/****************************************************************************** * \attention * *

© COPYRIGHT 2016 STMicroelectronics

* * Licensed under ST MYLIBERTY SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT (the "License"); * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * www.st.com/myliberty * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied, * AND SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMING THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ******************************************************************************/ /* * PROJECT: ST25R391x firmware * Revision: * LANGUAGE: ISO C99 */ /*! \file rfal_nfca.c * * \author Gustavo Patricio * * \brief Provides several NFC-A convenience methods and definitions * * It provides a Poller (ISO14443A PCD) interface and as well as * some NFC-A Listener (ISO14443A PICC) helpers. * * The definitions and helpers methods provided by this module are only * up to ISO14443-3 layer * */ /* ****************************************************************************** * INCLUDES ****************************************************************************** */ #include "rfal_nfca.h" #include "utils.h" /* ****************************************************************************** * ENABLE SWITCH ****************************************************************************** */ #ifndef RFAL_FEATURE_NFCA #define RFAL_FEATURE_NFCA false /* NFC-A module configuration missing. Disabled by default */ #endif #if RFAL_FEATURE_NFCA /* ****************************************************************************** * GLOBAL DEFINES ****************************************************************************** */ #define RFAL_NFCA_SLP_FWT rfalConvMsTo1fc(1) /*!< Check 1ms for any modulation ISO14443-3 6.4.3 */ #define RFAL_NFCA_SLP_CMD 0x50U /*!< SLP cmd (byte1) Digital 1.1 6.9.1 & Table 20 */ #define RFAL_NFCA_SLP_BYTE2 0x00U /*!< SLP byte2 Digital 1.1 6.9.1 & Table 20 */ #define RFAL_NFCA_SLP_CMD_POS 0U /*!< SLP cmd position Digital 1.1 6.9.1 & Table 20 */ #define RFAL_NFCA_SLP_BYTE2_POS 1U /*!< SLP byte2 position Digital 1.1 6.9.1 & Table 20 */ #define RFAL_NFCA_SDD_CT 0x88U /*!< Cascade Tag value Digital 1.1 6.7.2 */ #define RFAL_NFCA_SDD_CT_LEN 1U /*!< Cascade Tag length */ #define RFAL_NFCA_SLP_REQ_LEN 2U /*!< SLP_REQ length */ #define RFAL_NFCA_SEL_CMD_LEN 1U /*!< SEL_CMD length */ #define RFAL_NFCA_SEL_PAR_LEN 1U /*!< SEL_PAR length */ #define RFAL_NFCA_SEL_SELPAR rfalNfcaSelPar(7U, 0U)/*!< SEL_PAR on Select is always with 4 data/nfcid */ #define RFAL_NFCA_BCC_LEN 1U /*!< BCC length */ #define RFAL_NFCA_SDD_REQ_LEN (RFAL_NFCA_SEL_CMD_LEN + RFAL_NFCA_SEL_PAR_LEN) /*!< SDD_REQ length */ #define RFAL_NFCA_SDD_RES_LEN (RFAL_NFCA_CASCADE_1_UID_LEN + RFAL_NFCA_BCC_LEN) /*!< SDD_RES length */ #define RFAL_NFCA_T_RETRANS 5U /*!< t RETRANSMISSION [3, 33]ms EMVCo 2.6 A.5 */ #define RFAL_NFCA_N_RETRANS 2U /*!