menu "FabReader Configuration" config WIFI_SSID string "WiFi SSID" default "myssid" help SSID (network name) for the example to connect to. config WIFI_PASSWORD string "WiFi Password" default "mypassword" help WiFi password (WPA or WPA2) for the example to use. choice WIFI_SCAN_METHOD prompt "scan method" default WIFI_FAST_SCAN help scan method for the esp32 to use config WIFI_FAST_SCAN bool "fast" config WIFI_ALL_CHANNEL_SCAN bool "all" endchoice config BROKER_URI string "Broker URL" default "mqtts://" help URL of an mqtt broker which this example connects to. config BROKER_CERTIFICATE_OVERRIDE string "Broker certificate override" default "" help Please leave empty if broker certificate included from a textfile; otherwise fill in a base64 part of PEM format certificate config BROKER_CERTIFICATE_OVERRIDDEN bool default y if BROKER_CERTIFICATE_OVERRIDE != "" config FABREADER2_ID int "FabReader2 ID" default 1 help Numerical ID of the FabReader2 device endmenu