no public 26 2 read-write SAR_AMP_SHORT_REF_FORCE no public 28 2 read-write SAR_AMP_SHORT_REF_GND_FORCE no public 30 2 read-write SAR_MEAS1_CTRL2 configure saradc1 controller 0xC 0x20 SAR_MEAS1_DATA_SAR SAR ADC1 data 0 16 read-only SAR_MEAS1_DONE_SAR SAR ADC1 conversion done indication 16 1 read-only SAR_MEAS1_START_SAR SAR ADC1 controller (in RTC) starts conversion 17 1 read-write SAR_MEAS1_START_FORCE 1: SAR ADC1 controller (in RTC) is started by SW 18 1 read-write SAR_SAR1_EN_PAD SAR ADC1 pad enable bitmap 19 12 read-write SAR_SAR1_EN_PAD_FORCE 1: SAR ADC1 pad enable bitmap is controlled by SW 31 1 read-write SAR_MEAS1_MUX configure saradc1 controller 0x10 0x20 SAR_SAR1_DIG_FORCE 1: SAR ADC1 controlled by DIG ADC1 CTRL 31 1 read-write SAR_ATTEN1 configure saradc1 controller 0x14 0x20 0xFFFFFFFF SAR_SAR1_ATTEN 2-bit attenuation for each pad 0 32 read-write SAR_AMP_CTRL1 no public 0x18 0x20 0x000A000A SAR_AMP_WAIT1 no public 0 16 read-write SAR_AMP_WAIT2 no public 16 16 read-write SAR_AMP_CTRL2 no public 0x1C 0x20 0x000A0000 SAR_SAR1_DAC_XPD_FSM_IDLE no public 0 1 read-write SAR_XPD_SAR_AMP_FSM_IDLE no public 1 1 read-write SAR_AMP_RST_FB_FSM_IDLE no public 2 1 read-write SAR_AMP_SHORT_REF_FSM_IDLE no public 3 1 read-write SAR_AMP_SHORT_REF_GND_FSM_IDLE no public 4 1 read-write SAR_XPD_SAR_FSM_IDLE no public 5 1 read-write SAR_RSTB_FSM_IDLE no public 6 1 read-write SAR_AMP_WAIT3 no public 16 16 read-write SAR_AMP_CTRL3 no public 0x20 0x20 0x007338F3 SAR_SAR1_DAC_XPD_FSM no public 0 4 read-write SAR_XPD_SAR_AMP_FSM no public 4 4 read-write SAR_AMP_RST_FB_FSM no public 8 4 read-write SAR_AMP_SHORT_REF_FSM no public 12 4 read-write SAR_AMP_SHORT_REF_GND_FSM no public 16 4 read-write SAR_XPD_SAR_FSM no public 20 4 read-write SAR_RSTB_FSM no public 24 4 read-write SAR_READER2_CTRL configure saradc2 reader 0x24 0x20 0x40050002 SAR_SAR2_CLK_DIV clock divider 0 8 read-write SAR_SAR2_WAIT_ARB_CYCLE wait arbit stable after sar_done 16 2 read-write SAR_SAR2_CLK_GATED ******* Description *********** 18 1 read-write SAR_SAR2_SAMPLE_NUM ******* Description *********** 19 8 read-write SAR_SAR2_DATA_INV Invert SAR ADC2 data 29 1 read-write SAR_SAR2_INT_EN enable saradc2 to send out interrupt 30 1 read-write SAR_READER2_STATUS get saradc1 reader controller status 0x28 0x20 SAR_SAR2_READER_STATUS get saradc1 reader controller status 0 32 read-only SAR_MEAS2_CTRL1 configure saradc2 controller 0x2C 0x20 0x07020200 SAR_SAR2_CNTL_STATE saradc2_cntl_fsm 0 3 read-only SAR_SAR2_PWDET_CAL_EN rtc control pwdet enable 3 1 read-write SAR_SAR2_PKDET_CAL_EN rtc control pkdet enable 4 1 read-write SAR_SAR2_EN_TEST SAR2_EN_TEST 5 1 read-write SAR_SAR2_RSTB_FORCE no public 6 2 read-write SAR_SAR2_STANDBY_WAIT no public 8 8 read-write SAR_SAR2_RSTB_WAIT no public 16 8 read-write SAR_SAR2_XPD_WAIT no public 24 8 read-write SAR_MEAS2_CTRL2 configure saradc2 controller 0x30 0x20 SAR_MEAS2_DATA_SAR SAR ADC2 data 0 16 read-only SAR_MEAS2_DONE_SAR SAR ADC2 conversion done indication 16 1 read-only SAR_MEAS2_START_SAR SAR ADC2 controller (in RTC) starts conversion 17 1 read-write SAR_MEAS2_START_FORCE 1: SAR ADC2 controller (in RTC) is started by SW 18 1 read-write SAR_SAR2_EN_PAD SAR ADC2 pad enable bitmap 19 12 read-write SAR_SAR2_EN_PAD_FORCE 1: SAR ADC2 pad enable bitmap is controlled by SW 31 1 read-write SAR_MEAS2_MUX configure saradc2 controller 0x34 0x20 SAR_SAR2_PWDET_CCT SAR2_PWDET_CCT 28 3 read-write SAR_SAR2_RTC_FORCE in sleep, force to use rtc to control ADC 31 1 read-write SAR_ATTEN2 configure saradc2 controller 0x38 0x20 0xFFFFFFFF SAR_SAR2_ATTEN 2-bit attenuation for each pad 0 32 read-write SAR_POWER_XPD_SAR configure power of saradc 0x3C 0x20 SAR_FORCE_XPD_SAR force power on/off saradc 29 2 read-write SAR_SARCLK_EN no public 31 1 read-write SAR_SLAVE_ADDR1 configure i2c slave address 0x40 0x20 SAR_I2C_SLAVE_ADDR1 configure i2c slave address1 0 11 read-write SAR_I2C_SLAVE_ADDR0 configure i2c slave address0 11 11 read-write SAR_SARADC_MEAS_STATUS no public 22 8 read-only SAR_SLAVE_ADDR2 configure i2c slave address 0x44 0x20 SAR_I2C_SLAVE_ADDR3 configure i2c slave address3 0 11 read-write SAR_I2C_SLAVE_ADDR2 configure i2c slave address2 11 11 read-write SAR_SLAVE_ADDR3 configure i2c slave address 0x48 0x20 SAR_I2C_SLAVE_ADDR5 configure i2c slave address5 0 11 read-write SAR_I2C_SLAVE_ADDR4 configure i2c slave address4 11 11 read-write SAR_SLAVE_ADDR4 configure i2c slave address 0x4C 0x20 SAR_I2C_SLAVE_ADDR7 configure i2c slave address7 0 11 read-write SAR_I2C_SLAVE_ADDR6 configure i2c slave address6 11 11 read-write SAR_TSENS_CTRL configure tsens controller 0x50 0x20 0x00019000 SAR_TSENS_OUT temperature sensor data out 0 8 read-only SAR_TSENS_READY indicate temperature sensor out ready 8 1 read-only SAR_TSENS_INT_EN enable temperature sensor to send out interrupt 12 1 read-write SAR_TSENS_IN_INV invert temperature sensor data 13 1 read-write SAR_TSENS_CLK_DIV temperature sensor clock divider 14 8 read-write SAR_TSENS_POWER_UP temperature sensor power up 22 1 read-write SAR_TSENS_POWER_UP_FORCE 1: dump out & power up controlled by SW 0: by FSM 23 1 read-write SAR_TSENS_DUMP_OUT temperature sensor dump out only active when reg_tsens_power_up_force = 1 24 1 read-write SAR_TSENS_CTRL2 configure tsens controller 0x54 0x20 0x00004002 SAR_TSENS_XPD_WAIT no public 0 12 read-write SAR_TSENS_XPD_FORCE no public 12 2 read-write SAR_TSENS_CLK_INV no public 14 1 read-write SAR_I2C_CTRL configure rtc i2c controller by sw 0x58 0x20 SAR_I2C_CTRL I2C control data only active when reg_sar_i2c_start_force = 1 0 28 read-write SAR_I2C_START start I2C only active when reg_sar_i2c_start_force = 1 28 1 read-write SAR_I2C_START_FORCE 1: I2C started by SW 0: I2C started by FSM 29 1 read-write SAR_TOUCH_CONF configure touch controller 0x5C 0x20 0xFFF07FFF SAR_TOUCH_OUTEN touch controller output enable 0 15 read-write SAR_TOUCH_STATUS_CLR clear all touch active status 15 1 write-only SAR_TOUCH_DATA_SEL 3: smooth data 2: baseline 1,0: raw_data 16 2 read-write SAR_TOUCH_DENOISE_END touch_denoise_done 18 1 read-only SAR_TOUCH_UNIT_END touch_unit_done 19 1 read-only SAR_TOUCH_APPROACH_PAD2 indicate which pad is approach pad2 20 4 read-write SAR_TOUCH_APPROACH_PAD1 indicate which pad is approach pad1 24 4 read-write SAR_TOUCH_APPROACH_PAD0 indicate which pad is approach pad0 28 4 read-write SAR_TOUCH_DENOISE configure touch controller 0x60 0x20 DATA configure touch controller 0 22 read-only SAR_TOUCH_THRES1 configure touch thres of touch pad 0x64 0x20 SAR_TOUCH_OUT_TH1 Finger threshold for touch pad 1 0 22 read-write SAR_TOUCH_THRES2 configure touch thres of touch pad 0x68 0x20 SAR_TOUCH_OUT_TH2 Finger threshold for touch pad 2 0 22 read-write SAR_TOUCH_THRES3 configure touch thres of touch pad 0x6C 0x20 SAR_TOUCH_OUT_TH3 Finger threshold for touch pad 3 0 22 read-write SAR_TOUCH_THRES4 configure touch thres of touch pad 0x70 0x20 SAR_TOUCH_OUT_TH4 Finger threshold for touch pad 4 0 22 read-write SAR_TOUCH_THRES5 configure touch thres of touch pad 0x74 0x20 SAR_TOUCH_OUT_TH5 Finger threshold for touch pad 5 0 22 read-write SAR_TOUCH_THRES6 configure touch thres of touch pad 0x78 0x20 SAR_TOUCH_OUT_TH6 Finger threshold for touch pad 6 0 22 read-write SAR_TOUCH_THRES7 configure touch thres of touch pad 0x7C 0x20 SAR_TOUCH_OUT_TH7 Finger threshold for touch pad 7 0 22 read-write SAR_TOUCH_THRES8 configure touch thres of touch pad 0x80 0x20 SAR_TOUCH_OUT_TH8 Finger threshold for touch pad 8 0 22 read-write SAR_TOUCH_THRES9 configure touch thres of touch pad 0x84 0x20 SAR_TOUCH_OUT_TH9 Finger threshold for touch pad 9 0 22 read-write SAR_TOUCH_THRES10 configure touch thres of touch pad 0x88 0x20 SAR_TOUCH_OUT_TH10 Finger threshold for touch pad 10 0 22 read-write SAR_TOUCH_THRES11 configure touch thres of touch pad 0x8C 0x20 SAR_TOUCH_OUT_TH11 Finger threshold for touch pad 11 0 22 read-write SAR_TOUCH_THRES12 configure touch thres of touch pad 0x90 0x20 SAR_TOUCH_OUT_TH12 Finger threshold for touch pad 12 0 22 read-write SAR_TOUCH_THRES13 configure touch thres of touch pad 0x94 0x20 SAR_TOUCH_OUT_TH13 Finger threshold for touch pad 13 0 22 read-write SAR_TOUCH_THRES14 configure touch thres of touch pad 0x98 0x20 SAR_TOUCH_OUT_TH14 Finger threshold for touch pad 14 0 22 read-write SAR_TOUCH_CHN_ST Get touch channel status 0x9C 0x20 SAR_TOUCH_PAD_ACTIVE touch active status 0 15 read-only SAR_TOUCH_CHANNEL_CLR Clear touch channel 15 15 write-only SAR_TOUCH_MEAS_DONE get touch meas done 31 1 read-only SAR_TOUCH_STATUS0 get touch scan status 0xA0 0x20 SAR_TOUCH_SCAN_CURR current sample channel 22 4 read-only SAR_TOUCH_STATUS1 touch channel status of touch pad 1 0xA4 0x20 SAR_TOUCH_PAD1_DATA touch data debounce of touch pad 1 0 22 read-only SAR_TOUCH_PAD1_DEBOUNCE touch current debounce of touch pad 1 29 3 read-only SAR_TOUCH_STATUS2 touch channel status of touch pad 2 0xA8 0x20 SAR_TOUCH_PAD2_DATA touch data debounce of touch pad 2 0 22 read-only SAR_TOUCH_PAD2_DEBOUNCE touch current debounce of touch pad 2 29 3 read-only SAR_TOUCH_STATUS3 touch channel status of touch pad 3 0xAC 0x20 SAR_TOUCH_PAD3_DATA touch data debounce of touch pad 3 0 22 read-only SAR_TOUCH_PAD3_DEBOUNCE touch current debounce of touch pad 3 29 3 read-only SAR_TOUCH_STATUS4 touch channel status of touch pad 4 0xB0 0x20 SAR_TOUCH_PAD4_DATA touch data debounce of touch pad 4 0 22 read-only SAR_TOUCH_PAD4_DEBOUNCE touch current debounce of touch pad 4 29 3 read-only SAR_TOUCH_STATUS5 touch channel status of touch pad 5 0xB4 0x20 SAR_TOUCH_PAD5_DATA touch data debounce of touch pad 5 0 22 read-only SAR_TOUCH_PAD5_DEBOUNCE touch current debounce of touch pad 5 29 3 read-only SAR_TOUCH_STATUS6 touch channel status of touch pad 6 0xB8 0x20 SAR_TOUCH_PAD6_DATA touch data debounce of touch pad 6 0 22 read-only SAR_TOUCH_PAD6_DEBOUNCE touch current debounce of touch pad 6 29 3 read-only SAR_TOUCH_STATUS7 touch channel status of touch pad 7 0xBC 0x20 SAR_TOUCH_PAD7_DATA touch data debounce of touch pad 7 0 22 read-only SAR_TOUCH_PAD7_DEBOUNCE touch current debounce of touch pad 7 29 3 read-only SAR_TOUCH_STATUS8 touch channel status of touch pad 8 0xC0 0x20 SAR_TOUCH_PAD8_DATA touch data debounce of touch pad 8 0 22 read-only SAR_TOUCH_PAD8_DEBOUNCE touch current debounce of touch pad 8 29 3 read-only SAR_TOUCH_STATUS9 touch channel status of touch pad 9 0xC4 0x20 SAR_TOUCH_PAD9_DATA touch data debounce of touch pad 9 0 22 read-only SAR_TOUCH_PAD9_DEBOUNCE touch current debounce of touch pad 9 29 3 read-only SAR_TOUCH_STATUS10 touch channel status of touch pad 10 0xC8 0x20 SAR_TOUCH_PAD10_DATA touch data debounce of touch pad 10 0 22 read-only SAR_TOUCH_PAD10_DEBOUNCE touch current debounce of touch pad 10 29 3 read-only SAR_TOUCH_STATUS11 touch channel status of touch pad 11 0xCC 0x20 SAR_TOUCH_PAD11_DATA touch data debounce of touch pad 11 0 22 read-only SAR_TOUCH_PAD11_DEBOUNCE touch current debounce of touch pad 11 29 3 read-only SAR_TOUCH_STATUS12 touch channel status of touch pad 12 0xD0 0x20 SAR_TOUCH_PAD12_DATA touch data debounce of touch pad 12 0 22 read-only SAR_TOUCH_PAD12_DEBOUNCE touch current debounce of touch pad 12 29 3 read-only SAR_TOUCH_STATUS13 touch channel status of touch pad 13 0xD4 0x20 SAR_TOUCH_PAD13_DATA touch data debounce of touch pad 13 0 22 read-only SAR_TOUCH_PAD13_DEBOUNCE touch current debounce of touch pad 13 29 3 read-only SAR_TOUCH_STATUS14 touch channel status of touch pad 14 0xD8 0x20 SAR_TOUCH_PAD14_DATA touch data debounce of touch pad 14 0 22 read-only SAR_TOUCH_PAD14_DEBOUNCE touch current debounce of touch pad 14 29 3 read-only SAR_TOUCH_STATUS15 touch channel status of sleep pad 0xDC 0x20 SAR_TOUCH_SLP_DATA touch data debounce of sleep pad 0 22 read-only SAR_TOUCH_SLP_DEBOUNCE touch current debounce of sleep pad 29 3 read-only SAR_TOUCH_STATUS16 touch channel status of approach mode 0xE0 0x20 SAR_TOUCH_APPROACH_PAD2_CNT touch current approach count of approach pad2 0 8 read-only SAR_TOUCH_APPROACH_PAD1_CNT touch current approach count of approach pad1 8 8 read-only SAR_TOUCH_APPROACH_PAD0_CNT touch current approach count of approach pad0 16 8 read-only SAR_TOUCH_SLP_APPROACH_CNT touch current approach count of slp pad 24 8 read-only SAR_COCPU_STATE get cocpu status 0xE4 0x20 SAR_COCPU_DBG_TRIGGER trigger cocpu debug registers 25 1 write-only SAR_COCPU_CLK_EN_ST check cocpu whether clk on 26 1 read-only SAR_COCPU_RESET_N check cocpu whether in reset state 27 1 read-only SAR_COCPU_EOI check cocpu whether in interrupt state 28 1 read-only SAR_COCPU_TRAP check cocpu whether in trap state 29 1 read-only SAR_COCPU_EBREAK check cocpu whether in ebreak 30 1 read-only SAR_COCPU_INT_RAW the interrupt raw of ulp 0xE8 0x20 SAR_COCPU_TOUCH_DONE_INT_RAW int from touch done 0 1 read-only SAR_COCPU_TOUCH_INACTIVE_INT_RAW int from touch inactive 1 1 read-only SAR_COCPU_TOUCH_ACTIVE_INT_RAW int from touch active 2 1 read-only SAR_COCPU_SARADC1_INT_RAW int from saradc1 3 1 read-only SAR_COCPU_SARADC2_INT_RAW int from saradc2 4 1 read-only SAR_COCPU_TSENS_INT_RAW int from tsens 5 1 read-only SAR_COCPU_START_INT_RAW int from start 6 1 read-only SAR_COCPU_SW_INT_RAW int from software 7 1 read-only SAR_COCPU_SWD_INT_RAW int from super watch dog 8 1 read-only SAR_COCPU_TOUCH_TIMEOUT_INT_RAW int from timeout done 9 1 read-only SAR_COCPU_TOUCH_APPROACH_LOOP_DONE_INT_RAW int from approach loop done 10 1 read-only SAR_COCPU_TOUCH_SCAN_DONE_INT_RAW int from touch scan done 11 1 read-only SAR_COCPU_INT_ENA the interrupt enable of ulp 0xEC 0x20 SAR_COCPU_TOUCH_DONE_INT_ENA int enable of touch done 0 1 read-write SAR_COCPU_TOUCH_INACTIVE_INT_ENA int enable of from touch inactive 1 1 read-write SAR_COCPU_TOUCH_ACTIVE_INT_ENA int enable of touch active 2 1 read-write SAR_COCPU_SARADC1_INT_ENA int enable of from saradc1 3 1 read-write SAR_COCPU_SARADC2_INT_ENA int enable of from saradc2 4 1 read-write SAR_COCPU_TSENS_INT_ENA int enable of tsens 5 1 read-write SAR_COCPU_START_INT_ENA int enable of start 6 1 read-write SAR_COCPU_SW_INT_ENA int enable of software 7 1 read-write SAR_COCPU_SWD_INT_ENA int enable of super watch dog 8 1 read-write SAR_COCPU_TOUCH_TIMEOUT_INT_ENA int enable of timeout done 9 1 read-write SAR_COCPU_TOUCH_APPROACH_LOOP_DONE_INT_ENA int enable of approach loop done 10 1 read-write SAR_COCPU_TOUCH_SCAN_DONE_INT_ENA int enable of touch scan done 11 1 read-write SAR_COCPU_INT_ST the interrupt state of ulp 0xF0 0x20 SAR_COCPU_TOUCH_DONE_INT_ST int state of touch done 0 1 read-only SAR_COCPU_TOUCH_INACTIVE_INT_ST int state of from touch inactive 1 1 read-only SAR_COCPU_TOUCH_ACTIVE_INT_ST int state of touch active 2 1 read-only SAR_COCPU_SARADC1_INT_ST int state of from saradc1 3 1 read-only SAR_COCPU_SARADC2_INT_ST int state of from saradc2 4 1 read-only SAR_COCPU_TSENS_INT_ST int state of tsens 5 1 read-only SAR_COCPU_START_INT_ST int state of start 6 1 read-only SAR_COCPU_SW_INT_ST int state of software 7 1 read-only SAR_COCPU_SWD_INT_ST int state of super watch dog 8 1 read-only SAR_COCPU_TOUCH_TIMEOUT_INT_ST int state of timeout done 9 1 read-only SAR_COCPU_TOUCH_APPROACH_LOOP_DONE_INT_ST int state of approach loop done 10 1 read-only SAR_COCPU_TOUCH_SCAN_DONE_INT_ST int state of touch scan done 11 1 read-only SAR_COCPU_INT_CLR the interrupt clear of ulp 0xF4 0x20 SAR_COCPU_TOUCH_DONE_INT_CLR int clear of touch done 0 1 write-only SAR_COCPU_TOUCH_INACTIVE_INT_CLR int clear of from touch inactive 1 1 write-only SAR_COCPU_TOUCH_ACTIVE_INT_CLR int clear of touch active 2 1 write-only SAR_COCPU_SARADC1_INT_CLR int clear of from saradc1 3 1 write-only SAR_COCPU_SARADC2_INT_CLR int clear of from saradc2 4 1 write-only SAR_COCPU_TSENS_INT_CLR int clear of tsens 5 1 write-only SAR_COCPU_START_INT_CLR int clear of start 6 1 write-only SAR_COCPU_SW_INT_CLR int clear of software 7 1 write-only SAR_COCPU_SWD_INT_CLR int clear of super watch dog 8 1 write-only SAR_COCPU_TOUCH_TIMEOUT_INT_CLR int clear of timeout done 9 1 write-only SAR_COCPU_TOUCH_APPROACH_LOOP_DONE_INT_CLR int clear of approach loop done 10 1 write-only SAR_COCPU_TOUCH_SCAN_DONE_INT_CLR int clear of touch scan done 11 1 write-only SAR_COCPU_DEBUG Ulp-riscv debug signal 0xF8 0x20 SAR_COCPU_PC cocpu Program counter 0 13 read-only SAR_COCPU_MEM_VLD cocpu mem valid output 13 1 read-only SAR_COCPU_MEM_RDY cocpu mem ready input 14 1 read-only SAR_COCPU_MEM_WEN cocpu mem write enable output 15 4 read-only SAR_COCPU_MEM_ADDR cocpu mem address output 19 13 read-only SAR_HALL_CTRL no public 0xFC 0x20 0xA0000000 SAR_XPD_HALL Power on hall sensor and connect to VP and VN 28 1 read-write SAR_XPD_HALL_FORCE 1: XPD HALL is controlled by SW. 0: XPD HALL is controlled by FSM in ULP-coprocessor 29 1 read-write SAR_HALL_PHASE Reverse phase of hall sensor 30 1 read-write SAR_HALL_PHASE_FORCE 1: HALL PHASE is controlled by SW 0: HALL PHASE is controlled by FSM in ULP-coprocessor 31 1 read-write SAR_NOUSE no public 0x100 0x20 SAR_NOUSE no public 0 32 read-write SAR_PERI_CLK_GATE_CONF the peri clock gate of rtc peri 0x104 0x20 SAR_RTC_I2C_CLK_EN enable rtc i2c clock 27 1 read-write SAR_TSENS_CLK_EN enable tsens clock 29 1 read-write SAR_SARADC_CLK_EN enbale saradc clock 30 1 read-write SAR_IOMUX_CLK_EN enable io_mux clock 31 1 read-write SAR_PERI_RESET_CONF the peri reset of rtc peri 0x108 0x20 SAR_COCPU_RESET enable ulp-riscv reset 25 1 read-write SAR_RTC_I2C_RESET Reserved. 27 1 read-write SAR_TSENS_RESET enbale saradc reset 29 1 read-write SAR_SARADC_RESET enable io_mux reset 30 1 read-write SAR_COCPU_INT_ENA_W1TS the interrupt enable of ulp 0x10C 0x20 SAR_COCPU_TOUCH_DONE_INT_ENA_W1TS int enable of touch done 0 1 write-only SAR_COCPU_TOUCH_INACTIVE_INT_ENA_W1TS int enable of from touch inactive 1 1 write-only SAR_COCPU_TOUCH_ACTIVE_INT_ENA_W1TS int enable of touch active 2 1 write-only SAR_COCPU_SARADC1_INT_ENA_W1TS int enable of from saradc1 3 1 write-only SAR_COCPU_SARADC2_INT_ENA_W1TS int enable of from saradc2 4 1 write-only SAR_COCPU_TSENS_INT_ENA_W1TS int enable of tsens 5 1 write-only SAR_COCPU_START_INT_ENA_W1TS int enable of start 6 1 write-only SAR_COCPU_SW_INT_ENA_W1TS int enable of software 7 1 write-only SAR_COCPU_SWD_INT_ENA_W1TS int enable of super watch dog 8 1 write-only SAR_COCPU_TOUCH_TIMEOUT_INT_ENA_W1TS int enable of timeout done 9 1 write-only SAR_COCPU_TOUCH_APPROACH_LOOP_DONE_INT_ENA_W1TS int enable of approach loop done 10 1 write-only SAR_COCPU_TOUCH_SCAN_DONE_INT_ENA_W1TS int enable of touch scan done 11 1 write-only SAR_COCPU_INT_ENA_W1TC the interrupt enable clear of ulp 0x110 0x20 SAR_COCPU_TOUCH_DONE_INT_ENA_W1TC Clear int enable of touch done 0 1 write-only SAR_COCPU_TOUCH_INACTIVE_INT_ENA_W1TC Clear int enable of from touch inactive 1 1 write-only SAR_COCPU_TOUCH_ACTIVE_INT_ENA_W1TC Clear int enable of touch active 2 1 write-only SAR_COCPU_SARADC1_INT_ENA_W1TC Clear int enable of from saradc1 3 1 write-only SAR_COCPU_SARADC2_INT_ENA_W1TC Clear int enable of from saradc2 4 1 write-only SAR_COCPU_TSENS_INT_ENA_W1TC Clear int enable of tsens 5 1 write-only SAR_COCPU_START_INT_ENA_W1TC Clear int enable of start 6 1 write-only SAR_COCPU_SW_INT_ENA_W1TC Clear int enable of software 7 1 write-only SAR_COCPU_SWD_INT_ENA_W1TC Clear int enable of super watch dog 8 1 write-only SAR_COCPU_TOUCH_TIMEOUT_INT_ENA_W1TC Clear int enable of timeout done 9 1 write-only SAR_COCPU_TOUCH_APPROACH_LOOP_DONE_INT_ENA_W1TC Clear int enable of approach loop done 10 1 write-only SAR_COCPU_TOUCH_SCAN_DONE_INT_ENA_W1TC Clear int enable of touch scan done 11 1 write-only SAR_DEBUG_CONF rtc peri debug configure 0x114 0x20 SAR_DEBUG_BIT_SEL no public 0 5 read-write SAR_SARDATE version 0x1FC 0x20 0x02101180 SAR_DATE version 0 28 read-write SENSITIVE Peripheral SENSITIVE SENSITIVE 0x600C1000 0x0 0x314 registers CACHE_DATAARRAY_CONNECT_0 Cache data array configuration register 0. 0x0 0x20 CACHE_DATAARRAY_CONNECT_LOCK Set 1 to lock cache data array registers. 0 1 read-write CACHE_DATAARRAY_CONNECT_1 Cache data array configuration register 1. 0x4 0x20 0x000000FF CACHE_DATAARRAY_CONNECT_FLATTEN Cache data array connection configuration. 0 8 read-write APB_PERIPHERAL_ACCESS_0 APB peripheral configuration register 0. 0x8 0x20 APB_PERIPHERAL_ACCESS_LOCK Set 1 to lock APB peripheral Configuration Register. 0 1 read-write APB_PERIPHERAL_ACCESS_1 APB peripheral configuration register 1. 0xC 0x20 0x00000001 APB_PERIPHERAL_ACCESS_SPLIT_BURST Set 1 to support split function for AHB access to APB peripherals. 0 1 read-write INTERNAL_SRAM_USAGE_0 Internal SRAM configuration register 0. 0x10 0x20 INTERNAL_SRAM_USAGE_LOCK Set 1 to lock internal SRAM Configuration Register. 0 1 read-write INTERNAL_SRAM_USAGE_1 Internal SRAM configuration register 1. 0x14 0x20 0x000007FF INTERNAL_SRAM_ICACHE_USAGE Set 1 to someone bit means corresponding internal SRAM level can be accessed by icache. 0 2 read-write INTERNAL_SRAM_DCACHE_USAGE Set 1 to someone bit means corresponding internal SRAM level can be accessed by dcache. 2 2 read-write INTERNAL_SRAM_CPU_USAGE Set 1 to someone bit means corresponding internal SRAM level can be accessed by cpu. 4 7 read-write INTERNAL_SRAM_USAGE_2 Internal SRAM configuration register 2. 0x18 0x20 INTERNAL_SRAM_CORE0_TRACE_USAGE Set 1 to someone bit means corresponding internal SRAM level can be accessed by core0 trace bus. 0 7 read-write INTERNAL_SRAM_CORE1_TRACE_USAGE Set 1 to someone bit means corresponding internal SRAM level can be accessed by core1 trace bus. 7 7 read-write INTERNAL_SRAM_CORE0_TRACE_ALLOC Which internal SRAM bank (16KB) of 64KB can be accessed by core0 trace bus. 14 2 read-write INTERNAL_SRAM_CORE1_TRACE_ALLOC Which internal SRAM bank (16KB) of 64KB can be accessed by core1 trace bus. 16 2 read-write INTERNAL_SRAM_USAGE_3 Internal SRAM configuration register 3. 0x1C 0x20 INTERNAL_SRAM_MAC_DUMP_USAGE Set 1 to someone bit means corresponding internal SRAM level can be accessed by mac dump. 0 4 read-write INTERNAL_SRAM_USAGE_4 Internal SRAM configuration register 4. 0x20 0x20 INTERNAL_SRAM_LOG_USAGE Set 1 to someone bit means corresponding internal SRAM level can be accessed by log bus. 0 7 read-write RETENTION_DISABLE Retention configuration register. 0x24 0x20 RETENTION_DISABLE Set 1 to disable retention function and lock disable state. 0 1 read-write CACHE_TAG_ACCESS_0 Cache tag configuration register 0. 0x28 0x20 CACHE_TAG_ACCESS_LOCK Set 1 to lock cache tag Configuration Register. 0 1 read-write CACHE_TAG_ACCESS_1 Cache tag configuration register 1. 0x2C 0x20 0x0000000F PRO_I_TAG_RD_ACS Set 1 to enable Icache read access tag memory. 0 1 read-write PRO_I_TAG_WR_ACS Set 1 to enable Icache wrtie access tag memory. 1 1 read-write PRO_D_TAG_RD_ACS Set 1 to enable Dcache read access tag memory. 2 1 read-write PRO_D_TAG_WR_ACS Set 1 to enable Dcache wrtie access tag memory. 3 1 read-write CACHE_MMU_ACCESS_0 Cache MMU configuration register 0. 0x30 0x20 CACHE_MMU_ACCESS_LOCK Set 1 to lock cache MMU registers. 0 1 read-write CACHE_MMU_ACCESS_1 Cache MMU configuration register 1. 0x34 0x20 0x00000003 PRO_MMU_RD_ACS Set 1 to enable read access MMU memory. 0 1 read-write PRO_MMU_WR_ACS Set 1 to enable write access MMU memory. 1 1 read-write DMA_APBPERI_SPI2_PMS_CONSTRAIN_0 spi2 dma permission configuration register 0. 0x38 0x20 DMA_APBPERI_SPI2_PMS_CONSTRAIN_LOCK Set 1 to lock spi2 dma permission Configuration Register. 0 1 read-write DMA_APBPERI_SPI2_PMS_CONSTRAIN_1 spi2 dma permission configuration register 1. 0x3C 0x20 0x00000FFF DMA_APBPERI_SPI2_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_PMS_0 spi2's permission(store,load) in data region0 of SRAM 0 2 read-write DMA_APBPERI_SPI2_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_PMS_1 spi2's permission(store,load) in data region1 of SRAM 2 2 read-write DMA_APBPERI_SPI2_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_PMS_2 spi2's permission(store,load) in data region2 of SRAM 4 2 read-write DMA_APBPERI_SPI2_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_PMS_3 spi2's permission(store,load) in data region3 of SRAM 6 2 read-write DMA_APBPERI_SPI2_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_CACHEDATAARRAY_PMS_0 spi2's permission(store,load) in dcache data sram block0 8 2 read-write DMA_APBPERI_SPI2_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_CACHEDATAARRAY_PMS_1 spi2's permission(store,load) in dcache data sram block1 10 2 read-write DMA_APBPERI_SPI3_PMS_CONSTRAIN_0 spi3 dma permission configuration register 0. 0x40 0x20 DMA_APBPERI_SPI3_PMS_CONSTRAIN_LOCK Set 1 to lock spi3 dma permission Configuration Register. 0 1 read-write DMA_APBPERI_SPI3_PMS_CONSTRAIN_1 spi3 dma permission configuration register 1. 0x44 0x20 0x00000FFF DMA_APBPERI_SPI3_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_PMS_0 spi3's permission(store,load) in data region0 of SRAM 0 2 read-write DMA_APBPERI_SPI3_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_PMS_1 spi3's permission(store,load) in data region1 of SRAM 2 2 read-write DMA_APBPERI_SPI3_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_PMS_2 spi3's permission(store,load) in data region2 of SRAM 4 2 read-write DMA_APBPERI_SPI3_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_PMS_3 spi3's permission(store,load) in data region3 of SRAM 6 2 read-write DMA_APBPERI_SPI3_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_CACHEDATAARRAY_PMS_0 spi3's permission(store,load) in dcache data sram block0 8 2 read-write DMA_APBPERI_SPI3_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_CACHEDATAARRAY_PMS_1 spi3's permission(store,load) in dcache data sram block1 10 2 read-write DMA_APBPERI_UHCI0_PMS_CONSTRAIN_0 uhci0 dma permission configuration register 0. 0x48 0x20 DMA_APBPERI_UHCI0_PMS_CONSTRAIN_LOCK Set 1 to lock uhci0 dma permission Configuration Register. 0 1 read-write DMA_APBPERI_UHCI0_PMS_CONSTRAIN_1 uhci0 dma permission configuration register 1. 0x4C 0x20 0x00000FFF DMA_APBPERI_UHCI0_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_PMS_0 uhci0's permission(store,load) in data region0 of SRAM 0 2 read-write DMA_APBPERI_UHCI0_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_PMS_1 uhci0's permission(store,load) in data region1 of SRAM 2 2 read-write DMA_APBPERI_UHCI0_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_PMS_2 uhci0's permission(store,load) in data region2 of SRAM 4 2 read-write DMA_APBPERI_UHCI0_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_PMS_3 uhci0's permission(store,load) in data region3 of SRAM 6 2 read-write DMA_APBPERI_UHCI0_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_CACHEDATAARRAY_PMS_0 uhci0's permission(store,load) in dcache data sram block0 8 2 read-write DMA_APBPERI_UHCI0_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_CACHEDATAARRAY_PMS_1 uhci0's permission(store,load) in dcache data sram block1 10 2 read-write DMA_APBPERI_I2S0_PMS_CONSTRAIN_0 i2s0 dma permission configuration register 0. 0x50 0x20 DMA_APBPERI_I2S0_PMS_CONSTRAIN_LOCK Set 1 to lock i2s0 dma permission Configuration Register. 0 1 read-write DMA_APBPERI_I2S0_PMS_CONSTRAIN_1 i2s0 dma permission configuration register 1. 0x54 0x20 0x00000FFF DMA_APBPERI_I2S0_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_PMS_0 i2s0's permission(store,load) in data region0 of SRAM 0 2 read-write DMA_APBPERI_I2S0_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_PMS_1 i2s0's permission(store,load) in data region1 of SRAM 2 2 read-write DMA_APBPERI_I2S0_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_PMS_2 i2s0's permission(store,load) in data region2 of SRAM 4 2 read-write DMA_APBPERI_I2S0_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_PMS_3 i2s0's permission(store,load) in data region3 of SRAM 6 2 read-write DMA_APBPERI_I2S0_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_CACHEDATAARRAY_PMS_0 i2s0's permission(store,load) in dcache data sram block0 8 2 read-write DMA_APBPERI_I2S0_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_CACHEDATAARRAY_PMS_1 i2s0's permission(store,load) in dcache data sram block1 10 2 read-write DMA_APBPERI_I2S1_PMS_CONSTRAIN_0 i2s1 dma permission configuration register 0. 0x58 0x20 DMA_APBPERI_I2S1_PMS_CONSTRAIN_LOCK Set 1 to lock i2s1 dma permission Configuration Register. 0 1 read-write DMA_APBPERI_I2S1_PMS_CONSTRAIN_1 i2s1 dma permission configuration register 1. 0x5C 0x20 0x00000FFF DMA_APBPERI_I2S1_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_PMS_0 i2s1's permission(store,load) in data region0 of SRAM 0 2 read-write DMA_APBPERI_I2S1_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_PMS_1 i2s1's permission(store,load) in data region1 of SRAM 2 2 read-write DMA_APBPERI_I2S1_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_PMS_2 i2s1's permission(store,load) in data region2 of SRAM 4 2 read-write DMA_APBPERI_I2S1_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_PMS_3 i2s1's permission(store,load) in data region3 of SRAM 6 2 read-write DMA_APBPERI_I2S1_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_CACHEDATAARRAY_PMS_0 i2s1's permission(store,load) in dcache data sram block0 8 2 read-write DMA_APBPERI_I2S1_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_CACHEDATAARRAY_PMS_1 i2s1's permission(store,load) in dcache data sram block1 10 2 read-write DMA_APBPERI_MAC_PMS_CONSTRAIN_0 mac dma permission configuration register 0. 0x60 0x20 DMA_APBPERI_MAC_PMS_CONSTRAIN_LOCK Set 1 to lock mac dma permission Configuration Register. 0 1 read-write DMA_APBPERI_MAC_PMS_CONSTRAIN_1 mac dma permission configuration register 1. 0x64 0x20 0x00000FFF DMA_APBPERI_MAC_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_PMS_0 mac's permission(store,load) in data region0 of SRAM 0 2 read-write DMA_APBPERI_MAC_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_PMS_1 mac's permission(store,load) in data region1 of SRAM 2 2 read-write DMA_APBPERI_MAC_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_PMS_2 mac's permission(store,load) in data region2 of SRAM 4 2 read-write DMA_APBPERI_MAC_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_PMS_3 mac's permission(store,load) in data region3 of SRAM 6 2 read-write DMA_APBPERI_MAC_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_CACHEDATAARRAY_PMS_0 mac's permission(store,load) in dcache data sram block0 8 2 read-write DMA_APBPERI_MAC_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_CACHEDATAARRAY_PMS_1 mac's permission(store,load) in dcache data sram block1 10 2 read-write DMA_APBPERI_BACKUP_PMS_CONSTRAIN_0 backup dma permission configuration register 0. 0x68 0x20 DMA_APBPERI_BACKUP_PMS_CONSTRAIN_LOCK Set 1 to lock backup dma permission Configuration Register. 0 1 read-write DMA_APBPERI_BACKUP_PMS_CONSTRAIN_1 backup dma permission configuration register 1. 0x6C 0x20 0x00000FFF DMA_APBPERI_BACKUP_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_PMS_0 backup's permission(store,load) in data region0 of SRAM 0 2 read-write DMA_APBPERI_BACKUP_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_PMS_1 backup's permission(store,load) in data region1 of SRAM 2 2 read-write DMA_APBPERI_BACKUP_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_PMS_2 backup's permission(store,load) in data region2 of SRAM 4 2 read-write DMA_APBPERI_BACKUP_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_PMS_3 backup's permission(store,load) in data region3 of SRAM 6 2 read-write DMA_APBPERI_BACKUP_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_CACHEDATAARRAY_PMS_0 backup's permission(store,load) in dcache data sram block0 8 2 read-write DMA_APBPERI_BACKUP_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_CACHEDATAARRAY_PMS_1 backup's permission(store,load) in dcache data sram block1 10 2 read-write DMA_APBPERI_AES_PMS_CONSTRAIN_0 aes dma permission configuration register 0. 0x70 0x20 DMA_APBPERI_AES_PMS_CONSTRAIN_LOCK Set 1 to lock aes dma permission Configuration Register. 0 1 read-write DMA_APBPERI_AES_PMS_CONSTRAIN_1 aes dma permission configuration register 1. 0x74 0x20 0x00000FFF DMA_APBPERI_AES_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_PMS_0 aes's permission(store,load) in data region0 of SRAM 0 2 read-write DMA_APBPERI_AES_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_PMS_1 aes's permission(store,load) in data region1 of SRAM 2 2 read-write DMA_APBPERI_AES_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_PMS_2 aes's permission(store,load) in data region2 of SRAM 4 2 read-write DMA_APBPERI_AES_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_PMS_3 aes's permission(store,load) in data region3 of SRAM 6 2 read-write DMA_APBPERI_AES_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_CACHEDATAARRAY_PMS_0 aes's permission(store,load) in dcache data sram block0 8 2 read-write DMA_APBPERI_AES_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_CACHEDATAARRAY_PMS_1 aes's permission(store,load) in dcache data sram block1 10 2 read-write DMA_APBPERI_SHA_PMS_CONSTRAIN_0 sha dma permission configuration register 0. 0x78 0x20 DMA_APBPERI_SHA_PMS_CONSTRAIN_LOCK Set 1 to lock sha dma permission Configuration Register. 0 1 read-write DMA_APBPERI_SHA_PMS_CONSTRAIN_1 sha dma permission configuration register 1. 0x7C 0x20 0x00000FFF DMA_APBPERI_SHA_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_PMS_0 sha's permission(store,load) in data region0 of SRAM 0 2 read-write DMA_APBPERI_SHA_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_PMS_1 sha's permission(store,load) in data region1 of SRAM 2 2 read-write DMA_APBPERI_SHA_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_PMS_2 sha's permission(store,load) in data region2 of SRAM 4 2 read-write DMA_APBPERI_SHA_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_PMS_3 sha's permission(store,load) in data region3 of SRAM 6 2 read-write DMA_APBPERI_SHA_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_CACHEDATAARRAY_PMS_0 sha's permission(store,load) in dcache data sram block0 8 2 read-write DMA_APBPERI_SHA_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_CACHEDATAARRAY_PMS_1 sha's permission(store,load) in dcache data sram block1 10 2 read-write DMA_APBPERI_ADC_DAC_PMS_CONSTRAIN_0 adc_dac dma permission configuration register 0. 0x80 0x20 DMA_APBPERI_ADC_DAC_PMS_CONSTRAIN_LOCK Set 1 to lock adc_dac dma permission Configuration Register. 0 1 read-write DMA_APBPERI_ADC_DAC_PMS_CONSTRAIN_1 adc_dac dma permission configuration register 1. 0x84 0x20 0x00000FFF DMA_APBPERI_ADC_DAC_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_PMS_0 adc_dac's permission(store,load) in data region0 of SRAM 0 2 read-write DMA_APBPERI_ADC_DAC_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_PMS_1 adc_dac's permission(store,load) in data region1 of SRAM 2 2 read-write DMA_APBPERI_ADC_DAC_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_PMS_2 adc_dac's permission(store,load) in data region2 of SRAM 4 2 read-write DMA_APBPERI_ADC_DAC_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_PMS_3 adc_dac's permission(store,load) in data region3 of SRAM 6 2 read-write DMA_APBPERI_ADC_DAC_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_CACHEDATAARRAY_PMS_0 adc_dac's permission(store,load) in dcache data sram block0 8 2 read-write DMA_APBPERI_ADC_DAC_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_CACHEDATAARRAY_PMS_1 adc_dac's permission(store,load) in dcache data sram block1 10 2 read-write DMA_APBPERI_RMT_PMS_CONSTRAIN_0 rmt dma permission configuration register 0. 0x88 0x20 DMA_APBPERI_RMT_PMS_CONSTRAIN_LOCK Set 1 to lock rmt dma permission Configuration Register. 0 1 read-write DMA_APBPERI_RMT_PMS_CONSTRAIN_1 rmt dma permission configuration register 1. 0x8C 0x20 0x00000FFF DMA_APBPERI_RMT_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_PMS_0 rmt's permission(store,load) in data region0 of SRAM 0 2 read-write DMA_APBPERI_RMT_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_PMS_1 rmt's permission(store,load) in data region1 of SRAM 2 2 read-write DMA_APBPERI_RMT_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_PMS_2 rmt's permission(store,load) in data region2 of SRAM 4 2 read-write DMA_APBPERI_RMT_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_PMS_3 rmt's permission(store,load) in data region3 of SRAM 6 2 read-write DMA_APBPERI_RMT_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_CACHEDATAARRAY_PMS_0 rmt's permission(store,load) in dcache data sram block0 8 2 read-write DMA_APBPERI_RMT_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_CACHEDATAARRAY_PMS_1 rmt's permission(store,load) in dcache data sram block1 10 2 read-write DMA_APBPERI_LCD_CAM_PMS_CONSTRAIN_0 lcd_cam dma permission configuration register 0. 0x90 0x20 DMA_APBPERI_LCD_CAM_PMS_CONSTRAIN_LOCK Set 1 to lock lcd_cam dma permission Configuration Register. 0 1 read-write DMA_APBPERI_LCD_CAM_PMS_CONSTRAIN_1 lcd_cam dma permission configuration register 1. 0x94 0x20 0x00000FFF DMA_APBPERI_LCD_CAM_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_PMS_0 lcd_cam's permission(store,load) in data region0 of SRAM 0 2 read-write DMA_APBPERI_LCD_CAM_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_PMS_1 lcd_cam's permission(store,load) in data region1 of SRAM 2 2 read-write DMA_APBPERI_LCD_CAM_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_PMS_2 lcd_cam's permission(store,load) in data region2 of SRAM 4 2 read-write DMA_APBPERI_LCD_CAM_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_PMS_3 lcd_cam's permission(store,load) in data region3 of SRAM 6 2 read-write DMA_APBPERI_LCD_CAM_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_CACHEDATAARRAY_PMS_0 lcd_cam's permission(store,load) in dcache data sram block0 8 2 read-write DMA_APBPERI_LCD_CAM_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_CACHEDATAARRAY_PMS_1 lcd_cam's permission(store,load) in dcache data sram block1 10 2 read-write DMA_APBPERI_USB_PMS_CONSTRAIN_0 usb dma permission configuration register 0. 0x98 0x20 DMA_APBPERI_USB_PMS_CONSTRAIN_LOCK Set 1 to lock usb dma permission Configuration Register. 0 1 read-write DMA_APBPERI_USB_PMS_CONSTRAIN_1 usb dma permission configuration register 1. 0x9C 0x20 0x00000FFF DMA_APBPERI_USB_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_PMS_0 usb's permission(store,load) in data region0 of SRAM 0 2 read-write DMA_APBPERI_USB_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_PMS_1 usb's permission(store,load) in data region1 of SRAM 2 2 read-write DMA_APBPERI_USB_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_PMS_2 usb's permission(store,load) in data region2 of SRAM 4 2 read-write DMA_APBPERI_USB_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_PMS_3 usb's permission(store,load) in data region3 of SRAM 6 2 read-write DMA_APBPERI_USB_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_CACHEDATAARRAY_PMS_0 usb's permission(store,load) in dcache data sram block0 8 2 read-write DMA_APBPERI_USB_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_CACHEDATAARRAY_PMS_1 usb's permission(store,load) in dcache data sram block1 10 2 read-write DMA_APBPERI_LC_PMS_CONSTRAIN_0 lc dma permission configuration register 0. 0xA0 0x20 DMA_APBPERI_LC_PMS_CONSTRAIN_LOCK Set 1 to lock lc dma permission Configuration Register. 0 1 read-write DMA_APBPERI_LC_PMS_CONSTRAIN_1 lc dma permission configuration register 1. 0xA4 0x20 0x00000FFF DMA_APBPERI_LC_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_PMS_0 lc's permission(store,load) in data region0 of SRAM 0 2 read-write DMA_APBPERI_LC_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_PMS_1 lc's permission(store,load) in data region1 of SRAM 2 2 read-write DMA_APBPERI_LC_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_PMS_2 lc's permission(store,load) in data region2 of SRAM 4 2 read-write DMA_APBPERI_LC_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_PMS_3 lc's permission(store,load) in data region3 of SRAM 6 2 read-write DMA_APBPERI_LC_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_CACHEDATAARRAY_PMS_0 lc's permission(store,load) in dcache data sram block0 8 2 read-write DMA_APBPERI_LC_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_CACHEDATAARRAY_PMS_1 lc's permission(store,load) in dcache data sram block1 10 2 read-write DMA_APBPERI_SDIO_PMS_CONSTRAIN_0 sdio dma permission configuration register 0. 0xA8 0x20 DMA_APBPERI_SDIO_PMS_CONSTRAIN_LOCK Set 1 to lock sdio dma permission Configuration Register. 0 1 read-write DMA_APBPERI_SDIO_PMS_CONSTRAIN_1 sdio dma permission configuration register 1. 0xAC 0x20 0x00000FFF DMA_APBPERI_SDIO_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_PMS_0 sdio's permission(store,load) in data region0 of SRAM 0 2 read-write DMA_APBPERI_SDIO_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_PMS_1 sdio's permission(store,load) in data region1 of SRAM 2 2 read-write DMA_APBPERI_SDIO_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_PMS_2 sdio's permission(store,load) in data region2 of SRAM 4 2 read-write DMA_APBPERI_SDIO_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_PMS_3 sdio's permission(store,load) in data region3 of SRAM 6 2 read-write DMA_APBPERI_SDIO_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_CACHEDATAARRAY_PMS_0 sdio's permission(store,load) in dcache data sram block0 8 2 read-write DMA_APBPERI_SDIO_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_CACHEDATAARRAY_PMS_1 sdio's permission(store,load) in dcache data sram block1 10 2 read-write DMA_APBPERI_PMS_MONITOR_0 dma permission monitor configuration register 0. 0xB0 0x20 DMA_APBPERI_PMS_MONITOR_LOCK Set 1 to lock dma permission monitor Configuration Register. 0 1 read-write DMA_APBPERI_PMS_MONITOR_1 dma permission monitor configuration register 1. 