2019-06-12 21:56:55 +02:00
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging ;
using System ;
using System.Collections.Concurrent ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.Diagnostics ;
2019-07-07 17:12:49 +02:00
using System.Linq ;
2019-06-12 21:56:55 +02:00
using System.Threading ;
using System.Threading.Tasks ;
namespace Capnp.Rpc
/// <summary>
/// Implements the Cap'n Proto RPC protocol.
/// </summary>
public class RpcEngine
class RefCounted < T >
public T Cap { get ; }
public int RefCount { get ; private set ; }
public RefCounted ( T cap )
Cap = cap ;
RefCount = 1 ;
public void AddRef ( )
+ + RefCount ;
public void Release ( )
- - RefCount ;
CheckDispose ( ) ;
public void ReleaseAll ( )
RefCount = 0 ;
CheckDispose ( ) ;
public void Release ( int count )
if ( count > RefCount )
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ( nameof ( count ) ) ;
RefCount - = count ;
CheckDispose ( ) ;
void CheckDispose ( )
if ( RefCount = = 0 & & Cap is IDisposable disposable )
disposable . Dispose ( ) ;
internal class RpcEndpoint : IEndpoint , IRpcEndpoint
2020-01-11 17:21:31 +01:00
static readonly ThreadLocal < Action ? > _exportCapTablePostActions = new ThreadLocal < Action ? > ( ) ;
static readonly ThreadLocal < PendingQuestion ? > _tailCall = new ThreadLocal < PendingQuestion ? > ( ) ;
2019-06-12 21:56:55 +02:00
static readonly ThreadLocal < bool > _canDeferCalls = new ThreadLocal < bool > ( ) ;
ILogger Logger { get ; } = Logging . CreateLogger < RpcEndpoint > ( ) ;
readonly RpcEngine _host ;
readonly IEndpoint _tx ;
readonly Dictionary < uint , RefCounted < WeakReference < RemoteCapability > > > _importTable = new Dictionary < uint , RefCounted < WeakReference < RemoteCapability > > > ( ) ;
readonly Dictionary < uint , RefCounted < Skeleton > > _exportTable = new Dictionary < uint , RefCounted < Skeleton > > ( ) ;
readonly Dictionary < Skeleton , uint > _revExportTable = new Dictionary < Skeleton , uint > ( ) ;
readonly Dictionary < uint , PendingQuestion > _questionTable = new Dictionary < uint , PendingQuestion > ( ) ;
readonly Dictionary < uint , PendingAnswer > _answerTable = new Dictionary < uint , PendingAnswer > ( ) ;
readonly Dictionary < uint , TaskCompletionSource < int > > _pendingDisembargos = new Dictionary < uint , TaskCompletionSource < int > > ( ) ;
readonly object _reentrancyBlocker = new object ( ) ;
long _recvCount ;
long _sendCount ;
2019-08-25 22:53:15 +02:00
uint _nextId ;
2019-06-12 21:56:55 +02:00
internal RpcEndpoint ( RpcEngine host , IEndpoint tx )
_host = host ;
_tx = tx ;
public void Dismiss ( )
lock ( _reentrancyBlocker )
_exportTable . Clear ( ) ;
_revExportTable . Clear ( ) ;
2019-07-07 17:12:49 +02:00
foreach ( var question in _questionTable . Values . ToList ( ) )
question . OnException ( new RpcException ( "RPC connection is broken. Task would never return." ) ) ;
Debug . Assert ( _questionTable . Count = = 0 ) ;
2019-06-12 21:56:55 +02:00
_answerTable . Clear ( ) ;
_pendingDisembargos . Clear ( ) ;
_tx . Dismiss ( ) ;
public void Forward ( WireFrame frame )
Interlocked . Increment ( ref _recvCount ) ;
ProcessFrame ( frame ) ;
public long SendCount = > Interlocked . Read ( ref _sendCount ) ;
public long RecvCount = > Interlocked . Read ( ref _recvCount ) ;
void Tx ( WireFrame frame )
_tx . Forward ( frame ) ;
Interlocked . Increment ( ref _sendCount ) ;
catch ( System . Exception exception )
Logger . LogWarning ( exception , "Unable to send frame" ) ;
throw new RpcException ( "Unable to send frame" , exception ) ;
void SendAbort ( string reason )
var mb = MessageBuilder . Create ( ) ;
var msg = mb . BuildRoot < Message . WRITER > ( ) ;
msg . which = Message . WHICH . Abort ;
msg . Abort . Reason = reason ;
Tx ( mb . Frame ) ;
2020-01-11 17:21:31 +01:00
void IRpcEndpoint . Resolve ( uint preliminaryId , Skeleton preliminaryCap , Func < ConsumedCapability > resolvedCapGetter )
2019-06-12 21:56:55 +02:00
lock ( _reentrancyBlocker )
if ( ! _exportTable . TryGetValue ( preliminaryId , out var existing ) | |
existing . Cap ! = preliminaryCap | |
existing . RefCount = = 0 )
// Resolved too late. Capability was already released.
