using System;
using System.IO;
namespace S22.Sasl.Mechanisms.Srp {
/// Represents the second message sent by the server as part of the SRP
/// authentication exchange.
internal class ServerMessage2 {
/// The evidence which proves to the client server-knowledge of the shared
/// context key.
public byte[] Proof {
/// The initial vector the client will use to set up its encryption
/// context, if confidentiality protection will be employed.
public byte[] InitialVector {
/// The session identifier the server has given to this session.
public string SessionId {
/// The time period for which this session's parameters may be re-usable.
public uint Ttl {
/// Deserializes a new instance of the ServerMessage2 class from the
/// specified buffer of bytes.
/// The byte buffer to deserialize the ServerMessage2
/// instance from.
/// An instance of the ServerMessage2 class deserialized from the
/// specified byte array.
/// Thrown if the byte buffer does not
/// contain valid data.
public static ServerMessage2 Deserialize(byte[] buffer) {
using (var ms = new MemoryStream(buffer)) {
using (var r = new BinaryReader(ms)) {
uint bufferLength = r.ReadUInt32(true);
OctetSequence M2 = r.ReadOs(),
sIV = r.ReadOs();
Utf8String sid = r.ReadUtf8String();
uint ttl = r.ReadUInt32(true);
return new ServerMessage2() {
Proof = M2.Value,
InitialVector = sIV.Value,
SessionId = sid.Value,
Ttl = ttl