.config *.o *.pyc # gtags GTAGS GRTAGS GPATH # emacs .dir-locals.el # emacs temp file suffixes *~ .#* \#*# # eclipse setting .settings # MacOS directory files .DS_Store # cache dir .cache/ # Components Unit Test Apps files components/**/build/ components/**/build_*_*/ components/**/sdkconfig components/**/sdkconfig.old # Example project files examples/**/build/ examples/**/build_esp*_*/ examples/**/sdkconfig examples/**/sdkconfig.old # Doc build artifacts docs/_build/ docs/doxygen_sqlite3.db # Downloaded font files docs/_static/DejaVuSans.ttf docs/_static/NotoSansSC-Regular.otf # Unit test app files tools/unit-test-app/sdkconfig tools/unit-test-app/sdkconfig.old tools/unit-test-app/build tools/unit-test-app/build_*_*/ tools/unit-test-app/output tools/unit-test-app/test_configs # Unit Test CMake compile log folder log_ut_cmake # test application build files tools/test_apps/**/build/ tools/test_apps/**/build_*_*/ tools/test_apps/**/sdkconfig tools/test_apps/**/sdkconfig.old TEST_LOGS # gcov coverage reports *.gcda *.gcno coverage.info coverage_report/ test_multi_heap_host # VS Code Settings .vscode/ # VIM files *.swp *.swo # Clion IDE CMake build & config .idea/ cmake-build-*/ # Results for the checking of the Python coding style and static analysis .mypy_cache flake8_output.txt # ESP-IDF default build directory name build # lock files for examples and components dependencies.lock # managed_components for examples managed_components # pytest log pytest_embedded_log/ # sdkconfig sdkconfig sdkconfig.old