return ;
existing . AddRef ( ) ;
existing . Cap . Claim ( ) ;
var mb = MessageBuilder . Create ( ) ;
var msg = mb . BuildRoot < Message . WRITER > ( ) ;
msg . which = Message . WHICH . Resolve ;
var resolve = msg . Resolve ;
var resolvedCap = resolvedCapGetter ( ) ;
resolve . which = Resolve . WHICH . Cap ;
resolvedCap . Export ( this , resolve . Cap ) ;
catch ( System . Exception ex )
resolve . which = Resolve . WHICH . Exception ;
resolve . Exception . Reason = ex . Message ;
resolve . PromiseId = preliminaryId ;
Tx ( mb . Frame ) ;
ReleaseExport ( preliminaryId , 1 ) ;
2019-08-25 22:53:15 +02:00
uint NextId ( )
2019-06-12 21:56:55 +02:00
2019-08-25 22:53:15 +02:00
return _nextId + + ;
2019-06-12 21:56:55 +02:00
uint AllocateExport ( Skeleton providedCapability , out bool first )
lock ( _reentrancyBlocker )
providedCapability . Claim ( ) ;
if ( _revExportTable . TryGetValue ( providedCapability , out uint id ) )
first = false ;
if ( _exportTable . TryGetValue ( id , out var rc ) )
rc . AddRef ( ) ;
Logger . LogError ( "Inconsistent export table: Capability with id {0} exists in reverse table only" , id ) ;
2019-08-25 22:53:15 +02:00
id = NextId ( ) ;
2019-06-12 21:56:55 +02:00
} while ( _exportTable . ContainsKey ( id ) ) ;
_revExportTable . Add ( providedCapability , id ) ;
_exportTable . Add ( id , new RefCounted < Skeleton > ( providedCapability ) ) ;
first = true ;
return id ;
uint IRpcEndpoint . AllocateExport ( Skeleton providedCapability , out bool first )
return AllocateExport ( providedCapability , out first ) ;
2020-01-11 17:21:31 +01:00
PendingQuestion AllocateQuestion ( ConsumedCapability ? target , SerializerState ? inParams )
2019-06-12 21:56:55 +02:00
lock ( _reentrancyBlocker )
2019-08-25 22:53:15 +02:00
uint questionId = NextId ( ) ;
2019-08-20 22:09:37 +02:00
var question = new PendingQuestion ( this , questionId , target , inParams ) ;
2019-06-22 18:43:30 -04:00
while ( ! _questionTable . ReplacementTryAdd ( questionId , question ) )
2019-06-12 21:56:55 +02:00
2019-08-25 22:53:15 +02:00
questionId = NextId ( ) ;
2019-06-12 21:56:55 +02:00
var oldQuestion = question ;
question = new PendingQuestion ( this , questionId , target , inParams ) ;
oldQuestion . Dispose ( ) ;
2019-08-20 22:09:37 +02:00
return question ;
2019-06-12 21:56:55 +02:00
void DeleteQuestion ( uint id , PendingQuestion question )
lock ( _reentrancyBlocker )
if ( ! _questionTable . TryGetValue ( id , out var existingQuestion ) )
Logger . LogError ( "Attempting to delete unknown question ID. Race condition?" ) ;
return ;
if ( question ! = existingQuestion )
Logger . LogError ( "Found different question under given ID. WTF???" ) ;
return ;
_questionTable . Remove ( id ) ;
( TaskCompletionSource < int > , uint ) AllocateDisembargo ( )
var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource < int > ( ) ;
lock ( _reentrancyBlocker )
2019-08-25 22:53:15 +02:00
uint id = NextId ( ) ;
2019-06-12 21:56:55 +02:00
2019-06-22 18:43:30 -04:00
while ( ! _pendingDisembargos . ReplacementTryAdd ( id , tcs ) )
2019-06-12 21:56:55 +02:00
2019-08-25 22:53:15 +02:00
id = NextId ( ) ;
2019-06-12 21:56:55 +02:00
return ( tcs , id ) ;
void ProcessBootstrap ( Bootstrap . READER req )
uint q = req . QuestionId ;
var bootstrap = DynamicSerializerState . CreateForRpc ( ) ;
2020-01-11 17:21:31 +01:00
var ans = bootstrap . MsgBuilder ! . BuildRoot < Message . WRITER > ( ) ;
2019-06-12 21:56:55 +02:00
ans . which = Message . WHICH . Return ;
var ret = ans . Return ;
ret . AnswerId = q ;
Task < AnswerOrCounterquestion > bootstrapTask ;
var bootstrapCap = _host . BootstrapCap ;
if ( bootstrapCap ! = null )
ret . which = Return . WHICH . Results ;
2020-01-11 17:21:31 +01:00
bootstrap . SetCapability ( bootstrap . ProvideCapability ( LocalCapability . Create ( bootstrapCap ) ) ) ;
2019-06-12 21:56:55 +02:00
ret . Results . Content = bootstrap ;
bootstrapTask = Task . FromResult < AnswerOrCounterquestion > ( bootstrap ) ;
Logger . LogWarning ( "Peer asked for bootstrap capability, but no bootstrap capability was set." ) ;
ret . which = Return . WHICH . Exception ;
ret . Exception . Reason = "No bootstrap capability present" ;
bootstrapTask = Task . FromException < AnswerOrCounterquestion > ( new RpcException ( ret . Exception . Reason ) ) ;
var pendingAnswer = new PendingAnswer ( bootstrapTask , null ) ;
bool added ;
lock ( _reentrancyBlocker )
2019-06-22 18:43:30 -04:00
