  * \attention
  * <h2><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT 2019 STMicroelectronics</center></h2>
  * Licensed under ST MYLIBERTY SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT (the "License");
  * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
  * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
  *        www.st.com/myliberty
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 
  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, 
  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied,
  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  * limitations under the License.

 *      PROJECT:   NDEF firmware
 *      Revision:
 *      LANGUAGE:  ISO C99

/*! \file 
 *  \author 
 *  \brief Provides NDEF methods and definitions to access NFC Forum T4T
 *  NDEF T4T provides several functionalities required to 
 *  perform NDEF message management with T4T tags.
 *  The most common interfaces are
 *    <br>&nbsp; ndefT4TPollerContextInitialization()
 *    <br>&nbsp; ndefT4TPollerNdefDetect()
 *    <br>&nbsp; ndefT4TPollerReadRawMessage()
 *    <br>&nbsp; ndefT4TPollerWriteRawMessage()
 *    <br>&nbsp; ndefT4TPollerTagFormat()
 * \addtogroup NDEF
 * @{

#ifndef NDEF_T4T_H
#define NDEF_T4T_H

#include "platform.h"
#include "st_errno.h"
#include "rfal_nfca.h"
#include "rfal_nfcb.h"
#include "rfal_nfcf.h"
#include "rfal_nfcv.h"
#include "rfal_isoDep.h"
#include "rfal_t4t.h"

#define NDEF_T4T_MAPPING_VERSION_2_0  0x20U                    /*!< Mapping version 2.0                   */
#define NDEF_T4T_MAPPING_VERSION_3_0  0x30U                    /*!< Mapping version 3.0                   */

#define NDEF_T4T_MAX_RAPDU_BODY_LEN                            256U                          /*!< Maximun Response-APDU response body length (short field coding) */
#define NDEF_T4T_MAX_RAPDU_LEN (NDEF_T4T_MAX_RAPDU_BODY_LEN + RFAL_T4T_MAX_RAPDU_SW1SW2_LEN) /*!< Maximun Response-APDU Length (short field coding)               */

#define NDEF_T4T_MAX_CAPDU_BODY_LEN                            255U                          /*!< Maximun Command-APDU data length (short field coding)           */
                               + RFAL_T4T_LC_LEN \
                               + NDEF_T4T_MAX_CAPDU_BODY_LEN \
                               + RFAL_T4T_LC_LEN )                                           /*!< Maximun Command-APDU Length (short field coding)                */

#define ndefT4TIsReadAccessGranted(r)  ( ((r) == 0x00U) || (((r) >= 0x80U) && ((r) <= 0xFEU)) ) /*!< Read access status  */
#define ndefT4TIsWriteAccessGranted(w) ( ((w) == 0x00U) || (((w) >= 0x80U) && ((w) <= 0xFEU)) ) /*!< Write access status */



 * \brief Handle T4T NDEF context activation
 * This method performs the initialization of the NDEF context and handles 
 * the activation of the ISO-DEP layer. It must be called after a successful 
 * anti-collision procedure and prior to any NDEF procedures such as NDEF 
 * detection procedure.
 * \param[in]   ctx    : ndef Context
 * \param[in]   dev    : ndef Device
 * \return ERR_PARAM        : Invalid parameter
 * \return ERR_PROTO        : Protocol error
 * \return ERR_NONE         : No error
ReturnCode ndefT4TPollerContextInitialization(ndefContext *ctx, const rfalNfcDevice *dev);

 * \brief T4T NDEF Detection procedure
 * This method performs the T4T NDEF Detection procedure
 * \param[in]   ctx    : ndef Context
 * \param[out]  info   : ndef Information (optional parameter, NULL may be used when no NDEF Information is needed)
 * \return ERR_WRONG_STATE  : RFAL not initialized or mode not set
 * \return ERR_REQUEST      : Detection failed (application or ccfile not found)
 * \return ERR_PARAM        : Invalid parameter
 * \return ERR_PROTO        : Protocol error
 * \return ERR_NONE         : No error
ReturnCode ndefT4TPollerNdefDetect(ndefContext *ctx, ndefInfo *info);