0xB4 0x20 0x00000003 DMA_APBPERI_PMS_MONITOR_VIOLATE_CLR Set 1 to clear dma_pms_monitor_violate interrupt 0 1 read-write DMA_APBPERI_PMS_MONITOR_VIOLATE_EN Set 1 to enable dma pms monitor, if dma access violated permission, will trigger interrupt. 1 1 read-write DMA_APBPERI_PMS_MONITOR_2 dma permission monitor configuration register 2. 0xB8 0x20 DMA_APBPERI_PMS_MONITOR_VIOLATE_INTR recorded dma's interrupt status when dma access violated permission 0 1 read-only DMA_APBPERI_PMS_MONITOR_VIOLATE_STATUS_WORLD recorded dma's world status when dma access violated permission 1 2 read-only DMA_APBPERI_PMS_MONITOR_VIOLATE_STATUS_ADDR recorded dma's address bit[25:4] status when dma access violated permission, real address is 0x3c00_0000+addr*16 3 22 read-only DMA_APBPERI_PMS_MONITOR_3 dma permission monitor configuration register 3. 0xBC 0x20 DMA_APBPERI_PMS_MONITOR_VIOLATE_STATUS_WR recorded dma's write status when dma access violated permission, 1(write), 0(read) 0 1 read-only DMA_APBPERI_PMS_MONITOR_VIOLATE_STATUS_BYTEEN recorded dma's byte enable status when dma access violated permission 1 16 read-only CORE_X_IRAM0_DRAM0_DMA_SPLIT_LINE_CONSTRAIN_0 sram split line configuration register 0 0xC0 0x20 CORE_X_IRAM0_DRAM0_DMA_SPLIT_LINE_CONSTRAIN_LOCK Set 1 to lock sram split configuration register 0 1 read-write CORE_X_IRAM0_DRAM0_DMA_SPLIT_LINE_CONSTRAIN_1 sram split line configuration register 1 0xC4 0x20 CORE_X_IRAM0_DRAM0_DMA_SRAM_CATEGORY_0 category0 of core_x_iram0_dram_dma_line, if the splitaddress in block0 of SRAM, configured as 0x10, else if the splitaddress below block0 of SRAM, configured as 0x11, else if splitaddress higher than block0 of SRAM, configured as 0x00 0 2 read-write CORE_X_IRAM0_DRAM0_DMA_SRAM_CATEGORY_1 category1 of core_x_iram0_dram_dma_line, if the splitaddress in block1 of SRAM, configured as 0x10, else if the splitaddress below block1 of SRAM, configured as 0x11, else if splitaddress higher than block1 of SRAM, configured as 0x00 2 2 read-write CORE_X_IRAM0_DRAM0_DMA_SRAM_CATEGORY_2 category2 of core_x_iram0_dram_dma_line, if the splitaddress in block2 of SRAM, configured as 0x10, else if the splitaddress below block2 of SRAM, configured as 0x11, else if splitaddress higher than block2 of SRAM, configured as 0x00 4 2 read-write CORE_X_IRAM0_DRAM0_DMA_SRAM_CATEGORY_3 category3 of core_x_iram0_dram_dma_line, if the splitaddress in block3 of SRAM, configured as 0x10, else if the splitaddress below block3 of SRAM, configured as 0x11, else if splitaddress higher than block3 of SRAM, configured as 0x00 6 2 read-write CORE_X_IRAM0_DRAM0_DMA_SRAM_CATEGORY_4 category4 of core_x_iram0_dram_dma_line, if the splitaddress in block4 of SRAM, configured as 0x10, else if the splitaddress below block4 of SRAM, configured as 0x11, else if splitaddress higher than block4 of SRAM, configured as 0x00 8 2 read-write CORE_X_IRAM0_DRAM0_DMA_SRAM_CATEGORY_5 category5 of core_x_iram0_dram_dma_line, if the splitaddress in block5 of SRAM, configured as 0x10, else if the splitaddress below block5 of SRAM, configured as 0x11, else if splitaddress higher than block5 of SRAM, configured as 0x00 10 2 read-write CORE_X_IRAM0_DRAM0_DMA_SRAM_CATEGORY_6 category6 of core_x_iram0_dram_dma_line, if the splitaddress in block6 of SRAM, configured as 0x10, else if the splitaddress below block6 of SRAM, configured as 0x11, else if splitaddress higher than block6 of SRAM, configured as 0x00 12 2 read-write CORE_X_IRAM0_DRAM0_DMA_SRAM_SPLITADDR splitaddr of core_x_iram0_dram_dma_line, configured as [15:8]bit of actual address 14 8 read-write CORE_X_IRAM0_DRAM0_DMA_SPLIT_LINE_CONSTRAIN_2 sram split line configuration register 1 0xC8 0x20 CORE_X_IRAM0_SRAM_LINE_0_CATEGORY_0 category0 of core_x_iram0_dram_dma_line, if the splitaddress in block0 of SRAM, configured as 0x10, else if the splitaddress below block0 of SRAM, configured as 0x11, else if splitaddress higher than block0 of SRAM, configured as 0x00 0 2 read-write CORE_X_IRAM0_SRAM_LINE_0_CATEGORY_1 category1 of core_x_iram0_dram_dma_line, if the splitaddress in block1 of SRAM, configured as 0x10, else if the splitaddress below block1 of SRAM, configured as 0x11, else if splitaddress higher than block1 of SRAM, configured as 0x00 2 2 read-write CORE_X_IRAM0_SRAM_LINE_0_CATEGORY_2 category2 of core_x_iram0_dram_dma_line, if the splitaddress in block2 of SRAM, configured as 0x10, else if the splitaddress below block2 of SRAM, configured as 0x11, else if splitaddress higher than block2 of SRAM, configured as 0x00 4 2 read-write CORE_X_IRAM0_SRAM_LINE_0_CATEGORY_3 category3 of core_x_iram0_dram_dma_line, if the splitaddress in block3 of SRAM, configured as 0x10, else if the splitaddress below block3 of SRAM, configured as 0x11, else if splitaddress higher than block3 of SRAM, configured as 0x00 6 2 read-write CORE_X_IRAM0_SRAM_LINE_0_CATEGORY_4 category4 of core_x_iram0_dram_dma_line, if the splitaddress in block4 of SRAM, configured as 0x10, else if the splitaddress below block4 of SRAM, configured as 0x11, else if splitaddress higher than block4 of SRAM, configured as 0x00 8 2 read-write CORE_X_IRAM0_SRAM_LINE_0_CATEGORY_5 category5 of core_x_iram0_dram_dma_line, if the splitaddress in block5 of SRAM, configured as 0x10, else if the splitaddress below block5 of SRAM, configured as 0x11, else if splitaddress higher than block5 of SRAM, configured as 0x00 10 2 read-write CORE_X_IRAM0_SRAM_LINE_0_CATEGORY_6 category6 of core_x_iram0_dram_dma_line, if the splitaddress in block6 of SRAM, configured as 0x10, else if the splitaddress below block6 of SRAM, configured as 0x11, else if splitaddress higher than block6 of SRAM, configured as 0x00 12 2 read-write CORE_X_IRAM0_SRAM_LINE_0_SPLITADDR splitaddr of core_x_iram0_dram_dma_line, configured as [15:8]bit of actual address 14 8 read-write CORE_X_IRAM0_DRAM0_DMA_SPLIT_LINE_CONSTRAIN_3 sram split line configuration register 1 0xCC 0x20 CORE_X_IRAM0_SRAM_LINE_1_CATEGORY_0 category0 of core_x_iram0_dram_dma_line, if the splitaddress in block0 of SRAM, configured as 0x10, else if the splitaddress below block0 of SRAM, configured as 0x11, else if splitaddress higher than block0 of SRAM, configured as 0x00 0 2 read-write CORE_X_IRAM0_SRAM_LINE_1_CATEGORY_1 category1 of core_x_iram0_dram_dma_line, if the splitaddress in block1 of SRAM, configured as 0x10, else if the splitaddress below block1 of SRAM, configured as 0x11, else if splitaddress higher than block1 of SRAM, configured as 0x00 2 2 read-write CORE_X_IRAM0_SRAM_LINE_1_CATEGORY_2 category2 of core_x_iram0_dram_dma_line, if the splitaddress in block2 of SRAM, configured as 0x10, else if the splitaddress below block2 of SRAM, configured as 0x11, else if splitaddress higher than block2 of SRAM, configured as 0x00 4 2 read-write CORE_X_IRAM0_SRAM_LINE_1_CATEGORY_3 category3 of core_x_iram0_dram_dma_line, if the splitaddress in block3 of SRAM, configured as 0x10, else if the splitaddress below block3 of SRAM, configured as 0x11, else if splitaddress higher than block3 of SRAM, configured as 0x00 6 2 read-write CORE_X_IRAM0_SRAM_LINE_1_CATEGORY_4 category4 of core_x_iram0_dram_dma_line, if the splitaddress in block4 of SRAM, configured as 0x10, else if the splitaddress below block4 of SRAM, configured as 0x11, else if splitaddress higher than block4 of SRAM, configured as 0x00 8 2 read-write CORE_X_IRAM0_SRAM_LINE_1_CATEGORY_5 category5 of core_x_iram0_dram_dma_line, if the splitaddress in block5 of SRAM, configured as 0x10, else if the splitaddress below block5 of SRAM, configured as 0x11, else if splitaddress higher than block5 of SRAM, configured as 0x00 10 2 read-write CORE_X_IRAM0_SRAM_LINE_1_CATEGORY_6 category6 of core_x_iram0_dram_dma_line, if the splitaddress in block6 of SRAM, configured as 0x10, else if the splitaddress below block6 of SRAM, configured as 0x11, else if splitaddress higher than block6 of SRAM, configured as 0x00 12 2 read-write CORE_X_IRAM0_SRAM_LINE_1_SPLITADDR splitaddr of core_x_iram0_dram_dma_line, configured as [15:8]bit of actual address 14 8 read-write CORE_X_IRAM0_DRAM0_DMA_SPLIT_LINE_CONSTRAIN_4 sram split line configuration register 1 0xD0 0x20 CORE_X_DRAM0_DMA_SRAM_LINE_0_CATEGORY_0 category0 of core_x_iram0_dram_dma_line, if the splitaddress in block0 of SRAM, configured as 0x10, else if the splitaddress below block0 of SRAM, configured as 0x11, else if splitaddress higher than block0 of SRAM, configured as 0x00 0 2 read-write CORE_X_DRAM0_DMA_SRAM_LINE_0_CATEGORY_1 category1 of core_x_iram0_dram_dma_line, if the splitaddress in block1 of SRAM, configured as 0x10, else if the splitaddress below block1 of SRAM, configured as 0x11, else if splitaddress higher than block1 of SRAM, configured as 0x00 2 2 read-write CORE_X_DRAM0_DMA_SRAM_LINE_0_CATEGORY_2 category2 of core_x_iram0_dram_dma_line, if the splitaddress in block2 of SRAM, configured as 0x10, else if the splitaddress below block2 of SRAM, configured as 0x11, else if splitaddress higher than block2 of SRAM, configured as 0x00 4 2 read-write CORE_X_DRAM0_DMA_SRAM_LINE_0_CATEGORY_3 category3 of core_x_iram0_dram_dma_line, if the splitaddress in block3 of SRAM, configured as 0x10, else if the splitaddress below block3 of SRAM, configured as 0x11, else if splitaddress higher than block3 of SRAM, configured as 0x00 6 2 read-write CORE_X_DRAM0_DMA_SRAM_LINE_0_CATEGORY_4 category4 of core_x_iram0_dram_dma_line, if the splitaddress in block4 of SRAM, configured as 0x10, else if the splitaddress below block4 of SRAM, configured as 0x11, else if splitaddress higher than block4 of SRAM, configured as 0x00 8 2 read-write CORE_X_DRAM0_DMA_SRAM_LINE_0_CATEGORY_5 category5 of core_x_iram0_dram_dma_line, if the splitaddress in block5 of SRAM, configured as 0x10, else if the splitaddress below block5 of SRAM, configured as 0x11, else if splitaddress higher than block5 of SRAM, configured as 0x00 10 2 read-write CORE_X_DRAM0_DMA_SRAM_LINE_0_CATEGORY_6 category6 of core_x_iram0_dram_dma_line, if the splitaddress in block6 of SRAM, configured as 0x10, else if the splitaddress below block6 of SRAM, configured as 0x11, else if splitaddress higher than block6 of SRAM, configured as 0x00 12 2 read-write CORE_X_DRAM0_DMA_SRAM_LINE_0_SPLITADDR splitaddr of core_x_iram0_dram_dma_line, configured as [15:8]bit of actual address 14 8 read-write CORE_X_IRAM0_DRAM0_DMA_SPLIT_LINE_CONSTRAIN_5 sram split line configuration register 1 0xD4 0x20 CORE_X_DRAM0_DMA_SRAM_LINE_1_CATEGORY_0 category0 of core_x_iram0_dram_dma_line, if the splitaddress in block0 of SRAM, configured as 0x10, else if the splitaddress below block0 of SRAM, configured as 0x11, else if splitaddress higher than block0 of SRAM, configured as 0x00 0 2 read-write CORE_X_DRAM0_DMA_SRAM_LINE_1_CATEGORY_1 category1 of core_x_iram0_dram_dma_line, if the splitaddress in block1 of SRAM, configured as 0x10, else if the splitaddress below block1 of SRAM, configured as 0x11, else if splitaddress higher than block1 of SRAM, configured as 0x00 2 2 read-write CORE_X_DRAM0_DMA_SRAM_LINE_1_CATEGORY_2 category2 of core_x_iram0_dram_dma_line, if the splitaddress in block2 of SRAM, configured as 0x10, else if the splitaddress below block2 of SRAM, configured as 0x11, else if splitaddress higher than block2 of SRAM, configured as 0x00 4 2 read-write CORE_X_DRAM0_DMA_SRAM_LINE_1_CATEGORY_3 category3 of core_x_iram0_dram_dma_line, if the splitaddress in block3 of SRAM, configured as 0x10, else if the splitaddress below block3 of SRAM, configured as 0x11, else if splitaddress higher than block3 of SRAM, configured as 0x00 6 2 read-write CORE_X_DRAM0_DMA_SRAM_LINE_1_CATEGORY_4 category4 of core_x_iram0_dram_dma_line, if the splitaddress in block4 of SRAM, configured as 0x10, else if the splitaddress below block4 of SRAM, configured as 0x11, else if splitaddress higher than block4 of SRAM, configured as 0x00 8 2 read-write CORE_X_DRAM0_DMA_SRAM_LINE_1_CATEGORY_5 category5 of core_x_iram0_dram_dma_line, if the splitaddress in block5 of SRAM, configured as 0x10, else if the splitaddress below block5 of SRAM, configured as 0x11, else if splitaddress higher than block5 of SRAM, configured as 0x00 10 2 read-write CORE_X_DRAM0_DMA_SRAM_LINE_1_CATEGORY_6 category6 of core_x_iram0_dram_dma_line, if the splitaddress in block6 of SRAM, configured as 0x10, else if the splitaddress below block6 of SRAM, configured as 0x11, else if splitaddress higher than block6 of SRAM, configured as 0x00 12 2 read-write CORE_X_DRAM0_DMA_SRAM_LINE_1_SPLITADDR splitaddr of core_x_iram0_dram_dma_line, configured as [15:8]bit of actual address 14 8 read-write CORE_X_IRAM0_PMS_CONSTRAIN_0 corex iram0 permission configuration register 0 0xD8 0x20 CORE_X_IRAM0_PMS_CONSTRAIN_LOCK Set 1 to lock corex iram0 permission configuration register 0 1 read-write CORE_X_IRAM0_PMS_CONSTRAIN_1 corex iram0 permission configuration register 0 0xDC 0x20 0x001FFFFF CORE_X_IRAM0_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_WORLD_1_PMS_0 core0/core1's permission of instruction region0 of SRAM in world1 0 3 read-write CORE_X_IRAM0_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_WORLD_1_PMS_1 core0/core1's permission of instruction region1 of SRAM in world1 3 3 read-write CORE_X_IRAM0_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_WORLD_1_PMS_2 core0/core1's permission of instruction region2 of SRAM in world1 6 3 read-write CORE_X_IRAM0_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_WORLD_1_PMS_3 core0/core1's permission of instruction region3 of SRAM in world1 9 3 read-write CORE_X_IRAM0_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_WORLD_1_CACHEDATAARRAY_PMS_0 core0/core1's permission of icache data sram block0 in world1 12 3 read-write CORE_X_IRAM0_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_WORLD_1_CACHEDATAARRAY_PMS_1 core0/core1's permission of icache data sram block1 in world1 15 3 read-write CORE_X_IRAM0_PMS_CONSTRAIN_ROM_WORLD_1_PMS core0/core1's permission of rom in world1 18 3 read-write CORE_X_IRAM0_PMS_CONSTRAIN_2 corex iram0 permission configuration register 1 0xE0 0x20 0x001FFFFF CORE_X_IRAM0_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_WORLD_0_PMS_0 core0/core1's permission of instruction region0 of SRAM in world1 0 3 read-write CORE_X_IRAM0_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_WORLD_0_PMS_1 core0/core1's permission of instruction region1 of SRAM in world1 3 3 read-write CORE_X_IRAM0_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_WORLD_0_PMS_2 core0/core1's permission of instruction region2 of SRAM in world1 6 3 read-write CORE_X_IRAM0_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_WORLD_0_PMS_3 core0/core1's permission of instruction region3 of SRAM in world1 9 3 read-write CORE_X_IRAM0_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_WORLD_0_CACHEDATAARRAY_PMS_0 core0/core1's permission of icache data sram block0 in world1 12 3 read-write CORE_X_IRAM0_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_WORLD_0_CACHEDATAARRAY_PMS_1 core0/core1's permission of icache data sram block1 in world1 15 3 read-write CORE_X_IRAM0_PMS_CONSTRAIN_ROM_WORLD_0_PMS core0/core1's permission of rom in world1 18 3 read-write CORE_0_IRAM0_PMS_MONITOR_0 core0 iram0 permission monitor configuration register 0 0xE4 0x20 CORE_0_IRAM0_PMS_MONITOR_LOCK Set 1 to lock core0 iram0 permission monitor register 0 1 read-write CORE_0_IRAM0_PMS_MONITOR_1 core0 iram0 permission monitor configuration register 1 0xE8 0x20 0x00000003 CORE_0_IRAM0_PMS_MONITOR_VIOLATE_CLR Set 1 to clear core0 iram0 permission violated interrupt 0 1 read-write CORE_0_IRAM0_PMS_MONITOR_VIOLATE_EN Set 1 to enable core0 iram0 permission monitor, when core0_iram violated permission, will trigger interrupt 1 1 read-write CORE_0_IRAM0_PMS_MONITOR_2 core0 iram0 permission monitor configuration register 2 0xEC 0x20 CORE_0_IRAM0_PMS_MONITOR_VIOLATE_INTR recorded core0 iram0 pms monitor interrupt status. 0 1 read-only CORE_0_IRAM0_PMS_MONITOR_VIOLATE_STATUS_WR recorded core0 iram0 wr status, only if loadstore is 1 have meaning, 1(store), 0(load). 1 1 read-only CORE_0_IRAM0_PMS_MONITOR_VIOLATE_STATUS_LOADSTORE recorded core0 iram0 loadstore status, indicated the type of operation, 0(fetch), 1(load/store). 2 1 read-only CORE_0_IRAM0_PMS_MONITOR_VIOLATE_STATUS_WORLD recorded core0 iram0 world status, 0x01 means world0, 0x10 means world1. 3 2 read-only CORE_0_IRAM0_PMS_MONITOR_VIOLATE_STATUS_ADDR recorded core0 iram0 address [25:2] status when core0 iram0 violated permission, the real address is 0x40000000+addr*4 5 24 read-only CORE_1_IRAM0_PMS_MONITOR_0 core1 iram0 permission monitor configuration register 0 0xF0 0x20 CORE_1_IRAM0_PMS_MONITOR_LOCK Set 1 to lock core1 iram0 permission monitor register 0 1 read-write CORE_1_IRAM0_PMS_MONITOR_1 core1 iram0 permission monitor configuration register 1 0xF4 0x20 0x00000003 CORE_1_IRAM0_PMS_MONITOR_VIOLATE_CLR Set 1 to clear core1 iram0 permission violated interrupt 0 1 read-write CORE_1_IRAM0_PMS_MONITOR_VIOLATE_EN Set 1 to enable core1 iram0 permission monitor, when core1_iram violated permission, will trigger interrupt 1 1 read-write CORE_1_IRAM0_PMS_MONITOR_2 core1 iram0 permission monitor configuration register 2 0xF8 0x20 CORE_1_IRAM0_PMS_MONITOR_VIOLATE_INTR recorded core1 iram0 pms monitor interrupt status. 0 1 read-only CORE_1_IRAM0_PMS_MONITOR_VIOLATE_STATUS_WR recorded core1 iram0 wr status, only if loadstore is 1 have meaning, 1(store), 0(load). 1 1 read-only CORE_1_IRAM0_PMS_MONITOR_VIOLATE_STATUS_LOADSTORE recorded core1 iram0 loadstore status, indicated the type of operation, 0(fetch), 1(load/store). 2 1 read-only CORE_1_IRAM0_PMS_MONITOR_VIOLATE_STATUS_WORLD recorded core1 iram0 world status, 0x01 means world0, 0x10 means world1. 3 2 read-only CORE_1_IRAM0_PMS_MONITOR_VIOLATE_STATUS_ADDR recorded core1 iram0 address [25:2] status when core1 iram0 violated permission, the real address is 0x40000000+addr*4 5 24 read-only CORE_X_DRAM0_PMS_CONSTRAIN_0 corex dram0 permission configuration register 0 0xFC 0x20 CORE_X_DRAM0_PMS_CONSTRAIN_LOCK Set 1 to lock corex dram0 permission configuration register 0 1 read-write CORE_X_DRAM0_PMS_CONSTRAIN_1 corex dram0 permission configuration register 1 0x100 0x20 0x0FFFFFFF CORE_X_DRAM0_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_WORLD_0_PMS_0 core0/core1's permission of data region0 of SRAM in world0. 0 2 read-write CORE_X_DRAM0_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_WORLD_0_PMS_1 core0/core1's permission of data region1 of SRAM in world0. 2 2 read-write CORE_X_DRAM0_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_WORLD_0_PMS_2 core0/core1's permission of data region2 of SRAM in world0. 4 2 read-write CORE_X_DRAM0_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_WORLD_0_PMS_3 core0/core1's permission of data region3 of SRAM in world0. 6 2 read-write CORE_X_DRAM0_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_WORLD_0_CACHEDATAARRAY_PMS_0 core0/core1's permission of dcache data sram block0 in world0. 8 2 read-write CORE_X_DRAM0_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_WORLD_0_CACHEDATAARRAY_PMS_1 core0/core1's permission of dcache data sram block1 in world0. 10 2 read-write CORE_X_DRAM0_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_WORLD_1_PMS_0 core0/core1's permission of data region0 of SRAM in world1. 12 2 read-write CORE_X_DRAM0_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_WORLD_1_PMS_1 core0/core1's permission of data region1 of SRAM in world1. 14 2 read-write CORE_X_DRAM0_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_WORLD_1_PMS_2 core0/core1's permission of data region2 of SRAM in world1. 16 2 read-write CORE_X_DRAM0_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_WORLD_1_PMS_3 core0/core1's permission of data region3 of SRAM in world1. 18 2 read-write CORE_X_DRAM0_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_WORLD_1_CACHEDATAARRAY_PMS_0 core0/core1's permission of dcache data sram block0 in world1. 20 2 read-write CORE_X_DRAM0_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SRAM_WORLD_1_CACHEDATAARRAY_PMS_1 core0/core1's permission of dcache data sram block1 in world1. 22 2 read-write CORE_X_DRAM0_PMS_CONSTRAIN_ROM_WORLD_0_PMS core0/core1's permission(sotre,load) of rom in world0. 24 2 read-write CORE_X_DRAM0_PMS_CONSTRAIN_ROM_WORLD_1_PMS core0/core1's permission(sotre,load) of rom in world1. 26 2 read-write CORE_0_DRAM0_PMS_MONITOR_0 core0 dram0 permission monitor configuration register 0 0x104 0x20 CORE_0_DRAM0_PMS_MONITOR_LOCK Set 1 to lock core0 dram0 permission monitor configuration register. 0 1 read-write CORE_0_DRAM0_PMS_MONITOR_1 core0 dram0 permission monitor configuration register 1 0x108 0x20 0x00000003 CORE_0_DRAM0_PMS_MONITOR_VIOLATE_CLR Set 1 to clear core0 dram0 permission monior interrupt. 0 1 read-write CORE_0_DRAM0_PMS_MONITOR_VIOLATE_EN Set 1 to enable core0 dram0 permission monitor interrupt. 1 1 read-write CORE_0_DRAM0_PMS_MONITOR_2 core0 dram0 permission monitor configuration register 2. 0x10C 0x20 CORE_0_DRAM0_PMS_MONITOR_VIOLATE_INTR recorded core0 dram0 permission monitor interrupt status. 0 1 read-only CORE_0_DRAM0_PMS_MONITOR_VIOLATE_STATUS_LOCK recorded core0 dram0 lock status, 1 means s32c1i access. 1 1 read-only CORE_0_DRAM0_PMS_MONITOR_VIOLATE_STATUS_WORLD recorded core0 dram0 world status, 0x1 means world0, 0x2 means world1. 2 2 read-only CORE_0_DRAM0_PMS_MONITOR_VIOLATE_STATUS_ADDR recorded core0 dram0 address[25:4] status when core0 dram0 violated permission,the real address is 0x3c000000+addr*16 4 22 read-only CORE_0_DRAM0_PMS_MONITOR_3 core0 dram0 permission monitor configuration register 3. 0x110 0x20 CORE_0_DRAM0_PMS_MONITOR_VIOLATE_STATUS_WR recorded core0 dram0 wr status, 1 means store, 0 means load. 0 1 read-only CORE_0_DRAM0_PMS_MONITOR_VIOLATE_STATUS_BYTEEN recorded core0 dram0 byteen status. 1 16 read-only CORE_1_DRAM0_PMS_MONITOR_0 core1 dram0 permission monitor configuration register 0 0x114 0x20 CORE_1_DRAM0_PMS_MONITOR_LOCK Set 1 to lock core1 dram0 permission monitor configuration register. 0 1 read-write CORE_1_DRAM0_PMS_MONITOR_1 core1 dram0 permission monitor configuration register 1 0x118 0x20 0x00000003 CORE_1_DRAM0_PMS_MONITOR_VIOLATE_CLR Set 1 to clear core1 dram0 permission monior interrupt. 0 1 read-write CORE_1_DRAM0_PMS_MONITOR_VIOLATE_EN Set 1 to enable core1 dram0 permission monitor interrupt. 1 1 read-write CORE_1_DRAM0_PMS_MONITOR_2 core1 dram0 permission monitor configuration register 2. 0x11C 0x20 CORE_1_DRAM0_PMS_MONITOR_VIOLATE_INTR recorded core1 dram0 permission monitor interrupt status. 0 1 read-only CORE_1_DRAM0_PMS_MONITOR_VIOLATE_STATUS_LOCK recorded core1 dram0 lock status, 1 means s32c1i access. 1 1 read-only CORE_1_DRAM0_PMS_MONITOR_VIOLATE_STATUS_WORLD recorded core1 dram0 world status, 0x1 means world0, 0x2 means world1. 2 2 read-only CORE_1_DRAM0_PMS_MONITOR_VIOLATE_STATUS_ADDR recorded core1 dram0 address[25:4] status when core1 dram0 violated permission,the real address is 0x3c000000+addr*16 4 22 read-only CORE_1_DRAM0_PMS_MONITOR_3 core1 dram0 permission monitor configuration register 3. 0x120 0x20 CORE_1_DRAM0_PMS_MONITOR_VIOLATE_STATUS_WR recorded core1 dram0 wr status, 1 means store, 0 means load. 0 1 read-only CORE_1_DRAM0_PMS_MONITOR_VIOLATE_STATUS_BYTEEN recorded core1 dram0 byteen status. 1 16 read-only CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_0 Core0 access peripherals permission configuration register 0. 0x124 0x20 CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_LOCK Set 1 to lock core0 access peripherals permission Configuration Register. 0 1 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_1 Core0 access peripherals permission configuration register 1. 0x128 0x20 0xFF33CFFF CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_UART Core0 access uart permission in world0. 0 2 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_G0SPI_1 Core0 access g0spi_1 permission in world0. 2 2 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_G0SPI_0 Core0 access g0spi_0 permission in world0. 4 2 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_GPIO Core0 access gpio permission in world0. 6 2 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_FE2 Core0 access fe2 permission in world0. 8 2 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_FE Core0 access fe permission in world0. 10 2 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_RTC Core0 access rtc permission in world0. 14 2 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_IO_MUX Core0 access io_mux permission in world0. 16 2 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_HINF Core0 access hinf permission in world0. 20 2 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_MISC Core0 access misc permission in world0. 24 2 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_I2C Core0 access i2c permission in world0. 26 2 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_I2S0 Core0 access i2s0 permission in world0. 28 2 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_UART1 Core0 access uart1 permission in world0. 30 2 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_2 Core0 access peripherals permission configuration register 2. 0x12C 0x20 0xFFCFFFF3 CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_BT Core0 access bt permission in world0. 0 2 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_I2C_EXT0 Core0 access i2c_ext0 permission in world0. 4 2 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_UHCI0 Core0 access uhci0 permission in world0. 6 2 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_SLCHOST Core0 access slchost permission in world0. 8 2 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_RMT Core0 access rmt permission in world0. 10 2 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_PCNT Core0 access pcnt permission in world0. 12 2 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_SLC Core0 access slc permission in world0. 14 2 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_LEDC Core0 access ledc permission in world0. 16 2 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_BACKUP Core0 access backup permission in world0. 18 2 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_BB Core0 access bb permission in world0. 22 2 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_PWM0 Core0 access pwm0 permission in world0. 24 2 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_TIMERGROUP Core0 access timergroup permission in world0. 26 2 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_TIMERGROUP1 Core0 access timergroup1 permission in world0. 28 2 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_SYSTIMER Core0 access systimer permission in world0. 30 2 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_3 Core0 access peripherals permission configuration register 3. 0x130 0x20 0x3CC3FFFF CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_SPI_2 Core0 access spi_2 permission in world0. 0 2 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_SPI_3 Core0 access spi_3 permission in world0. 2 2 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_APB_CTRL Core0 access apb_ctrl permission in world0. 4 2 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_I2C_EXT1 Core0 access i2c_ext1 permission in world0. 6 2 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_SDIO_HOST Core0 access sdio_host permission in world0. 8 2 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_CAN Core0 access can permission in world0. 10 2 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_PWM1 Core0 access pwm1 permission in world0. 12 2 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_I2S1 Core0 access i2s1 permission in world0. 14 2 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_UART2 Core0 access uart2 permission in world0. 16 2 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_RWBT Core0 access rwbt permission in world0. 22 2 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_WIFIMAC Core0 access wifimac permission in world0. 26 2 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_PWR Core0 access pwr permission in world0. 28 2 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_4 Core0 access peripherals permission configuration register 4. 0x134 0x20 0xFFFFFFFF CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_USB_DEVICE Core0 access usb_device permission in world0. 0 2 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_USB_WRAP Core0 access usb_wrap permission in world0. 2 2 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_CRYPTO_PERI Core0 access crypto_peri permission in world0. 4 2 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_CRYPTO_DMA Core0 access crypto_dma permission in world0. 6 2 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_APB_ADC Core0 access apb_adc permission in world0. 8 2 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_LCD_CAM Core0 access lcd_cam permission in world0. 10 2 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_BT_PWR Core0 access bt_pwr permission in world0. 12 2 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_USB Core0 access usb permission in world0. 14 2 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_SYSTEM Core0 access system permission in world0. 16 2 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_SENSITIVE Core0 access sensitive permission in world0. 18 2 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_INTERRUPT Core0 access interrupt permission in world0. 20 2 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_DMA_COPY Core0 access dma_copy permission in world0. 22 2 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_CACHE_CONFIG Core0 access cache_config permission in world0. 24 2 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_AD Core0 access ad permission in world0. 26 2 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_DIO Core0 access dio permission in world0. 28 2 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_WORLD_CONTROLLER Core0 access world_controller permission in world0. 30 2 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_5 Core0 access peripherals permission configuration register 5. 0x138 0x20 0xFF33CFFF CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_UART Core0 access uart permission in world1. 0 2 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_G0SPI_1 Core0 access g0spi_1 permission in world1. 2 2 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_G0SPI_0 Core0 access g0spi_0 permission in world1. 4 2 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_GPIO Core0 access gpio permission in world1. 6 2 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_FE2 Core0 access fe2 permission in world1. 8 2 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_FE Core0 access fe permission in world1. 10 2 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_RTC Core0 access rtc permission in world1. 14 2 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_IO_MUX Core0 access io_mux permission in world1. 16 2 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_HINF Core0 access hinf permission in world1. 20 2 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_MISC Core0 access misc permission in world1. 24 2 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_I2C Core0 access i2c permission in world1. 26 2 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_I2S0 Core0 access i2s0 permission in world1. 28 2 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_UART1 Core0 access uart1 permission in world1. 30 2 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_6 Core0 access peripherals permission configuration register 6. 0x13C 0x20 0xFFCFFFF3 CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_BT Core0 access bt permission in world1. 0 2 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_I2C_EXT0 Core0 access i2c_ext0 permission in world1. 4 2 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_UHCI0 Core0 access uhci0 permission in world1. 6 2 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_SLCHOST Core0 access slchost permission in world1. 8 2 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_RMT Core0 access rmt permission in world1. 10 2 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_PCNT Core0 access pcnt permission in world1. 12 2 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_SLC Core0 access slc permission in world1. 14 2 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_LEDC Core0 access ledc permission in world1. 16 2 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_BACKUP Core0 access backup permission in world1. 18 2 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_BB Core0 access bb permission in world1. 22 2 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_PWM0 Core0 access pwm0 permission in world1. 24 2 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_TIMERGROUP Core0 access timergroup permission in world1. 26 2 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_TIMERGROUP1 Core0 access timergroup1 permission in world1. 28 2 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_SYSTIMER Core0 access systimer permission in world1. 30 2 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_7 Core0 access peripherals permission configuration register 7. 0x140 0x20 0x3CC3FFFF CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_SPI_2 Core0 access spi_2 permission in world1. 0 2 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_SPI_3 Core0 access spi_3 permission in world1. 2 2 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_APB_CTRL Core0 access apb_ctrl permission in world1. 4 2 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_I2C_EXT1 Core0 access i2c_ext1 permission in world1. 6 2 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_SDIO_HOST Core0 access sdio_host permission in world1. 8 2 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_CAN Core0 access can permission in world1. 10 2 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_PWM1 Core0 access pwm1 permission in world1. 12 2 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_I2S1 Core0 access i2s1 permission in world1. 14 2 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_UART2 Core0 access uart2 permission in world1. 16 2 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_RWBT Core0 access rwbt permission in world1. 22 2 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_WIFIMAC Core0 access wifimac permission in world1. 26 2 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_PWR Core0 access pwr permission in world1. 28 2 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_8 Core0 access peripherals permission configuration register 8. 0x144 0x20 0xFFFFFFFF CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_USB_DEVICE Core0 access usb_device permission in world1. 0 2 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_USB_WRAP Core0 access usb_wrap permission in world1. 2 2 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_CRYPTO_PERI Core0 access crypto_peri permission in world1. 4 2 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_CRYPTO_DMA Core0 access crypto_dma permission in world1. 6 2 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_APB_ADC Core0 access apb_adc permission in world1. 8 2 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_LCD_CAM Core0 access lcd_cam permission in world1. 10 2 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_BT_PWR Core0 access bt_pwr permission in world1. 12 2 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_USB Core0 access usb permission in world1. 14 2 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_SYSTEM Core0 access system permission in world1. 16 2 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_SENSITIVE Core0 access sensitive permission in world1. 18 2 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_INTERRUPT Core0 access interrupt permission in world1. 20 2 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_DMA_COPY Core0 access dma_copy permission in world1. 22 2 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_CACHE_CONFIG Core0 access cache_config permission in world1. 24 2 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_AD Core0 access ad permission in world1. 26 2 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_DIO Core0 access dio permission in world1. 28 2 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_WORLD_CONTROLLER Core0 access world_controller permission in world1. 30 2 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_9 Core0 access peripherals permission configuration register 9. 0x148 0x20 0x003FFFFF CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_RTCFAST_SPLTADDR_WORLD_0 RTCFast memory split address in world 0 for core0. 0 11 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_RTCFAST_SPLTADDR_WORLD_1 RTCFast memory split address in world 1 for core0. 11 11 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_10 Core0 access peripherals permission configuration register 10. 0x14C 0x20 0x00000FFF CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_RTCFAST_WORLD_0_L RTCFast memory low region permission in world 0 for core0. 0 3 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_RTCFAST_WORLD_0_H RTCFast memory high region permission in world 0 for core0. 3 3 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_RTCFAST_WORLD_1_L RTCFast memory low region permission in world 1 for core0. 6 3 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_RTCFAST_WORLD_1_H RTCFast memory high region permission in world 1 for core0. 9 3 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_11 Core0 access peripherals permission configuration register 11. 0x150 0x20 0x003FFFFF CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_RTCSLOW_0_SPLTADDR_WORLD_0 RTCSlow_0 memory split address in world 0 for core0. 0 11 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_RTCSLOW_0_SPLTADDR_WORLD_1 RTCSlow_0 memory split address in world 1 for core0. 11 11 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_12 Core0 access peripherals permission configuration register 12. 0x154 0x20 0x00000FFF CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_RTCSLOW_0_WORLD_0_L RTCSlow_0 memory low region permission in world 0 for core0. 0 3 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_RTCSLOW_0_WORLD_0_H RTCSlow_0 memory high region permission in world 0 for core0. 3 3 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_RTCSLOW_0_WORLD_1_L RTCSlow_0 memory low region permission in world 1 for core0. 6 3 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_RTCSLOW_0_WORLD_1_H RTCSlow_0 memory high region permission in world 1 for core0. 9 3 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_13 Core0 access peripherals permission configuration register 13. 0x158 0x20 0x003FFFFF CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_RTCSLOW_1_SPLTADDR_WORLD_0 RTCSlow_1 memory split address in world 0 for core0. 0 11 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_RTCSLOW_1_SPLTADDR_WORLD_1 RTCSlow_1 memory split address in world 1 for core0. 11 11 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_14 Core0 access peripherals permission configuration register 14. 0x15C 0x20 0x00000FFF CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_RTCSLOW_1_WORLD_0_L RTCSlow_1 memory low region permission in world 0 for core0. 0 3 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_RTCSLOW_1_WORLD_0_H RTCSlow_1 memory high region permission in world 0 for core0. 3 3 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_RTCSLOW_1_WORLD_1_L RTCSlow_1 memory low region permission in world 1 for core0. 6 3 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_RTCSLOW_1_WORLD_1_H RTCSlow_1 memory high region permission in world 1 for core0. 9 3 read-write CORE_0_REGION_PMS_CONSTRAIN_0 Core0 region permission register 0. 0x160 0x20 CORE_0_REGION_PMS_CONSTRAIN_LOCK Set 1 to lock core0 region permission registers. 0 1 read-write CORE_0_REGION_PMS_CONSTRAIN_1 Core0 region permission register 1. 0x164 0x20 0x003FFFFF CORE_0_REGION_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_AREA_0 Region 0 permission in world 0 for core0. 0 2 read-write CORE_0_REGION_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_AREA_1 Region 1 permission in world 0 for core0. 2 2 read-write CORE_0_REGION_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_AREA_2 Region 2 permission in world 0 for core0. 4 2 read-write CORE_0_REGION_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_AREA_3 Region 3 permission in world 0 for core0. 6 2 read-write CORE_0_REGION_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_AREA_4 Region 4 permission in world 0 for core0. 8 2 read-write CORE_0_REGION_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_AREA_5 Region 5 permission in world 0 for core0. 10 2 read-write CORE_0_REGION_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_AREA_6 Region 6 permission in world 0 for core0. 12 2 read-write CORE_0_REGION_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_AREA_7 Region 7 permission in world 0 for core0. 14 2 read-write CORE_0_REGION_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_AREA_8 Region 8 permission in world 0 for core0. 16 2 read-write CORE_0_REGION_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_AREA_9 Region 9 permission in world 0 for core0. 18 2 read-write CORE_0_REGION_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_AREA_10 Region 10 permission in world 0 for core0. 20 2 read-write CORE_0_REGION_PMS_CONSTRAIN_2 Core0 region permission register 2. 0x168 0x20 0x003FFFFF CORE_0_REGION_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_AREA_0 Region 0 permission in world 1 for core0. 