added = _answerTable . ReplacementTryAdd ( req . QuestionId , pendingAnswer ) ;
2019-06-12 21:56:55 +02:00
if ( ! added )
Logger . LogWarning ( "Incoming bootstrap request: Peer specified duplicate (not yet released?) answer ID." ) ;
if ( bootstrapCap ! = null )
ExportCapTableAndSend ( bootstrap , ret . Results ) ;
Tx ( bootstrap . MsgBuilder . Frame ) ;
void ProcessCall ( Call . READER req )
Return . WRITER SetupReturn ( MessageBuilder mb )
var rmsg = mb . BuildRoot < Message . WRITER > ( ) ;
rmsg . which = Message . WHICH . Return ;
var ret = rmsg . Return ;
ret . AnswerId = req . QuestionId ;
return ret ;
void ReturnCall ( Action < Return . WRITER > why )
var mb = MessageBuilder . Create ( ) ;
mb . InitCapTable ( ) ;
var ret = SetupReturn ( mb ) ;
why ( ret ) ;
Tx ( mb . Frame ) ;
catch ( RpcException exception )
2020-01-11 17:21:31 +01:00
Logger . LogWarning ( $"Unable to return call: {exception.InnerException?.Message ?? exception.Message}" ) ;
2019-06-12 21:56:55 +02:00
2020-01-11 17:21:31 +01:00
IProvidedCapability ? cap ;
2020-02-08 17:23:07 +01:00
PendingAnswer pendingAnswer ;
2019-06-12 21:56:55 +02:00
bool releaseParamCaps = false ;
void AwaitAnswerAndReply ( )
bool added ;
lock ( _reentrancyBlocker )
2019-06-22 18:43:30 -04:00
added = _answerTable . ReplacementTryAdd ( req . QuestionId , pendingAnswer ) ;
2019-06-12 21:56:55 +02:00
if ( ! added )
Logger . LogWarning ( "Incoming RPC call: Peer specified duplicate (not yet released?) answer ID." ) ;
pendingAnswer . Cancel ( ) ;
pendingAnswer . Dispose ( ) ;
SendAbort ( $"There is another pending answer for the same question ID {req.QuestionId}." ) ;
return ;
switch ( req . SendResultsTo . which )
case Call . sendResultsTo . WHICH . Caller :
pendingAnswer . Chain ( false , async t = >
var aorcq = await t ;
if ( aorcq . Answer = = null & & aorcq . Counterquestion = = null )
Debug . Fail ( "Either answer or counter question must be present" ) ;
else if ( aorcq . Answer ! = null | | aorcq . Counterquestion ! = _tailCall . Value )
2020-01-11 17:21:31 +01:00
var results = aorcq . Answer ? ? ( DynamicSerializerState ) ( await aorcq . Counterquestion ! . WhenReturned ) ;
var ret = SetupReturn ( results . MsgBuilder ! ) ;
2019-06-12 21:56:55 +02:00
switch ( req . SendResultsTo . which )
case Call . sendResultsTo . WHICH . Caller :
ret . which = Return . WHICH . Results ;
ret . Results . Content = results . Rewrap < DynamicSerializerState > ( ) ;
ret . ReleaseParamCaps = releaseParamCaps ;
ExportCapTableAndSend ( results , ret . Results ) ;
break ;
case Call . sendResultsTo . WHICH . Yourself :
ReturnCall ( ret2 = >
ret2 . which = Return . WHICH . ResultsSentElsewhere ;
ret2 . ReleaseParamCaps = releaseParamCaps ;
} ) ;
break ;
else if ( aorcq . Counterquestion ! = null )
_tailCall . Value = null ;
aorcq . Counterquestion . IsTailCall = true ;
aorcq . Counterquestion . Send ( ) ;
ReturnCall ( ret2 = >
ret2 . which = Return . WHICH . TakeFromOtherQuestion ;
ret2 . TakeFromOtherQuestion = aorcq . Counterquestion . QuestionId ;
ret2 . ReleaseParamCaps = releaseParamCaps ;
} ) ;
catch ( TaskCanceledException )
ReturnCall ( ret = >
ret . which = Return . WHICH . Canceled ;
ret . ReleaseParamCaps = releaseParamCaps ;
} ) ;
catch ( System . Exception exception )
ReturnCall ( ret = >
ret . which = Return . WHICH . Exception ;
ret . Exception . Reason = exception . Message ;
ret . ReleaseParamCaps = releaseParamCaps ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
break ;
case Call . sendResultsTo . WHICH . Yourself :
pendingAnswer . Chain ( false , async t = >
await t ;
ReturnCall ( ret = >
ret . which = Return . WHICH . ResultsSentElsewhere ;
ret . ReleaseParamCaps = releaseParamCaps ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
break ;
void CreateAnswerAwaitItAndReply ( )
var inParams = req . Params . Content ;
inParams . Caps = ImportCapTable ( req . Params ) ;
if ( cap = = null )
releaseParamCaps = true ;
pendingAnswer = new PendingAnswer (
Task . FromException < AnswerOrCounterquestion > (
new RpcException ( "Call target resolved to null" ) ) , null ) ;
var cts = new CancellationTokenSource ( ) ;
var callTask = cap . Invoke ( req . InterfaceId , req . MethodId , inParams , cts . Token ) ;
pendingAnswer = new PendingAnswer ( callTask , cts ) ;
catch ( System . Exception exception )
releaseParamCaps = true ;
pendingAnswer = new PendingAnswer (
Task . FromException < AnswerOrCounterquestion > ( exception ) , null ) ;
