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* \attention
* <h2><center>© COPYRIGHT 2019 STMicroelectronics</center></h2>
* You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at:
* www.st.com/myliberty
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* PROJECT: NDEF firmware
* Revision:
/*! \file
* \author
* \brief Provides NDEF methods and definitions to access NFC Forum Tags
* NDEF provides several functionalities required to perform NFC NDEF activities.
* <br>The NDEF encapsulates the different tag technologies (T2T, T3T, T4AT, T4BT, T5T)
* into a common and easy to use interface.
* It provides interfaces to Detect, Read, Write and Format NDEF.
* The most common interfaces are:
* <br> ndefPollerContextInitialization()
* <br> ndefPollerNdefDetect()
* <br> ndefPollerReadRawMessage()
* <br> ndefPollerWriteRawMessage()
* <br> ndefPollerTagFormat()
* <br> ndefPollerWriteMessage()
* An NDEF read usage example is provided here: \ref ndef_example_read.c
* \example ndef_example_read.c
* An NDEF write usage example is provided here: \ref ndef_example_write.c
* \example ndef_example_write.c
* \addtogroup NDEF
* @{
#include "platform.h"
#include "st_errno.h"
#include "rfal_nfca.h"
#include "rfal_nfcb.h"
#include "rfal_nfcf.h"
#include "rfal_nfcv.h"
#include "rfal_nfc.h"
#include "rfal_isoDep.h"
#include "rfal_t4t.h"
#include "ndef_record.h"
#include "ndef_message.h"
#define NDEF_CC_BUF_LEN 17U /*!< CC buffer len. Max len = 17 in case of T4T v3 */
#define NDEF_NFCV_SUPPORTED_CMD_LEN 4U /*!< Ext sys info supported commands list len */
#define NDEF_SHORT_VFIELD_MAX_LEN 254U /*!< Max V-field length for 1-byte Lengh encoding */
#define NDEF_TERMINATOR_TLV_LEN 1U /*!< Terminator TLV size */
#define NDEF_TERMINATOR_TLV_T 0xFEU /*!< Terminator TLV T=FEh */
#define NDEF_T2T_READ_RESP_SIZE 16U /*!< Size of the READ response i.e. four blocks */
#define NDEF_T3T_BLOCK_SIZE 16U /*!< size for a block in t3t */
#define NDEF_T3T_MAX_NB_BLOCKS 4U /*!< size for a block in t3t */
#define NDEF_T3T_MAX_RX_SIZE ((NDEF_T3T_BLOCK_SIZE*NDEF_T3T_MAX_NB_BLOCKS) + 16U) /*!< size for receive 4 blocks of 16 + UID + HEADER + CHECKSUM */
#define NDEF_T3T_MAX_TX_SIZE ((NDEF_T3T_BLOCK_SIZE*NDEF_T3T_MAX_NB_BLOCKS) + 16U) /*!< size for send Check 4 blocks of 16 + UID + HEADER + CHECKSUM */
#define NDEF_T5T_TxRx_BUFF_HEADER_SIZE 1U /*!< Request Flags/Responses Flags size */
#define NDEF_T5T_TxRx_BUFF_FOOTER_SIZE 2U /*!< CRC size */
#define NDEF_T5T_TxRx_BUFF_SIZE \
(32U + NDEF_T5T_TxRx_BUFF_HEADER_SIZE + NDEF_T5T_TxRx_BUFF_FOOTER_SIZE) /*!< T5T working buffer size */
#define ndefBytes2Uint16(hiB, loB) ((uint16_t)((((uint32_t)(hiB)) << 8U) | ((uint32_t)(loB)))) /*!< convert 2 bytes to a u16 */
#define ndefMajorVersion(V) ((uint8_t)((V) >> 4U)) /*!< Get major version */
#define ndefMinorVersion(V) ((uint8_t)((V) & 0xFU)) /*!< Get minor version */
#define NDEF_FEATURE_ALL true /*!< Enable/Disable NDEF support for full features (write NDEF, format, ...) */
/*! NDEF device type */
typedef enum {
NDEF_DEV_NONE = 0x00U, /*!< Device type undef */
NDEF_DEV_T1T = 0x01U, /*!< Device type T1T */
NDEF_DEV_T2T = 0x02U, /*!< Device type T2T */
NDEF_DEV_T3T = 0x03U, /*!< Device type T3T */
NDEF_DEV_T4T = 0x04U, /*!< Device type T4AT */
NDEF_DEV_T5T = 0x05U, /*!< Device type T5T */
} ndefDeviceType;
/*! NDEF states */
typedef enum {
NDEF_STATE_INVALID = 0x00U, /*!< Invalid state (e.g. no CC) */
NDEF_STATE_INITIALIZED = 0x01U, /*!< State Initialized (no NDEF message) */
NDEF_STATE_READWRITE = 0x02U, /*!< Valid NDEF found. Read/Write capability */