0 2 read-write CORE_0_REGION_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_AREA_1 Region 1 permission in world 1 for core0. 2 2 read-write CORE_0_REGION_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_AREA_2 Region 2 permission in world 1 for core0. 4 2 read-write CORE_0_REGION_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_AREA_3 Region 3 permission in world 1 for core0. 6 2 read-write CORE_0_REGION_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_AREA_4 Region 4 permission in world 1 for core0. 8 2 read-write CORE_0_REGION_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_AREA_5 Region 5 permission in world 1 for core0. 10 2 read-write CORE_0_REGION_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_AREA_6 Region 6 permission in world 1 for core0. 12 2 read-write CORE_0_REGION_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_AREA_7 Region 7 permission in world 1 for core0. 14 2 read-write CORE_0_REGION_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_AREA_8 Region 8 permission in world 1 for core0. 16 2 read-write CORE_0_REGION_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_AREA_9 Region 9 permission in world 1 for core0. 18 2 read-write CORE_0_REGION_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_AREA_10 Region 10 permission in world 1 for core0. 20 2 read-write CORE_0_REGION_PMS_CONSTRAIN_3 Core0 region permission register 3. 0x16C 0x20 CORE_0_REGION_PMS_CONSTRAIN_ADDR_0 Region 0 start address for core0. 0 30 read-write CORE_0_REGION_PMS_CONSTRAIN_4 Core0 region permission register 4. 0x170 0x20 CORE_0_REGION_PMS_CONSTRAIN_ADDR_1 Region 0 end address and Region 1 start address for core0. 0 30 read-write CORE_0_REGION_PMS_CONSTRAIN_5 Core0 region permission register 5. 0x174 0x20 CORE_0_REGION_PMS_CONSTRAIN_ADDR_2 Region 1 end address and Region 2 start address for core0. 0 30 read-write CORE_0_REGION_PMS_CONSTRAIN_6 Core0 region permission register 6. 0x178 0x20 CORE_0_REGION_PMS_CONSTRAIN_ADDR_3 Region 2 end address and Region 3 start address for core0. 0 30 read-write CORE_0_REGION_PMS_CONSTRAIN_7 Core0 region permission register 7. 0x17C 0x20 CORE_0_REGION_PMS_CONSTRAIN_ADDR_4 Region 3 end address and Region 4 start address for core0. 0 30 read-write CORE_0_REGION_PMS_CONSTRAIN_8 Core0 region permission register 8. 0x180 0x20 CORE_0_REGION_PMS_CONSTRAIN_ADDR_5 Region 4 end address and Region 5 start address for core0. 0 30 read-write CORE_0_REGION_PMS_CONSTRAIN_9 Core0 region permission register 9. 0x184 0x20 CORE_0_REGION_PMS_CONSTRAIN_ADDR_6 Region 5 end address and Region 6 start address for core0. 0 30 read-write CORE_0_REGION_PMS_CONSTRAIN_10 Core0 region permission register 10. 0x188 0x20 CORE_0_REGION_PMS_CONSTRAIN_ADDR_7 Region 6 end address and Region 7 start address for core0. 0 30 read-write CORE_0_REGION_PMS_CONSTRAIN_11 Core0 region permission register 11. 0x18C 0x20 CORE_0_REGION_PMS_CONSTRAIN_ADDR_8 Region 7 end address and Region 8 start address for core0. 0 30 read-write CORE_0_REGION_PMS_CONSTRAIN_12 Core0 region permission register 12. 0x190 0x20 CORE_0_REGION_PMS_CONSTRAIN_ADDR_9 Region 8 end address and Region 9 start address for core0. 0 30 read-write CORE_0_REGION_PMS_CONSTRAIN_13 Core0 region permission register 13. 0x194 0x20 CORE_0_REGION_PMS_CONSTRAIN_ADDR_10 Region 9 end address and Region 10 start address for core0. 0 30 read-write CORE_0_REGION_PMS_CONSTRAIN_14 Core0 region permission register 14. 0x198 0x20 CORE_0_REGION_PMS_CONSTRAIN_ADDR_11 Region 10 end address for core0. 0 30 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_MONITOR_0 Core0 permission report register 0. 0x19C 0x20 CORE_0_PIF_PMS_MONITOR_LOCK Set 1 to lock core0 permission report registers. 0 1 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_MONITOR_1 Core0 permission report register 1. 0x1A0 0x20 0x00000003 CORE_0_PIF_PMS_MONITOR_VIOLATE_CLR Set 1 to clear interrupt that core0 initiate illegal PIF bus access. 0 1 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_MONITOR_VIOLATE_EN Set 1 to enable interrupt that core0 initiate illegal PIF bus access. 1 1 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_MONITOR_2 Core0 permission report register 2. 0x1A4 0x20 CORE_0_PIF_PMS_MONITOR_VIOLATE_INTR Record core0 illegal access interrupt state. 0 1 read-only CORE_0_PIF_PMS_MONITOR_VIOLATE_STATUS_HPORT_0 Record hport information when core0 initiate illegal access. 1 1 read-only CORE_0_PIF_PMS_MONITOR_VIOLATE_STATUS_HSIZE Record access type when core0 initate illegal access. 2 3 read-only CORE_0_PIF_PMS_MONITOR_VIOLATE_STATUS_HWRITE Record access direction when core0 initiate illegal access. 5 1 read-only CORE_0_PIF_PMS_MONITOR_VIOLATE_STATUS_HWORLD Record world information when core0 initiate illegal access. 6 2 read-only CORE_0_PIF_PMS_MONITOR_3 Core0 permission report register 3. 0x1A8 0x20 CORE_0_PIF_PMS_MONITOR_VIOLATE_STATUS_HADDR Record address information when core0 initiate illegal access. 0 32 read-only CORE_0_PIF_PMS_MONITOR_4 Core0 permission report register 4. 0x1AC 0x20 0x00000003 CORE_0_PIF_PMS_MONITOR_NONWORD_VIOLATE_CLR Set 1 to clear interrupt that core0 initiate unsupported access type. 0 1 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_MONITOR_NONWORD_VIOLATE_EN Set 1 to enable interrupt that core0 initiate unsupported access type. 1 1 read-write CORE_0_PIF_PMS_MONITOR_5 Core0 permission report register 5. 0x1B0 0x20 CORE_0_PIF_PMS_MONITOR_NONWORD_VIOLATE_INTR Record core0 unsupported access type interrupt state. 0 1 read-only CORE_0_PIF_PMS_MONITOR_NONWORD_VIOLATE_STATUS_HSIZE Record access type when core0 initiate unsupported access type. 1 2 read-only CORE_0_PIF_PMS_MONITOR_NONWORD_VIOLATE_STATUS_HWORLD Record world information when core0 initiate unsupported access type. 3 2 read-only CORE_0_PIF_PMS_MONITOR_6 Core0 permission report register 6. 0x1B4 0x20 CORE_0_PIF_PMS_MONITOR_NONWORD_VIOLATE_STATUS_HADDR Record address information when core0 initiate unsupported access type. 0 32 read-only CORE_0_VECBASE_OVERRIDE_LOCK core0 vecbase override configuration register 0 0x1B8 0x20 CORE_0_VECBASE_OVERRIDE_LOCK Set 1 to lock core0 vecbase configuration register 0 1 read-write CORE_0_VECBASE_OVERRIDE_0 core0 vecbase override configuration register 0 0x1BC 0x20 0x00000001 CORE_0_VECBASE_WORLD_MASK Set 1 to mask world, then only world0_value will work. 0 1 read-write CORE_0_VECBASE_OVERRIDE_1 core0 vecbase override configuration register 1 0x1C0 0x20 CORE_0_VECBASE_OVERRIDE_WORLD0_VALUE world0 vecbase_override register, when core0 in world0 use this register to override vecbase register. 0 22 read-write CORE_0_VECBASE_OVERRIDE_SEL Set 0x3 to sel vecbase_override to override vecbase register. 22 2 read-write CORE_0_VECBASE_OVERRIDE_2 core0 vecbase override configuration register 1 0x1C4 0x20 CORE_0_VECBASE_OVERRIDE_WORLD1_VALUE world1 vecbase_override register, when core0 in world1 use this register to override vecbase register. 0 22 read-write CORE_0_TOOMANYEXCEPTIONS_M_OVERRIDE_0 core0 toomanyexception override configuration register 0. 0x1C8 0x20 CORE_0_TOOMANYEXCEPTIONS_M_OVERRIDE_LOCK Set 1 to lock core0 toomanyexception override configuration register 0 1 read-write CORE_0_TOOMANYEXCEPTIONS_M_OVERRIDE_1 core0 toomanyexception override configuration register 1. 0x1CC 0x20 0x00000001 CORE_0_TOOMANYEXCEPTIONS_M_OVERRIDE Set 1 to mask toomanyexception. 0 1 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_0 Core1 access peripherals permission configuration register 0. 0x1D0 0x20 CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_LOCK Set 1 to lock core1 pif permission configuration register. 0 1 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_1 Core1 access peripherals permission configuration register 1. 0x1D4 0x20 0xFF33CFFF CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_UART Core1 access uart permission in world0. 0 2 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_G0SPI_1 Core1 access g0spi_1 permission in world0. 2 2 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_G0SPI_0 Core1 access g0spi_0 permission in world0. 4 2 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_GPIO Core1 access gpio permission in world0. 6 2 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_FE2 Core1 access fe2 permission in world0. 8 2 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_FE Core1 access fe permission in world0. 10 2 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_RTC Core1 access rtc permission in world0. 14 2 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_IO_MUX Core1 access io_mux permission in world0. 16 2 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_HINF Core1 access hinf permission in world0. 20 2 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_MISC Core1 access misc permission in world0. 24 2 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_I2C Core1 access i2c permission in world0. 26 2 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_I2S0 Core1 access i2s0 permission in world0. 28 2 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_UART1 Core1 access uart1 permission in world0. 30 2 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_2 Core1 access peripherals permission configuration register 2. 0x1D8 0x20 0xFFCFFFF3 CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_BT Core1 access bt permission in world0. 0 2 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_I2C_EXT0 Core1 access i2c_ext0 permission in world0. 4 2 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_UHCI0 Core1 access uhci0 permission in world0. 6 2 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_SLCHOST Core1 access slchost permission in world0. 8 2 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_RMT Core1 access rmt permission in world0. 10 2 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_PCNT Core1 access pcnt permission in world0. 12 2 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_SLC Core1 access slc permission in world0. 14 2 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_LEDC Core1 access ledc permission in world0. 16 2 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_BACKUP Core1 access backup permission in world0. 18 2 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_BB Core1 access bb permission in world0. 22 2 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_PWM0 Core1 access pwm0 permission in world0. 24 2 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_TIMERGROUP Core1 access timergroup permission in world0. 26 2 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_TIMERGROUP1 Core1 access timergroup1 permission in world0. 28 2 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_SYSTIMER Core1 access systimer permission in world0. 30 2 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_3 Core1 access peripherals permission configuration register 3. 0x1DC 0x20 0x3CC3FFFF CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_SPI_2 Core1 access spi_2 permission in world0. 0 2 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_SPI_3 Core1 access spi_3 permission in world0. 2 2 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_APB_CTRL Core1 access apb_ctrl permission in world0. 4 2 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_I2C_EXT1 Core1 access i2c_ext1 permission in world0. 6 2 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_SDIO_HOST Core1 access sdio_host permission in world0. 8 2 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_CAN Core1 access can permission in world0. 10 2 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_PWM1 Core1 access pwm1 permission in world0. 12 2 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_I2S1 Core1 access i2s1 permission in world0. 14 2 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_UART2 Core1 access uart2 permission in world0. 16 2 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_RWBT Core1 access rwbt permission in world0. 22 2 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_WIFIMAC Core1 access wifimac permission in world0. 26 2 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_PWR Core1 access pwr permission in world0. 28 2 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_4 Core1 access peripherals permission configuration register 4. 0x1E0 0x20 0xFFFFFFFF CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_USB_DEVICE Core1 access usb_device permission in world0. 0 2 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_USB_WRAP Core1 access usb_wrap permission in world0. 2 2 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_CRYPTO_PERI Core1 access crypto_peri permission in world0. 4 2 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_CRYPTO_DMA Core1 access crypto_dma permission in world0. 6 2 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_APB_ADC Core1 access apb_adc permission in world0. 8 2 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_LCD_CAM Core1 access lcd_cam permission in world0. 10 2 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_BT_PWR Core1 access bt_pwr permission in world0. 12 2 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_USB Core1 access usb permission in world0. 14 2 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_SYSTEM Core1 access system permission in world0. 16 2 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_SENSITIVE Core1 access sensitive permission in world0. 18 2 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_INTERRUPT Core1 access interrupt permission in world0. 20 2 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_DMA_COPY Core1 access dma_copy permission in world0. 22 2 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_CACHE_CONFIG Core1 access cache_config permission in world0. 24 2 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_AD Core1 access ad permission in world0. 26 2 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_DIO Core1 access dio permission in world0. 28 2 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_WORLD_CONTROLLER Core1 access world_controller permission in world0. 30 2 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_5 Core1 access peripherals permission configuration register 5. 0x1E4 0x20 0xFF33CFFF CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_UART Core1 access uart permission in world1. 0 2 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_G0SPI_1 Core1 access g0spi_1 permission in world1. 2 2 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_G0SPI_0 Core1 access g0spi_0 permission in world1. 4 2 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_GPIO Core1 access gpio permission in world1. 6 2 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_FE2 Core1 access fe2 permission in world1. 8 2 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_FE Core1 access fe permission in world1. 10 2 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_RTC Core1 access rtc permission in world1. 14 2 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_IO_MUX Core1 access io_mux permission in world1. 16 2 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_HINF Core1 access hinf permission in world1. 20 2 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_MISC Core1 access misc permission in world1. 24 2 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_I2C Core1 access i2c permission in world1. 26 2 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_I2S0 Core1 access i2s0 permission in world1. 28 2 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_UART1 Core1 access uart1 permission in world1. 30 2 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_6 Core1 access peripherals permission configuration register 6. 0x1E8 0x20 0xFFCFFFF3 CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_BT Core1 access bt permission in world1. 0 2 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_I2C_EXT0 Core1 access i2c_ext0 permission in world1. 4 2 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_UHCI0 Core1 access uhci0 permission in world1. 6 2 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_SLCHOST Core1 access slchost permission in world1. 8 2 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_RMT Core1 access rmt permission in world1. 10 2 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_PCNT Core1 access pcnt permission in world1. 12 2 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_SLC Core1 access slc permission in world1. 14 2 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_LEDC Core1 access ledc permission in world1. 16 2 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_BACKUP Core1 access backup permission in world1. 18 2 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_BB Core1 access bb permission in world1. 22 2 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_PWM0 Core1 access pwm0 permission in world1. 24 2 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_TIMERGROUP Core1 access timergroup permission in world1. 26 2 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_TIMERGROUP1 Core1 access timergroup1 permission in world1. 28 2 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_SYSTIMER Core1 access systimer permission in world1. 30 2 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_7 Core1 access peripherals permission configuration register 7. 0x1EC 0x20 0x3CC3FFFF CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_SPI_2 Core1 access spi_2 permission in world1. 0 2 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_SPI_3 Core1 access spi_3 permission in world1. 2 2 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_APB_CTRL Core1 access apb_ctrl permission in world1. 4 2 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_I2C_EXT1 Core1 access i2c_ext1 permission in world1. 6 2 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_SDIO_HOST Core1 access sdio_host permission in world1. 8 2 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_CAN Core1 access can permission in world1. 10 2 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_PWM1 Core1 access pwm1 permission in world1. 12 2 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_I2S1 Core1 access i2s1 permission in world1. 14 2 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_UART2 Core1 access uart2 permission in world1. 16 2 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_RWBT Core1 access rwbt permission in world1. 22 2 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_WIFIMAC Core1 access wifimac permission in world1. 26 2 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_PWR Core1 access pwr permission in world1. 28 2 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_8 Core1 access peripherals permission configuration register 8. 0x1F0 0x20 0xFFFFFFFF CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_USB_DEVICE Core1 access usb_device permission in world1. 0 2 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_USB_WRAP Core1 access usb_wrap permission in world1. 2 2 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_CRYPTO_PERI Core1 access crypto_peri permission in world1. 4 2 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_CRYPTO_DMA Core1 access crypto_dma permission in world1. 6 2 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_APB_ADC Core1 access apb_adc permission in world1. 8 2 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_LCD_CAM Core1 access lcd_cam permission in world1. 10 2 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_BT_PWR Core1 access bt_pwr permission in world1. 12 2 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_USB Core1 access usb permission in world1. 14 2 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_SYSTEM Core1 access system permission in world1. 16 2 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_SENSITIVE Core1 access sensitive permission in world1. 18 2 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_INTERRUPT Core1 access interrupt permission in world1. 20 2 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_DMA_COPY Core1 access dma_copy permission in world1. 22 2 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_CACHE_CONFIG Core1 access cache_config permission in world1. 24 2 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_AD Core1 access ad permission in world1. 26 2 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_DIO Core1 access dio permission in world1. 28 2 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_WORLD_CONTROLLER Core1 access world_controller permission in world1. 30 2 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_9 Core1 access peripherals permission configuration register 9. 0x1F4 0x20 0x003FFFFF CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_RTCFAST_SPLTADDR_WORLD_0 RTCFast memory split address in world 0 for core1. 0 11 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_RTCFAST_SPLTADDR_WORLD_1 RTCFast memory split address in world 1 for core1. 11 11 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_10 core1 access peripherals permission configuration register 10. 0x1F8 0x20 0x00000FFF CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_RTCFAST_WORLD_0_L RTCFast memory low region permission in world 0 for core1. 0 3 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_RTCFAST_WORLD_0_H RTCFast memory high region permission in world 0 for core1. 3 3 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_RTCFAST_WORLD_1_L RTCFast memory low region permission in world 1 for core1. 6 3 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_RTCFAST_WORLD_1_H RTCFast memory high region permission in world 1 for core1. 9 3 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_11 core1 access peripherals permission configuration register 11. 0x1FC 0x20 0x003FFFFF CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_RTCSLOW_0_SPLTADDR_WORLD_0 RTCSlow_0 memory split address in world 0 for core1. 0 11 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_RTCSLOW_0_SPLTADDR_WORLD_1 RTCSlow_0 memory split address in world 1 for core1. 11 11 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_12 core1 access peripherals permission configuration register 12. 0x200 0x20 0x00000FFF CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_RTCSLOW_0_WORLD_0_L RTCSlow_0 memory low region permission in world 0 for core1. 0 3 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_RTCSLOW_0_WORLD_0_H RTCSlow_0 memory high region permission in world 0 for core1. 3 3 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_RTCSLOW_0_WORLD_1_L RTCSlow_0 memory low region permission in world 1 for core1. 6 3 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_RTCSLOW_0_WORLD_1_H RTCSlow_0 memory high region permission in world 1 for core1. 9 3 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_13 core1 access peripherals permission configuration register 13. 0x204 0x20 0x003FFFFF CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_RTCSLOW_1_SPLTADDR_WORLD_0 RTCSlow_1 memory split address in world 0 for core1. 0 11 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_RTCSLOW_1_SPLTADDR_WORLD_1 RTCSlow_1 memory split address in world 1 for core1. 11 11 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_14 core1 access peripherals permission configuration register 14. 0x208 0x20 0x00000FFF CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_RTCSLOW_1_WORLD_0_L RTCSlow_1 memory low region permission in world 0 for core1. 0 3 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_RTCSLOW_1_WORLD_0_H RTCSlow_1 memory high region permission in world 0 for core1. 3 3 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_RTCSLOW_1_WORLD_1_L RTCSlow_1 memory low region permission in world 1 for core1. 6 3 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_CONSTRAIN_RTCSLOW_1_WORLD_1_H RTCSlow_1 memory high region permission in world 1 for core1. 9 3 read-write CORE_1_REGION_PMS_CONSTRAIN_0 core1 region permission register 0. 0x20C 0x20 CORE_1_REGION_PMS_CONSTRAIN_LOCK Set 1 to lock core1 region permission registers. 0 1 read-write CORE_1_REGION_PMS_CONSTRAIN_1 core1 region permission register 1. 0x210 0x20 0x003FFFFF CORE_1_REGION_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_AREA_0 Region 0 permission in world 0 for core1. 0 2 read-write CORE_1_REGION_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_AREA_1 Region 1 permission in world 0 for core1. 2 2 read-write CORE_1_REGION_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_AREA_2 Region 2 permission in world 0 for core1. 4 2 read-write CORE_1_REGION_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_AREA_3 Region 3 permission in world 0 for core1. 6 2 read-write CORE_1_REGION_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_AREA_4 Region 4 permission in world 0 for core1. 8 2 read-write CORE_1_REGION_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_AREA_5 Region 5 permission in world 0 for core1. 10 2 read-write CORE_1_REGION_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_AREA_6 Region 6 permission in world 0 for core1. 12 2 read-write CORE_1_REGION_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_AREA_7 Region 7 permission in world 0 for core1. 14 2 read-write CORE_1_REGION_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_AREA_8 Region 8 permission in world 0 for core1. 16 2 read-write CORE_1_REGION_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_AREA_9 Region 9 permission in world 0 for core1. 18 2 read-write CORE_1_REGION_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_0_AREA_10 Region 10 permission in world 0 for core1. 20 2 read-write CORE_1_REGION_PMS_CONSTRAIN_2 core1 region permission register 2. 0x214 0x20 0x003FFFFF CORE_1_REGION_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_AREA_0 Region 0 permission in world 1 for core1. 0 2 read-write CORE_1_REGION_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_AREA_1 Region 1 permission in world 1 for core1. 2 2 read-write CORE_1_REGION_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_AREA_2 Region 2 permission in world 1 for core1. 4 2 read-write CORE_1_REGION_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_AREA_3 Region 3 permission in world 1 for core1. 6 2 read-write CORE_1_REGION_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_AREA_4 Region 4 permission in world 1 for core1. 8 2 read-write CORE_1_REGION_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_AREA_5 Region 5 permission in world 1 for core1. 10 2 read-write CORE_1_REGION_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_AREA_6 Region 6 permission in world 1 for core1. 12 2 read-write CORE_1_REGION_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_AREA_7 Region 7 permission in world 1 for core1. 14 2 read-write CORE_1_REGION_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_AREA_8 Region 8 permission in world 1 for core1. 16 2 read-write CORE_1_REGION_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_AREA_9 Region 9 permission in world 1 for core1. 18 2 read-write CORE_1_REGION_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_1_AREA_10 Region 10 permission in world 1 for core1. 20 2 read-write CORE_1_REGION_PMS_CONSTRAIN_3 core1 region permission register 3. 0x218 0x20 CORE_1_REGION_PMS_CONSTRAIN_ADDR_0 Region 0 start address for core1. 0 30 read-write CORE_1_REGION_PMS_CONSTRAIN_4 core1 region permission register 4. 0x21C 0x20 CORE_1_REGION_PMS_CONSTRAIN_ADDR_1 Region 0 end address and Region 1 start address for core1. 0 30 read-write CORE_1_REGION_PMS_CONSTRAIN_5 core1 region permission register 5. 0x220 0x20 CORE_1_REGION_PMS_CONSTRAIN_ADDR_2 Region 1 end address and Region 2 start address for core1. 0 30 read-write CORE_1_REGION_PMS_CONSTRAIN_6 core1 region permission register 6. 0x224 0x20 CORE_1_REGION_PMS_CONSTRAIN_ADDR_3 Region 2 end address and Region 3 start address for core1. 0 30 read-write CORE_1_REGION_PMS_CONSTRAIN_7 core1 region permission register 7. 0x228 0x20 CORE_1_REGION_PMS_CONSTRAIN_ADDR_4 Region 3 end address and Region 4 start address for core1. 0 30 read-write CORE_1_REGION_PMS_CONSTRAIN_8 core1 region permission register 8. 0x22C 0x20 CORE_1_REGION_PMS_CONSTRAIN_ADDR_5 Region 4 end address and Region 5 start address for core1. 0 30 read-write CORE_1_REGION_PMS_CONSTRAIN_9 core1 region permission register 9. 0x230 0x20 CORE_1_REGION_PMS_CONSTRAIN_ADDR_6 Region 5 end address and Region 6 start address for core1. 0 30 read-write CORE_1_REGION_PMS_CONSTRAIN_10 core1 region permission register 10. 0x234 0x20 CORE_1_REGION_PMS_CONSTRAIN_ADDR_7 Region 6 end address and Region 7 start address for core1. 0 30 read-write CORE_1_REGION_PMS_CONSTRAIN_11 core1 region permission register 11. 0x238 0x20 CORE_1_REGION_PMS_CONSTRAIN_ADDR_8 Region 7 end address and Region 8 start address for core1. 0 30 read-write CORE_1_REGION_PMS_CONSTRAIN_12 core1 region permission register 12. 0x23C 0x20 CORE_1_REGION_PMS_CONSTRAIN_ADDR_9 Region 8 end address and Region 9 start address for core1. 0 30 read-write CORE_1_REGION_PMS_CONSTRAIN_13 core1 region permission register 13. 0x240 0x20 CORE_1_REGION_PMS_CONSTRAIN_ADDR_10 Region 9 end address and Region 10 start address for core1. 0 30 read-write CORE_1_REGION_PMS_CONSTRAIN_14 core1 region permission register 14. 0x244 0x20 CORE_1_REGION_PMS_CONSTRAIN_ADDR_11 Region 10 end address for core1. 0 30 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_MONITOR_0 core1 permission report register 0. 0x248 0x20 CORE_1_PIF_PMS_MONITOR_LOCK Set 1 to lock core1 permission report registers. 0 1 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_MONITOR_1 core1 permission report register 1. 0x24C 0x20 0x00000003 CORE_1_PIF_PMS_MONITOR_VIOLATE_CLR Set 1 to clear interrupt that core1 initiate illegal PIF bus access. 0 1 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_MONITOR_VIOLATE_EN Set 1 to enable interrupt that core1 initiate illegal PIF bus access. 1 1 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_MONITOR_2 core1 permission report register 2. 0x250 0x20 CORE_1_PIF_PMS_MONITOR_VIOLATE_INTR Record core1 illegal access interrupt state. 0 1 read-only CORE_1_PIF_PMS_MONITOR_VIOLATE_STATUS_HPORT_0 Record hport information when core1 initiate illegal access. 1 1 read-only CORE_1_PIF_PMS_MONITOR_VIOLATE_STATUS_HSIZE Record access type when core1 initate illegal access. 2 3 read-only CORE_1_PIF_PMS_MONITOR_VIOLATE_STATUS_HWRITE Record access direction when core1 initiate illegal access. 5 1 read-only CORE_1_PIF_PMS_MONITOR_VIOLATE_STATUS_HWORLD Record world information when core1 initiate illegal access. 6 2 read-only CORE_1_PIF_PMS_MONITOR_3 core1 permission report register 3. 0x254 0x20 CORE_1_PIF_PMS_MONITOR_VIOLATE_STATUS_HADDR Record address information when core1 initiate illegal access. 0 32 read-only CORE_1_PIF_PMS_MONITOR_4 core1 permission report register 4. 0x258 0x20 0x00000003 CORE_1_PIF_PMS_MONITOR_NONWORD_VIOLATE_CLR Set 1 to clear interrupt that core1 initiate unsupported access type. 0 1 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_MONITOR_NONWORD_VIOLATE_EN Set 1 to enable interrupt that core1 initiate unsupported access type. 1 1 read-write CORE_1_PIF_PMS_MONITOR_5 core1 permission report register 5. 0x25C 0x20 CORE_1_PIF_PMS_MONITOR_NONWORD_VIOLATE_INTR Record core1 unsupported access type interrupt state. 0 1 read-only CORE_1_PIF_PMS_MONITOR_NONWORD_VIOLATE_STATUS_HSIZE Record access type when core1 initiate unsupported access type. 1 2 read-only CORE_1_PIF_PMS_MONITOR_NONWORD_VIOLATE_STATUS_HWORLD Record world information when core1 initiate unsupported access type. 3 2 read-only CORE_1_PIF_PMS_MONITOR_6 core1 permission report register 6. 0x260 0x20 CORE_1_PIF_PMS_MONITOR_NONWORD_VIOLATE_STATUS_HADDR Record address information when core1 initiate unsupported access type. 0 32 read-only CORE_1_VECBASE_OVERRIDE_LOCK core1 vecbase override configuration register 0 0x264 0x20 CORE_1_VECBASE_OVERRIDE_LOCK Set 1 to lock core1 vecbase configuration register 0 1 read-write CORE_1_VECBASE_OVERRIDE_0 core1 vecbase override configuration register 0 0x268 0x20 0x00000001 CORE_1_VECBASE_WORLD_MASK Set 1 to mask world, then only world0_value will work. 0 1 read-write CORE_1_VECBASE_OVERRIDE_1 core1 vecbase override configuration register 1 0x26C 0x20 CORE_1_VECBASE_OVERRIDE_WORLD0_VALUE world0 vecbase_override register, when core1 in world0 use this register to override vecbase register. 0 22 read-write CORE_1_VECBASE_OVERRIDE_SEL Set 0x3 to sel vecbase_override to override vecbase register. 22 2 read-write CORE_1_VECBASE_OVERRIDE_2 core1 vecbase override configuration register 1 0x270 0x20 CORE_1_VECBASE_OVERRIDE_WORLD1_VALUE world1 vecbase_override register, when core1 in world1 use this register to override vecbase register. 0 22 read-write CORE_1_TOOMANYEXCEPTIONS_M_OVERRIDE_0 core1 toomanyexception override configuration register 0. 0x274 0x20 CORE_1_TOOMANYEXCEPTIONS_M_OVERRIDE_LOCK Set 1 to lock core1 toomanyexception override configuration register 0 1 read-write CORE_1_TOOMANYEXCEPTIONS_M_OVERRIDE_1 core1 toomanyexception override configuration register 1. 0x278 0x20 0x00000001 CORE_1_TOOMANYEXCEPTIONS_M_OVERRIDE Set 1 to mask toomanyexception. 0 1 read-write BACKUP_BUS_PMS_CONSTRAIN_0 BackUp access peripherals permission configuration register 0. 0x27C 0x20 BACKUP_BUS_PMS_CONSTRAIN_LOCK Set 1 to lock BackUp permission configuration registers. 0 1 read-write BACKUP_BUS_PMS_CONSTRAIN_1 BackUp access peripherals permission configuration register 1. 0x280 0x20 0xFF33CFFF BACKUP_BUS_PMS_CONSTRAIN_UART BackUp access uart permission. 0 2 read-write BACKUP_BUS_PMS_CONSTRAIN_G0SPI_1 BackUp access g0spi_1 permission. 2 2 read-write BACKUP_BUS_PMS_CONSTRAIN_G0SPI_0 BackUp access g0spi_0 permission. 4 2 read-write BACKUP_BUS_PMS_CONSTRAIN_GPIO BackUp access gpio permission. 6 2 read-write BACKUP_BUS_PMS_CONSTRAIN_FE2 BackUp access fe2 permission. 8 2 read-write BACKUP_BUS_PMS_CONSTRAIN_FE BackUp access fe permission. 10 2 read-write BACKUP_BUS_PMS_CONSTRAIN_RTC BackUp access rtc permission. 14 2 read-write BACKUP_BUS_PMS_CONSTRAIN_IO_MUX BackUp access io_mux permission. 16 2 read-write BACKUP_BUS_PMS_CONSTRAIN_HINF BackUp access hinf permission. 20 2 read-write BACKUP_BUS_PMS_CONSTRAIN_MISC BackUp access misc permission. 24 2 read-write BACKUP_BUS_PMS_CONSTRAIN_I2C BackUp access i2c permission. 26 2 read-write BACKUP_BUS_PMS_CONSTRAIN_I2S0 BackUp access i2s0 permission. 28 2 read-write BACKUP_BUS_PMS_CONSTRAIN_UART1 BackUp access uart1 permission. 30 2 read-write BACKUP_BUS_PMS_CONSTRAIN_2 BackUp access peripherals permission configuration register 2. 0x284 0x20 0xFFCFFFF3 BACKUP_BUS_PMS_CONSTRAIN_BT BackUp access bt permission. 0 2 read-write BACKUP_BUS_PMS_CONSTRAIN_I2C_EXT0 BackUp access i2c_ext0 permission. 4 2 read-write BACKUP_BUS_PMS_CONSTRAIN_UHCI0 BackUp access uhci0 permission. 6 2 read-write BACKUP_BUS_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SLCHOST BackUp access slchost permission. 8 2 read-write BACKUP_BUS_PMS_CONSTRAIN_RMT BackUp access rmt permission. 10 2 read-write BACKUP_BUS_PMS_CONSTRAIN_PCNT BackUp access pcnt permission. 12 2 read-write BACKUP_BUS_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SLC BackUp access slc permission. 14 2 read-write BACKUP_BUS_PMS_CONSTRAIN_LEDC BackUp access ledc permission. 16 2 read-write BACKUP_BUS_PMS_CONSTRAIN_BACKUP BackUp access backup permission. 18 2 read-write BACKUP_BUS_PMS_CONSTRAIN_BB BackUp access bb permission. 22 2 read-write BACKUP_BUS_PMS_CONSTRAIN_PWM0 BackUp access pwm0 permission. 24 2 read-write BACKUP_BUS_PMS_CONSTRAIN_TIMERGROUP BackUp access timergroup permission. 26 2 read-write BACKUP_BUS_PMS_CONSTRAIN_TIMERGROUP1 BackUp access timergroup1 permission. 28 2 read-write BACKUP_BUS_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SYSTIMER BackUp access systimer permission. 30 2 read-write BACKUP_BUS_PMS_CONSTRAIN_3 BackUp access peripherals permission configuration register 3. 0x288 0x20 0x3CC3FFFF BACKUP_BUS_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SPI_2 BackUp access spi_2 permission. 0 2 read-write BACKUP_BUS_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SPI_3 BackUp access spi_3 permission. 2 2 read-write BACKUP_BUS_PMS_CONSTRAIN_APB_CTRL BackUp access apb_ctrl permission. 4 2 read-write BACKUP_BUS_PMS_CONSTRAIN_I2C_EXT1 BackUp access i2c_ext1 permission. 6 2 read-write BACKUP_BUS_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SDIO_HOST BackUp access sdio_host permission. 8 2 read-write BACKUP_BUS_PMS_CONSTRAIN_CAN BackUp access can permission. 10 2 read-write BACKUP_BUS_PMS_CONSTRAIN_PWM1 BackUp access pwm1 permission. 12 2 read-write BACKUP_BUS_PMS_CONSTRAIN_I2S1 BackUp access i2s1 permission. 14 2 read-write BACKUP_BUS_PMS_CONSTRAIN_UART2 BackUp access uart2 permission. 16 2 read-write BACKUP_BUS_PMS_CONSTRAIN_RWBT BackUp access rwbt permission. 22 2 read-write BACKUP_BUS_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WIFIMAC BackUp access wifimac permission. 26 2 read-write BACKUP_BUS_PMS_CONSTRAIN_PWR BackUp access pwr permission. 28 2 read-write BACKUP_BUS_PMS_CONSTRAIN_4 BackUp access peripherals permission configuration register 4. 0x28C 0x20 0xFFFFFFFF BACKUP_BUS_PMS_CONSTRAIN_USB_DEVICE BackUp access usb_device permission. 0 2 read-write BACKUP_BUS_PMS_CONSTRAIN_USB_WRAP BackUp access usb_wrap permission. 2 2 read-write BACKUP_BUS_PMS_CONSTRAIN_CRYPTO_PERI BackUp access crypto_peri permission. 4 2 read-write BACKUP_BUS_PMS_CONSTRAIN_CRYPTO_DMA BackUp access crypto_dma permission. 6 2 read-write BACKUP_BUS_PMS_CONSTRAIN_APB_ADC BackUp access apb_adc permission. 8 2 read-write BACKUP_BUS_PMS_CONSTRAIN_LCD_CAM BackUp access lcd_cam permission. 10 2 read-write BACKUP_BUS_PMS_CONSTRAIN_BT_PWR BackUp access bt_pwr permission. 12 2 read-write BACKUP_BUS_PMS_CONSTRAIN_USB BackUp access usb permission. 14 2 read-write BACKUP_BUS_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SYSTEM BackUp access system permission. 16 2 read-write BACKUP_BUS_PMS_CONSTRAIN_SENSITIVE BackUp access sensitive permission. 18 2 read-write BACKUP_BUS_PMS_CONSTRAIN_INTERRUPT BackUp access interrupt permission. 20 2 read-write BACKUP_BUS_PMS_CONSTRAIN_DMA_COPY BackUp access dma_copy permission. 22 2 read-write BACKUP_BUS_PMS_CONSTRAIN_CACHE_CONFIG BackUp access cache_config permission. 24 2 read-write BACKUP_BUS_PMS_CONSTRAIN_AD BackUp access ad permission. 26 2 read-write BACKUP_BUS_PMS_CONSTRAIN_DIO BackUp access dio permission. 28 2 read-write BACKUP_BUS_PMS_CONSTRAIN_WORLD_CONTROLLER BackUp access world_controller permission. 30 2 read-write BACKUP_BUS_PMS_CONSTRAIN_5 BackUp access peripherals permission configuration register 5. 0x290 0x20 0x000007FF BACKUP_BUS_PMS_CONSTRAIN_RTCFAST_SPLTADDR BackUp access rtcfast_spltaddr permission. 0 11 read-write BACKUP_BUS_PMS_CONSTRAIN_6 BackUp access peripherals permission configuration register 6. 0x294 0x20 0x0000003F BACKUP_BUS_PMS_CONSTRAIN_RTCFAST_L BackUp access rtcfast_l permission. 0 3 read-write BACKUP_BUS_PMS_CONSTRAIN_RTCFAST_H BackUp access rtcfast_h permission. 3 3 read-write BACKUP_BUS_PMS_MONITOR_0 BackUp permission report register 0. 0x298 0x20 BACKUP_BUS_PMS_MONITOR_LOCK Set 1 to lock BackUp permission report registers. 0 1 read-write BACKUP_BUS_PMS_MONITOR_1 BackUp permission report register 1. 0x29C 0x20 0x00000003 BACKUP_BUS_PMS_MONITOR_VIOLATE_CLR Set 1 to clear interrupt that BackUp initiate illegal access. 0 1 read-write BACKUP_BUS_PMS_MONITOR_VIOLATE_EN Set 1 to enable interrupt that BackUp initiate illegal access. 1 1 read-write BACKUP_BUS_PMS_MONITOR_2 BackUp permission report register 2. 0x2A0 0x20 BACKUP_BUS_PMS_MONITOR_VIOLATE_INTR Record BackUp illegal access interrupt state. 0 1 read-only BACKUP_BUS_PMS_MONITOR_VIOLATE_STATUS_HTRANS Record htrans when BackUp initate illegal access. 1 2 read-only BACKUP_BUS_PMS_MONITOR_VIOLATE_STATUS_HSIZE Record access type when BackUp initate illegal access. 3 3 read-only BACKUP_BUS_PMS_MONITOR_VIOLATE_STATUS_HWRITE Record access direction when BackUp initiate illegal access. 6 1 read-only BACKUP_BUS_PMS_MONITOR_3 BackUp permission report register 3. 0x2A4 0x20 BACKUP_BUS_PMS_MONITOR_VIOLATE_HADDR Record address information when BackUp initiate illegal access. 0 32 read-only EDMA_BOUNDARY_LOCK EDMA boundary lock register. 0x2A8 0x20 EDMA_BOUNDARY_LOCK Set 1 to lock EDMA boundary registers. 0 1 read-write EDMA_BOUNDARY_0 EDMA boundary 0 configuration 0x2AC 0x20 EDMA_BOUNDARY_0 This field is used to configure the boundary 0 of external RAM. The unit is 4K. For example, set this field to 0x80, then the address boundary 0 would be 0x3C080000 (0x3C000000 + 0x80 * 4K). 0 14 read-write EDMA_BOUNDARY_1 EDMA boundary 1 configuration 0x2B0 0x20 0x00002000 EDMA_BOUNDARY_1 This field is used to configure the boundary 1 of external RAM. The unit is 4K. For example, set this field to 0x80, then the address boundary 0 would be 0x3C080000 (0x3C000000 + 0x80 * 4K). 0 14 read-write EDMA_BOUNDARY_2 EDMA boundary 2 configuration 0x2B4 0x20 0x00002000 EDMA_BOUNDARY_2 This field is used to configure the boundary 2 of external RAM. The unit is 4K. For example, set this field to 0x80, then the address boundary 0 would be 0x3C080000 (0x3C000000 + 0x80 * 4K). 0 14 read-write EDMA_PMS_SPI2_LOCK EDMA-SPI2 permission lock register. 0x2B8 0x20 EDMA_PMS_SPI2_LOCK Set 1 to lock EDMA-SPI2 permission control registers. 0 1 read-write EDMA_PMS_SPI2 EDMA-SPI2 permission control register. 0x2BC 0x20 0x0000000F ATTR1 This field is used to configure the permission of SPI2 accessing address, which is larger than boundary 0 and less than boundary 1, through EDMA. Bit 0: set this bit to enable read permission. Bit 1: set this bit to enable write permission. 