using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
//using System.Configuration;
namespace S22.Sasl {
/// A factory class for producing instances of Sasl mechanisms.
public static class SaslFactory {
/// A dictionary of Sasl mechanisms registered with the factory class.
static Dictionary mechanisms {
/// A list of the names of all available mechanisms.
public static IEnumerable Mechanisms {
get {
return mechanisms.Keys;
/// Creates an instance of the Sasl mechanism with the specified
/// name.
/// The name of the Sasl mechanism of which an
/// instance will be created.
/// An instance of the Sasl mechanism with the specified name.
/// The name parameter is null.
/// A Sasl mechanism with the
/// specified name is not registered with Sasl.SaslFactory.
public static SaslMechanism Create(string name) {
if (!mechanisms.ContainsKey(name)) {
throw new SaslException("A Sasl mechanism with the specified name " +
"is not registered with Sasl.SaslFactory.");
Type t = mechanisms[name];
object o = Activator.CreateInstance(t, true);
return o as SaslMechanism;
/// Registers a Sasl mechanism with the factory using the specified name.
/// The name with which to register the Sasl mechanism
/// with the factory class.
/// The type of the class implementing the Sasl mechanism.
/// The implementing class must be a subclass of Sasl.SaslMechanism.
/// The name parameter or the t
/// parameter is null.
/// The class represented by the
/// specified type does not derive from Sasl.SaslMechanism.
/// The Sasl mechanism could not be
/// registered with the factory. Refer to the inner exception for error
/// details.
public static void Add(string name, Type t) {
if (!t.IsSubclassOf(typeof(SaslMechanism))) {
throw new ArgumentException("The type t must be a subclass " +
"of Sasl.SaslMechanism");
try {
mechanisms.Add(name, t);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new SaslException("Registration of Sasl mechanism failed.", e);
/// Static class constructor. Initializes static properties.
static SaslFactory() {
mechanisms = new Dictionary(
StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) {
{ "Plain", typeof(Mechanisms.SaslPlain) },
{ "Cram-Md5", typeof(Mechanisms.SaslCramMd5) },
{ "Digest-Md5", typeof(Mechanisms.SaslDigestMd5) },
{ "Scram-Sha-1", typeof(Mechanisms.SaslScramSha1) },
{ "Ntlm", typeof(Mechanisms.SaslNtlm) },
{ "Ntlmv2", typeof(Mechanisms.SaslNtlmv2) },
{ "OAuth", typeof(Mechanisms.SaslOAuth) },
{ "OAuth2", typeof(Mechanisms.SaslOAuth2) },
{ "Srp", typeof(Mechanisms.SaslSrp) }
// Register any custom mechanisms configured in the app.config.
//var configSection = ConfigurationManager.GetSection("saslConfigSection")
// as SaslConfigurationSection;
//if (configSection != null) {
// foreach(SaslProvider provider in configSection.SaslProviders) {
// mechanisms.Add(provider.Name, Type.GetType(provider.Type));
// }