< Number of retries EMVCo 2.6 */ /*! SDD_REQ (Select) Cascade Levels */ enum { RFAL_NFCA_SEL_CASCADE_L1 = 0, /*!< SDD_REQ Cascade Level 1 */ RFAL_NFCA_SEL_CASCADE_L2 = 1, /*!< SDD_REQ Cascade Level 2 */ RFAL_NFCA_SEL_CASCADE_L3 = 2 /*!< SDD_REQ Cascade Level 3 */ }; /*! SDD_REQ (Select) request Cascade Level command Digital 1.1 Table 15 */ enum { RFAL_NFCA_CMD_SEL_CL1 = 0x93, /*!< SDD_REQ command Cascade Level 1 */ RFAL_NFCA_CMD_SEL_CL2 = 0x95, /*!< SDD_REQ command Cascade Level 2 */ RFAL_NFCA_CMD_SEL_CL3 = 0x97, /*!< SDD_REQ command Cascade Level 3 */ }; /* ****************************************************************************** * GLOBAL MACROS ****************************************************************************** */ #define rfalNfcaSelPar( nBy, nbi ) (uint8_t)((((nBy)<<4U) & 0xF0U) | ((nbi)&0x0FU) ) /*!< Calculates SEL_PAR with the bytes/bits to be sent */ #define rfalNfcaCLn2SELCMD( cl ) (uint8_t)((uint8_t)(RFAL_NFCA_CMD_SEL_CL1) + (2U*(cl))) /*!< Calculates SEL_CMD with the given cascade level */ #define rfalNfcaNfcidLen2CL( len ) ((len) / 5U) /*!< Calculates cascade level by the NFCID length */ /*! Executes the given Tx method (f) and if a Timeout error is detected it retries (rt) times performing a delay of (dl) in between */ #define rfalNfcaTxRetry( r, f, rt, dl ) \ { \ uint8_t rts = (uint8_t)(rt); \ do { \ (r)=(f); \ if (((rt)!=0U) && ((dl)!=0U)) { \ platformDelay(dl); \ } \ } while( ((rts--) != 0U) && ((r)==ERR_TIMEOUT) ); \ } /* ****************************************************************************** * GLOBAL TYPES ****************************************************************************** */ /*! SLP_REQ (HLTA) format Digital 1.1 6.9.1 & Table 20 */ typedef struct { uint8_t frame[RFAL_NFCA_SLP_REQ_LEN]; /*!< SLP: 0x50 0x00 */ } rfalNfcaSlpReq; /* ****************************************************************************** * LOCAL FUNCTION PROTOTYPES ****************************************************************************** */ static uint8_t rfalNfcaCalculateBcc( const uint8_t* buf, uint8_t bufLen ); /* ****************************************************************************** * LOCAL FUNCTIONS ****************************************************************************** */ static uint8_t rfalNfcaCalculateBcc( const uint8_t* buf, uint8_t bufLen ) { uint8_t i; uint8_t BCC; BCC = 0; /* BCC is XOR over first 4 bytes of the SDD_RES Digital 1.1 6.7.2 */ for(i = 0; i < bufLen; i++) { BCC ^= buf[i]; } return BCC; } /* ****************************************************************************** * GLOBAL FUNCTIONS ****************************************************************************** */ /*******************************************************************************/ ReturnCode rfalNfcaPollerInitialize( void ) { ReturnCode ret; EXIT_ON_ERR( ret, rfalSetMode( RFAL_MODE_POLL_NFCA, RFAL_BR_106, RFAL_BR_106 ) ); rfalSetErrorHandling( RFAL_ERRORHANDLING_NFC ); rfalSetGT( RFAL_GT_NFCA ); rfalSetFDTListen( RFAL_FDT_LISTEN_NFCA_POLLER ); rfalSetFDTPoll( RFAL_FDT_POLL_NFCA_POLLER ); return ERR_NONE; } /*******************************************************************************/ ReturnCode rfalNfcaPollerCheckPresence( rfal14443AShortFrameCmd cmd, rfalNfcaSensRes *sensRes ) { ReturnCode ret; uint16_t rcvLen; /* Digital 1.1 For Commands ALL_REQ, SENS_REQ, SDD_REQ, and SEL_REQ, the NFC Forum Device * * MUST treat receipt of a Listen Frame at a time after FDT(Listen, min) as a Timeour Error */ ret = rfalISO14443ATransceiveShortFrame( cmd, (uint8_t*)sensRes, (uint8_t)rfalConvBytesToBits(sizeof(rfalNfcaSensRes)), &rcvLen, RFAL_NFCA_FDTMIN ); if( (ret == ERR_RF_COLLISION) || (ret == ERR_CRC) || (ret == ERR_NOMEM) || (ret == ERR_FRAMING) || (ret == ERR_PAR) ) { ret = ERR_NONE; } return ret; } /*******************************************************************************/ ReturnCode rfalNfcaPollerTechnologyDetection( rfalComplianceMode compMode, rfalNfcaSensRes *sensRes ) { ReturnCode ret; EXIT_ON_ERR( ret, rfalNfcaPollerCheckPresence( ((compMode == RFAL_COMPLIANCE_MODE_EMV) ? RFAL_14443A_SHORTFRAME_CMD_WUPA : RFAL_14443A_SHORTFRAME_CMD_REQA), sensRes ) ); /* Send SLP_REQ as Activity 1.1 and EMVCo 2.6 */ if( compMode != RFAL_COMPLIANCE_MODE_ISO) { rfalNfcaPollerSleep(); } return ERR_NONE; } /*******************************************************************************/ ReturnCode rfalNfcaPollerSingleCollisionResolution( uint8_t devLimit, bool *collPending, rfalNfcaSelRes *selRes, uint8_t *nfcId1, uint8_t *nfcId1Len ) { uint8_t i; ReturnCode ret; rfalNfcaSelReq selReq; uint16_t bytesRx; uint8_t bytesTxRx; uint8_t bitsTxRx; bool doBacktrack = false; uint8_t backtrackCnt = 3; /* Check parameters */ if( (collPending == NULL) || (selRes == NULL) || (nfcId1 == NULL) || (nfcId1Len == NULL) ) { return ERR_PARAM; } /* Initialize output parameters */ *collPending = false; /* Activity 1.1 */ *nfcId1Len = 0; ST_MEMSET( nfcId1, 0x00, RFAL_NFCA_CASCADE_3_UID_LEN ); /*******************************************************************************/ /* Go through all Cascade Levels Activity 1.1 9.3.4 */ for( i = (uint8_t)RFAL_NFCA_SEL_CASCADE_L1; i <= (uint8_t)RFAL_NFCA_SEL_CASCADE_L3; i++) { /* Initialize the SDD_REQ to send for the new cascade level */ ST_MEMSET( (uint8_t*)&selReq, 0x00, sizeof(rfalNfcaSelReq) ); selReq.selCmd = rfalNfcaCLn2SELCMD(i); bytesTxRx = RFAL_NFCA_SDD_REQ_LEN; bitsTxRx = 0; /*******************************************************************************/ /* Go through Collision loop */ do { uint8_t collBit = 1; /* standards mandate or recommend collision bit to be set to One. */ /* Calculate SEL_PAR with the bytes/bits to be sent */ selReq.selPar = rfalNfcaSelPar(bytesTxRx, bitsTxRx); /* Send SDD_REQ (Anticollision frame) - Retry upon timeout EMVCo 2.6 */ rfalNfcaTxRetry( ret, rfalISO14443ATransceiveAnticollisionFrame( (uint8_t*)&selReq, &bytesTxRx, &bitsTxRx, &bytesRx, RFAL_NFCA_FDTMIN ), ((devLimit==0U)?RFAL_NFCA_N_RETRANS:0U), RFAL_NFCA_T_RETRANS ); bytesRx = rfalConvBitsToBytes(bytesRx); if ((ret == ERR_TIMEOUT) && (backtrackCnt != 0U) && !doBacktrack && !