0 2 read-write ATTR2 This field is used to configure the permission of SPI2 accessing address, which is larger than boundary 1 and less than boundary 2, through EDMA. Bit 0: set this bit to enable read permission. Bit 1: set this bit to enable write permission. 2 2 read-write EDMA_PMS_SPI3_LOCK EDMA-SPI3 permission lock register. 0x2C0 0x20 EDMA_PMS_SPI3_LOCK Set 1 to lock EDMA-SPI3 permission control registers. 0 1 read-write EDMA_PMS_SPI3 EDMA-SPI3 permission control register. 0x2C4 0x20 0x0000000F ATTR1 This field is used to configure the permission of SPI3 accessing address, which is larger than boundary 0 and less than boundary 1, through EDMA. Bit 0: set this bit to enable read permission. Bit 1: set this bit to enable write permission. 0 2 read-write ATTR2 This field is used to configure the permission of SPI3 accessing address, which is larger than boundary 1 and less than boundary 2, through EDMA. Bit 0: set this bit to enable read permission. Bit 1: set this bit to enable write permission. 2 2 read-write EDMA_PMS_UHCI0_LOCK EDMA-UHCI0 permission lock register. 0x2C8 0x20 EDMA_PMS_UHCI0_LOCK Set 1 to lock EDMA-UHCI0 permission control registers. 0 1 read-write EDMA_PMS_UHCI0 EDMA-UHCI0 permission control register. 0x2CC 0x20 0x0000000F ATTR1 This field is used to configure the permission of UHCI0 accessing address, which is larger than boundary 0 and less than boundary 1, through EDMA. Bit 0: set this bit to enable read permission. Bit 1: set this bit to enable write permission. 0 2 read-write ATTR2 This field is used to configure the permission of UHCI0 accessing address, which is larger than boundary 1 and less than boundary 2, through EDMA. Bit 0: set this bit to enable read permission. Bit 1: set this bit to enable write permission. 2 2 read-write EDMA_PMS_I2S0_LOCK EDMA-I2S0 permission lock register. 0x2D0 0x20 EDMA_PMS_I2S0_LOCK Set 1 to lock EDMA-I2S0 permission control registers. 0 1 read-write EDMA_PMS_I2S0 EDMA-I2S0 permission control register. 0x2D4 0x20 0x0000000F ATTR1 This field is used to configure the permission of I2S0 accessing address, which is larger than boundary 0 and less than boundary 1, through EDMA. Bit 0: set this bit to enable read permission. Bit 1: set this bit to enable write permission. 0 2 read-write ATTR2 This field is used to configure the permission of I2S0 accessing address, which is larger than boundary 1 and less than boundary 2, through EDMA. Bit 0: set this bit to enable read permission. Bit 1: set this bit to enable write permission. 2 2 read-write EDMA_PMS_I2S1_LOCK EDMA-I2S1 permission lock register. 0x2D8 0x20 EDMA_PMS_I2S1_LOCK Set 1 to lock EDMA-I2S1 permission control registers. 0 1 read-write EDMA_PMS_I2S1 EDMA-I2S1 permission control register. 0x2DC 0x20 0x0000000F ATTR1 This field is used to configure the permission of I2S1 accessing address, which is larger than boundary 0 and less than boundary 1, through EDMA. Bit 0: set this bit to enable read permission. Bit 1: set this bit to enable write permission. 0 2 read-write ATTR2 This field is used to configure the permission of I2S1 accessing address, which is larger than boundary 1 and less than boundary 2, through EDMA. Bit 0: set this bit to enable read permission. Bit 1: set this bit to enable write permission. 2 2 read-write EDMA_PMS_LCD_CAM_LOCK EDMA-LCD/CAM permission lock register. 0x2E0 0x20 EDMA_PMS_LCD_CAM_LOCK Set 1 to lock EDMA-LCD/CAM permission control registers. 0 1 read-write EDMA_PMS_LCD_CAM EDMA-LCD/CAM permission control register. 0x2E4 0x20 0x0000000F ATTR1 This field is used to configure the permission of LCD/CAM accessing address, which is larger than boundary 0 and less than boundary 1, through EDMA. Bit 0: set this bit to enable read permission. Bit 1: set this bit to enable write permission. 0 2 read-write ATTR2 This field is used to configure the permission of LCD/CAM accessing address, which is larger than boundary 1 and less than boundary 2, through EDMA. Bit 0: set this bit to enable read permission. Bit 1: set this bit to enable write permission. 2 2 read-write EDMA_PMS_AES_LOCK EDMA-AES permission lock register. 0x2E8 0x20 EDMA_PMS_AES_LOCK Set 1 to lock EDMA-AES permission control registers. 0 1 read-write EDMA_PMS_AES EDMA-AES permission control register. 0x2EC 0x20 0x0000000F ATTR1 This field is used to configure the permission of AES accessing address, which is larger than boundary 0 and less than boundary 1, through EDMA. Bit 0: set this bit to enable read permission. Bit 1: set this bit to enable write permission. 0 2 read-write ATTR2 This field is used to configure the permission of AES accessing address, which is larger than boundary 1 and less than boundary 2, through EDMA. Bit 0: set this bit to enable read permission. Bit 1: set this bit to enable write permission. 2 2 read-write EDMA_PMS_SHA_LOCK EDMA-SHA permission lock register. 0x2F0 0x20 EDMA_PMS_SHA_LOCK Set 1 to lock EDMA-SHA permission control registers. 0 1 read-write EDMA_PMS_SHA EDMA-SHA permission control register. 0x2F4 0x20 0x0000000F ATTR1 This field is used to configure the permission of SHA accessing address, which is larger than boundary 0 and less than boundary 1, through EDMA. Bit 0: set this bit to enable read permission. Bit 1: set this bit to enable write permission. 0 2 read-write ATTR2 This field is used to configure the permission of SHA accessing address, which is larger than boundary 1 and less than boundary 2, through EDMA. Bit 0: set this bit to enable read permission. Bit 1: set this bit to enable write permission. 2 2 read-write EDMA_PMS_ADC_DAC_LOCK EDMA-ADC/DAC permission lock register. 0x2F8 0x20 EDMA_PMS_ADC_DAC_LOCK Set 1 to lock EDMA-ADC/DAC permission control registers. 0 1 read-write EDMA_PMS_ADC_DAC EDMA-ADC/DAC permission control register. 0x2FC 0x20 0x0000000F ATTR1 This field is used to configure the permission of ADC/DAC accessing address, which is larger than boundary 0 and less than boundary 1, through EDMA. Bit 0: set this bit to enable read permission. Bit 1: set this bit to enable write permission. 0 2 read-write ATTR2 This field is used to configure the permission of ADC/DAC accessing address, which is larger than boundary 1 and less than boundary 2, through EDMA. Bit 0: set this bit to enable read permission. Bit 1: set this bit to enable write permission. 2 2 read-write EDMA_PMS_RMT_LOCK EDMA-RMT permission lock register. 0x300 0x20 EDMA_PMS_RMT_LOCK Set 1 to lock EDMA-RMT permission control registers. 0 1 read-write EDMA_PMS_RMT EDMA-RMT permission control register. 0x304 0x20 0x0000000F ATTR1 This field is used to configure the permission of RMT accessing address, which is larger than boundary 0 and less than boundary 1, through EDMA. Bit 0: set this bit to enable read permission. Bit 1: set this bit to enable write permission. 0 2 read-write ATTR2 This field is used to configure the permission of RMT accessing address, which is larger than boundary 1 and less than boundary 2, through EDMA. Bit 0: set this bit to enable read permission. Bit 1: set this bit to enable write permission. 2 2 read-write CLOCK_GATE_REG Sensitive module clock gate configuration register. 0x308 0x20 0x00000001 REG_CLK_EN Set 1 to enable clock gate function. 0 1 read-write RTC_PMS RTC coprocessor permission register. 0x30C 0x20 DIS_RTC_CPU Set 1 to disable rtc coprocessor. 0 1 read-write DATE Sensitive version register. 0xFFC 0x20 0x02101280 DATE Sensitive Date register. 0 28 read-write SHA SHA (Secure Hash Algorithm) Accelerator SHA 0x6003B000 0x0 0xB0 registers SHA 78 MODE Initial configuration register. 0x0 0x20 MODE sha mode 0 3 read-write T_STRING SHA 512/t configuration register 0. 0x4 0x20 T_STRING sha t_string(used if and only if mode == sha_256/t) 0 32 read-write T_LENGTH SHA 512/t configuration register 1. 0x8 0x20 T_LENGTH sha t_length(used if and only if mode == sha_256/t) 0 6 read-write DMA_BLOCK_NUM DMA configuration register 0. 0xC 0x20 DMA_BLOCK_NUM dma-sha block number 0 6 read-write START Typical SHA configuration register 0. 0x10 0x20 START reserved. 1 31 read-only CONTINUE Typical SHA configuration register 1. 0x14 0x20 CONTINUE reserved. 1 31 read-only BUSY Busy register. 0x18 0x20 STATE sha busy state. 1'b0: idle 1'b1: busy 0 1 read-only DMA_START DMA configuration register 1. 0x1C 0x20 DMA_START start dma-sha 0 1 write-only DMA_CONTINUE DMA configuration register 2. 0x20 0x20 DMA_CONTINUE continue dma-sha 0 1 write-only CLEAR_IRQ Interrupt clear register. 0x24 0x20 CLEAR_INTERRUPT clear sha interrupt 0 1 write-only IRQ_ENA Interrupt enable register. 0x28 0x20 INTERRUPT_ENA sha interrupt enable register. 1'b0: disable(default) 1'b1: enable 0 1 read-write DATE Date register. 0x2C 0x20 0x20190402 DATE sha date information/ sha version information 0 30 read-write 64 0x1 H_MEM[%s] Sha H memory which contains intermediate hash or finial hash. 0x40 0x8 64 0x1 M_MEM[%s] Sha M memory which contains message. 0x80 0x8 SPI0 SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) Controller SPI0 0x60003000 0x0 0x98 registers SPI_MEM_REJECT 60 CTRL SPI0 control register. 0x8 0x20 0x002C2000 FDUMMY_OUT In the DUMMY phase the signal level of SPI bus is output by the SPI0 controller. 3 1 read-write FDOUT_OCT Set this bit to enable 8-bit-mode(8-bm) in DOUT phase. 4 1 read-write FDIN_OCT Set this bit to enable 8-bit-mode(8-bm) in DIN phase. 5 1 read-write FADDR_OCT Set this bit to enable 8-bit-mode(8-bm) in ADDR phase. 6 1 read-write FCMD_DUAL Set this bit to enable 2-bit-mode(2-bm) in CMD phase. 7 1 read-write FCMD_QUAD Set this bit to enable 4-bit-mode(4-bm) in CMD phase. 8 1 read-write FCMD_OCT Set this bit to enable 8-bit-mode(8-bm) in CMD phase. 9 1 read-write FASTRD_MODE This bit should be set when SPI_MEM_FREAD_QIO, SPI_MEM_FREAD_DIO, SPI_MEM_FREAD_QUAD or SPI_MEM_FREAD_DUAL is set. 13 1 read-write FREAD_DUAL In hardware 0x3B read operation, DIN phase apply 2 signals. 1: enable 0: disable. 14 1 read-write Q_POL The bit is used to set MISO line polarity, 1: high 0, low 18 1 read-write D_POL The bit is used to set MOSI line polarity, 1: high 0, low 19 1 read-write FREAD_QUAD In hardware 0x6B read operation, DIN phase apply 4 signals(4-bit-mode). 1: enable 0: disable. 20 1 read-write WP Write protect signal output when SPI is idle. 1: output high, 0: output low. 21 1 read-write FREAD_DIO In hardware 0xBB read operation, ADDR phase and DIN phase apply 2 signals(2-bit-mode). 1: enable 0: disable. 23 1 read-write FREAD_QIO In hardware 0xEB read operation, ADDR phase and DIN phase apply 4 signals(4-bit-mode). 1: enable 0: disable. 24 1 read-write CTRL1 SPI0 control 1 register. 0xC 0x20 CLK_MODE SPI Bus clock (SPI_CLK) mode bits. 0: SPI Bus clock (SPI_CLK) is off when CS inactive 1: SPI_CLK is delayed one cycle after SPI_CS inactive 2: SPI_CLK is delayed two cycles after SPI_CS inactive 3: SPI_CLK is always on. 0 2 read-write RXFIFO_RST SPI0 RX FIFO reset signal. Set this bit and clear it before SPI0 transfer starts. 30 1 read-write CTRL2 SPI0 control 2 register. 0x10 0x20 0x00002C21 CS_SETUP_TIME (cycles-1) of PREP phase by SPI_CLK, which is the SPI_CS setup time. These bits are combined with SPI_MEM_CS_SETUP bit. 0 5 read-write CS_HOLD_TIME SPI Bus CS (SPI_CS) signal is delayed to inactive by SPI Bus clock (SPI_CLK), which is the SPI_CS hold time in non-ECC mode. These bits are combined with SPI_MEM_CS_HOLD bit. 5 5 read-write ECC_CS_HOLD_TIME SPI_MEM_CS_HOLD_TIME + SPI_MEM_ECC_CS_HOLD_TIME is the SPI_CS hold cycle in ECC mode when accessed flash. 10 3 read-write ECC_SKIP_PAGE_CORNER 1: MSPI skips page corner when accesses flash. 0: Not skip page corner when accesses flash. 13 1 read-write ECC_16TO18_BYTE_EN Set this bit to enable MSPI ECC 16 bytes data with 2 ECC bytes mode when accesses flash. 14 1 read-write CS_HOLD_DELAY These bits are used to set the minimum CS high time tSHSL between SPI burst transfer when accesses to flash. tSHSL is (SPI_MEM_CS_HOLD_DELAY[5:0] + 1) MSPI core clock cycles. 25 6 read-write SYNC_RESET The FSM will be reset. 31 1 read-write CLOCK SPI_CLK clock division register when SPI0 accesses to flash. 0x14 0x20 0x00030103 CLKCNT_L It must equal to the value of SPI_MEM_CLKCNT_N. 0 8 read-write CLKCNT_H It must be a floor value of ((SPI_MEM_CLKCNT_N+1)/2-1). 8 8 read-write CLKCNT_N When SPI0 accesses flash, f_SPI_CLK = f_MSPI_CORE_CLK/(SPI_MEM_CLKCNT_N+1) 16 8 read-write CLK_EQU_SYSCLK When SPI0 accesses flash, set this bit in 1-division mode, f_SPI_CLK = f_MSPI_CORE_CLK. 31 1 read-write USER SPI0 user register. 0x18 0x20 CS_HOLD Set this bit to keep SPI_CS low when MSPI is in DONE state. 6 1 read-write CS_SETUP Set this bit to keep SPI_CS low when MSPI is in PREP state. 7 1 read-write CK_OUT_EDGE This bit, combined with SPI_MEM_CK_IDLE_EDGE bit, is used to change the clock mode 0~3 of SPI_CLK. 9 1 read-write USR_DUMMY_IDLE SPI_CLK is disabled(No clock edges) in DUMMY phase when the bit is enable. 26 1 read-write USR_DUMMY This bit enable the DUMMY phase of an SPI transfer. 29 1 read-write USER1 SPI0 user1 register. 0x1C 0x20 0x5C000007 USR_DUMMY_CYCLELEN The SPI_CLK cycle length minus 1 of DUMMY phase. 0 6 read-write USR_ADDR_BITLEN The length in bits of ADDR phase. The register value shall be (bit_num-1). 26 6 read-write USER2 SPI0 user2 register. 0x20 0x20 0x70000000 USR_COMMAND_VALUE The value of user defined(USR) command. 0 16 read-write USR_COMMAND_BITLEN The length in bits of CMD phase. The register value shall be (bit_num-1) 28 4 read-write RD_STATUS SPI0 read control register. 0x2C 0x20 WB_MODE Mode bits in the flash fast read mode it is combined with SPI_MEM_FASTRD_MODE bit. 16 8 read-write EXT_ADDR SPI0 extended address register. 0x30 0x20 EXT_ADDR The register are the higher 32bits in the 64 bits address mode. 0 32 read-write MISC SPI0 misc register 0x34 0x20 FSUB_PIN Flash is connected to SPI SUBPIN bus. 7 1 read-write SSUB_PIN Ext_RAM is connected to SPI SUBPIN bus. 8 1 read-write CK_IDLE_EDGE 1: SPI_CLK line is high when idle. 0: SPI_CLK line is low when idle 9 1 read-write CS_KEEP_ACTIVE SPI_CS line keep low when the bit is set. 10 1 read-write CACHE_FCTRL SPI0 external RAM bit mode control register. 0x3C 0x20 CACHE_REQ_EN Set this bit to enable Cache's access and SPI0's transfer. 0 1 read-write CACHE_USR_CMD_4BYTE Set this bit to enable SPI0 read flash with 32 bits address. The value of SPI_MEM_USR_ADDR_BITLEN should be 31. 1 1 read-write CACHE_FLASH_USR_CMD 1: The command value of SPI0 reads flash is SPI_MEM_USR_COMMAND_VALUE. 0: Hardware read command value, controlled by SPI_MEM_FREAD_QIO, SPI_MEM_FREAD_DIO, SPI_MEM_FREAD_QUAD, SPI_MEM_FREAD_DUAL and SPI_MEM_FASTRD_MODE bits. 2 1 read-write FDIN_DUAL When SPI0 accesses to flash, set this bit to enable 2-bm in DIN phase. 3 1 read-write FDOUT_DUAL When SPI0 accesses to flash, set this bit to enable 2-bm in DOUT phase. 4 1 read-write FADDR_DUAL When SPI0 accesses to flash, set this bit to enable 2-bm in ADDR phase. 5 1 read-write FDIN_QUAD When SPI0 accesses to flash, set this bit to enable 4-bm in DIN phase. 6 1 read-write FDOUT_QUAD When SPI0 accesses to flash, set this bit to enable 4-bm in DOUT phase. 7 1 read-write FADDR_QUAD When SPI0 accesses to flash, set this bit to enable 4-bm in ADDR phase. 8 1 read-write CACHE_SCTRL SPI0 external RAM control register 0x40 0x20 0x0055C070 CACHE_USR_SCMD_4BYTE Set this bit to enable SPI0 read Ext_RAM with 32 bits address. The value of SPI_MEM_SRAM_ADDR_BITLEN should be 31. 0 1 read-write USR_SRAM_DIO Set the bit to enable 2-bm in all the phases of SPI0 Ext_RAM transfer. 1 1 read-write USR_SRAM_QIO Set the bit to enable QPI mode in all SPI0 Ext_RAM transfer. 2 1 read-write USR_WR_SRAM_DUMMY When SPI0 accesses to Ext_RAM, set this bit to enable DUMMY phase in write operations. 3 1 read-write USR_RD_SRAM_DUMMY When SPI0 accesses to Ext_RAM, set this bit to enable DUMMY phase in read operations. 4 1 read-write CACHE_SRAM_USR_RCMD 1: The command value of SPI0 read Ext_RAM is SPI_MEM_CACHE_SRAM_USR_WR_CMD_VALUE. 0: The value is 0x2. 5 1 read-write SRAM_RDUMMY_CYCLELEN When SPI0 accesses to Ext_RAM, it is the SPI_CLK cycles minus 1 of DUMMY phase in read data transfer. 6 6 read-write SRAM_ADDR_BITLEN When SPI0 accesses to Ext_RAM, it is the length in bits of ADDR phase. The register value shall be (bit_num-1). 14 6 read-write CACHE_SRAM_USR_WCMD 1: The command value of SPI0 write Ext_RAM is SPI_MEM_CACHE_SRAM_USR_RD_CMD_VALUE. 0: The value is 0x3. 20 1 read-write SRAM_OCT Set the bit to enable OPI mode in all SPI0 Ext_RAM transfer. 21 1 read-write SRAM_WDUMMY_CYCLELEN When SPI0 accesses to Ext_RAM, it is the SPI_CLK cycles minus 1 of DUMMY phase in write data transfer. 22 6 read-write SRAM_CMD SPI0 external RAM mode control register 0x44 0x20 SCLK_MODE SPI_CLK mode bits when SPI0 accesses to Ext_RAM. 0: SPI_CLK is off when CS inactive 1: SPI_CLK is delayed one cycle after CS inactive 2: SPI_CLK is delayed two cycles after CS inactive 3: SPI_CLK is always on. 0 2 read-write SWB_MODE Mode bits when SPI0 accesses to Ext_RAM. 2 8 read-write SDIN_DUAL When SPI0 accesses to Ext_RAM, set this bit to enable 2-bm in DIN phase. 10 1 read-write SDOUT_DUAL When SPI0 accesses to Ext_RAM, set this bit to enable 2-bm in DOUT phase. 11 1 read-write SADDR_DUAL When SPI0 accesses to Ext_RAM, set this bit to enable 2-bm in ADDR phase. 12 1 read-write SCMD_DUAL When SPI0 accesses to Ext_RAM, set this bit to enable 2-bm in CMD phase. 13 1 read-write SDIN_QUAD When SPI0 accesses to Ext_RAM, set this bit to enable 4-bm in DIN phase. 14 1 read-write SDOUT_QUAD When SPI0 accesses to Ext_RAM, set this bit to enable 4-bm in DOUT phase. 15 1 read-write SADDR_QUAD When SPI0 accesses to Ext_RAM, set this bit to enable 4-bm in ADDR phase. 16 1 read-write SCMD_QUAD When SPI0 accesses to Ext_RAM, set this bit to enable 4-bm in CMD phase. 17 1 read-write SDIN_OCT When SPI0 accesses to Ext_RAM, set this bit to enable 8-bm in DIN phase. 18 1 read-write SDOUT_OCT When SPI0 accesses to Ext_RAM, set this bit to enable 8-bm in DOUT phase. 19 1 read-write SADDR_OCT When SPI0 accesses to Ext_RAM, set this bit to enable 8-bm in ADDR phase. 20 1 read-write SCMD_OCT When SPI0 accesses to Ext_RAM, set this bit to enable 8-bm in CMD phase. 21 1 read-write SDUMMY_OUT When SPI0 accesses to Ext_RAM, in the DUMMY phase the signal level of SPI bus is output by the SPI0 controller. 22 1 read-write SRAM_DRD_CMD SPI0 external RAM DDR read command control register 0x48 0x20 CACHE_SRAM_USR_RD_CMD_VALUE When SPI0 reads Ext_RAM, it is the command value of CMD phase. 0 16 read-write CACHE_SRAM_USR_RD_CMD_BITLEN When SPI0 reads Ext_RAM, it is the length in bits of CMD phase. The register value shall be (bit_num-1). 28 4 read-write SRAM_DWR_CMD SPI0 external RAM DDR write command control register 0x4C 0x20 CACHE_SRAM_USR_WR_CMD_VALUE When SPI0 writes Ext_RAM, it is the command value of CMD phase. 0 16 read-write CACHE_SRAM_USR_WR_CMD_BITLEN When SPI0 writes Ext_RAM, it is the length in bits of CMD phase. The register value shall be (bit_num-1). 28 4 read-write SRAM_CLK SPI_CLK clock division register when SPI0 accesses to Ext_RAM. 0x50 0x20 0x00030103 SCLKCNT_L It must equal to the value of SPI_MEM_SCLKCNT_N. 0 8 read-write SCLKCNT_H It must be a floor value of ((SPI_MEM_SCLKCNT_N+1)/2-1). 8 8 read-write SCLKCNT_N When SPI0 accesses to Ext_RAM, f_SPI_CLK = f_MSPI_CORE_CLK/(SPI_MEM_SCLKCNT_N+1) 16 8 read-write SCLK_EQU_SYSCLK When SPI0 accesses to Ext_RAM, set this bit in 1-division mode, f_SPI_CLK = f_MSPI_CORE_CLK. 31 1 read-write FSM SPI0 state machine(FSM) status register. 0x54 0x20 ST The status of SPI0 state machine. 0: idle state(IDLE), 1: preparation state(PREP), 2: send command state(CMD), 3: send address state(ADDR), 4: red data state(DIN), 5:write data state(DOUT), 6: wait state(DUMMY), 7: done state(DONE). 0 3 read-only TIMING_CALI SPI0 timing compensation register when accesses to flash. 0xA8 0x20 TIMING_CLK_ENA Set this bit to power on HCLK. When PLL is powered on, the frequency of HCLK equals to that of PLL. Otherwise, the frequency equals to that of XTAL. 0 1 read-write TIMING_CALI Set this bit to add extra SPI_CLK cycles in DUMMY phase for all reading operations. 1 1 read-write EXTRA_DUMMY_CYCLELEN Extra SPI_CLK cycles added in DUMMY phase for timing compensation, when SPI0 accesses to flash. Active when SPI_MEM_TIMING_CALI bit is set. 2 3 read-write DIN_MODE MSPI input timing delay mode control register when accesses to flash. 0xAC 0x20 DIN0_MODE SPI_D input delay mode. 0: No delay. 1: Delay for (SPI_MEM_DIN0_NUM+1) cycles at MSPI_CORE_CLK negative edge. 2: Delay for (SPI_MEM_DIN0_NUM+1) cycles at HCLK positive edge and one cycle at MSPI_CORE_CLK positive edge. 3: Delay for (SPI_MEM_DIN0_NUM+1) cycles at HCLK positive edge and one cycle at MSPI_CORE_CLK negative edge. 4: Delay for (SPI_MEM_DIN0_NUM+1) cycles at HCLK negative edge and one cycle at MSPI_CORE_CLK positive edge. 5: Delay for (SPI_MEM_DIN0_NUM+1) cycles at HCLK negative edge and one cycle at MSPI_CORE_CLK negative edge. 0 3 read-write DIN1_MODE SPI_Q input delay mode. 0: No delay. 1: Delay for (SPI_MEM_DIN3_NUM+1) cycles at MSPI_CORE_CLK negative edge. 2: Delay for (SPI_MEM_DIN3_NUM+1) cycles at HCLK positive edge and one cycle at MSPI_CORE_CLK positive edge. 3: Delay for (SPI_MEM_DIN3_NUM+1) cycles at HCLK positive edge and one cycle at MSPI_CORE_CLK negative edge. 4: Delay for (SPI_MEM_DIN3_NUM+1) cycles at HCLK negative edge and one cycle at MSPI_CORE_CLK positive edge. 5: Delay for (SPI_MEM_DIN3_NUM+1) cycles at HCLK negative edge and one cycle at MSPI_CORE_CLK negative edge. 3 3 read-write DIN2_MODE SPI_WP input delay mode. 0: No delay. 1: Delay for (SPI_MEM_DIN6_NUM+1) cycles at MSPI_CORE_CLK negative edge. 2: Delay for (SPI_MEM_DIN6_NUM+1) cycles at HCLK positive edge and one cycle at MSPI_CORE_CLK positive edge. 3: Delay for (SPI_MEM_DIN6_NUM+1) cycles at HCLK positive edge and one cycle at MSPI_CORE_CLK negative edge. 4: Delay for (SPI_MEM_DIN6_NUM+1) cycles at HCLK negative edge and one cycle at MSPI_CORE_CLK positive edge. 5: Delay for (SPI_MEM_DIN6_NUM+1) cycles at HCLK negative edge and one cycle at MSPI_CORE_CLK negative edge. 6 3 read-write DIN3_MODE SPI_HD input delay mode. 0: No delay. 1: Delay for (SPI_MEM_DIN9_NUM+1) cycles at MSPI_CORE_CLK negative edge. 2: Delay for (SPI_MEM_DIN9_NUM+1) cycles at HCLK positive edge and one cycle at MSPI_CORE_CLK positive edge. 3: Delay for (SPI_MEM_DIN9_NUM+1) cycles at HCLK positive edge and one cycle at MSPI_CORE_CLK negative edge. 4: Delay for (SPI_MEM_DIN9_NUM+1) cycles at HCLK negative edge and one cycle at MSPI_CORE_CLK positive edge. 5: Delay for (SPI_MEM_DIN9_NUM+1) cycles at HCLK negative edge and one cycle at MSPI_CORE_CLK negative edge. 9 3 read-write DIN4_MODE SPI_IO4 input delay mode. 0: No delay. 1: Delay for (SPI_MEM_DIN12_NUM+1) cycles at MSPI_CORE_CLK negative edge. 2: Delay for (SPI_MEM_DIN12_NUM+1) cycles at HCLK positive edge and one cycle at MSPI_CORE_CLK positive edge. 3: Delay for (SPI_MEM_DIN12_NUM+1) cycles at HCLK positive edge and one cycle at MSPI_CORE_CLK negative edge. 4: Delay for (SPI_MEM_DIN12_NUM+1) cycles at HCLK negative edge and one cycle at MSPI_CORE_CLK positive edge. 5: Delay for (SPI_MEM_DIN12_NUM+1) cycles at HCLK negative edge and one cycle at MSPI_CORE_CLK negative edge. 12 3 read-write DIN5_MODE SPI_IO5 input delay mode. 0: No delay. 1: Delay for (SPI_MEM_DIN15_NUM+1) cycles at MSPI_CORE_CLK negative edge. 2: Delay for (SPI_MEM_DIN15_NUM+1) cycles at HCLK positive edge and one cycle at MSPI_CORE_CLK positive edge. 3: Delay for (SPI_MEM_DIN15_NUM+1) cycles at HCLK positive edge and one cycle at MSPI_CORE_CLK negative edge. 4: Delay for (SPI_MEM_DIN15_NUM+1) cycles at HCLK negative edge and one cycle at MSPI_CORE_CLK positive edge. 5: Delay for (SPI_MEM_DIN15_NUM+1) cycles at HCLK negative edge and one cycle at MSPI_CORE_CLK negative edge. 15 3 read-write DIN6_MODE SPI_IO6 input delay mode. 0: No delay. 1: Delay for (SPI_MEM_DIN18_NUM+1) cycles at MSPI_CORE_CLK negative edge. 2: Delay for (SPI_MEM_DIN18_NUM+1) cycles at HCLK positive edge and one cycle at MSPI_CORE_CLK positive edge. 3: Delay for (SPI_MEM_DIN18_NUM+1) cycles at HCLK positive edge and one cycle at MSPI_CORE_CLK negative edge. 4: Delay for (SPI_MEM_DIN18_NUM+1) cycles at HCLK negative edge and one cycle at MSPI_CORE_CLK positive edge. 5: Delay for (SPI_MEM_DIN18_NUM+1) cycles at HCLK negative edge and one cycle at MSPI_CORE_CLK negative edge. 18 3 read-write DIN7_MODE SPI_IO7 input delay mode. 0: No delay. 1: Delay for (SPI_MEM_DIN21_NUM+1) cycles at MSPI_CORE_CLK negative edge. 2: Delay for (SPI_MEM_DIN21_NUM+1) cycles at HCLK positive edge and one cycle at MSPI_CORE_CLK positive edge. 3: Delay for (SPI_MEM_DIN21_NUM+1) cycles at HCLK positive edge and one cycle at MSPI_CORE_CLK negative edge. 4: Delay for (SPI_MEM_DIN21_NUM+1) cycles at HCLK negative edge and one cycle at MSPI_CORE_CLK positive edge. 5: Delay for (SPI_MEM_DIN21_NUM+1) cycles at HCLK negative edge and one cycle at MSPI_CORE_CLK negative edge. 21 3 read-write DINS_MODE SPI_DQS input delay mode. 0: No delay. 1: Delay for (SPI_MEM_DINS_NUM+1) cycles at MSPI_CORE_CLK negative edge. 2: Delay for (SPI_MEM_DINS_NUM+1) cycles at HCLK positive edge and one cycle at MSPI_CORE_CLK positive edge. 3: Delay for (SPI_MEM_DINS_NUM+1) cycles at HCLK positive edge and one cycle at MSPI_CORE_CLK negative edge. 4: Delay for (SPI_MEM_DINS_NUM+1) cycles at HCLK negative edge and one cycle at MSPI_CORE_CLK positive edge. 5: Delay for (SPI_MEM_DINS_NUM+1) cycles at HCLK negative edge and one cycle at MSPI_CORE_CLK negative edge. 24 3 read-write DIN_NUM MSPI input timing delay number control register when accesses to flash. 0xB0 0x20 DIN0_NUM SPI_D input delay number. 0 2 read-write DIN1_NUM SPI_Q input delay number. 2 2 read-write DIN2_NUM SPI_WP input delay number. 4 2 read-write DIN3_NUM SPI_HD input delay number. 6 2 read-write DIN4_NUM SPI_IO4 input delay number. 8 2 read-write DIN5_NUM SPI_IO5 input delay number. 10 2 read-write DIN6_NUM SPI_IO6 input delay number. 12 2 read-write DIN7_NUM SPI_IO7 input delay number. 14 2 read-write DINS_NUM SPI_DQS input delay number. 16 2 read-write DOUT_MODE MSPI output timing delay mode control register when accesses to flash. 0xB4 0x20 DOUT0_MODE SPI_D output delay mode. 0: No delay. 1: Delay one cycle at MSPI_CORE_CLK negative edge. 0 1 read-write DOUT1_MODE SPI_Q output delay mode. 0: No delay. 1: Delay one cycle at MSPI_CORE_CLK negative edge. 1 1 read-write DOUT2_MODE SPI_WP output delay mode. 0: No delay. 1: Delay one cycle at MSPI_CORE_CLK negative edge. 2 1 read-write DOUT3_MODE SPI_HD output delay mode. 0: No delay. 1: Delay one cycle at MSPI_CORE_CLK negative edge. 3 1 read-write DOUT4_MODE SPI_IO4 output delay mode. 0: No delay. 1: Delay one cycle at MSPI_CORE_CLK negative edge. 4 1 read-write DOUT5_MODE SPI_IO5 output delay mode. 0: No delay. 1: Delay one cycle at MSPI_CORE_CLK negative edge. 5 1 read-write DOUT6_MODE SPI_IO6 output delay mode. 0: No delay. 1: Delay one cycle at MSPI_CORE_CLK negative edge. 6 1 read-write DOUT7_MODE SPI_IO7 output delay mode. 0: No delay. 1: Delay one cycle at MSPI_CORE_CLK negative edge. 7 1 read-write DOUTS_MODE SPI_DQS output delay mode. 0: No delay. 1: Delay one cycle at MSPI_CORE_CLK negative edge. 8 1 read-write SPI_SMEM_TIMING_CALI SPI0 Ext_RAM timing compensation register. 0xBC 0x20 SPI_SMEM_TIMING_CLK_ENA Set this bit to power on HCLK. When PLL is powered on, the frequency of HCLK equals to that of PLL. Otherwise, the frequency equals to that of XTAL. 0 1 read-write SPI_SMEM_TIMING_CALI Set this bit to add extra SPI_CLK cycles in DUMMY phase for all reading operations. 1 1 read-write SPI_SMEM_EXTRA_DUMMY_CYCLELEN Extra SPI_CLK cycles added in DUMMY phase for timing compensation, when SPI0 accesses to Ext_RAM. Active when SPI_SMEM_TIMING_CALI bit is set. 2 3 read-write SPI_SMEM_DIN_MODE MSPI input timing delay mode control register when accesses to Ext_RAM. 0xC0 0x20 SPI_SMEM_DIN0_MODE SPI_D input delay mode. 0: No delay. 1: Delay for (SPI_SMEM_DIN0_NUM+1) cycles at MSPI_CORE_CLK negative edge. 2: Delay for (SPI_SMEM_DIN0_NUM+1) cycles at HCLK positive edge and one cycle at MSPI_CORE_CLK positive edge. 3: Delay for (SPI_SMEM_DIN0_NUM+1) cycles at HCLK positive edge and one cycle at MSPI_CORE_CLK negative edge. 4: Delay for (SPI_SMEM_DIN0_NUM+1) cycles at HCLK negative edge and one cycle at MSPI_CORE_CLK positive edge. 5: Delay for (SPI_SMEM_DIN0_NUM+1) cycles at HCLK negative edge and one cycle at MSPI_CORE_CLK negative edge. 0 3 read-write SPI_SMEM_DIN1_MODE SPI_Q input delay mode. 0: No delay. 1: Delay for (SPI_SMEM_DIN3_NUM+1) cycles at MSPI_CORE_CLK negative edge. 2: Delay for (SPI_SMEM_DIN3_NUM+1) cycles at HCLK positive edge and one cycle at MSPI_CORE_CLK positive edge. 3: Delay for (SPI_SMEM_DIN3_NUM+1) cycles at HCLK positive edge and one cycle at MSPI_CORE_CLK negative edge. 4: Delay for (SPI_SMEM_DIN3_NUM+1) cycles at HCLK negative edge and one cycle at MSPI_CORE_CLK positive edge. 5: Delay for (SPI_SMEM_DIN3_NUM+1) cycles at HCLK negative edge and one cycle at MSPI_CORE_CLK negative edge. 3 3 read-write SPI_SMEM_DIN2_MODE SPI_WP input delay mode. 0: No delay. 1: Delay for (SPI_SMEM_DIN6_NUM+1) cycles at MSPI_CORE_CLK negative edge. 2: Delay for (SPI_SMEM_DIN6_NUM+1) cycles at HCLK positive edge and one cycle at MSPI_CORE_CLK positive edge. 3: Delay for (SPI_SMEM_DIN6_NUM+1) cycles at HCLK positive edge and one cycle at MSPI_CORE_CLK negative edge. 4: Delay for (SPI_SMEM_DIN6_NUM+1) cycles at HCLK negative edge and one cycle at MSPI_CORE_CLK positive edge. 5: Delay for (SPI_SMEM_DIN6_NUM+1) cycles at HCLK negative edge and one cycle at MSPI_CORE_CLK negative edge. 6 3 read-write SPI_SMEM_DIN3_MODE SPI_HD input delay mode. 0: No delay. 1: Delay for (SPI_SMEM_DIN9_NUM+1) cycles at MSPI_CORE_CLK negative edge. 2: Delay for (SPI_SMEM_DIN9_NUM+1) cycles at HCLK positive edge and one cycle at MSPI_CORE_CLK positive edge. 3: Delay for (SPI_SMEM_DIN9_NUM+1) cycles at HCLK positive edge and one cycle at MSPI_CORE_CLK negative edge. 4: Delay for (SPI_SMEM_DIN9_NUM+1) cycles at HCLK negative edge and one cycle at MSPI_CORE_CLK positive edge. 5: Delay for (SPI_SMEM_DIN9_NUM+1) cycles at HCLK negative edge and one cycle at MSPI_CORE_CLK negative edge. 9 3 read-write SPI_SMEM_DIN4_MODE SPI_IO4 input delay mode. 0: No delay. 1: Delay for (SPI_SMEM_DIN12_NUM+1) cycles at MSPI_CORE_CLK negative edge. 2: Delay for (SPI_SMEM_DIN12_NUM+1) cycles at HCLK positive edge and one cycle at MSPI_CORE_CLK positive edge. 3: Delay for (SPI_SMEM_DIN12_NUM+1) cycles at HCLK positive edge and one cycle at MSPI_CORE_CLK negative edge. 4: Delay for (SPI_SMEM_DIN12_NUM+1) cycles at HCLK negative edge and one cycle at MSPI_CORE_CLK positive edge. 5: Delay for (SPI_SMEM_DIN12_NUM+1) cycles at HCLK negative edge and one cycle at MSPI_CORE_CLK negative edge. 12 3 read-write SPI_SMEM_DIN5_MODE SPI_IO5 input delay mode. 0: No delay. 1: Delay for (SPI_SMEM_DIN15_NUM+1) cycles at MSPI_CORE_CLK negative edge. 2: Delay for (SPI_SMEM_DIN15_NUM+1) cycles at HCLK positive edge and one cycle at MSPI_CORE_CLK positive edge. 3: Delay for (SPI_SMEM_DIN15_NUM+1) cycles at HCLK positive edge and one cycle at MSPI_CORE_CLK negative edge. 4: Delay for (SPI_SMEM_DIN15_NUM+1) cycles at HCLK negative edge and one cycle at MSPI_CORE_CLK positive edge. 5: Delay for (SPI_SMEM_DIN15_NUM+1) cycles at HCLK negative edge and one cycle at MSPI_CORE_CLK negative edge. 15 3 read-write SPI_SMEM_DIN6_MODE SPI_IO6 input delay mode. 0: No delay. 1: Delay for (SPI_SMEM_DIN18_NUM+1) cycles at MSPI_CORE_CLK negative edge. 2: Delay for (SPI_SMEM_DIN18_NUM+1) cycles at HCLK positive edge and one cycle at MSPI_CORE_CLK positive edge. 3: Delay for (SPI_SMEM_DIN18_NUM+1) cycles at HCLK positive edge and one cycle at MSPI_CORE_CLK negative edge. 4: Delay for (SPI_SMEM_DIN18_NUM+1) cycles at HCLK negative edge and one cycle at MSPI_CORE_CLK positive edge. 5: Delay for (SPI_SMEM_DIN18_NUM+1) cycles at HCLK negative edge and one cycle at MSPI_CORE_CLK negative edge. 18 3 read-write SPI_SMEM_DIN7_MODE SPI_IO7 input delay mode. 0: No delay. 1: Delay for (SPI_SMEM_DIN21_NUM+1) cycles at MSPI_CORE_CLK negative edge. 2: Delay for (SPI_SMEM_DIN21_NUM+1) cycles at HCLK positive edge and one cycle at MSPI_CORE_CLK positive edge. 3: Delay for (SPI_SMEM_DIN21_NUM+1) cycles at HCLK positive edge and one cycle at MSPI_CORE_CLK negative edge. 4: Delay for (SPI_SMEM_DIN21_NUM+1) cycles at HCLK negative edge and one cycle at MSPI_CORE_CLK positive edge. 5: Delay for (SPI_SMEM_DIN21_NUM+1) cycles at HCLK negative edge and one cycle at MSPI_CORE_CLK negative edge. 21 3 read-write SPI_SMEM_DINS_MODE SPI_DQS input delay mode. 0: No delay. 1: Delay for (SPI_SMEM_DINS_NUM+1) cycles at MSPI_CORE_CLK negative edge. 2: Delay for (SPI_SMEM_DINS_NUM+1) cycles at HCLK positive edge and one cycle at MSPI_CORE_CLK positive edge. 3: Delay for (SPI_SMEM_DINS_NUM+1) cycles at HCLK positive edge and one cycle at MSPI_CORE_CLK negative edge. 4: Delay for (SPI_SMEM_DINS_NUM+1) cycles at HCLK negative edge and one cycle at MSPI_CORE_CLK positive edge. 5: Delay for (SPI_SMEM_DINS_NUM+1) cycles at HCLK negative edge and one cycle at MSPI_CORE_CLK negative edge. 24 3 read-write SPI_SMEM_DIN_NUM MSPI input timing delay number control register when accesses to Ext_RAM. 0xC4 0x20 SPI_SMEM_DIN0_NUM SPI_D input delay number. 0 2 read-write SPI_SMEM_DIN1_NUM SPI_Q input delay number. 2 2 read-write SPI_SMEM_DIN2_NUM SPI_WP input delay number. 4 2 read-write SPI_SMEM_DIN3_NUM SPI_HD input delay number. 6 2 read-write SPI_SMEM_DIN4_NUM SPI_IO4 input delay number. 8 2 read-write SPI_SMEM_DIN5_NUM SPI_IO5 input delay number. 10 2 read-write SPI_SMEM_DIN6_NUM SPI_IO6 input delay number. 12 2 read-write SPI_SMEM_DIN7_NUM SPI_IO7 input delay number. 14 2 read-write SPI_SMEM_DINS_NUM SPI_DQS input delay number. 16 2 read-write SPI_SMEM_DOUT_MODE MSPI output timing delay mode control register when accesses to Ext_RAM. 0xC8 0x20 SPI_SMEM_DOUT0_MODE SPI_D output delay mode. 0: No delay. 1: Delay one cycle at MSPI_CORE_CLK negative edge. 0 1 read-write SPI_SMEM_DOUT1_MODE SPI_Q output delay mode. 0: No delay. 1: Delay one cycle at MSPI_CORE_CLK negative edge. 1 1 read-write SPI_SMEM_DOUT2_MODE SPI_WP output delay mode. 0: No delay. 1: Delay one cycle at MSPI_CORE_CLK negative edge. 2 1 read-write SPI_SMEM_DOUT3_MODE SPI_HD output delay mode. 0: No delay. 1: Delay one cycle at MSPI_CORE_CLK negative edge. 3 1 read-write SPI_SMEM_DOUT4_MODE SPI_IO4 output delay mode. 0: No delay. 1: Delay one cycle at MSPI_CORE_CLK negative edge. 4 1 read-write SPI_SMEM_DOUT5_MODE SPI_IO5 output delay mode. 0: No delay. 1: Delay one cycle at MSPI_CORE_CLK negative edge. 5 1 read-write SPI_SMEM_DOUT6_MODE SPI_IO6 output delay mode. 0: No delay. 1: Delay one cycle at MSPI_CORE_CLK negative edge. 6 1 read-write SPI_SMEM_DOUT7_MODE SPI_IO7 output delay mode. 0: No delay. 1: Delay one cycle at MSPI_CORE_CLK negative edge. 7 1 read-write SPI_SMEM_DOUTS_MODE SPI_DQS output delay mode. 0: No delay. 1: Delay one cycle at MSPI_CORE_CLK negative edge. 8 1 read-write ECC_CTRL MSPI ECC control register 0xCC 0x20 0x0000000A ECC_ERR_INT_NUM Set the error times of MSPI ECC read to generate MSPI SPI_MEM_ECC_ERR_INT interrupt. 0 8 read-write SPI_FMEM_ECC_ERR_INT_EN Set this bit to calculate the error times of MSPI ECC read when accesses to flash. 8 1 read-write ECC_ERR_ADDR MSPI ECC error address register 0xD0 0x20 ECC_ERR_ADDR These bits show the first MSPI ECC error address when SPI_FMEM_ECC_ERR_INT_EN/SPI_SMEM_ECC_ERR_INT_EN is set and accessed to flash/Ext_RAM, including ECC byte error and data error. It is cleared by when SPI_MEM_ECC_ERR_INT_CLR bit is set. 0 32 read-only ECC_ERR_BIT MSPI ECC error bits register 0xD4 0x20 ECC_DATA_ERR_BIT It records the first ECC data error bit number when SPI_FMEM_ECC_ERR_INT_EN/SPI_SMEM_ECC_ERR_INT_EN is set and accessed to flash/Ext_RAM. The value ranges from 0~127, corresponding to the bit number in 16 data bytes. It is cleared by SPI_MEM_ECC_ERR_INT_CLR bit. 6 7 read-only ECC_CHK_ERR_BIT When SPI_MEM_ECC_BYTE_ERR is set, these bits show the error bit number of ECC byte. 13 3 read-only ECC_BYTE_ERR It records the first ECC byte error when SPI_FMEM_ECC_ERR_INT_EN/SPI_SMEM_ECC_ERR_INT_EN is set and accessed to flash/Ext_RAM. It is cleared by SPI_MEM_ECC_ERR_INT_CLR bit. 16 1 read-only ECC_ERR_CNT This bits show the error times of MSPI ECC read, including ECC byte error and data byte error. It is cleared by when SPI_MEM_ECC_ERR_INT_CLR bit is set. 17 8 read-only SPI_SMEM_AC MSPI external RAM ECC and SPI CS timing control register 0xDC 0x20 0x0000B084 SPI_SMEM_CS_SETUP Set this bit to keep SPI_CS low when MSPI is in PREP state. 0 1 read-write SPI_SMEM_CS_HOLD Set this bit to keep SPI_CS low when MSPI is in DONE state. 1 1 read-write SPI_SMEM_CS_SETUP_TIME (cycles-1) of PREP phase by SPI_CLK, which is the SPI_CS setup time. These bits are combined with SPI_MEM_CS_SETUP bit. 2 5 read-write SPI_SMEM_CS_HOLD_TIME SPI Bus CS (SPI_CS) signal is delayed to inactive by SPI Bus clock (SPI_CLK), which is the SPI_CS hold time in non-ECC mode. These bits are combined with SPI_MEM_CS_HOLD bit. 7 5 read-write SPI_SMEM_ECC_CS_HOLD_TIME SPI_SMEM_CS_HOLD_TIME + SPI_SMEM_ECC_CS_HOLD_TIME is the MSPI CS hold cycles in ECC mode when accesses to external RAM. 12 3 read-write SPI_SMEM_ECC_SKIP_PAGE_CORNER 1: MSPI skips page corner when accesses to external RAM. 0: Not skip page corner when accesses to external RAM. 15 1 read-write SPI_SMEM_ECC_16TO18_BYTE_EN Set this bit to enable MSPI ECC 16 bytes data with 2 ECC bytes mode when accesses to external RAM. 16 1 read-write SPI_SMEM_ECC_ERR_INT_EN Set this bit to calculate the error times of MSPI ECC read when accesses to external RAM. 24 1 read-write SPI_SMEM_CS_HOLD_DELAY These bits are used to set the minimum CS high time tSHSL between SPI burst transfer when accesses to external RAM. tSHSL is (SPI_SMEM_CS_HOLD_DELAY[5:0] + 1) MSPI core clock cycles. 25 6 read-write DDR SPI0 flash DDR mode control register 0xE0 0x20 0x00003020 SPI_FMEM_DDR_EN 1: in ddr mode, 0 in sdr mode 0 1 read-write SPI_FMEM_VAR_DUMMY Set the bit to enable variable dummy cycle in DDR mode. 1 1 read-write SPI_FMEM_DDR_RDAT_SWP Set the bit to reorder RX data of the word in DDR mode. 2 1 read-write SPI_FMEM_DDR_WDAT_SWP Set the bit to swap TX data of a word in DDR mode. 3 1 read-write SPI_FMEM_DDR_CMD_DIS the bit is used to disable dual edge in CMD phase when ddr mode. 4 1 read-write SPI_FMEM_OUTMINBYTELEN It is the minimum output data length in the panda device. 5 7 read-write SPI_FMEM_TX_DDR_MSK_EN Set this bit to mask the first or the last byte in MSPI ECC DDR write mode, when accesses to flash. 12 1 read-write SPI_FMEM_RX_DDR_MSK_EN Set this bit to mask the first or the last byte in MSPI ECC DDR read mode, when accesses to flash. 13 1 read-write SPI_FMEM_USR_DDR_DQS_THD The delay number of data strobe which from memory based on SPI_CLK. 14 7 read-write SPI_FMEM_DDR_DQS_LOOP 1: Use internal signal as data strobe, the strobe can not be delayed by input timing module. 0: Use input SPI_DQS signal from PAD as data strobe, the strobe can be delayed by input timing module 21 1 read-write SPI_FMEM_DDR_DQS_LOOP_MODE When SPI_FMEM_DDR_DQS_LOOP and SPI_FMEM_DDR_EN are set, 1: Use internal SPI_CLK as data strobe. 0: Use internal ~SPI_CLK as data strobe. Otherwise this bit is not active. 22 1 read-write SPI_FMEM_CLK_DIFF_EN Set this bit to enable the differential SPI_CLK#. 24 1 read-write SPI_FMEM_HYPERBUS_MODE Set this bit to enable the SPI HyperBus mode. 25 1 read-write SPI_FMEM_DQS_CA_IN Set this bit to enable the input of SPI_DQS signal in SPI phases of CMD and ADDR. 26 1 read-write SPI_FMEM_HYPERBUS_DUMMY_2X Set this bit to enable the vary dummy function in SPI HyperBus mode, when SPI0 accesses to flash or SPI1 accesses flash or sram. 27 1 read-write SPI_FMEM_CLK_DIFF_INV Set this bit to invert SPI_DIFF when accesses to flash. . 28 1 read-write SPI_FMEM_OCTA_RAM_ADDR Set this bit to enable octa_ram address out when accesses to flash, which means ADDR_OUT[31:0] = {spi_usr_addr_value[25:4], 6'd0, spi_usr_addr_value[3:1], 1'b0}. 29 1 read-write SPI_FMEM_HYPERBUS_CA Set this bit to enable HyperRAM address out when accesses to flash, which means ADDR_OUT[31:0] = {spi_usr_addr_value[19:4], 13'd0, spi_usr_addr_value[3:1]}. 30 1 read-write SPI_SMEM_DDR SPI0 external RAM DDR mode control register 0xE4 0x20 0x00003020 EN 1: in ddr mode, 0 in sdr mode 0 1 read-write SPI_SMEM_VAR_DUMMY Set the bit to enable variable dummy cycle in spi ddr mode. 1 1 read-write RDAT_SWP Set the bit to reorder rx data of the word in spi ddr mode. 2 1 read-write WDAT_SWP Set the bit to reorder tx data of the word in spi ddr mode. 3 1 read-write CMD_DIS the bit is used to disable dual edge in CMD phase when ddr mode. 4 1 read-write SPI_SMEM_OUTMINBYTELEN It is the minimum output data length in the ddr psram. 5 7 read-write SPI_SMEM_TX_DDR_MSK_EN Set this bit to mask the first or the last byte in MSPI ECC DDR write mode, when accesses to external RAM. 12 1 read-write SPI_SMEM_RX_DDR_MSK_EN Set this bit to mask the first or the last byte in MSPI ECC DDR read mode, when accesses to external RAM. 13 1 read-write SPI_SMEM_USR_DDR_DQS_THD The delay number of data strobe which from memory based on SPI_CLK. 14 7 read-write DQS_LOOP 1: Use internal signal as data strobe, the strobe can not be delayed by input timing module. 0: Use input SPI_DQS signal from PAD as data strobe, the strobe can be delayed by input timing module 21 1 read-write DQS_LOOP_MODE When SPI_SMEM_DDR_DQS_LOOP and SPI_SMEM_DDR_EN are set, 1: Use internal SPI_CLK as data strobe. 