AwaitAnswerAndReply ( ) ;
switch ( req . SendResultsTo . which )
case Call . sendResultsTo . WHICH . Caller :
case Call . sendResultsTo . WHICH . Yourself :
break ;
case Call . sendResultsTo . WHICH . ThirdParty :
Logger . LogWarning ( "Incoming RPC call: Peer requested sending results to 3rd party, which is not (yet) supported." ) ;
throw new RpcUnimplementedException ( ) ;
default :
Logger . LogWarning ( "Incoming RPC call: Peer requested unknown send-results-to mode." ) ;
throw new RpcUnimplementedException ( ) ;
_canDeferCalls . Value = true ;
Impatient . AskingEndpoint = this ;
switch ( req . Target . which )
case MessageTarget . WHICH . ImportedCap :
lock ( _reentrancyBlocker )
if ( _exportTable . TryGetValue ( req . Target . ImportedCap , out var rc ) )
cap = rc . Cap ;
Logger . LogWarning ( "Incoming RPC call: Peer asked for invalid (already released?) capability ID." ) ;
SendAbort ( $"Requested capability with ID {req.Target.ImportedCap} does not exist." ) ;
return ;
CreateAnswerAwaitItAndReply ( ) ;
break ;
case MessageTarget . WHICH . PromisedAnswer :
bool exists ;
2020-01-11 17:21:31 +01:00
PendingAnswer ? previousAnswer ;
2019-06-12 21:56:55 +02:00
lock ( _reentrancyBlocker )
exists = _answerTable . TryGetValue ( req . Target . PromisedAnswer . QuestionId , out previousAnswer ) ;
if ( exists )
2020-01-11 17:21:31 +01:00
previousAnswer ! . Chain (
2019-06-12 21:56:55 +02:00
false ,
req . Target . PromisedAnswer ,
async t = >
using ( var proxy = await t )
cap = proxy ? . GetProvider ( ) ;
CreateAnswerAwaitItAndReply ( ) ;
catch ( TaskCanceledException )
pendingAnswer = new PendingAnswer (
Task . FromCanceled < AnswerOrCounterquestion > ( previousAnswer . CancellationToken ) , null ) ;
AwaitAnswerAndReply ( ) ;
catch ( System . Exception exception )
pendingAnswer = new PendingAnswer (
Task . FromException < AnswerOrCounterquestion > ( exception ) , null ) ;
AwaitAnswerAndReply ( ) ;
} ) ;
Logger . LogWarning ( "Incoming RPC call: Peer asked for non-existing answer ID." ) ;
SendAbort ( $"Did not find a promised answer for given ID {req.Target.PromisedAnswer.QuestionId}" ) ;
return ;
break ;
default :
Logger . LogWarning ( "Incoming RPC call: Peer specified unknown call target." ) ;
throw new RpcUnimplementedException ( ) ;
_canDeferCalls . Value = false ;
Impatient . AskingEndpoint = null ;
_tailCall . Value ? . Send ( ) ;
_tailCall . Value = null ;
void ProcessReturn ( Return . READER req )
2020-01-11 17:21:31 +01:00
PendingQuestion ? question ;
2019-06-12 21:56:55 +02:00
lock ( _reentrancyBlocker )
if ( ! _questionTable . TryGetValue ( req . AnswerId , out question ) )
Logger . LogWarning ( "Incoming RPC return: Unknown answer ID." ) ;
return ;
switch ( req . which )
case Return . WHICH . Results :
var content = req . Results . Content ;
content . Caps = ImportCapTable ( req . Results ) ;
question . OnReturn ( content ) ;
break ;
case Return . WHICH . AcceptFromThirdParty :
Logger . LogWarning (
"Incoming RPC return: Peer requested to accept results from 3rd party, which is not (yet) supported." ) ;
throw new RpcUnimplementedException ( ) ;
case Return . WHICH . Canceled :
question . OnCanceled ( ) ;
break ;
case Return . WHICH . Exception :
question . OnException ( req . Exception ) ;
break ;
case Return . WHICH . ResultsSentElsewhere :
question . OnTailCallReturn ( ) ;
break ;
case Return . WHICH . TakeFromOtherQuestion :
bool exists ;
2020-01-11 17:21:31 +01:00
PendingAnswer ? pendingAnswer ;
2019-06-12 21:56:55 +02:00
lock ( _reentrancyBlocker )
exists = _answerTable . TryGetValue ( req . TakeFromOtherQuestion , out pendingAnswer ) ;
if ( exists )
2020-01-11 17:21:31 +01:00
pendingAnswer ! . Chain ( false , async t = >
2019-06-12 21:56:55 +02:00
var aorcq = await t ;
var results = aorcq . Answer ;
if ( results ! = null )
question . OnReturn ( results ) ;
question . OnTailCallReturn ( ) ;
catch ( TaskCanceledException )
question . OnCanceled ( ) ;
catch ( System . Exception exception )
question . OnException ( exception ) ;
} ) ;
Logger . LogWarning ( "Incoming RPC return: Peer requested to take results from other question, but specified ID is unknown (already released?)" ) ;
break ;
default :
throw new RpcUnimplementedException ( ) ;
void ProcessResolve ( Resolve . READER resolve )
if ( ! _importTable . TryGetValue ( resolve . PromiseId , out var rcw ) )
