# RFID-DESFire # Arduino library for MFRC522 and other RFID RC522 based modules. This library extends the [MFRC522 library](https://github.com/miguelbalboa/rfid) adding extra functionality for MIFARE DESFire cards. At the current stage no crypto has been implemented and a very limited subset of commands are available. ## Requirements ## - [MFRC522 library](https://github.com/miguelbalboa/rfid) ### Future requirements ### This libraries have been planned but need to be implemented and confirmed to be working properlly with DESFire library. - [Arduino DES library](https://github.com/spaniakos/ArduinoDES/) (Not yet implemented) - [Arduino AES library](https://github.com/spaniakos/AES/) (Not yet implemented) ## Credits ## [EasyPay](https://github.com/nceruchalu/easypay) has been an invaluable source of information due to the great documentation in its comments.