
550 B

Important note

The gitlab.io page was cancelled times ago. Therefore this archive is going to be archived too

FabInfra - Theme

Responsive Theme without Javascript. It belongs to gitlab.io pages (see https://gitlab.com/fabinfra/fabinfra.gitlab.io).

Main Colors


RGB: #00d4aa CMYK: C: 68,27% M: 00,00% Y: 47,93% K: 00,00% HKS: 53 Pantone: 2239C RAL (best alternative): 6016


RGB: #3c474d CMYK: C: 73,04% M: 55,09% Y: 49,02% K: 47,64% HKS: 93 Pantone: 431C RAL (best alternative): 7026b

880px x 625px