Logger . LogWarning ( "Received a resolve message with invalid ID" ) ;
return ;
if ( ! rcw . Cap . TryGetTarget ( out var cap ) )
// Silently discard
return ;
if ( ! ( cap is PromisedCapability resolvableCap ) )
Logger . LogWarning ( "Received a resolve message for a capability which is not a promise" ) ;
return ;
switch ( resolve . which )
case Resolve . WHICH . Cap :
lock ( _reentrancyBlocker )
var resolvedCap = ImportCap ( resolve . Cap ) ;
2020-01-11 17:21:31 +01:00
if ( resolvedCap = = null )
resolvedCap = LazyCapability . CreateBrokenCap ( "Failed to resolve this capability" ) ;
2019-06-12 21:56:55 +02:00
resolvableCap . ResolveTo ( resolvedCap ) ;
break ;
case Resolve . WHICH . Exception :
resolvableCap . Break ( resolve . Exception . Reason ) ;
break ;
default :
Logger . LogWarning ( "Received a resolve message with unknown category." ) ;
throw new RpcUnimplementedException ( ) ;
void ProcessSenderLoopback ( Disembargo . READER disembargo )
var mb = MessageBuilder . Create ( ) ;
mb . InitCapTable ( ) ;
var wr = mb . BuildRoot < Message . WRITER > ( ) ;
wr . which = Message . WHICH . Disembargo ;
wr . Disembargo . Context . which = Disembargo . context . WHICH . ReceiverLoopback ;
wr . Disembargo . Context . ReceiverLoopback = disembargo . Context . SenderLoopback ;
var reply = wr . Disembargo ;
switch ( disembargo . Target . which )
case MessageTarget . WHICH . ImportedCap :
if ( ! _exportTable . TryGetValue ( disembargo . Target . ImportedCap , out var cap ) )
Logger . LogWarning ( "Sender loopback request: Peer asked for invalid (already released?) capability ID." ) ;
SendAbort ( "'Disembargo': Invalid capability ID" ) ;
Dismiss ( ) ;
return ;
reply . Target . which = MessageTarget . WHICH . ImportedCap ;
reply . Target . ImportedCap = disembargo . Target . ImportedCap ;
Tx ( mb . Frame ) ;
break ;
case MessageTarget . WHICH . PromisedAnswer :
var promisedAnswer = disembargo . Target . PromisedAnswer ;
reply . Target . which = MessageTarget . WHICH . PromisedAnswer ;
var replyPromisedAnswer = reply . Target . PromisedAnswer ;
replyPromisedAnswer . QuestionId = disembargo . Target . PromisedAnswer . QuestionId ;
int count = promisedAnswer . Transform . Count ;
replyPromisedAnswer . Transform . Init ( count ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < count ; i + + )
replyPromisedAnswer . Transform [ i ] . which = promisedAnswer . Transform [ i ] . which ;
replyPromisedAnswer . Transform [ i ] . GetPointerField = promisedAnswer . Transform [ i ] . GetPointerField ;
if ( _answerTable . TryGetValue ( promisedAnswer . QuestionId , out var previousAnswer ) )
previousAnswer . Chain ( true ,
disembargo . Target . PromisedAnswer ,
async t = >
using ( var proxy = await t )
proxy . Freeze ( out var boundEndpoint ) ;
if ( boundEndpoint = = this )
#if DebugEmbargos
Logger . LogDebug ( $"Sender loopback disembargo. Thread = {Thread.CurrentThread.Name}" ) ;
Tx ( mb . Frame ) ;
Logger . LogWarning ( "Sender loopback request: Peer asked for disembargoing an answer which does not resolve back to the sender." ) ;
SendAbort ( "'Disembargo': Answer does not resolve back to me" ) ;
Dismiss ( ) ;
proxy . Unfreeze ( ) ;
catch ( System . Exception exception )
Logger . LogWarning ( $"Sender loopback request: Peer asked for disembargoing an answer which either has not yet returned, was canceled, or faulted: {exception.Message}" ) ;
SendAbort ( $"'Disembargo' failure: {exception}" ) ;
Dismiss ( ) ;
} ) ;
Logger . LogWarning ( "Sender loopback request: Peer asked for non-existing answer ID." ) ;
SendAbort ( "'Disembargo': Invalid answer ID" ) ;
Dismiss ( ) ;
return ;
break ;
default :
Logger . LogWarning ( "Sender loopback request: Peer specified unknown call target." ) ;
throw new RpcUnimplementedException ( ) ;
void ProcessReceiverLoopback ( Disembargo . READER disembargo )
bool exists ;
TaskCompletionSource < int > tcs ;
lock ( _reentrancyBlocker )
2019-06-22 18:43:30 -04:00
exists = _pendingDisembargos . ReplacementTryRemove ( disembargo . Context . ReceiverLoopback , out tcs ) ;
2019-06-12 21:56:55 +02:00
if ( exists )
// FIXME: The current design does not admit for verifying the target/context components of
// the disembargo message. We just rely on the peer echoing the stuff back that we sent.
// Indeed, this should never be an issue in the absence of bugs and/or attacks. Even unsure,
// whether this is a security issue: Can the sloppy checking be exploited in some way?