NDEF_STATE_READONLY = 0x03U, /*!< Valid NDEF found. Read only */
} ndefState;
/*! NDEF Information */
typedef struct {
uint8_t majorVersion; /*!< Major version */
uint8_t minorVersion; /*!< Minor version */
uint32_t areaLen; /*!< Area Len for NDEF storage */
uint32_t areaAvalableSpaceLen; /*!< Remaining Space in case a propTLV is present */
uint32_t messageLen; /*!< NDEF message Len */
ndefState state; /*!< Tag state e.g. NDEF_STATE_INITIALIZED */
} ndefInfo;
/*! NFCV (Extended) System Information */
typedef struct {
uint16_t numberOfBlock; /*!< Number of block */
uint8_t UID[RFAL_NFCV_UID_LEN]; /*!< UID Value */
uint8_t supportedCmd[NDEF_NFCV_SUPPORTED_CMD_LEN];/*!< Supported Commands list */
uint8_t infoFlags; /*!< Information flags */
uint8_t DFSID; /*!< DFSID Value */
uint8_t AFI; /*!< AFI Value */
uint8_t blockSize; /*!< Block Size Value */
uint8_t ICRef; /*!< IC Reference */
} ndefSystemInformation;
/*! T1T Capability Container */
typedef struct {
uint8_t magicNumber; /*!< Magic number e.g. E1h */
uint8_t majorVersion; /*!< Major version i.e 1 */
uint8_t minorVersion; /*!< Minor version i.e 2 */
uint16_t tagMemorySize; /*!< Tag Memory Size (TMS) */
uint8_t readAccess; /*!< NDEF READ access condition */
uint8_t writeAccess; /*!< NDEF WRITE access condition */
} ndefCapabilityContainerT1T;
/*! T2T Capability Container */
typedef struct {
uint8_t magicNumber; /*!< Magic number e.g. E1h */
uint8_t majorVersion; /*!< Major version i.e 1 */
uint8_t minorVersion; /*!< Minor version i.e 2 */
uint8_t size; /*!< Size. T2T_Area_Size = Size * 8 */
uint8_t readAccess; /*!< NDEF READ access condition */
uint8_t writeAccess; /*!< NDEF WRITE access condition */
} ndefCapabilityContainerT2T;
/*! T3T Attribute info block */
typedef struct {
uint8_t majorVersion; /*!< Major version i.e 1 */
uint8_t minorVersion; /*!< Minor version i.e 2 */
uint8_t nbR; /*!< Nbr: number of blocks read in one CHECK cmd */
uint8_t nbW; /*!< Nbr: number of blocks written in one UPDATE cmd */
uint16_t nMaxB; /*!< NmaxB: max number of blocks for NDEF data */
uint8_t writeFlag; /*!< WriteFlag indicates completion of previous NDEF */
uint8_t rwFlag; /*!< RWFlag indicates whether the NDEF can be updated */
uint32_t Ln; /*!< Ln size of the actual stored NDEF data in bytes */
} ndefAttribInfoBlockT3T;
/*! T4T Capability Container */
typedef struct {
uint16_t ccLen; /*!< CCFILE Len */
uint8_t vNo; /*!< Mapping version */
uint16_t mLe; /*!< Max data size that can be read using a ReadBinary */
uint16_t mLc; /*!< Max data size that can be sent using a single cmd */
uint8_t fileId[2]; /*!< NDEF File Identifier */
uint32_t fileSize; /*!< NDEF File Size */
uint8_t readAccess; /*!< NDEF File READ access condition */
uint8_t writeAccess; /*!< NDEF File WRITE access condition */
} ndefCapabilityContainerT4T;
/*! T5T Capability Container */
typedef struct {
uint8_t ccLen; /*!< CC Len */
uint8_t magicNumber; /*!< Magic number i.e. E1h or E2h */
uint8_t majorVersion; /*!< Major version i.e 1 */
uint8_t minorVersion; /*!< Minor version i.e 0 */
uint8_t readAccess; /*!< NDEF READ access condition */
uint8_t writeAccess; /*!< NDEF WRITE access condition */
bool specialFrame; /*!< Use Special Frames for Write-alike commands */
bool lockBlock; /*!< (EXTENDED_)LOCK_SINGLE_BLOCK supported */
bool multipleBlockRead; /*!< (EXTENDED_)READ_MULTIPLE_BLOCK supported */
bool mlenOverflow; /*!< memory size exceeds 2040 bytes (Android) */
uint16_t memoryLen; /*!< MLEN (Memory Len). T5T_Area size = 8 * MLEN (bytes)*/
