using System;
namespace S22.Sasl.Mechanisms.Ntlm {
/// Represents an NTLM security buffer, which is a structure used to point
/// to a buffer of binary data within an NTLM message.
internal class SecurityBuffer {
/// The length of the buffer content in bytes (may be zero).
public short Length {
private set;
/// The allocated space for the buffer in bytes (typically the same as
/// the length).
public short AllocatedSpace {
get {
return Length;
/// The offset from the beginning of the NTLM message to the start of
/// the buffer, in bytes.
public int Offset {
private set;
/// Creates a new instance of the SecurityBuffer class using the specified
/// values.
/// The length of the buffer described by this instance
/// of the SecurityBuffer class.
/// The offset at which the buffer starts, in bytes.
/// Thrown if the length value exceeds
/// the maximum value allowed. The security buffer structure stores the
/// length value as a 2-byte short value.
public SecurityBuffer(int length, int offset) {
Length = Convert.ToInt16(length);
Offset = offset;
/// Creates a new instance of the SecurityBuffer class using the specified
/// values.
/// The data of the buffer described by this instance
/// of the SecurityBuffer class.
/// The offset at which the buffer starts, in bytes.
/// Thrown if the length of the data
/// buffer exceeds the maximum value allowed. The security buffer structure
/// stores the buffer length value as a 2-byte short value.
public SecurityBuffer(byte[] data, int offset)
: this(data.Length, offset) {
/// Serializes this instance of the SecurityBuffer into an array of bytes.
/// A byte array representing this instance of the SecurityBuffer
/// class.
public byte[] Serialize() {
return new ByteBuilder()