#if DebugEmbargos
Logger . LogDebug ( $"Receiver loopback disembargo, Thread = {Thread.CurrentThread.Name}" ) ;
if ( ! tcs . TrySetResult ( 0 ) )
Logger . LogError ( "Attempting to grant disembargo failed. Looks like an internal error / race condition." ) ;
Logger . LogWarning ( "Peer sent receiver loopback with unknown ID" ) ;
void ProcessDisembargo ( Disembargo . READER disembargo )
switch ( disembargo . Context . which )
case Disembargo . context . WHICH . ReceiverLoopback :
ProcessReceiverLoopback ( disembargo ) ;
break ;
case Disembargo . context . WHICH . SenderLoopback :
ProcessSenderLoopback ( disembargo ) ;
break ;
case Disembargo . context . WHICH . Accept :
case Disembargo . context . WHICH . Provide :
default :
throw new RpcUnimplementedException ( ) ;
void ReleaseResultCaps ( PendingAnswer answer )
answer . Chain ( false , async t = >
var aorcq = await t ;
var results = aorcq . Answer ;
if ( results ! = null & & results . Caps ! = null )
foreach ( var cap in results . Caps )
2020-01-11 17:21:31 +01:00
cap ? . Release ( ) ;
2019-06-12 21:56:55 +02:00
} ) ;
void ProcessFinish ( Finish . READER finish )
bool exists ;
PendingAnswer answer ;
lock ( _reentrancyBlocker )
2019-06-22 18:43:30 -04:00
exists = _answerTable . ReplacementTryRemove ( finish . QuestionId , out answer ) ;
2019-06-12 21:56:55 +02:00
if ( exists )
if ( finish . ReleaseResultCaps )
ReleaseResultCaps ( answer ) ;
answer . Cancel ( ) ;
answer . Dispose ( ) ;
Logger . LogWarning ( "Peer sent 'finish' message with unknown question ID" ) ;
void ReleaseExport ( uint id , uint count )
2019-08-20 21:26:13 +02:00
bool exists ;
2019-06-12 21:56:55 +02:00
lock ( _reentrancyBlocker )
exists = _exportTable . TryGetValue ( id , out var rc ) ;
if ( exists )
int icount = checked ( ( int ) count ) ;
2020-01-11 17:21:31 +01:00
rc ! . Release ( icount ) ;
rc ! . Cap . Relinquish ( icount ) ;
2019-06-12 21:56:55 +02:00
if ( rc . RefCount = = 0 )
_exportTable . Remove ( id ) ;
2019-06-22 18:43:30 -04:00
_revExportTable . ReplacementTryRemove ( rc . Cap , out uint _ ) ;
2019-06-12 21:56:55 +02:00
2019-08-20 21:26:13 +02:00
catch ( System . Exception exception )
2019-06-12 21:56:55 +02:00
2019-08-20 21:26:13 +02:00
Logger . LogWarning ( $"Attempting to release capability with invalid reference count: {exception.Message}" ) ;
2019-06-12 21:56:55 +02:00
if ( ! exists )
Logger . LogWarning ( "Attempting to release unknown capability ID" ) ;
void ProcessRelease ( Release . READER release )
ReleaseExport ( release . Id , release . ReferenceCount ) ;
void ProcessUnimplementedResolve ( Resolve . READER resolve )
if ( resolve . which = = Resolve . WHICH . Cap )
switch ( resolve . Cap . which )
case CapDescriptor . WHICH . SenderHosted :
ReleaseExport ( resolve . Cap . SenderHosted , 1 ) ;
break ;
case CapDescriptor . WHICH . SenderPromise :
ReleaseExport ( resolve . Cap . SenderPromise , 1 ) ;
break ;
default :
break ;
void ProcessUnimplementedCall ( Call . READER call )
Finish ( call . QuestionId ) ;
void ProcessUnimplemented ( Message . READER unimplemented )
switch ( unimplemented . which )
case Message . WHICH . Resolve :
//# For example, say `resolve` is received by a level 0 implementation (because a previous call
//# or return happened to contain a promise). The level 0 implementation will echo it back as
//# `unimplemented`. The original sender can then simply release the cap to which the promise
//# had resolved, thus avoiding a leak.
ProcessUnimplementedResolve ( unimplemented . Resolve ) ;
break ;
case Message . WHICH . Call :
//# For any message type that introduces a question, if the message comes back unimplemented,
//# the original sender may simply treat it as if the question failed with an exception.
ProcessUnimplementedCall ( unimplemented . Call ) ;
break ;
case Message . WHICH . Bootstrap :
//# In cases where there is no sensible way to react to an `unimplemented` message (without
//# resource leaks or other serious problems), the connection may need to be aborted. This is
//# a gray area; different implementations may take different approaches.
SendAbort ( "It's hopeless if you don't implement the bootstrap message" ) ;
Dismiss ( ) ;
break ;
default :
// Looking at the various message types it feels OK to just not care about other 'unimplemented'
// responses: You don't support Abort? Not my problem, I will drop the connection anyway. Don't
// support Disembargo? At least I tried. Don't support Finish/Release/Return? Why should I care?
// Don't support Unimplemented? Umm, well. Don't support Accept/Join/Provide? Interesting, I never
// send such messages, since I'm not a level 3 implementation.
break ;
public ConsumedCapability QueryMain ( )
var mb = MessageBuilder . Create ( ) ;
mb . InitCapTable ( ) ;
var req = mb . BuildRoot < Message . WRITER > ( ) ;
req . which = Message . WHICH . Bootstrap ;
var pendingBootstrap = AllocateQuestion ( null , null ) ;
req . Bootstrap . QuestionId = pendingBootstrap . QuestionId ;
Tx ( mb . Frame ) ;
var main = new RemoteAnswerCapability (
pendingBootstrap ,
MemberAccessPath . BootstrapAccess ) ;
return main ;
void ProcessFrame ( WireFrame frame )
var dec = DeserializerState . CreateRoot ( frame ) ;
var msg = Message . READER . create ( dec ) ;
switch ( msg . which )
case Message . WHICH . Abort :
Logger . LogInformation ( $"Got 'abort' '{msg.Abort.TheType}' message from peer: {msg.Abort.Reason}" ) ;
break ;
case Message . WHICH . Bootstrap :
ProcessBootstrap ( msg . Bootstrap ) ;
break ;
case Message . WHICH . Call :
ProcessCall ( msg . Call ) ;
break ;
case Message . WHICH . Disembargo :
ProcessDisembargo ( msg . Disembargo ) ;
break ;
case Message . WHICH . Finish :
ProcessFinish ( msg . Finish ) ;
break ;
case Message . WHICH . Release :
ProcessRelease ( msg . Release ) ;
break ;
case Message . WHICH . Resolve :
ProcessResolve ( msg . Resolve ) ;
break ;
case Message . WHICH . Return :
ProcessReturn ( msg . Return ) ;
break ;
case Message . WHICH . Unimplemented :
ProcessUnimplemented ( msg . Unimplemented ) ;
break ;
case Message . WHICH . Accept :
case Message . WHICH . Join :
case Message . WHICH . Provide :
Logger . LogWarning ( "Received level-3 message from peer. I don't support that." ) ;
throw new RpcUnimplementedException ( ) ;
case Message . WHICH . ObsoleteDelete :
case Message . WHICH . ObsoleteSave :
default :
Logger . LogWarning ( "Received unknown or unimplemented message from peer" ) ;
throw new RpcUnimplementedException ( ) ;
catch ( RpcUnimplementedException )
var mb = MessageBuilder . Create ( ) ;
mb . InitCapTable ( ) ;
var reply = mb . BuildRoot < Message . WRITER > ( ) ;
reply . which = Message . WHICH . Unimplemented ;
Reserializing . DeepCopy ( msg , reply . Unimplemented . Rewrap < DynamicSerializerState > ( ) ) ;
Tx ( mb . Frame ) ;
catch ( System . Exception exception )
Logger . LogError ( exception , "Uncaught exception during message processing." ) ;
// A first intuition might be to send the caught exception message. But this is probably a bad idea:
// First, we send implementation specific details of a - maybe internal - error, not very valuable for the
// receiver. But worse: From a security point of view, we might even reveil a secret here.