} ndefCapabilityContainerT5T;
/*! Generic Capability Container */
typedef union {
ndefCapabilityContainerT1T t1t; /*!< T1T Capability Container */
ndefCapabilityContainerT2T t2t; /*!< T2T Capability Container */
ndefAttribInfoBlockT3T t3t; /*!< T3T Attribute Information Block */
ndefCapabilityContainerT4T t4t; /*!< T4T Capability Container */
ndefCapabilityContainerT5T t5t; /*!< T5T Capability Container */
} ndefCapabilityContainer;
/*! NDEF T1T sub context structure */
typedef struct {
void * rfu; /*!< RFU */
} ndefT1TContext;
/*! NDEF T2T sub context structure */
typedef struct {
uint8_t currentSecNo; /*!< Current sector number */
uint8_t cacheBuf[NDEF_T2T_READ_RESP_SIZE]; /*!< Cache buffer */
uint32_t cacheAddr; /*!< Address of cached data */
uint32_t offsetNdefTLV; /*!< NDEF TLV message offset */
} ndefT2TContext;
/*! NDEF T3T sub context structure */
typedef struct {
uint8_t txbuf[NDEF_T3T_MAX_TX_SIZE]; /*!< Tx buffer dedicated for T3T internal operations */
uint8_t rxbuf[NDEF_T3T_MAX_RX_SIZE]; /*!< Rx buffer dedicated for T3T internal operations */
rfalNfcfBlockListElem listBlocks[NDEF_T3T_MAX_NB_BLOCKS]; /*!< block number list for T3T internal operations */
} ndefT3TContext;
/*! NDEF T4T sub context structure */
typedef struct {
uint8_t curMLe; /*!< Current MLe. Default Fh until CC file is read */
uint8_t curMLc; /*!< Current MLc. Default Dh until CC file is read */
bool mv1Flag; /*!< Mapping version 1 flag */
rfalIsoDepApduBufFormat cApduBuf; /*!< Command-APDU buffer */
rfalIsoDepApduBufFormat rApduBuf; /*!< Response-APDU buffer */
rfalT4tRApduParam respAPDU; /*!< Response-APDU params */
rfalIsoDepBufFormat tmpBuf; /*!< I-Block temporary buffer */
uint16_t rApduBodyLen; /*!< Response Body Len */
} ndefT4TContext;
/*! NDEF T5T sub context structure */
typedef struct {
uint8_t * pAddressedUid; /*!< Pointer to UID in Addr mode or NULL selected one */
uint32_t TlvNDEFOffset; /*!< NDEF TLV message offset */
uint8_t blockLen; /*!< T5T BLEN parameter */
ndefSystemInformation sysInfo; /*!< System Information (when supported) */
bool sysInfoSupported; /*!< System Information Supported flag */
bool legacySTHighDensity; /*!< Legacy ST High Density flag */
uint8_t txrxBuf[NDEF_T5T_TxRx_BUFF_SIZE]; /*!< Tx Rx Buffer */
} ndefT5TContext;
/*! NDEF context structure */
typedef struct {
rfalNfcDevice device; /*!< ndef Device */
ndefState state; /*!< Tag state e.g. NDEF_STATE_INITIALIZED */
ndefCapabilityContainer cc; /*!< Capability Container */
uint32_t messageLen; /*!< NDEF message len */
uint32_t messageOffset; /*!< NDEF message offset */
uint32_t areaLen; /*!< Area Len for NDEF storage */
uint8_t ccBuf[NDEF_CC_BUF_LEN]; /*!< buffer for CC */
const struct ndefPollerWrapperStruct*
ndefPollWrapper; /*!< pointer to array of function for wrapper */
union {
ndefT1TContext t1t; /*!< T1T context */
ndefT2TContext t2t; /*!< T2T context */
ndefT3TContext t3t; /*!< T3T context */
ndefT4TContext t4t; /*!< T4T context */
ndefT5TContext t5t; /*!< T5T context */
} subCtx; /*!< Sub-context union */
} ndefContext;
/*! Wrapper struture to hold the function pointers on each tag type */
typedef struct ndefPollerWrapperStruct
ReturnCode (* pollerContextInitialization)(ndefContext *ctx, const rfalNfcDevice *dev); /*!< ContextInitialization function pointer */
ReturnCode (* pollerNdefDetect)(ndefContext *ctx, ndefInfo *info); /*!< NdefDetect function pointer */
ReturnCode (* pollerReadBytes)(ndefContext *ctx, uint32_t offset, uint32_t len, uint8_t *buf, uint32_t *rcvdLen); /*!< Read function pointer */