((RFAL_NFCA_SDD_REQ_LEN==bytesTxRx) && (0U==bitsTxRx))) { /* In multiple card scenarios it may always happen that some * collisions of a weaker tag go unnoticed. If then a later * collision is recognized and the strong tag has a 0 at the * collision position then no tag will respond. Catch this * corner case and then try with the bit being sent as zero. */ rfalNfcaSensRes sensRes; ret = ERR_RF_COLLISION; rfalNfcaPollerCheckPresence( RFAL_14443A_SHORTFRAME_CMD_REQA, &sensRes ); /* Algorithm below does a post-increment, decrement to go back to current position */ if (0U == bitsTxRx) { bitsTxRx = 7; bytesTxRx--; } else { bitsTxRx--; } collBit = (uint8_t)( ((uint8_t*)&selReq)[bytesTxRx] & (1U << bitsTxRx) ); collBit = (uint8_t)((0U==collBit)?1U:0U); // invert the collision bit doBacktrack = true; backtrackCnt--; } else { doBacktrack = false; } if( ret == ERR_RF_COLLISION ) { /* Check received length */ if( (bytesTxRx + ((bitsTxRx != 0U) ? 1U : 0U)) > (RFAL_NFCA_SDD_RES_LEN + RFAL_NFCA_SDD_REQ_LEN) ) { return ERR_PROTO; } if( ((bytesTxRx + ((bitsTxRx != 0U) ? 1U : 0U)) > (RFAL_NFCA_CASCADE_1_UID_LEN + RFAL_NFCA_SDD_REQ_LEN)) && (backtrackCnt != 0U) ) { /* Collision in BCC: Anticollide only UID part */ backtrackCnt--; bytesTxRx = RFAL_NFCA_CASCADE_1_UID_LEN + RFAL_NFCA_SDD_REQ_LEN - 1U; bitsTxRx = 7; collBit = (uint8_t)( ((uint8_t*)&selReq)[bytesTxRx] & (1U << bitsTxRx) ); /* Not a real collision, extract the actual bit for the subsequent code */ } if( (devLimit == 0U) && !(*collPending) ) { /* Activity 1.0 & 1.1 If CON_DEVICES_LIMIT has a value of 0, then * NFC Forum Device is configured to perform collision detection only */ *collPending = true; return ERR_IGNORE; } *collPending = true; /* Set and select the collision bit, with the number of bytes/bits successfully TxRx */ if (collBit != 0U) { ((uint8_t*)&selReq)[bytesTxRx] = (uint8_t)(((uint8_t*)&selReq)[bytesTxRx] | (1U << bitsTxRx)); /* MISRA 10.3 */ } else { ((uint8_t*)&selReq)[bytesTxRx] = (uint8_t)(((uint8_t*)&selReq)[bytesTxRx] & ~(1U << bitsTxRx)); /* MISRA 10.3 */ } bitsTxRx++; /* Check if number of bits form a byte */ if( bitsTxRx == RFAL_BITS_IN_BYTE ) { bitsTxRx = 0; bytesTxRx++; } } }while (ret == ERR_RF_COLLISION); /*******************************************************************************/ /* Check if Collision loop has failed */ if( ret != ERR_NONE ) { return ret; } /* If collisions are to be reported check whether the response is complete */ if( (devLimit == 0U) && (bytesRx != sizeof(rfalNfcaSddRes)) ) { return ERR_PROTO; } /* Check if the received BCC match */ if( selReq.bcc != rfalNfcaCalculateBcc( selReq.nfcid1, RFAL_NFCA_CASCADE_1_UID_LEN ) ) { return ERR_PROTO; } /*******************************************************************************/ /* Anticollision OK, Select this Cascade Level */ selReq.selPar = RFAL_NFCA_SEL_SELPAR; /* Send SEL_REQ (Select command) - Retry upon timeout EMVCo 2.6 */ rfalNfcaTxRetry( ret, rfalTransceiveBlockingTxRx( (uint8_t*)&selReq, sizeof(rfalNfcaSelReq), (uint8_t*)selRes, sizeof(rfalNfcaSelRes), &bytesRx, RFAL_TXRX_FLAGS_DEFAULT, RFAL_NFCA_FDTMIN ), ((devLimit==0U)?RFAL_NFCA_N_RETRANS:0U), RFAL_NFCA_T_RETRANS ); if( ret != ERR_NONE ) { return ret; } /* Ensure proper response length */ if( bytesRx != sizeof(rfalNfcaSelRes) ) { return ERR_PROTO; } /*******************************************************************************/ /* Check cascade byte, if cascade tag then go next cascade level */ if( (ret == ERR_NONE) && (*selReq.nfcid1 == RFAL_NFCA_SDD_CT) ) { /* Cascade Tag present, store nfcid1 bytes (excluding cascade tag) and continue for next CL */ ST_MEMCPY( &nfcId1[*nfcId1Len], &((uint8_t*)&selReq.nfcid1)[RFAL_NFCA_SDD_CT_LEN], (RFAL_NFCA_CASCADE_1_UID_LEN - RFAL_NFCA_SDD_CT_LEN) ); *nfcId1Len += (RFAL_NFCA_CASCADE_1_UID_LEN - RFAL_NFCA_SDD_CT_LEN); } else { /* UID Selection complete, Stop Cascade Level loop */ ST_MEMCPY( &nfcId1[*nfcId1Len], (uint8_t*)&selReq.nfcid1, RFAL_NFCA_CASCADE_1_UID_LEN ); *nfcId1Len += RFAL_NFCA_CASCADE_1_UID_LEN; return ERR_NONE; } } return ERR_INTERNAL; } /*******************************************************************************/ ReturnCode rfalNfcaPollerFullCollisionResolution( rfalComplianceMode compMode, uint8_t devLimit, rfalNfcaListenDevice *nfcaDevList, uint8_t *devCnt ) { ReturnCode ret; bool collPending; rfalNfcaSensRes sensRes; uint16_t rcvLen; if( (nfcaDevList == NULL) || (devCnt == NULL) ) { return ERR_PARAM; } *devCnt = 0; ret = ERR_NONE; /*******************************************************************************/ /* Send ALL_REQ before Anticollision if a Sleep was sent before Activity 1.1 and EMVco 2.6 */ if( compMode != RFAL_COMPLIANCE_MODE_ISO ) { ret = rfalISO14443ATransceiveShortFrame( RFAL_14443A_SHORTFRAME_CMD_WUPA, (uint8_t*)&nfcaDevList->sensRes, (uint8_t)rfalConvBytesToBits(sizeof(rfalNfcaSensRes)), &rcvLen, RFAL_NFCA_FDTMIN ); if(ret != ERR_NONE) { if( (compMode == RFAL_COMPLIANCE_MODE_EMV) || ((ret != ERR_RF_COLLISION) && (ret != ERR_CRC) && (ret != ERR_FRAMING) && (ret != ERR_PAR)) ) { return ret; } } /* Check proper SENS_RES/ATQA size */ if( (ret == ERR_NONE) && (rfalConvBytesToBits(sizeof(rfalNfcaSensRes)) != rcvLen) ) { return ERR_PROTO; } } #if RFAL_FEATURE_T1T /*******************************************************************************/ /* Only check for T1T if previous SENS_RES was received without a transmission * * error. When collisions occur bits in the SENS_RES may look like a T1T */ /* If T1T Anticollision is not supported Activity 1.1 */ if( rfalNfcaIsSensResT1T( &nfcaDevList->sensRes ) && (devLimit != 0U) && (ret == ERR_NONE) && (compMode != RFAL_COMPLIANCE_MODE_EMV) ) { /* RID_REQ shall be performed with rfalT1TPollerRid() Activity 