SendAbort ( "Uncaught exception during RPC processing. This may also happen due to invalid input." ) ;
Dismiss ( ) ;
2020-01-11 17:21:31 +01:00
ConsumedCapability ? ImportCap ( CapDescriptor . READER capDesc )
2019-06-12 21:56:55 +02:00
lock ( _reentrancyBlocker )
switch ( capDesc . which )
case CapDescriptor . WHICH . SenderHosted :
if ( _importTable . TryGetValue ( capDesc . SenderHosted , out var rcw ) )
if ( rcw . Cap . TryGetTarget ( out var impCap ) )
2019-08-26 20:03:56 +02:00
impCap . Validate ( ) ;
2019-06-12 21:56:55 +02:00
rcw . AddRef ( ) ;
return impCap ;
impCap = new ImportedCapability ( this , capDesc . SenderHosted ) ;
rcw . Cap . SetTarget ( impCap ) ;
2020-01-11 17:21:31 +01:00
return impCap ! ;
2019-06-12 21:56:55 +02:00
var newCap = new ImportedCapability ( this , capDesc . SenderHosted ) ;
rcw = new RefCounted < WeakReference < RemoteCapability > > (
new WeakReference < RemoteCapability > ( newCap ) ) ;
_importTable . Add ( capDesc . SenderHosted , rcw ) ;
Debug . Assert ( newCap ! = null ) ;
return newCap ;
case CapDescriptor . WHICH . SenderPromise :
if ( _importTable . TryGetValue ( capDesc . SenderPromise , out var rcwp ) )
if ( rcwp . Cap . TryGetTarget ( out var impCap ) )
2019-08-26 20:03:56 +02:00
impCap . Validate ( ) ;
2019-06-12 21:56:55 +02:00
rcwp . AddRef ( ) ;
return impCap ;
impCap = new PromisedCapability ( this , capDesc . SenderPromise ) ;
rcwp . Cap . SetTarget ( impCap ) ;
Debug . Assert ( impCap ! = null ) ;
return impCap ;
var newCap = new PromisedCapability ( this , capDesc . SenderPromise ) ;
rcw = new RefCounted < WeakReference < RemoteCapability > > (
new WeakReference < RemoteCapability > ( newCap ) ) ;
_importTable . Add ( capDesc . SenderPromise , rcw ) ;
Debug . Assert ( newCap ! = null ) ;
return newCap ;
case CapDescriptor . WHICH . ReceiverHosted :
if ( _exportTable . TryGetValue ( capDesc . ReceiverHosted , out var rc ) )
return LocalCapability . Create ( rc . Cap ) ;
Logger . LogWarning ( "Peer refers to receiver-hosted capability which does not exist." ) ;
return null ;
case CapDescriptor . WHICH . ReceiverAnswer :
if ( _answerTable . TryGetValue ( capDesc . ReceiverAnswer . QuestionId , out var pendingAnswer ) )
var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource < Proxy > ( ) ;
pendingAnswer . Chain ( false ,
capDesc . ReceiverAnswer ,
async t = >
var proxy = await t ;
tcs . SetResult ( proxy ) ;
catch ( TaskCanceledException )
tcs . SetCanceled ( ) ;
catch ( System . Exception exception )
tcs . SetException ( exception ) ;
} ) ;
return new LazyCapability ( tcs . Task ) ;
Logger . LogWarning ( "Peer refers to pending answer which does not exist." ) ;
return null ;
case CapDescriptor . WHICH . ThirdPartyHosted :
if ( _importTable . TryGetValue ( capDesc . ThirdPartyHosted . VineId , out var rcv ) )
if ( rcv . Cap . TryGetTarget ( out var impCap ) )
rcv . AddRef ( ) ;
2019-08-26 20:03:56 +02:00
impCap . Validate ( ) ;
2019-06-12 21:56:55 +02:00
return impCap ;
impCap = new ImportedCapability ( this , capDesc . ThirdPartyHosted . VineId ) ;
rcv . Cap . SetTarget ( impCap ) ;
Debug . Assert ( impCap ! = null ) ;
return impCap ;
var newCap = new ImportedCapability ( this , capDesc . ThirdPartyHosted . VineId ) ;
rcv = new RefCounted < WeakReference < RemoteCapability > > (
new WeakReference < RemoteCapability > ( newCap ) ) ;
Debug . Assert ( newCap ! = null ) ;
return newCap ;
default :
Logger . LogWarning ( "Unknown capability descriptor category" ) ;
throw new RpcUnimplementedException ( ) ;
2020-01-11 17:21:31 +01:00
public IList < ConsumedCapability ? > ImportCapTable ( Payload . READER payload )
2019-06-12 21:56:55 +02:00
2020-01-11 17:21:31 +01:00
var list = new List < ConsumedCapability ? > ( ) ;
2019-06-12 21:56:55 +02:00
if ( payload . CapTable ! = null )
lock ( _reentrancyBlocker )
foreach ( var capDesc in payload . CapTable )
list . Add ( ImportCap ( capDesc ) ) ;
return list ;
void IRpcEndpoint . RequestPostAction ( Action postAction )
_exportCapTablePostActions . Value + = postAction ;
void ExportCapTableAndSend (
SerializerState state ,
Payload . WRITER payload )
Debug . Assert ( _exportCapTablePostActions . Value = = null ) ;
_exportCapTablePostActions . Value = null ;
2020-01-11 17:21:31 +01:00
payload . CapTable . Init ( state . MsgBuilder ! . Caps ! . Count ) ;
2019-06-12 21:56:55 +02:00
int i = 0 ;
foreach ( var cap in state . MsgBuilder . Caps )
var capDesc = payload . CapTable [ i + + ] ;
if ( cap = = null )
LazyCapability . Null . Export ( this , capDesc ) ;
cap . Export ( this , capDesc ) ;
cap . Release ( ) ;
Tx ( state . MsgBuilder . Frame ) ;
// The reason for this seemingly cumbersome postAction handling is as follows:
// If a sender-promise capability happens to resolve concurrently, we must not
// send the "resolve" message before even sending the sender-promise descriptor.
