using System;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.IO;
namespace S22.Sasl.Mechanisms.Srp {
/// Represents the first message sent by the server in response to an
/// initial client-response.
internal class ServerMessage1 {
/// The safe prime modulus sent by the server.
public Mpi SafePrimeModulus {
/// The generator sent by the server.
public Mpi Generator {
/// The user's password salt.
public byte[] Salt {
/// The server's ephemeral public key.
public Mpi PublicKey {
/// The options list indicating available security services.
public NameValueCollection Options {
/// The raw options as received from the server.
public string RawOptions {
/// Deserializes a new instance of the ServerMessage1 class from the
/// specified buffer of bytes.
/// The byte buffer to deserialize the ServerMessage1
/// instance from.
/// An instance of the ServerMessage1 class deserialized from the
/// specified byte array.
/// Thrown if the byte buffer does not
/// contain valid data.
public static ServerMessage1 Deserialize(byte[] buffer) {
using (var ms = new MemoryStream(buffer)) {
using (var r = new BinaryReader(ms)) {
uint bufferLength = r.ReadUInt32(true);
// We don't support re-using previous sessions.
byte reuse = r.ReadByte();
if (reuse != 0) {
throw new FormatException("Unexpected re-use parameter value: " +
Mpi N = r.ReadMpi();
Mpi g = r.ReadMpi();
OctetSequence salt = r.ReadOs();
Mpi B = r.ReadMpi();
Utf8String L = r.ReadUtf8String();
return new ServerMessage1() {
Generator = g,
PublicKey = B,
Salt = salt.Value,
SafePrimeModulus = N,
Options = ParseOptions(L.Value),
RawOptions = L.Value
/// Parses the options string sent by the server.
/// A comma-delimited options string.
/// An initialized instance of the NameValueCollection class
/// containing the parsed server options.
public static NameValueCollection ParseOptions(string s) {
NameValueCollection coll = new NameValueCollection();
string[] parts = s.Split(',');
foreach (string p in parts) {
int index = p.IndexOf('=');
if (index < 0) {
coll.Add(p, "true");
} else {
string name = p.Substring(0, index), value = p.Substring(index + 1);
coll.Add(name, value);
return coll;