0: Use internal ~SPI_CLK as data strobe. Otherwise this bit is not active. 22 1 read-write SPI_SMEM_CLK_DIFF_EN Set this bit to enable the differential SPI_CLK#. 24 1 read-write SPI_SMEM_HYPERBUS_MODE Set this bit to enable the SPI HyperBus mode. 25 1 read-write SPI_SMEM_DQS_CA_IN Set this bit to enable the input of SPI_DQS signal in SPI phases of CMD and ADDR. 26 1 read-write SPI_SMEM_HYPERBUS_DUMMY_2X Set this bit to enable the vary dummy function in SPI HyperBus mode, when SPI0 accesses to flash or SPI1 accesses flash or sram. 27 1 read-write SPI_SMEM_CLK_DIFF_INV Set this bit to invert SPI_DIFF when accesses to external RAM. . 28 1 read-write SPI_SMEM_OCTA_RAM_ADDR Set this bit to enable octa_ram address out when accesses to external RAM, which means ADDR_OUT[31:0] = {spi_usr_addr_value[25:4], 6'd0, spi_usr_addr_value[3:1], 1'b0}. 29 1 read-write SPI_SMEM_HYPERBUS_CA Set this bit to enable HyperRAM address out when accesses to external RAM, which means ADDR_OUT[31:0] = {spi_usr_addr_value[19:4], 13'd0, spi_usr_addr_value[3:1]}. 30 1 read-write CLOCK_GATE SPI0 clk_gate register 0xE8 0x20 0x00000001 CLK_EN Register clock gate enable signal. 1: Enable. 0: Disable. 0 1 read-write CORE_CLK_SEL SPI0 module clock select register 0xEC 0x20 CORE_CLK_SEL When the digital system clock selects PLL clock and the frequency of PLL clock is 480MHz, the value of SPI_MEM_CORE_CLK_SEL: 0: SPI0/1 module clock (MSPI_CORE_CLK) is 80MHz. 1: MSPI_CORE_CLK is 120MHz. 2: MSPI_CORE_CLK is 160MHz. 3: MSPI_CORE_CLK is 240MHz. When the digital system clock selects PLL clock and the frequency of PLL clock is 320MHz, the value of SPI_MEM_CORE_CLK_SEL: 0: MSPI_CORE_CLK is 80MHz. 1: MSPI_CORE_CLK is 80MHz. 2: MSPI_CORE_CLK 160MHz. 3: Not used. 0 2 read-write INT_ENA SPI1 interrupt enable register 0xF0 0x20 TOTAL_TRANS_END_INT_ENA The enable bit for SPI_MEM_TOTAL_TRANS_END_INT interrupt. 2 1 read-write ECC_ERR_INT_ENA The enable bit for SPI_MEM_ECC_ERR_INT interrupt. 4 1 read-write INT_CLR SPI1 interrupt clear register 0xF4 0x20 TOTAL_TRANS_END_INT_CLR The clear bit for SPI_MEM_TOTAL_TRANS_END_INT interrupt. 2 1 write-only ECC_ERR_INT_CLR The clear bit for SPI_MEM_ECC_ERR_INT interrupt. SPI_MEM_ECC_ERR_ADDR and SPI_MEM_ECC_ERR_CNT will be cleared by the pulse of this bit. 4 1 write-only INT_RAW SPI1 interrupt raw register 0xF8 0x20 TOTAL_TRANS_END_INT_RAW The raw bit for SPI_MEM_TOTAL_TRANS_END_INT interrupt. 1: Triggered when SPI1 transfer is done and flash is already idle. When WRSR/PP/SE/BE/CE is sent and PES/PER command is sent, this bit is set when WRSR/PP/SE/BE/CE is success. 0: Others. 2 1 read-only ECC_ERR_INT_RAW The raw bit for SPI_MEM_ECC_ERR_INT interrupt. When APB_CTRL_FECC_ERR_INT_EN is set and APB_CTRL_SECC_ERR_INT_EN is cleared, this bit is triggered when the error times of SPI0/1 ECC read flash are equal or bigger than APB_CTRL_ECC_ERR_INT_NUM. When APB_CTRL_FECC_ERR_INT_EN is cleared and APB_CTRL_SECC_ERR_INT_EN is set, this bit is triggered when the error times of SPI0/1 ECC read external RAM are equal or bigger than APB_CTRL_ECC_ERR_INT_NUM. When APB_CTRL_FECC_ERR_INT_EN and APB_CTRL_SECC_ERR_INT_EN are set, this bit is triggered when the total error times of SPI0/1 ECC read external RAM and flash are equal or bigger than APB_CTRL_ECC_ERR_INT_NUM. When APB_CTRL_FECC_ERR_INT_EN and APB_CTRL_SECC_ERR_INT_EN are cleared, this bit will not be triggered. 4 1 read-only INT_ST SPI1 interrupt status register 0xFC 0x20 TOTAL_TRANS_END_INT_ST The status bit for SPI_MEM_TOTAL_TRANS_END_INT interrupt. 2 1 read-only ECC_ERR_INT_ST The status bit for SPI_MEM_ECC_ERR_INT interrupt. 4 1 read-only DATE SPI0 version control register 0x3FC 0x20 0x02101040 SPI_SMEM_SPICLK_FUN_DRV The driver of SPI_CLK PAD is controlled by the bits SPI_SMEM_SPICLK_FUN_DRV[1:0] when the bit SPI_SPICLK_PAD_DRV_CTL_EN is set and MSPI accesses to external RAM. 0 2 read-write SPI_FMEM_SPICLK_FUN_DRV The driver of SPI_CLK PAD is controlled by the bits SPI_FMEM_SPICLK_FUN_DRV[1:0] when the bit SPI_SPICLK_PAD_DRV_CTL_EN is set and MSPI accesses to flash. 2 2 read-write SPI_SPICLK_PAD_DRV_CTL_EN SPI_CLK PAD driver control signal. 1: The driver of SPI_CLK PAD is controlled by the bits SPI_FMEM_SPICLK_FUN_DRV[1:0] and SPI_SMEM_SPICLK_FUN_DRV[1:0]. 0: The driver of SPI_CLK PAD is controlled by the bits IO_MUX_FUNC_DRV[1:0] of SPICLK PAD. 4 1 read-write DATE SPI register version. 5 23 read-write SPI1 SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) Controller SPI1 0x60002000 0x0 0xB4 registers SPI1 20 CMD SPI1 memory command register 0x0 0x20 FLASH_PE In user mode, it is set to indicate that program/erase operation will be triggered. The bit is combined with SPI_MEM_USR bit. The bit will be cleared once the operation done.1: enable 0: disable. 17 1 read-write USR User define command enable. An operation will be triggered when the bit is set. The bit will be cleared once the operation done.1: enable 0: disable. 18 1 read-write FLASH_HPM Drive Flash into high performance mode. The bit will be cleared once the operation done.1: enable 0: disable. 19 1 read-write FLASH_RES This bit combined with SPI_MEM_RESANDRES bit releases Flash from the power-down state or high performance mode and obtains the devices ID. The bit will be cleared once the operation done.1: enable 0: disable. 20 1 read-write FLASH_DP Drive Flash into power down. An operation will be triggered when the bit is set. The bit will be cleared once the operation done.1: enable 0: disable. 21 1 read-write FLASH_CE Chip erase enable. Chip erase operation will be triggered when the bit is set. The bit will be cleared once the operation done.1: enable 0: disable. 22 1 read-write FLASH_BE Block erase enable(32KB) . Block erase operation will be triggered when the bit is set. The bit will be cleared once the operation done.1: enable 0: disable. 23 1 read-write FLASH_SE Sector erase enable(4KB). Sector erase operation will be triggered when the bit is set. The bit will be cleared once the operation done.1: enable 0: disable. 24 1 read-write FLASH_PP Page program enable(1 byte ~64 bytes data to be programmed). Page program operation will be triggered when the bit is set. The bit will be cleared once the operation done .1: enable 0: disable. 25 1 read-write FLASH_WRSR Write status register enable. Write status operation will be triggered when the bit is set. The bit will be cleared once the operation done.1: enable 0: disable. 26 1 read-write FLASH_RDSR Read status register-1. Read status operation will be triggered when the bit is set. The bit will be cleared once the operation done.1: enable 0: disable. 27 1 read-write FLASH_RDID Read JEDEC ID . Read ID command will be sent when the bit is set. The bit will be cleared once the operation done. 1: enable 0: disable. 28 1 read-write FLASH_WRDI Write flash disable. Write disable command will be sent when the bit is set. The bit will be cleared once the operation done. 1: enable 0: disable. 29 1 read-write FLASH_WREN Write flash enable. Write enable command will be sent when the bit is set. The bit will be cleared once the operation done. 1: enable 0: disable. 30 1 read-write FLASH_READ Read flash enable. Read flash operation will be triggered when the bit is set. The bit will be cleared once the operation done. 1: enable 0: disable. 31 1 read-write ADDR SPI1 address register 0x4 0x20 USR_ADDR_VALUE In user mode, it is the memory address. other then the bit0-bit23 is the memory address, the bit24-bit31 are the byte length of a transfer. 0 32 read-write CTRL SPI1 control register 0x8 0x20 0x002CA000 FDUMMY_OUT In the DUMMY phase the signal level of SPI bus is output by the SPI0 controller. 3 1 read-write FDOUT_OCT Set this bit to enable 8-bit-mode(8-bm) in DOUT phase. 4 1 read-write FDIN_OCT Set this bit to enable 8-bit-mode(8-bm) in DIN phase. 5 1 read-write FADDR_OCT Set this bit to enable 8-bit-mode(8-bm) in ADDR phase. 6 1 read-write FCMD_DUAL Set this bit to enable 2-bit-mode(2-bm) in CMD phase. 7 1 read-write FCMD_QUAD Set this bit to enable 4-bit-mode(4-bm) in CMD phase. 8 1 read-write FCMD_OCT Set this bit to enable 8-bit-mode(8-bm) in CMD phase. 9 1 read-write FCS_CRC_EN For SPI1, initialize crc32 module before writing encrypted data to flash. Active low. 10 1 read-write TX_CRC_EN For SPI1, enable crc32 when writing encrypted data to flash. 1: enable 0:disable 11 1 read-write FASTRD_MODE This bit should be set when SPI_MEM_FREAD_QIO, SPI_MEM_FREAD_DIO, SPI_MEM_FREAD_QUAD or SPI_MEM_FREAD_DUAL is set. 13 1 read-write FREAD_DUAL In hardware 0x3B read operation, DIN phase apply 2 signals. 1: enable 0: disable. 14 1 read-write RESANDRES The Device ID is read out to SPI_MEM_RD_STATUS register, this bit combine with spi_mem_flash_res bit. 1: enable 0: disable. 15 1 read-write Q_POL The bit is used to set MISO line polarity, 1: high 0, low 18 1 read-write D_POL The bit is used to set MOSI line polarity, 1: high 0, low 19 1 read-write FREAD_QUAD In hardware 0x6B read operation, DIN phase apply 4 signals(4-bit-mode). 1: enable 0: disable. 20 1 read-write WP Write protect signal output when SPI is idle. 1: output high, 0: output low. 21 1 read-write WRSR_2B Two bytes data will be written to status register when it is set. 1: enable 0: disable. 22 1 read-write FREAD_DIO In hardware 0xBB read operation, ADDR phase and DIN phase apply 2 signals(2-bit-mode). 1: enable 0: disable. 23 1 read-write FREAD_QIO In hardware 0xEB read operation, ADDR phase and DIN phase apply 4 signals(4-bit-mode). 1: enable 0: disable. 24 1 read-write CTRL1 SPI1 control1 register 0xC 0x20 0x00000FFC CLK_MODE SPI Bus clock (SPI_CLK) mode bits. 0: SPI Bus clock (SPI_CLK) is off when CS inactive 1: SPI_CLK is delayed one cycle after SPI_CS inactive 2: SPI_CLK is delayed two cycles after SPI_CS inactive 3: SPI_CLK is always on. 0 2 read-write CS_HOLD_DLY_RES After RES/DP/HPM/PES/PER command is sent, SPI1 may waits (SPI_MEM_CS_HOLD_DELAY_RES[9:0] * 4 or * 256) SPI_CLK cycles. 2 10 read-write CTRL2 SPI1 control2 register 0x10 0x20 SYNC_RESET The FSM will be reset. 31 1 read-write CLOCK SPI_CLK clock division register when SPI1 accesses to flash or Ext_RAM. 0x14 0x20 0x00030103 CLKCNT_L It must equal to the value of SPI_MEM_CLKCNT_N. 0 8 read-write CLKCNT_H It must be a floor value of ((SPI_MEM_CLKCNT_N+1)/2-1). 8 8 read-write CLKCNT_N When SPI1 accesses to flash or Ext_RAM, f_SPI_CLK = f_MSPI_CORE_CLK/(SPI_MEM_CLKCNT_N+1) 16 8 read-write CLK_EQU_SYSCLK When SPI1 access to flash or Ext_RAM, set this bit in 1-division mode, f_SPI_CLK = f_MSPI_CORE_CLK. 31 1 read-write USER SPI1 user register. 0x18 0x20 0x80000000 CK_OUT_EDGE This bit, combined with SPI_MEM_CK_IDLE_EDGE bit, is used to change the clock mode 0~3 of SPI_CLK. 9 1 read-write FWRITE_DUAL Set this bit to enable 2-bm in DOUT phase in SPI1 write operation. 12 1 read-write FWRITE_QUAD Set this bit to enable 4-bm in DOUT phase in SPI1 write operation. 13 1 read-write FWRITE_DIO Set this bit to enable 2-bm in ADDR and DOUT phase in SPI1 write operation. 14 1 read-write FWRITE_QIO Set this bit to enable 4-bit-mode(4-bm) in ADDR and DOUT phase in SPI1 write operation. 15 1 read-write USR_MISO_HIGHPART DIN phase only access to high-part of the buffer SPI_MEM_W8_REG~SPI_MEM_W15_REG. 1: enable 0: disable. 24 1 read-write USR_MOSI_HIGHPART DOUT phase only access to high-part of the buffer SPI_MEM_W8_REG~SPI_MEM_W15_REG. 1: enable 0: disable. 25 1 read-write USR_DUMMY_IDLE SPI_CLK is disabled(No clock edges) in DUMMY phase when the bit is enable. 26 1 read-write USR_MOSI Set this bit to enable the DOUT phase of an write-data operation. 27 1 read-write USR_MISO Set this bit to enable enable the DIN phase of a read-data operation. 28 1 read-write USR_DUMMY Set this bit to enable enable the DUMMY phase of an operation. 29 1 read-write USR_ADDR Set this bit to enable enable the ADDR phase of an operation. 30 1 read-write USR_COMMAND Set this bit to enable enable the CMD phase of an operation. 31 1 read-write USER1 SPI1 user1 register. 0x1C 0x20 0x5C000007 USR_DUMMY_CYCLELEN The SPI_CLK cycle length minus 1 of DUMMY phase. 0 6 read-write USR_ADDR_BITLEN The length in bits of ADDR phase. The register value shall be (bit_num-1). 26 6 read-write USER2 SPI1 user2 register. 0x20 0x20 0x70000000 USR_COMMAND_VALUE The value of user defined(USR) command. 0 16 read-write USR_COMMAND_BITLEN The length in bits of CMD phase. The register value shall be (bit_num-1) 28 4 read-write MOSI_DLEN SPI1 write-data bit length register. 0x24 0x20 USR_MOSI_DBITLEN The length in bits of DOUT phase. The register value shall be (bit_num-1). 0 10 read-write MISO_DLEN SPI1 read-data bit length register. 0x28 0x20 USR_MISO_DBITLEN The length in bits of DIN phase. The register value shall be (bit_num-1). 0 10 read-write RD_STATUS SPI1 read control register. 0x2C 0x20 STATUS The value is stored when set SPI_MEM_FLASH_RDSR bit and SPI_MEM_FLASH_RES bit. 0 16 read-write WB_MODE Mode bits in the flash fast read mode it is combined with SPI_MEM_FASTRD_MODE bit. 16 8 read-write EXT_ADDR SPI1 extended address register. 0x30 0x20 EXT_ADDR The register are the higher 32bits in the 64 bits address mode. 0 32 read-write MISC SPI1 misc register. 0x34 0x20 0x00000002 CS0_DIS Set this bit to raise high SPI_CS pin, which means that the SPI device(flash) connected to SPI_CS is in low level when SPI1 transfer starts. 0 1 read-write CS1_DIS Set this bit to raise high SPI_CS1 pin, which means that the SPI device(Ext_RAM) connected to SPI_CS1 is in low level when SPI1 transfer starts. 1 1 read-write CK_IDLE_EDGE 1: SPI_CLK line is high when MSPI is idle. 0: SPI_CLK line is low when MSPI is idle. 9 1 read-write CS_KEEP_ACTIVE SPI_CS line keep low when the bit is set. 10 1 read-write AUTO_PER Set this bit to enable auto PER function. Hardware will sent out PER command if PES command is sent. 11 1 read-write TX_CRC SPI1 CRC data register. 0x38 0x20 0xFFFFFFFF DATA For SPI1, the value of crc32. 0 32 read-only CACHE_FCTRL SPI1 bit mode control register. 0x3C 0x20 CACHE_USR_CMD_4BYTE Set this bit to enable SPI1 transfer with 32 bits address. The value of SPI_MEM_USR_ADDR_BITLEN should be 31. 1 1 read-write FDIN_DUAL When SPI1 accesses to flash or Ext_RAM, set this bit to enable 2-bm in DIN phase. 3 1 read-write FDOUT_DUAL When SPI1 accesses to flash or Ext_RAM, set this bit to enable 2-bm in DOUT phase. 4 1 read-write FADDR_DUAL When SPI1 accesses to flash or Ext_RAM, set this bit to enable 2-bm in ADDR phase. 5 1 read-write FDIN_QUAD When SPI1 accesses to flash or Ext_RAM, set this bit to enable 4-bm in DIN phase. 6 1 read-write FDOUT_QUAD When SPI1 accesses to flash or Ext_RAM, set this bit to enable 4-bm in DOUT phase. 7 1 read-write FADDR_QUAD When SPI1 accesses to flash or Ext_RAM, set this bit to enable 4-bm in ADDR phase. 8 1 read-write FSM SPI1 state machine(FSM) status register. 0x54 0x20 ST The status of SPI1 state machine. 0: idle state(IDLE), 1: preparation state(PREP), 2: send command state(CMD), 3: send address state(ADDR), 4: red data state(DIN), 5:write data state(DOUT), 6: wait state(DUMMY), 7: done state(DONE). 0 3 read-only W0 SPI1 memory data buffer0 0x58 0x20 BUF0 data buffer 0 32 read-write W1 SPI1 memory data buffer1 0x5C 0x20 BUF1 data buffer 0 32 read-write W2 SPI1 memory data buffer2 0x60 0x20 BUF2 data buffer 0 32 read-write W3 SPI1 memory data buffer3 0x64 0x20 BUF3 data buffer 0 32 read-write W4 SPI1 memory data buffer4 0x68 0x20 BUF4 data buffer 0 32 read-write W5 SPI1 memory data buffer5 0x6C 0x20 BUF5 data buffer 0 32 read-write W6 SPI1 memory data buffer6 0x70 0x20 BUF6 data buffer 0 32 read-write W7 SPI1 memory data buffer7 0x74 0x20 BUF7 data buffer 0 32 read-write W8 SPI1 memory data buffer8 0x78 0x20 BUF8 data buffer 0 32 read-write W9 SPI1 memory data buffer9 0x7C 0x20 BUF9 data buffer 0 32 read-write W10 SPI1 memory data buffer10 0x80 0x20 BUF10 data buffer 0 32 read-write W11 SPI1 memory data buffer11 0x84 0x20 BUF11 data buffer 0 32 read-write W12 SPI1 memory data buffer12 0x88 0x20 BUF12 data buffer 0 32 read-write W13 SPI1 memory data buffer13 0x8C 0x20 BUF13 data buffer 0 32 read-write W14 SPI1 memory data buffer14 0x90 0x20 BUF14 data buffer 0 32 read-write W15 SPI1 memory data buffer15 0x94 0x20 BUF15 data buffer 0 32 read-write FLASH_WAITI_CTRL SPI1 wait idle control register 0x98 0x20 0x00000014 WAITI_EN Set this bit to enable auto-waiting flash idle operation when PP/SE/BE/CE/WRSR/PES command is sent. 0 1 read-write WAITI_DUMMY Set this bit to enable DUMMY phase in auto wait flash idle transfer(RDSR). 1 1 read-write WAITI_CMD The command value of auto wait flash idle transfer(RDSR). 2 8 read-write WAITI_DUMMY_CYCLELEN The dummy cycle length when wait flash idle(RDSR). 10 6 read-write FLASH_SUS_CMD SPI1 flash suspend control register 0x9C 0x20 FLASH_PER program erase resume bit, program erase suspend operation will be triggered when the bit is set. The bit will be cleared once the operation done.1: enable 0: disable. 0 1 read-write FLASH_PES program erase suspend bit, program erase suspend operation will be triggered when the bit is set. The bit will be cleared once the operation done.1: enable 0: disable. 1 1 read-write FLASH_PER_WAIT_EN Set this bit to add delay time after program erase resume(PER) is sent. 2 1 read-write FLASH_PES_WAIT_EN Set this bit to add delay time after program erase suspend(PES) command is sent. 3 1 read-write PES_PER_EN Set this bit to enable PES transfer trigger PES transfer option. 4 1 read-write PESR_IDLE_EN 1: Separate PER flash wait idle and PES flash wait idle. 0: Not separate. 5 1 read-write FLASH_SUS_CTRL SPI1 flash suspend command register 0xA0 0x20 0x0000EAF4 FLASH_PES_EN Set this bit to enable auto-suspend function. 0 1 read-write FLASH_PER_COMMAND Program/Erase resume command value. 1 8 read-write FLASH_PES_COMMAND Program/Erase suspend command value. 9 8 read-write SUS_STATUS SPI1 flash suspend status register 0xA4 0x20 FLASH_SUS The status of flash suspend. This bit is set when PES command is sent, and cleared when PER is sent. Only used in SPI1. 0 1 read-write FLASH_HPM_DLY_256 1: SPI1 waits (SPI_MEM_CS_HOLD_DELAY_RES[9:0] * 256) SPI_CLK cycles after HPM command is sent. 0: SPI1 waits (SPI_MEM_CS_HOLD_DELAY_RES[9:0] * 4) SPI_CLK cycles after HPM command is sent. 2 1 read-write FLASH_RES_DLY_256 1: SPI1 waits (SPI_MEM_CS_HOLD_DELAY_RES[9:0] * 256) SPI_CLK cycles after RES command is sent. 0: SPI1 waits (SPI_MEM_CS_HOLD_DELAY_RES[9:0] * 4) SPI_CLK cycles after RES command is sent. 3 1 read-write FLASH_DP_DLY_256 1: SPI1 waits (SPI_MEM_CS_HOLD_DELAY_RES[9:0] * 256) SPI_CLK cycles after DP command is sent. 0: SPI1 waits (SPI_MEM_CS_HOLD_DELAY_RES[9:0] * 4) SPI_CLK cycles after DP command is sent. 4 1 read-write FLASH_PER_DLY_256 Valid when SPI_MEM_FLASH_PER_WAIT_EN is 1. 1: SPI1 waits (SPI_MEM_CS_HOLD_DELAY_RES[9:0] * 256) SPI_CLK cycles after PER command is sent. 0: SPI1 waits (SPI_MEM_CS_HOLD_DELAY_RES[9:0] * 4) SPI_CLK cycles after PER command is sent. 5 1 read-write FLASH_PES_DLY_256 Valid when SPI_MEM_FLASH_PES_WAIT_EN is 1. 1: SPI1 waits (SPI_MEM_CS_HOLD_DELAY_RES[9:0] * 256) SPI_CLK cycles after PES command is sent. 0: SPI1 waits (SPI_MEM_CS_HOLD_DELAY_RES[9:0] * 4) SPI_CLK cycles after PES command is sent. 6 1 read-write TIMING_CALI SPI1 timing compensation register when accesses to flash or Ext_RAM. 0xA8 0x20 TIMING_CALI Set this bit to add extra SPI_CLK cycles in DUMMY phase for all reading operations. 1 1 read-write EXTRA_DUMMY_CYCLELEN Extra SPI_CLK cycles added in DUMMY phase for timing compensation. Active when SPI_MEM_TIMING_CALI bit is set. 2 3 read-write DDR SPI1 DDR control register 0xE0 0x20 0x00000020 SPI_FMEM_DDR_EN 1: in DDR mode, 0: in SDR mode. 0 1 read-write SPI_FMEM_VAR_DUMMY Set the bit to enable variable dummy cycle in DDRmode. 1 1 read-write SPI_FMEM_DDR_RDAT_SWP Set the bit to reorder RX data of the word in DDR mode. 2 1 read-write SPI_FMEM_DDR_WDAT_SWP Set the bit to reorder TX data of the word in DDR mode. 3 1 read-write SPI_FMEM_DDR_CMD_DIS the bit is used to disable dual edge in command phase when DDR mode. 4 1 read-write SPI_FMEM_OUTMINBYTELEN It is the minimum output data length in the panda device. 5 7 read-write SPI_FMEM_USR_DDR_DQS_THD The delay number of data strobe which from memory based on SPI_CLK. 14 7 read-write SPI_FMEM_DDR_DQS_LOOP 1: Use internal signal as data strobe, the strobe can not be delayed by input timing module. 0: Use input SPI_DQS signal from PAD as data strobe, the strobe can be delayed by input timing module 21 1 read-write SPI_FMEM_DDR_DQS_LOOP_MODE When SPI_FMEM_DDR_DQS_LOOP and SPI_FMEM_DDR_EN are set, 1: Use internal SPI_CLK as data strobe. 0: Use internal ~SPI_CLK as data strobe. Otherwise this bit is not active. 22 1 read-write SPI_FMEM_CLK_DIFF_EN Set this bit to enable the differential SPI_CLK#. 24 1 read-write SPI_FMEM_HYPERBUS_MODE Set this bit to enable the SPI HyperBus mode. 25 1 read-write SPI_FMEM_DQS_CA_IN Set this bit to enable the input of SPI_DQS signal in SPI phases of CMD and ADDR. 26 1 read-write SPI_FMEM_HYPERBUS_DUMMY_2X Set this bit to enable the vary dummy function in SPI HyperBus mode, when SPI0 accesses flash or SPI1 accesses flash or sram. 27 1 read-write SPI_FMEM_CLK_DIFF_INV Set this bit to invert SPI_DIFF when accesses to flash. . 28 1 read-write SPI_FMEM_OCTA_RAM_ADDR Set this bit to enable octa_ram address out when accesses to flash, which means ADDR_OUT[31:0] = {spi_usr_addr_value[25:4], 6'd0, spi_usr_addr_value[3:1], 1'b0}. 29 1 read-write SPI_FMEM_HYPERBUS_CA Set this bit to enable HyperRAM address out when accesses to flash, which means ADDR_OUT[31:0] = {spi_usr_addr_value[19:4], 13'd0, spi_usr_addr_value[3:1]}. 30 1 read-write CLOCK_GATE SPI1 clk_gate register 0xE8 0x20 0x00000001 CLK_EN Register clock gate enable signal. 1: Enable. 0: Disable. 0 1 read-write INT_ENA SPI1 interrupt enable register 0xF0 0x20 PER_END_INT_ENA The enable bit for SPI_MEM_PER_END_INT interrupt. 0 1 read-write PES_END_INT_ENA The enable bit for SPI_MEM_PES_END_INT interrupt. 1 1 read-write TOTAL_TRANS_END_INT_ENA The enable bit for SPI_MEM_TOTAL_TRANS_END_INT interrupt. 2 1 read-write BROWN_OUT_INT_ENA The enable bit for SPI_MEM_BROWN_OUT_INT interrupt. 3 1 read-write INT_CLR SPI1 interrupt clear register 0xF4 0x20 PER_END_INT_CLR The clear bit for SPI_MEM_PER_END_INT interrupt. 0 1 write-only PES_END_INT_CLR The clear bit for SPI_MEM_PES_END_INT interrupt. 1 1 write-only TOTAL_TRANS_END_INT_CLR The clear bit for SPI_MEM_TOTAL_TRANS_END_INT interrupt. 2 1 write-only BROWN_OUT_INT_CLR The status bit for SPI_MEM_BROWN_OUT_INT interrupt. 3 1 write-only INT_RAW SPI1 interrupt raw register 0xF8 0x20 PER_END_INT_RAW The raw bit for SPI_MEM_PER_END_INT interrupt. 1: Triggered when Auto Resume command (0x7A) is sent and flash is resumed successfully. 0: Others. 0 1 read-only PES_END_INT_RAW The raw bit for SPI_MEM_PES_END_INT interrupt.1: Triggered when Auto Suspend command (0x75) is sent and flash is suspended successfully. 0: Others. 1 1 read-only TOTAL_TRANS_END_INT_RAW The raw bit for SPI_MEM_TOTAL_TRANS_END_INT interrupt. 1: Triggered when SPI1 transfer is done and flash is already idle. When WRSR/PP/SE/BE/CE is sent and PES/PER command is sent, this bit is set when WRSR/PP/SE/BE/CE is success. 0: Others. 2 1 read-only BROWN_OUT_INT_RAW The raw bit for SPI_MEM_BROWN_OUT_INT interrupt. 1: Triggered condition is that chip is loosing power and RTC module sends out brown out close flash request to SPI1. After SPI1 sends out suspend command to flash, this interrupt is triggered and MSPI returns to idle state. 0: Others. 3 1 read-only INT_ST SPI1 interrupt status register 0xFC 0x20 PER_END_INT_ST The status bit for SPI_MEM_PER_END_INT interrupt. 0 1 read-only PES_END_INT_ST The status bit for SPI_MEM_PES_END_INT interrupt. 1 1 read-only TOTAL_TRANS_END_INT_ST The status bit for SPI_MEM_TOTAL_TRANS_END_INT interrupt. 2 1 read-only BROWN_OUT_INT_ST The status bit for SPI_MEM_BROWN_OUT_INT interrupt. 3 1 read-only DATE SPI0 version control register 0x3FC 0x20 0x02101040 DATE SPI register version. 0 28 read-write SPI2 SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) Controller SPI2 0x60024000 0x0 0x98 registers SPI2 21 CMD Command control register 0x0 0x20 CONF_BITLEN Define the APB cycles of SPI_CONF state. Can be configured in CONF state. 0 18 read-write UPDATE Set this bit to synchronize SPI registers from APB clock domain into SPI module clock domain, which is only used in SPI master mode. 23 1 read-write USR User define command enable. An operation will be triggered when the bit is set. The bit will be cleared once the operation done.1: enable 0: disable. Can not be changed by CONF_buf. 24 1 read-write ADDR Address value register 0x4 0x20 USR_ADDR_VALUE Address to slave. Can be configured in CONF state. 0 32 read-write CTRL SPI control register 0x8 0x20 0x003C0000 DUMMY_OUT 0: In the dummy phase, the FSPI bus signals are not output. 1: In the dummy phase, the FSPI bus signals are output. Can be configured in CONF state. 3 1 read-write FADDR_DUAL Apply 2 signals during addr phase 1:enable 0: disable. Can be configured in CONF state. 5 1 read-write FADDR_QUAD Apply 4 signals during addr phase 1:enable 0: disable. Can be configured in CONF state. 6 1 read-write FADDR_OCT Apply 8 signals during addr phase 1:enable 0: disable. Can be configured in CONF state. 7 1 read-write FCMD_DUAL Apply 2 signals during command phase 1:enable 0: disable. Can be configured in CONF state. 8 1 read-write FCMD_QUAD Apply 4 signals during command phase 1:enable 0: disable. Can be configured in CONF state. 9 1 read-write FCMD_OCT Apply 8 signals during command phase 1:enable 0: disable. Can be configured in CONF state. 10 1 read-write FREAD_DUAL In the read operations, read-data phase apply 2 signals. 1: enable 0: disable. Can be configured in CONF state. 14 1 read-write FREAD_QUAD In the read operations read-data phase apply 4 signals. 1: enable 0: disable. Can be configured in CONF state. 15 1 read-write FREAD_OCT In the read operations read-data phase apply 8 signals. 1: enable 0: disable. Can be configured in CONF state. 16 1 read-write Q_POL The bit is used to set MISO line polarity, 1: high 0, low. Can be configured in CONF state. 18 1 read-write D_POL The bit is used to set MOSI line polarity, 1: high 0, low. Can be configured in CONF state. 19 1 read-write HOLD_POL SPI_HOLD output value when SPI is idle. 1: output high, 0: output low. Can be configured in CONF state. 20 1 read-write WP_POL Write protect signal output when SPI is idle. 1: output high, 0: output low. Can be configured in CONF state. 21 1 read-write RD_BIT_ORDER In read-data (MISO) phase 1: LSB first 0: MSB first. Can be configured in CONF state. 23 2 read-write WR_BIT_ORDER In command address write-data (MOSI) phases 1: LSB firs 0: MSB first. Can be configured in CONF state. 25 2 read-write CLOCK SPI clock control register 0xC 0x20 0x80003043 CLKCNT_L In the master mode it must be equal to spi_clkcnt_N. In the slave mode it must be 0. Can be configured in CONF state. 0 6 read-write CLKCNT_H In the master mode it must be floor((spi_clkcnt_N+1)/2-1). In the slave mode it must be 0. Can be configured in CONF state. 6 6 read-write CLKCNT_N In the master mode it is the divider of spi_clk. So spi_clk frequency is system/(spi_clkdiv_pre+1)/(spi_clkcnt_N+1). Can be configured in CONF state. 12 6 read-write CLKDIV_PRE In the master mode it is pre-divider of spi_clk. Can be configured in CONF state. 18 4 read-write CLK_EQU_SYSCLK In the master mode 1: spi_clk is eqaul to system 0: spi_clk is divided from system clock. Can be configured in CONF state. 31 1 read-write USER SPI USER control register 0x10 0x20 0x800000C0 DOUTDIN Set the bit to enable full duplex communication. 1: enable 0: disable. Can be configured in CONF state. 0 1 read-write QPI_MODE Both for master mode and slave mode. 1: spi controller is in QPI mode. 0: others. Can be configured in CONF state. 3 1 read-write OPI_MODE Just for master mode. 1: spi controller is in OPI mode (all in 8-b-m). 0: others. Can be configured in CONF state. 4 1 read-write TSCK_I_EDGE In the slave mode, this bit can be used to change the polarity of tsck. 0: tsck = spi_ck_i. 1:tsck = !spi_ck_i. 5 1 read-write CS_HOLD spi cs keep low when spi is in done phase. 1: enable 0: disable. Can be configured in CONF state. 6 1 read-write CS_SETUP spi cs is enable when spi is in prepare phase. 1: enable 0: disable. Can be configured in CONF state. 7 1 read-write RSCK_I_EDGE In the slave mode, this bit can be used to change the polarity of rsck. 0: rsck = !spi_ck_i. 1:rsck = spi_ck_i. 8 1 read-write CK_OUT_EDGE the bit combined with spi_mosi_delay_mode bits to set mosi signal delay mode. Can be configured in CONF state. 9 1 read-write FWRITE_DUAL In the write operations read-data phase apply 2 signals. Can be configured in CONF state. 12 1 read-write FWRITE_QUAD In the write operations read-data phase apply 4 signals. Can be configured in CONF state. 13 1 read-write FWRITE_OCT In the write operations read-data phase apply 8 signals. Can be configured in CONF state. 14 1 read-write USR_CONF_NXT 1: Enable the DMA CONF phase of next seg-trans operation, which means seg-trans will continue. 0: The seg-trans will end after the current SPI seg-trans or this is not seg-trans mode. Can be configured in CONF state. 15 1 read-write SIO Set the bit to enable 3-line half duplex communication mosi and miso signals share the same pin. 1: enable 0: disable. Can be configured in CONF state. 17 1 read-write USR_MISO_HIGHPART read-data phase only access to high-part of the buffer spi_w8~spi_w15. 1: enable 0: disable. Can be configured in CONF state. 24 1 read-write USR_MOSI_HIGHPART write-data phase only access to high-part of the buffer spi_w8~spi_w15. 1: enable 0: disable. Can be configured in CONF state. 25 1 read-write USR_DUMMY_IDLE spi clock is disable in dummy phase when the bit is enable. Can be configured in CONF state. 26 1 read-write USR_MOSI This bit enable the write-data phase of an operation. Can be configured in CONF state. 27 1 read-write USR_MISO This bit enable the read-data phase of an operation. Can be configured in CONF state. 28 1 read-write USR_DUMMY This bit enable the dummy phase of an operation. Can be configured in CONF state. 29 1 read-write USR_ADDR This bit enable the address phase of an operation. Can be configured in CONF state. 30 1 read-write USR_COMMAND This bit enable the command phase of an operation. Can be configured in CONF state. 31 1 read-write USER1 SPI USER control register 1 0x14 0x20 0xB8410007 USR_DUMMY_CYCLELEN The length in spi_clk cycles of dummy phase. The register value shall be (cycle_num-1). Can be configured in CONF state. 0 8 read-write MST_WFULL_ERR_END_EN 1: SPI transfer is ended when SPI RX AFIFO wfull error is valid in GP-SPI master FD/HD-mode. 0: SPI transfer is not ended when SPI RX AFIFO wfull error is valid in GP-SPI master FD/HD-mode. 16 1 read-write CS_SETUP_TIME (cycles+1) of prepare phase by spi clock this bits are combined with spi_cs_setup bit. Can be configured in CONF state. 17 5 read-write CS_HOLD_TIME delay cycles of cs pin by spi clock this bits are combined with spi_cs_hold bit. Can be configured in CONF state. 22 5 read-write USR_ADDR_BITLEN The length in bits of address phase. The register value shall be (bit_num-1). Can be configured in CONF state. 27 5 read-write USER2 SPI USER control register 2 0x18 0x20 0x78000000 USR_COMMAND_VALUE The value of command. Can be configured in CONF state. 0 16 read-write MST_REMPTY_ERR_END_EN 1: SPI transfer is ended when SPI TX AFIFO read empty error is valid in GP-SPI master FD/HD-mode. 0: SPI transfer is not ended when SPI TX AFIFO read empty error is valid in GP-SPI master FD/HD-mode. 27 1 read-write USR_COMMAND_BITLEN The length in bits of command phase. The register value shall be (bit_num-1). Can be configured in CONF state. 28 4 read-write MS_DLEN SPI data bit length control register 0x1C 0x20 MS_DATA_BITLEN The value of these bits is the configured SPI transmission data bit length in master mode DMA controlled transfer or CPU controlled transfer. The value is also the configured bit length in slave mode DMA RX controlled transfer. The register value shall be (bit_num-1). Can be configured in CONF state. 0 18 read-write MISC SPI misc register 0x20 0x20 0x0000003E CS0_DIS SPI CS0 pin enable, 1: disable CS0, 0: spi_cs0 signal is from/to CS0 pin. Can be configured in CONF state. 0 1 read-write CS1_DIS SPI CS1 pin enable, 1: disable CS1, 0: spi_cs1 signal is from/to CS1 pin. Can be configured in CONF state. 1 1 read-write CS2_DIS SPI CS2 pin enable, 1: disable CS2, 0: spi_cs2 signal is from/to CS2 pin. Can be configured in CONF state. 2 1 read-write CS3_DIS SPI CS3 pin enable, 1: disable CS3, 0: spi_cs3 signal is from/to CS3 pin. Can be configured in CONF state. 3 1 read-write CS4_DIS SPI CS4 pin enable, 1: disable CS4, 0: spi_cs4 signal is from/to CS4 pin. Can be configured in CONF state. 4 1 read-write CS5_DIS SPI CS5 pin enable, 1: disable CS5, 0: spi_cs5 signal is from/to CS5 pin. Can be configured in CONF state. 5 1 read-write CK_DIS 1: spi clk out disable, 0: spi clk out enable. Can be configured in CONF state. 6 1 read-write MASTER_CS_POL In the master mode the bits are the polarity of spi cs line, the value is equivalent to spi_cs ^ spi_master_cs_pol. Can be configured in CONF state. 7 6 read-write CLK_DATA_DTR_EN 1: SPI master DTR mode is applied to SPI clk, data and spi_dqs. 0: SPI master DTR mode is only applied to spi_dqs. This bit should be used with bit 17/18/19. 16 1 read-write DATA_DTR_EN 1: SPI clk and data of SPI_DOUT and SPI_DIN state are in DTR mode, including master 1/2/4/8-bm. 0: SPI clk and data of SPI_DOUT and SPI_DIN state are in STR mode. Can be configured in CONF state. 17 1 read-write ADDR_DTR_EN 1: SPI clk and data of SPI_SEND_ADDR state are in DTR mode, including master 1/2/4/8-bm. 0: SPI clk and data of SPI_SEND_ADDR state are in STR mode. Can be configured in CONF state. 18 1 read-write CMD_DTR_EN 1: SPI clk and data of SPI_SEND_CMD state are in DTR mode, including master 1/2/4/8-bm. 0: SPI clk and data of SPI_SEND_CMD state are in STR mode. Can be configured in CONF state. 19 1 read-write SLAVE_CS_POL spi slave input cs polarity select. 1: inv 0: not change. Can be configured in CONF state. 23 1 read-write DQS_IDLE_EDGE The default value of spi_dqs. Can be configured in CONF state. 24 1 read-write CK_IDLE_EDGE 1: spi clk line is high when idle 0: spi clk line is low when idle. Can be configured in CONF state. 29 1 read-write CS_KEEP_ACTIVE spi cs line keep low when the bit is set. Can be configured in CONF state. 30 1 read-write QUAD_DIN_PIN_SWAP 1: SPI quad input swap enable, swap FSPID with FSPIQ, swap FSPIWP with FSPIHD. 0: spi quad input swap disable. Can be configured in CONF state. 31 1 read-write DIN_MODE SPI input delay mode configuration 0x24 0x20 DIN0_MODE the input signals are delayed by SPI module clock cycles, 0: input without delayed, 1: input with the posedge of clk_apb,2 input with the negedge of clk_apb, 3: input with the spi_clk. Can be configured in CONF state. 0 2 read-write DIN1_MODE the input signals are delayed by SPI module clock cycles, 0: input without delayed, 1: input with the posedge of clk_apb,2 input with the negedge of clk_apb, 3: input with the spi_clk. Can be configured in CONF state. 2 2 read-write DIN2_MODE the input signals are delayed by SPI module clock cycles, 0: input without delayed, 1: input with the posedge of clk_apb,2 input with the negedge of clk_apb, 3: input with the spi_clk. Can be configured in CONF state. 4 2 read-write DIN3_MODE the input signals are delayed by SPI module clock cycles, 0: input without delayed, 1: input with the posedge of clk_apb,2 input with the negedge of clk_apb, 3: input with the spi_clk. Can be configured in CONF state. 6 2 read-write DIN4_MODE the input signals are delayed by SPI module clock cycles, 0: input without delayed, 1: input with the posedge of clk_apb,2 input with the negedge of clk_apb, 3: input with the spi_clk. Can be configured in CONF state. 8 2 read-write DIN5_MODE the input signals are delayed by SPI module clock cycles, 0: input without delayed, 1: input with the posedge of clk_apb,2 input with the negedge of clk_apb, 3: input with the spi_clk. Can be configured in CONF state. 10 2 read-write DIN6_MODE the input signals are delayed by SPI module clock cycles, 0: input without delayed, 1: input with the posedge of clk_apb,2 input with the negedge of clk_apb, 3: input with the spi_clk. Can be configured in CONF state. 12 2 read-write DIN7_MODE the input signals are delayed by SPI module clock cycles, 0: input without delayed, 1: input with the posedge of clk_apb,2 input with the negedge of clk_apb, 3: input with the spi_clk. Can be configured in CONF state. 14 2 read-write TIMING_HCLK_ACTIVE 1:enable hclk in SPI input timing module. 0: disable it. Can be configured in CONF state. 16 1 read-write DIN_NUM SPI input delay number configuration 0x28 0x20 DIN0_NUM the input signals are delayed by SPI module clock cycles, 0: delayed by 1 cycle, 1: delayed by 2 cycles,... Can be configured in CONF state. 0 2 read-write DIN1_NUM the input signals are delayed by SPI module clock cycles, 0: delayed by 1 cycle, 1: delayed by 2 cycles,... Can be configured in CONF state. 2 2 read-write DIN2_NUM the input signals are delayed by SPI module clock cycles, 0: delayed by 1 cycle, 1: delayed by 2 cycles,... Can be configured in CONF state. 4 2 read-write DIN3_NUM the input signals are delayed by SPI module clock cycles, 0: delayed by 1 cycle, 1: delayed by 2 cycles,... Can be configured in CONF state. 6 2 read-write DIN4_NUM the input signals are delayed by SPI module clock cycles, 0: delayed by 1 cycle, 1: delayed by 2 cycles,... Can be configured in CONF state. 8 2 read-write DIN5_NUM the input signals are delayed by SPI module clock cycles, 0: delayed by 1 cycle, 1: delayed by 2 cycles,... Can be configured in CONF state. 10 2 read-write DIN6_NUM the input signals are delayed by SPI module clock cycles, 0: delayed by 1 cycle, 1: delayed by 2 cycles,... Can be configured in CONF state. 12 2 read-write DIN7_NUM the input signals are delayed by SPI module clock cycles, 0: delayed by 1 cycle, 1: delayed by 2 cycles,... Can be configured in CONF state. 14 2 read-write DOUT_MODE SPI output delay mode configuration 0x2C 0x20 DOUT0_MODE The output signal 0 is delayed by the SPI module clock, 0: output without delayed, 1: output delay for a SPI module clock cycle at its negative edge. Can be configured in CONF state. 0 1 read-write DOUT1_MODE The output signal 1 is delayed by the SPI module clock, 0: output without delayed, 1: output delay for a SPI module clock cycle at its negative edge. Can be configured in CONF state. 1 1 read-write DOUT2_MODE The output signal 2 is delayed by the SPI module clock, 0: output without delayed, 1: output delay for a SPI module clock cycle at its negative edge. Can be configured in CONF state. 2 1 read-write DOUT3_MODE The output signal 3 is delayed by the SPI module clock, 0: output without delayed, 1: output delay for a SPI module clock cycle at its negative edge. Can be configured in CONF state. 3 1 read-write DOUT4_MODE The output signal 4 is delayed by the SPI module clock, 0: output without delayed, 1: output delay for a SPI module clock cycle at its negative edge. Can be configured in CONF state. 4 1 read-write DOUT5_MODE The output signal 5 is delayed by the SPI module clock, 0: output without delayed, 1: output delay for a SPI module clock cycle at its negative edge. Can be configured in CONF state. 5 1 read-write DOUT6_MODE The output signal 6 is delayed by the SPI module clock, 0: output without delayed, 1: output delay for a SPI module clock cycle at its negative edge. Can be configured in CONF state. 6 1 read-write DOUT7_MODE The output signal 7 is delayed by the SPI module clock, 0: output without delayed, 1: output delay for a SPI module clock cycle at its negative edge. Can be configured in CONF state. 7 1 read-write D_DQS_MODE The output signal SPI_DQS is delayed by the SPI module clock, 0: output without delayed, 1: output delay for a SPI module clock cycle at its negative edge. Can be configured in CONF state. 8 1 read-write DMA_CONF SPI DMA control register 0x30 0x20 0x00000003 DMA_OUTFIFO_EMPTY Records the status of DMA TX FIFO. 1: DMA TX FIFO is not ready for sending data. 0: DMA TX FIFO is ready for sending data. 0 1 read-only DMA_INFIFO_FULL Records the status of DMA RX FIFO. 1: DMA RX FIFO is not ready for receiving data. 0: DMA RX FIFO is ready for receiving data. 1 1 read-only DMA_SLV_SEG_TRANS_EN Enable dma segment transfer in spi dma half slave mode. 1: enable. 0: disable. 18 1 read-write SLV_RX_SEG_TRANS_CLR_EN 1: spi_dma_infifo_full_vld is cleared by spi slave cmd 5. 0: spi_dma_infifo_full_vld is cleared by spi_trans_done. 19 1 read-write SLV_TX_SEG_TRANS_CLR_EN 1: spi_dma_outfifo_empty_vld is cleared by spi slave cmd 6. 0: spi_dma_outfifo_empty_vld is cleared by spi_trans_done. 20 1 read-write RX_EOF_EN 1: spi_dma_inlink_eof is set when the number of dma pushed data bytes is equal to the value of spi_slv/mst_dma_rd_bytelen[19:0] in spi dma transition. 0: spi_dma_inlink_eof is set by spi_trans_done in non-seg-trans or spi_dma_seg_trans_done in seg-trans. 21 1 read-write DMA_RX_ENA Set this bit to enable SPI DMA controlled receive data mode. 27 1 read-write DMA_TX_ENA Set this bit to enable SPI DMA controlled send data mode. 28 1 read-write RX_AFIFO_RST Set this bit to reset RX AFIFO, which is used to receive data in SPI master and slave mode transfer. 