// To avoid that situation, calls to "ReExportCapWhenResolved" are queued (and
// therefore deferred) to the postAction.
var pa = _exportCapTablePostActions . Value ;
_exportCapTablePostActions . Value = null ;
pa ? . Invoke ( ) ;
PendingQuestion IRpcEndpoint . BeginQuestion ( ConsumedCapability target , SerializerState inParams )
var question = AllocateQuestion ( target , inParams ) ;
if ( _canDeferCalls . Value )
_tailCall . Value ? . Send ( ) ;
_tailCall . Value = question ;
question . Send ( ) ;
return question ;
void IRpcEndpoint . SendQuestion ( SerializerState inParams , Payload . WRITER payload )
ExportCapTableAndSend ( inParams , payload ) ;
void Finish ( uint questionId )
var mb = MessageBuilder . Create ( ) ;
var msg = mb . BuildRoot < Message . WRITER > ( ) ;
msg . which = Message . WHICH . Finish ;
msg . Finish . QuestionId = questionId ;
msg . Finish . ReleaseResultCaps = false ;
Tx ( mb . Frame ) ;
catch ( System . Exception exception )
Logger . LogWarning ( $"Unable to send 'finish' message: {exception.Message}" ) ;
// Note: Keep question ID in the table, since a "return" message with either "canceled" or
// "results" is still expected (at least according to the spec).
void IRpcEndpoint . Finish ( uint questionId )
Finish ( questionId ) ;
void IRpcEndpoint . ReleaseImport ( uint importId )
bool exists ;
int count = 0 ;
lock ( _reentrancyBlocker )
exists = _importTable . TryGetValue ( importId , out var rc ) ;
if ( rc ! = null )
count = rc . RefCount ;
rc . ReleaseAll ( ) ;
2019-08-26 20:03:56 +02:00
if ( exists )
_importTable . Remove ( importId ) ;
2019-06-12 21:56:55 +02:00
if ( exists & & count > 0 )
var mb = MessageBuilder . Create ( ) ;
var msg = mb . BuildRoot < Message . WRITER > ( ) ;
msg . which = Message . WHICH . Release ;
msg . Release . Id = importId ;
msg . Release . ReferenceCount = ( uint ) count ;
Tx ( mb . Frame ) ;
catch ( RpcException exception )
2020-01-11 17:21:31 +01:00
Logger . LogWarning ( $"Unable to release import: {exception.InnerException?.Message ?? exception.Message}" ) ;
2019-06-12 21:56:55 +02:00
Task IRpcEndpoint . RequestSenderLoopback ( Action < MessageTarget . WRITER > describe )
( var tcs , uint id ) = AllocateDisembargo ( ) ;
var mb = MessageBuilder . Create ( ) ;
mb . InitCapTable ( ) ;
var msg = mb . BuildRoot < Message . WRITER > ( ) ;
msg . which = Message . WHICH . Disembargo ;
describe ( msg . Disembargo . Target ) ;
var ctx = msg . Disembargo . Context ;
ctx . which = Disembargo . context . WHICH . SenderLoopback ;
ctx . SenderLoopback = id ;
Tx ( mb . Frame ) ;
return tcs . Task ;
void IRpcEndpoint . DeleteQuestion ( PendingQuestion question )
DeleteQuestion ( question . QuestionId , question ) ;
readonly ConcurrentBag < RpcEndpoint > _inboundEndpoints = new ConcurrentBag < RpcEndpoint > ( ) ;
internal RpcEndpoint AddEndpoint ( IEndpoint outboundEndpoint )
var inboundEndpoint = new RpcEndpoint ( this , outboundEndpoint ) ;
_inboundEndpoints . Add ( inboundEndpoint ) ;
return inboundEndpoint ;
2020-01-11 17:21:31 +01:00
Skeleton ? _bootstrapCap ;
2019-06-12 21:56:55 +02:00
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the bootstrap capability.
/// </summary>
2020-01-11 17:21:31 +01:00
public Skeleton ? BootstrapCap
2019-06-12 21:56:55 +02:00
get = > _bootstrapCap ;
value ? . Claim ( ) ;
_bootstrapCap ? . Relinquish ( ) ;
_bootstrapCap = value ;
2020-01-11 17:56:12 +01:00