 * \brief T4T Select NDEF Tag Application
 * This method sends the Select NDEF tag application. If V2 Tag Application  
 * is not found, a Select NDEF tag V1 application is sent/
 * \param[in]   ctx    : ndef Context
 * \return ERR_WRONG_STATE  : RFAL not initialized or mode not set
 * \return ERR_REQUEST      : Application not found
 * \return ERR_PARAM        : Invalid parameter
 * \return ERR_PROTO        : Protocol error
 * \return ERR_NONE         : No error
ReturnCode ndefT4TPollerSelectNdefTagApplication(ndefContext *ctx);

 * \brief T4T Select File
 * This method sends a Select File Command-APDU. 
 * The following fields of the ndef Context must be filled up before calling 
 * this method:
 * - devType: device type 
 * - subCtx.t4t.mv1Flag: Mapping version 1 flag
 * \param[in]   ctx    : ndef Context
 * \param[in]   fileId : file identifier
 * \return ERR_WRONG_STATE  : RFAL not initialized or mode not set
 * \return ERR_REQUEST      : File not found
 * \return ERR_PARAM        : Invalid parameter
 * \return ERR_PROTO        : Protocol error
 * \return ERR_NONE         : No error
ReturnCode ndefT4TPollerSelectFile(ndefContext *ctx, const uint8_t *fileId);

 * \brief T4T ReadBinary
 * This method reads the data from the tag using a single
 * ReadBinary command
 * \param[in]   ctx    : ndef Context
 * \param[in]   offset : file offset of where to star reading data; valid range 0000h-7FFFh
 * \param[in]   len    : requested len (short field coding)
 * \return ERR_WRONG_STATE  : RFAL not initialized or mode not set
 * \return ERR_REQUEST      : read failed (SW1SW2 <> 9000h)
 * \return ERR_PARAM        : Invalid parameter
 * \return ERR_PROTO        : Protocol error
 * \return ERR_NONE         : No error
ReturnCode ndefT4TPollerReadBinary(ndefContext *ctx, uint16_t offset, uint8_t len);

 * \brief T4T ReadBinary with ODO
 * This method reads the data from the tag using a single
 * ReadBinary ODO command
 * \param[in]   ctx    : ndef Context
 * \param[in]   offset : file offset of where to star reading data; valid range 0000h-7FFFh
 * \param[in]   len    : requested len (short field coding)
 * \return ERR_WRONG_STATE  : RFAL not initialized or mode not set
 * \return ERR_REQUEST      : read failed (SW1SW2 <> 9000h)
 * \return ERR_PARAM        : Invalid parameter
 * \return ERR_PROTO        : Protocol error
 * \return ERR_NONE         : No error
ReturnCode ndefT4TPollerReadBinaryODO(ndefContext *ctx, uint32_t offset, uint8_t len);

 * \brief T4T Read data from file
 * This method reads arbitrary length data from the current selected file 
 * \param[in]   ctx    : ndef Context
 * \param[in]   len    : requested len 
 * \param[in]   offset : file offset of where to start reading data
 * \param[out]  buf    : buffer to place the data read from the tag
 * \param[out]  rcvdLen: received length
 * \return ERR_WRONG_STATE  : RFAL not initialized or mode not set
 * \return ERR_REQUEST      : read failed (SW1SW2 <> 9000h)
 * \return ERR_PARAM        : Invalid parameter
 * \return ERR_PROTO        : Protocol error
 * \return ERR_NONE         : No error
ReturnCode ndefT4TPollerReadBytes(ndefContext *ctx, uint32_t offset, uint32_t len, uint8_t *buf, uint32_t *rcvdLen);