29 1 write-only BUF_AFIFO_RST Set this bit to reset BUF TX AFIFO, which is used send data out in SPI slave CPU controlled mode transfer and master mode transfer. 30 1 write-only DMA_AFIFO_RST Set this bit to reset DMA TX AFIFO, which is used to send data out in SPI slave DMA controlled mode transfer. 31 1 write-only DMA_INT_ENA SPI interrupt enable register 0x34 0x20 DMA_INFIFO_FULL_ERR_INT_ENA The enable bit for SPI_DMA_INFIFO_FULL_ERR_INT interrupt. 0 1 read-write DMA_OUTFIFO_EMPTY_ERR_INT_ENA The enable bit for SPI_DMA_OUTFIFO_EMPTY_ERR_INT interrupt. 1 1 read-write SLV_EX_QPI_INT_ENA The enable bit for SPI slave Ex_QPI interrupt. 2 1 read-write SLV_EN_QPI_INT_ENA The enable bit for SPI slave En_QPI interrupt. 3 1 read-write SLV_CMD7_INT_ENA The enable bit for SPI slave CMD7 interrupt. 4 1 read-write SLV_CMD8_INT_ENA The enable bit for SPI slave CMD8 interrupt. 5 1 read-write SLV_CMD9_INT_ENA The enable bit for SPI slave CMD9 interrupt. 6 1 read-write SLV_CMDA_INT_ENA The enable bit for SPI slave CMDA interrupt. 7 1 read-write SLV_RD_DMA_DONE_INT_ENA The enable bit for SPI_SLV_RD_DMA_DONE_INT interrupt. 8 1 read-write SLV_WR_DMA_DONE_INT_ENA The enable bit for SPI_SLV_WR_DMA_DONE_INT interrupt. 9 1 read-write SLV_RD_BUF_DONE_INT_ENA The enable bit for SPI_SLV_RD_BUF_DONE_INT interrupt. 10 1 read-write SLV_WR_BUF_DONE_INT_ENA The enable bit for SPI_SLV_WR_BUF_DONE_INT interrupt. 11 1 read-write TRANS_DONE_INT_ENA The enable bit for SPI_TRANS_DONE_INT interrupt. 12 1 read-write DMA_SEG_TRANS_DONE_INT_ENA The enable bit for SPI_DMA_SEG_TRANS_DONE_INT interrupt. 13 1 read-write SEG_MAGIC_ERR_INT_ENA The enable bit for SPI_SEG_MAGIC_ERR_INT interrupt. 14 1 read-write SLV_BUF_ADDR_ERR_INT_ENA The enable bit for SPI_SLV_BUF_ADDR_ERR_INT interrupt. 15 1 read-write SLV_CMD_ERR_INT_ENA The enable bit for SPI_SLV_CMD_ERR_INT interrupt. 16 1 read-write MST_RX_AFIFO_WFULL_ERR_INT_ENA The enable bit for SPI_MST_RX_AFIFO_WFULL_ERR_INT interrupt. 17 1 read-write MST_TX_AFIFO_REMPTY_ERR_INT_ENA The enable bit for SPI_MST_TX_AFIFO_REMPTY_ERR_INT interrupt. 18 1 read-write APP2_INT_ENA The enable bit for SPI_APP2_INT interrupt. 19 1 read-write APP1_INT_ENA The enable bit for SPI_APP1_INT interrupt. 20 1 read-write DMA_INT_CLR SPI interrupt clear register 0x38 0x20 DMA_INFIFO_FULL_ERR_INT_CLR The clear bit for SPI_DMA_INFIFO_FULL_ERR_INT interrupt. 0 1 write-only DMA_OUTFIFO_EMPTY_ERR_INT_CLR The clear bit for SPI_DMA_OUTFIFO_EMPTY_ERR_INT interrupt. 1 1 write-only SLV_EX_QPI_INT_CLR The clear bit for SPI slave Ex_QPI interrupt. 2 1 write-only SLV_EN_QPI_INT_CLR The clear bit for SPI slave En_QPI interrupt. 3 1 write-only SLV_CMD7_INT_CLR The clear bit for SPI slave CMD7 interrupt. 4 1 write-only SLV_CMD8_INT_CLR The clear bit for SPI slave CMD8 interrupt. 5 1 write-only SLV_CMD9_INT_CLR The clear bit for SPI slave CMD9 interrupt. 6 1 write-only SLV_CMDA_INT_CLR The clear bit for SPI slave CMDA interrupt. 7 1 write-only SLV_RD_DMA_DONE_INT_CLR The clear bit for SPI_SLV_RD_DMA_DONE_INT interrupt. 8 1 write-only SLV_WR_DMA_DONE_INT_CLR The clear bit for SPI_SLV_WR_DMA_DONE_INT interrupt. 9 1 write-only SLV_RD_BUF_DONE_INT_CLR The clear bit for SPI_SLV_RD_BUF_DONE_INT interrupt. 10 1 write-only SLV_WR_BUF_DONE_INT_CLR The clear bit for SPI_SLV_WR_BUF_DONE_INT interrupt. 11 1 write-only TRANS_DONE_INT_CLR The clear bit for SPI_TRANS_DONE_INT interrupt. 12 1 write-only DMA_SEG_TRANS_DONE_INT_CLR The clear bit for SPI_DMA_SEG_TRANS_DONE_INT interrupt. 13 1 write-only SEG_MAGIC_ERR_INT_CLR The clear bit for SPI_SEG_MAGIC_ERR_INT interrupt. 14 1 write-only SLV_BUF_ADDR_ERR_INT_CLR The clear bit for SPI_SLV_BUF_ADDR_ERR_INT interrupt. 15 1 write-only SLV_CMD_ERR_INT_CLR The clear bit for SPI_SLV_CMD_ERR_INT interrupt. 16 1 write-only MST_RX_AFIFO_WFULL_ERR_INT_CLR The clear bit for SPI_MST_RX_AFIFO_WFULL_ERR_INT interrupt. 17 1 write-only MST_TX_AFIFO_REMPTY_ERR_INT_CLR The clear bit for SPI_MST_TX_AFIFO_REMPTY_ERR_INT interrupt. 18 1 write-only APP2_INT_CLR The clear bit for SPI_APP2_INT interrupt. 19 1 write-only APP1_INT_CLR The clear bit for SPI_APP1_INT interrupt. 20 1 write-only DMA_INT_RAW SPI interrupt raw register 0x3C 0x20 DMA_INFIFO_FULL_ERR_INT_RAW 1: The current data rate of DMA Rx is smaller than that of SPI, which will lose the receive data. 0: Others. 0 1 read-only DMA_OUTFIFO_EMPTY_ERR_INT_RAW 1: The current data rate of DMA TX is smaller than that of SPI. SPI will stop in master mode and send out all 0 in slave mode. 0: Others. 1 1 read-only SLV_EX_QPI_INT_RAW The raw bit for SPI slave Ex_QPI interrupt. 1: SPI slave mode Ex_QPI transmission is ended. 0: Others. 2 1 read-only SLV_EN_QPI_INT_RAW The raw bit for SPI slave En_QPI interrupt. 1: SPI slave mode En_QPI transmission is ended. 0: Others. 3 1 read-only SLV_CMD7_INT_RAW The raw bit for SPI slave CMD7 interrupt. 1: SPI slave mode CMD7 transmission is ended. 0: Others. 4 1 read-only SLV_CMD8_INT_RAW The raw bit for SPI slave CMD8 interrupt. 1: SPI slave mode CMD8 transmission is ended. 0: Others. 5 1 read-only SLV_CMD9_INT_RAW The raw bit for SPI slave CMD9 interrupt. 1: SPI slave mode CMD9 transmission is ended. 0: Others. 6 1 read-only SLV_CMDA_INT_RAW The raw bit for SPI slave CMDA interrupt. 1: SPI slave mode CMDA transmission is ended. 0: Others. 7 1 read-only SLV_RD_DMA_DONE_INT_RAW The raw bit for SPI_SLV_RD_DMA_DONE_INT interrupt. 1: SPI slave mode Rd_DMA transmission is ended. 0: Others. 8 1 read-only SLV_WR_DMA_DONE_INT_RAW The raw bit for SPI_SLV_WR_DMA_DONE_INT interrupt. 1: SPI slave mode Wr_DMA transmission is ended. 0: Others. 9 1 read-only SLV_RD_BUF_DONE_INT_RAW The raw bit for SPI_SLV_RD_BUF_DONE_INT interrupt. 1: SPI slave mode Rd_BUF transmission is ended. 0: Others. 10 1 read-only SLV_WR_BUF_DONE_INT_RAW The raw bit for SPI_SLV_WR_BUF_DONE_INT interrupt. 1: SPI slave mode Wr_BUF transmission is ended. 0: Others. 11 1 read-only TRANS_DONE_INT_RAW The raw bit for SPI_TRANS_DONE_INT interrupt. 1: SPI master mode transmission is ended. 0: others. 12 1 read-only DMA_SEG_TRANS_DONE_INT_RAW The raw bit for SPI_DMA_SEG_TRANS_DONE_INT interrupt. 1: spi master DMA full-duplex/half-duplex seg-conf-trans ends or slave half-duplex seg-trans ends. And data has been pushed to corresponding memory. 0: seg-conf-trans or seg-trans is not ended or not occurred. 13 1 read-only SEG_MAGIC_ERR_INT_RAW The raw bit for SPI_SEG_MAGIC_ERR_INT interrupt. 1: The magic value in CONF buffer is error in the DMA seg-conf-trans. 0: others. 14 1 read-only SLV_BUF_ADDR_ERR_INT_RAW The raw bit for SPI_SLV_BUF_ADDR_ERR_INT interrupt. 1: The accessing data address of the current SPI slave mode CPU controlled FD, Wr_BUF or Rd_BUF transmission is bigger than 63. 0: Others. 15 1 read-only SLV_CMD_ERR_INT_RAW The raw bit for SPI_SLV_CMD_ERR_INT interrupt. 1: The slave command value in the current SPI slave HD mode transmission is not supported. 0: Others. 16 1 read-only MST_RX_AFIFO_WFULL_ERR_INT_RAW The raw bit for SPI_MST_RX_AFIFO_WFULL_ERR_INT interrupt. 1: There is a RX AFIFO write-full error when SPI inputs data in master mode. 0: Others. 17 1 read-only MST_TX_AFIFO_REMPTY_ERR_INT_RAW The raw bit for SPI_MST_TX_AFIFO_REMPTY_ERR_INT interrupt. 1: There is a TX BUF AFIFO read-empty error when SPI outputs data in master mode. 0: Others. 18 1 read-only APP2_INT_RAW The raw bit for SPI_APP2_INT interrupt. The value is only controlled by software. 19 1 read-only APP1_INT_RAW The raw bit for SPI_APP1_INT interrupt. The value is only controlled by software. 20 1 read-only DMA_INT_ST SPI interrupt status register 0x40 0x20 DMA_INFIFO_FULL_ERR_INT_ST The status bit for SPI_DMA_INFIFO_FULL_ERR_INT interrupt. 0 1 read-only DMA_OUTFIFO_EMPTY_ERR_INT_ST The status bit for SPI_DMA_OUTFIFO_EMPTY_ERR_INT interrupt. 1 1 read-only SLV_EX_QPI_INT_ST The status bit for SPI slave Ex_QPI interrupt. 2 1 read-only SLV_EN_QPI_INT_ST The status bit for SPI slave En_QPI interrupt. 3 1 read-only SLV_CMD7_INT_ST The status bit for SPI slave CMD7 interrupt. 4 1 read-only SLV_CMD8_INT_ST The status bit for SPI slave CMD8 interrupt. 5 1 read-only SLV_CMD9_INT_ST The status bit for SPI slave CMD9 interrupt. 6 1 read-only SLV_CMDA_INT_ST The status bit for SPI slave CMDA interrupt. 7 1 read-only SLV_RD_DMA_DONE_INT_ST The status bit for SPI_SLV_RD_DMA_DONE_INT interrupt. 8 1 read-only SLV_WR_DMA_DONE_INT_ST The status bit for SPI_SLV_WR_DMA_DONE_INT interrupt. 9 1 read-only SLV_RD_BUF_DONE_INT_ST The status bit for SPI_SLV_RD_BUF_DONE_INT interrupt. 10 1 read-only SLV_WR_BUF_DONE_INT_ST The status bit for SPI_SLV_WR_BUF_DONE_INT interrupt. 11 1 read-only TRANS_DONE_INT_ST The status bit for SPI_TRANS_DONE_INT interrupt. 12 1 read-only DMA_SEG_TRANS_DONE_INT_ST The status bit for SPI_DMA_SEG_TRANS_DONE_INT interrupt. 13 1 read-only SEG_MAGIC_ERR_INT_ST The status bit for SPI_SEG_MAGIC_ERR_INT interrupt. 14 1 read-only SLV_BUF_ADDR_ERR_INT_ST The status bit for SPI_SLV_BUF_ADDR_ERR_INT interrupt. 15 1 read-only SLV_CMD_ERR_INT_ST The status bit for SPI_SLV_CMD_ERR_INT interrupt. 16 1 read-only MST_RX_AFIFO_WFULL_ERR_INT_ST The status bit for SPI_MST_RX_AFIFO_WFULL_ERR_INT interrupt. 17 1 read-only MST_TX_AFIFO_REMPTY_ERR_INT_ST The status bit for SPI_MST_TX_AFIFO_REMPTY_ERR_INT interrupt. 18 1 read-only APP2_INT_ST The status bit for SPI_APP2_INT interrupt. 19 1 read-only APP1_INT_ST The status bit for SPI_APP1_INT interrupt. 20 1 read-only DMA_INT_SET SPI interrupt software set register 0x44 0x20 DMA_INFIFO_FULL_ERR_INT_SET The software set bit for SPI_DMA_INFIFO_FULL_ERR_INT interrupt. 0 1 write-only DMA_OUTFIFO_EMPTY_ERR_INT_SET The software set bit for SPI_DMA_OUTFIFO_EMPTY_ERR_INT interrupt. 1 1 write-only SLV_EX_QPI_INT_SET The software set bit for SPI slave Ex_QPI interrupt. 2 1 write-only SLV_EN_QPI_INT_SET The software set bit for SPI slave En_QPI interrupt. 3 1 write-only SLV_CMD7_INT_SET The software set bit for SPI slave CMD7 interrupt. 4 1 write-only SLV_CMD8_INT_SET The software set bit for SPI slave CMD8 interrupt. 5 1 write-only SLV_CMD9_INT_SET The software set bit for SPI slave CMD9 interrupt. 6 1 write-only SLV_CMDA_INT_SET The software set bit for SPI slave CMDA interrupt. 7 1 write-only SLV_RD_DMA_DONE_INT_SET The software set bit for SPI_SLV_RD_DMA_DONE_INT interrupt. 8 1 write-only SLV_WR_DMA_DONE_INT_SET The software set bit for SPI_SLV_WR_DMA_DONE_INT interrupt. 9 1 write-only SLV_RD_BUF_DONE_INT_SET The software set bit for SPI_SLV_RD_BUF_DONE_INT interrupt. 10 1 write-only SLV_WR_BUF_DONE_INT_SET The software set bit for SPI_SLV_WR_BUF_DONE_INT interrupt. 11 1 write-only TRANS_DONE_INT_SET The software set bit for SPI_TRANS_DONE_INT interrupt. 12 1 write-only DMA_SEG_TRANS_DONE_INT_SET The software set bit for SPI_DMA_SEG_TRANS_DONE_INT interrupt. 13 1 write-only SEG_MAGIC_ERR_INT_SET The software set bit for SPI_SEG_MAGIC_ERR_INT interrupt. 14 1 write-only SLV_BUF_ADDR_ERR_INT_SET The software set bit for SPI_SLV_BUF_ADDR_ERR_INT interrupt. 15 1 write-only SLV_CMD_ERR_INT_SET The software set bit for SPI_SLV_CMD_ERR_INT interrupt. 16 1 write-only MST_RX_AFIFO_WFULL_ERR_INT_SET The software set bit for SPI_MST_RX_AFIFO_WFULL_ERR_INT interrupt. 17 1 write-only MST_TX_AFIFO_REMPTY_ERR_INT_SET The software set bit for SPI_MST_TX_AFIFO_REMPTY_ERR_INT interrupt. 18 1 write-only APP2_INT_SET The software set bit for SPI_APP2_INT interrupt. 19 1 write-only APP1_INT_SET The software set bit for SPI_APP1_INT interrupt. 20 1 write-only W0 SPI CPU-controlled buffer0 0x98 0x20 BUF0 data buffer 0 32 read-write W1 SPI CPU-controlled buffer1 0x9C 0x20 BUF1 data buffer 0 32 read-write W2 SPI CPU-controlled buffer2 0xA0 0x20 BUF2 data buffer 0 32 read-write W3 SPI CPU-controlled buffer3 0xA4 0x20 BUF3 data buffer 0 32 read-write W4 SPI CPU-controlled buffer4 0xA8 0x20 BUF4 data buffer 0 32 read-write W5 SPI CPU-controlled buffer5 0xAC 0x20 BUF5 data buffer 0 32 read-write W6 SPI CPU-controlled buffer6 0xB0 0x20 BUF6 data buffer 0 32 read-write W7 SPI CPU-controlled buffer7 0xB4 0x20 BUF7 data buffer 0 32 read-write W8 SPI CPU-controlled buffer8 0xB8 0x20 BUF8 data buffer 0 32 read-write W9 SPI CPU-controlled buffer9 0xBC 0x20 BUF9 data buffer 0 32 read-write W10 SPI CPU-controlled buffer10 0xC0 0x20 BUF10 data buffer 0 32 read-write W11 SPI CPU-controlled buffer11 0xC4 0x20 BUF11 data buffer 0 32 read-write W12 SPI CPU-controlled buffer12 0xC8 0x20 BUF12 data buffer 0 32 read-write W13 SPI CPU-controlled buffer13 0xCC 0x20 BUF13 data buffer 0 32 read-write W14 SPI CPU-controlled buffer14 0xD0 0x20 BUF14 data buffer 0 32 read-write W15 SPI CPU-controlled buffer15 0xD4 0x20 BUF15 data buffer 0 32 read-write SLAVE SPI slave control register 0xE0 0x20 0x02800000 CLK_MODE SPI clock mode bits. 0: SPI clock is off when CS inactive 1: SPI clock is delayed one cycle after CS inactive 2: SPI clock is delayed two cycles after CS inactive 3: SPI clock is alwasy on. Can be configured in CONF state. 0 2 read-write CLK_MODE_13 {CPOL, CPHA},1: support spi clk mode 1 and 3, first edge output data B[0]/B[7]. 0: support spi clk mode 0 and 2, first edge output data B[1]/B[6]. 2 1 read-write RSCK_DATA_OUT It saves half a cycle when tsck is the same as rsck. 1: output data at rsck posedge 0: output data at tsck posedge 3 1 read-write SLV_RDDMA_BITLEN_EN 1: SPI_SLV_DATA_BITLEN stores data bit length of master-read-slave data length in DMA controlled mode(Rd_DMA). 0: others 8 1 read-write SLV_WRDMA_BITLEN_EN 1: SPI_SLV_DATA_BITLEN stores data bit length of master-write-to-slave data length in DMA controlled mode(Wr_DMA). 0: others 9 1 read-write SLV_RDBUF_BITLEN_EN 1: SPI_SLV_DATA_BITLEN stores data bit length of master-read-slave data length in CPU controlled mode(Rd_BUF). 0: others 10 1 read-write SLV_WRBUF_BITLEN_EN 1: SPI_SLV_DATA_BITLEN stores data bit length of master-write-to-slave data length in CPU controlled mode(Wr_BUF). 0: others 11 1 read-write DMA_SEG_MAGIC_VALUE The magic value of BM table in master DMA seg-trans. 22 4 read-write MODE Set SPI work mode. 1: slave mode 0: master mode. 26 1 read-write SOFT_RESET Software reset enable, reset the spi clock line cs line and data lines. Can be configured in CONF state. 27 1 write-only USR_CONF 1: Enable the DMA CONF phase of current seg-trans operation, which means seg-trans will start. 0: This is not seg-trans mode. 28 1 read-write SLAVE1 SPI slave control register 1 0xE4 0x20 SLV_DATA_BITLEN The transferred data bit length in SPI slave FD and HD mode. 0 18 read-write SLV_LAST_COMMAND In the slave mode it is the value of command. 18 8 read-write SLV_LAST_ADDR In the slave mode it is the value of address. 26 6 read-write CLK_GATE SPI module clock and register clock control 0xE8 0x20 CLK_EN Set this bit to enable clk gate 0 1 read-write MST_CLK_ACTIVE Set this bit to power on the SPI module clock. 1 1 read-write MST_CLK_SEL This bit is used to select SPI module clock source in master mode. 1: PLL_CLK_80M. 0: XTAL CLK. 2 1 read-write DATE Version control 0xF0 0x20 0x02101190 DATE SPI register version. 0 28 read-write SPI3 SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) Controller 0x60025000 SPI3 22 SYSTEM System SYSTEM 0x600C0000 0x0 0xA8 registers CORE_1_CONTROL_0 Core0 control regiter 0 0x0 0x20 0x00000004 CONTROL_CORE_1_RUNSTALL Set 1 to stall core1 0 1 read-write CONTROL_CORE_1_CLKGATE_EN Set 1 to open core1 clock 1 1 read-write CONTROL_CORE_1_RESETING Set 1 to let core1 reset 2 1 read-write CORE_1_CONTROL_1 Core0 control regiter 1 0x4 0x20 CONTROL_CORE_1_MESSAGE it's only a R/W register, no function, software can write any value 0 32 read-write CPU_PERI_CLK_EN cpu_peripheral clock configuration register 0x8 0x20 CLK_EN_ASSIST_DEBUG Set 1 to open assist_debug module clock 6 1 read-write CLK_EN_DEDICATED_GPIO Set 1 to open dedicated_gpio module clk 7 1 read-write CPU_PERI_RST_EN cpu_peripheral reset configuration regsiter 0xC 0x20 0x000000C0 RST_EN_ASSIST_DEBUG Set 1 to let assist_debug module reset 6 1 read-write RST_EN_DEDICATED_GPIO Set 1 to let dedicated_gpio module reset 7 1 read-write CPU_PER_CONF cpu peripheral clock configuration register 0x10 0x20 0x0000000C CPUPERIOD_SEL This field used to sel cpu clock frequent. 0 2 read-write PLL_FREQ_SEL This field used to sel pll frequent. 2 1 read-write CPU_WAIT_MODE_FORCE_ON Set 1 to force cpu_waiti_clk enable. 3 1 read-write CPU_WAITI_DELAY_NUM This field used to set delay cycle when cpu enter waiti mode, after delay waiti_clk will close 4 4 read-write MEM_PD_MASK memory power down mask configuration register 0x14 0x20 0x00000001 LSLP_MEM_PD_MASK Set 1 to mask memory power down. 0 1 read-write PERIP_CLK_EN0 peripheral clock configuration regsiter 0 0x18 0x20 0xF9C1E06F TIMERS_CLK_EN Set 1 to enable TIMERS clock 0 1 read-write SPI01_CLK_EN Set 1 to enable SPI01 clock 1 1 read-write UART_CLK_EN Set 1 to enable UART clock 2 1 read-write WDG_CLK_EN Set 1 to enable WDG clock 3 1 read-write I2S0_CLK_EN Set 1 to enable I2S0 clock 4 1 read-write UART1_CLK_EN Set 1 to enable UART1 clock 5 1 read-write SPI2_CLK_EN Set 1 to enable SPI2 clock 6 1 read-write I2C_EXT0_CLK_EN Set 1 to enable I2C_EXT0 clock 7 1 read-write UHCI0_CLK_EN Set 1 to enable UHCI0 clock 8 1 read-write RMT_CLK_EN Set 1 to enable RMT clock 9 1 read-write PCNT_CLK_EN Set 1 to enable PCNT clock 10 1 read-write LEDC_CLK_EN Set 1 to enable LEDC clock 11 1 read-write UHCI1_CLK_EN Set 1 to enable UHCI1 clock 12 1 read-write TIMERGROUP_CLK_EN Set 1 to enable TIMERGROUP clock 13 1 read-write EFUSE_CLK_EN Set 1 to enable EFUSE clock 14 1 read-write TIMERGROUP1_CLK_EN Set 1 to enable TIMERGROUP1 clock 15 1 read-write SPI3_CLK_EN Set 1 to enable SPI3 clock 16 1 read-write PWM0_CLK_EN Set 1 to enable PWM0 clock 17 1 read-write I2C_EXT1_CLK_EN Set 1 to enable I2C_EXT1 clock 18 1 read-write CAN_CLK_EN Set 1 to enable CAN clock 19 1 read-write PWM1_CLK_EN Set 1 to enable PWM1 clock 20 1 read-write I2S1_CLK_EN Set 1 to enable I2S1 clock 21 1 read-write SPI2_DMA_CLK_EN Set 1 to enable SPI2_DMA clock 22 1 read-write USB_CLK_EN Set 1 to enable USB clock 23 1 read-write UART_MEM_CLK_EN Set 1 to enable UART_MEM clock 24 1 read-write PWM2_CLK_EN Set 1 to enable PWM2 clock 25 1 read-write PWM3_CLK_EN Set 1 to enable PWM3 clock 26 1 read-write SPI3_DMA_CLK_EN Set 1 to enable SPI4 clock 27 1 read-write APB_SARADC_CLK_EN Set 1 to enable APB_SARADC clock 28 1 read-write SYSTIMER_CLK_EN Set 1 to enable SYSTEMTIMER clock 29 1 read-write ADC2_ARB_CLK_EN Set 1 to enable ADC2_ARB clock 30 1 read-write SPI4_CLK_EN Set 1 to enable SPI4 clock 31 1 read-write PERIP_CLK_EN1 peripheral clock configuration regsiter 1 0x1C 0x20 0x00000600 PERI_BACKUP_CLK_EN Set 1 to enable BACKUP clock 0 1 read-write CRYPTO_AES_CLK_EN Set 1 to enable AES clock 1 1 read-write CRYPTO_SHA_CLK_EN Set 1 to enable SHA clock 2 1 read-write CRYPTO_RSA_CLK_EN Set 1 to enable RSA clock 3 1 read-write CRYPTO_DS_CLK_EN Set 1 to enable DS clock 4 1 read-write CRYPTO_HMAC_CLK_EN Set 1 to enable HMAC clock 5 1 read-write DMA_CLK_EN Set 1 to enable DMA clock 6 1 read-write SDIO_HOST_CLK_EN Set 1 to enable SDIO_HOST clock 7 1 read-write LCD_CAM_CLK_EN Set 1 to enable LCD_CAM clock 8 1 read-write UART2_CLK_EN Set 1 to enable UART2 clock 9 1 read-write USB_DEVICE_CLK_EN Set 1 to enable USB_DEVICE clock 10 1 read-write PERIP_RST_EN0 peripheral reset configuration register0 0x20 0x20 TIMERS_RST Set 1 to let TIMERS reset 0 1 read-write SPI01_RST Set 1 to let SPI01 reset 1 1 read-write UART_RST Set 1 to let UART reset 2 1 read-write WDG_RST Set 1 to let WDG reset 3 1 read-write I2S0_RST Set 1 to let I2S0 reset 4 1 read-write UART1_RST Set 1 to let UART1 reset 5 1 read-write SPI2_RST Set 1 to let SPI2 reset 6 1 read-write I2C_EXT0_RST Set 1 to let I2C_EXT0 reset 7 1 read-write UHCI0_RST Set 1 to let UHCI0 reset 8 1 read-write RMT_RST Set 1 to let RMT reset 9 1 read-write PCNT_RST Set 1 to let PCNT reset 10 1 read-write LEDC_RST Set 1 to let LEDC reset 11 1 read-write UHCI1_RST Set 1 to let UHCI1 reset 12 1 read-write TIMERGROUP_RST Set 1 to let TIMERGROUP reset 13 1 read-write EFUSE_RST Set 1 to let EFUSE reset 14 1 read-write TIMERGROUP1_RST Set 1 to let TIMERGROUP1 reset 15 1 read-write SPI3_RST Set 1 to let SPI3 reset 16 1 read-write PWM0_RST Set 1 to let PWM0 reset 17 1 read-write I2C_EXT1_RST Set 1 to let I2C_EXT1 reset 18 1 read-write CAN_RST Set 1 to let CAN reset 19 1 read-write PWM1_RST Set 1 to let PWM1 reset 20 1 read-write I2S1_RST Set 1 to let I2S1 reset 21 1 read-write SPI2_DMA_RST Set 1 to let SPI2 reset 22 1 read-write USB_RST Set 1 to let USB reset 23 1 read-write UART_MEM_RST Set 1 to let UART_MEM reset 24 1 read-write PWM2_RST Set 1 to let PWM2 reset 25 1 read-write PWM3_RST Set 1 to let PWM3 reset 26 1 read-write SPI3_DMA_RST Set 1 to let SPI3 reset 27 1 read-write APB_SARADC_RST Set 1 to let APB_SARADC reset 28 1 read-write SYSTIMER_RST Set 1 to let SYSTIMER reset 29 1 read-write ADC2_ARB_RST Set 1 to let ADC2_ARB reset 30 1 read-write SPI4_RST Set 1 to let SPI4 reset 31 1 read-write PERIP_RST_EN1 peripheral reset configuration regsiter 1 0x24 0x20 0x000001FE PERI_BACKUP_RST Set 1 to let BACKUP reset 0 1 read-write CRYPTO_AES_RST Set 1 to let CRYPTO_AES reset 1 1 read-write CRYPTO_SHA_RST Set 1 to let CRYPTO_SHA reset 2 1 read-write CRYPTO_RSA_RST Set 1 to let CRYPTO_RSA reset 3 1 read-write CRYPTO_DS_RST Set 1 to let CRYPTO_DS reset 4 1 read-write CRYPTO_HMAC_RST Set 1 to let CRYPTO_HMAC reset 5 1 read-write DMA_RST Set 1 to let DMA reset 6 1 read-write SDIO_HOST_RST Set 1 to let SDIO_HOST reset 7 1 read-write LCD_CAM_RST Set 1 to let LCD_CAM reset 8 1 read-write UART2_RST Set 1 to let UART2 reset 9 1 read-write USB_DEVICE_RST Set 1 to let USB_DEVICE reset 10 1 read-write BT_LPCK_DIV_INT low power clock frequent division factor configuration regsiter 0x28 0x20 0x000000FF BT_LPCK_DIV_NUM This field is lower power clock frequent division factor 0 12 read-write BT_LPCK_DIV_FRAC low power clock configuration register 0x2C 0x20 0x02001001 BT_LPCK_DIV_B This field is lower power clock frequent division factor b 0 12 read-write BT_LPCK_DIV_A This field is lower power clock frequent division factor a 12 12 read-write LPCLK_SEL_RTC_SLOW Set 1 to select rtc-slow clock as rtc low power clock 24 1 read-write LPCLK_SEL_8M Set 1 to select 8m clock as rtc low power clock 25 1 read-write LPCLK_SEL_XTAL Set 1 to select xtal clock as rtc low power clock 26 1 read-write LPCLK_SEL_XTAL32K Set 1 to select xtal32k clock as low power clock 27 1 read-write LPCLK_RTC_EN Set 1 to enable RTC low power clock 28 1 read-write CPU_INTR_FROM_CPU_0 interrupt source register 0 0x30 0x20 CPU_INTR_FROM_CPU_0 Set 1 to generate cpu interrupt 0 0 1 read-write CPU_INTR_FROM_CPU_1 interrupt source register 1 0x34 0x20 CPU_INTR_FROM_CPU_1 Set 1 to generate cpu interrupt 1 0 1 read-write CPU_INTR_FROM_CPU_2 interrupt source register 2 0x38 0x20 CPU_INTR_FROM_CPU_2 Set 1 to generate cpu interrupt 2 0 1 read-write CPU_INTR_FROM_CPU_3 interrupt source register 3 0x3C 0x20 CPU_INTR_FROM_CPU_3 Set 1 to generate cpu interrupt 3 0 1 read-write RSA_PD_CTRL rsa memory power control register 0x40 0x20 0x00000001 RSA_MEM_PD Set 1 to power down RSA memory. This bit has the lowest priority.When Digital Signature occupies the RSA, this bit is invalid. 0 1 read-write RSA_MEM_FORCE_PU Set 1 to force power up RSA memory, this bit has the second highest priority. 1 1 read-write RSA_MEM_FORCE_PD Set 1 to force power down RSA memory,this bit has the highest priority. 2 1 read-write EDMA_CTRL EDMA control register 0x44 0x20 0x00000001 EDMA_CLK_ON Set 1 to enable EDMA clock. 0 1 read-write EDMA_RESET Set 1 to let EDMA reset 1 1 read-write CACHE_CONTROL Cache control register 0x48 0x20 0x00000005 ICACHE_CLK_ON Set 1 to enable icache clock 0 1 read-write ICACHE_RESET Set 1 to let icache reset 1 1 read-write DCACHE_CLK_ON Set 1 to enable dcache clock 2 1 read-write DCACHE_RESET Set 1 to let dcache reset 3 1 read-write EXTERNAL_DEVICE_ENCRYPT_DECRYPT_CONTROL External memory encrypt and decrypt control register 0x4C 0x20 ENABLE_SPI_MANUAL_ENCRYPT Set 1 to enable the SPI manual encrypt. 0 1 read-write ENABLE_DOWNLOAD_DB_ENCRYPT Set 1 to enable download DB encrypt. 1 1 read-write ENABLE_DOWNLOAD_G0CB_DECRYPT Set 1 to enable download G0CB decrypt 2 1 read-write ENABLE_DOWNLOAD_MANUAL_ENCRYPT Set 1 to enable download manual encrypt 3 1 read-write RTC_FASTMEM_CONFIG RTC fast memory configuration register 0x50 0x20 0x7FF00000 RTC_MEM_CRC_START Set 1 to start the CRC of RTC memory 8 1 read-write RTC_MEM_CRC_ADDR This field is used to set address of RTC memory for CRC. 9 11 read-write RTC_MEM_CRC_LEN This field is used to set length of RTC memory for CRC based on start address. 20 11 read-write RTC_MEM_CRC_FINISH This bit stores the status of RTC memory CRC.1 means finished. 31 1 read-only RTC_FASTMEM_CRC RTC fast memory CRC control register 0x54 0x20 RTC_MEM_CRC_RES This field stores the CRC result of RTC memory. 0 32 read-only REDUNDANT_ECO_CTRL ******* Description *********** 0x58 0x20 REDUNDANT_ECO_DRIVE ******* Description *********** 0 1 read-write REDUNDANT_ECO_RESULT ******* Description *********** 1 1 read-only CLOCK_GATE ******* Description *********** 0x5C 0x20 0x00000001 CLK_EN ******* Description *********** 0 1 read-write SYSCLK_CONF System clock configuration register. 0x60 0x20 0x00000001 PRE_DIV_CNT This field is used to set the count of prescaler of XTAL_CLK. 0 10 read-write SOC_CLK_SEL This field is used to select soc clock. 10 2 read-write CLK_XTAL_FREQ This field is used to read xtal frequency in MHz. 12 7 read-only CLK_DIV_EN Reserved. 19 1 read-only MEM_PVT ******* Description *********** 0x64 0x20 0x00000003 MEM_PATH_LEN ******* Description *********** 0 4 read-write MEM_ERR_CNT_CLR ******* Description *********** 4 1 write-only MONITOR_EN ******* Description *********** 5 1 read-write MEM_TIMING_ERR_CNT ******* Description *********** 6 16 read-only MEM_VT_SEL ******* Description *********** 22 2 read-write COMB_PVT_LVT_CONF ******* Description *********** 0x68 0x20 0x00000003 COMB_PATH_LEN_LVT ******* Description *********** 0 5 read-write COMB_ERR_CNT_CLR_LVT ******* Description *********** 5 1 write-only COMB_PVT_MONITOR_EN_LVT ******* Description *********** 6 1 read-write COMB_PVT_NVT_CONF ******* Description *********** 0x6C 0x20 0x00000003 COMB_PATH_LEN_NVT ******* Description *********** 0 5 read-write COMB_ERR_CNT_CLR_NVT ******* Description *********** 5 1 write-only COMB_PVT_MONITOR_EN_NVT ******* Description *********** 6 1 read-write COMB_PVT_HVT_CONF ******* Description *********** 0x70 0x20 0x00000003 COMB_PATH_LEN_HVT ******* Description *********** 0 5 read-write COMB_ERR_CNT_CLR_HVT ******* Description *********** 5 1 write-only COMB_PVT_MONITOR_EN_HVT ******* Description *********** 6 1 read-write COMB_PVT_ERR_LVT_SITE0 ******* Description *********** 0x74 0x20 COMB_TIMING_ERR_CNT_LVT_SITE0 ******* Description *********** 0 16 read-only COMB_PVT_ERR_NVT_SITE0 ******* Description *********** 0x78 0x20 COMB_TIMING_ERR_CNT_NVT_SITE0 ******* Description *********** 0 16 read-only COMB_PVT_ERR_HVT_SITE0 ******* Description *********** 0x7C 0x20 COMB_TIMING_ERR_CNT_HVT_SITE0 ******* Description *********** 0 16 read-only COMB_PVT_ERR_LVT_SITE1 ******* Description *********** 0x80 0x20 COMB_TIMING_ERR_CNT_LVT_SITE1 ******* Description *********** 0 16 read-only COMB_PVT_ERR_NVT_SITE1 ******* Description *********** 0x84 0x20 COMB_TIMING_ERR_CNT_NVT_SITE1 ******* Description *********** 0 16 read-only COMB_PVT_ERR_HVT_SITE1 ******* Description *********** 0x88 0x20 COMB_TIMING_ERR_CNT_HVT_SITE1 ******* Description *********** 0 16 read-only COMB_PVT_ERR_LVT_SITE2 ******* Description *********** 0x8C 0x20 COMB_TIMING_ERR_CNT_LVT_SITE2 ******* Description *********** 0 16 read-only COMB_PVT_ERR_NVT_SITE2 ******* Description *********** 0x90 0x20 COMB_TIMING_ERR_CNT_NVT_SITE2 ******* Description *********** 0 16 read-only COMB_PVT_ERR_HVT_SITE2 ******* Description *********** 0x94 0x20 COMB_TIMING_ERR_CNT_HVT_SITE2 ******* Description *********** 0 16 read-only COMB_PVT_ERR_LVT_SITE3 ******* Description *********** 0x98 0x20 COMB_TIMING_ERR_CNT_LVT_SITE3 ******* Description *********** 0 16 read-only COMB_PVT_ERR_NVT_SITE3 ******* Description *********** 0x9C 0x20 COMB_TIMING_ERR_CNT_NVT_SITE3 ******* Description *********** 0 16 read-only COMB_PVT_ERR_HVT_SITE3 ******* Description *********** 0xA0 0x20 COMB_TIMING_ERR_CNT_HVT_SITE3 ******* Description *********** 0 16 read-only DATE version register 0xFFC 0x20 0x02101220 DATE version register 0 28 read-write SYSTIMER System Timer SYSTIMER 0x60023000 0x0 0x90 registers SYSTIMER_TARGET0 57 SYSTIMER_TARGET1 58 SYSTIMER_TARGET2 59 CONF Configure system timer clock 0x0 0x20 0x46000000 SYSTIMER_CLK_FO systimer clock force on 0 1 read-write TARGET2_WORK_EN target2 work enable 22 1 read-write TARGET1_WORK_EN target1 work enable 23 1 read-write TARGET0_WORK_EN target0 work enable 24 1 read-write TIMER_UNIT1_CORE1_STALL_EN If timer unit1 is stalled when core1 stalled 25 1 read-write TIMER_UNIT1_CORE0_STALL_EN If timer unit1 is stalled when core0 stalled 26 1 read-write TIMER_UNIT0_CORE1_STALL_EN If timer unit0 is stalled when core1 stalled 27 1 read-write TIMER_UNIT0_CORE0_STALL_EN If timer unit0 is stalled when core0 stalled 28 1 read-write TIMER_UNIT1_WORK_EN timer unit1 work enable 29 1 read-write TIMER_UNIT0_WORK_EN timer unit0 work enable 30 1 read-write CLK_EN register file clk gating 31 1 read-write UNIT0_OP system timer unit0 value update register 0x4 0x20 TIMER_UNIT0_VALUE_VALID timer value is sync and valid 29 1 read-only TIMER_UNIT0_UPDATE update timer_unit0 30 1 write-only UNIT1_OP system timer unit1 value update register 0x8 0x20 TIMER_UNIT1_VALUE_VALID timer value is sync and valid 29 1 read-only TIMER_UNIT1_UPDATE update timer unit1 30 1 write-only UNIT0_LOAD_HI system timer unit0 value high load register 0xC 0x20 TIMER_UNIT0_LOAD_HI timer unit0 load high 20 bits 0 20 read-write UNIT0_LOAD_LO system timer unit0 value low load register 0x10 0x20 TIMER_UNIT0_LOAD_LO timer unit0 load low 32 bits 0 32 read-write UNIT1_LOAD_HI system timer unit1 value high load register 0x14 0x20 TIMER_UNIT1_LOAD_HI timer unit1 load high 20 bits 0 20 read-write UNIT1_LOAD_LO system timer unit1 value low load register 0x18 0x20 TIMER_UNIT1_LOAD_LO timer unit1 load low 32 bits 0 32 read-write TARGET0_HI system timer comp0 value high register 0x1C 0x20 TIMER_TARGET0_HI timer taget0 high 20 bits 0 20 read-write TARGET0_LO system timer comp0 value low register 0x20 0x20 TIMER_TARGET0_LO timer taget0 low 32 bits 0 32 read-write TARGET1_HI system timer comp1 value high register 0x24 0x20 TIMER_TARGET1_HI timer taget1 high 20 bits 0 20 read-write TARGET1_LO system timer comp1 value low register 0x28 0x20 TIMER_TARGET1_LO timer taget1 low 32 bits 0 32 read-write TARGET2_HI system timer comp2 value high register 0x2C 0x20 TIMER_TARGET2_HI timer taget2 high 20 bits 0 20 read-write TARGET2_LO system timer comp2 value low register 0x30 0x20 TIMER_TARGET2_LO timer taget2 low 32 bits 0 32 read-write TARGET0_CONF system timer comp0 target mode register 0x34 0x20 TARGET0_PERIOD target0 period 0 26 read-write TARGET0_PERIOD_MODE Set target0 to period mode 30 1 read-write TARGET0_TIMER_UNIT_SEL select which unit to compare 31 1 read-write TARGET1_CONF system timer comp1 target mode register 0x38 0x20 TARGET1_PERIOD target1 period 0 26 read-write TARGET1_PERIOD_MODE Set target1 to period mode 30 1 read-write TARGET1_TIMER_UNIT_SEL select which unit to compare 31 1 read-write TARGET2_CONF system timer comp2 target mode register 0x3C 0x20 TARGET2_PERIOD target2 period 0 26 read-write TARGET2_PERIOD_MODE Set target2 to period mode 30 1 read-write TARGET2_TIMER_UNIT_SEL select which unit to compare 31 1 read-write UNIT0_VALUE_HI system timer unit0 value high register 0x40 0x20 TIMER_UNIT0_VALUE_HI timer read value high 20bits 0 20 read-only UNIT0_VALUE_LO system timer unit0 value low register 0x44 0x20 TIMER_UNIT0_VALUE_LO timer read value low 32bits 0 32 read-only UNIT1_VALUE_HI system timer unit1 value high register 0x48 0x20 TIMER_UNIT1_VALUE_HI timer read value high 20bits 0 20 read-only UNIT1_VALUE_LO system timer unit1 value low register 0x4C 0x20 TIMER_UNIT1_VALUE_LO timer read value low 32bits 0 32 read-only COMP0_LOAD system timer comp0 conf sync register 0x50 0x20 TIMER_COMP0_LOAD timer comp0 sync enable signal 0 1 write-only COMP1_LOAD system timer comp1 conf sync register 0x54 0x20 TIMER_COMP1_LOAD timer comp1 sync enable signal 0 1 write-only COMP2_LOAD system timer comp2 conf sync register 0x58 0x20 TIMER_COMP2_LOAD timer comp2 sync enable signal 0 1 write-only UNIT0_LOAD system timer unit0 conf sync register 0x5C 0x20 TIMER_UNIT0_LOAD timer unit0 sync enable signal 0 1 write-only UNIT1_LOAD system timer unit1 conf sync register 0x60 0x20 TIMER_UNIT1_LOAD timer unit1 sync enable signal 0 1 write-only INT_ENA systimer interrupt enable register 0x64 0x20 TARGET0_INT_ENA interupt0 enable 0 1 read-write TARGET1_INT_ENA interupt1 enable 1 1 read-write TARGET2_INT_ENA interupt2 enable 2 1 read-write INT_RAW systimer interrupt raw register 0x68 0x20 TARGET0_INT_RAW interupt0 raw 0 1 read-only TARGET1_INT_RAW interupt1 raw 1 1 read-only TARGET2_INT_RAW interupt2 raw 2 1 read-only INT_CLR systimer interrupt clear register 0x6C 0x20 TARGET0_INT_CLR interupt0 clear 0 1 write-only TARGET1_INT_CLR interupt1 clear 1 1 write-only TARGET2_INT_CLR interupt2 clear 2 1 write-only INT_ST systimer interrupt status register 0x70 0x20 TARGET0_INT_ST interupt0 status 0 1 read-only TARGET1_INT_ST interupt1 status 1 1 read-only TARGET2_INT_ST interupt2 status 2 1 read-only REAL_TARGET0_LO system timer comp0 actual target value low register 0x74 0x20 TARGET0_LO_RO actual target value value low 32bits 0 32 read-only REAL_TARGET0_HI system timer comp0 actual target value high register 0x78 0x20 TARGET0_HI_RO actual target value value high 20bits 0 20 read-only REAL_TARGET1_LO system timer comp1 actual target value low register 0x7C 0x20 TARGET1_LO_RO actual target value value low 32bits 0 32 read-only REAL_TARGET1_HI system timer comp1 actual target value high register 0x80 0x20 TARGET1_HI_RO actual target value value high 20bits 0 20 read-only REAL_TARGET2_LO system timer comp2 actual target value low register 0x84 0x20 TARGET2_LO_RO actual target value value low 32bits 0 32 read-only REAL_TARGET2_HI system timer comp2 actual target value high register 0x88 0x20 TARGET2_HI_RO actual target value value high 20bits 0 20 read-only DATE system timer version control register 0xFC 0x20 0x02012251 DATE systimer register version 0 32 read-write TIMG0 Timer Group TIMG 0x6001F000 0x0 0x8C registers TG0_T0_LEVEL 50 TG0_T1_LEVEL 51 TG0_WDT_LEVEL 52 2 0x24 T%sCONFIG Timer %s configuration register 0x0 0x20 0x60002000 USE_XTAL 1: Use XTAL_CLK as the source clock of timer group. 0: Use APB_CLK as the source clock of timer group. 9 1 read-write ALARM_EN When set, the alarm is enabled. This bit is automatically cleared once an alarm occurs. 10 1 read-write DIVIDER Timer %s clock (T%s_clk) prescaler value. 13 16 read-write AUTORELOAD When set, timer %s auto-reload at alarm is enabled. 29 1 read-write INCREASE When set, the timer %s time-base counter will increment every clock tick. When cleared, the timer %s time-base counter will decrement. 30 1 read-write EN When set, the timer %s time-base counter is enabled. 31 1 read-write 2 0x24 T%sLO Timer %s current value, low 32 bits 0x4 0x20 LO After writing to TIMG_T%sUPDATE_REG, the low 32 bits of the time-base counter of timer %s can be read here. 0 32 read-only 2 0x24 T%sHI Timer %s current value, high 22 bits 0x8 0x20 HI After writing to TIMG_T%sUPDATE_REG, the high 22 bits of the time-base counter of timer %s can be read here. 0 22 read-only 2 0x24 T%sUPDATE Write to copy current timer value to TIMGn_T%s_(LO/HI)_REG 0xC 0x20 UPDATE After writing 0 or 1 to TIMG_T%sUPDATE_REG, the counter value is latched. 31 1 read-write 2 0x24 T%sALARMLO Timer %s alarm value, low 32 bits 0x10 0x20 ALARM_LO Timer %s alarm trigger time-base counter value, low 32 bits. 0 32 read-write 2 0x24 T%sALARMHI Timer %s alarm value, high bits 0x14 0x20 ALARM_HI Timer %s alarm trigger time-base counter value, high 22 bits. 0 22 read-write 2 0x24 T%sLOADLO Timer %s reload value, low 32 bits 0x18 0x20 LOAD_LO Low 32 bits of the value that a reload will load onto timer %s time-base Counter. 0 32 read-write 2 0x24 T%sLOADHI Timer %s reload value, high 22 bits 0x1C 0x20 LOAD_HI High 22 bits of the value that a reload will load onto timer %s time-base counter. 0 22 read-write 2 0x24 T%sLOAD Write to reload timer from TIMG_T%s_(LOADLOLOADHI)_REG 0x20 0x20 LOAD Write any value to trigger a timer %s time-base counter reload. 0 32 write-only WDTCONFIG0 Watchdog timer configuration register 0x48 0x20 0x0004C000 WDT_APPCPU_RESET_EN Reserved 12 1 read-write WDT_PROCPU_RESET_EN WDT reset CPU enable. 13 1 read-write WDT_FLASHBOOT_MOD_EN When set, Flash boot protection is enabled. 14 1 read-write WDT_SYS_RESET_LENGTH System reset signal length selection. 0: 100 ns, 1: 200 ns, 2: 300 ns, 3: 400 ns, 4: 500 ns, 5: 800 ns, 6: 1.6 us, 7: 3.2 us. 15 3 read-write WDT_CPU_RESET_LENGTH CPU reset signal length selection. 0: 100 ns, 1: 200 ns, 2: 300 ns, 3: 400 ns, 4: 500 ns, 5: 800 ns, 6: 1.6 us, 7: 3.2 us. 18 3 read-write WDT_STG3 Stage 3 configuration. 0: off, 1: interrupt, 2: reset CPU, 3: reset system. 23 2 read-write WDT_STG2 Stage 2 configuration. 0: off, 1: interrupt, 2: reset CPU, 3: reset system. 25 2 read-write WDT_STG1 Stage 1 configuration. 0: off, 1: interrupt, 2: reset CPU, 3: reset system. 27 2 read-write WDT_STG0 Stage 0 configuration. 0: off, 1: interrupt, 2: reset CPU, 3: reset system. 29 2 read-write WDT_EN When set, MWDT is enabled. 31 1 read-write WDTCONFIG1 Watchdog timer prescaler register 0x4C 0x20 0x00010000 WDT_CLK_PRESCALE MWDT clock prescaler value. MWDT clock period = 12.5 ns * TIMG_WDT_CLK_PRESCALE. 16 16 read-write WDTCONFIG2 Watchdog timer stage 0 timeout value 0x50 0x20 0x018CBA80 WDT_STG0_HOLD Stage 0 timeout value, in MWDT clock cycles. 0 32 read-write WDTCONFIG3 Watchdog timer stage 1 timeout value 0x54 0x20 0x07FFFFFF WDT_STG1_HOLD Stage 1 timeout value, in MWDT clock cycles. 0 32 read-write WDTCONFIG4 Watchdog timer stage 2 timeout value 0x58 0x20 0x000FFFFF WDT_STG2_HOLD Stage 2 timeout value, in MWDT clock cycles. 0 32 read-write WDTCONFIG5 Watchdog timer stage 3 timeout value 0x5C 0x20 0x000FFFFF WDT_STG3_HOLD Stage 3 timeout value, in MWDT clock cycles. 0 32 read-write WDTFEED Write to feed the watchdog timer 0x60 0x20 WDT_FEED Write any value to feed the MWDT. (WO) 0 32 write-only WDTWPROTECT Watchdog write protect register 0x64 0x20 0x50D83AA1 WDT_WKEY If the register contains a different value than its reset value, write protection is enabled. 0 32 read-write RTCCALICFG RTC calibration configure register 0x68 0x20 0x00013000 RTC_CALI_START_CYCLING Reserved 12 1 read-write RTC_CALI_CLK_SEL 0:rtc slow clock. 1:clk_80m. 2:xtal_32k. 13 2 read-write RTC_CALI_RDY Reserved 15 1 read-only RTC_CALI_MAX Reserved 16 15 read-write RTC_CALI_START Reserved 31 1 read-write RTCCALICFG1 RTC calibration configure1 register 0x6C 0x20 RTC_CALI_CYCLING_DATA_VLD Reserved 0 1 read-only RTC_CALI_VALUE Reserved 7 25 read-only INT_ENA_TIMERS Interrupt enable bits 0x70 0x20 T0_INT_ENA The interrupt enable bit for the TIMG_T0_INT interrupt. 0 1 read-write T1_INT_ENA The interrupt enable bit for the TIMG_T1_INT interrupt. 1 1 read-write WDT_INT_ENA The interrupt enable bit for the TIMG_WDT_INT interrupt. 2 1 read-write INT_RAW_TIMERS Raw interrupt status 0x74 0x20 T0_INT_RAW The raw interrupt status bit for the TIMG_T0_INT interrupt. 0 1 read-only T1_INT_RAW The raw interrupt status bit for the TIMG_T1_INT interrupt. 1 1 read-only WDT_INT_RAW The raw interrupt status bit for the TIMG_WDT_INT interrupt. 2 1 read-only INT_ST_TIMERS Masked interrupt status 0x78 0x20 T0_INT_ST The masked interrupt status bit for the TIMG_T0_INT interrupt. 0 1 read-only T1_INT_ST The masked interrupt status bit for the TIMG_T1_INT interrupt. 1 1 read-only WDT_INT_ST The masked interrupt status bit for the TIMG_WDT_INT interrupt. 2 1 read-only INT_CLR_TIMERS Interrupt clear bits 0x7C 0x20 T0_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the TIMG_T0_INT interrupt. 0 1 write-only T1_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the TIMG_T1_INT interrupt. 1 1 write-only WDT_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the TIMG_WDT_INT interrupt. 2 1 write-only RTCCALICFG2 Timer group calibration register 0x80 0x20 0xFFFFFF98 RTC_CALI_TIMEOUT RTC calibration timeout indicator 0 1 read-only RTC_CALI_TIMEOUT_RST_CNT Cycles that release calibration timeout reset 3 4 read-write RTC_CALI_TIMEOUT_THRES Threshold value for the RTC calibration timer. If the calibration timer's value exceeds this threshold, a timeout is triggered. 7 25 read-write NTIMERS_DATE Timer version control register 0xF8 0x20 0x02003071 NTIMERS_DATE Timer version control register 0 28 read-write REGCLK Timer group clock gate register 0xFC 0x20 CLK_EN Register clock gate signal. 1: The clock for software to read and write registers is always on. 0: The clock for software to read and write registers only exits when the operation happens. 31 1 read-write TIMG1 Timer Group 0x60020000 TG1_T0_LEVEL 53 TG1_T1_LEVEL 54 TG1_WDT_LEVEL 55 TWAI Two-Wire Automotive Interface TWAI 0x6002B000 0x0 0x6C registers TWAI 45 MODE Mode Register 0x0 0x20 0x00000001 RESET_MODE This bit is used to configure the operating mode of the TWAI Controller. 