1.1 */ rfalT1TPollerInitialize(); EXIT_ON_ERR( ret, rfalT1TPollerRid( &nfcaDevList->ridRes ) ); /* T1T doesn't support Anticollision */ *devCnt = 1; nfcaDevList->isSleep = false; nfcaDevList->type = RFAL_NFCA_T1T; nfcaDevList->nfcId1Len = RFAL_NFCA_CASCADE_1_UID_LEN; ST_MEMCPY( &nfcaDevList->nfcId1, &nfcaDevList->ridRes.uid, RFAL_NFCA_CASCADE_1_UID_LEN ); return ERR_NONE; } #endif /* RFAL_FEATURE_T1T */ /*******************************************************************************/ /* Store the SENS_RES from Technology Detection or from WUPA */ sensRes = nfcaDevList->sensRes; if( devLimit > 0U ) /* MISRA 21.18 */ { ST_MEMSET( nfcaDevList, 0x00, (sizeof(rfalNfcaListenDevice) * devLimit) ); } /* Restore the prev SENS_RES, assuming that the SENS_RES received is from first device * When only one device is detected it's not woken up then we'll have no SENS_RES (ATQA) */ nfcaDevList->sensRes = sensRes; /*******************************************************************************/ do { uint8_t newDeviceType; EXIT_ON_ERR( ret, rfalNfcaPollerSingleCollisionResolution( devLimit, &collPending, &nfcaDevList[*devCnt].selRes, (uint8_t*)&nfcaDevList[*devCnt].nfcId1, (uint8_t*)&nfcaDevList[*devCnt].nfcId1Len ) ); /* Assign Listen Device */ newDeviceType = ((uint8_t)nfcaDevList[*devCnt].selRes.sak) & RFAL_NFCA_SEL_RES_CONF_MASK; /* MISRA 10.8 */ /* PRQA S 4342 1 # MISRA 10.5 - Guaranteed that no invalid enum values are created: see guard_eq_RFAL_NFCA_T2T, .... */ nfcaDevList[*devCnt].type = (rfalNfcaListenDeviceType) (newDeviceType); nfcaDevList[*devCnt].isSleep = false; (*devCnt)++; /* If a collision was detected and device counter is lower than limit Activity 1.1 */ if( (*devCnt < devLimit) && ((collPending) || (compMode != RFAL_COMPLIANCE_MODE_ISO) ) ) { /* Put this device to Sleep Activity 1.1 */ rfalNfcaPollerSleep(); nfcaDevList[(*devCnt - 1U)].isSleep = true; /* Send a new SENS_REQ to check for other cards Activity 1.1 */ ret = rfalNfcaPollerCheckPresence( RFAL_14443A_SHORTFRAME_CMD_REQA, &nfcaDevList[*devCnt].sensRes ); if( ret == ERR_TIMEOUT ) { /* No more devices found, exit */ collPending = false; } else { /* Another device found, continue loop */ collPending = true; } } else { /* Exit loop */ collPending = false; } }while( (*devCnt < devLimit) && (collPending) ); return ERR_NONE; } /*******************************************************************************/ ReturnCode rfalNfcaPollerSelect( const uint8_t *nfcid1, uint8_t nfcidLen, rfalNfcaSelRes *selRes ) { uint8_t i; uint8_t cl; uint8_t nfcidOffset; uint16_t rxLen; ReturnCode ret; rfalNfcaSelReq selReq; if( (nfcid1 == NULL) || (nfcidLen > RFAL_NFCA_CASCADE_3_UID_LEN) || (selRes == NULL) ) { return ERR_PARAM; } /* Calculate Cascate Level */ cl = rfalNfcaNfcidLen2CL( nfcidLen ); nfcidOffset = 0; /*******************************************************************************/ /* Go through all Cascade Levels Activity 1.1 9.4.4 */ for( i = RFAL_NFCA_SEL_CASCADE_L1; i <= cl; i++ ) { /* Assign SEL_CMD according to the CLn and SEL_PAR*/ selReq.selCmd = rfalNfcaCLn2SELCMD(i); selReq.selPar = RFAL_NFCA_SEL_SELPAR; /* Compute NFCID/Data on the SEL_REQ command Digital 1.1 Table 18 */ if( cl != i ) { *selReq.nfcid1 = RFAL_NFCA_SDD_CT; ST_MEMCPY( &selReq.nfcid1[RFAL_NFCA_SDD_CT_LEN], &nfcid1[nfcidOffset], (RFAL_NFCA_CASCADE_1_UID_LEN - RFAL_NFCA_SDD_CT_LEN) ); nfcidOffset += (RFAL_NFCA_CASCADE_1_UID_LEN - RFAL_NFCA_SDD_CT_LEN); } else { ST_MEMCPY( selReq.nfcid1, &nfcid1[nfcidOffset], RFAL_NFCA_CASCADE_1_UID_LEN ); } /* Calculate nfcid's BCC */ selReq.bcc = rfalNfcaCalculateBcc( (uint8_t*)&selReq.nfcid1, sizeof(selReq.nfcid1) ); /*******************************************************************************/ /* Send SEL_REQ */ EXIT_ON_ERR( ret, rfalTransceiveBlockingTxRx( (uint8_t*)&selReq, sizeof(rfalNfcaSelReq), (uint8_t*)selRes, sizeof(rfalNfcaSelRes), &rxLen, RFAL_TXRX_FLAGS_DEFAULT, RFAL_NFCA_FDTMIN ) ); /* Ensure proper response length */ if( rxLen != sizeof(rfalNfcaSelRes) ) { return ERR_PROTO; } } /* REMARK: Could check if NFCID1 is complete */ return ERR_NONE; } /*******************************************************************************/ ReturnCode rfalNfcaPollerSleep( void ) { rfalNfcaSlpReq slpReq; uint8_t rxBuf; /* dummy buffer, just to perform Rx */ slpReq.frame[RFAL_NFCA_SLP_CMD_POS] = RFAL_NFCA_SLP_CMD; slpReq.frame[RFAL_NFCA_SLP_BYTE2_POS] = RFAL_NFCA_SLP_BYTE2; rfalTransceiveBlockingTxRx( (uint8_t*)&slpReq, sizeof(rfalNfcaSlpReq), &rxBuf, sizeof(rxBuf), NULL, RFAL_TXRX_FLAGS_DEFAULT, RFAL_NFCA_SLP_FWT ); /* ISO14443-3 6.4.3 HLTA - If PICC responds with any modulation during 1 ms this response shall be interpreted as not acknowledge Digital 2.0 & EMVCo 3.0 - consider the HLTA command always acknowledged No check to be compliant with NFC and EMVCo, and to improve interoprability (Kovio RFID Tag) */ return ERR_NONE; } /*******************************************************************************/ bool rfalNfcaListenerIsSleepReq( const uint8_t *buf, uint16_t bufLen ) { /* Check if length and payload match */ if( (bufLen != sizeof(rfalNfcaSlpReq)) || (buf[RFAL_NFCA_SLP_CMD_POS] != RFAL_NFCA_SLP_CMD) || (buf[RFAL_NFCA_SLP_BYTE2_POS] != RFAL_NFCA_SLP_BYTE2) ) { return false; } return true; } /* If the guards here don't compile then the code above cannot work anymore. */ extern uint8_t guard_eq_RFAL_NFCA_T2T[((RFAL_NFCA_SEL_RES_CONF_MASK&(uint8_t)RFAL_NFCA_T2T) == (uint8_t)RFAL_NFCA_T2T)?1:(-1)]; extern uint8_t guard_eq_RFAL_NFCA_T4T[((RFAL_NFCA_SEL_RES_CONF_MASK&(uint8_t)RFAL_NFCA_T4T) == (uint8_t)RFAL_NFCA_T4T)?1:(-1)]; extern uint8_t guard_eq_RFAL_NFCA_NFCDEP[((RFAL_NFCA_SEL_RES_CONF_MASK&(uint8_t)RFAL_NFCA_NFCDEP) == (uint8_t)RFAL_NFCA_NFCDEP)?1:(-1)]; extern uint8_t guard_eq_RFAL_NFCA_T4T_NFCDEP[((RFAL_NFCA_SEL_RES_CONF_MASK&(uint8_t)RFAL_NFCA_T4T_NFCDEP) == (uint8_t)RFAL_NFCA_T4T_NFCDEP)?1:(-1)]; #endif /* RFAL_FEATURE_NFCA */