 * \brief T4T WriteBinary
 * This method writes the data to the tag using a single
 * WriteBinary command
 * \param[in]   ctx    : ndef Context
 * \param[in]   offset : file offset of where to star reading data; valid range 0000h-7FFFh
 * \param[in]   data   : data to be written
 * \param[in]   len    : data length
 * \return ERR_WRONG_STATE  : RFAL not initialized or mode not set
 * \return ERR_REQUEST      : read failed (SW1SW2 <> 9000h)
 * \return ERR_PARAM        : Invalid parameter
 * \return ERR_PROTO        : Protocol error
 * \return ERR_NONE         : No error
ReturnCode ndefT4TPollerWriteBinary(ndefContext *ctx, uint16_t offset, const uint8_t *data, uint8_t len);

 * \brief T4T WriteBinary with ODO
 * This method writes the data to the tag using a single
 * WriteBinary ODO command
 * \param[in]   ctx    : ndef Context
 * \param[in]   offset : file offset of where to star reading data; valid range 0000h-7FFFh
 * \param[in]   data   : data to be written
 * \param[in]   len    : data length
 * \return ERR_WRONG_STATE  : RFAL not initialized or mode not set
 * \return ERR_REQUEST      : read failed (SW1SW2 <> 9000h)
 * \return ERR_PARAM        : Invalid parameter
 * \return ERR_PROTO        : Protocol error
 * \return ERR_NONE         : No error
ReturnCode ndefT4TPollerWriteBinaryODO(ndefContext *ctx, uint32_t offset, const uint8_t *data, uint8_t len);

 * \brief T4T write data to file
 * This method reads arbitrary length data from the current selected file 
 * \param[in]   ctx    : ndef Context
 * \param[in]   offset : file offset of where to start writing data
 * \param[in]   buf    : data to write
 * \param[in]   len    : buf len 
 * \return ERR_WRONG_STATE  : RFAL not initialized or mode not set
 * \return ERR_REQUEST      : read failed (SW1SW2 <> 9000h)
 * \return ERR_PARAM        : Invalid parameter
 * \return ERR_PROTO        : Protocol error
 * \return ERR_NONE         : No error
ReturnCode ndefT4TPollerWriteBytes(ndefContext *ctx, uint32_t offset, const uint8_t *buf, uint32_t len);

 * \brief T4T Read raw NDEF message
 * This method reads a raw NDEF message from the current selected file.
 * Prior to NDEF Read procedure, a successfull ndefT4TPollerNdefDetect() 
 * has to be performed.
 * \warning Current selected file must not be changed between NDEF Detect 
 * procedure and NDEF Read procedure. If another file is selected before 
 * NDEF Read procedure, it is user responsibility to re-select NDEF file
 * or to call ndefT4TPollerNdefDetect() to restore proper context.
 * \param[in]   ctx    : ndef Context
 * \param[out]  buf    : buffer to place the NDEF message
 * \param[in]   bufLen : buffer length
 * \param[out]  rcvdLen: received length
 * \return ERR_WRONG_STATE  : RFAL not initialized or mode not set
 * \return ERR_REQUEST      : read failed (SW1SW2 <> 9000h)
 * \return ERR_PARAM        : Invalid parameter
 * \return ERR_PROTO        : Protocol error
 * \return ERR_NONE         : No error
ReturnCode ndefT4TPollerReadRawMessage(ndefContext *ctx, uint8_t *buf, uint32_t bufLen, uint32_t *rcvdLen);

 * \brief T4T Write raw NDEF message
 * This method writes a raw NDEF message in the current selected file.
 * Prior to NDEF Write procedure, a successfull ndefT4TPollerNdefDetect() 
 * has to be performed.
 * \warning Current selected file must not be changed between NDEF Detect 
 * procedure and NDEF Write procedure. If another file is selected before 
 * NDEF Write procedure, it is user responsibility to re-select NDEF file
 * or to call ndefT4TPollerNdefDetect() to restore proper context.
 * \param[in]   ctx    : ndef Context
 * \param[in]   buf    : raw message buffer
 * \param[in]   bufLen : buffer length
 * \return ERR_WRONG_STATE  : RFAL not initialized or mode not set
 * \return ERR_REQUEST      : write failed (SW1SW2 <> 9000h)
 * \return ERR_PARAM        : Invalid parameter
 * \return ERR_PROTO        : Protocol error
 * \return ERR_NONE         : No error
ReturnCode ndefT4TPollerWriteRawMessage(ndefContext *ctx, const uint8_t *buf, uint32_t bufLen);