1: Reset mode; 0: Operating mode. 0 1 read-write LISTEN_ONLY_MODE 1: Listen only mode. In this mode the nodes will only receive messages from the bus, without generating the acknowledge signal nor updating the RX error counter. 1 1 read-write SELF_TEST_MODE 1: Self test mode. In this mode the TX nodes can perform a successful transmission without receiving the acknowledge signal. This mode is often used to test a single node with the self reception request command. 2 1 read-write RX_FILTER_MODE This bit is used to configure the filter mode. 0: Dual filter mode; 1: Single filter mode. 3 1 read-write CMD Command Register 0x4 0x20 TX_REQ Set the bit to 1 to allow the driving nodes start transmission. 0 1 write-only ABORT_TX Set the bit to 1 to cancel a pending transmission request. 1 1 write-only RELEASE_BUF Set the bit to 1 to release the RX buffer. 2 1 write-only CLR_OVERRUN Set the bit to 1 to clear the data overrun status bit. 3 1 write-only SELF_RX_REQ Self reception request command. Set the bit to 1 to allow a message be transmitted and received simultaneously. 4 1 write-only STATUS Status register 0x8 0x20 RX_BUF_ST 1: The data in the RX buffer is not empty, with at least one received data packet. 0 1 read-only OVERRUN_ST 1: The RX FIFO is full and data overrun has occurred. 1 1 read-only TX_BUF_ST 1: The TX buffer is empty, the CPU may write a message into it. 2 1 read-only TX_COMPLETE 1: The TWAI controller has successfully received a packet from the bus. 3 1 read-only RX_ST 1: The TWAI Controller is receiving a message from the bus. 4 1 read-only TX_ST 1: The TWAI Controller is transmitting a message to the bus. 5 1 read-only ERR_ST 1: At least one of the RX/TX error counter has reached or exceeded the value set in register TWAI_ERR_WARNING_LIMIT_REG. 6 1 read-only BUS_OFF_ST 1: In bus-off status, the TWAI Controller is no longer involved in bus activities. 7 1 read-only MISS_ST This bit reflects whether the data packet in the RX FIFO is complete. 1: The current packet is missing; 0: The current packet is complete 8 1 read-only INT_RAW Interrupt Register 0xC 0x20 RX_INT_ST Receive interrupt. If this bit is set to 1, it indicates there are messages to be handled in the RX FIFO. 0 1 read-only TX_INT_ST Transmit interrupt. If this bit is set to 1, it indicates the message transmitting mis- sion is finished and a new transmission is able to execute. 1 1 read-only ERR_WARN_INT_ST Error warning interrupt. If this bit is set to 1, it indicates the error status signal and the bus-off status signal of Status register have changed (e.g., switched from 0 to 1 or from 1 to 0). 2 1 read-only OVERRUN_INT_ST Data overrun interrupt. If this bit is set to 1, it indicates a data overrun interrupt is generated in the RX FIFO. 3 1 read-only ERR_PASSIVE_INT_ST Error passive interrupt. If this bit is set to 1, it indicates the TWAI Controller is switched between error active status and error passive status due to the change of error counters. 5 1 read-only ARB_LOST_INT_ST Arbitration lost interrupt. If this bit is set to 1, it indicates an arbitration lost interrupt is generated. 6 1 read-only BUS_ERR_INT_ST Error interrupt. If this bit is set to 1, it indicates an error is detected on the bus. 7 1 read-only INT_ENA Interrupt Enable Register 0x10 0x20 RX_INT_ENA Set this bit to 1 to enable receive interrupt. 0 1 read-write TX_INT_ENA Set this bit to 1 to enable transmit interrupt. 1 1 read-write ERR_WARN_INT_ENA Set this bit to 1 to enable error warning interrupt. 2 1 read-write OVERRUN_INT_ENA Set this bit to 1 to enable data overrun interrupt. 3 1 read-write ERR_PASSIVE_INT_ENA Set this bit to 1 to enable error passive interrupt. 5 1 read-write ARB_LOST_INT_ENA Set this bit to 1 to enable arbitration lost interrupt. 6 1 read-write BUS_ERR_INT_ENA Set this bit to 1 to enable error interrupt. 7 1 read-write BUS_TIMING_0 Bus Timing Register 0 0x18 0x20 BAUD_PRESC Baud Rate Prescaler, determines the frequency dividing ratio. 0 14 SYNC_JUMP_WIDTH Synchronization Jump Width (SJW), 1 \verb+~+ 14 Tq wide. 14 2 BUS_TIMING_1 Bus Timing Register 1 0x1C 0x20 TIME_SEG1 The width of PBS1. 0 4 TIME_SEG2 The width of PBS2. 4 3 TIME_SAMP The number of sample points. 0: the bus is sampled once; 1: the bus is sampled three times 7 1 ARB_LOST_CAP Arbitration Lost Capture Register 0x2C 0x20 ARB_LOST_CAP This register contains information about the bit position of lost arbitration. 0 5 read-only ERR_CODE_CAP Error Code Capture Register 0x30 0x20 ECC_SEGMENT This register contains information about the location of errors, see Table 181 for details. 0 5 read-only ECC_DIRECTION This register contains information about transmission direction of the node when error occurs. 1: Error occurs when receiving a message; 0: Error occurs when transmitting a message 5 1 read-only ECC_TYPE This register contains information about error types: 00: bit error; 01: form error; 10: stuff error; 11: other type of error 6 2 read-only ERR_WARNING_LIMIT Error Warning Limit Register 0x34 0x20 0x00000060 ERR_WARNING_LIMIT Error warning threshold. In the case when any of a error counter value exceeds the threshold, or all the error counter values are below the threshold, an error warning interrupt will be triggered (given the enable signal is valid). 0 8 RX_ERR_CNT Receive Error Counter Register 0x38 0x20 RX_ERR_CNT The RX error counter register, reflects value changes under reception status. 0 8 TX_ERR_CNT Transmit Error Counter Register 0x3C 0x20 TX_ERR_CNT The TX error counter register, reflects value changes under transmission status. 0 8 DATA_0 Data register 0 0x40 0x20 TX_BYTE_0 In reset mode, it is acceptance code register 0 with R/W Permission. In operation mode, it stores the 0th byte information of the data to be transmitted under operating mode. 0 8 write-only DATA_1 Data register 1 0x44 0x20 TX_BYTE_1 In reset mode, it is acceptance code register 1 with R/W Permission. In operation mode, it stores the 1st byte information of the data to be transmitted under operating mode. 0 8 write-only DATA_2 Data register 2 0x48 0x20 TX_BYTE_2 In reset mode, it is acceptance code register 2 with R/W Permission. In operation mode, it stores the 2nd byte information of the data to be transmitted under operating mode. 0 8 write-only DATA_3 Data register 3 0x4C 0x20 TX_BYTE_3 In reset mode, it is acceptance code register 3 with R/W Permission. In operation mode, it stores the 3rd byte information of the data to be transmitted under operating mode. 0 8 write-only DATA_4 Data register 4 0x50 0x20 TX_BYTE_4 In reset mode, it is acceptance mask register 0 with R/W Permission. In operation mode, it stores the 4th byte information of the data to be transmitted under operating mode. 0 8 write-only DATA_5 Data register 5 0x54 0x20 TX_BYTE_5 In reset mode, it is acceptance mask register 1 with R/W Permission. In operation mode, it stores the 5th byte information of the data to be transmitted under operating mode. 0 8 write-only DATA_6 Data register 6 0x58 0x20 TX_BYTE_6 In reset mode, it is acceptance mask register 2 with R/W Permission. In operation mode, it stores the 6th byte information of the data to be transmitted under operating mode. 0 8 write-only DATA_7 Data register 7 0x5C 0x20 TX_BYTE_7 In reset mode, it is acceptance mask register 3 with R/W Permission. In operation mode, it stores the 7th byte information of the data to be transmitted under operating mode. 0 8 write-only DATA_8 Data register 8 0x60 0x20 TX_BYTE_8 Stored the 8th byte information of the data to be transmitted under operating mode. 0 8 write-only DATA_9 Data register 9 0x64 0x20 TX_BYTE_9 Stored the 9th byte information of the data to be transmitted under operating mode. 0 8 write-only DATA_10 Data register 10 0x68 0x20 TX_BYTE_10 Stored the 10th byte information of the data to be transmitted under operating mode. 0 8 write-only DATA_11 Data register 11 0x6C 0x20 TX_BYTE_11 Stored the 11th byte information of the data to be transmitted under operating mode. 0 8 write-only DATA_12 Data register 12 0x70 0x20 TX_BYTE_12 Stored the 12th byte information of the data to be transmitted under operating mode. 0 8 write-only RX_MESSAGE_CNT Receive Message Counter Register 0x74 0x20 RX_MESSAGE_COUNTER This register reflects the number of messages available within the RX FIFO. 0 7 read-only CLOCK_DIVIDER Clock Divider register 0x7C 0x20 CD These bits are used to configure frequency dividing coefficients of the external CLKOUT pin. 0 8 read-write CLOCK_OFF This bit can be configured under reset mode. 1: Disable the external CLKOUT pin; 0: Enable the external CLKOUT pin 8 1 UART0 UART (Universal Asynchronous Receiver-Transmitter) Controller UART 0x60000000 0x0 0x84 registers UART0 27 FIFO FIFO data register 0x0 0x20 RXFIFO_RD_BYTE UART 0 accesses FIFO via this register. 0 8 read-write INT_RAW Raw interrupt status 0x4 0x20 0x00000002 RXFIFO_FULL_INT_RAW This interrupt raw bit turns to high level when receiver receives more data than what rxfifo_full_thrhd specifies. 0 1 read-only TXFIFO_EMPTY_INT_RAW This interrupt raw bit turns to high level when the amount of data in Tx-FIFO is less than what txfifo_empty_thrhd specifies . 1 1 read-only PARITY_ERR_INT_RAW This interrupt raw bit turns to high level when receiver detects a parity error in the data. 2 1 read-only FRM_ERR_INT_RAW This interrupt raw bit turns to high level when receiver detects a data frame error . 3 1 read-only RXFIFO_OVF_INT_RAW This interrupt raw bit turns to high level when receiver receives more data than the FIFO can store. 4 1 read-only DSR_CHG_INT_RAW This interrupt raw bit turns to high level when receiver detects the edge change of DSRn signal. 5 1 read-only CTS_CHG_INT_RAW This interrupt raw bit turns to high level when receiver detects the edge change of CTSn signal. 6 1 read-only BRK_DET_INT_RAW This interrupt raw bit turns to high level when receiver detects a 0 after the stop bit. 7 1 read-only RXFIFO_TOUT_INT_RAW This interrupt raw bit turns to high level when receiver takes more time than rx_tout_thrhd to receive a byte. 8 1 read-only SW_XON_INT_RAW This interrupt raw bit turns to high level when receiver recevies Xon char when uart_sw_flow_con_en is set to 1. 9 1 read-only SW_XOFF_INT_RAW This interrupt raw bit turns to high level when receiver receives Xoff char when uart_sw_flow_con_en is set to 1. 10 1 read-only GLITCH_DET_INT_RAW This interrupt raw bit turns to high level when receiver detects a glitch in the middle of a start bit. 11 1 read-only TX_BRK_DONE_INT_RAW This interrupt raw bit turns to high level when transmitter completes sending NULL characters, after all data in Tx-FIFO are sent. 12 1 read-only TX_BRK_IDLE_DONE_INT_RAW This interrupt raw bit turns to high level when transmitter has kept the shortest duration after sending the last data. 13 1 read-only TX_DONE_INT_RAW This interrupt raw bit turns to high level when transmitter has send out all data in FIFO. 14 1 read-only RS485_PARITY_ERR_INT_RAW This interrupt raw bit turns to high level when receiver detects a parity error from the echo of transmitter in rs485 mode. 15 1 read-only RS485_FRM_ERR_INT_RAW This interrupt raw bit turns to high level when receiver detects a data frame error from the echo of transmitter in rs485 mode. 16 1 read-only RS485_CLASH_INT_RAW This interrupt raw bit turns to high level when detects a clash between transmitter and receiver in rs485 mode. 17 1 read-only AT_CMD_CHAR_DET_INT_RAW This interrupt raw bit turns to high level when receiver detects the configured at_cmd char. 18 1 read-only WAKEUP_INT_RAW This interrupt raw bit turns to high level when input rxd edge changes more times than what reg_active_threshold specifies in light sleeping mode. 19 1 read-only INT_ST Masked interrupt status 0x8 0x20 RXFIFO_FULL_INT_ST This is the status bit for rxfifo_full_int_raw when rxfifo_full_int_ena is set to 1. 0 1 read-only TXFIFO_EMPTY_INT_ST This is the status bit for txfifo_empty_int_raw when txfifo_empty_int_ena is set to 1. 1 1 read-only PARITY_ERR_INT_ST This is the status bit for parity_err_int_raw when parity_err_int_ena is set to 1. 2 1 read-only FRM_ERR_INT_ST This is the status bit for frm_err_int_raw when frm_err_int_ena is set to 1. 3 1 read-only RXFIFO_OVF_INT_ST This is the status bit for rxfifo_ovf_int_raw when rxfifo_ovf_int_ena is set to 1. 4 1 read-only DSR_CHG_INT_ST This is the status bit for dsr_chg_int_raw when dsr_chg_int_ena is set to 1. 5 1 read-only CTS_CHG_INT_ST This is the status bit for cts_chg_int_raw when cts_chg_int_ena is set to 1. 6 1 read-only BRK_DET_INT_ST This is the status bit for brk_det_int_raw when brk_det_int_ena is set to 1. 7 1 read-only RXFIFO_TOUT_INT_ST This is the status bit for rxfifo_tout_int_raw when rxfifo_tout_int_ena is set to 1. 8 1 read-only SW_XON_INT_ST This is the status bit for sw_xon_int_raw when sw_xon_int_ena is set to 1. 9 1 read-only SW_XOFF_INT_ST This is the status bit for sw_xoff_int_raw when sw_xoff_int_ena is set to 1. 10 1 read-only GLITCH_DET_INT_ST This is the status bit for glitch_det_int_raw when glitch_det_int_ena is set to 1. 11 1 read-only TX_BRK_DONE_INT_ST This is the status bit for tx_brk_done_int_raw when tx_brk_done_int_ena is set to 1. 12 1 read-only TX_BRK_IDLE_DONE_INT_ST This is the stauts bit for tx_brk_idle_done_int_raw when tx_brk_idle_done_int_ena is set to 1. 13 1 read-only TX_DONE_INT_ST This is the status bit for tx_done_int_raw when tx_done_int_ena is set to 1. 14 1 read-only RS485_PARITY_ERR_INT_ST This is the status bit for rs485_parity_err_int_raw when rs485_parity_int_ena is set to 1. 15 1 read-only RS485_FRM_ERR_INT_ST This is the status bit for rs485_frm_err_int_raw when rs485_fm_err_int_ena is set to 1. 16 1 read-only RS485_CLASH_INT_ST This is the status bit for rs485_clash_int_raw when rs485_clash_int_ena is set to 1. 17 1 read-only AT_CMD_CHAR_DET_INT_ST This is the status bit for at_cmd_det_int_raw when at_cmd_char_det_int_ena is set to 1. 18 1 read-only WAKEUP_INT_ST This is the status bit for uart_wakeup_int_raw when uart_wakeup_int_ena is set to 1. 19 1 read-only INT_ENA Interrupt enable bits 0xC 0x20 RXFIFO_FULL_INT_ENA This is the enable bit for rxfifo_full_int_st register. 0 1 read-write TXFIFO_EMPTY_INT_ENA This is the enable bit for txfifo_empty_int_st register. 1 1 read-write PARITY_ERR_INT_ENA This is the enable bit for parity_err_int_st register. 2 1 read-write FRM_ERR_INT_ENA This is the enable bit for frm_err_int_st register. 3 1 read-write RXFIFO_OVF_INT_ENA This is the enable bit for rxfifo_ovf_int_st register. 4 1 read-write DSR_CHG_INT_ENA This is the enable bit for dsr_chg_int_st register. 5 1 read-write CTS_CHG_INT_ENA This is the enable bit for cts_chg_int_st register. 6 1 read-write BRK_DET_INT_ENA This is the enable bit for brk_det_int_st register. 7 1 read-write RXFIFO_TOUT_INT_ENA This is the enable bit for rxfifo_tout_int_st register. 8 1 read-write SW_XON_INT_ENA This is the enable bit for sw_xon_int_st register. 9 1 read-write SW_XOFF_INT_ENA This is the enable bit for sw_xoff_int_st register. 10 1 read-write GLITCH_DET_INT_ENA This is the enable bit for glitch_det_int_st register. 11 1 read-write TX_BRK_DONE_INT_ENA This is the enable bit for tx_brk_done_int_st register. 12 1 read-write TX_BRK_IDLE_DONE_INT_ENA This is the enable bit for tx_brk_idle_done_int_st register. 13 1 read-write TX_DONE_INT_ENA This is the enable bit for tx_done_int_st register. 14 1 read-write RS485_PARITY_ERR_INT_ENA This is the enable bit for rs485_parity_err_int_st register. 15 1 read-write RS485_FRM_ERR_INT_ENA This is the enable bit for rs485_parity_err_int_st register. 16 1 read-write RS485_CLASH_INT_ENA This is the enable bit for rs485_clash_int_st register. 17 1 read-write AT_CMD_CHAR_DET_INT_ENA This is the enable bit for at_cmd_char_det_int_st register. 18 1 read-write WAKEUP_INT_ENA This is the enable bit for uart_wakeup_int_st register. 19 1 read-write INT_CLR Interrupt clear bits 0x10 0x20 RXFIFO_FULL_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the rxfifo_full_int_raw interrupt. 0 1 write-only TXFIFO_EMPTY_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear txfifo_empty_int_raw interrupt. 1 1 write-only PARITY_ERR_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear parity_err_int_raw interrupt. 2 1 write-only FRM_ERR_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear frm_err_int_raw interrupt. 3 1 write-only RXFIFO_OVF_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear rxfifo_ovf_int_raw interrupt. 4 1 write-only DSR_CHG_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the dsr_chg_int_raw interrupt. 5 1 write-only CTS_CHG_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the cts_chg_int_raw interrupt. 6 1 write-only BRK_DET_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the brk_det_int_raw interrupt. 7 1 write-only RXFIFO_TOUT_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the rxfifo_tout_int_raw interrupt. 8 1 write-only SW_XON_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the sw_xon_int_raw interrupt. 9 1 write-only SW_XOFF_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the sw_xoff_int_raw interrupt. 10 1 write-only GLITCH_DET_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the glitch_det_int_raw interrupt. 11 1 write-only TX_BRK_DONE_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the tx_brk_done_int_raw interrupt.. 12 1 write-only TX_BRK_IDLE_DONE_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the tx_brk_idle_done_int_raw interrupt. 13 1 write-only TX_DONE_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the tx_done_int_raw interrupt. 14 1 write-only RS485_PARITY_ERR_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the rs485_parity_err_int_raw interrupt. 15 1 write-only RS485_FRM_ERR_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the rs485_frm_err_int_raw interrupt. 16 1 write-only RS485_CLASH_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the rs485_clash_int_raw interrupt. 17 1 write-only AT_CMD_CHAR_DET_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the at_cmd_char_det_int_raw interrupt. 18 1 write-only WAKEUP_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the uart_wakeup_int_raw interrupt. 19 1 write-only CLKDIV Clock divider configuration 0x14 0x20 0x000002B6 CLKDIV The integral part of the frequency divider factor. 0 12 read-write FRAG The decimal part of the frequency divider factor. 20 4 read-write RX_FILT Rx Filter configuration 0x18 0x20 0x00000008 GLITCH_FILT when input pulse width is lower than this value, the pulse is ignored. 0 8 read-write GLITCH_FILT_EN Set this bit to enable Rx signal filter. 8 1 read-write STATUS UART status register 0x1C 0x20 0xE000C000 RXFIFO_CNT Stores the byte number of valid data in Rx-FIFO. 0 10 read-only DSRN The register represent the level value of the internal uart dsr signal. 13 1 read-only CTSN This register represent the level value of the internal uart cts signal. 14 1 read-only RXD This register represent the level value of the internal uart rxd signal. 15 1 read-only TXFIFO_CNT Stores the byte number of data in Tx-FIFO. 16 10 read-only DTRN This bit represents the level of the internal uart dtr signal. 29 1 read-only RTSN This bit represents the level of the internal uart rts signal. 30 1 read-only TXD This bit represents the level of the internal uart txd signal. 31 1 read-only CONF0 a 0x20 0x20 0x1000001C PARITY This register is used to configure the parity check mode. 0 1 read-write PARITY_EN Set this bit to enable uart parity check. 1 1 read-write BIT_NUM This register is used to set the length of data. 2 2 read-write STOP_BIT_NUM This register is used to set the length of stop bit. 4 2 read-write SW_RTS This register is used to configure the software rts signal which is used in software flow control. 6 1 read-write SW_DTR This register is used to configure the software dtr signal which is used in software flow control. 7 1 read-write TXD_BRK Set this bit to enbale transmitter to send NULL when the process of sending data is done. 8 1 read-write IRDA_DPLX Set this bit to enable IrDA loopback mode. 9 1 read-write IRDA_TX_EN This is the start enable bit for IrDA transmitter. 10 1 read-write IRDA_WCTL 1'h1: The IrDA transmitter's 11th bit is the same as 10th bit. 1'h0: Set IrDA transmitter's 11th bit to 0. 11 1 read-write IRDA_TX_INV Set this bit to invert the level of IrDA transmitter. 12 1 read-write IRDA_RX_INV Set this bit to invert the level of IrDA receiver. 13 1 read-write LOOPBACK Set this bit to enable uart loopback test mode. 14 1 read-write TX_FLOW_EN Set this bit to enable flow control function for transmitter. 15 1 read-write IRDA_EN Set this bit to enable IrDA protocol. 16 1 read-write RXFIFO_RST Set this bit to reset the uart receive-FIFO. 17 1 read-write TXFIFO_RST Set this bit to reset the uart transmit-FIFO. 18 1 read-write RXD_INV Set this bit to inverse the level value of uart rxd signal. 19 1 read-write CTS_INV Set this bit to inverse the level value of uart cts signal. 20 1 read-write DSR_INV Set this bit to inverse the level value of uart dsr signal. 21 1 read-write TXD_INV Set this bit to inverse the level value of uart txd signal. 22 1 read-write RTS_INV Set this bit to inverse the level value of uart rts signal. 23 1 read-write DTR_INV Set this bit to inverse the level value of uart dtr signal. 24 1 read-write CLK_EN 1'h1: Force clock on for register. 1'h0: Support clock only when application writes registers. 25 1 read-write ERR_WR_MASK 1'h1: Receiver stops storing data into FIFO when data is wrong. 1'h0: Receiver stores the data even if the received data is wrong. 26 1 read-write AUTOBAUD_EN This is the enable bit for detecting baudrate. 27 1 read-write MEM_CLK_EN UART memory clock gate enable signal. 28 1 read-write CONF1 Configuration register 1 0x24 0x20 0x00018060 RXFIFO_FULL_THRHD It will produce rxfifo_full_int interrupt when receiver receives more data than this register value. 0 10 read-write TXFIFO_EMPTY_THRHD It will produce txfifo_empty_int interrupt when the data amount in Tx-FIFO is less than this register value. 10 10 read-write DIS_RX_DAT_OVF Disable UART Rx data overflow detect. 20 1 read-write RX_TOUT_FLOW_DIS Set this bit to stop accumulating idle_cnt when hardware flow control works. 21 1 read-write RX_FLOW_EN This is the flow enable bit for UART receiver. 22 1 read-write RX_TOUT_EN This is the enble bit for uart receiver's timeout function. 23 1 read-write LOWPULSE Autobaud minimum low pulse duration register 0x28 0x20 0x00000FFF MIN_CNT This register stores the value of the minimum duration time of the low level pulse. It is used in baud rate-detect process. 0 12 read-only HIGHPULSE Autobaud minimum high pulse duration register 0x2C 0x20 0x00000FFF MIN_CNT This register stores the value of the maxinum duration time for the high level pulse. It is used in baud rate-detect process. 0 12 read-only RXD_CNT Autobaud edge change count register 0x30 0x20 RXD_EDGE_CNT This register stores the count of rxd edge change. It is used in baud rate-detect process. 0 10 read-only FLOW_CONF Software flow-control configuration 0x34 0x20 SW_FLOW_CON_EN Set this bit to enable software flow control. It is used with register sw_xon or sw_xoff. 0 1 read-write XONOFF_DEL Set this bit to remove flow control char from the received data. 1 1 read-write FORCE_XON Set this bit to enable the transmitter to go on sending data. 2 1 read-write FORCE_XOFF Set this bit to stop the transmitter from sending data. 3 1 read-write SEND_XON Set this bit to send Xon char. It is cleared by hardware automatically. 4 1 read-write SEND_XOFF Set this bit to send Xoff char. It is cleared by hardware automatically. 5 1 read-write SLEEP_CONF Sleep-mode configuration 0x38 0x20 0x000000F0 ACTIVE_THRESHOLD The uart is activated from light sleeping mode when the input rxd edge changes more times than this register value. 0 10 read-write SWFC_CONF0 Software flow-control character configuration 0x3C 0x20 0x00004CE0 XOFF_THRESHOLD When the data amount in Rx-FIFO is more than this register value with uart_sw_flow_con_en set to 1, it will send a Xoff char. 0 10 read-write XOFF_CHAR This register stores the Xoff flow control char. 10 8 read-write SWFC_CONF1 Software flow-control character configuration 0x40 0x20 0x00004400 XON_THRESHOLD When the data amount in Rx-FIFO is less than this register value with uart_sw_flow_con_en set to 1, it will send a Xon char. 0 10 read-write XON_CHAR This register stores the Xon flow control char. 10 8 read-write TXBRK_CONF Tx Break character configuration 0x44 0x20 0x0000000A TX_BRK_NUM This register is used to configure the number of 0 to be sent after the process of sending data is done. It is active when txd_brk is set to 1. 0 8 read-write IDLE_CONF Frame-end idle configuration 0x48 0x20 0x00040100 RX_IDLE_THRHD It will produce frame end signal when receiver takes more time to receive one byte data than this register value. 0 10 read-write TX_IDLE_NUM This register is used to configure the duration time between transfers. 10 10 read-write RS485_CONF RS485 mode configuration 0x4C 0x20 RS485_EN Set this bit to choose the rs485 mode. 0 1 read-write DL0_EN Set this bit to delay the stop bit by 1 bit. 1 1 read-write DL1_EN Set this bit to delay the stop bit by 1 bit. 2 1 read-write RS485TX_RX_EN Set this bit to enable receiver could receive data when the transmitter is transmitting data in rs485 mode. 3 1 read-write RS485RXBY_TX_EN 1'h1: enable rs485 transmitter to send data when rs485 receiver line is busy. 4 1 read-write RS485_RX_DLY_NUM This register is used to delay the receiver's internal data signal. 5 1 read-write RS485_TX_DLY_NUM This register is used to delay the transmitter's internal data signal. 6 4 read-write AT_CMD_PRECNT Pre-sequence timing configuration 0x50 0x20 0x00000901 PRE_IDLE_NUM This register is used to configure the idle duration time before the first at_cmd is received by receiver. 0 16 read-write AT_CMD_POSTCNT Post-sequence timing configuration 0x54 0x20 0x00000901 POST_IDLE_NUM This register is used to configure the duration time between the last at_cmd and the next data. 0 16 read-write AT_CMD_GAPTOUT Timeout configuration 0x58 0x20 0x0000000B RX_GAP_TOUT This register is used to configure the duration time between the at_cmd chars. 0 16 read-write AT_CMD_CHAR AT escape sequence detection configuration 0x5C 0x20 0x0000032B AT_CMD_CHAR This register is used to configure the content of at_cmd char. 0 8 read-write CHAR_NUM This register is used to configure the num of continuous at_cmd chars received by receiver. 8 8 read-write MEM_CONF UART threshold and allocation configuration 0x60 0x20 0x00140012 RX_SIZE This register is used to configure the amount of mem allocated for receive-FIFO. The default number is 128 bytes. 1 3 read-write TX_SIZE This register is used to configure the amount of mem allocated for transmit-FIFO. The default number is 128 bytes. 4 3 read-write RX_FLOW_THRHD This register is used to configure the maximum amount of data that can be received when hardware flow control works. 7 10 read-write RX_TOUT_THRHD This register is used to configure the threshold time that receiver takes to receive one byte. The rxfifo_tout_int interrupt will be trigger when the receiver takes more time to receive one byte with rx_tout_en set to 1. 17 10 read-write MEM_FORCE_PD Set this bit to force power down UART memory. 27 1 read-write MEM_FORCE_PU Set this bit to force power up UART memory. 28 1 read-write MEM_TX_STATUS Tx-FIFO write and read offset address. 0x64 0x20 APB_TX_WADDR This register stores the offset address in Tx-FIFO when software writes Tx-FIFO via APB. 0 10 read-only TX_RADDR This register stores the offset address in Tx-FIFO when Tx-FSM reads data via Tx-FIFO_Ctrl. 11 10 read-only MEM_RX_STATUS Rx-FIFO write and read offset address. 0x68 0x20 0x00100200 APB_RX_RADDR This register stores the offset address in RX-FIFO when software reads data from Rx-FIFO via APB. UART0 is 10'h200. UART1 is 10'h280. UART2 is 10'h300. 0 10 read-only RX_WADDR This register stores the offset address in Rx-FIFO when Rx-FIFO_Ctrl writes Rx-FIFO. UART0 is 10'h200. UART1 is 10'h280. UART2 is 10'h300. 11 10 read-only FSM_STATUS UART transmit and receive status. 0x6C 0x20 ST_URX_OUT This is the status register of receiver. 0 4 read-only ST_UTX_OUT This is the status register of transmitter. 4 4 read-only POSPULSE Autobaud high pulse register 0x70 0x20 0x00000FFF POSEDGE_MIN_CNT This register stores the minimal input clock count between two positive edges. It is used in boudrate-detect process. 0 12 read-only NEGPULSE Autobaud low pulse register 0x74 0x20 0x00000FFF NEGEDGE_MIN_CNT This register stores the minimal input clock count between two negative edges. It is used in boudrate-detect process. 0 12 read-only CLK_CONF UART core clock configuration 0x78 0x20 0x03701000 SCLK_DIV_B The denominator of the frequency divider factor. 0 6 read-write SCLK_DIV_A The numerator of the frequency divider factor. 6 6 read-write SCLK_DIV_NUM The integral part of the frequency divider factor. 12 8 read-write SCLK_SEL UART clock source select. 1: 80Mhz, 2: 8Mhz, 3: XTAL. 20 2 read-write SCLK_EN Set this bit to enable UART Tx/Rx clock. 22 1 read-write RST_CORE Write 1 then write 0 to this bit, reset UART Tx/Rx. 23 1 read-write TX_SCLK_EN Set this bit to enable UART Tx clock. 24 1 read-write RX_SCLK_EN Set this bit to enable UART Rx clock. 25 1 read-write TX_RST_CORE Write 1 then write 0 to this bit, reset UART Tx. 26 1 read-write RX_RST_CORE Write 1 then write 0 to this bit, reset UART Rx. 27 1 read-write DATE UART Version register 0x7C 0x20 0x02008270 DATE This is the version register. 0 32 read-write ID UART ID register 0x80 0x20 0x40000500 ID This register is used to configure the uart_id. 0 30 read-write HIGH_SPEED This bit used to select synchronize mode. 1: Registers are auto synchronized into UART Core clock and UART core should be keep the same with APB clock. 0: After configure registers, software needs to write 1 to UART_REG_UPDATE to synchronize registers. 30 1 read-write REG_UPDATE Software write 1 would synchronize registers into UART Core clock domain and would be cleared by hardware after synchronization is done. 31 1 read-write UART1 UART (Universal Asynchronous Receiver-Transmitter) Controller 0x60010000 UART1 28 UART2 UART (Universal Asynchronous Receiver-Transmitter) Controller 0x6002E000 UART2 29 UHCI0 Universal Host Controller Interface UHCI 0x60014000 0x0 0x88 registers UHCI0 14 CONF0 UHCI configuration register 0x0 0x20 0x000006E0 TX_RST Write 1, then write 0 to this bit to reset decode state machine. 0 1 read-write RX_RST Write 1, then write 0 to this bit to reset encode state machine. 1 1 read-write UART0_CE Set this bit to link up HCI and UART0. 2 1 read-write UART1_CE Set this bit to link up HCI and UART1. 3 1 read-write UART2_CE Set this bit to link up HCI and UART2. 4 1 read-write SEPER_EN Set this bit to separate the data frame using a special char. 5 1 read-write HEAD_EN Set this bit to encode the data packet with a formatting header. 6 1 read-write CRC_REC_EN Set this bit to enable UHCI to receive the 16 bit CRC. 7 1 read-write UART_IDLE_EOF_EN If this bit is set to 1, UHCI will end the payload receiving process when UART has been in idle state. 8 1 read-write LEN_EOF_EN If this bit is set to 1, UHCI decoder receiving payload data is end when the receiving byte count has reached the specified value. The value is payload length indicated by UHCI packet header when UHCI_HEAD_EN is 1 or the value is configuration value when UHCI_HEAD_EN is 0. If this bit is set to 0, UHCI decoder receiving payload data is end when 0xc0 is received. 9 1 read-write ENCODE_CRC_EN Set this bit to enable data integrity checking by appending a 16 bit CCITT-CRC to end of the payload. 10 1 read-write CLK_EN 1'b1: Force clock on for register. 1'b0: Support clock only when application writes registers. 11 1 read-write UART_RX_BRK_EOF_EN If this bit is set to 1, UHCI will end payload receive process when NULL frame is received by UART. 12 1 read-write INT_RAW Raw interrupt status 0x4 0x20 RX_START_INT_RAW This is the interrupt raw bit. Triggered when a separator char has been sent. 0 1 read-only TX_START_INT_RAW This is the interrupt raw bit. Triggered when UHCI detects a separator char. 1 1 read-only RX_HUNG_INT_RAW This is the interrupt raw bit. Triggered when UHCI takes more time to receive data than configure value. 2 1 read-only TX_HUNG_INT_RAW This is the interrupt raw bit. Triggered when UHCI takes more time to read data from RAM than the configured value. 3 1 read-only SEND_S_REG_Q_INT_RAW This is the interrupt raw bit. Triggered when UHCI has sent out a short packet using single_send registers. 4 1 read-only SEND_A_REG_Q_INT_RAW This is the interrupt raw bit. Triggered when UHCI has sent out a short packet using always_send registers. 5 1 read-only OUT_EOF_INT_RAW This is the interrupt raw bit. Triggered when there are some errors in EOF in the transmit data. 6 1 read-only APP_CTRL0_INT_RAW This is the interrupt raw bit. Triggered when set UHCI_APP_CTRL0_IN_SET. 7 1 read-write APP_CTRL1_INT_RAW This is the interrupt raw bit. Triggered when set UHCI_APP_CTRL1_IN_SET. 8 1 read-write INT_ST Masked interrupt status 0x8 0x20 RX_START_INT_ST This is the masked interrupt bit for UHCI_RX_START_INT interrupt when UHCI_RX_START_INT_ENA is set to 1. 0 1 read-only TX_START_INT_ST This is the masked interrupt bit for UHCI_TX_START_INT interrupt when UHCI_TX_START_INT_ENA is set to 1. 1 1 read-only RX_HUNG_INT_ST This is the masked interrupt bit for UHCI_RX_HUNG_INT interrupt when UHCI_RX_HUNG_INT_ENA is set to 1. 2 1 read-only TX_HUNG_INT_ST This is the masked interrupt bit for UHCI_TX_HUNG_INT interrupt when UHCI_TX_HUNG_INT_ENA is set to 1. 3 1 read-only SEND_S_REG_Q_INT_ST This is the masked interrupt bit for UHCI_SEND_S_REQ_Q_INT interrupt when UHCI_SEND_S_REQ_Q_INT_ENA is set to 1. 4 1 read-only SEND_A_REG_Q_INT_ST This is the masked interrupt bit for UHCI_SEND_A_REQ_Q_INT interrupt when UHCI_SEND_A_REQ_Q_INT_ENA is set to 1. 5 1 read-only OUTLINK_EOF_ERR_INT_ST This is the masked interrupt bit for UHCI_OUTLINK_EOF_ERR_INT interrupt when UHCI_OUTLINK_EOF_ERR_INT_ENA is set to 1. 6 1 read-only APP_CTRL0_INT_ST This is the masked interrupt bit for UHCI_APP_CTRL0_INT interrupt when UHCI_APP_CTRL0_INT_ENA is set to 1. 7 1 read-only APP_CTRL1_INT_ST This is the masked interrupt bit for UHCI_APP_CTRL1_INT interrupt when UHCI_APP_CTRL1_INT_ENA is set to 1. 8 1 read-only INT_ENA Interrupt enable bits 0xC 0x20 RX_START_INT_ENA This is the interrupt enable bit for UHCI_RX_START_INT interrupt. 0 1 read-write TX_START_INT_ENA This is the interrupt enable bit for UHCI_TX_START_INT interrupt. 1 1 read-write RX_HUNG_INT_ENA This is the interrupt enable bit for UHCI_RX_HUNG_INT interrupt. 2 1 read-write TX_HUNG_INT_ENA This is the interrupt enable bit for UHCI_TX_HUNG_INT interrupt. 3 1 read-write SEND_S_REG_Q_INT_ENA This is the interrupt enable bit for UHCI_SEND_S_REQ_Q_INT interrupt. 4 1 read-write SEND_A_REG_Q_INT_ENA This is the interrupt enable bit for UHCI_SEND_A_REQ_Q_INT interrupt. 5 1 read-write OUTLINK_EOF_ERR_INT_ENA This is the interrupt enable bit for UHCI_OUTLINK_EOF_ERR_INT interrupt. 6 1 read-write APP_CTRL0_INT_ENA This is the interrupt enable bit for UHCI_APP_CTRL0_INT interrupt. 7 1 read-write APP_CTRL1_INT_ENA This is the interrupt enable bit for UHCI_APP_CTRL1_INT interrupt. 8 1 read-write INT_CLR Interrupt clear bits 0x10 0x20 RX_START_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear UHCI_RX_START_INT interrupt. 0 1 write-only TX_START_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear UHCI_TX_START_INT interrupt. 1 1 write-only RX_HUNG_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear UHCI_RX_HUNG_INT interrupt. 2 1 write-only TX_HUNG_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear UHCI_TX_HUNG_INT interrupt. 3 1 write-only SEND_S_REG_Q_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear UHCI_SEND_S_REQ_Q_INT interrupt. 4 1 write-only SEND_A_REG_Q_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear UHCI_SEND_A_REQ_Q_INT interrupt. 5 1 write-only OUTLINK_EOF_ERR_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear UHCI_OUTLINK_EOF_ERR_INT interrupt. 6 1 write-only APP_CTRL0_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear UHCI_APP_CTRL0_INT interrupt. 7 1 write-only APP_CTRL1_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear UHCI_APP_CTRL1_INT interrupt. 8 1 write-only APP_INT_SET Software interrupt trigger source 0x14 0x20 APP_CTRL0_INT_SET This bit is software interrupt trigger source of UHCI_APP_CTRL0_INT. 0 1 write-only APP_CTRL1_INT_SET This bit is software interrupt trigger source of UHCI_APP_CTRL1_INT. 1 1 write-only CONF1 UHCI configuration register 0x18 0x20 0x00000033 CHECK_SUM_EN This is the enable bit to check header checksum when UHCI receives a data packet. 0 1 read-write CHECK_SEQ_EN This is the enable bit to check sequence number when UHCI receives a data packet. 1 1 read-write CRC_DISABLE Set this bit to support CRC calculation. Data Integrity Check Present bit in UHCI packet frame should be 1. 2 1 read-write SAVE_HEAD Set this bit to save the packet header when HCI receives a data packet. 3 1 read-write TX_CHECK_SUM_RE Set this bit to encode the data packet with a checksum. 4 1 read-write TX_ACK_NUM_RE Set this bit to encode the data packet with an acknowledgment when a reliable packet is to be transmit. 5 1 read-write WAIT_SW_START The uhci-encoder will jump to ST_SW_WAIT status if this register is set to 1. 7 1 read-write SW_START If current UHCI_ENCODE_STATE is ST_SW_WAIT, the UHCI will start to send data packet out when this bit is set to 1. 8 1 read-write STATE0 UHCI receive status 0x1C 0x20 RX_ERR_CAUSE This register indicates the error type when DMA has received a packet with error. 3'b001: Checksum error in HCI packet. 3'b010: Sequence number error in HCI packet. 3'b011: CRC bit error in HCI packet. 3'b100: 0xc0 is found but received HCI packet is not end. 3'b101: 0xc0 is not found when receiving HCI packet is end. 3'b110: CRC check error. 0 3 read-only DECODE_STATE UHCI decoder status. 3 3 read-only STATE1 UHCI transmit status 0x20 0x20 ENCODE_STATE UHCI encoder status. 0 3 read-only ESCAPE_CONF Escape character configuration 0x24 0x20 0x00000033 TX_C0_ESC_EN Set this bit to enable decoding char 0xc0 when DMA receives data. 0 1 read-write TX_DB_ESC_EN Set this bit to enable decoding char 0xdb when DMA receives data. 1 1 read-write TX_11_ESC_EN Set this bit to enable decoding flow control char 0x11 when DMA receives data. 2 1 read-write TX_13_ESC_EN Set this bit to enable decoding flow control char 0x13 when DMA receives data. 3 1 read-write RX_C0_ESC_EN Set this bit to enable replacing 0xc0 by special char when DMA sends data. 4 1 read-write RX_DB_ESC_EN Set this bit to enable replacing 0xdb by special char when DMA sends data. 5 1 read-write RX_11_ESC_EN Set this bit to enable replacing flow control char 0x11 by special char when DMA sends data. 6 1 read-write RX_13_ESC_EN Set this bit to enable replacing flow control char 0x13 by special char when DMA sends data. 7 1 read-write HUNG_CONF Timeout configuration 0x28 0x20 0x00810810 TXFIFO_TIMEOUT This register stores the timeout value. It will produce the UHCI_TX_HUNG_INT interrupt when DMA takes more time to receive data. 0 8 read-write TXFIFO_TIMEOUT_SHIFT This register is used to configure the tick count maximum value. 8 3 read-write TXFIFO_TIMEOUT_ENA This is the enable bit for Tx-FIFO receive-data timeout. 11 1 read-write RXFIFO_TIMEOUT This register stores the timeout value. It will produce the UHCI_RX_HUNG_INT interrupt when DMA takes more time to read data from RAM. 12 8 read-write RXFIFO_TIMEOUT_SHIFT This register is used to configure the tick count maximum value. 20 3 read-write RXFIFO_TIMEOUT_ENA This is the enable bit for DMA send-data timeout. 23 1 read-write ACK_NUM UHCI ACK number configuration 0x2C 0x20 0x00000008 ACK_NUM This ACK number used in software flow control. 0 3 read-write LOAD Set this bit to 1, the value configured by UHCI_ACK_NUM would be loaded. 3 1 write-only RX_HEAD UHCI packet header register 0x30 0x20 RX_HEAD This register stores the header of the current received packet. 0 32 read-only QUICK_SENT UHCI quick send configuration register 0x34 0x20 SINGLE_SEND_NUM This register is used to specify the single_send register. 0 3 read-write SINGLE_SEND_EN Set this bit to enable single_send mode to send short packet. 3 1 read-write ALWAYS_SEND_NUM This register is used to specify the always_send register. 4 3 read-write ALWAYS_SEND_EN Set this bit to enable always_send mode to send short packet. 