19 lines
720 B

# FabLock for ESP8266
This is a firmware to control door locks like SARY XG07C with an ESP8266. Hardware and software supports only non-permanent locks. It can trigger locks, identify them via an LED and return the state of the deadbolt.
MQTT Topics:
FABLOCKID is 3 Digits
RELAISID is 3 Digits
fablock/FABLOCKID/RELAISID/trigger : Trigger Relais for 1500 ms
Payload == 1 -> From LOW->HIGH->LOW
Payload == 0 -> From HIGH->LOW->HIGH
fablock/FABLOCKID/RELAISID/set_state : Set State of Relais
Payload == 1 -> HIGH
Payload == 0 -> LOW
Every 30s FabLock return Relais and Feedback State
fablock/FABLOCKID/RELAISID/state : Set State of Relais
fablock/FABLOCKID/RELAISID/feedback : Set State of Feedback (Open Circut -> 0)