ReturnCode (* pollerReadRawMessage)(ndefContext *ctx, uint8_t *buf, uint32_t bufLen, uint32_t *rcvdLen); /*!< ReadRawMessage function pointer */
ReturnCode (* pollerWriteBytes)(ndefContext *ctx, uint32_t offset, const uint8_t *buf, uint32_t len); /*!< Write function pointer */
ReturnCode (* pollerWriteRawMessage)(ndefContext *ctx, const uint8_t *buf, uint32_t bufLen); /*!< WriteRawMessage function pointer */
ReturnCode (* pollerTagFormat)(ndefContext *ctx, const ndefCapabilityContainer *cc, uint32_t options); /*!< TagFormat function pointer */
ReturnCode (* pollerWriteRawMessageLen)(ndefContext *ctx, uint32_t rawMessageLen); /*!< WriteRawMessageLen function pointer */
ReturnCode (* pollerCheckPresence)(ndefContext *ctx); /*!< CheckPresence function pointer */
ReturnCode (* pollerCheckAvailableSpace)(const ndefContext *ctx, uint32_t messageLen); /*!< CheckAvailableSpace function pointer */
ReturnCode (* pollerBeginWriteMessage)(ndefContext *ctx, uint32_t messageLen); /*!< BeginWriteMessage function pointer */
ReturnCode (* pollerEndWriteMessage)(ndefContext *ctx, uint32_t messageLen); /*!< EndWriteMessage function pointer */
#endif /* NDEF_FEATURE_ALL */
} ndefPollerWrapper;
* \brief Handle NDEF context activation
* This method performs the initialization of the NDEF context.
* It must be called after a successful
* anti-collision procedure and prior to any NDEF procedures such as NDEF
* detection procedure.
* \param[in] ctx : ndef Context
* \param[in] dev : ndef Device
* \return ERR_PARAM : Invalid parameter
* \return ERR_PROTO : Protocol error
* \return ERR_NONE : No error
ReturnCode ndefPollerContextInitialization(ndefContext *ctx, const rfalNfcDevice *dev);
* \brief NDEF Detection procedure
* This method performs the NDEF Detection procedure
* \param[in] ctx : ndef Context
* \param[out] info : ndef Information (optional parameter, NULL may be used when no NDEF Information is needed)
* \return ERR_WRONG_STATE : RFAL not initialized or mode not set
* \return ERR_REQUEST : Detection failed
* \return ERR_PARAM : Invalid parameter
* \return ERR_PROTO : Protocol error
* \return ERR_NONE : No error
ReturnCode ndefPollerNdefDetect(ndefContext *ctx, ndefInfo *info);
* \brief Read data
* This method reads arbitrary length data
* \param[in] ctx : ndef Context
* \param[in] offset : file offset of where to start reading data
* \param[in] len : requested len
* \param[out] buf : buffer to place the data read from the tag
* \param[out] rcvdLen: received length
* \return ERR_WRONG_STATE : RFAL not initialized or mode not set
* \return ERR_REQUEST : read failed
* \return ERR_PARAM : Invalid parameter
* \return ERR_PROTO : Protocol error
* \return ERR_NONE : No error
ReturnCode ndefPollerReadBytes(ndefContext *ctx, uint32_t offset, uint32_t len, uint8_t *buf, uint32_t *rcvdLen);
* \brief Write data
* This method writes arbitrary length data from the current selected file
* \param[in] ctx : ndef Context
* \param[in] offset : file offset of where to start writing data
* \param[in] buf : data to write
* \param[in] len : buf len
* \return ERR_WRONG_STATE : RFAL not initialized or mode not set
* \return ERR_REQUEST : read failed
* \return ERR_PARAM : Invalid parameter
* \return ERR_PROTO : Protocol error
* \return ERR_NONE : No error
ReturnCode ndefPollerWriteBytes(ndefContext *ctx, uint32_t offset, const uint8_t *buf, uint32_t len);
* \brief Read raw NDEF message
* This method reads a raw NDEF message.
* Prior to NDEF Read procedure, a successful ndefPollerNdefDetect()
* has to be performed.