 * \brief T4T Write NDEF message length
 * This method writes the NLEN field (V2 mapping) or the ENLEN (V3 mapping).
 * \param[in]   ctx          : ndef Context
 * \param[in]   rawMessageLen: len
 * \return ERR_WRONG_STATE  : RFAL not initialized or mode not set
 * \return ERR_REQUEST      : write failed (SW1SW2 <> 9000h)
 * \return ERR_PARAM        : Invalid parameter
 * \return ERR_PROTO        : Protocol error
 * \return ERR_NONE         : No error
ReturnCode ndefT4TPollerWriteRawMessageLen(ndefContext *ctx, uint32_t rawMessageLen);
 * \brief T4T Format Tag
 * This method formats a tag to make it ready for NDEF storage. In case of T4T,
 * it writes NLEN/ENLEN=0 to the NDEF File.
 * cc and options parameters are not used for T4T Tag Format method. 
 * \param[in]   ctx    : ndef Context
 * \param[in]   cc     : Capability Container
 * \param[in]   options: specific flags
 * \return ERR_WRONG_STATE  : RFAL not initialized or mode not set
 * \return ERR_REQUEST      : write failed (SW1SW2 <> 9000h)
 * \return ERR_PARAM        : Invalid parameter
 * \return ERR_PROTO        : Protocol error
 * \return ERR_NONE         : No error
ReturnCode ndefT4TPollerTagFormat(ndefContext *ctx, const ndefCapabilityContainer *cc, uint32_t options);

 * \brief T4T Check Presence
 * This method checks whether a T4T tag is still present in the operating field
 * \param[in]   ctx    : ndef Context

 * \return ERR_WRONG_STATE  : RFAL not initialized or mode not set
 * \return ERR_PARAM        : Invalid parameter
 * \return ERR_PROTO        : Protocol error
 * \return ERR_NONE         : No error
ReturnCode ndefT4TPollerCheckPresence(ndefContext *ctx);

 * \brief T4T Check Available Space
 * This method checks whether a T4T tag has enough space to write a message of a given length
 * \param[in]   ctx       : ndef Context
 * \param[in]   messageLen: message length
 * \return ERR_PARAM        : Invalid parameter
 * \return ERR_NOMEM        : not enough space
 * \return ERR_NONE         : Enough space for message of messageLen length
ReturnCode ndefT4TPollerCheckAvailableSpace(const ndefContext *ctx, uint32_t messageLen);

 * \brief T4T Begin Write Message
 * This method sets the L-field to 0
 * \param[in]   ctx       : ndef Context
 * \param[in]   messageLen: message length
 * \return ERR_PARAM        : Invalid parameter
 * \return ERR_NOMEM        : not enough space
 * \return ERR_NONE         : Enough space for message of messageLen length
ReturnCode ndefT4TPollerBeginWriteMessage(ndefContext *ctx, uint32_t messageLen);

 * \brief T4T End Write Message
 * This method updates the L-field value after the message has been written
 * \param[in]   ctx       : ndef Context
 * \param[in]   messageLen: message length
 * \return ERR_PARAM        : Invalid parameter
 * \return ERR_NOMEM        : not enough space
 * \return ERR_NONE         : Enough space for message of messageLen length
ReturnCode ndefT4TPollerEndWriteMessage(ndefContext *ctx, uint32_t messageLen);

#endif /* NDEF_T4T_H */

  * @}