7 1 read-write REG_Q0_WORD0 Q0_WORD0 quick_sent register 0x38 0x20 SEND_Q0_WORD0 This register is used as a quick_sent register when specified by UHCI_ALWAYS_SEND_NUM or UHCI_SINGLE_SEND_NUM. 0 32 read-write REG_Q0_WORD1 Q0_WORD1 quick_sent register 0x3C 0x20 SEND_Q0_WORD1 This register is used as a quick_sent register when specified by UHCI_ALWAYS_SEND_NUM or UHCI_SINGLE_SEND_NUM. 0 32 read-write REG_Q1_WORD0 Q1_WORD0 quick_sent register 0x40 0x20 SEND_Q1_WORD0 This register is used as a quick_sent register when specified by UHCI_ALWAYS_SEND_NUM or UHCI_SINGLE_SEND_NUM. 0 32 read-write REG_Q1_WORD1 Q1_WORD1 quick_sent register 0x44 0x20 SEND_Q1_WORD1 This register is used as a quick_sent register when specified by UHCI_ALWAYS_SEND_NUM or UHCI_SINGLE_SEND_NUM. 0 32 read-write REG_Q2_WORD0 Q2_WORD0 quick_sent register 0x48 0x20 SEND_Q2_WORD0 This register is used as a quick_sent register when specified by UHCI_ALWAYS_SEND_NUM or UHCI_SINGLE_SEND_NUM. 0 32 read-write REG_Q2_WORD1 Q2_WORD1 quick_sent register 0x4C 0x20 SEND_Q2_WORD1 This register is used as a quick_sent register when specified by UHCI_ALWAYS_SEND_NUM or UHCI_SINGLE_SEND_NUM. 0 32 read-write REG_Q3_WORD0 Q3_WORD0 quick_sent register 0x50 0x20 SEND_Q3_WORD0 This register is used as a quick_sent register when specified by UHCI_ALWAYS_SEND_NUM or UHCI_SINGLE_SEND_NUM. 0 32 read-write REG_Q3_WORD1 Q3_WORD1 quick_sent register 0x54 0x20 SEND_Q3_WORD1 This register is used as a quick_sent register when specified by UHCI_ALWAYS_SEND_NUM or UHCI_SINGLE_SEND_NUM. 0 32 read-write REG_Q4_WORD0 Q4_WORD0 quick_sent register 0x58 0x20 SEND_Q4_WORD0 This register is used as a quick_sent register when specified by UHCI_ALWAYS_SEND_NUM or UHCI_SINGLE_SEND_NUM. 0 32 read-write REG_Q4_WORD1 Q4_WORD1 quick_sent register 0x5C 0x20 SEND_Q4_WORD1 This register is used as a quick_sent register when specified by UHCI_ALWAYS_SEND_NUM or UHCI_SINGLE_SEND_NUM. 0 32 read-write REG_Q5_WORD0 Q5_WORD0 quick_sent register 0x60 0x20 SEND_Q5_WORD0 This register is used as a quick_sent register when specified by UHCI_ALWAYS_SEND_NUM or UHCI_SINGLE_SEND_NUM. 0 32 read-write REG_Q5_WORD1 Q5_WORD1 quick_sent register 0x64 0x20 SEND_Q5_WORD1 This register is used as a quick_sent register when specified by UHCI_ALWAYS_SEND_NUM or UHCI_SINGLE_SEND_NUM. 0 32 read-write REG_Q6_WORD0 Q6_WORD0 quick_sent register 0x68 0x20 SEND_Q6_WORD0 This register is used as a quick_sent register when specified by UHCI_ALWAYS_SEND_NUM or UHCI_SINGLE_SEND_NUM. 0 32 read-write REG_Q6_WORD1 Q6_WORD1 quick_sent register 0x6C 0x20 SEND_Q6_WORD1 This register is used as a quick_sent register when specified by UHCI_ALWAYS_SEND_NUM or UHCI_SINGLE_SEND_NUM. 0 32 read-write ESC_CONF0 Escape sequence configuration register 0 0x70 0x20 0x00DCDBC0 SEPER_CHAR This register is used to define the separate char that need to be encoded, default is 0xc0. 0 8 read-write SEPER_ESC_CHAR0 This register is used to define the first char of slip escape sequence when encoding the separate char, default is 0xdb. 8 8 read-write SEPER_ESC_CHAR1 This register is used to define the second char of slip escape sequence when encoding the separate char, default is 0xdc. 16 8 read-write ESC_CONF1 Escape sequence configuration register 1 0x74 0x20 0x00DDDBDB ESC_SEQ0 This register is used to define a char that need to be encoded, default is 0xdb that used as the first char of slip escape sequence. 0 8 read-write ESC_SEQ0_CHAR0 This register is used to define the first char of slip escape sequence when encoding the UHCI_ESC_SEQ0, default is 0xdb. 8 8 read-write ESC_SEQ0_CHAR1 This register is used to define the second char of slip escape sequence when encoding the UHCI_ESC_SEQ0, default is 0xdd. 16 8 read-write ESC_CONF2 Escape sequence configuration register 2 0x78 0x20 0x00DEDB11 ESC_SEQ1 This register is used to define a char that need to be encoded, default is 0x11 that used as flow control char. 0 8 read-write ESC_SEQ1_CHAR0 This register is used to define the first char of slip escape sequence when encoding the UHCI_ESC_SEQ1, default is 0xdb. 8 8 read-write ESC_SEQ1_CHAR1 This register is used to define the second char of slip escape sequence when encoding the UHCI_ESC_SEQ1, default is 0xde. 16 8 read-write ESC_CONF3 Escape sequence configuration register 3 0x7C 0x20 0x00DFDB13 ESC_SEQ2 This register is used to define a char that need to be decoded, default is 0x13 that used as flow control char. 0 8 read-write ESC_SEQ2_CHAR0 This register is used to define the first char of slip escape sequence when encoding the UHCI_ESC_SEQ2, default is 0xdb. 8 8 read-write ESC_SEQ2_CHAR1 This register is used to define the second char of slip escape sequence when encoding the UHCI_ESC_SEQ2, default is 0xdf. 16 8 read-write PKT_THRES Configure register for packet length 0x80 0x20 0x00000080 PKT_THRS This register is used to configure the maximum value of the packet length when UHCI_HEAD_EN is 0. 0 13 read-write DATE UHCI version control register 0x84 0x20 0x02010090 DATE This is the version control register. 0 32 read-write UHCI1 Universal Host Controller Interface 0x6000C000 USB_DEVICE Peripheral USB_DEVICE USB_DEVICE 0x60038000 0x0 0x50 registers USB_DEVICE 96 EP1 Endpoint 1 FIFO register 0x0 0x20 RDWR_BYTE Write and read byte data to/from UART Tx/Rx FIFO through this field. When USB_DEVICE_SERIAL_IN_EMPTY_INT is set, then user can write data (up to 64 bytes) into UART Tx FIFO. When USB_DEVICE_SERIAL_OUT_RECV_PKT_INT is set, user can check USB_DEVICE_OUT_EP1_WR_ADDR USB_DEVICE_OUT_EP0_RD_ADDR to know how many data is received, then read data from UART Rx FIFO. 0 8 read-write EP1_CONF Endpoint 1 configure and status register 0x4 0x20 0x00000002 WR_DONE Set this bit to indicate writing byte data to UART Tx FIFO is done. 0 1 write-only SERIAL_IN_EP_DATA_FREE 1'b1: Indicate UART Tx FIFO is not full and can write data into in. After writing USB_DEVICE_WR_DONE, this bit would be 0 until data in UART Tx FIFO is read by USB Host. 1 1 read-only SERIAL_OUT_EP_DATA_AVAIL 1'b1: Indicate there is data in UART Rx FIFO. 2 1 read-only INT_RAW Raw status interrupt 0x8 0x20 0x00000008 JTAG_IN_FLUSH_INT_RAW The raw interrupt bit turns to high level when flush cmd is received for IN endpoint 2 of JTAG. 0 1 read-only SOF_INT_RAW The raw interrupt bit turns to high level when SOF frame is received. 1 1 read-only SERIAL_OUT_RECV_PKT_INT_RAW The raw interrupt bit turns to high level when Serial Port OUT Endpoint received one packet. 2 1 read-only SERIAL_IN_EMPTY_INT_RAW The raw interrupt bit turns to high level when Serial Port IN Endpoint is empty. 3 1 read-only PID_ERR_INT_RAW The raw interrupt bit turns to high level when pid error is detected. 4 1 read-only CRC5_ERR_INT_RAW The raw interrupt bit turns to high level when CRC5 error is detected. 5 1 read-only CRC16_ERR_INT_RAW The raw interrupt bit turns to high level when CRC16 error is detected. 6 1 read-only STUFF_ERR_INT_RAW The raw interrupt bit turns to high level when stuff error is detected. 7 1 read-only IN_TOKEN_REC_IN_EP1_INT_RAW The raw interrupt bit turns to high level when IN token for IN endpoint 1 is received. 8 1 read-only USB_BUS_RESET_INT_RAW The raw interrupt bit turns to high level when usb bus reset is detected. 9 1 read-only OUT_EP1_ZERO_PAYLOAD_INT_RAW The raw interrupt bit turns to high level when OUT endpoint 1 received packet with zero palyload. 10 1 read-only OUT_EP2_ZERO_PAYLOAD_INT_RAW The raw interrupt bit turns to high level when OUT endpoint 2 received packet with zero palyload. 11 1 read-only INT_ST Masked interrupt 0xC 0x20 JTAG_IN_FLUSH_INT_ST The raw interrupt status bit for the USB_DEVICE_JTAG_IN_FLUSH_INT interrupt. 0 1 read-only SOF_INT_ST The raw interrupt status bit for the USB_DEVICE_SOF_INT interrupt. 1 1 read-only SERIAL_OUT_RECV_PKT_INT_ST The raw interrupt status bit for the USB_DEVICE_SERIAL_OUT_RECV_PKT_INT interrupt. 2 1 read-only SERIAL_IN_EMPTY_INT_ST The raw interrupt status bit for the USB_DEVICE_SERIAL_IN_EMPTY_INT interrupt. 3 1 read-only PID_ERR_INT_ST The raw interrupt status bit for the USB_DEVICE_PID_ERR_INT interrupt. 4 1 read-only CRC5_ERR_INT_ST The raw interrupt status bit for the USB_DEVICE_CRC5_ERR_INT interrupt. 5 1 read-only CRC16_ERR_INT_ST The raw interrupt status bit for the USB_DEVICE_CRC16_ERR_INT interrupt. 6 1 read-only STUFF_ERR_INT_ST The raw interrupt status bit for the USB_DEVICE_STUFF_ERR_INT interrupt. 7 1 read-only IN_TOKEN_REC_IN_EP1_INT_ST The raw interrupt status bit for the USB_DEVICE_IN_TOKEN_REC_IN_EP1_INT interrupt. 8 1 read-only USB_BUS_RESET_INT_ST The raw interrupt status bit for the USB_DEVICE_USB_BUS_RESET_INT interrupt. 9 1 read-only OUT_EP1_ZERO_PAYLOAD_INT_ST The raw interrupt status bit for the USB_DEVICE_OUT_EP1_ZERO_PAYLOAD_INT interrupt. 10 1 read-only OUT_EP2_ZERO_PAYLOAD_INT_ST The raw interrupt status bit for the USB_DEVICE_OUT_EP2_ZERO_PAYLOAD_INT interrupt. 11 1 read-only INT_ENA Interrupt enable bits 0x10 0x20 JTAG_IN_FLUSH_INT_ENA The interrupt enable bit for the USB_DEVICE_JTAG_IN_FLUSH_INT interrupt. 0 1 read-write SOF_INT_ENA The interrupt enable bit for the USB_DEVICE_SOF_INT interrupt. 1 1 read-write SERIAL_OUT_RECV_PKT_INT_ENA The interrupt enable bit for the USB_DEVICE_SERIAL_OUT_RECV_PKT_INT interrupt. 2 1 read-write SERIAL_IN_EMPTY_INT_ENA The interrupt enable bit for the USB_DEVICE_SERIAL_IN_EMPTY_INT interrupt. 3 1 read-write PID_ERR_INT_ENA The interrupt enable bit for the USB_DEVICE_PID_ERR_INT interrupt. 4 1 read-write CRC5_ERR_INT_ENA The interrupt enable bit for the USB_DEVICE_CRC5_ERR_INT interrupt. 5 1 read-write CRC16_ERR_INT_ENA The interrupt enable bit for the USB_DEVICE_CRC16_ERR_INT interrupt. 6 1 read-write STUFF_ERR_INT_ENA The interrupt enable bit for the USB_DEVICE_STUFF_ERR_INT interrupt. 7 1 read-write IN_TOKEN_REC_IN_EP1_INT_ENA The interrupt enable bit for the USB_DEVICE_IN_TOKEN_REC_IN_EP1_INT interrupt. 8 1 read-write USB_BUS_RESET_INT_ENA The interrupt enable bit for the USB_DEVICE_USB_BUS_RESET_INT interrupt. 9 1 read-write OUT_EP1_ZERO_PAYLOAD_INT_ENA The interrupt enable bit for the USB_DEVICE_OUT_EP1_ZERO_PAYLOAD_INT interrupt. 10 1 read-write OUT_EP2_ZERO_PAYLOAD_INT_ENA The interrupt enable bit for the USB_DEVICE_OUT_EP2_ZERO_PAYLOAD_INT interrupt. 11 1 read-write INT_CLR Interrupt clear bits 0x14 0x20 JTAG_IN_FLUSH_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the USB_DEVICE_JTAG_IN_FLUSH_INT interrupt. 0 1 write-only SOF_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the USB_DEVICE_JTAG_SOF_INT interrupt. 1 1 write-only SERIAL_OUT_RECV_PKT_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the USB_DEVICE_SERIAL_OUT_RECV_PKT_INT interrupt. 2 1 write-only SERIAL_IN_EMPTY_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the USB_DEVICE_SERIAL_IN_EMPTY_INT interrupt. 3 1 write-only PID_ERR_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the USB_DEVICE_PID_ERR_INT interrupt. 4 1 write-only CRC5_ERR_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the USB_DEVICE_CRC5_ERR_INT interrupt. 5 1 write-only CRC16_ERR_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the USB_DEVICE_CRC16_ERR_INT interrupt. 6 1 write-only STUFF_ERR_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the USB_DEVICE_STUFF_ERR_INT interrupt. 7 1 write-only IN_TOKEN_REC_IN_EP1_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the USB_DEVICE_IN_TOKEN_IN_EP1_INT interrupt. 8 1 write-only USB_BUS_RESET_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the USB_DEVICE_USB_BUS_RESET_INT interrupt. 9 1 write-only OUT_EP1_ZERO_PAYLOAD_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the USB_DEVICE_OUT_EP1_ZERO_PAYLOAD_INT interrupt. 10 1 write-only OUT_EP2_ZERO_PAYLOAD_INT_CLR Set this bit to clear the USB_DEVICE_OUT_EP2_ZERO_PAYLOAD_INT interrupt. 11 1 write-only CONF0 Configure 0 register 0x18 0x20 0x00004200 PHY_SEL Select internal/external PHY 0 1 read-write EXCHG_PINS_OVERRIDE Enable software control USB D+ D- exchange 1 1 read-write EXCHG_PINS USB D+ D- exchange 2 1 read-write VREFH Control single-end input high threshold,1.76V to 2V, step 80mV 3 2 read-write VREFL Control single-end input low threshold,0.8V to 1.04V, step 80mV 5 2 read-write VREF_OVERRIDE Enable software control input threshold 7 1 read-write PAD_PULL_OVERRIDE Enable software control USB D+ D- pullup pulldown 8 1 read-write DP_PULLUP Control USB D+ pull up. 9 1 read-write DP_PULLDOWN Control USB D+ pull down. 10 1 read-write DM_PULLUP Control USB D- pull up. 11 1 read-write DM_PULLDOWN Control USB D- pull down. 12 1 read-write PULLUP_VALUE Control pull up value. 13 1 read-write USB_PAD_ENABLE Enable USB pad function. 14 1 read-write PHY_TX_EDGE_SEL 0: TX output at clock negedge. 1: Tx output at clock posedge. 15 1 read-write USB_JTAG_BRIDGE_EN Set this bit usb_jtag, the connection between usb_jtag and internal JTAG is disconnected, and MTMS, MTDI, MTCK are output through GPIO Matrix, MTDO is input through GPIO Matrix. 16 1 read-write TEST USB Internal PHY test register 0x1C 0x20 ENABLE Enable test of the USB pad 0 1 read-write USB_OE USB pad oen in test 1 1 read-write TX_DP USB D+ tx value in test 2 1 read-write TX_DM USB D- tx value in test 3 1 read-write RX_RCV USB differential rx value in test 4 1 read-only RX_DP USB D+ rx value in test 5 1 read-only RX_DM USB D- rx value in test 6 1 read-only JFIFO_ST USB-JTAG FIFO status 0x20 0x20 0x00000044 IN_FIFO_CNT JTAT in fifo counter. 0 2 read-only IN_FIFO_EMPTY 1: JTAG in fifo is empty. 2 1 read-only IN_FIFO_FULL 1: JTAG in fifo is full. 3 1 read-only OUT_FIFO_CNT JTAT out fifo counter. 4 2 read-only OUT_FIFO_EMPTY 1: JTAG out fifo is empty. 6 1 read-only OUT_FIFO_FULL 1: JTAG out fifo is full. 7 1 read-only IN_FIFO_RESET Write 1 to reset JTAG in fifo. 8 1 read-write OUT_FIFO_RESET Write 1 to reset JTAG out fifo. 9 1 read-write FRAM_NUM SOF frame number 0x24 0x20 SOF_FRAME_INDEX Frame index of received SOF frame. 0 11 read-only IN_EP0_ST IN Endpoint 0 status 0x28 0x20 0x00000001 IN_EP0_STATE State of IN Endpoint 0. 0 2 read-only IN_EP0_WR_ADDR Write data address of IN endpoint 0. 2 7 read-only IN_EP0_RD_ADDR Read data address of IN endpoint 0. 9 7 read-only IN_EP1_ST IN Endpoint 1 status 0x2C 0x20 0x00000001 IN_EP1_STATE State of IN Endpoint 1. 0 2 read-only IN_EP1_WR_ADDR Write data address of IN endpoint 1. 2 7 read-only IN_EP1_RD_ADDR Read data address of IN endpoint 1. 9 7 read-only IN_EP2_ST IN Endpoint 2 status 0x30 0x20 0x00000001 IN_EP2_STATE State of IN Endpoint 2. 0 2 read-only IN_EP2_WR_ADDR Write data address of IN endpoint 2. 2 7 read-only IN_EP2_RD_ADDR Read data address of IN endpoint 2. 9 7 read-only IN_EP3_ST IN Endpoint 3 status 0x34 0x20 0x00000001 IN_EP3_STATE State of IN Endpoint 3. 0 2 read-only IN_EP3_WR_ADDR Write data address of IN endpoint 3. 2 7 read-only IN_EP3_RD_ADDR Read data address of IN endpoint 3. 9 7 read-only OUT_EP0_ST OUT Endpoint 0 status 0x38 0x20 OUT_EP0_STATE State of OUT Endpoint 0. 0 2 read-only OUT_EP0_WR_ADDR Write data address of OUT endpoint 0. When USB_DEVICE_SERIAL_OUT_RECV_PKT_INT is detected, there are USB_DEVICE_OUT_EP0_WR_ADDR-2 bytes data in OUT EP0. 2 7 read-only OUT_EP0_RD_ADDR Read data address of OUT endpoint 0. 9 7 read-only OUT_EP1_ST OUT Endpoint 1 status 0x3C 0x20 OUT_EP1_STATE State of OUT Endpoint 1. 0 2 read-only OUT_EP1_WR_ADDR Write data address of OUT endpoint 1. When USB_DEVICE_SERIAL_OUT_RECV_PKT_INT is detected, there are USB_DEVICE_OUT_EP1_WR_ADDR-2 bytes data in OUT EP1. 2 7 read-only OUT_EP1_RD_ADDR Read data address of OUT endpoint 1. 9 7 read-only OUT_EP1_REC_DATA_CNT Data count in OUT endpoint 1 when one packet is received. 16 7 read-only OUT_EP2_ST OUT Endpoint 2 status 0x40 0x20 OUT_EP2_STATE State of OUT Endpoint 2. 0 2 read-only OUT_EP2_WR_ADDR Write data address of OUT endpoint 2. When USB_DEVICE_SERIAL_OUT_RECV_PKT_INT is detected, there are USB_DEVICE_OUT_EP2_WR_ADDR-2 bytes data in OUT EP2. 2 7 read-only OUT_EP2_RD_ADDR Read data address of OUT endpoint 2. 9 7 read-only MISC_CONF MISC register 0x44 0x20 CLK_EN 1'h1: Force clock on for register. 1'h0: Support clock only when application writes registers. 0 1 read-write MEM_CONF Power control 0x48 0x20 0x00000002 USB_MEM_PD 1: power down usb memory. 0 1 read-write USB_MEM_CLK_EN 1: Force clock on for usb memory. 1 1 read-write DATE Version control register 0x80 0x20 0x02101200 DATE register version. 0 32 read-write USB_WRAP Peripheral USB_WRAP USB_WRAP 0x60039000 0x0 0xC registers OTG_CONF USB OTG Wrapper Configure Register 0x0 0x20 0x001C0000 SRP_SESSEND_OVERRIDE This bit is used to enable the software over-ride of srp session end signal. 1'b0: the signal is controlled by the chip input. 1'b1: the signal is controlled by the software. 0 1 read-write SRP_SESSEND_VALUE Software over-ride value of srp session end signal. 1 1 read-write PHY_SEL Select internal external PHY. 1'b0: Select internal PHY. 1'b1: Select external PHY. 2 1 read-write DFIFO_FORCE_PD Force the dfifo to go into low power mode. The data in dfifo will not lost. 3 1 read-write DBNCE_FLTR_BYPASS Bypass Debounce filters for avalid,bvalid,vbusvalid,session end, id signals 4 1 read-write EXCHG_PINS_OVERRIDE Enable software controlle USB D+ D- exchange 5 1 read-write EXCHG_PINS USB D+ D- exchange. 1'b0: don't change. 1'b1: exchange D+ D- 6 1 read-write VREFH Control single-end input high threshold,1.76V to 2V, step 80mV 7 2 read-write VREFL Control single-end input low threshold,0.8V to 1.04V, step 80mV 9 2 read-write VREF_OVERRIDE Enable software controlle input threshold 11 1 read-write PAD_PULL_OVERRIDE Enable software controlle USB D+ D- pullup pulldown 12 1 read-write DP_PULLUP Controlle USB D+ pullup 13 1 read-write DP_PULLDOWN Controlle USB D+ pulldown 14 1 read-write DM_PULLUP Controlle USB D+ pullup 15 1 read-write DM_PULLDOWN Controlle USB D+ pulldown 16 1 read-write PULLUP_VALUE Controlle pullup value. 1'b0: typical value is 2.4K. 1'b1: typical value is 1.2K. 17 1 read-write USB_PAD_ENABLE Enable USB pad function 18 1 read-write AHB_CLK_FORCE_ON Force ahb clock always on 19 1 read-write PHY_CLK_FORCE_ON Force phy clock always on 20 1 read-write PHY_TX_EDGE_SEL Select phy tx signal output clock edge. 1'b0: negedge. 1'b1: posedge. 21 1 read-write DFIFO_FORCE_PU Disable the dfifo to go into low power mode. The data in dfifo will not lost. 22 1 read-write CLK_EN Disable auto clock gating of CSR registers 31 1 read-write TEST_CONF USB Internal PHY Testing Register 0x4 0x20 TEST_ENABLE Enable test of the USB pad 0 1 read-write TEST_USB_OE USB pad oen in test 1 1 read-write TEST_TX_DP USB D+ tx value in test 2 1 read-write TEST_TX_DM USB D- tx value in test 3 1 read-write TEST_RX_RCV USB differential rx value in test 4 1 read-only TEST_RX_DP USB D+ rx value in test 5 1 read-only TEST_RX_DM USB D- rx value in test 6 1 read-only DATE Version Control Register 0x3FC 0x20 0x02102010 USB_WRAP_DATE Date register 0 32 read-write WCL Peripheral WCL WCL 0x600D0000 0x0 0x160 registers Core_0_ENTRY_1_ADDR Core_0 Entry 1 address configuration Register 0x0 0x20 CORE_0_ENTRY_1_ADDR Core_0 Entry 1 address from WORLD1 to WORLD0 0 32 read-write Core_0_ENTRY_2_ADDR Core_0 Entry 2 address configuration Register 0x4 0x20 CORE_0_ENTRY_2_ADDR Core_0 Entry 2 address from WORLD1 to WORLD0 0 32 read-write Core_0_ENTRY_3_ADDR Core_0 Entry 3 address configuration Register 0x8 0x20 CORE_0_ENTRY_3_ADDR Core_0 Entry 3 address from WORLD1 to WORLD0 0 32 read-write Core_0_ENTRY_4_ADDR Core_0 Entry 4 address configuration Register 0xC 0x20 CORE_0_ENTRY_4_ADDR Core_0 Entry 4 address from WORLD1 to WORLD0 0 32 read-write Core_0_ENTRY_5_ADDR Core_0 Entry 5 address configuration Register 0x10 0x20 CORE_0_ENTRY_5_ADDR Core_0 Entry 5 address from WORLD1 to WORLD0 0 32 read-write Core_0_ENTRY_6_ADDR Core_0 Entry 6 address configuration Register 0x14 0x20 CORE_0_ENTRY_6_ADDR Core_0 Entry 6 address from WORLD1 to WORLD0 0 32 read-write Core_0_ENTRY_7_ADDR Core_0 Entry 7 address configuration Register 0x18 0x20 CORE_0_ENTRY_7_ADDR Core_0 Entry 7 address from WORLD1 to WORLD0 0 32 read-write Core_0_ENTRY_8_ADDR Core_0 Entry 8 address configuration Register 0x1C 0x20 CORE_0_ENTRY_8_ADDR Core_0 Entry 8 address from WORLD1 to WORLD0 0 32 read-write Core_0_ENTRY_9_ADDR Core_0 Entry 9 address configuration Register 0x20 0x20 CORE_0_ENTRY_9_ADDR Core_0 Entry 9 address from WORLD1 to WORLD0 0 32 read-write Core_0_ENTRY_10_ADDR Core_0 Entry 10 address configuration Register 0x24 0x20 CORE_0_ENTRY_10_ADDR Core_0 Entry 10 address from WORLD1 to WORLD0 0 32 read-write Core_0_ENTRY_11_ADDR Core_0 Entry 11 address configuration Register 0x28 0x20 CORE_0_ENTRY_11_ADDR Core_0 Entry 11 address from WORLD1 to WORLD0 0 32 read-write Core_0_ENTRY_12_ADDR Core_0 Entry 12 address configuration Register 0x2C 0x20 CORE_0_ENTRY_12_ADDR Core_0 Entry 12 address from WORLD1 to WORLD0 0 32 read-write Core_0_ENTRY_13_ADDR Core_0 Entry 13 address configuration Register 0x30 0x20 CORE_0_ENTRY_13_ADDR Core_0 Entry 13 address from WORLD1 to WORLD0 0 32 read-write Core_0_ENTRY_CHECK Core_0 Entry check configuration Register 0x7C 0x20 0x00000002 CORE_0_ENTRY_CHECK This filed is used to enable entry address check 1 13 read-write Core_0_STATUSTABLE1 Status register of world switch of entry 1 0x80 0x20 CORE_0_FROM_WORLD_1 This bit is used to confirm world before enter entry 1 0 1 read-write CORE_0_FROM_ENTRY_1 This filed is used to confirm in which entry before enter entry 1 1 4 read-write CORE_0_CURRENT_1 This bit is used to confirm whether the current state is in entry 1 5 1 read-write Core_0_STATUSTABLE2 Status register of world switch of entry 2 0x84 0x20 CORE_0_FROM_WORLD_2 This bit is used to confirm world before enter entry 2 0 1 read-write CORE_0_FROM_ENTRY_2 This filed is used to confirm in which entry before enter entry 2 1 4 read-write CORE_0_CURRENT_2 This bit is used to confirm whether the current state is in entry 2 5 1 read-write Core_0_STATUSTABLE3 Status register of world switch of entry 3 0x88 0x20 CORE_0_FROM_WORLD_3 This bit is used to confirm world before enter entry 3 0 1 read-write CORE_0_FROM_ENTRY_3 This filed is used to confirm in which entry before enter entry 3 1 4 read-write CORE_0_CURRENT_3 This bit is used to confirm whether the current state is in entry 3 5 1 read-write Core_0_STATUSTABLE4 Status register of world switch of entry 4 0x8C 0x20 CORE_0_FROM_WORLD_4 This bit is used to confirm world before enter entry 4 0 1 read-write CORE_0_FROM_ENTRY_4 This filed is used to confirm in which entry before enter entry 4 1 4 read-write CORE_0_CURRENT_4 This bit is used to confirm whether the current state is in entry 4 5 1 read-write Core_0_STATUSTABLE5 Status register of world switch of entry 5 0x90 0x20 CORE_0_FROM_WORLD_5 This bit is used to confirm world before enter entry 5 0 1 read-write CORE_0_FROM_ENTRY_5 This filed is used to confirm in which entry before enter entry 5 1 4 read-write CORE_0_CURRENT_5 This bit is used to confirm whether the current state is in entry 5 5 1 read-write Core_0_STATUSTABLE6 Status register of world switch of entry 6 0x94 0x20 CORE_0_FROM_WORLD_6 This bit is used to confirm world before enter entry 6 0 1 read-write CORE_0_FROM_ENTRY_6 This filed is used to confirm in which entry before enter entry 6 1 4 read-write CORE_0_CURRENT_6 This bit is used to confirm whether the current state is in entry 6 5 1 read-write Core_0_STATUSTABLE7 Status register of world switch of entry 7 0x98 0x20 CORE_0_FROM_WORLD_7 This bit is used to confirm world before enter entry 7 0 1 read-write CORE_0_FROM_ENTRY_7 This filed is used to confirm in which entry before enter entry 7 1 4 read-write CORE_0_CURRENT_7 This bit is used to confirm whether the current state is in entry 7 5 1 read-write Core_0_STATUSTABLE8 Status register of world switch of entry 8 0x9C 0x20 CORE_0_FROM_WORLD_8 This bit is used to confirm world before enter entry 8 0 1 read-write CORE_0_FROM_ENTRY_8 This filed is used to confirm in which entry before enter entry 8 1 4 read-write CORE_0_CURRENT_8 This bit is used to confirm whether the current state is in entry 8 5 1 read-write Core_0_STATUSTABLE9 Status register of world switch of entry 9 0xA0 0x20 CORE_0_FROM_WORLD_9 This bit is used to confirm world before enter entry 9 0 1 read-write CORE_0_FROM_ENTRY_9 This filed is used to confirm in which entry before enter entry 9 1 4 read-write CORE_0_CURRENT_9 This bit is used to confirm whether the current state is in entry 9 5 1 read-write Core_0_STATUSTABLE10 Status register of world switch of entry 10 0xA4 0x20 CORE_0_FROM_WORLD_10 This bit is used to confirm world before enter entry 10 0 1 read-write CORE_0_FROM_ENTRY_10 This filed is used to confirm in which entry before enter entry 10 1 4 read-write CORE_0_CURRENT_10 This bit is used to confirm whether the current state is in entry 10 5 1 read-write Core_0_STATUSTABLE11 Status register of world switch of entry 11 0xA8 0x20 CORE_0_FROM_WORLD_11 This bit is used to confirm world before enter entry 11 0 1 read-write CORE_0_FROM_ENTRY_11 This filed is used to confirm in which entry before enter entry 11 1 4 read-write CORE_0_CURRENT_11 This bit is used to confirm whether the current state is in entry 11 5 1 read-write Core_0_STATUSTABLE12 Status register of world switch of entry 12 0xAC 0x20 CORE_0_FROM_WORLD_12 This bit is used to confirm world before enter entry 12 0 1 read-write CORE_0_FROM_ENTRY_12 This filed is used to confirm in which entry before enter entry 12 1 4 read-write CORE_0_CURRENT_12 This bit is used to confirm whether the current state is in entry 12 5 1 read-write Core_0_STATUSTABLE13 Status register of world switch of entry 13 0xB0 0x20 CORE_0_FROM_WORLD_13 This bit is used to confirm world before enter entry 13 0 1 read-write CORE_0_FROM_ENTRY_13 This filed is used to confirm in which entry before enter entry 13 1 4 read-write CORE_0_CURRENT_13 This bit is used to confirm whether the current state is in entry 13 5 1 read-write Core_0_STATUSTABLE_CURRENT Status register of statustable current 0xFC 0x20 CORE_0_STATUSTABLE_CURRENT This field is used to quickly read and rewrite the current field of all STATUSTABLE registers,for example,bit 1 represents the current field of STATUSTABLE1,bit2 represents the current field of STATUSTABLE2 1 13 read-write Core_0_MESSAGE_ADDR Clear writer_buffer write address configuration register 0x100 0x20 CORE_0_MESSAGE_ADDR This field is used to set address that need to write when enter WORLD0 0 32 read-write Core_0_MESSAGE_MAX Clear writer_buffer write number configuration register 0x104 0x20 CORE_0_MESSAGE_MAX This filed is used to set the max value of clear write_buffer 0 4 read-write Core_0_MESSAGE_PHASE Clear writer_buffer status register 0x108 0x20 CORE_0_MESSAGE_MATCH This bit indicates whether the check is successful 0 1 read-only CORE_0_MESSAGE_EXPECT This field indicates the data to be written next time 1 4 read-only CORE_0_MESSAGE_DATAPHASE If this bit is 1, it means that is checking clear write_buffer operation,and is checking data 5 1 read-only CORE_0_MESSAGE_ADDRESSPHASE If this bit is 1, it means that is checking clear write_buffer operation,and is checking address. 6 1 read-only Core_0_World_TRIGGER_ADDR Core_0 trigger address configuration Register 0x140 0x20 CORE_0_WORLD_TRIGGER_ADDR This field is used to configure the entry address from WORLD0 to WORLD1,when the CPU executes to this address,switch to WORLD1 0 32 read-write Core_0_World_PREPARE Core_0 prepare world configuration Register 0x144 0x20 CORE_0_WORLD_PREPARE This field to used to set world to enter, 2'b01 means WORLD0, 2'b10 means WORLD1 0 2 read-write Core_0_World_UPDATE Core_0 configuration update register 0x148 0x20 CORE_0_UPDATE This field is used to update configuration completed, can write any value,the hardware only checks the write operation of this register and does not case about its value 0 32 write-only Core_0_World_Cancel Core_0 configuration cancel register 0x14C 0x20 CORE_0_WORLD_CANCEL This field is used to cancel switch world configuration,if the trigger address and update configuration complete,use this register to cancel world switch, jujst need write any value,the hardware only checks the write operation of this register and does not case about its value 0 32 write-only Core_0_World_IRam0 Core_0 Iram0 world register 0x150 0x20 CORE_0_WORLD_IRAM0 this field is used to read current world of Iram0 bus 0 2 read-write Core_0_World_DRam0_PIF Core_0 dram0 and PIF world register 0x154 0x20 CORE_0_WORLD_DRAM0_PIF this field is used to read current world of Dram0 bus and PIF bus 0 2 read-write Core_0_World_Phase Core_0 world status register 0x158 0x20 CORE_0_WORLD_PHASE This bit indicates whether is preparing to switch to WORLD1, 1 means value. 0 1 read-only Core_0_NMI_MASK_ENABLE Core_0 NMI mask enable register 0x180 0x20 CORE_0_NMI_MASK_ENABLE this field is used to set NMI mask,it can write any value,when write this register,the hardware start masking NMI interrupt 0 32 write-only Core_0_NMI_MASK_TRIGGER_ADDR Core_0 NMI mask trigger address register 0x184 0x20 CORE_0_NMI_MASK_TRIGGER_ADDR this field to used to set trigger address, when CPU executes to this address,NMI mask automatically fails 0 32 read-write Core_0_NMI_MASK_DISABLE Core_0 NMI mask disable register 0x188 0x20 CORE_0_NMI_MASK_DISABLE this field is used to disable NMI mask,it will not take effect immediately,only when the CPU executes to the trigger address will it start to cancel NMI mask 0 32 write-only Core_0_NMI_MASK_CANCLE Core_0 NMI mask disable register 0x18C 0x20 CORE_0_NMI_MASK_CANCEL this field is used to cancel NMI mask disable function. 0 32 write-only Core_0_NMI_MASK Core_0 NMI mask register 0x190 0x20 CORE_0_NMI_MASK this bit is used to mask NMI interrupt,it can directly mask NMI interrupt 0 1 read-write Core_0_NMI_MASK_PHASE Core_0 NMI mask phase register 0x194 0x20 CORE_0_NMI_MASK_PHASE this bit is used to indicates whether the NMI interrupt is being masked, 1 means NMI interrupt is being masked 0 1 read-only Core_1_ENTRY_1_ADDR Core_1 Entry 1 address configuration Register 0x400 0x20 CORE_1_ENTRY_1_ADDR Core_1 Entry 1 address from WORLD1 to WORLD0 0 32 read-write Core_1_ENTRY_2_ADDR Core_1 Entry 2 address configuration Register 0x404 0x20 CORE_1_ENTRY_2_ADDR Core_1 Entry 2 address from WORLD1 to WORLD0 0 32 read-write Core_1_ENTRY_3_ADDR Core_1 Entry 3 address configuration Register 0x408 0x20 CORE_1_ENTRY_3_ADDR Core_1 Entry 3 address from WORLD1 to WORLD0 0 32 read-write Core_1_ENTRY_4_ADDR Core_1 Entry 4 address configuration Register 0x40C 0x20 CORE_1_ENTRY_4_ADDR Core_1 Entry 4 address from WORLD1 to WORLD0 0 32 read-write Core_1_ENTRY_5_ADDR Core_1 Entry 5 address configuration Register 0x410 0x20 CORE_1_ENTRY_5_ADDR Core_1 Entry 5 address from WORLD1 to WORLD0 0 32 read-write Core_1_ENTRY_6_ADDR Core_1 Entry 6 address configuration Register 0x414 0x20 CORE_1_ENTRY_6_ADDR Core_1 Entry 6 address from WORLD1 to WORLD0 0 32 read-write Core_1_ENTRY_7_ADDR Core_1 Entry 7 address configuration Register 0x418 0x20 CORE_1_ENTRY_7_ADDR Core_1 Entry 7 address from WORLD1 to WORLD0 0 32 read-write Core_1_ENTRY_8_ADDR Core_1 Entry 8 address configuration Register 0x41C 0x20 CORE_1_ENTRY_8_ADDR Core_1 Entry 8 address from WORLD1 to WORLD0 0 32 read-write Core_1_ENTRY_9_ADDR Core_1 Entry 9 address configuration Register 0x420 0x20 CORE_1_ENTRY_9_ADDR Core_1 Entry 9 address from WORLD1 to WORLD0 0 32 read-write Core_1_ENTRY_10_ADDR Core_1 Entry 10 address configuration Register 0x424 0x20 CORE_1_ENTRY_10_ADDR Core_1 Entry 10 address from WORLD1 to WORLD0 0 32 read-write Core_1_ENTRY_11_ADDR Core_1 Entry 11 address configuration Register 0x428 0x20 CORE_1_ENTRY_11_ADDR Core_1 Entry 11 address from WORLD1 to WORLD0 0 32 read-write Core_1_ENTRY_12_ADDR Core_1 Entry 12 address configuration Register 0x42C 0x20 CORE_1_ENTRY_12_ADDR Core_1 Entry 12 address from WORLD1 to WORLD0 0 32 read-write Core_1_ENTRY_13_ADDR Core_1 Entry 13 address configuration Register 0x430 0x20 CORE_1_ENTRY_13_ADDR Core_1 Entry 13 address from WORLD1 to WORLD0 0 32 read-write Core_1_ENTRY_CHECK Core_1 Entry check configuration Register 0x47C 0x20 0x00000002 CORE_1_ENTRY_CHECK This filed is used to enable entry address check 1 13 read-write Core_1_STATUSTABLE1 Status register of world switch of entry 1 0x480 0x20 CORE_1_FROM_WORLD_1 This bit is used to confirm world before enter entry 1 0 1 read-write CORE_1_FROM_ENTRY_1 This filed is used to confirm in which entry before enter entry 1 1 4 read-write CORE_1_CURRENT_1 This bit is used to confirm whether the current state is in entry 1 5 1 read-write Core_1_STATUSTABLE2 Status register of world switch of entry 2 0x484 0x20 CORE_1_FROM_WORLD_2 This bit is used to confirm world before enter entry 2 0 1 read-write CORE_1_FROM_ENTRY_2 This filed is used to confirm in which entry before enter entry 2 1 4 read-write CORE_1_CURRENT_2 This bit is used to confirm whether the current state is in entry 2 5 1 read-write Core_1_STATUSTABLE3 Status register of world switch of entry 3 0x488 0x20 CORE_1_FROM_WORLD_3 This bit is used to confirm world before enter entry 3 0 1 read-write CORE_1_FROM_ENTRY_3 This filed is used to confirm in which entry before enter entry 3 1 4 read-write CORE_1_CURRENT_3 This bit is used to confirm whether the current state is in entry 3 5 1 read-write Core_1_STATUSTABLE4 Status register of world switch of entry 4 0x48C 0x20 CORE_1_FROM_WORLD_4 This bit is used to confirm world before enter entry 4 0 1 read-write CORE_1_FROM_ENTRY_4 This filed is used to confirm in which entry before enter entry 4 1 4 read-write CORE_1_CURRENT_4 This bit is used to confirm whether the current state is in entry 4 5 1 read-write Core_1_STATUSTABLE5 Status register of world switch of entry 5 0x490 0x20 CORE_1_FROM_WORLD_5 This bit is used to confirm world before enter entry 5 0 1 read-write CORE_1_FROM_ENTRY_5 This filed is used to confirm in which entry before enter entry 5 1 4 read-write CORE_1_CURRENT_5 This bit is used to confirm whether the current state is in entry 5 5 1 read-write Core_1_STATUSTABLE6 Status register of world switch of entry 6 0x494 0x20 CORE_1_FROM_WORLD_6 This bit is used to confirm world before enter entry 6 0 1 read-write CORE_1_FROM_ENTRY_6 This filed is used to confirm in which entry before enter entry 6 1 4 read-write CORE_1_CURRENT_6 This bit is used to confirm whether the current state is in entry 6 5 1 read-write Core_1_STATUSTABLE7 Status register of world switch of entry 7 0x498 0x20 CORE_1_FROM_WORLD_7 This bit is used to confirm world before enter entry 7 0 1 read-write CORE_1_FROM_ENTRY_7 This filed is used to confirm in which entry before enter entry 7 1 4 read-write CORE_1_CURRENT_7 This bit is used to confirm whether the current state is in entry 7 5 1 read-write Core_1_STATUSTABLE8 Status register of world switch of entry 8 0x49C 0x20 CORE_1_FROM_WORLD_8 This bit is used to confirm world before enter entry 8 0 1 read-write CORE_1_FROM_ENTRY_8 This filed is used to confirm in which entry before enter entry 8 1 4 read-write CORE_1_CURRENT_8 This bit is used to confirm whether the current state is in entry 8 5 1 read-write Core_1_STATUSTABLE9 Status register of world switch of entry 9 0x4A0 0x20 CORE_1_FROM_WORLD_9 This bit is used to confirm world before enter entry 9 0 1 read-write CORE_1_FROM_ENTRY_9 This filed is used to confirm in which entry before enter entry 9 1 4 read-write CORE_1_CURRENT_9 This bit is used to confirm whether the current state is in entry 9 5 1 read-write Core_1_STATUSTABLE10 Status register of world switch of entry 10 0x4A4 0x20 CORE_1_FROM_WORLD_10 This bit is used to confirm world before enter entry 10 0 1 read-write CORE_1_FROM_ENTRY_10 This filed is used to confirm in which entry before enter entry 10 1 4 read-write CORE_1_CURRENT_10 This bit is used to confirm whether the current state is in entry 10 5 1 read-write Core_1_STATUSTABLE11 Status register of world switch of entry 11 0x4A8 0x20 CORE_1_FROM_WORLD_11 This bit is used to confirm world before enter entry 11 0 1 read-write CORE_1_FROM_ENTRY_11 This filed is used to confirm in which entry before enter entry 11 1 4 read-write CORE_1_CURRENT_11 This bit is used to confirm whether the current state is in entry 11 5 1 read-write Core_1_STATUSTABLE12 Status register of world switch of entry 12 0x4AC 0x20 CORE_1_FROM_WORLD_12 This bit is used to confirm world before enter entry 12 0 1 read-write CORE_1_FROM_ENTRY_12 This filed is used to confirm in which entry before enter entry 12 1 4 read-write CORE_1_CURRENT_12 This bit is used to confirm whether the current state is in entry 12 5 1 read-write Core_1_STATUSTABLE13 Status register of world switch of entry 13 0x4B0 0x20 CORE_1_FROM_WORLD_13 This bit is used to confirm world before enter entry 13 0 1 read-write CORE_1_FROM_ENTRY_13 This filed is used to confirm in which entry before enter entry 13 1 4 read-write CORE_1_CURRENT_13 This bit is used to confirm whether the current state is in entry 13 5 1 read-write Core_1_STATUSTABLE_CURRENT Status register of statustable current 0x4FC 0x20 CORE_1_STATUSTABLE_CURRENT This field is used to quickly read and rewrite the current field of all STATUSTABLE registers,for example,bit 1 represents the current field of STATUSTABLE1 1 13 read-write Core_1_MESSAGE_ADDR Clear writer_buffer write address configuration register 0x500 0x20 CORE_1_MESSAGE_ADDR This field is used to set address that need to write when enter WORLD0 0 32 read-write Core_1_MESSAGE_MAX Clear writer_buffer write number configuration register 0x504 0x20 CORE_1_MESSAGE_MAX This filed is used to set the max value of clear write_buffer 0 4 read-write Core_1_MESSAGE_PHASE Clear writer_buffer status register 0x508 0x20 CORE_1_MESSAGE_MATCH This bit indicates whether the check is successful 0 1 read-only CORE_1_MESSAGE_EXPECT This field indicates the data to be written next time 1 4 read-only CORE_1_MESSAGE_DATAPHASE If this bit is 1, it means that is checking clear write_buffer operation, and is checking data 5 1 read-only CORE_1_MESSAGE_ADDRESSPHASE If this bit is 1, it means that is checking clear write_buffer operation, and is checking address. 6 1 read-only Core_1_World_TRIGGER_ADDR Core_1 trigger address configuration Register 0x540 0x20 CORE_1_WORLD_TRIGGER_ADDR This field is used to configure the entry address from WORLD0 to WORLD1,when the CPU executes to this address,switch to WORLD1 0 32 read-write Core_1_World_PREPARE Core_1 prepare world configuration Register 0x544 0x20 CORE_1_WORLD_PREPARE This field to used to set world to enter,2'b01 means WORLD0, 2'b10 means WORLD1 0 2 read-write Core_1_World_UPDATE Core_1 configuration update register 0x548 0x20 CORE_1_UPDATE This field is used to update configuration completed, can write any value,the hardware only checks the write operation of this register and does not case about its value 0 32 write-only Core_1_World_Cancel Core_1 configuration cancel register 0x54C 0x20 CORE_1_WORLD_CANCEL This field is used to cancel switch world configuration,if the trigger address and update configuration complete,can use this register to cancel world switch. can write any value, the hardware only checks the write operation of this register and does not case about its value 0 32 write-only Core_1_World_IRam0 Core_1 Iram0 world register 0x550 0x20 CORE_1_WORLD_IRAM0 this field is used to read current world of Iram0 bus 0 2 read-write Core_1_World_DRam0_PIF Core_1 dram0 and PIF world register 0x554 0x20 CORE_1_WORLD_DRAM0_PIF this field is used to read current world of Dram0 bus and PIF bus 0 2 read-write Core_1_World_Phase Core_0 world status register 0x558 0x20 CORE_1_WORLD_PHASE This bit indicates whether is preparing to switch to WORLD1,1 means value. 0 1 read-only Core_1_NMI_MASK_ENABLE Core_1 NMI mask enable register 0x580 0x20 CORE_1_NMI_MASK_ENABLE this field is used to set NMI mask, it can write any value, when write this register,the hardware start masking NMI interrupt 0 32 write-only Core_1_NMI_MASK_TRIGGER_ADDR Core_1 NMI mask trigger addr register 0x584 0x20 CORE_1_NMI_MASK_TRIGGER_ADDR this field to used to set trigger address 0 32 read-write Core_1_NMI_MASK_DISABLE Core_1 NMI mask disable register 0x588 0x20 CORE_1_NMI_MASK_DISABLE this field is used to disable NMI mask, it will not take effect immediately,only when the CPU executes to the trigger address will it start to cancel NMI mask 0 32 write-only Core_1_NMI_MASK_CANCLE Core_1 NMI mask disable register 0x58C 0x20 CORE_1_NMI_MASK_CANCEL this field is used to cancel NMI mask disable function. 0 32 write-only Core_1_NMI_MASK Core_1 NMI mask register 0x590 0x20 CORE_1_NMI_MASK this bit is used to mask NMI interrupt,it can directly mask NMI interrupt 0 1 read-write Core_1_NMI_MASK_PHASE Core_1 NMI mask phase register 0x594 0x20 CORE_1_NMI_MASK_PHASE this bit is used to indicates whether the NMI interrupt is being masked, 1 means NMI interrupt is being masked 0 1 read-only XTS_AES XTS-AES-128 Flash Encryption XTS_AES 0x600CC000 0x0 0x60 registers 16 0x4 PLAIN_%s Plaintext register %s 0x0 0x20 PLAIN_0 Stores the nth 32-bit piece of plaintext. 0 32 read-write LINESIZE XTS-AES line-size register 0x40 0x20 LINESIZE Configures the data size of one encryption. 0 1 read-write DESTINATION XTS-AES destination register 0x44 0x20 DESTINATION Configures the type of the external memory. Currently, it must be set to 0, as the Manual Encryption block only supports flash encryption. Errors may occurs if users write 1. 0:flash. 1: external RAM. 0 1 read-write PHYSICAL_ADDRESS physical address 0x48 0x20 PHYSICAL_ADDRESS Those bits stores the physical address. If linesize is 16-byte, the physical address should be aligned of 16 bytes. If linesize is 32-byte, the physical address should be aligned of 32 bytes. If linesize is 64-byte, the physical address should be aligned of 64 bytes. 0 30 read-write TRIGGER XTS-AES trigger register 0x4C 0x20 TRIGGER Write 1 to activate manual encryption. 0 1 write-only RELEASE XTS-AES release control register 0x50 0x20 RELEASE Write 1 to grant SPI1 access to encrypted result. 0 1 write-only DESTROY XTS-AES destroy control register 0x54 0x20 DESTROY Write 1 to destroy encrypted result. 0 1 write-only STATE XTS-AES status register 0x58 0x20 STATE Those bits indicates the status of the Manual Encryption block. 0X0 (XTS_AES_IDLE): idle. 0X1 (XTS_AES_BUSY): busy with encryption. 0X2 (XTS_AES_DONE): encryption is completed, but the encrypted result is not accessible to SPI. 0X3 (XTS_AES_AVAILABLE) encrypted result is accessible and available to SPI. 0 2 read-only DATE XTS-AES version control register 0x5C 0x20 0x20200111 DATE Manual Encryption block version information. 0 30 read-write