* \param[in] ctx : ndef Context
* \param[out] buf : buffer to place the NDEF message
* \param[in] bufLen : buffer length
* \param[out] rcvdLen: received length
* \return ERR_WRONG_STATE : RFAL not initialized or mode not set
* \return ERR_REQUEST : read failed
* \return ERR_PARAM : Invalid parameter
* \return ERR_PROTO : Protocol error
* \return ERR_NONE : No error
ReturnCode ndefPollerReadRawMessage(ndefContext *ctx, uint8_t *buf, uint32_t bufLen, uint32_t *rcvdLen);
* \brief Write raw NDEF message
* This method writes a raw NDEF message.
* Prior to NDEF Write procedure, a successful ndefPollerNdefDetect()
* has to be performed.
* \param[in] ctx : ndef Context
* \param[in] buf : raw message buffer
* \param[in] bufLen : buffer length
* \return ERR_WRONG_STATE : RFAL not initialized or mode not set
* \return ERR_REQUEST : write failed
* \return ERR_PARAM : Invalid parameter
* \return ERR_PROTO : Protocol error
* \return ERR_NONE : No error
ReturnCode ndefPollerWriteRawMessage(ndefContext *ctx, const uint8_t *buf, uint32_t bufLen);
* \brief Format Tag
* This method format a tag to make it ready for NDEF storage.
* cc and options parameters usage is described in each technology method
* (ndefT[2345]TPollerTagFormat)
* \param[in] ctx : ndef Context
* \param[in] cc : Capability Container
* \param[in] options : specific flags
* \return ERR_WRONG_STATE : RFAL not initialized or mode not set
* \return ERR_REQUEST : write failed
* \return ERR_PARAM : Invalid parameter
* \return ERR_PROTO : Protocol error
* \return ERR_NONE : No error
ReturnCode ndefPollerTagFormat(ndefContext *ctx, const ndefCapabilityContainer *cc, uint32_t options);
* \brief Write NDEF message length
* This method writes the NLEN field
* \param[in] ctx : ndef Context
* \param[in] rawMessageLen: len
* \return ERR_WRONG_STATE : RFAL not initialized or mode not set
* \return ERR_REQUEST : write failed
* \return ERR_PARAM : Invalid parameter
* \return ERR_PROTO : Protocol error
* \return ERR_NONE : No error
ReturnCode ndefPollerWriteRawMessageLen(ndefContext *ctx, uint32_t rawMessageLen);
* \brief Write an NDEF message
* Write the NDEF message to the tag
* \param[in] ctx: NDEF Context
* \param[in] message: Message to write
* \return ERR_WRONG_STATE : RFAL not initialized or mode not set
* \return ERR_REQUEST : write failed
* \return ERR_PARAM : Invalid parameter
* \return ERR_PROTO : Protocol error
* \return ERR_NONE : No error
ReturnCode ndefPollerWriteMessage(ndefContext *ctx, const ndefMessage* message);
* \brief Check Presence
* This method check whether an NFC tag is still present in the operating field
* \param[in] ctx : ndef Context
* \return ERR_WRONG_STATE : RFAL not initialized or mode not set
* \return ERR_PARAM : Invalid parameter
* \return ERR_PROTO : Protocol error
* \return ERR_NONE : No error
ReturnCode ndefPollerCheckPresence(ndefContext *ctx);
* \brief Check Available Space
* This method check whether a NFC tag has enough space to write a message of a given length
* \param[in] ctx : ndef Context
* \param[in] messageLen: message length
* \return ERR_PARAM : Invalid parameter
* \return ERR_NOMEM : not enough space
* \return ERR_NONE : Enough space for message of messageLen length
ReturnCode ndefPollerCheckAvailableSpace(const ndefContext *ctx, uint32_t messageLen);
* \brief Begin Write Message
* This method sets the L-field to 0 (T1T, T2T, T4T, T5T) or set the WriteFlag (T3T) and sets the message offset to the proper value according to messageLen
* \param[in] ctx : ndef Context
* \param[in] messageLen: message length
* \return ERR_PARAM : Invalid parameter
* \return ERR_NOMEM : not enough space
* \return ERR_NONE : Enough space for message of messageLen length
ReturnCode ndefPollerBeginWriteMessage(ndefContext *ctx, uint32_t messageLen);
* \brief End Write Message
* This method updates the L-field value after the message has been written and resets the WriteFlag (for T3T only)
* \param[in] ctx : ndef Context
* \param[in] messageLen: message length
* \return ERR_PARAM : Invalid parameter
* \return ERR_NOMEM : not enough space
* \return ERR_NONE : Enough space for message of messageLen length
ReturnCode ndefPollerEndWriteMessage(ndefContext *ctx, uint32_t messageLen);
#endif /* NDEF_POLLER_H */
* @}